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S t e v e n S .

L o n g
Author: Steven S. Long
Editor/Developer: Darren Watts
Cover Art: Peter Bergting
Interior Illustration: Andrew Cremeans, Keith Curtis, Tristan Miller, Eric Rademaker,
the Dover Clip Art Library (see Bibliography), Mitch Byrd, Greg Smith
Layout and Design: Andy Mathews

Dedication: To Osiris, the Small Fuzzy Guardian of the

Universe, who catches all the naps so I can keep writing.

Special Thanks
Steve would like to thank the Calculator Commandos, who
graciously volunteered their time and attention for the onerous
task of double-checking all the math in the book: Mike Bas-
inger, Jason Bishop, Jeff and Cintra Bristol, Patrick Davis, Mark
Ewbank, Ray Raymer, Mike Schapira, Bryan Sewell, and Leah
L. Watts. You’re all Heroes! But, as always, all errors remain my
fault alone.

The HERO System Bestiary © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
reserved. electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or
HERO SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
HERO System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights the Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102.
reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. First printing June 2002.
Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.
reserved. Stock Number: DOJHERO102
Justice Inc., Danger International, Dark Champions, Fantasy Hero, and Star ISBN Number: 1-58366-002-X
Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Introduction Creatures In Combat....................... 31 Greater Demon............................. 56
Entering Combat............................. 31 Demon Princes............................. 57
How To Use This Book....................... 5 Demon Prince of Foulness............ 57
Combat Modifiers........................... 31
Demon Prince of Guile.................. 58
Chapter One Combat Maneuvers......................... 31 Demon Prince of Power................ 59
Sidebar: Movement Conversions......... 31 Demon Prince of Strength............. 61
Creatures In Your Game.................... 7 Herd Size And Density........................32 Demon Hound.............................. 62
The Role Of Creatures....................... 8 Other Animal Attacks.................... 32 Demon Steed............................... 63
Primary Goal.................................. 9 Swallowing Damage...........................33
Sidebar: Dramatic Versus Realistic Dragons......................................... 64
Hit Locations.................................. 33 Lesser Dragon.............................. 65
Sidebar: The 3d6 Bell Curve...............34 Greater Dragon............................ 66
Creature Creation Suggested Hit Location Modifier Greater Dragon Options......................67
Characteristics............................... 10 Ranges..............................................34 Wyrm.......................................... 67
Skills.............................................. 11 Sample Hit Location Tables........... 34 Wyvern........................................ 68
Sidebar: Normal Characteristic Maxima Avian Hit Location Table......................34
Elements........................................ 70
For Animals.......................................11 Chimeric Hit Location Table.................35
Air Elemental................................ 70
Sidebar: Animal Handler Categories..... 12 Draconic Hit Location Table.................35
Air Elemental Options.........................71
Animal Training Times........................12 Equine Hit Location Table....................35 Earth Elemental............................ 71
Animal Handler Modifiers...................12 Ichthyoid Hit Location Table................35 Earth Elemental Options.....................72
Red In Tooth And Claw........................14 Insectoid Hit Location Table................35 Fire Elemental.............................. 73
Riding Uses And Modifiers..................15 Octopoid Hit Location Table.................35 Fire Elemental Options.......................74
Sidebar: Smuggled Animals................16 Quadruped Hit Location Table.............35 Water Elemental........................... 74
Reptillian/Amphibian Hit Location Water Elemental Options....................75
Perks............................................. 16
Talents........................................... 16 Frog, Giant................................... 75
Serpentine Hit Location Table..............36
Gargoyle...................................... 76
Powers.......................................... 17 Winged Humanoid Hit Location Table...36
Animal Special Hit Locations...............36 Golems.......................................... 77
Power Limitations........................... 17 Clay Golem.................................. 77
Disadvantages................................ 17 Other Considerations...................... 37 Flesh Golem................................. 78
Sidebar: Example Creature By Size...... 20 Animal Populations....................... 37 Metal Golem................................ 79
The Value Of Animals and Their Stone Golem................................ 79
Creature Templates......................... 21 Parts......................................... 37
