Opentext™ Brava! ™ For Content Suite: Integration Guide

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OpenText™ Brava!

™ for Content Suite

Integration Guide

This guide is intended for Content Server integrators. It

provides instructions for customizing new installations of
Brava! for Content Suite. Please refer to the
BravaForOpenTextCS_ModuleAdminguide.pdf for installation
and usage information.
OpenText™ Brava! for Content Suite
Integration Guide
Rev.: March 1, 2018
This documentation has been created for Brava! software version 16.3.
It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is published

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Table of Contents
Audience .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.0 Viewers ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Brava! ActiveX Viewer................................................................................................................................ 4
Brava! HTML Viewer .................................................................................................................................. 4
Content Suite Viewer ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.0 Viewer Custom Integration .............................................................................................................. 5
Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Custom Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 6
The Brava! ActiveX viewer in single-document mode ...................................................................................6
The Brava! ActiveX viewer in multi-document mode ....................................................................................7

Last updated: Thursday, March 01, 2018

Brava! for Content Suite Integration Guide


This guide is designed for individuals installing, configuring, and maintaining the Brava! Enterprise
product for OpenText Content Server. Those individuals are typically system administrators,
integrators, and other IT professionals. A certain amount of advanced technical knowledge is
needed to effectively use this information guide.

1.0 Viewers

This section outlines the features that are available to the custom integrators of the Brava! viewers that are
delivered with the Brava! for OpenText Content Suite solution.

Three viewers are provided in the installation and can be made available for displaying documents:
These are the Brava! ActiveX viewer, the Brava! HTML, viewer and the OpenText Content Suite viewer.
They are embedded on a web page in similar fashion, but the underlying technology used to display the
document and interact with the user is different, as described below.

Brava! ActiveX Viewer

The ActiveX viewer can be opened in single- or multi-document mode. Single-document mode provides
all the capabilities that have made Brava! popular—annotation, redaction, publishing, collaboration, etc.
The multi-document mode provides many of these capabilities, but notably, annotation is absent, due to
the difficulty of associating the markup entities with objects that are different from the one they are
created with.

Brava! HTML Viewer

The HTML viewer provides viewing, annotation, publishing, collaboration and other popular features of
the ActiveX viewer (no redaction). HTML viewer is supported in multiple browsers, including IE, Firefox,
Chrome, and on a Mac OS with Safari or Firefox.

Last updated: Thursday, March 01, 2018 4

Brava! for Content Suite Integration Guide

Content Suite Viewer

The Content Suite viewer is an embedded viewer for Content Server and provides file loading and print
functionality only.

2.0 Viewer Custom Integration


The current strategy for integrating one of the Brava! viewers onto a web page is very simplistic: point
the browser to a URL that displays the viewer. This can be augmented with frames and/or iframes,
should the integrator require a more complex visual arrangement.

The URL used to launch Brava! can accept URL parameters, as described in the next section of this
document. These parameters provide the information that is used to customize the view for integration
preferences such as the node ID of the document to view, the version number, whether to include the
standard Livelink header, etc.


To open a document with node ID of 1234 and version number 2, enter this URL in your browser:


To insert an iframe into your web page that displays a multi-document view with two documents with
IDs of 1234 and 5678:

<iframe src="{1234%2c5678}">


Last updated: Thursday, March 01, 2018 5

Brava! for Content Suite Integration Guide

Custom Parameters
The following table displays the parameters that can affect each of the available viewing options:

The Brava! ActiveX viewer in single-document mode

nodeid The ID of the object that represents the document to be opened.

vernum The version of the object to open. In most cases, providing a value of 0
or omitting the option entirely will result in the latest version being

openinnewwin Include as a parameter and set to true only if the viewer is being opened
by itself in a new window. This causes the Exit button (top right of the
viewer) to close the window when pressed.

nexturl The URL to navigate to when the user exits Brava! This is only valid
when the openinnewwin parameter is not set. The result of this is that the
Exit button will perform the navigation. Note that if openinnewwin and
nexturl are both absent from the URL, the Exit button will perform a
javascript history.back() action.

comparenodeid The ID of an object to be compared to the object indicated by nodeid.

Comparenodeid may not be used without nodeid.

comparevernum The version of the object being compared.

srcnodeid The ID of the source node, if one exists. If the document to be opened is
pointed to by an alias or generation, this causes any banners or
watermarks to be based on those settings in the alias or generation first,
and then from the document, and so on.

searchtext A set of space-delimited phrases to be highlighted upon loading the

document. (Remember that URL component values must be URL
encoded—spaces must be replaced with ‘%20’.)

Last updated: Thursday, March 01, 2018 6

Brava! for Content Suite Integration Guide

pagenumber The page to begin viewing after the document loads. This should be a
valid page number, although if the indicated page does not exist, the
document should remain on the first page.

header If set to TRUE, displays the standard Livelink header in the resulting
HTML. If set to FALSE, the header is not displayed.

openmode If set to EDIT, the viewer opens with a new markup already open, ready
for adding new markup entities.

editnode The ID of a markup object that is to be opened in edit mode as soon as

the document loads.

reviewnodes A list of IDs that represent markup objects that are to be opened in
review mode as soon as the document loads. The format of the list is
{a,b,c,…}, where a is the first markup, b is the second, and so on. (After
escaping, the list should look like {a%2cb%2cc%2c…})

navrecurse If present, causes the navigation buttons to include a deep traversal

(folder, subfolders, etc., with all their documents) of the current location.

The Brava! ActiveX viewer in multi-document mode

nodelist A list of nodeid values that represent all the documents to be opened.
The format of the list is {a,b,c,…}. Be aware that documents or other
objects that have a type that is incompatible with Brava! will usually
cause the entire multi-view operation to fail.

searchtext A set of space-delimited phrases to be highlighted upon loading the

document. (Remember that URL component values must be URL
encoded—spaces must be replaced with ‘%20’.)

header If set to TRUE, displays the standard Livelink header in the resulting
HTML. If set to FALSE, the header is not displayed.

title The title to display for the document. If none is provided, it will be
“Multi-Content File”.

Last updated: Thursday, March 01, 2018 7

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