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第一組學習單 組員姓名:___________________ 學號:___________________________

1. According to the picture, what do people do 2. What is the symbol of marigold?

on/ before the Day of the Dead?

第二組學習單 組員姓名:___________________ 學號:___________________________

1. What is this? 2. Some key offerings and the meaning
____________________________ lantern:
Some key offerings and the meaning



paper picado:

第三組學習單 組員姓名:___________________ 學號:___________________________

1. Ofrenda: 2.Why does everyone dress like this?
Some key offerings and the meaning Who create this in 19 century?
Calavera de azucar (sugarskull): meaning:

pan de muerto:

第四組學習單 組員姓名:___________________ 學號:___________________________

1. What is it? 2. According to the picture, what do people do on/
Alebrijes before the Day of the Dead?
What’s the story about it? do: Write calaveras literarias

第五組學習單 組員姓名:___________________ 學號:___________________________

1. Who is she? (Introduce an important 2. Why is there often a monkey beside Frida
Mexican painter) Kahlo? What is the symbol of the monkey?
Frida Kahlo
art style:

第六組學習單 組員姓名:___________________ 學號:___________________________

1. What is it? 2. According to the picture, what do people do on/
Xoloitzcuintle before the Day of the Dead?
Why is Xoloitzcuintle so important? do: Make Day of the Dead mask
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Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL

Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL

Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL

Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL
Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL

Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL

Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL Reflection sheet for ESL

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