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Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

1. Which of the following commands show the patches installed?

a. pkginfo
b. patchadd –p
c. showrev –p
d. patchinfo
Answer: b and c

2. What does "R" means in the S column of the output of "ps" command?
a. The process is running.
b. The process is on the running queue.
c. This process is a regular process.
d. This is a sleeping process.
Answer: a

3. Which command in PROM mode can display the default Boot device that system boot
a. banner
b. probe-scsi
c. devaliase
d. printenv
Answer: d

4. Which system is installed automatically while Solaris is being installed?

a. core
b. entire system
c. development
d. end-user
Answer: a

5. Which statement is true about the file /etc/hosts?

a. It gives the hosts' name and their IP addresses.
b. Any user can modify it.
c. It is created automatically when adding a new user.
d. It is created automatically when installing system.
Answer: a and d

6. Which statement is true about IP address?

a. It consists of digital number separated by dot.
b. It consists of letters, slash, dash, not digital numbers.
c. It is used for searching network resources.
d. It is used for searching network machines.
Answer: a and d 1 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

7. What is the contents in /etc/skel?

a. template of shell scripts.
b. default login scripts.
c. kernel system files.
d. host's name information.
Answer: a

8. Which of the following commands shows the processes associated with the local
a. ps -e
b. ps -ef
c. ps -a
d. ps
Answer: c

9. What is the content of file /etc/nodename?

a. the domain name.
b. the machine host name.
c. the network name that the machine is connected to.
d. the remote machine name.
Answer: b

10. Which command displays the all files with one screen full a time?
a. ls -la | more
b. ls -la: more
c. ls –ls
d. ls -la more
Answer: a

11. How is the error message processed if the print daemon encounter a problem when a
user sends a file to the printer?
a. display the message on the console or mail the message to administrator.
b. display the message on the console and mail the message to the user sending the job.
c. display the message on console only.
d. mail the message to the user only.
Answer: c

12. What's the software package cluster?

a. a logical collection of related software packages.
b. unbundle software packages.
c. a collection of all software packages.
d. a collection of various files and directories.
Answer: a 2 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

13. What should I modify if I would like to change the password aging period?
a. /etc/shadow
b. /etc/password
c. /etc/default/passwd
d. /etc/inetinit
Answer: c

14. Which command(s) can raise the priority of a user process?

a. kill -USR1
b. nice
c. priocntl
d. raise
Answer: b and c

15. A file permission is listed as following : -rw-rw-r-filen Which commands do not

change its permission?
a. chmod u-w filen
b. chmod u-x filen
c. chmod g-w filen
d. chmod g-x filen
Answer: b and d

16. What's the default file and directory permission?

a. 644 and 766
b. 644 and 755
c. 655 and 766
d. 655 and 755
Answer: b

17. Which file system is for unbundle third-part software package?

a. /etc
b. /usr
c. /opt
d. /(root)
Answer: c

18. What's the meaning of the following command? - uuencode file.tar.Z file.tar.Z | mail
-s "file.tar.Z" user@machine
a. compresses the file and mails it to the user.
b. uncompresses the file and mails it to the user.
c. encodes the file and mails it to the user.
d. decodes the file and mails it to the user. Answer: c 3 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

19. What's the meaning of the command chmod 4750 filename?

a. set UID
b. set GID
c. set stick bit
d. unset UID
Answer: a

20. cp a b report, What does report mean?

a. a file
b. an option
c. a directory
d. a user name
Answer: c

21. Quick install installs which cluster of packages?

a. core
b. entire OS
c. developer's package
d. end-users' package
Answer: c

22. Cpio command can span multiple backup tapes.

a. True
b. False
Answer: a

23. Which command produces this: root console Fri Jul 9 10:24 - 10:50 (00:26)?
a. who
b. last
c. users
d. whoami Answer: b

24. In which order Bourne shell execute during login?

a. /etc/default/profile, $HOME/.profile
b. $HOME/.profile, $HOME/.login
c. /etc/profile, $HOME/.profile
d. /etc/profile, $HOME/.login
Answer: c

25. In Bourne shell, how to export variable?

a. export variable
b. export $variable
c. setenv variable
d. set variable Answer: a 4 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

26. In order to redefine available set of commands you can execute, which variable must
you modify?
d. PS1
Answer: b

27. What does the r mean in the following file permission for the owner? -rw-r-----
a. cannot read
b. read only
c. readable
d. can execute
Answer: c

