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J.r-::. ; :r r,I I Ij -;li.;;f;,:jj.

, i,'t r,l
j . ; i i ' , ,' ;
., ,liji, i , , ' 1,, : : ; i : l i ; ) ' j ; ] : i i : r
- : . ::,..,':.1.,r
. ' ; , . , 1j -1, l i l , ; . i . - . t i J
i '-:;.':r - i1 ri r: li,:i .Jl*iji:,
" j i ,l .
,i .ti;;.li_/:


-- , ;,:]!.| ?vtut4y1. |Ist, J,1tl,2/,.Lup41;

;;. ,
nco"n'pa uustti.;; #rTilli;1,i+Xl'J,
1;Ti ytiars,lg?b-h;A,igug.,
.Tl1e. s fori 1tr9=
troen ,Jreptrn1i1*iriil*;;;
the moreconl-
!l!.19/manner.&s at presehithe com-
.penscn- : vill .be to i.l certnio_ .
tunrelia.ble b,ut may.b. t*fr.o *r"Atrd
.tity in.thli,iiia;-
andvaltieof rle eiporq;1Ji"!i.
pto$u,ce^in ]Z_8,
{n wnrculproctuce ex-,
ry,ofedfi'om Oufsrarionsdli;;ii;"F;;_ ,
tu,no,t includ.a,.,,r,r,
ilg:^l^:,I!9_. i, t,,
Isr JUI-,Y,
-with clemencv anct,in consider6Tion I a,uron.rioi-in. fi;;;il?;"tili*t*rt'
of theirposition as peoplo.rEato'!.lt.1,t9".-ir-;;il;;#'*,.-l"t.r-"toiJalii; t
fromanunsettled td a'iet-+1,'iheir waybackuoarioog[i tJirr. rrJ'' { ,'
tleclGovernment,wisptoavdid;as.rltqtlli nt Bara'il,
wheretrreyfite rhi;.a.# 1',,,'':l
t:"l"_it*iT: yfii', theirgood,;;.Tq'.litil;.i.191s,aoa'nrlr*oorr,"been
seir ;;#
: r l
r l
enlorclngany great radical anflptifl.t1.Q..n-l -. .
l l ., , the s.s. Loina Doone. .i.
. e,hanges in thelrcus.toms,.leve_fthi,lelir,il;,'.'+1'x.
Resident i".ci;rg. iotor.. tiru
theymustnot construe :
, '.i
this,cbplsiaei;i*licommitieetuatiireine?t.*r" -"+.,i
ationinto a wantof powei'oiwitttr;;Jlby the statem."toi i-futra?l#iir"inl, . ': ,i
punishsqc.h as rhartaidlil pi'qyt]'il"ihr;;;;il;ii;;;rtil
ryisrleedi . AbanJau. . rli- ; I btt:ile.orders''tf ATenJau - ,,,:,
1ll' The;:'Sd9,:,irnngpe{rgJQp*
ni,lrf{s o4li,;1-e9m-mi4iag lhis hQ*{1ps
{4u.r^de.r.n : ' :;
:;92,800;:idiheavv^rnqeearor suc.h.neo-',|.
[tt; ,''ll

,'fJ.iliyr*uitlt;'p,';:*le#"$,r*tF'?'i":*Jr#l#'*ii, ,,j
i:r!",te4':,*4igtltft"#*-,,t4.*i***ili,ti[T;r*fr**-} FiffiFn$fi ;if :i,:
: ou 'ti'adets.and '.-produce,'-rccllebtors...l
'that this,"semi-jn,
course.-he mav :choose,15| depenclent his orvnflas. ..,IIe - :jL
n$opt."hiqpoqer rvill be i,roke;;lna l i:roposes'onaccount.oftbis fi',iia.t .' ;
downfall*ill not'ont{ brins'in I'to",forbtd'him to fl.yhib':fldqT6T''tEe .',,
oihers ,yho must have watchec1"t6. I fuiure,andtoabsoibiiniar,iiit" i.:
attitudeiof ,thcj'Governineirt.towar4, District: brrtawaitsttredecisiod:of the , . r,.
'sg I
.this chief with ;irieat' iii[er.est i Conmitteebeforetahins this steb. :i
afforclins& cue Jolheir olvn',{q[rre.l '
. !u- President *niiiira.pi:.b*tiog
b.efqvigilr,bu-twill atsoco"3*t*riit'i"y:l tni*:oc.;;;;;;"a rriio n.ionuisog -,:,",j
cnlels ancl.others,who have hither- I the :heinousness of the.-crime".wliicil:';;,;,ii
.![;,er1r'-fior f .i,;; ;;;;";"*".iti;'a, rro;'h.:;;i#:#'i ,l ]ij
cunnluA a,nc[ det'ermmation oi.''lliis
'chief; |-Abaq Jau,',po-intouirto-,iUe. ,,{
1ndbytheq6 qtralities
ato"o'has .,,i
| #aa;m'Jiri;T1u]r".rriai,fr;sfA'i,;ll,'",it:-
+brr-nJau mnintainedhis,,tiuthiirityI come uuderthe Sararvak
or any;civi-
forhehasbut r.g,.i1.,[0,]*fqji..Tlt
{q^l,l:,hlf [o,[o,Eit'sri...{i't -;,i iir*
tirea;"r. ;;,i
I tirea;9t. ii'* i3,.."j
qaiignof l,l,t,l*pogi
thg': s.,ji | ft?r;'iii"{iit 1..,,.,
Parlfier'an or*o",,,
q,niirieiable ,t uuri.;jr&*A,rro His;j
- a death by toiture*-.for:
lrnajari to,continubtolflir
11i?.qji.";JIJre1 'e-"sn;t ciidriiiiFt#ri
overto AbanJau's ji [:Uiicl6l"tlrdsa
emisseiies;'aiiit { th;;. i;;
*-11!,h*ou w6ti,t;.rh;F;
I 'a;"F;rii;;L"fTil;:g;tlbjiiiild"*"dlril
,n?"U".il.r1r" ' j
be too',stiblgrt
| are.boilrin_Epglancl, ,.
condemned. .. l.:.1,' ,i-- ,nb I d.tepiibe,Caken,,:
. , : : ; )): :
,,, i, l''to or, makoauy.altera_
l,-to"absorb,Ilinjd,"r auv altei*- ,!
@grllnritfre i,, ,; I tion in the poiicy of tlie'Gov-ernment
of gbmirrtstiatiorr.,
| #;;ffi.ffiJ;";;i,To'l'.1001r1",";i1i1:
'' q;p+*1:,
i' I uiurdut;;-p..;
^'' i i,,n
*",,,,HT#.,"Xri'+9ryt*i'l, +T-i.o;qe*;,;+o,';f,{J*',;n
s1,,,i$ij';tiiii,;,;ry'i{a+, .;;";,;f,{d'i,.,1n*l,;o
' i
i;. ,..
'.r!' ' '-:t:-l::,;'1::1-aiY14'' I;ifti,*4 thar
l.;Sno,mlDl(- that any ,qlepg;,o.f.$!?|hn.l-
: : t ' t ' a s e f t t t, . , , , t i ; i i . , i l . . t u r ew o u l c lb e p r e m a t t t r € . . , . ; . , r ,. ,. .i r . r .
r Tlw Presid,ei'it,
Frin. q:
,, D,atu
E-.;:;;H;;i;u;iffi: ""' ll..,,lTtu Tieagurerpoi"ir,,o"t'.in".ir*
" flf;T:,'I],',ilffi;ii#
lvlohamad :r.1
, l| ion
,o"t i*ii*or ,.rr".""unt
- The meeting is'ihii dai'ionirdnsd.I compaied with tfei Uysailinl{.oibthet
Ili President
-Lt"l inrorni.',ll-y
jl..,q:I :::i'll*ii:""i1'€"9ry"-Ii:r- 'I,lg:
!ers-thathb had.'receivea'u:dt,;pa-ilf,
I plng:qmq91 a{,Barqm:,igiapportigmng
fromtheResialentin gnalgU'di-B;;;;| ;ihq:tya"tity.tieach:shiiipei,,,;!;ii,,rl,iY
-infoiming ;5',il | ', ,'it:ir'p'r..qp'sbd;rffit,l*U'**jigUWUn
der,had'-b'eefiomriiimraibihl,frit, *iiutrup'{b-iF"bii;f;Ti.ffi
i iatinas.,bo
of xrnll, cciing'rin,1jr,,
I ii il-fi;,i,Jrlis'Jr,;"rf1#;; ir,n*"'uo ',ii;:',i I t.ti i.j
1 '

\ ! : \

- 1 5

oy, lrlay ,2nd,-Bijdng Baram leluior

{1gt 0 o,m. tollofe3omS- o! hdr dbpper

I ; . Sattrrday, May 8rd.- aij g' b; o',:;a'arrir ed

; in .tho. aftetuobn with the"iPinoce Guslfa in
"tolv. .'.,,.,t'
; i;lg3:t''LI:.v-I lt:.:1 i a1tarhs.
l(nching. Foi.tmeu,.cleaned.:
. Insooi i
Dynk pnid g2 reveirue,enya.hoiraa lii6d in
.. llugam -eixteenjear.e and-:ie ,msrricdl,to a
ot ,,the.
--of ille- I--long '":' . tribg,
Kiput tribe, livee in the
.,. bh;*.
o u s e;r
o f . o u eafri
A h i 15i*
Aion. I
"".ilfaySth.-I-nggat came,tocomplnin
, . Irtondcy,
1 thnt,qrri.te
&llumber of up up river.
to him.fory_enre
'Iell lnggatrhat-I nndwiti riotpiy
d.onot thinirI can
l s s i s t h i u i , . b u f r v i l l . e e ei f o n y t h i n g . c s nb e
tlonewlreuO. K. r\triongnextcomesdown.
. 'I'ueedayr. Mny 6th.-Fortn,en cleaning up
i,:slr*snud undel the fort. garpentere(irvo) .t
. . praperingtrlonhsfor'floor of billiard .oori. I ,t$i l
. ;,!,yrl,l
. . L i r n l { i a u g l n ' C h i n n m n na, h d . P o n e , al i a i a -
:ltalr Dyak; bronghttLrwri soue ipecirirena _ , ; . , ,I
of a -.,., ;::
';ff$ s.tgne,gbtoircd .by ,Dyorig..Dongiri Long . ::t. I
,: ;: , I
1'... i
:,. ,t'1 tl
.: L
. t , : ..,. I
: 1 . : I
.... \|
: : l . |

