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Inspection, Inquiry and

The Companies Act, 2013
Law Enforcement under the CA, 2013
• Powers to ROC and Inspectors to make enquires,
inspections and investigations

• Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO)- a separate agency

for investigation of corporate frauds.

• NCLT- powers of High court, CLB and BIFR has been

transferred to NCLT.

• NCLAT for hearing appeal against NCLT orders.

• Special Courts for speedy trial of offences under the Act.

03-05-2020 ANIL SHARMA

Inspection, Inquiry and investigation
• Chapter XIV – Sections 206 to 229.
• The Companies (Inspection, Investigation and Inquiry)
rules, 2014.
• Companies(Arrest in Connection with Investigation by
SFIO) rules, 2017.
• National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016.
• National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Rules,
• Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
• Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973(relating to search
and seizure).

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Section 206(1)-Power to call for information,
inspect books and conduct inquiries.
• Where on a scrutiny of any document filed by a
company or on any information received by him,
the Registrar is of the opinion that any further
information or explanation or any further
documents relating to the company is necessary,
he may by a written notice require the company—
– (a) to furnish in writing such information or
explanation; or
– (b) to produce such documents, within such
reasonable time, as may be specified in the notice.
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Sec 206(4): Ground for Conducting Inquiry
• On the basis of the information available or furnished or
representations made by any person, the Registrar is satisfied
• (a) the business of the company is being carried on for a
fraudulent or unlawful purpose, or not in compliance with the
provisions of this Act; or
• (b) Investor’s grievances are not being addressed,
• the Registrar may after informing the company of the allegations
made against it, require through a written order to furnish in
writing any information or explanation within the specified time.
Thereupon, the Registrar may conduct such inquiry as he deems
fit after giving the company a reasonable opportunity of being

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Section 206-Power to inspect books and papers.

• (5) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions

of this section, the Central Government may, if it is
satisfied that the circumstances so warrant, direct
inspection of books and papers of a company by
an inspector appointed by it for the purpose.
• (6) The Central Government may, having regard to
the circumstances by general or special order,
authorise any statutory authority to carry out the
inspection of books of account of a company or
class of companies.
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Sec 207: Conduct of inquiry and inspection

• (i) Duty of every director and officer of the

company to render assistance to the Registrar or
• (ii) Right of Registrar or Inspector to take copies of
books of account.
• (iii) Registrar or Inspector to have the powers of
civil court as provided in the Civil Procedure Code,
1908 whole trying a suit.

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Sec 209: Search and Seizure by ROC/Inspector
• If the Registrar or Inspector has reasonable ground to believe that the
books and papers of a company, or relating to key managerial personnel
or any director or auditor or company secretary in practice of company
has not appointed a company secretary, are likely to be destroyed,
mutilated, altered, falsified or secreted he may, after obtaining an order
from the special court:
• (a) enter with such assistance as may be required and search the place
where such books or papers are kept; and
• (b) seize such books and papers as he considers necessary after allowing
the company to take copies or extracts there from.
• The seized books and papers shall be returned to the company within a
period which is not later than 180 days of the date of seizure.
• However, the books and papers may be again called for by the Registrar or
Inspector for a further period of 180 days.
• Before returning the books and papers, the Registrar or Inspector may
take copies or extracts from them or place identification marks thereon or
deal with them in such manner as he considers necessary.

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Sec 208: Report by ROC to CG

• After the inspection of books of account or inquiry

under Section 206 and other books and papers
under section 207, the Registrar shall submit a
written report to the Central Government. The
report may recommend the need for further
investigation along with reasons in support.

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Section 210- Investigation into affairs of company

• Where the Central Government is of the opinion, that

it is necessary to investigate into the affairs of a
– (a) on the receipt of a report of the Registrar or inspector
under section 208;
– (b) on intimation of a special resolution passed by a
company that the affairs of the company ought to be
investigated; or
– (c) in public interest,
• it may order an investigation into the affairs of the
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Sec 211 - Serious Fraud Investigation Office
• Central Govt. to establish SFIO to investigate frauds
relating to companies.
• Until the SFIO is established u/s 211, the SFIO set-
up by the Central Government in terms of the GOI
Resolution 45011/16/2003 shall be deemed to be
the SFIO for the purpose of this section.
• SFIO was established through the Government of
India vide Notification NO. S.O. 2005(E) dated
21.07. 2015.
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Section 211-Constitution of SFIO
• (2) SFIO is headed by a Director and consist of such number
of experts from the following fields to be appointed by the
Central Government from amongst persons of ability,
integrity and experience in,—
– (i) banking; (ii) corporate affairs; (iii) taxation; (iv) forensic audit;
– (v) capital market; (vi) information technology;
– (vii) law; or (viii) such other fields as may be prescribed.

