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Computer Systems Servicing (CSS) SHS GRADE 11

Quarter 3 - Module 1-W4&W5

Core Competency: Installing & Configuring Computer Systems
LO 03 – Install Operating System and Drivers for Peripherals & Devices
LO 04 – Install Application Software
TOPIC : Understanding Computer Systems
MATERIALS : Reading Text, Paper and Pen (If you have actual computer unit available with internet
Connectivity, the better)

• define Operating System (OS);
• identify the different Operating Systems; and
• install Operating System and Drivers for Peripheral/Devices & application software

Answer &
Direction: Write the letter of the best answer in the blank provided. submit this
Direction: Read carefully the questions and write the letter of your choice on the space provided. page. (W4-1)
1. A software which is used to manage computer resources, provides interface and utilize computer resources. a.
2. Operating System mostly preferred by graphic artist built by Apple and requires the users to by MAC system
3. In installing Windows 7, it requires you to enter the following:
a. Choose Language and other Preferences c. Accept Windows License Terms
b. Choose Physical Location to Install Windows d. All of the above
4. Free Operating System preferred by programmers.
5. Used by 90% of computer users. The dominant over the other Operating System
6. Important things to consider before installing Windows 7
a. Check the System Requirements c. Check Hardware and Software compatibility
b. Determine Disk Partitioning d. All of the above
7. To Edit your BIOS the common keys for accessing the Boot menu are:
a. Del, Esc. F2, F10 or F12 b Del, Enter, F5
b. Alpha Numeric keys d . Backspace
8. It enables the hardware devices to communicate with the computers Operating System.
a. Software b. Driver/Hardware c. Operating System d. Device Driver Software
9. Used by 90% of computer users. The dominant over the other Operating System
10. Device that needs driver
a. RAM b. Video Card c. Mouse d . Speakers

Looking Back to Your Lesson

Bootable flash drive is an external hard drive created with an Operating System that can be used to boot a desktop
computer or laptop replacing a Windows DVD installer. It is more popular now a days because is it quicker and more compact
compared to optical data carrier (CD or DVD).

Windows ISO image is essential in creating a Bootable flash drive. An ISO file that contains all setup needed for installation.
PowerISO and UltraISO are example tools we may use to create an ISO File.

The capacity of the USB drive is also important. A USB drive with at least 4GB of storage for a 32-bit OS or at least 8GB for a 64-bit

There are two methods to create a Bootable flash drive. It can be done manually or with the use of automated tools
such as WinToFlash and Rufus.

Activity 1: What is an Operating System?

Objective: Appreciate the importance of Operating System.
Material: Laptop, Desktop or Cellular Phone, Pen and Notebook Procedure:
1. Examine your cellphone or any laptop/desktop computers and write down the Operating System and
version installed.
2. What are the functions of the Operating System?
3. Which Operating system is best? Why?
4. List down the Android Mobile Operating System

1 2 3 4 Can you identify what operating systems those icons represent?

List it below.

erating System (OS) is a layer of software which is used to
manage computer resources. It also provides an interface, so
that users can utilize computer resources. It configures and
manages hardware to connect the components and the

Computer Operating System (OS) manages all of the software

and hardware on the computer. The OS coordinates all of this
to make use each program gets what it needs.


1. Memory Management - One of the main functions of OS is to manage the primary and secondary memory. All the
memory devices such as hard disk, pen drive etc. are managed by OS. Memory management keeps an eye
on each and every memory location, in any case either it is allocated or it is not allocated (free).
Memory allocation to the processes is also decided and checked by Operating System. It decides and checks
which process will obtain memory and at what time

2. Device Management - An OS with help of their respective drivers manages device communication.
o It Keep a track of all devices. This task is performed by I/O controller.
o It decides which process will get the device when and for how long.
o It allocates and de-allocates the device efficiently
3. Processor Management
In a multi-programming environment, it is OS who decides which process will get the processor when and for how
long. This task is called Process Scheduling. Following activities are done by Operating System for processor
o It keeps a track of processor tasking and checks the status of process. Traffic
controller performs this task.
o It allocates the processor and also de-allocates processor when a process is complete and not required.
4. Security - An OS by using password and other similar techniques prevents and checks unauthorized users
to access the data and program
5. Error Detection - By using various error detecting aids an operating system helps in prevention of errors.
6. Coordination among Software and Users - It Coordinates and assigns compilers, assemblers, interpreters and
other software to users. Controls System Performance. An OS records delays between a request and response of
the system.
7. Job accounting - It keeps a track of resources and jobs used by different users all the time.
8. File Management
In a file system, generally directories are organized for usage and easy navigation. Following activities are
performed by an OS under file management:
o It keeps a track of location, information, status etc. This collective is known
as File System.
o It decides who will get the resources.
o It allocates and de-allocates the resources.