'' " I
, l
' 'l
IOOtu.' ,.. :., . l. ,.
. Snturrlny; Moy 10th.-3.8, Lor-noDoono
.Ertirrcl at I a.m..rncl-tlircbarqeilcargo. ehe
towerlirp a junk. Awang Baknr-riturn*1 iron
Tutu,' reports tirat Matnlior.iwill be down to-
, _ . .,{ , - i
tuolrow, O, I(.'I'rmonggong!
t'hst,ever to make againat lVfotnhari,pr Bny of
lu8 p&rty, on' the co_utrnry,he baeconceivcd.
agreat frioudshipfor lfata]rnriand hra aesisted
lrim rvi[lr.rice,.&c.
Sunrlay,May 1Lth.-/,ornn Dioia loadius,
- I\Iortley, IIay .1?ih.-Lorna Doone lef,b fdt
I! rvirtr 4,99s buhdles rarisnri.aud41
pikuls guttn..- Ivlatahrti arrived. rlle-denies
thet,h.g..!rns. n'radehimseif obnorioue,to any of
llte lp river
rlver people, Aw8ng
peopre, An'arrguakar
Bakar rrates
tlro.Kampnrl'pan ,whowrotc the lettar for O.l(
,r*h"G;;"sj;j[;;; d;-"f,';;;riltil li,ilri: t1
i r r ' u e r ' p r e t c d . w h n t w r i , s t i i c t n t e d ' t o b i m l.
Tbi Ilou'ble the P"esiclent
ingtructiouethat Matalrari wae fo be sent bock
3rd Divieion left. I
to hir own bountry(Rejong). .,, . ; : t
for pli , I
I\{stshari to remain .herea[ Marudi until I : , ..; r r;. : ],.,i
hear from tbe ;I{on'ble. the Beeideat,as ir ie I
Ngeo leports that le hris heartl that ,
,I I

76 GAZETTE,. 1gr'JULY,;.1884.
the prisoner Che l-roir.who escapeabn Anril by peopleliving here.l,ow,Kim ond,,YoneJew
2 S r d h a s m a d eh i e . w a v ' t oL a b u a n - ., . . . , : ' , . " , , ' rvis'h to
opeu shop.sin. ttrd [ia]aai:il:erj; and
.T,errt_ I\Ir..Walteis
Walters4 4- tons
' ' ' coal. (48. (te, -baskete)
1 - - msl(e application for land for that purpose.
w h i c L he.will e n a voo,
h e . w i l lrlepay on..t,is tttl'.9rlli'll,
retuin,frbm Irr-
i;;i;; _*"'l'1,1"v''r 'n'0. .ifug;rlgry,
oiriveb,' puesengers
May 21th,-S. Q. Zonri .Do.oni
8.S.I'rgflczrleft for Labuouwith'2+0'nikule from lenveand Mr. I{i.,Deiibbnt; ittfrirrj .
rnttrrns nntl 88 pikule guttoana Bur']s,-tvtro lid,,Ui6ii,eu-
' R n i n ye v g p i n g . ' , , , , ; . , . . ,lnAio-ribUei.,
. . . . .. ., ,. ,. ,. ' . ' " i ' ' dng.{ by E.H. lhe Rajatr.{o.prorbrct6i i;i-
'rierals'betweeirKidurong p I' i.
Wednesday,, i\{ay.21et.-No,r.ainiest"rd"v :l-;'Il|e'YjqilantI toi'ec[ biiri nod'Bsi,;li :.8a1,
but strongfreshstill runrririg.dowb,,. up ttre'"5unk fro'm
, ,, ,,; l,l * k' o n g . . ' . ) " , " . : t i' : ' . . . ' : ' . ; . " . i i
..-'. ,
- E o t t m e n [ w o r l ro n i e l a t o n c . ' , , ... Bnjang Baiam arrived.''fi:oni,Kuchingl,'ble
Thurs<lay, Itlay 22iid.--.A. K"yuo ,nemeil calletl irr at
Binrulq for tbe cattle iately
Trmn Deng came to tlre iort. Ho beloncsto bought for .Gbvernmeot,
Bslui but hngn'arrieclin Bgram. Statee"thaf prisonersfg.Bararn,, und alto:io-taf,idru
bu!, .bq!} the,.officerin
hie nephew is Tuah of a.housenot faiifr6m chergeand the'vr:iter ueidg'Lbs6ht'iron.' ths
Aban Nipa's, anclthat hig follorv'ere oid,afraid fom, her'erlandwae e fruitlegiioriir-':ik;1):',r '.
of the Government!e causethey are rinnbleici .l' Wddnebday;.
trIay z8tb:lj.S.g. l47ilij:nt 'Kuihing. ldft .
apeak lIalny...: .for sundiy - ai:ticld's: Bc- '{"-r,blltq
cording -to tlte ueunl cuitom. .ta"nrri'Dp"g ,Irfat:Bal!birl :Fnd._ !,o,.na l)oonc. f.ot '
i lvlalny, trnda$ fr6m iTinidfi-1r;,
:f:"[i.S*y^j:,Et1r oncr mny te3ry,ful+'iau por.tdtbrit'Abart Jau' hag Cent,soiitLfoitoiver,i
l n l € r p l ' e l e r , 6 o mCet a y .. _ . . . ' . . - r ' . . . i - ,. , . t to Tutong to a:li PeugernnDipa to, give lriti'; r
Give liim e .la.bougfol hig wife' who,lras ;i*;.;i; b".i;t;tr,"ii,"?irrnrr
c o m e . d o v n. w i t hh i u r . : i .:
the -unfort,unrite wret'chto"appeari"ilre'nidtes ''.. '
Hamar, a Ilnhong mnn, br:ingr.a'f#1,'rcnt of his daoghterjih-l.arv, Tiria doijrig,:.who:ilidtl :.
Rs a present by one Oyong Urln wlro',livea
d.g9,and whosi-corfrsb is .i
n t t b e h e n do f T i n j o r . . I I r , m a re " y s t h a t ' i h s etiil ly'iuf in tbo
house.',If. parj,{breu:DiUr , -
hnd to pny l.piece of -blachuto A'ban J*u on cannot sent Lim o wet'(new)ihea"d'Ab'uii.'Jiu . .
his woy dow4 ar customs, the'Ilon.ble Thi n ' i l l n c c e pC t , ' d r y( o l d ) o ; u .i : i ' , ' i . '. ; Jl ' : ' '
F,egidentlqid t!* thar he- need not,poy any '. Jappnr to pr-odbed'to^.Tinjiri,:tri-moiiow,to.
thiug to Abnn Jnu, bur, as tho latter ilis'e to forbi il'
d.emandii, lio corrldnot lrelp himeelf.
' " * labani i nu nt' h'if pbi,ii-''i6+i #-*:d,, r"'rrr'i'r.,:'.
contempiatetlsacii6ce,hlsb.tb iell'.Til6,1';o6i1o",--:':',:
. Forimen at worh finishing jelatong
-bi[iard' in irr"i.o- his '6ori;'.:that '
the Gcivernrb€ir!.lias ddiideil tlj ,, i;
ing, and mohiug path to roonr in accept
afternoou. ' , 'inlccepr & a f,ne lrom
tire:Ba.-Mnletrb;tnniiefnerl tontei,rle.t
The value of expoi.i
the murder of tle sar:rre DyokijntNiill, iiri,l ,
- froia Boiam ior-'tho tlat'ilerdfore'.hia"ilil;inpiUli"!
f i r s t f o r r r m o n t h g o f t h e c n l r e u t r e " r w u , ftilfing tl)e mur.der.ere 10r.,,,
ni:e ho longdrirdqul-"ri;
$ 6 8 , 5 8 4 ,w l r i l s tJ o r t h e w h o l bo f l 8 8 b t i , e e i - ' Jnppnl is. frirther instrtctetl to
p o r t sw d r eo u l y $ 6 2 , 6 I b . T l r i s i s v e r y g r a t i f y - gf f 0 pikirls each dlmnu,ltn fini -
from O;.bn'fidh fu*lii lntl
ing ns it shorvgthat tlre;.,;lace'is I-rijnri llrrlnrr ,for
the rvh,ile'fine .(p,0,bikuls),- .
developingvcr-yfast. The sbovengirresai.oior js.pnid
Barnrn onlv.' aud do r:ot inchrtle-Iliri, Sibuii 1)ie' rhis ,fine it .T,ist; aire|"rii"'g
t expen6es, be elediteci- to:lleirruq, i.-t, : ,:" ' ' | .
Satirlday,I\Iay 24th.--River ffl,lIine't *it.t iu. .I'.*dg.'l"'be'noatl7at't
'Ihc stnnd istill orvingto the'ii,n'lit,'':iedral,litled bv
Ohineeesoy that the recenrflood ' wis tirc Abrltt- Jrn, *'l:c is ,mnkiiigt:6*[t'tiohl, fruiii
highest they have knorvn her.c. ,':
tlndbrs'hndot,herdright snd.ieli;li -, '.ii i i'r ' r
Suuclny,Ifn.y ?5tb.-S. S; I/rqilant.Contnin
Welters,arlifecl at 8'p.m. from''Latrubu.'',^\io 'for I $eleral Dyok boits whicfi-rt6ok oiitipdlet,ii .:-
' " ' Upper Baram hoi'e rdttiirielt, but liitherio
- alticularncwe. - none.of theru Irnvebecu.suiceeuful :in Obtiinl
' - ' ' ' : ' . :: - "
The l/igitant broirghb 20 Lingea, Drake i u g a u y g r i t t o .' ; l', ' il--
who irod tuken passagefrour Kidlrins"iri a ' Thrrrsday, tvlry
' a " t 29th.-Scnl Bil,janq Bararl.
C h i n e s oj r r n k , w h i c h h n s b e e u l y i n e t h e np to Tutu with Jappar'hdit is'B8idtliaUO..K.
-rnouth of this river for severnldavs. ," ' : .
is tlule. Should tlrisi be the chseilre
IUondny,. Irfay 26rh.:-S. S. lrig,Iitrl' werit . ltiqlg O: I(.'to'e-inthe sibnmerir
. dowu to Ilnkong to tow up -th6'junk,.rihich
she chst ofr grerE'on'liei'trisl,triu.J,;: .'il:.:::
l\Ir. f,ulivorl vhilst .s,rpbriLtandioi{,,tir. B urls;, .1)trja ng :B ri,,ai,,t 6'nii
i,Ti:*,il'iq9 :;&,r!
rui; ea tu tii Ji [dr-
er'ectiri n bf th e:biilgolow .fell-f1'oiri' t h9 .to"p?i tt noon with O. Ii. IIiarrifo;"-Ife r:6p'bltsl'll buiet
of tho hoirseto ihl gronncl..,' Foltuirhilti:ii;, up 'river ,rvith':tl-re exceptidn'tirrit , 6*rbirrti,'bf
eustai!erl noinjuries,beyond. a sev'ere itrock'and.' U ma Pol:s hare'stnrteil for.tlre'Kdabit touritir.y
several cutsanctcoufnsion.Tbe accitlbntwns to make peac'eriith the lntter:,ari'ilrei
cousc-d Iy o suddenntinck of gidclineis.vhich i"ior'*.
e d t h e O r . a n gK a y a , , t h e l a t i e r ' h o w e v c rd i s -
a e i z c dh. i m , b r o u g h to n n o d o u b t b y e x p o s u r e . ,nreefiug:'four
to tIIo suD. !1u,ste$their. assurnncesh-nil
KeLibits .sent"theur bnok to ]il,eir,.io iru"trvIto
IVletnhariand hie pnrty
'the Yigilant re[irruet{fcour'Iuhr. ' warn their'."tribe thai .therUirra.po.h;;;;t- , ' -
-Cliincse ; 9 antl 6 tlalav . t l ' e i r w n y f o v i s i t t h e L i i . ' . i i ; : l -. : ' . , r . J
possergersfrom I-raburn - ., 'Ihc
Urnn Poh'g hlve.o *ery Uaa rdputaiiori,
YongJew and.Low I(im, two l_iabuan,[r.adei.sthey nre rilwoys goipg'off iih,ilre.,iiai..,pa[h
h'ing ench a letter''Ifr. Treabhdr.Ai.
qr3.r t !hieve llii g.l
rninistrntor an<l rctirg Consul.Genertl. ad- ll l,:ii :, _ll F,Tapis5r'g,lt
dressedto Tlrc Hon'ble The . A,ndmbei.-of;trjaid.ers .Lt+6'soiue Ao-\yiiitidFi:1
reqqestingthe kiucl nssiitanceof ibe Iattcr.oi tha O. r(. nntl broughr.ryiih lthdm,.i,ti,aoCc Va:
behnif of ilfessrs.Youg Jerv autl I:orv Ifim iu l u e t ln. t t r p r v o i ' doef $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 : , ' : l , ' ; i . ' :
colleetingsnntl'y dcbts ryLicharc d.rrcto them - The Orang IirtynInys ttrad'tbo urils,*reho
'at one'tiriro jtrodblesome,r
thrertened'to Lre riro
rjo#'mos d nmerinbl e. Prii.d $25't! O.'K'M-irlng' j
''. t',t :!;'i:": : h6 hirirsef int6nds iiditir:g the covuir. .
b t i r g h i d e x p e n s e su p ' r ' i v e l i , .
'.l.,Tiie'Juntilr of Br'friri'#diiegjnbbui ihb cnse ,Oi
Ho{ a.longtslk X. aqd
' -"fi '' gsvi " .
bf Triiijn'Kal ririi wlid'ff ng u €[ 90"b,iki11itbi hin his instrttctions;iesoidins
';1-To varn Aban JauYthst'eEoulcl"hd
' tt,e Houb'leiC. e ; de iCLesiiigny;'.',iJfritlm Lbir ti.'"'o
'Brkor alsorequeststhat auy fionic,+chllecbed :Blare,'f,8 Ld n e is ssid to be deairons'df:iloing; ha.*iiii,-;
'tbe-Governnieni. h6 \nill ti
treriteil ee &n en€By
es &rr ensny ofof i:. ,.j L .,rrl l a