Altered......................................... 21 Wood Golem................................ 80
Animal Population..............................37 Gorgon........................................... 81
Aquatic........................................ 22
Economic Factors..............................38 Griffin............................................ 82
Battle-Trained.............................. 22
Camouflage................................. 22 Harpy............................................. 83
Diseased...................................... 22 Chapter Two Hippocampus................................. 84
Sidebar: Onset Time...........................23 Ape Guardian................................. 40 Hippocampus Hit Location Table.......... 84
Divine.......................................... 23 Basilisk.......................................... 41 Hippogriff....................................... 85
Elemental..................................... 24 Bat, Giant Vampire.......................... 42 Homunculus................................... 86
Extra Limbs.................................. 24 Centaur.......................................... 43 Hydra............................................. 87
Familiar....................................... 25 Centaur Hit Location Table..................43 Hydra Head Hit Location Table.............88
Ferocious..................................... 25 Chimera......................................... 44 Hydra Options....................................88
Infernal........................................ 25 Cockatrice...................................... 45 Insects, Giant................................. 89
Size............................................. 26 Crab, Giant..................................... 46 Giant Beetle................................. 89
Sidebar: Reach For Large Creatures.... 26 Crustacean Hit Location Table.............46 Giant Beetle Options...........................89
Sidebar: Large Creatures And DCV...... 26 Giant Scorpion............................. 90
Deadly Ooze................................... 47
Smart (Cunning)........................... 27 Giant Spider................................. 91
Space.......................................... 27 Demons And Devils......................... 49
Imp............................................. 50 Giant Spider Options..........................91
Spikes......................................... 27 Giant Wasp.................................. 92
Undead........................................ 28 Demonling................................... 51
Shadow....................................... 52 Jackalope...................................... 93
Sidebar: Beyond Templates.................28
Succubus..................................... 53 Kraken........................................... 94
Venom......................................... 28
Lesser Demon.............................. 54 Lizard, Giant................................... 95
Winged........................................ 30
Lesser Demon Options.......................55 Giant Lizard Options...........................95
Winter......................................... 30
Lycanthropes.................................. 96 Boar............................................ 140 Venomous Snakes...................... 178
Wearbear..................................... 97 Buffalo/Cattle............................... 141 Venomous Snake Options.................178
Wearboar..................................... 98 Buffalo/Cattle Options......................141 Spiders........................................ 182
Wearat......................................... 99 Camel.......................................... 142 Spider........................................ 182
Wearshark................................. 100 Cat, Domestic............................... 143 Spider Options.................................183
Weartiger................................... 101 Cat, Domestic Options......................143
Wearwolf................................... 102 Swarms....................................... 183
Cats, Great................................... 144 Swarm Hit Location Table.................183
Manticore..................................... 103
Cheetah..................................... 144 Stinging Insect Swarm................ 183
Minotaur...................................... 104 Leopard..................................... 145
Pegasus....................................... 106 School of Piranha....................... 184
Lion........................................... 145
Pheonix........................................ 107 Swordfish.................................. 185
Sabretooth Tiger......................... 146
Rakshasa..................................... 108 Tiger.......................................... 147 Whales........................................ 186
Rat, Giant..................................... 109 Chimpanzee................................. 148 Orca.......................................... 186
Roc.............................................. 110 Clam, Giant.................................. 149 Sperm Whale............................. 187
Salamander.................................. 111 Crocodile/Alligator........................ 149 Wolf.......................................... 188