28. What can verify the accuracy and integrity of a software package?
a. pkgchk
b. pkgchk –l
c. pkginfo –l
d. pkginfo –v
Answer: a

29. What is the usage of an inode?

a. stores the file type
b. stores the file size
c. stores the content of the file or directory
d. None of above
Answer: a and b

30. In order to monitor system message on the console, uncomment

CONSOLE=/dev/console in which file?
a. /etc/default/su
b. /etc/default/login
c. /etc/default/init
d. /etc/default/passwd
Answer: a

31. On name service form, if you choose "Specify hostname of server", what you must
provide (during installation when you choose NIS+)?
a. server's domain
b. server's hostname
c. server's IP address
d. server's Ethernet address
Answer: b and c 5 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

32. In addition to the word login, what does initial login prompt include? (It means the
prompt before login)
a. home directory
b. default shell
c. host name
d. working directory
Answer: c

33. Which are valid printer port?

a. /dev/term/a
b. /dev/term/b
c. /dev/term/ttya
d. /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3
Answer: a and b

34. Which files you can use to add mail aliases?

a. ~/.Mailrc
b. /etc/mail
c. /etc/aliases
d. ~/.aliases
Answer: a and c

35. Which of the following are the valid software configuration cluster?
a. Core
b. End User
c. Enterprise
d. Developer
Answer: a, b and d

36. Which command display login, logout information?

a. last
b. who
c. whodo
d. uname
Answer: a

37. What standard default file permission?

a. rw-r--r—
b. rwxr-xr—
c. rw---x-x
d. rwxrwxrwx
Answer: a 6 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

38. When receiving an encoded mail, how to read it?

a. nothing. Save it to a file will be readable automatically.
b. save it to a file, then uncompress it.
c. save to a file, then uudecode the file.
d. save to a file, then crypt the file.
Answer: c

39. Which file is command to both Bourne and Korn shell?

a. profile
b. cshrc
c. login
Answer: a

8 How to use rcp:

a. rcp file remote_host /tmp
b. rcp
c. rcp remote_host file /tmp
d. rcp file remote_host:/tmp
Answer: d

40. In Bourne shell, set 1234=4567, which one is variable:

a. 1234
b. 4567
c. set
d. set and 1234
Answer: a

41. Which error message this command will generate: cd /usr/bin ~letters?
a. Too many arguments.
b. No such directory.
Answer: a

42. Which Bourne shell command changes to your login directory?

a. cd
b. cd ~
c. cd /home
d. cd $HOME
Answer: a,b and d

43. What "#rsh machinename" does?

a. create a remote shell on local machine
b. log user into a remote shell
c. log user into the remote machine
d. run a command on the remote machine, then exit Answer: c 7 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

44. Which command is used to show user and group information of a user?
a. id
b. whoami
c. who
d. whodo
Answer: a

45. How to get date information into day variable in Bourne shell?
a. day=`date`
b. day='date'
c. day="date"
Answer: a

46. Which option of patchadd command does not backup the files to be patched?
a. –u
b. –f
c. –v
Answer: a

47. How to display disk usage in terms of kilobyte?

a. df –k
b. du –k
c. df
d. du
Answer: a

48. What does .login commonly have?

a. environment variables
b. shell variables
Answer: a

49. Why environment variables are defined in .login?

a. Since environment are inherited from .login
b. Since .login is executed when each shell is started
Answer: a

50. The reason why Solaris is distributive is that:

a. use of resources across network
b. distribution of computers on network
c. more than on person can access one file at the same time
Answer: a 8 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

51. Shell is:

a. interpreter and translator
b. carry out user requests
c. act as a programming language only
Answer: a

52. In Bourne shell, how to set values to PATH?

a. PATH=dir1:dir2:dir3
b. PATH="dir1 dir2 dir3"
c. set PATH=(dir1 dir2 dir3)
Answer: a

53. How to quit vi without saving changes?

a. :q!
b. :q
c. :ZZ
d. ctrl-d
Answer: a

54. How many lines head/tail will display by default?

a. 10 lines
b. 5 lines
c. 25 lines
Answer: a

55. How to use find to find a file under /usr directory and print its absolute path?
a. find /usr -name filename –print
b. find /usr -name filename
Answer: a

56. Environment variables are known in all _____ created after the variable defined.
a. sub-shells
b. aliases
c. processes
d. jobs
Answer: a