otr ot f the
& c c o u uof
o n accouut t h eestate
e s t a t eof Y n k n b(videjournal
o f Ynkub ( v i d e j o u r n a t ....z-to
..2-To inform
..2-To 'Iama Loons..sor
inform Time
inform iloo"'*-,'.ro-o-J-,L1""
ilo.:iut t'
April l6tlr, .188a)rlray Lrererniitcdto Br'uni the tlie Ba.
Ba Moleh
murderers heyd,ticenhn-ed,addth;t hig
l]e 8
b Y tt!e-
by snm-e
& m elttus
l u s ttrvo.t'tlt,v p € t ' B orn r '
w o f u l v -pelson bdryiceswill thereforebe nd lbnger'rdquireilin captur-
.".Frit1oy,I\Ioy BOth-}'Ii'. Dnubeny left fcr i n-s.-'fo
gorkillingthem " . :''", :-i'',i'' .;r
r i nBuiang
i n l in
N ia\ i g B t r a n.,;.
" 3 r g , rBnrant, - "'t .r ctemandfrom O.ioh Liah a fine of a0 irikuk
for ths muider of Tua'rlis Muatsantl to co1le.6!. the'
.b. .ii.' rdi"iig.r,i,"rgi'ta Ltletrrooi'ho." 80me.
, 4-To take O. K. Jentirig and Lii Dyits with him,
Siutrrolias Oyou AIatian,the'principal I(e-
rriah obief, in which the lntter bulogisesi llre obtaii .permissioi3tor them tb
worlgutrta in'Tiujer and its tributarios.',,i r ..r1...*..r.
lbrrner and begs that tho Gouerrimdrit will 6 -To-try enil inclucethe irppoi Tinjar-ihiefr-to'oomc
eurpl.oJno ot,6_i,lsetrit ,thri Ora'ngI(aye 'd.bvri
' on tothe.loit in.spiteof .l.badJeut lht6atel'1"r' ..
ruiisions1o the l(eniah'country.:..'i, ir i' i i 6-:-On !o aji?oFt to pry anythin! to'Lbrin:Jtri loi
A g o g n ( l l n gl A e I I n l A r r ' . r : . ' r : i ' \ ; " ; l ; l n ' l ! 1 : , r , i . . : , i ; , r j i - ; :
.'; As regnrds.the recent uidtder'o( tvp Lepu - ,At middny,one Trralr,.a:natiye,ofBgkoig,
T'amtr 'lnnjang;
1I'ans by -to 0.1'oug ,Tamri Sinnu arrivecl from down river, oncl relrorted tbet ho
ryiehes know if the Governhbntinieud.[o
, t a k e c o g n i z a r r coef t l r e m a t t c r . a s , i f T n r n a hacl h.esrdfrom enotherBufong, nimed.Irebat, :
that three.peoplehad beenj[_iltiain Bdrinlruu
by the party sent by Aban Jau to Tutong td '
obtnina slnve from Prrngerari.Dipa.:,Onir'e-'
-ceipiof thig newedeepatched ,lBujangBaram'.'' .
,'i the torl (wheu nexl ur&ng Jrfixo lvliang lllaug visits
vrsils to llakong to fet,ch l-.rebnr.;-The et€omertd.-
., Upper Baram) prolided thut lhe Governmeu! tulnerl at 6 p.m. Lebor sayathil-Bakar.toltt
is w o g t o r e c e i v c . l t i u r' .
- - _i -l-l- i- u , hirn nbout the retrorteal ruul:.,er.Bulrot'eisteg:
: : -as
'I'iris uews ie mostmost eutisfrrct.olv
eutisfrrct.oly ttp
.to'tLe thirt h e' .waei nibr.;nbhby'IJdti p;.; If rik&ti'uian,
'uppcr:'$eriiui;s t hnt' h e \ad heir,,l a.rep'or.t' tlint'['*ii iiip-ple ha,i
i:lrresen-t esent tiq,e time r:,1e
none'irf oj.the the i.rnpcr'"I(eniali! hcve
t- ', ' ' 4ci,p
: b6eii murdeietl in niil'aitl,-'Latiri iJstid' ta b';
; iiornerlonilr'toltfarutli. ,: ..
: O . K . t r l i u u gb l i n g s w i t h h i m , l ? " c h i l u a r r g s n[ tlid r'iouth' of biranil' lsenia c.'tdttei't'ri.'
., nrr.ltan'uks,ti'old musketsantl '2 wir j&tket's, Oinrig lirryo Baling of Bakonginsirrictlnlih'rni
l',( t0 pi}uls) inrposeilou tlre r\Irrrits-fdr the to serrdmessengers to Belait.rvith*l! -despatch .
to nsc'ertoiu riliethei any'ori6.bae' ,b.bdn kiltod.'
: rnulilel of ronreLebunsbelongingto Baigrlgun.
i.Thefire ltlurite ltlurits will pa,v bsv fir'e uikuls os repbrterl. Coneuli "'iitr. O. tr. lliong ds tO
five pikuls'morg,'.to*!lre
l,ebune tbeu:seh'es, ortl ,tlre lu,tter;ar'e:caitl .to ihe' best iteps which caulbe tdkeir'to,int"ifdeDr
Les illiug,!9..nccepttJlq,f y,c.;*,Flriel1., Atral Jau'9 party ou their.ireiirrhii:itthsrbiiiti,:l
i 1q.r;y by '
. fortuilnte,
fortuilnte, &s thcy wereprepnl'lng't0
&s thcy were prepnl'lng't0 stt&ck tho ' p e o p l e ;
stt&ck tho ,b9 watcheil:.!rytbB pikori$ .
: i r : : ' ' :' i ' s ' r ' 1 t ' ; :
. Ilurite who ar,eby far'-thbrvtiolierof tLe.two j-..Tuesday;. _ ' . " ' j
' i llli' llu- cr sc. rr. i . '' :"-' -.
-. . . ..:. iit'i;'riii.ted. oii
:-liloir'Jnngiir Triilh Iof ,tth'6'liulite,'nLndl,r fiis expedibion'. to'Pelufnni,i[i 61t'5,;',i3pii1o
j"'ii 1,ich'will:,convuyhi m ae,rur-:riJllE;
b l n s r g u u a s e rt o k e roi f : f l i e n d s h i p .. T l r i s g t n . Bninm '
o r i t s e o u i v a l e ntto b e r e t , u r n e itlo h i m g h o u l d mOUgr."Of: Ttiiu,,r, ,, r .. .'';i ;.- r.).r,.;..r..;i_ I i.*-.]j.,
i ':':i; : lir.t''oiterjiioon"'o. n. ri h f"" .h,na',ioti['j:,
"' r,il;
s;'; jiloi "[lby nk; t'iil'g-'5 oLlir e"as foit briusins
'rvlriohs'liere .preseirtecl
'itie witti
' irirh'trio'of i6sn J;u;6'foij
to hirn by tlre'I(yen lower;. Orari! finj'a .oyi'
-letter tti'ii i"iroiai.
c b i e f O 1o r r g D e n g . I I e ( I i u d a n g ) n s k e 1 , e r - ltely on reccirrtof nry laat lrish[ he
urissionto keen thd Lends.. I canno! occerle etoriedlbl Beliit, nnd bn'rencliini t[irfaoutir
to hin request'oi, if ihe prnctico of Dynlie of Bnkouq me! Abnu Jau's narlv i,,,s-
r'eceivingheadgfrom I(yaus beccjmes geueral fi'om Tut"ong. The.y iuforin'ei--lri'i"l tft,il.tii'E
it mty [ir'c an impulsefo heacl-hrrntiug*. : . report t1r:rttwo pcople'hadbieh killed iiiBe-
Snturdni', Mny 31st.-Ilad the hegdesurrk lait wns fnlse. Thev'also eaiilth[T ..ihdvh:r{
i u t h e r i v e i '. .. j, ,, ':.I,,,,;r' gol n slg,ve from Pnngoraii'-Tcjriiiiiii,.,iffita
Iiechil fir'eman,Snllehjuromudi ond \\'&hit Aban Semnnin,thc leadei:ofihd partv.fromTiii.
toirg, lrobdedin i tlocnme"t ptirrtoi:t!pg'ta'lUa' -
snilor have.hgreed to eail in-e.e.Bujang Baram
lbr'. 12 mortLs froin 1{nyi90bh (vido letter fro m ?anger'ons'f.ejudi rr ond Ma [usini'onil.ttri
Y-. iifyirrg tlrrt thcy hrryerrintl6'their fiierid Abrilq
f r o r n ' l ' h e I ' l c r r ' L r l toh o l l e s i d e u t l s t D i v i s i o . l
Itln,2 v 1 s t ) '. . -,,: ..l Jau ti nresentof n ilcle, nnd,'that'they have
d*uu iir. forimcn R holidoy-togo aud tuba d e l i v e r l d t h i s n i t l e l l v o i n t b i h o ' c r t s i o d yo f
A b t u , s e n i u u i n ; O u i b e i u g ' i ' e q l e s l etdo + r o j