• (3) Director in the SFIO who shall be an officer not below

the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India
having knowledge and experience in dealing with matters
relating to corporate affairs.

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Section 212-Invetigation in the affairs of company by
• (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of section 210, where
the Central Government is of the opinion, that it is necessary to
investigate into the affairs of a company by the SFIO—
– (a) on receipt of a report of the Registrar or Inspector under section
– (b) on intimation of a special resolution passed by a company that its
affairs are required to be investigated;
– (c) in the public interest; or
– (d) on request from any Department of the Central Government or a
State Government,
• the Central Government may, by order, assign the investigation
into the affairs of the said company to the SFIO and its Director,
may designate such number of inspectors, as he may consider
necessary for the purpose of such investigation.

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Jurisdiction of SFIO
• Sec 212(2): Where any case has been assigned by the
Central Government to SFIO, no other investigating agency
of Central Government or any State Government shall
proceed with investigation in such case in respect of any
offence under this Act .
• Sec 226:

• Sec 227:

• It enjoins upon any other investigating agency, State

Government, police authority or income tax authorities to
provide all such information or documents available with
them to the SFIO when it is investigating any offence under
the Act.
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Sec 213: Investigation into company’s affairs in
other cases
The tribunal may on application made by
– (i) not less than one hundred members or members holding not less
than one-tenth of the total voting power, in the case of a company
having a share capital; or
– (ii) not less than one-fifth of the persons on the company’s register of
members, in the case of a company having no share capital,
• and supported by such evidence as may be necessary for the
purpose of showing that the applicants have good reasons for
seeking an order for conducting an investigation into the affairs
of the company order, after giving a reasonable opportunity of
being heard to the parties concerned, that the affairs of the
company ought to be investigated by an inspector or inspectors
appointed by the Central Government.

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Sec 213: Investigation into company’s affairs in
other cases
• The Tribunal may on application made by:
• any other person or otherwise, if it is satisfied that there are circumstances
suggesting that—
• (i) the business of the company is being conducted with intent to defraud its
creditors, members or any other person or otherwise for a fraudulent or
unlawful purpose, or in a manner oppressive to any of its members or that the
company was formed for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose;
• (ii) persons concerned in the formation of the company or the management of its
affairs have in connection therewith been guilty of fraud, misfeasance or other
misconduct towards the company or towards any of its members; or
• (iii) the members of the company have not been given all the information with
respect to its affairs which they might reasonably expect, including information
relating to the calculation of the commission payable to a managing or other
director, or the manager, of the company, order, after giving a reasonable
opportunity of being heard to the parties concerned, that the affairs of the
company ought to be investigated by an inspector or inspectors appointed by the
Central Government.

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Sec 213: Investigation into company’s
affairs in other cases- action on report
• if after investigation it is proved that—
• (i) the business of the company is being conducted with intent to
defraud its creditors, members or any other persons or
otherwise for a fraudulent or unlawful purpose, or that the
company was formed for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose; or
• (ii) any person concerned in the formation of the company or the
management of its affairs have in connection therewith been
guilty of fraud,
• then, every officer of the company who is in default and the
person or persons concerned in the formation of the company or
the management of its affairs shall be punishable for fraud in the
manner as provided in section 447.

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Sec 216: Investigation of ownership of company
• Where it appears to the Central Government that there is a reason so to do, it
may appoint one or more inspectors to investigate and report on matters relating
to the company, and its membership for the purpose of determining the true
• (a) who are or have been financially interested in the success or failure, whether
real or apparent, of the company; or 140

• (b) who are or have been able to control or to materially influence the policy of
the 1[company; or].
• 2[(c) who have or had beneficial interest in shares of a company or who are or
have been beneficial owners or significant beneficial owner of a company].
• (2) Without prejudice to its powers under sub-section (1), the Central
Government shall appoint one or more inspectors under that sub-section, if the
Tribunal, in the course of any proceeding before it, directs by an order that the
affairs of the company ought to be investigated as regards the membership of
the company and other matters relating to the company,

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Sec 219: investigation into the affairs of related
• If an inspector appointed under section 210 or section 212 or section 213 to investigate
into the affairs of a company considers it necessary for the purposes of the investigation,
to investigate also the affairs of— 143

• (a) any other body corporate which is, or has at any relevant time been the company’s
subsidiary company or holding company, or a subsidiary company of its holding company;
• (b) any other body corporate which is, or has at any relevant time been managed by any
person as managing director or as manager, who is, or was, at the relevant time, the
managing director or the manager of the company;
• (c) any other body corporate whose Board of Directors comprises nominees of the
company or is accustomed to act in accordance with the directions or instructions of the
company or any of its directors; or
• (d) any person who is or has at any relevant time been the company’s managing director
or manager or employee,
• he shall, subject to the prior approval of the Central Government, investigate into and
report on the affairs of the other body corporate or of the managing director or manager,
in so far as he considers that the results of his investigation are relevant to the
investigation of the affairs of the company for which he is appointed.