57. Which files control access to cron utility?

a. /etc/cron.d/cron.allow and /etc/cron.d/cron.deny
b. /var/spool/cron, /var/spool/cron/crontabs
Answer: a 9 [email protected]
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58. Kernel is for:

a. device management
b. file storage
c. translating user requests
Answer: a

59. How to list users who login on local area network?

a. rup
b. rlogin
c. rusers
d. finger
Answer: c

60. Which command(s) does not integrate incremental backup feature?

a. Tar
b. cpio
c. ufsdump
d. dd
Answer: a and b

61. Password is verified against which file?

a. /etc/shadow
b. /etc/passwd
Answer: a

62. How to terminate an application?

a. Ctrl-c
b. kill command
c. quit from window for any window applications
d. suspend command
Answer: A&B&C

63. In this file structure, how to remove ~ report" directory?


report recipe

homework labs

a. rm -r report
b. rmdir report
c. rm report
Answer: a 10 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

64. Which directory does "cd .." change to?

a. parent directory
b. child directory
c. home directory
d. root directory
Answer: a

65. What permissions are needed to change to a directory and list its contents?
a. r—
b. rw-
c. r-x
Answer: c

66. In Bourne shell, how to assign value to variable EDITOR?

a. EDITOR=/bin/vi
b. set EDITOR /bin/vi
Answer: a

67. The right way to use these two commands: chown, chgrp
a. chown new_owner filename
b. chown filename new_owner
c. chgrp new_group filename
d. chgrp filename new_group
Answer: a and c

68. In relative path, which is the default in the directory hierarchy?

a. look down the directory
b. look up the directory
Answer: a

69. Which function is not performed by /etc/group file?

a. assign secondary groups for users
b. assign a name to primary groups
c. provide a special group for super user privilege
Answer: b

70. Which daemon may execute commands repeatedly?

a. cron
b. at
c. cronat
d. crontab
Answer: a 11 [email protected]
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71. Which command removes print jobs?

a. cancel
b. enable
c. stop
Answer: a

72. What is the correct format of crontab file?

a. time, date, command
b. time, owner, command
Answer: a

73. After reading and quitting from mail, the mail file is saved in:
a. mbox
b. inbox
c. .mailx
Answer: a

74. Which file has login ID and other user information?

a. /etc/passwd
b. /etc/hosts
c. /etc/group
Answer: a

75. Which directories you can include in your search path?

a. any directory
b. only those owned by root, lp and you
Answer: a

76. Which one add the backing up command into cron:(in fact vi)?
a. crontab –e 59 23 * * 1-5 tar cvf /home/davis :wq
b. crontab 59 23 * * 1-5 tar cvf /home/davis
Answer: a

77. The fragment size of a UFS file system is:

a. 512 bytes
b. 1024 bytes
c. 2048 bytes
d. 4096 bytes
Answer: b 12 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

78. Which command display file size in kilobyte?

a. df
b. df –k
c. du
d. du –k
Answer: d

79. Which statement is true when umask 022 to umask 027?

a. more secure
b. new created files don't have write permission for others
c. new created files have write permission for others
Answer: a and b

80. Which statement is true for chown -R user1 /export/home/user1?

a. only /export/home/user1 is owned by user1
b. all files and directories in /export/home/user1 are owned by user1
c. all files and directories in /export/home/user1 are owned by user1, including
Answer: c

81. What is the Internet class for IP

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Answer: C

82. Which command to stop entire LP services?

a. /etc/init.d/lp stop
b. lp –d
c. cancel
d. lpadmin –d
Answer: a

83. Which hardware and software are needed to do a remote login and copy?
a. Ethernet
b. NFS
d. NIS+
Answer: a and c 13 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

84. How to display current shell process?

a. ps –aux
b. ps –ef
c. ps
d. ps –el
Answer: c

85. Which command can delete /export/app/report directory in /export/app directory?

a. rm -r report
b. rmdir report
c. rm report
d. rmdir /export/app/report
Answer: a

86. Which command can print an e-mail to a printer?

a. ? lp
b. ? number lp
c. ? 1lp
d. ? number | lp
Answer: a and c

87. Which PROM command shows the default boot device?

a. echo
b. nvalias
c. devalias
d. printenv
Answer: d

88. Which command show all mounted file systems?

a. mount
b. mountall
c. umount
d. umountall
Answer: a

89. Which environment variable is used to set default printer?

Answer: c 14 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

90. Which of the following executes a task at 7:00pm once?

a. at 7:00pm task
b. at 1900
at> task
c. at 7:00pm
at> task
at> ctrl-d
d. at 1900
at> ctrl-d
Answer: c