a small stlcnnra,short'clisttt,nce tbove the-:fori;

g . Ilcssrs. IJuils and Hoee accomponiedtLcm drrcctho' slnve,Abair Sernuriiu'iOvg'fb,it'ftrav
nud exlrresscrltLcmselresrvell seiisliedwith killed him in Rruni n'uclhave broniht the lidiril
witir them.' 'AbanSemuuinanrt liiidomonuiriii

;3- tho spor:tsnffcriled, upn'nrdsof hnlf a lon of

!: fish being ttkeu in iht'ee,jr lbur lrouis.' i are nt oncehnrrclcuffedorril nlaceclirt qaol rind
- -..i,,:, -..'t.;':^-:-: . i:;.' i ';'i
O. I(. r\finng"is cent witli n' prit.q otltort'rir.n
-tr' Buuilny,-Ju'no 1st.:-Srid ^o-. ci,n,roog'! to:'t'the. remairrilcr:'of,ilie:''l'!a'ftn feiSht
T ( p a r t o f S u r i a n ' sf i n e ) b y o r r c [ i o n ." , : r ' r : mcn) who org 'iL tlieir b.o-at'in,''t"1ej;.93,igL:
" 'Iheir' artest i.s effecbed
trIoudny,Jrine 2rrd.-"Ilnjang 3otam" .re- Eithout qriy Aiffibnlti \r-t"i
thei.aro aiso lodgcdin'irrisonl.'i'rlj
! - ' . ' .

turued .fr:om Niah.,. Surrtoug.-:eports .tbet ho anil

ho<l no difficulty in gelti:rg ovet thg bnl bui l(habai antl I) ami t, rrativos'bf NIirtislt,'t'ii ag'i
t o u 8 h e de l i g h t l yj u s t i n e i d c . letter from Oyon Iiinl-rof Tir:jar, reporting tliat

a numbeiof Dyakshuveeute.edTinj,arby.,t""yI on the'rubjectoarriostheClgPqg.s,t-q9iqh!.+y$ ,rilffi
thatthdy.mayI ihat.h'e,,is,certain
of Lons Taboi,ond requbeting that if ,A!4p.lau.,isi*t$? .*{j
--' i$
- J J a m r u c o m p l a l n t r a r o y o n g - w a _ u ' ' F . . . ' F . , u - P 6 j i . ' ' . r ' i i i €
'i - '
theurwhjr.r-heo*ee them ancl aleo thit aI- l , .. ,SARAWAK', CAITENDAR;: . ,'i:#
i [ o o g b T h e i { o n . t h o R e s j d . e n t t o l t l . t h e :m
, t h , a ":I # i r t * ] l l " ' i ' : , . , - i ' i .,-'*:$
lill'ffii;a'.ili ,$
L,-'lg '-,; ;
"l:-li"""l:n;;fir;;'r ,i,i '.-:
pnving to'b'im
tribute i-l g ,hi,l*";l j''.l
l,';.i,o- ',,,,
' "1 ,1.1, , ,,nH
lj."..ljirl-- .;,,4--;
gill-; :'
" r. {Iinity. ,.,,1
to Bru,niwith I s. I 9 I 91ll 4.0.7^lrourthd!ter
l l iisl3:til'
.senthim and his. co.mpanione , tirq
inetrirctioneto , ,,1#H
I lt:'i 1l liil'f.i|lr"uiioq;i;',;"',.'i''l;,,,,...
a blave; In tFe ,eventd'f;iheit,i6hieinE th' ',t'
l ;*fti tBI i:i]l'3:l3l '
reotreet r; "', i 'tr':.: -. ,;1ff

' ia
h oe "mn ,' o
Itll ilI l,iiir:311"irq1,'/,-i'1,ir,l;,,
liitiiiitfm:**fliiil'l;*:*lt*i+li t ;ffi
R e 4 i d e n t ,w h o : e u t r u s t b d 9 : ; 8 l r a e t q u * r t e i . j], i ' : ' ' l ] ; . ' '
r rni ct hl asla' ewt'tteh ref o r P o n q e r f t n M o n bTi :h e y I i T ; " | i1; o l. lt 9O: .; li Ia l r o ' r r l : ' : 4 1 'j : ' t " i - i t , : , , ' r , ' - f f i
l\Tedl ,.',f;l
' : ' 'i'i :r:1:
; ; i - t r ; ; " t , e o n' .y' m - 'u- l-i-o-i-o-r:t,i.r e i r e l r d |n$di ,, Ibl i l l ' l ? i u ' 5 2 1 . '
- :e '-.''l 'ffi
t" h
i l ;e; ;R; seoef i , t e n t . I I s s t I r s I r . g l -, 9 . !: 3i 61l s 1 " r 1 , i . ' 1' , . ' . ' " , "
t t , e p a i t y s r e B r f o l t r , # s ,l;-''Itlonl
. q ' l i 2t
i l | i3'30: t i l1 4 a1tclrr;irtitli:' .,*.f
Ltr*"tb.*unin, Mimaioh, beirig-'aomici!"'1
| '':',;--
i n i arrr;u e asre, b odpr,r n n . r . u y ' p| f,t;ij!i ]l | i ; i i l \ t i ; l l , \ x ' o ' u o o o ., r - ; , i u f f i
i r r T-man
hand l Pari,Berawanrlt{oeius'$obop''l rl
l l t r er o.t' i- ,".iffi
.ili;.;f a3;r;,1*.ll I r'ri'lzs
S'uqi,Beinwon;Sqg6lqng, I e'ro'[::ii l*r: ste";r.,i
; ,,; ,f;ffi
ualng,d.;#;;1-C^g;,:b..i^*.;iI qoti'lq! i'19| 9'-'-l ;;i:' "1'""'
4 .
spbop;Lnyu, Kynd ','''
oyong sororrg, l $i;ljij:,.11i:igTu''?'b;!:","'::?i,
3r1r"'ilt ,,'-' 9
; AbenJa1.
llli iYlii:iilil:lil .':'-'l l,t':,; ,;l;ri t .lffi
i l
i l Lrusot,'Oyo4g Belong,;Golnp, Lgyu,.1
uaong atruiong
rb'rain,id ylrir,t.,r,;-"ti'11
: l , f i v e . i - e n t o n t , o . B r q u i , w I r e r e P r n g o r a t r s l \ I e t u . l .
'r'ejtidiq mode them e present,or.1 .' '' ] ; q
eir *nat ,'
: . I

