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In the Morocco Consular Court at the Washington State Republic

for the Tri-Cities Territory

Consular Jurisdiction and Venue

Affidavit of Fact

international document
notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent

“Indeed no more than an affidavit is necessary to make the prima facie case”. (United States v.
Kis, 658F. 2nd, 526, 536 (7th Cir. 1981; Cert. Denied, 50 U.S. L.W. 2169; S. Ct. March 22, 1982).

The obligation of a treaty, the supreme law of the land, must be admitted. The execution of the
contract between the two nations is to be demanded from the executive of each nation; but where
a treaty affects the rights of the parties litigating in court, the treaty as much binds those rights,
and is as much regarded by the Supreme Court as an act of Congress.
United States v. The Schooner Peggy, 1 Cranch, 103;1 Cond. Rep. 256.

Kamau James Augustus Bey, indigenous Moorish American national and rightful heir of Magrib
Al-Aqsa, Morocco at North America by jus sanguinis, in full life, in propria persona, sui juris in
proprio solo, in proprio heredes, authorized rep., ex rel: JAMES SAMUEL GORDON JR c/o
P.O. Box 2422, near Pasco, Washington Territory [99302]


Alleged Defendant


Darin Campbell, foreign occidental “European” male d/b/a attorney;

Jason Celski, foreign occidental “European” male d/b/a attorney;
Abdulla Al-Salehi, d/b/a real estate investor (unknown nationality);
Christopher Green d/b/a attorney (nationality unknown)
Michael Killian, d/b/a Superior Court Clerk (foreign occidental “European” male;
Jim Raymond d/b/a Sheriff foreign occidental “European” male
Jennifer [and Jason] Phipps d/b/a realtor (foreign occidental “European” female)
Gerald R. Zachary d/b/a CEO of Golf Savings Bank (nationality unknown);
David Dobson d/b/a CEO of Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions (nationality unknown)

Alleged Plaintiffs


international document
notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent

IN THE COLORABLE COLLUSIVE ACTION and void proceedings of case number 20-2-
50144-11 in the records of the foreign private de facto corporate entity named the COUNTY OF

JAMES S. GORDON, JR, alleged defendant, Case #20-2-50144-11


Exhibit: A
writ of error
international document

1. The United States Supreme Court has clearly, and repeatedly, held that any judge who
acts without jurisdiction is engaged in an act of treason. U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 216,
101, S. Ct. 471, 66 L.Ed. 2d 392, 406 (1980): & Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat)
264, 404, 5 L.Ed 257 (1821).

2. "Officers of the court have no immunity, when violating a Constitutional right, from
liability. For they are deemed to know the law." - Owen v. Independence, 100 S.C.T.
1398, 445 US 622; Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232.

3. In the colorable collusive action and void proceedings in case #20-2-50144-11 in the
records of the foreign private de facto corporate entity named SUPERIOR COURT OF

4. This document is preceded in time by our Quo Warranto dated on or about March 29,
2021 and delivered to Darin Campbell, according to USPS Next Day Mail on March 30,
2021. Mail receipt # EJ618456724US.

5. Mr. Campbell’s failure to respond to the Quo Warranto voided the proceedings of the
case, above, i.e. Case #20-2-50144-11. It is void ab initio. And, as a result, all action
taken by the alleged plaintiff is void…any damage done must be “undone” with the
resulting restoration of alleged or former defendant being restored, in full to his consulate
at the corporate address of 9804 Buckingham Drive in Pasco, WA 99301. The Sheriff
must then remove the squatters (we will serve him with a writ of possession, shortly).

6. The Quo Warranto established that kamau bey is not a US citizen. He is a Moorish
American national. Moors created the first treaty with George Washington circa 1787.
And this treaty has been in force since that time. Different citizenship voids the alleged
jurisdiction that was fraudulently claimed by alleged plaintiff’s attorney, Jason Celski.

7. The alleged plaintiff, Mr. Abdulla Al-Salehi, paid / offered NO CONSIDERATION for
our consulate and domicile. The Credit River decision in MN in 1968 stated that “fiat”
(federal reserve notes) is not money and disallowed it as payment for an appeal.

8. In the MacLeod v. Hoover decision in 1925, it was determined that a party did not have
to use federal reserve notes to “settle” financial claims.

9. Neilon v Oregon, circa 1903, court decided that checks and money orders were not
money according to the Constitution.

10. Courts have told plaintiffs that they cannot dictate the specie of “money” they can be paid
in. A bill of exchange, which is negotiable can discharge an alleged debt per UCC 3-
603(b). In 2018, the alleged Grantor was given two bills of exchange, one for $190,000
and the other for $228,000. They went into dishonor, by refusing the “tender of
payment”, both times – discharging the “debt”, yet they fraudulently claimed they were
owed fiat.

