Philippine Interpretations Committee (Pic) Questions and Answers (Q&As)

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Q&A No. 2017-07

PFRS 10 – Accounting for reciprocal holdings in associates and joint ventures


1. How does an entity account for reciprocal holdings in associates in accordance

with paragraph 27 of PAS 28, Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures?

2. Does an entity adjust earnings per share calculation for the cross holdings?


Entity A has a 20%-owned associate, Entity B.

Entity B, in turn, has a 20% ownership in Entity A, where Entity B exercises significant
influence. Entity B accounts for Entity A as an associate.

Both Entity A’s and Entity B’s share capital is 100,000 shares at Php1 unit each.

Entity A’s profit, excluding its share in Entity B, is Php100; Entity B’s profit, excluding its
share in Entity A, is also Php100.

Taxation is ignored and there are no dividends.

Thus, the economic reality that Entity A’s profit (a) is dependent on Entity B’s profit (b)
and vice versa is solved by simultaneous equations as follows:

a = Php100 + 0.2b

b = Php100 + 0.2a

Therefore, solving the simultaneous equation results in:

a = Php125 and b = Php125

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1. In applying Paragraph 27 of PAS 28, Entity A should recognize its share of Entity
B’s profits, including Entity B’s share in the profits of Entity A. However, in the
case of reciprocal holdings, this approach results in a portion of Entity A’s profits
being double-counted. Therefore, the net approach, which simply accounts for
20% of the associate’s profit (before the reciprocal profit is added), is more
appropriate in this case. In this fact pattern, the net approach results in Entity A
and Entity B both recognizing profit in the amount of Php120. The difference of
Php5 represents the equity effect of the reciprocal holdings and therefore, is not
recognized in profit.

This view is supported by the fact that the equity method of accounting employs
consolidation-type procedures such as the elimination of unrealized profits.
Under paragraph B86(c) of PFRS 10, income arising on an investment held by a
subsidiary in its parent company is eliminated. Therefore, in applying
consolidation procedures in equity accounting, income arising from the
associate’s investment in its investor is also eliminated.

2. The number of ordinary shares on issue is adjusted for the same reasons that
profit is determined using the net approach – namely, that the equity method is
required to be applied using consolidation procedures and this includes the
elimination of intragroup balances such as the associate’s investment in the

Therefore, in calculating earnings per share, the weighted-average number of

ordinary shares is reduced by the amount of the effective cross-holding. In the
fact pattern, Entity A’s and Entity B’s ordinary shares are reduced by 4,000
(100,000 times 20% of the 20%) to 96,000 for the purpose of the earnings per
share calculation. This adjustment reduces the entity’s equity balance and its
investment in the associate by its effective 4% interest in its own shares.

It should be noted, however, that the associate is not part of the group and
therefore, the shares held in the investor are not ‘treasury shares’ as defined.
This consensus, however, does not rely on viewing the associate’s holding as
treasury shares. Rather, it relies on the fact that paragraph 26 of PAS 28 states
that many of the procedures that are appropriate for the application of the equity
method are similar to the consolidation procedures described in PFRS 10. If a
subsidiary holds shares in its parent company, these are eliminated under B86(c)
of PFRS 10. The same procedure should, therefore, apply to equity accounting.
This will result in a similar treatment of treasury shares that are eliminated from
equity and, accordingly, excluded in determining earnings per share.

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Relevant guidance

Paragraph 27 of PAS 28 states:

“A group’s share in an associate or a joint venture is the aggregate of the holdings in

that associate or joint venture by the parent and its subsidiaries. The holdings of the
group’s other associates or joint ventures are ignored for this purpose. When an
associate or a joint venture has subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures, the profit or
loss, other comprehensive income and net assets taken into account in applying the
equity method are recognized in the associate’s or joint venture’s financial statements
(including the associate’s or joint venture’s share of the profit or loss, other
comprehensive income and net assets of its associates and joint ventures), after any
adjustments necessary to give effect to uniform accounting policies…”

Paragraph 26 of PAS 28 applies consolidation procedures to equity balances as follows:

“Many of the procedures that are appropriate for the application of the equity method
are similar to the consolidation procedures described in PFRS 10. Furthermore, the
concepts underlying the procedures used in accounting for the acquisition of a
subsidiary are also adopted in accounting for the acquisition of an investment in an
associate or a joint venture.”

Paragraph B86 of PFRS 10 states:

“Consolidated financial statements:…(c) eliminate in full intragroup assets and liabilities,

equity, income, expenses and cash flows relating to transactions between entities of the
group (profits or losses resulting from intragroup transactions that are recognized in
assets, such as inventory and fixed assets, are eliminated in full).”
Effective Date

The consensus in this Q&A is effective from the date of approval by the FRSC.

Date approved by PIC: June 28, 2017

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(Original signed)
PIC Members

Wilson P. Tan, Chairman

Emmanuel Y. Artiza Sharon G. Dayoan

Clark Joseph L. Babor Zaldy D. Aguirre

Wilfredo A. Baltazar Ferdinand George A. Florendo

Gloria T. Baysa Jose Emmanuel U. Hilado

Rosario S. Bernaldo Lyn I. Javier

Maria Isabel E. Comedia Ma. Concepcion Y. Lupisan

Jerome Antonio B. Constantino Normita L. Villaruz

Date approved by FRSC: October 11, 2017

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