':,i SDlttt't'usctt;r'ts. tr]
b1",x'.:1",lrif:i$.Tl:t-' "
, 1$
' i ;

t. iffi eilriedofi'forTutongoverland
I ^r"il"ilr,';1,","
Tll I ^u""rrieems.r",irr,"* ,i .,ir

i - a:il:il.*.:ir"iJrii;'if,:3.''i;1,::i:'.tit"Rj} I .:i",,.::["::'.'r'i1",'i'ffi;Hi;;;;ol'g8 i,;: ,.r''

' t ,

i;ifl'l;'li,it ',iT'ti'il'i::i* :'1'l'&l]'l; ^*;,;#liililil; -.",li,u" :91.b

;,J;"+.i, i,,l r:'i
r l f,::.i |
i l o u l i l c n u s e l l r u m c o u s i t l e r o b l e ? e l a y ; ' b e i u g | ' ^ - : ' - ' : : - r ; t' f-t-;-;-i ; ; : r.oo ' ,
arid I secoud
.c*i*"tyuUfeto wrlk. e1lrhird
| ^."*',ff1ffi,s"*#
'orh.-ere ',
ffgnt":u.;"::: l:33 ;
' I
I a trrd
brow,vi,iur I tunserlionfie! i .
l1T '1:33:.- ,
' on."Triey'roolrrh.i'rrJ^i
tbr"t"rri;fi.-r i ;
. P [a , L g3ii"#,t]*third
' I
. r o m a i n e c l o n e c l a y ilal e r a n s D 1 - p a a n ' d . F 1 t . 1 . i
u s i n k n o w o f t h e m u r d e r ,b u t . d i d n o t m a k e l : , : r I r .il ' , : '
;s'Ii;;*.,; ;,;:;;.,,.**il;+ii,'ri
,. . ,NOTICE. - ..''

them wants eeveralof, ibe-frong:teeth., ,In l;liJtitle-ttttfrinti"s,'&c.3'oildi:shbsiribtdir'toihe..''
'of th€untleriligned"i -
the .Iiatraoan giv€o to Ab-on Semunin ,by Pan- | wilhout
Gaz,cttc tb€ sigdotuiki 1 - .,.
.; :i-' : '. ' "
gersns M-utusin.and Ilejudin, the. Pangoran| 9,'4' BAMPFniDE. li
I '1' - '
::l'filil;.T .
*x,im,i:r#f;:#.iit[ In:m:.L1.4;;g:E'--T*.ii*ig
I an is made of bim we sball'hrve-acl | 'Ku6hing,Ifay e7th,188{. - "=
I "x".pli
uloie L r u u u r E trt t!=
I all tbe chiefewill nt once_eccepttbe SsraYak I Kscnrxo tr!
.-D. J. J' Rornro-uag,'Goteiniient'Printer,
Ko.or*n.-D.J.J. Rolnrouag,'Goteiniieni'Printer,nt :
I dazctfcOf&ce,Snravrk
SnravnkProper. l
I fln-.- Anrl Oralg'Knya lrliang, rrhose opinioa tb. SaratakGazettcOfrce',
tbe Sorarco& Pioper,

',1. r
tilt'; I
I i:;i


2$ TJUNE, i,'Di)

haalol'l; iand.livln$'thei.e
;and.livlnsthelo in thti l,hesitiiig'
sitiing'ycom yco'ni 'r,Karlaas..Qput*8 pdraqgs;:1ladbutong,.1 sum-
.hi6le .dir,yednd:niglits. i'Lettor'firom'the 'pitan, 1 ;eirielcl, il pieci: of {obadcolancl Taire
:I(nda gave in :returnl-S0lcnttiestgiltteiS0ta:
rporal ,at at l(anowit wi_tasl<ins
dUlC. {ot for new
ll1 riniforms..
,ban'gg.cor.rse I campf ot';i 10 tlbange, fi ne',camp-
l i t e t o R e s i o e n tl e i l D i o l e i o n ' f o i r c' a s t o ro i i 'hbr,
cotton)rvaetsfor use of.Ghita;'$aih-bricks 1 eaiing'udang,'3 ibezoaistones,6,critties
feaiher-brushesrfor Fort use. !' : ;;' ! ofrwrtx.l'Now Tama l-rong demanddin nddition
incl .:
thr eb tetawaks..,To Tam-a:I-rongantlISama.Bi.
moug telling them 'thabif ;,thei Sebopsmako
$otrnnl ony demanclsoh'tlrem Vhich they donsider
i_-;:,:,- :-i. ,'.r--i-;O:- . : -1: I
,; ]] just,.to refer the Ssbobsto,de; ;arid,"infuture
indebfed '
t v . . _ . .

r ; ,. ,r. : 'i S a t u r di l a vy .,M e s i c h :' l1 X, 8 8 4 ,. ' the .Penane ,had better,niit, ,becorhci
.Long Nipn puiai. :, ' i': l;jf,:,.:,:jl;ri:,''i: .., . l , ,.
a,ppar rar retuluecl froni ilong Salai,.Abor
Salai,.Abon to Tama
.the ' i
.Tueird,ry,.I\Iarch '4,1884. ,' , ,
to'let Dya)re work,in upferBalAm j. -rqveu..J, .it^

the cona.itioriI'n1m9$: t]lsi..th9yshoulci.oa , i' :Il,angers, clearing: babss: lst'i 596l<'.f . bazdar
eturn poy,of iall pibduce they Wednesdoy, Mat'ch 5;1884j ;:/ Jil, t'
ollect,thirteou:boatsi nt .orice rt&keiout liabdes. Ilice in bazaarfinish.el' .finirgbrsns yesterclalr.
';,, i .. . ..rflnirsdnv.rflnirsaln"v.'I\{orCh
'I\{orCh 6 fs84l: l;:i l;:i:': j'1 .
npqg jountl in Sipabah 'iincl'brotrglrt speci- '; 6.'ls84li
' Un steppe,l :mainm4s[i o'f.' B ti (utg . ;!Ear d m
i.i.roct euppiieclfi'ornrl(uchiug,tire" ' an{ anclput nut a,,corpenter:
a,eorrreriter: on'to ihorten dt $v:erlht{y:s1g51
ocedwith m,inrrtecrystelswlriclr hov'ethe irp- feet. Sonre Dj'nks l)rnks orought',
broueht':do'wu,about 80..1pi-
'IJut :
luy , , t u l s o f g r r f t r . H e a r , t h a t , O .l i . . T u m o r i g g o n g
;of&uce:as lto forsr;,'of::din,rp6uds'
lass:i13o! a,':very. p9)r,erfol, tone.',An ottrer is trtts gone up I'utow, to'.engagehis 'Penans--to
t, I-Io rventto-eeethe {rmbus cavesrrnmetl 'eerrch for, his missingigu!ic. .1y',;8:-those '' '
tfarairg.,and irr : s6115sq11s1tce,. of rvirnb lte sa;w' w h o h i d e c a nf i n d . i i . : r ; r , l . . l j -.i , ; . . ' : ' :
. : ' . : F r i i l a v . M a r c l r , . 7 , 1 1 8 8 4 . , r ., i: "' , ' i
ija soid,' some peoplenorv::igtend to worh the
. Rnng'eragett:n$ timbet ,for Bungalow' o n
i,O. K.''OngXIiang ig coming,tlown., IIe hns to the hill. .i . ' . ,;, . ' , ' ,::
. r ,,::t',:tj' .. .ij ...:,
' : , ;r ::;;rrJ;i..j :;.., i
' - t r ti s t r u e T a m n L o n g , , ..
b l l e c t e ds o m o : f i n e s.. . :" ' , ' ' ' . S a t u l d a y , ' , I l a i c h ' 8 " 1 8 8 4 ; ' i rt."' r, r: ,l
phew of Aban Nipo, hns gone ngainst tho I ,, Opiumiu.brizaarfinishecl, 'gove'thefarmei'e
ilr,liiis hub it is hoped. that O.I(. Olg IUiatrg ,;agent€ome gurn. opii,:wlricbI rfound'.€,moDg
n s , b e e inrb l et o s t o ph i n r ' A k a r nN i p a r v i l ln o t the uredicines.Iso. ivifeof CotpdralDrdtnan,
clino'rvlcdgcitirn ns Uig_1o,11!ivL,aufmo19if died of a{'ier a long''illness. Rdngers
e,really itt^chs'ths'. :lJelnhits(they itre well , a s v e s t e | t l a v , . _..,;,ii:.i:i.,..
.to ital<q cnre of thernsblvei, tuless from ' , iloue tately been,ad work setiling'Mulrc dnd
.'eacherr', nttd haveoflen beatenthe liyn,us).' Oya lanrl caseswhich havebeerisentup oD sp-
' t o n g i ) e r r q , 'c h i e f o f t h e L o n g W a t s , h a s .peal,tlierr) r'emoin; ho kevdr, two, rvhich I :gan-
rtrrrd-wlrttho thinks ie goltl in I.ltrrVun, oud , uot decidertntil l.visit,;lho5e,placeb in 'April.'
uresto sholv it,)tornel6i well ns other speci' Constr nct ihg map (approxitnately:t correct).irf
',tii;;"" ,,upperBarau from rdota icrillectcdby rlalpar'.
t'onrotuouot'r,o- i.,b;j" ,0' .AIrong Patrl, nometll{alin$toug Molt.yu,hal
ne the Lorrg:l(ipritsfoi the share.tlreyhatl in 'nerri viuq lost a rifle bv the swamping'ofi',hisboat
he sluughtdi'of ,.'|Iama,D.eT.g r,ud.his people' l\frlnng in A;ru, o Soribisr'Dyik r'r'ameil
;4:'ltl i,rl:ili P^"ili:'q:-ii;i:I :,:^-; A
'mrr,vi r r . d i v c i l n n d r e c o v e r ' eiitl. ' . , I h e L o u g P o t a '
- J u p p i r ' h n s b r o r r g h ta ' , mnp which,'when i l r v e i I o r rp a v r d g n td: f $ 2 w h i c h w i U b e '
r:ouerlv, matl-e-,
toperly. made . du[; out,' witt witl givb a tole|0bly tolertbly r"oi to Ain (norv"leaving) .,rvholivo!: i4lthe ,
iori'ect-idenof Upper Btiram' .rrpto ibsvery i r o u s eo f A n g g a tn e a rB e t o b g , :. , ' . . j' .. :' ,
Bource, 'nhiclr
rrlriclris Btitu Brr,tuLnrvi, Lnrvi. Tvhictr'is'olso
Tvhiclr'is'olso the S u n d a Y ,M e r 4 h 9 ' ' 1 S 8 4 . : ''I
tirourceof IrimbnngnnclTilbau. lltrtrrLowi mirst Tire rnissiugmuils arriveclby'Lai Ngee's boat
lrorn ltuchins. ehe'hasbe'ena' long',timeon tho
rvay havins iub into Mukri aird Bihtulu. , '''
betweett thls lleit(t ol ]Jilrom. an(L i F.o,o IL'H. tlre Rajuh.datedDecember'8rtl
,:brnnch of iit to'the soutbwrral.' Frot Froin :Il*tu 1883.-t snyinsth&t e-pnddlewheelvessdlie About
iLarvi also'flowsa rivet' to tlis e&st\rardinhn- t" G i'itf for thie Boram ttafle' That' he
irbitea by Eagais. I'his is mosblikelylhe river is in trerity with rl geologistto comeoub to es- |
-: tlinslrtls: ' . :
At"r. 1Notili"c was.saiil abnuuthe RejBllg or nlore ihe ue* concelsion-for
s o u r c e isn ' I i b o n g v i l t ' b e ' r I s u p ' i\IondnV, Mrttch:10, 1894. . . :
";Kotal. Theil i J e l | r r Y t e ng'"
q t' qon ofr ' : Ranqet'seottini{ timber for bungalowon'to '
. r t h e r . S o R i h w e r t l g . .:' lBelnwien
: : : - , D o g €lfurther.soptlrwartls.
ii:;pose, u boll u
1Lat.i ?*'llug ti[rit, didd a' few rlayi'eince o{' tlre lrili Ciipenters at B$itng Barait"s main-
'mast, and spreacl
:''drbusv (or,teri-beri)' : ' Unhouded Jlujang B('tant,
'- -' ' :'Sulrclay, I
' i f ,