91. lpstat -d means:

a. delete a printing request
b. show default printer
c. print a file
d. show printing requests on destination printer
Answer: b

92. Which command list hidden files?

a. ls –l
b. ls –a
c. ls –h
d. ls –IF
Answer: b

93. How to use on-line help?

a. help
b. help login
c. cat login
d. man login
Answer: d

94. Where is the printer information directory or files?

a. /etc/printcap
b. /dev/term/a
c. /usr/share/lib/terminfo/e
d. /usr/lib/printinfo/e
Answer: c 15 [email protected]
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95. # lpmove stock sparc means:

a. move all print requests from stock to sparc
b. move all root printing requests from stock to sparc
c. move printing request stock to printer sparc
Answer: a

96. Which command can edit a file?

a. vi file
b. vi -p file
c. vi -r file
d. vi
Answer: a and c

97. Which daemon check the crontab during the initialization?

a. cron.d
b. crontab.d
c. cron
d. crond
Answer: c

98. How to find all files in the system belong to user X?

a. find /-owner X –print
b. find /-user X –print
c. find /-name user X –print
d. find /-name X –print
Answer: b

99. You should change which file in the remote machine if you want to login and do not need
to input password?
a. /etc/hosts.equiv
b. $HOME/ .rhosts
c. /home/ .rhosts
d. / .rhosts
Answer: b

100. When you install a machine, which partitions are default included?
a. /opt
b. /usr
c. /var
d. /
Answer: b and d 16 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

101. Which variables are automatically setup when you login?

Answer: a,b and c

102. Which command are correct when you boot from CDROM?
a. > boot cdrom
b. > b sd (0,30,1)
c. ok boot cdrom
d. > b sd (0,6,2)
Answer: c

103. What is a partition of a disk?

a. a sector in a disk
b. a slice in a disk
c. a track in a disk
d. a cylinder in a disk
Answer: b

104. What is illegal character in host name?

a. letter
b. number
c. slash (/)
d. underscore (_)
Answer: c

105. What shells are provided by default Solaris installation?

a. csh
b. tcsh
c. ksh
d. sh
e. bash
Answer: a,c and d

106. What is the top directory of the file system?

a. $home
b. /
c. parent directory
d. ~ home
Answer: b

107. What "lp -d X Y" mean? 17 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

a. show default printer

b. show the queue of printer X
c. print file Y in printer X
d. remove print request X and Y
Answer: c

108. Who can use chmod 2750 filename command?

a. superuser
b. group manager
c. anyone in the group
d. the file owner
Answer: d

109. How to list crontab?

a. as root, run crontab –1
b. as regular user, run crontab –1
c. as root, run /etc/default/cron/root
d. as regular user, run crontab –e
Answer: a and b

110. What type are CDROM file?

a. pipe
b. symbolic link
c. character
d. block
Answer: c

111. Which file contains the characteristics definition of printers stored?

a. /usr/share/lib/terminfo
b. /usr/share/lib/termcap
c. /usr/share/lib/printer
d. /etc/default/printer
Answer: a

112. What does t mean in -rwx-----t?

a. readable
b. searchable
c. setgid
d. sticky bit
Answer: d 18 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

113. What is the correct sequence of file type?

a. owner other group
b. other group owner
c. owner group other
d. group other owner
Answer: c

114. What does r-x mean? dr-xr-xr-x -r-xr-xr-x

a. writable, executable
b. readable, searchable
c. readable, executable
d. read only
Answer: b and c

115. Who can remove print job?

a. root
b. file owner
c. job owner
Answer: a and b

116. What is standard output?

a. tap
b. terminal
c. printer
d. cdrom
Answer: b

117. How can you send mail in command line?

a. mail -s "hi" username
b. mail username
c. mail username filename
d. mail username@machinename < filename
Answer: d

118. What does ps do without option?

a. all jobs
b. all process
c. all jobs belong to the user
d. all process belong to the user
Answer: c 19 [email protected]
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119. What is correct about at?

a. execute once only
b. put a file at a location
c. schedule a event
Answer: a and c