Different Operating Systems

The three most popular operating systems are:

Windows is the dominant over the other two. 90% of computer users use Windows operating system.
Windows and MAC are expensive operating systems however, MAC OS requires the users to buy the MAC
systems (Macbook, Mac) built by Apple.
On the other hand, Linux is a free operating system.
Windows and MAC have similar file structures while Linux has a different code base (single file tree compared to
Windows and MAC's many directories)
Windows interface has a Start menu, Taskbar, System Tray, and the Windows Explore while Linux has easy to
switch interfaces.
Linux is most preferred by programmers, MAC is preferred by graphic artists, and Windows is preferred by gamers

Common Operating Systems

The following are common operating systems being used today:

Operating System for Mobile Devices

A mobile operating system is the software platform on top of which other programs can run on mobile devices.

Popular Mobile Operating Devices

Android OS (Google Inc.) - The Android mobile operating system is Google's open and free software stack that
includes an operating system, middleware and also key applications for use on mobile devices, including smartphones.
Updates for the open source Android mobile operating system have been developed under "dessert- inspired"
version names (Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich) with each new version
arriving in alphabetical order with new enhancements and improvements.

iPhone OS / iOS (Apple) - Apple's iPhone OS was originally developed for use on its iPhone devices. Now, the
mobile operating system is referred to as iOS and is supported on a number of Apple devices including the iPhone,
iPad, iPad 2 and iPod Touch. The iOS mobile operating system is available only on Apple's own manufactured devices
as the company does not license the OS for third-party hardware. Apple iOS is derived from Apple's Mac OS X
operating system.
Activity 2: Install Operating System
Objective: Install Operating System (OS) in accordance with established installation procedure.
Material: Pen and Notebook
1. What are the things to consider before installing the Operating System?
2. Write down the procedure in Installing the Operating System (Windows 7).

Here are some of the important things to consider before installing Windows 7.
1. Check System Requirements
2. Check Hardware and Software compatibility
3. Determine Disk Partitioning Options
4. Complete a Pre-Installation Checklist

Installing Windows 7

Edit your BIOS

1. Common keys for accessing the Boot Menu are Del, Esc, F2, F10 or F12, depending on the manufacturer of
the computer or motherboard. The specific key to press is usually specified on the computer’s startup screen.
2. Plug the USB Flash Drive into a USB port.

3. Choose the Boot Priority by going to the Boot menu 4. Press any key to boot

5. Windows 7 Installation Files to Load 6. The “Windows 7 boot” screen appears

7. The “Install Windows” window opens. Press Next unless 8. Click the Install Now to continue
you need to change the default settings
9. The “Setup is starting…” screen appears 10. Accept the Windows 7License Terms, Click Next

11. Click “Custom Advance” 12. The Windows 7 Advanced Drive Options will appear

13. Delete the Partition Windows is Installed On 14. Delete Other Operating System Related Partitions

15. Choose a Physical Location to Install Windows 7 16. Wait While Windows 7 is Installed (the machine will
On restart several time)
17. Wait for Windows 7 Setup to Complete 18. Enter the Windows 7 Product Key

19. Your Windows 7 Clean Install is Complete!

Note: For Windows 8.1 and

Windows 10, just follow same
procedure. You can watch videos
on YouTube to further enhance
your skills with regards to
installing Windows Operating

Answer &
Reflective Learning
page. (W4-2)

This activity will cover

Week 5
Activity 3: Device Driver
Objective: Value the function of Device Driver
Material: Pen and Notebook
1. What is the function of Device Driver?
2. List down the Computer Peripherals and hardware devices that needs to be installed.
3. Why is it important to install the Device Driver to your computers?

Device Driver
More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group of files that enable one or
more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system. Without drivers, the computer
would not be able to send and receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer.

What devices need drivers?