: - ^ ! -
o 1oO,
2.,1884. t l r e . a w n i n g - r, i. ''. ' , l
i.,', .
" Packedutr spelimcns'an'J-
'posted them for
Co. Kuching. The rice in the eirclosinda list of churgdr of'bribery against
bszaar nenrly firiished,and
, Ilront .tlie
'in tho foit rve Satia ll,r,jahof I{uha,, r,rnging;over& period'
Hon'ble T[e Resideut 1et Divleion
: Il
. lravebut two' bagsleft. ,It isltime.for Loita
, ioi"i-ti srrioe with fresh snpplids' 'Ah $ah
of fifbeenvears. .The precioustlocumentwos
uooov*ou* and ldft mylteriouslyof the Resi-
'of .the perio'
' lt
,:"left for Balait wherehi: had a f i'ntrufull of rice' dent'shougeirr Kuching. One
I{ondav. lVlalc}r 8. 1884. dical attadks,.I'presumo, matle by Pangerar.
'; .. ..
r l
Tinjar, informing me tbauTaFaPu- iuuid"y, I\Iarch11, 188{. ."-l
'rni haeofferetito poy tlie Penanexemptiol tax Raugers - ns Yesterday.
. but he wouldrathcr!ay il himself' Fron Torna \Yethiesdny, March 12' 18P+..
-timber I
.Liri and'O.K. Padulir saying'that2 yeareago Ilanqbrs'ce[tinq for Billiard roota I
tamu Lrong,souof AbanJair Gane, pnicl to Tuulr lpulctr'nseA bll rne)"ou to the hill, then ilearing' , l
. l
' ,1..1
'1,. :'1: ,it,
' .r.' lt ;.:i:. : ' rI
',"',', t'i
] '; ' {:
of . bazaar.
P.X;nn":ffi;*yiii]ftTlt;t'ft#;,{r l I't.?'rt'
";a+ro"i tr..J*, rr".'*i-bFAl
',anyare'l-;l'; ;:i';*ig,t 11*n*'o d-i*,y,iiq.;;fii"n,,
Tanvare arrrreu""llt':^",.-i!{4.,";:;
;;*;i;,?,H;',n""r1ii?i.I I Portunitv., -o-o--'
have oueto , come
rer!. ;'+i
i*-h,.rf,tl" I ,-tor,{i!:;:tg,#f'L{itj.i;ffii;i
5Hffi :,li{ifft*}i'*f,#*
1nif "*;",,1;;'*' ioi"i;;,; ;1,;;: I fi:ffi;iiXfi:'.; ;;i;rm1r;i{i5ffirr
.Dua,ils ;:r*#t E,I:::!"1J;1g$f
En'ant -,.,
;^.-Ir;"il:::'l}'i:ill,t r*:':,tr.:"ou, *";ii
tow,to o.'n,.orflg_l;, n
::$if"ffdl;a;il1',il*,li:;i fi;?;i'."i:l| :lFxaje ili sfnce tne
conrrpct r,ios ma.rr
aknmTVan il.BrX;;F".i"",.r.e1lerofo. ' ', ',.;:ri.'il1*"'":-'
some rime dem:rndine I :"i."0:b}ht_1..
fbr murclercommittJtl:
usut'frdmtn.i* i,li.l , . spnr p,i.i--;..:o- ".
lndol'?r,"1ss+. ;il":iiuli
by,th-em f. | -tl,ai,;mny.
lt"$:,il"fi},'. "fa I lchooners
noog",=-i;i'iyT", Dave:arrive4,li: Th
ffi t'rirns anil Lone 1 tci isr;,6rro,iriroir
I(ipur:trora-'oii,'rriji-*.* to roo'rfJnii,iil1""al..[r'.]iifl?i
rvnrroppenrs",i |I ,reir
give noitiing.,-. Tupt:aie
nnno.r. l^ .".--,f*"$; u+il, leisurer^.,,t fl3:^.Tt1,'1urli
jif roiGF.;*-
?ii"tl#,i,f*;*;t,*;:'J| 3u'su "
l',f; lT I :i?i, Ti;:.t:#'*n:u:'oorr
li:li!fu ,,"* :: *ot} ntir*i' pr;;.:i'i.l.
ljiys t,t'o.
1H{I j:'ji,u,',
tr,oLli"f i"lle*,it,
; I'lia,i' Ig;:*ilI*
andusut;' ;on|-riily"srr=fr!
lJfr',i.*'T' ilI ff i tT U
| tii.
-"ili:lt;l,rivetl "i,''"ii,"u*ifiirJai:liT.;i:i
q*"t r'.ruit
b'otlle' 're RajatrMudahae
ms| :i_""ifl,]:"t:_l',1^-:::f,
sugg..ara. xir;;i"tl;;i;";.,;G,69o-
1 innch w6rfi
:'#'t?-litilt;ar6j;*utesiu,ttreriiobot."s;. f 1nqd,r,a.,r,l,r"'r.J"nssisring:.,[ii[,;s6
cavesr.AhAh poh
pohrov'trri,t, i1;., *a ir1i."ieffi&v
I ,.iirr:i;.rtir'ff
,il;, r,ra'o,"i,'',i'o"i'ffi
*l;,#,:r,.1....*..11;, comcsdow,r
"*oi rro;t-u..i"r.u."'iI jf,:r,$1.H:,m:"4._;l,ruinl
iJft:Tifffi n;]:il:;."t'-cts "::ll"li' | lems duries.i"rtrrer
Marc''r0,-;;r;, , u"''ttni'ot'ioi'ro'litti:-rTifffi:;f
. -9ooday, .';}"
$}r;,;harr iheI ."#t :J'ji iili {fiifi*iiil*i
5,ilir'T'i,i"*.T." il"J:l',. tl i" 1:r"f
rice-is1i,i 1
rll *:.ffi
tro'arin 're
bazaar. st;;i.,1 upTirrjaior
ll: i*i:!i 4r'*i1,!'Jl ;I ::Ll-$'rftj
,**u $g*};r:iil1i="aT*i;,tffi
:lilel"t!'i$L'3b ;{fp.:;}-;ji!il':
1o 11,;li;
| "li:td5rgl
,ounn."l r,fl;ru;?:gJf,:g"_'3ry,,.ul"l:il.
rusauandLijd"Bari",tri'!#-"^ui;;;i;;ll klred.
i:t1'rT:i$;:'i fl1;e'lr I bysdrrmarr-in
', ;;;ffi',"*tj::*:*-j:i,
Lorna irfflidk,ffil,f}"'"
tlg &lmoste'tirelvof"::::.'..:i::i:,
Gove'nmeol "onsist.
i.e..conlrlr Buiatisnyy*,,ytt1y;:pt#f
I s.t
- tue.!_nairae-i,*searnan.himselir;
ij., | ,,,,,,,. s'l;iiay, March?2,:1884. , . ,,1:-;
prr6on ancrcoFper
il:;qirllil:t'4ry***i;,T#:f qtliqt?:ffi
i6. '.,.1.r"r,ri.ffiudJ"']filXjji;l:rq*rl*.^.,,
plankson mv I| of twenfvnihni"if l.i*ff?.:liiTd;nl.q+l
r'ice-iorfort, oesroes
od'i:i "*,
n:. i;::f'rluestfay, *a,uoa"yj'
'' i:lTjlll "+lr***$lf*f*i
r's4.r.,r, " i!iijrfii.t'T.f}Ii,,li*Ttrfh.f''fffjifl:,,#
llt^9;5Y,?lid:nd.t accept,,,:/r[3
or guua d rrndia-r,,;';jj'u"','ll":34+^
arrd ndia. J 1;,t;!,:eeTi'ill'.s,rrrin arisd
r"l::i;,ill ;,i,-";,r:i; fiff ;b JiX,:fl,"-,H# t;T'i
consequeuglsrrip609 brrnrriss
or c";.;;;;;;, ff a";;.;;menr,,if {T!:;ff
| conie,'rd;;
I Gsvgrnmsps,E