Satyr............................................ 112 Deer/Antelope.............................. 150
Sea Serpent................................. 113 Deer/Antelope Options.....................151 Chapter Four
Simurgh....................................... 114
Dinosaurs..................................... 152 Amorphous Horror........................ 190
Siren............................................ 115
Ankylosaurus............................. 152 Animal-Men................................. 191
Snakes, Fantastic......................... 116 Apatosaurus............................... 153 Bird-Man................................... 191
Amphisbaena............................. 116 Deinonychus.............................. 153 Cat-Man.................................... 192
Giant Snake............................... 116 Plesiosaurus.............................. 155 Gorilla-Man................................ 193
Giant Snake Options.........................117 Pteranodon................................ 155 Reptile-Man............................... 193
Sphinx....................................... 118 Stegosaurus............................... 156 Ape, Giant.................................... 194
Sphinx Options................................118 Triceratops................................. 157 Chromedog.................................. 195
Treeman.................................... 119 Tyrannosaurus Rex..................... 158 Engine Of Destruction................... 196
The Undead.................................. 120 Tyrannosaurus Rex Hit Location Table..158 Giant Carnivorous Plant................. 198
Ghost........................................ 120 Dogs............................................ 160 Giant Carnivorous Plant Options........ 196
Ghost Options..................................120 Small/Medium Dog..................... 160 Giant Dinosaur.............................. 199
Ghoul........................................ 121 Large/Hunting Dog..................... 160 Giant Dinosaur Options.....................199
Mummy..................................... 122 Guard/Combat Dog..................... 161 Giant Space Amoeba..................... 201
Mummy Options..............................123 Dolphin........................................ 162 Living Brain.................................. 202
Skeleton.................................... 123 Eel............................................... 163 Mon’da Hunting Lizard.................. 203
Skeleton Options..............................124 Eel Options......................................163 Neuroparasite............................... 204
Vampire..................................... 124 Elephant....................................... 164 Psychovore.................................. 206
Lesser Vampire................................125 Gorilla.......................................... 165
Robots And Androids..................... 207
Greater Vampire...............................126 Hippopotamus.............................. 166 Duplicator Android...................... 207
Zombie...................................... 127 Horses......................................... 167 General Purpose Robot............... 208
Zombie Options...............................128 Pony.......................................... 167 Hunter-Seeker Drone.................. 209
Unicorn........................................ 128 Riding Horse.............................. 168 Sidebar: Reconnaissance Robots...... 210
Wolf, Giant................................... 129 Draft Horse................................ 168 Slasher........................................ 210
Worm, Giant................................. 130 Light Warhorse........................... 169 Swamp Creature........................... 211
Light Warhorse Options....................169
Xenovore Creatures...................... 212
Chapter Three Medium Warhorse...................... 170
Xenovore Battlebird.................... 212
Barracuda.................................... 132 Heavy Warhorse......................... 170
Xenovore Warhound................... 213
Bat.............................................. 132 Mammals, Small........................... 171
Bears........................................... 133 Rhinocerous............................... 173 Appendix
Birds of Prey................................ 136 Scorpion.................................... 174
Resources.................................. 215
Eagle/Hawk................................ 136 Sharks......................................... 175
Falcon....................................... 137 Great White Shark...................... 175 Hit Location Charts..................... 226
Owl........................................... 137 Mako Shark............................... 176 Combat Templates...................... 228
Birds, Other.................................. 138 Snakes......................................... 177 Summary Table.......................... 230
Homing Pigeon........................... 138 Constrictor Snakes..................... 177 Index......................................... 237
Raven/Crow............................... 139 Constrictor Snake Options................177
Songbird.................................... 140
Hero Games 5