11. Plaintiff, did not produce the contract (rental) with wet ink signatures to prove the
existent of the fraudulent contract.

12. Ditech Financial, LLC claimed ownership as grantor who had sold its interest to
Shellpoint Mortgage contemporaneously with the fraudulent claim of plaintiff that Golf
Savings was the grantor. Golf Savings sold its interest to Countrywide Mortgage in 2006-
2007. Golf could not produce any payments to themselves after 2007. However, Ditech
can produce its payments that we sent to them in 2017-2018.

13. Plaintiff’s attorney’s use of the straw construct is evidence of the crime of “forced
assimilation” under the Organization of American States’ Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, article 47-48. Mr. Celski forced a discarded / rejected straw name
back on to kamau bey in violation of treaty law, which is in violation of Article 6 clause 2
of the Constitution and therefore, unlawful.

In the COLOURABLE COLLUSIVE ACTION AND void proceedings of Case #20-2-50144-11

in the records of the foreign private de facto corporate entity named the COUNTY OF
foreign private de facto government named (UNITED STATES, (INC) / UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA (INC) along with the Respondents named, hereinabove, all being named foreign
citizens – subjects under the plausible 14th Amendment US corporate citizenship clause by jus
soli, having been duly served with process at his / their corporate mailing address(es) (either
directly or by and through their principal / agent /clerk / attorney / assign(s).

The Affidavit of Fact: Quo Warranto was entered in this case on or about March 30, 2021 and
this Affidavit of Fact: Writ of Error is to be entered on or about April 20, 2021. There being no
answer or cause to the contrary, and such affidavits stand in the record as prima facie evidence
and conclusive proof of the foreign fraudulent instrument (deed of trust) placed on the county
record; and an unlawful / rubber stamped writ of restitution acted upon or executed by the
County of Franklin Sheriff.

It is therefore ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that a writ of error be and the same is hereby
entered against the Respondents

It is further ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the foreign unlawful deed of trust, notice of
Trustee Sale and sale of our consulate at the corporate address, 9804 Buckingham Drive in
Pasco, WA along with the writ of restitution and any other resulting documents are NULL AND
VOID AB INITIO and are UNENFORCEABLE for lack of jurisdiction and fraud.

It is further ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the collusive action and proceedings taken under
color of law in case number 20-2-50144-11 in the records of the foreign SUPERIOR COURT
OF THE COUNTY OF FRANKLIN by the Respondents are NULL and VOID AB INITIO for
lack of jurisdiction and fraud.

It is also ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Respondents, above, be jointly and severally
liable for the Allodial Cost Bill contained in the Quo Warranto of March 29, 2021 and included
with this Writ of Error (the Quo Warranto was sent to Darin Campbell d/b/a commissioner /
judge who erred at every turn in the instant case).

DONE AND ORDERED at Magrib Al-Aqsa Morocco at North America.

Chronos: April 17, 2021

i am: kamau james augustus bey, natural person - in propria persona; sui juris, in proprio solo, in
proprio heredes  all rights exercised at all time  no corporate entity, including corporate courts
has personam jurisdiction over me or any moor I am not in “joinder” with any person or
corporation, no communication by me or about me can create a contract  only my wet red ink
autograph along with the other parties’ wet ink signature that accompanies a written contract can
create a contract  and that autograph is non-negotiable  if the autograph is not affixed to a wet ink
set of signatures as described herein. An “adhesion” contract is an oxymoron as hidden elements
vitiate a lawful contract.
use of my appellation in all capital letters evidences a crime as my appellation employs one or
more titles of nobility (el, al, bey, dey and ali) and united states of america or us citizens cannot
lawfully use my or any title of nobility without breaching the constitution for the united states of
america - 1789 / 1791  prohibiting the “use” of titles of nobility…using them for profit while
keeping the flesh and blood, living person unaware of such exploitation of the homonym [all
caps rendering]  as the strawman is a homonym, it is void for vagueness thus voiding its use
when spoken aloud or written, in all caps on any presentment, as it often creates an adhesion
contract…unbeknownst to the “victim”…again, void for vagueness. Further, the use of the
straw name in place of my free national name or appellation, i.e. kamau james augustus bey,
is known as “forced assimilation” and it is a “crime” under the Organization of the
American States, American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Articles 47-48
macn xxxxxx303


certificate of service
I, kamau james augustus bey, hereby certify that on this 17 th day of April, 2021, the enclosed affidavit of
fact: writ of error was sent via United States Postal Service next day mail delivery to the following
recipient, Mr. Darin Campbell, commissioner of the Benton-Franklin Superior Court of the City of
Kennewick (and Pasco) of the State of Washington. Accompanying the aforementioned document is the
Quo Warranto mentioned hereinabove, dated for March 29, 2021.

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