o,'',uu.o- *ttli:;"}ffi*l
| *tii;*,;{i,lri#lti;$:ri1,i
fll:l^*"-:,T9.r l,r yar .beenabteto getto itrd '#iuifli,l9"frl',,1
inwhich u,uv"'i'n Gi-i.r.,iuTl,il.:;;| q u&u. .r1a&r-sentlr.s p&rty orBoo!
werei:n .,,;,i ;
.l'tru 1 s.
y,o expens.,"n,,;l, ;; I ;#',?T Ilim self, B-rok,Jd,li,
l';;"ffd"'.?r', {iififfiG:
o; ;,u"]ri;
thelas,l.fou.1 to.
^1onil,-q bro"i.i"ti,, t"u"i,1i3| ine ''fr:j,"$i:'r-il*,:,1.'r_"1:FIijd;:, ";
of a rree.,: ru^ ,l-it -b-tliJlng{br-t[eiiau-
I tettooed ,
eacrm',n..,: :,, : I| ,raitooed
.,r.,i.; rarerv
latelv in *t"ti",t?"otl3;liu,lL:i"^oinuu
l-u9 1,"'"pi'{hr;#;1; ;lfi#T;;;ia*.,
"m'J"r' lrasJJil medetnree
rvro th'ee .artemprs
to .tni
etab I u"Ii**,"t1*;"9.*g,;1'.{f+rJi.1,i.,il;Tft,i-
rarrclsLrootpcopre,ancr'tfered..""rj;.art;;; rto ifr*;brffi:#,."".#yiUoot
--*^ "- I|,f ii".,"ii;ii.'"iaoy.r,r.
*"-':9' the Governrnent. ," rlit." i"
i :gii":t | *i:;*e wbo wish .to hafe brnnch
*_'ly jl he.Aban
.r.1"I *.p.:-{o:i ,orr!.Mi,,ngio;ooir"i:#riT.U"
'1'helc r,shon i,oia:iii'"-.qi,;ii;
guilty' nrc sorno.'_r1u*i.".
ll tr'.6"ry-
I gover'ment
Do put
| _morl-rrou to ,rhame,.,anrl
,.f:H.il_tl_"t lal ofr, aa ! lf.? f***
i;;*,;';;j,;;;_[] can't'irffora
f_,",["io | 6ntleorhcr,fr*oal.,ur.o"ltrirfford, toput:b,ir]ericl
;:';:X;1Jit,i:T fJ'f.ff I ;;;,1'"i:'il;'*tl"T';, ericr " , : '' '
;goongoirigto trfirl<nu;
abodrtrrdi' I i::. *t|l;ltll,lilfllti:?ffii
cnp,*..'-; njifff ' r;:;::'i

rF.T; p;U
-:'Ji"6,'r: *;y*{,;-l** ;:m t
*i: *ifil' ;,r#l;'
II ror
theo' K'I\Iiang'tw'1tl-s-y"q
s"#ilHii!: .
'; .,
i, :'
, . , r : 1 i !' : , 1j ; 1
' .r,'':!
.;.: :'. :'

"tit l;til;*,lli,tf'*i;;;I *!:i
11rr {1inss.
vill Abantiil;,'t;;
" -fit,1J,,i,";[3:F;*i*;i:*ij::
r"il oJii"'i'"",iI t.qr.nceof thisrinathei?dectoili;;'*;;;;
r r c p h e w..-
i. 1j,.,u1"-,n"i'!,'*i,,,i,e ;J", l,f;.f::;ffi,".llilf,
c*".o.{ rri*rs:di',i;X;;:
i::?'bli,lj"l.- I pl*ii"j"n.."g,.1r,:Jloj:,t:ififllji_t'l;
i:*ff;1l, ffi
i;t, .1""^!tr l*r;;i-*xffi
'bnt, the.y rvnl..lnicl
Jr;k;;tHt+,l..: Ii*ix'i:x;i"tff '1 t'fr
I ,,,'1?'#!i*-l;l,jl'd, ",r1',!i6:;
:q,,:'sii t:::ltrli.l

l ,- Fo"*r.i,n-A1;,11'if,J,H
ffi"l";,!,r',iq4.;,1;:;;a:il;il;,]iil fty.irilim,;.
, i.: ,lr


rrveeu5ul'&tnnutl Bttlongan,and-if
,tirey.reraail Il,}f ilill#';",:Tiili.l,ll;**:;;:if
l)y:rng^r'atirna u. I{.,:d.r-r'r'a, i:i#
, ;t," . i"rla".J*.t..r
tfei';[; ii'r,i.i,I y.* -"a-"i,iia,,ir"]";i;.;;;'tj;,ilili.",
lff ;*:*;::"ir*11
uopervluspring up wirLi1'atr:iver..,. , . I i']l
11;f{i":'" I, o lorf ii_u f;-Ai?i"frJl,;!l- tui

. :T'h.:luq,,*,^ntsuseclto le ftlg,ge.bur*..o.I ::t: ll.], fi:l] ."t 1,*1g*trl,.i"a1rr-1,,#"''.i. ,l '-


. -:-:i,:: I rtesiderit
.of ,Noli.ce,senr,totu"-uon'frl rrru
, '''',::"1.' jI
.l-r".1 1st Dioision.,ifrtiftiii"'t"r-
fssi. : .mation, uoticenlqopent tu I{.,'iarrniUT*-Ji,,
- rlreschco:rer
l'Brrjans ,.i,,r,*ri"',',xr,rra-'
| ,,i"1tll"?t"ll'u'. t"
T:11 trrc
.and' do'oi
rI do
iJ,jiliXJ::Ji: notwn,nf,
'n"irr *rii.h *.'lauv
oritr nip nia we
",,.t"'^'{;ul3orstand.that i,,
ranri ror
i'';',.,r:-jlttt i *"1]:;jr$B';;ll:
flri:l*:!t"il"u,nij ,':
'. :'
i;;;) I:'tlTt"lijl*k;":;";:l;;iii;*_ilf
f;;;)."r'';il;;il-l I1i,:
#;;J;il :"h1:toiil;"ft*!uJi,i;iii"l'uon;iu;l_;.
til.#ll./:!?":ff",:"1q"":*,y ^p:i;G1. :. .,"'T,?elxyr:.',il:l;iif,i:ir"Jl',::Tl
ir,o..r,iraie* *:;*ilf-"-X* lt
*r""".'i*,. Fetrrer i":i:-'lliiHii!'t?fuiliiir'o"",,
"r'eriB.*f;il.;;:| $,1,L*,'.;fl?ili"l:.;,:-;l;;;l;;;'.-riou,
Ma?eir 'l
eunrir t 26,1s84.
**'l:ljlii r .s.,,t,,Hffiifl;ufflffi#ililono,,,"no,,,.
- . ..Tu$nesd.av;
$_.:1fu:ril"il;;;';I rhursdriv,
*_6camp. ondrremrrsuon
noacco*nr nfalcrrz7,o'a. I
r,",ii.*j r -nnogorJi;;:Titog'il;it,:,i;#li.
"ir,:'*;:J*r::fri*ly:11:::, |, do*nro
ii"?",ili:tii':i?;?,i1,".T:ilii""".iyl* ,,Bujaigr,,
j"'\r" tsw.- i , ;- Baram,,
II a*ivodwitit.a
;i;l;;,^i;"t;l:.:.;f;',",L11il,iil'f11#?tJ,:l ,
ceruiug one lta a T)vn,lr'.,ir .+^ ,":,,^'''.^^-- I
iiili"f,r |
ril;l:,v{!i3 noog...
- ilIarcli 28, fgd+.
rouua irii ii. .r,l,iir.r',*.ererrremsetr* I the
X[ letters
I hnve reeeived
f.;"i,U, ii."hfrl
1 .

