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Alana Bynes-Richardson

| 443-877-9307 | [email protected]

Morgan State University, School of Global Journalism & Communication, Baltimore, MD
Major: Multimedia Journalism, expected graduation May 2022
GPA: 3.84; Harriet Tubman Scholar, Dean’s List 2018-Present, Golden Key International Honour Society

Uncorked and Cultured, Virtual Internship
Writing Intern, December 2020 – Present
● Research story and interview topics for culture lifestyle platform while
● Write copy for social media campaigns, newsletters, and website

MSU Spokesman, Baltimore, MD

Staff Writer, September 2019 – January 2021
● Cover campus news and local business community, focusing on issues ranging from food deserts to
financial grants
● Collaborate with editors and broader newsroom to develop coverage goals and manage story-planning on
a weekly basis

Wall Street Journal-Morgan State University Business Journalism Exchange Program

Virtual Fellow, September 2020 – December 2020
● Take part in weekly small-group workshops convened by WSJ’s top journalists, focusing on intensive
reporting, editing, and news-gathering training as part of a fellowship focused on business journalism
● Work one-on-one with a newsroom mentor to develop professional goals and gain deeper insight into
current issues in news media

Morgan State University Athletics Department, Baltimore, MD

Student Intern, August 2018 – Present
● Support athletes, faculty, coaches, and program administrators by maintaining effective communication
at all levels inside and outside of the department
● Helped ensure core departmental operations continue to function during unprecedented hybrid-learning
semesters by efficiently managing

Morgan State University Office of Residence Life & Housing, Baltimore, MD

Resident Assistant, May 2019 – Present
● Facilitate social, academic, and personal adjustment of students in a 700-person residence hall
● Act as a liaison between residents and administration, serve as a role model, enforce policies

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., The Alpha Delta Chapter, Baltimore, MD
Ivy Leaf Reporter, November 2019 – Present
● Develop and execute chapter-wide content strategy, manage -social- media accounts, and lead marketing
efforts for events
● Systematically track engagement and other organizational accomplishments to measure the impact of
communications efforts and iterate as needed

Professional Organizations: National Association of Black Journalists (MSU Chapter), National Society of
Leadership and Success, National Council of Negro Women (MSU Section), Latinx Student Association (MSU

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