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Historic Styles of Architecture
"The particular method, the characteristics, manner of design ARCHITECTURAL STYLE LOCATION FEATURES EXAMPLES IMAGES
which prevails at a certain place and time.“

Architecture has seen rapid changes over time, ranging from the 1. PRE HISTORIC STYLE Africa into Southern Europe, - Prehistory covers the Old - STONEHENGE in Ames-
old age to that of the modern era, thereby witnessing evolution Asia Stone Age (Paleolithic), Mid- bury is another excel-
at every step. dle Stone Age (Mesolithic), lent example of prehis-
Even before the Greeks and the Romans came in, humans were and New Stone Age (Neolith- toric structures.
actively involved in designing and constructing. ic) periods. Additionally, it
This era was known as the Classical era. also includes the portions - MENHIR
The classification of most of the architectural styles is accord- of thEBronze Age and Iron - DOLMEN
ing to the respective periodical styles, marked with the reflecting Age - TUMULUS or
and unique characteristics that often keep on changing over time. -creation of structures in PASSAGE GRAVE
Sometimes, a particular period reflects the overflow of new the geometric patterns
ideas, and sometimes the merging of two contradictory ideas - Animal skins, wooden
frames, animal bones
An architectural style is a representation of an art form in a - Existing or excavated caves
building making its features and structures historically identifi- - Megalithic, most evident in
able. Based on the architectural style, there are different fea- France, England and Ireland
tures and genres. - Cave paintings in Africa, BEEHIVE HUT

The style talks about the various aspects such as materials, re-
2. EGYPTIAN STYLE Two kingdoms, Lower and MATERIALS - MASTABAS- Rectangu-
gional character, form, method of making, and so on.
Upper Egypt, combined by - Stone was abundant in va- lar flat-topped funer-
There’s a complete chronology for the buildings and styles that
King Menes in 3100 BC riety and quantity Used for ary mound, with bat-
keep on changing over the time period
Many small towns, but roy- monuments and religious tered side, covering a
Why different styles? al cities at Memphis and buildings burial chamber below
It is usually because of the changes in belief, religion, fashion, Thebes - metals and timber were ground
and of course the technology and innovation in new materials and imported
tools for construction, that the architecture always keeps on ex- Egypt and Mesopotamia are Mud bricks: for houses, pal- - PYRAMIDS- massive
ploring new horizons. the earliest known record- aces (reeds, papyrus, palm funerary structure of
These architectural styles have, however, seen gradual develop- ed civilizations. Nile River branch ribs, plastered over stone or brick
ment over time with different twists based on the area it spreads. was the driving force for with clay)
The revival of a new or old genre in architecture is pretty com- -PYLONS
- WALL monumental gateway to
Batter wall - diminishing in the temple consisting of
TIMELINE OF ARCHITECTURE width towards the top for
slanting walls flanking
the entrance portal pyramids
Thickness: 9 to 24m at

3. west asiatic style West Asiatic or Mesopota- MATERIAL WHITE TEMPLE

mian architecture start- included mud-brick from (URUK) 3200-3000 BCE-
ed on 4000 to 2100 B.C., Babylon, wooden roof - It is an example of ear-
present day Iraq and Iran beams from Lebanon, pre- liest development of
cious material from India Sumerian temples
The fertile land between and Egypt, stone columns - The White Temple
the Tigris and Euphrates quarried and carved by ion- stands atop a high plat-
river who is been named ic Greeks. despite sourcing form, or ziggurat, 40 ft WHITE TEMPLE
“Mesopotamia or the land materials and ideas from above the
between two rivers”. different areas, their ar- street level of the city
chitecture was original and center.
distinctive in style.
- ZIGGURAT UR (2112-
2095 BC)
- It was constructed of
mud bricks reinforced
with thin layers of mat-
ting and cables of
twised reeds.

HIMALAYA -(1731680)
1 SHRUTI VERMA-(1731685)

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