rom gigantic apes encountered by pulp-era giant fire-breathing dinosaurs, starship-devouring

F explorers, to strange alien creatures inhab-

iting distant planets, to ferocious “pets”
supervillains use to attack superheroes, to
the seemingly endless variety of mundane and fan-
tastic beasts fought by fantasy adventurers, animals
space amoebae, hunter-seeker robots, evil brains kept
alive in tanks of organic fluid, and more.
The final section of the book contains a reference
table providing GMs and players with a reference for
the creatures in this book. For example, a GM who
are an important part of just about every roleplaying needs a strong, fast creature for a scenario can scan
genre. To help HERO System GMs use animals in the chart and quickly find one that fits the bill.
their games, and create other beasts unique to their
own campaigns, the HERO System Bestiary presents
over 170 animals and related creatures, with complete How To Use This Book
character sheets and descriptions, plus numerous The most common, and most obvious, use for
option packages and templates. the HERO System Bestiary is as a source of opposition
The Bestiary includes four chapters. The first, for the PCs. The GM selects an appropriate creature
Creatures In Your Game, begins with a look at the role — say, a giant tarantula for a strange Western Hero
of animals in roleplaying game scenarios — what campaign, or a roc for a fantasy game — and brings it
they are, how they function within your game, and into conflict with the PCs. Maybe it’s hunting them, or
their uses by both players and GMs. Next, there’s they’re hunting it, or it poses some sort of obstacle to
an extensive discussion of how to create animals. their ability to accomplish the goals of the story. This
This section not only goes over the Characteristics, is straightforward, fun, and easy, and there’s nothing
Skills, Powers, and other game elements of the HERO wrong with that. Gamemasters who want to go a little
System and describes how you can use them to build bit further have plenty of options, though. Besides
an animal in game terms, it also provides numer- the suggestions for using creatures in the first part of
ous “templates” you can add to a creature to alter it. Chapter One, they can also change or improve the
Want to build a dragon that lives in icy arctic wastes, basic creatures listed in this book by applying a tem-
a cybernetically modified guard dog, a horse trained plate (see page 21), or otherwise alter the write-ups
for battle, or a hawk with fire powers? Just add the from this book to suit the stories they want to tell.
appropriate template, and you’re ready to go. Lastly, For the clever and imaginative Hero gamer, this
Chapter One covers how to use creatures in combat, book actually contains hundreds more creatures than
including extensive rules on creating Hit Location the ones described. All you have to do is take one of
Tables for animals (with several sample tables to get the write-ups from this book and change the name
you started). (and perhaps one or two things on the character
Chapter Two, Fantastic Beasts, covers wondrous sheet), and voila! — new creature. For example, the
beasts and beast-like creatures, such as griffins, Bestiary has write-ups for “Small/Medium Dog” and
harpies, gargoyles, and unicorns. These beings were “Wolf,” but not for a coyote or a hyena. If you need
chosen because they either have a bestial form/nature, a hyena write-up, you can just use the Wolf charac-
or play a creature-like role in most games. Thus, you ter sheet (maybe with a few adjustments based on
won’t find goblins, trolls, or giants described in this research you do). If you need a coyote, you can take
book; they’re intelligent humanoids without any the Wolf sheet and weaken it appropriately, or beef up
animalistic aspects. But you will find lycanthropes, the Dog a little. Some other possibilities along these
demons, sphinxes, and minotaurs — all of which have lines include:
animal-like forms or natures.
 using the Fire Elemental for a strange energy being
Chapter Three, Mundane Beasts, focuses on
real-world creatures adventurers often encounter in a Star Hero campaign
— things like birds of prey, gorillas, bears, snakes, and  using the Manticore or Griffin for other beast
even dinosaurs. These creatures were chosen because hybrids
they were likely to play some role in adventure stories.  using the Minotaur for other animal-headed
Many, such as wolves and tyrannosaurs, are often humanoids
fought or hunted by adventurers; some, like poison-
ous serpents, are used in traps; others are important as  using the Gargoyle for an evil wizard’s minor

food, pets, or templates for characters with shapeshift- demonic servants

ing abilities.
Chapter Four, Beasts Of Science Fiction And The potential for adapting creatures is endless.
Movies, presents a grab-bag of favorite critters from The only restrictions are the type of campaign you
movies, novels, comic books, and the like. It includes play in, and your imagination!
6 HERO System Bestiary

efore you turn to the meat
of this book — the dozens
of creature write-ups found
in later chapters — and start
picking out beasts to attack the PCs with,
a familiar for your wizard character, or
animals to use as forms for a character’s
shapechanging power, it’s important to con-
sider what constitutes a “creature” for adven-
ture gaming purposes, and the role creatures
play in a game. Then you’ll be ready to select
the best animal for your purposes — or
even, using the rules in this chapter, to create
your own beasts.
Hero Games 7