120. Solaris supports:

a. Korn, Bourne, C shells
b. C shell is obsolete, not supported
c. Bourne shell is obsolete, not supported
d. Born shell is officially supported shell
Answer: a

121. Root user is

a. User ID=0, Group ID=0
b. User ID=1, Group ID=0
c. User ID=0, Group ID=1
d. User ID=1, Group ID=1
Answer: c

122. What affect does setting ignoreeof environment variable have?

a. Shell will ignore Control-D, so you cat not log out with it
b. can not end letter using mail command since Control-D will be ignored
Answer: a

123. Which commands will create a file?

a. touch filename
b. cat filename
c. ls filename
d. cat blah > filename
Answer: a and d

124. Which database must have entries for printer types in order for printers to work?
a. /usr/terminfo
b. /usr/termcap
c. /usr/share/lib/terminfo
d. /usr/share/lib/termcap
Answer: c

125. You want to print a file with the highest priority, how do you do this?
a. lp -q 0 filename
b. lp -q high filename
c. lp -q immediate filename
d. lp –q Answer: a 20 [email protected]
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126. You want to print three copies of a file, how do you do this?
a. lp -3 file
b. lp -n 3 file
c. lp.....
Answer: b

127. What is the difference between at and crontab?

a. crontab jobs scheduled to run once, at jobs scheduled to run many times
b. crontab is the scheduler, at executes the commands
c. at is the scheduler, crontab executes the commands
d. crontab jobs are scheduled to run many times, at jobs are scheduled to run once.
Answer: d

128. The cron daemon:

a. schedules jobs to run
b. executes jobs to run
Answer: b

129. When does this job remove all core files? 0 2 3 * 1 find /-name core -exec rm { }
a. runs Monday at 2:00 am
b. runs Sunday at 2:00am
c. runs Monday at two minutes after midnight
d. runs Sunday at two minutes after midnight
Answer: a

130. Homer wants to backup his home directory Monday-Friday,

which cron job will do this?
a. 0 4 * * 2-6 tar cf /dev/rmt/0 /home/homer
b. 0 4 * * 1-5 tar cf /dev/rmt/0 /home/homer
c. 0 4 * 1-5 * tar cf /dev/rmt/0 /home/homer
d. 0 4 * 1-30 * tar cf /dev/rmt/0 /home/homer
Answer: b

131. Which commands are correct?

a. ls /usr/local/bin –l
b. pwd cd
c. cd ..
d. rm -i *
Answer: c and d 21 [email protected]
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132. A tree of directories and files is called:

a. a file system
b. a cluster
c. a hard drive
Answer: a

133. In this directory what is the relationship between foo and stuff?
/ \
blah foo
a. stuff is child, foo is parent
b. stuff is child, foo is child
c. stuff is parent, foo is parent
d. stuff is parent, foo is child
Answer: d

134. The current directory is foo, how do I get to stuff?

/ \
blah foo
a. cd /usr/stuff
b. cd ../stuff
c. cd. .
d. cd stuff
Answer: c

135. Which command prints the current directory name?

a. ls
b. cd
c. pwd
d. cat
Answer: c

136. Which command displays shell variables for Borne and C shell?
a. env
b. printenv
c. set
d. list
Answer: a 22 [email protected]
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137. Which commands copies files between hosts?

a. rcp
b. rsh
c. ftp
d. telnet
Answer: a and c

138. If a machine has /directory, but using /usr and /export/home somewhere else, then this
machine is:
a. dataless
b. diskless
c. standalone
Answer: a

139. In Vi, which of the following is used for searching a string?

a. %
b. :
c. ~
d. ?
Answer: d

140. The boot server is used to boot what kind of terminal?

a. dumb terminal
b. diskless
c. dataless
d. standalone
Answer: b

141. Which of the following create a new file?

a. touch newfile
b. cat oldfile > newfile
c. cp oldfile
d. cat oldfile | newfile
Answer: a and b

142. Which command are legal?

a. ls filename –l
b. head –10
c. head -20 /dev/filename
d. mv -i *
Answer: c 23 [email protected]
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143. Which of the following evaluate the command literally?

a. back quote (` `)
b. double quote (" ")
c. single quote (' ')
d. parentheses (( ))
Answer: a

144. The stick bit has NO effect to which of the following?

a. file owner
b. any member of the group
c. anybody access the directory
Answer: a

145. Root user is:

a. user ID=0, group ID=0
b. user ID=0, group ID=1
c. user ID=1, group ID=0
d. user ID=1, group ID=1
Answer: b