-1: -
j 68 , THE sARAWAI(:e.tZrirrE,izno.JUNE;tise+.
jRajah srnce
,l:p"u since If .have
havs heltl
heltl tbe
ibe Thirdr.Division.,
rney are,to remain in Kuching,until.H.iH,
tur,nef*m FggJanrl.'i _T.hi,i" iai..-ti
_..P.14. "aciae"i.
gulra :tonnd .,in somo.,pewlyi'disdof.,:ed,
:up 'rutow;rvh_i-ch,stiowi ri;U*iJioi,o.t; place;
exlrausted., itt*
'3 Bram " out,of ordert g
. et".lli $", irr."tf
.*. .;. Sqlurddy;Maitdh 29,.1884;,;;;i.; "g1,
_ \yroreto,Tania
, !;i'.,il'it"j;;,;;;;;r;;
him on. no:accodntto- go bn: ulit; ana
:l:1i_l.uhoulh boglarl tii*'t";#'rhirn
:.out'm'ds; -. j
:-t.:i i., i .,rt1rr.,,i.o,
j '.
. Iirngers gettingrtimbef out.rra'rrffds;,irjrn:
of foiee6 .'\r[/.r,ot"i,
to Tnma Liai ab-ou! aUooe,
-ogtuT_:ro 6ee rie,. , Sent,him a cbop dakir
Lim ;rualioi .;ir-it.ln*;;;;;; f.;fi:ig:
Tirrjar. q chbp ateoto-O.fl-p"i.f,_
,m&krDS-hiq,,Iunh of nll people of ilre
be in Tinjar. r io"'Ja.r"y.a.
grvlng tlresechopsuntil now -
forreisons. fi'rst
r uarrsmrglrt.lrecome
bu.o,n.well .establishcd
*.ri'!.i"-frii jr"a 'd
ln .tlr!,rr, secondly .iniqlrt
rbut Abuu.JaLi
be abls to talreoffencei ,i"., ir-tfri"[;;;;_no[
per notify:to me.his ,on'. i,rt.oiir"-,51" -
onullr, I de_la,y
no longe[to issrre
_ . $unday,March80,1gS+.,. ..,...,i', ,
- OneBriliim cJmefromtnu'*ooit; ,rvs ilrar,
Lorira D-oone only got,oot-oi-ir,.',t?'.,j
lVednesdriy.nroogiit * l;;;';trff; i".t
who sa,itllie hnsneig from Ni- i"i'"r*iiltll;
illat *r,o ou, -iat irili;;t
trom l-he,
mouilr two Clrineee:ivlioI Iia,A.
"., :e1! '..
&lOnS the thav'.airl f;n,j; rTr,',r^*;
Loach,thev'saiclfrom T,itorri I i.1":'I$u'91
tlle Lench- ai] tlis tHd,',;ina,it.q^rilntyi
li!i;i;;rijiti;"";:, I
ff".:,,1'3iil;xllf l':illi'",[,{#t:""il,l.r*H'f*i:"Htu
our anit becn'd-rowne? i1r'*ffitYJii;til;
h",l ti;.; i ; r3;43!i;;-ii*"otraio,;ru"h"";;: i;
lil':n'i"hl'iillT: "J{en d I t ' ll-poElE.eo"upnu;,ru*t
Hokian, rr,e.y tei-r
ralu,oliirf't l r-,
-tlotilan' I'lrey tell.rad thei'r *jl';t-|,* i"
story isYquits'tr,b^
anil o'no Ah Toi who re lr.€r.e\y&s*r:qrioi'te,l oavotthel 'r:
1 rinis'o.hiqh1.1,, i-llil .l'l
llluu3i.#,,,1*"ro"s. 'r1'1':
| _ I_ |.'Uii,:*I,.i:o"",;,r*,,,:1,,;iti
' :':';ii
Nd;; i,; r.."'l'B"i',t,
| #l€ i;;G;f
an thoco'reuis
,.'.1| s lrrl ,qfl f t'- |
ioin;uGarii; '"''""'o''
r,;.,i;I Hil i ll:!ii-jBl;;r"1,;;.,,
"-"*,;;.;-i'; .li*
li;f,hTi:$",Jll,-r* =,i
It{|illiiii;,ffi-': ! .,',lli,

by the peunns. IlylillJlil'i!;l:!
guttn alsocoltecrccl
i [:i:l,a i iiil Tiul.lff
oY""l H I : g I |')I,,j!rt,r,sunday. Fuu|rdt
iT,i,Jl .;';Fi li;irr'fiff 'il$-l "-''|::',t,
'rumonssons I ilIltllI B:r*tti,iil"i ,' r:
.o'K' - '"vl thar Beciin,o", I Bn'I li | 3.?B
ij*tiffiiilur"'*:* r:;-':lxi:| [iilii'lt'ii|#'i:I*:1';{iii#:'ln"!'
nesg.Sdnt tho',skull.o
ii lii,iiliiii ', ', :; ':.''.;i'r!
th-ar.&,"r,iol,. ' :;.j
.neur tou.rru.I #i I ti I ;,iil ilii
" r'*i,a-'
Ift=iii I i,iill,ll|*'."',::,t.r';
1l;,t#$1i; *.ff ;,;' |I$l
ffi.l1;!i;zsli ,-. ;',*;i
r,i".ruai;-;;';;iil Ilii l{| l.lil
J;ll:f',*trfl d;;;Ig]ii].tr{,illl
*i-u;l""ltt-*lrr- ni,i;'iii
?Ac47 yrtissrN
172 THE
Orvingto the carelessness of a Sa- AbanJau. beiris.unableio lav hib
rawahNakoda; a'larsefire-occfiiibdijn' lne in cnsh,tiaii,Trii#ri!,aea ah:iristat- "
t'hc'' the seiwo.rcl {of .tli'e'foi:t..:mebt ia brbssiiare,.h'e:I1i:eliadmitted .
'Ihe nranthrewa jighteclmatchon ttrb
his cririe onclbeEsedifi6G;nitiirdent
parchedgrass;'gnuiing'a bl6,zb'which'tq'ja9at,
comeyei')'ri6htthe'forl, hhd{edtioyerl' c€Iv1: ;'r:Ienieiitly-#ith
r' :,hi*,bn,{,to, ire'.
o.ll1.€0{*"I s.\Y,P
"":6 f .9 laf'tiid.o*illiaiiia-
^,.,atP9,o,w g ;Y.llT I
the honsesanilgardensof ihree.Chi- uon. 'yrz: r\yenry inibuls.l'.With .
nose Enr'deners. .The.,Nahocla .has regorclto Aban Semuir's^paiiy(at pi'e-
been olderedto pay'clamas'es."which sgnt in 'Kuchingjail),ihe_; ie r entirely
seerrg'to have hid"'a sbod"' in, !!.e,hqnds.of the,GpypTpmerr!..1; .,1In
tnenrds'hdcl'' bestrot cvommtin'Sddiil:, 'tol<en
.rina'thbre of their completb riubmissiop;
rencefor some time"irasb ': he and his peoplg..haye .moved. {own
l r a v e ' b e e ri 'n osin ne ce|. " ,' . ' .' . ib,the, mouth;,of,tlie:lTisa-m,' F.g{'axe
no*: building,their ,,houses.::iin,;the
A nralicious attempthas.been mricle -banksof the Tinjar. . Tisam is,'one
to se[ fire to Awang Tengah's-house ciayis pnll from the ,mouth of
rrnclto a neigtrbouring -.rylin,.roube, ;''the
honie in:rvhich Tinjar,,anil".is the to,the.',
\yere only rvomen. a kiis rvasthrusi head oI thg Biptpiu rivpr,',$, being
up' ihrorish 'thb ''ilniioiVlv -
possiblein the -ruiny..rieason. to .drag
missins i cliiltt. I'he ibrnetrators '' a fair sizecl boat from one .river to.the
hnven"ot^en tliscoveieclj : :' ;
' ,',
:.;., ' , : , . r . , 1 ; , .,'-.;r i.;;:.-', other:. The.Iruah peopie are alsq,go-
iug to:shifbinto the main stieam... 1,i.
. BINTULU. :.. '-. . ;: : : ----; - . / 'liis
! .j, l-- 'r, . t': I
TI-reexpOrt trade has again {q!en abin Jau is almost'in ,riotage
off tluring the past rrronth, only 369 and little attenbiqnis p aicl io hiri.
picnls of rattansand {3 picnls of gnt- His;sg.n, AbanBatu,is.the,realchief
tn having been exbolLecl. as aq' anrl concluctsliis faihtir's.affuild; he
983 riicul"sof ratials-ancl 131 iricnls yill u f,9r!. ".
of gutia rluling' the srme moritir.iait -.;'.::. '..' ..r -- \-' ' ''':
)'eiu'. .To o Septembcr
Se 30bh. tlLetotal -Tire'Siboti: rruopt.5i'e,1, ablid[{e,firt'
' \,ieclense
lVVt g(!OV ris
D ' valueil
I {rl$gu ovel
( ! U over'
at U Y S 1 003::,
$11,003':, - tl i6jf,ilI lbf-'ttrei i' tjlit erieiiiiy,-A6'ri[t f ;'i'"
!t: ____!- of ivUbur'
thbi hrlv;.'tritir[it,; lifetl
"'fear. iri
: 'Iiis
BATti\lf. ..'i
the sreabesb
' '
::' '
,excutsionshe Lilled the
An cp.iclernic
of fevel hassetin,:intire
upperBarotu. orang .Iliia I'ingong'b' broilr'ei antd
t r v oo t h e rr e l a f i v e s. .' ' . ' . . ' :, i, . : . , , , , 1 ,
. A boatfulof refuseesfrom llutons' The Niahl'peoplehave',ndvbr'.been
hnsalriveclnntlthe ieopleare ru,rkin[ rcbuallv attackecl bv''Abau Jau. but
cl.enringsa shoi:bdistrunce.bdlorv,thi for:'malv' vearJ thiv'have beeii:kepr
fort. A largeinflux of l-rimb-ang pe{ in a stai66f suspettse'in
ple, at whose irantlsthe Pangirnri-Te- or reueatecl .
monggongof Brunei ratel,ysufferedn of thbse'people.'rbmovdtf io Biniulu'
roilulse,is expecieilshortly,fhey aro som'eyeaisago, ttrey'irdve"'norvre-'
reporfedto be rb[iring toryorclsthe iurried. --
border,' their" tlestination being a
branchs[reamof the Baram.the Tntri.
PrrngilariDipa, of Brunei, iras seni a
rness&geexpresginga desire to re-
.movcinto ths Baram,if the Govern.
ment rvill permit.irimto resideaf 'Pel
galainnan?l,rviliiexeinptiliimand his'
fo*llolelsfrotn pilyingexemptio{r tqr,,,

I{any peoplc are no\Y removing

bncli fronr Biutuln anrl' othel places,
rvhere they ilnd. tahen refugei
thc l.]ir,r'nntdisbricLryae to Sa-
nnd'rvheril the
rir,\T&li, harl
bcetrlcsitling for thc past eight iears.

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