WHAT IS A CREATURE? with structures based on, for example, silicon, fluo-
rine, sulfur, or some other “exotic” element (perhaps
At first glance, it seems pretty obvious what a even one unknown to twenty-first century Earth
“creature” or “animal” is. An animal is a living being science) could seem even more like animals than
with the following characteristics: sentient beings to humanoids. The possibility for
confusion, conflict, and other great “story hooks” is
 it’s of non-humanoid shape (though there are a
strong. Unless your campaign has a heavy “realism”
few exceptions, such as apes) focus, don’t worry about the plausibility of non-
 it’s non-sentient (or of very limited intelligence) carbon-based life; as long as you can tell a good
 it’s a physical creature (typically carbon-based) story with it, use it.
Of course, alien worlds and eerie dimensions
Certainly most creatures — dogs, cats, dino- might have inhabitants other than sentient spe-
saurs, fish, birds — fit this description perfectly. cies — they can have true animals of their own.
Those are “creatures” in the “real world” sense. But For game purposes, alien critters, such as the
in the worlds of adventure gaming, there’s no need Mon’da Hunting Lizard or Xenovore Warhound
to restrict the definition quite so much. Based on (both described in Chapter Four), have all of the
their role in your campaign and the stories you advantages of normal creatures plus some of the
tell (see below), the following can also function as advantages of sentient aliens. They definitely act
“creatures,” even if they’re not exactly animals in the like animals, but may also have strange instincts or
classic sense. abilities based on their alien natures. This makes it
hard for the PCs to predict what the creatures will
ALIENS do, and sometimes to affect them (for example, if
Animals as we think of them are the carbon- a creature lives on a high-radiation world and has
based beasts native to Earth. But in many cam- a high degree of resistance to energy, their blast-
paigns, there’s more to the setting than just Earth. ers may prove ineffective). As a result, the GM has
In Star Hero games, where characters frequently more storytelling and suspense resources.
visit other planets, and games involving dimen- NONCORPOREAL BEINGS
sional travel, characters can easily encounter forms
of life that, although sentient and/or humanoid, are In science fiction or fantasy campaigns, or
so strange they act more like “creatures” for story other campaigns with an element of the strange or
purposes. weird, not all animals (or similar creatures) have
Imagine, if you will, a group of human space physical form. In Star Hero, characters may run
explorers who discover a planet inhabited by intel- into bizarre energy beings who feed off their ship’s
ligent, mobile mounds of moss. Given the extreme power plant, their own life-force, or their emotions
differences between the two forms of life, the (like the Psychovore on page 206). Even if intel-
humans may not even recognize the moss-beings ligent (or just very cunning), these beings are so
as a sentient species. Unaware they’ve found an unlike normal humanoid beings that they cannot
inhabited planet, they set out to colonize it, only to communicate and are, in effect, creatures. Similarly,
find themselves frequently attacked by one or more in a Fantasy Hero game, characters may encounter
moss-beings. The moss-beings’ assaults are more things like air elementals or ghosts, which lack
like animals with pack tactics, since they have to physical form but nevertheless are both dangerous
gang up on individual humans to have any chance and animal-like.
to overwhelm and defeat them, thus furthering the CONSTRUCTS
mistaken impression that the moss-beings are ani-
Lastly, not all creatures are necessarily alive.
mals. Thus, for most of the story, the moss-beings
Constructed “beings” — robots, golems, homonculi,
function as animals, not as sentient NPCs, and the
and the like — make perfect “creatures” for many
GM uses them as such. It’s only at the very end of
games. In most cases, they are the servants of the
the story, when the humans discover that the moss-
alchemist, scientist, or wizard who built them, but
beings are intelligent, that their role in the story
sometimes they’re self-motivated. By asking him-
self who built the construct, for what purposes,
This situation becomes even more interesting
and what has happened to it since then, a GM can
when the aliens are not carbon-based lifeforms (or
create an intriguing opponent (perhaps with an
when the existence of magic allows for the creation
entire mystery scenario wrapped around it).
of some truly unusual creatures). Intelligent species
8 HERO System Bestiary