Hardware devices that are unknown by the operating system or that have features that are unknown by the operating
system all require drivers. Below is a list of hardware devices and peripherals that require drivers.
 Card reader  Network card  Tape drive
 Controller  Printer  USB devices
 Mother Board chipset  Scanner  Video card
 Modem  Sound card
What devices may not need drivers
Today's operating systems have a lot of generic drivers that allow hardware to work at a basic level without needing
drivers or software. However, if that device has features unknown to the operating system, it will not work without
drivers. For example, you could plug any keyboard into a computer and expect it to work. However, if that keyboard
has any special keys or features, they will not work until the drivers are installed
 CPU  Joystick  RAM
 Disc drive  Keyboard  Speakers
 Fan  Mouse  Thumb drive
 Hard drive  Monitor  UPS
 Heat sink  Power supply

Activity 4: Install Device Driver

Objective: Install Driver Software in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and requirement
Material: Pen and Notebook
1. What are the several ways of Installing the Device Driver?
2. How do we check if the Device Driver is installed properly?

There are several ways to install device drivers.

1. Manufacturer’s DVD Installer – provided upon buying a computer, laptop or

2. Driverpack Solution – a free tool which

automatically finds proper drivers for a
computer, then downloads and installs it without wizards or
installation prompts.

Installing Device Driver using a Driver pack

Answer &
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page. (W5-1)
Software updates
Software updates are a way for software developers to fine-tune a product to make it the best it can be. They offer
small, frequent improvements rather than major changes. Unlike a software upgrade, updates need the existing software
program you’re using to work.
Updates sometimes run automatically in the background. Other times, software updates (commonly referred to as
‘patches’) come in the form of a free download. They’re usually necessary for your product to continue running
That’s because software updates address any new-found security issues, fix recently discovered bugs, and add support
for drivers and new hardware. They tweak and improve the way the program operates, but they don’t fundamentally
alter it.
Simply put, software updates modify, fix and alter your current software program on a regular basis. They’re the
software equivalent of keeping your bicycle oiled. It’s still the same bike, it just runs smoother.

Update your system software on Windows

1. Click the Windows icon in your task bar to open up the Start menu. (If you don't already know, this icon is in
the bottom left corner of your screen.)
2. Click "All Programs."
3. Click, "Windows Update."
4. After Windows Update opens, click "Check for Updates" on the top left side of the window.
5. Once Windows finishes checking for updates, click the "Install" button.
6. When the updates have finished installing, restart your computer (if prompted).

Device Manager (Driver Update) – Can be

accessed by clicking Start> Computer>
Manage> Device Manager>. From here, each
component can have the option to: Update
Driver software and Disable, Uninstall
DOWNLOAD ONLINE -> look for unit’s brand,
model’s name and number.

Operating System a layer of software which

is used to manage computer resources,
provides an interface so that users can utilize
computer resources. It configures and
manages hardware to connect components
and the applications.

Make a video discussing on how to Install Window 7 Operating
System. Edit your raw video and add some effects to enhance it.
Criteria Points
Being able to discuss the complete steps in Installing Windows 7 10
Operating System
Video Content 10
Delivery 10
Creativity 10
Answer &
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Answer &
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Direction: Write the letter of the best answer in the blank provided.

Direction: Read carefully the questions and write the letter of your choice on the space provided.

1. Used by 90% of computer users. The dominant over the other Operating System
2. In installing Windows 7, it requires you to enter the following:
a. Choose Language and other Preferences c. Accept Windows License Terms
b. Choose Physical Location to Install Windows d. All of the above
3. Device that needs driver
a. RAM b. Video Card c. Mouse d . Speakers
4. Free Operating System preferred by programmers.
5. A software which is used to manage computer resources, provides interface and utilize computer resources. a.
7. Important things to consider before installing Windows 7
a. Check the System Requirements c. Check Hardware and Software compatibility
b. Determine Disk Partitioning d. All of the above
7. Used by 90% of computer users. The dominant over the other Operating System
8. To Edit your BIOS the common keys for accessing the Boot menu are:
a. Del, Esc. F2, F10 or F12 b Del, Enter, F5
b. Alpha Numeric keys d . Backspace
9. Operating System mostly preferred by graphic artist built by Apple and requires the users to by MAC system
10. It enables the hardware devices to communicate with the computers Operating System.
a. Software b. Driver/Hardware c. Operating System d. Device Driver Software

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