146. Which of the following controls the root login policy?

a. /etc/default/su
b. /etc/default/login
Answer: a

147. Which of the following command copy files to remote system?

a. rcp
b. rsh
c. ftp
d. telnet
Answer: a

148. Which of the following will increase the reliability of email transmission?
a. encoding
b. decoding
c. compressing
d. uncompressing
Answer: c 24 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

Which of the followings will find a file whose size is larger than 1 kilobytes?
a. find /export/home -size +2
b. find /export/home -size +1024
c. find /export/home -size +1
Answer: a

150. Which of the following put the print request to the highest priority?
a. lp -q 0 filename
b. lp -q top filename
c. lp -q immediate filename
d. lp -q high filename
Answer: a

151. Which of the following controls the access to cron utility?

a. /etc/cron/crontab.enable
b. /etc/cron.d/crontab.enable
c. /etc/cron/crontab.deny
d. /etc/cron.d/crontab.deny
Answer: a and d

152. For files /etc/hosts.equiv and $HOME/.rhosts, which is true:

a. created by superuser only
b. related to system security
c. created by default during the installation
d. run first during install
Answer: b

153. Your login is to log into:

a. administrator
b. operation system
c. home
d. company
Answer: c

154. How to read an encoded file:

a. uncompress
b. undecode
c. unencrypt
d. uudecode
Answer: d 25 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

155. In Bourne shell how to set a path?

a. set PATH=/dir1:/dir2:/dir3
b. set PATH=(dir1 dir2 dir3)
c. PATH=/dir1:/dir2:/dir3
d. PATH=/dir1 /dir2 /dir3
Answer: c

156. Which print command is used in an e-mail?

a . ? lp
b. ? | number lp
c. ? | lp
d. number | lp
Answer: c

157. Which of the following is not a valid /etc/hosts entry?

a. jupiter
b. saturn
c. venus
d. mars
e. mercury
Answer: a

158. What is the command to quit and discard any changes in the vi text editor?
a. :wq!
b. :w!
c. :q!
d. :q
Answer: c

159. What is the command to search for files and their full paths? Answer: find
Suppose carrot is the current working directory, what is the command to switch to the yam

Cabbage lettuce

carrot tomato yam onion

a. cd .././../../lettuce/yam
b. cd ../cabbage/vegetable/lettuce/yam
c. cd ../../lettuce/yam
d. cd /vegetable/lettuce/yam
e. cd vegetable/lettuce/yam
Answer: c and d 26 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

160. What is the default NIS+ security level?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
Answer: c

161. Consider the following: # cp /etc/rc2.d/S22mylp /etc/rc2.d/.S22mylp.orig

a. There is a problem, because init will execute both run control files at startup.
b. There is a problem, because init will get confused and fail to run at startup.
c. This is not a problem, because S22mylp and .S22mylp.orig will cancel each other out when
init executes both files at startup.
d. This is not a problem, because .S22mylp.orig will not be executed by init at all at startup.
Answer: d

162. Where is the ASCII definition database which describes the capabilities of terminals
and printers?
a. /etc/termcap
b. /usr/share/lib/terminfo
c. /etc/terminfo
d. /usr/lib/termcap
Answer: b

163. Consider the following:

# pmadm -a -p zsmon -s a -i root -fu -v `ttyadm -V` -m "`ttyadm -l 9600 -d /dev/term/a -i
'terminal disabled' -s /usr/bin/login -T tvi925 -S y`"
What does the option "-S y" stand for?
a. Enable the "S"erial port /dev/term/a.
b. Enable "S"oftware flow control.
c. Enable "S"oftware carrier.
d. "S"ave the setup to /etc/saf/zsmon/_pmtab
Answer: c

164. Which Sun system will halt and poweroff when "init 5" is executed?
a. sun3
b. sun4
c. sun4c
d. sun4m
e. sun4d
Answer: d

What does the command "df -k" do?
a. It shows the size of each file partition in byte. 27 [email protected]
Sun Certifie d Solaris 8 Administrator Test Part I Brain Dumps

b. It shows the size of each file partition in megabyte.

c. It shows the size of folders and files in your home directory in kilobyte.
d. It shows the amount of disk usage in percentage.
Answer: d

166. Which of the following are serial devices?

a. CPU
b. memory
c. terminal
d. printer
Answer: c and d 28 [email protected]

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