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Sec 215: Firm, Body corporate or associations not be
appointed as inspector
• No firm, body corporate or other association shall
be appointed as an inspector.

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Sec 217: Powers of Inspectors
• (4)- An inspector may examine on oath—
– (a) any of the persons referred to in sub-section (1); and
– (b) with the prior approval of the Central Government, any other person, or
other body corporate or person, as the case may be, and for that purpose
may require any of those persons to appear before him personally,

• (5) the inspector, being an officer of the Central Government, shall have
all the powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, while trying a suit in respect of the following matters,
– (a) the discovery and production of books of account and other documents,
at such place and time as may be specified by such person;
– (b) summoning and enforcing the attendance of persons and examining them
on oath; and
– (c) inspection of any books, registers and other documents of the company at
any place

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Other Powers of Inspectors

• Sec 220: Seizure of documents by Inspector.

• Sec 221: Freezing of assets of company.
• Sec 222: Imposition on restrictions upon securities.

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Inspector’s Report
• Under Sec 212(14): On receipt of the investigation report, the Central
Government may, after examination of the report (and after taking such
legal advice, as it may think fit), direct the SFIO to initiate prosecution
against the company and its officers or employees or any other person
directly or indirectly connected with the affairs of the company.
• Under Sec 223:
• If the Central Government so directs, the Serious Frauds Investigation
Office shall submit an interim report to the Central Government. On
completion of investigation, the SFIO shall submit the Investigation Report
to the Central Government.
• The investigation report filed with the Special Court for framing of charges
shall be deemed to be a report filed by a police officer under section 173
of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

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Sec 224: Actions to be taken in pursuance of
Inspector’s Report
• If, from an inspector’s report, made under section
223, it appears to the Central Government that any
person has, in relation to the company or in relation
to any other body corporate or other person whose
affairs have been investigated under this Chapter
been guilty of any offence for which he is criminally
liable, the Central Government may prosecute such
person for the offence and it shall be the duty of all
officers and other employees of the company or body
corporate to give the Central Government the
necessary assistance in connection with the
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Sec 224: Actions to be taken in pursuance
of Inspector’s Report- disgorgement
• Where the report made by an inspector states that fraud
has taken place in a company and due to such fraud any
director, key managerial personnel, other officer of the
company or any other person or entity, has taken undue
advantage or benefit, whether in the form of any asset,
property or cash or in any other manner, the Central
Government may file an application before the Tribunal for
appropriate orders with regard to disgorgement of such
asset, property, or cash, as the case may be, and also for
holding such director, key managerial personnel, officer or
other person liable personally without any limitation of

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Sec 228:Investigation of Foreign Companies

• The provisions of this Chapter shall apply mutatis

mutandis to inspection, inquiry or investigation in
relation to foreign companies .

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Sec 229: Penalty for furnishing false statement, mutilation
and destruction of documents

• Where a person who is required to provide an explanation or make a

statement during the course of inspection, inquiry or investigation, or an
officer or other employee of a company or other body corporate which is
also under investigation,—
• (a) destroys, mutilates or falsifies, or conceals or tampers or unauthorised
removes, or is a party to the destruction, mutilation or falsification or
concealment or tampering or unauthorised removal of, documents
relating to the property, assets or affairs of the company or the body
• (b) makes, or is a party to the making of, a false entry in any document
concerning the company or body corporate; or
• (c) provides an explanation which is false or which he knows to be false,
• He shall be punishable for fraud in the manner as provided in section 447.

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Summary of Chapter XIV
S. No. Particulars Authority Section
1 Call for information and production of documents by ROC ROC 206(1)

2 Inquiry by ROC/Inspectors CG 206(4)

3 Inspection of Books and Papers by inspectors CG-RD 206(5)

4 Inspection of Books and Papers by statutory authority CG 206(6)

5 Investigation into affairs of company by inspectors CG 210

6 Investigation into affairs of company by SFIO CG 212

7 Investigation into affairs of company by inspectors as per the CG 213

orders of Tribunal

8 Investigation of ownership of company by inspectors on the CG 216

instruction of Tribunal

9 Investigation into affairs of related companies by Inspectors CG 219

10 Investigation etc. of foreign companies - 228

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