THE ROLE OF CREATURES animal companion as a DNPC, making the crea-

ture much less useful to him.)
When you decide to include a creature in your COMEDY RELIEF AND COLOR
game, spend a few minutes considering the role the
creature will play in the story (or the campaign). Sometimes, animals enter the story just to
The creature’s role should influence how you design provide “color” and atmosphere. For example, if
it, introduce it to the story, and roleplay it. Gener- the GM wants to emphasize the fact that a forest
ally speaking, creatures serve in one of three roles: is peaceful, he might describe, in Disney-like
background; obstacles; or primary goal. terms, all the frolicking forest creatures the char-
acters can see. When danger nears, he might get
the point across to the PCs by describing how
Background Creatures all the happy animals have run away and hidden
themselves. Similarly, the GM can convey the
Creatures in a background role usually have threatening nature of an alien planet by describ-
little, if any, direct affect on the plot. They provide ing a couple of vicious-looking animals the PCs
campaign flavor and comic relief, assist the PCs on glimpse in the nearby underbrush.
occasion, or serve as the focus of part of the story. Animals may also function as simple comic
COMPANIONS relief. The GM can lighten up an otherwise seri-
ous or boring situation by tossing some animals
In many games, the most common type of
into the mix — and then, if he wants, turn the
background role for animals is as companions to
comedic aspects around and make them a threat.
the PCs. Wizards have their familiars, space explor-
Imagine, for example, how a group of Star Hero
ers have pets to keep them company on long voy-
adventurers might react if a cargo load of Rigel-
ages between the stars, and what self-respecting
lian bats gets loose in their ship while they’re
jungle hero would be without a chimp or tiger to
trying to keep things dignified and somber
help him out when things get rough?
because there’s a large and important diplomatic
In most cases, companion animals simply
meeting on board. It starts out funny, as the PCs
provide color and help the player define his char-
desperately try to corral the bats without any of
acter a bit better: “I’m a druid, yeah, but I have this
the stuffy diplomats noticing... but what happens
really cool wolf....” Animals like that may not even
if the bats start disrupting ship systems just as a
need a character sheet, or require the character
fleet of enemy vessels approaches? Or in a fantasy
to spend Character Points on them — they’re just
game, perhaps an oh-so-serious knight is cursed
around for “flavor.” If you really need to know the
to have dozens of cute kittens follow him wher-
HERO System attributes of a pet, you can use the
ever he goes, leading to all sorts of humorous
basic character sheet for that animal type from this
situations but still obligating him, as an honorable
and kindhearted person, to keep the kittens safe
But sometimes characters want special animal
from harm.
companions. The wizard’s familiar mentioned
above is a good example; so is a cowboy’s horse STORY FOCUS
that possesses an eerie comprehension of his com- Creatures sometimes serve as the focus of
mands, or a highly-trained guard dog. These ani- an adventure or subplot, even though they’re not
mals have abilities beyond those of their normal directly involved in the story being told. Typically
brethren — often far beyond — and can provide the PCs have to find the animal, or rescue it from
their PC masters with assistance during adven- harm, or drive it away as part of accomplishing
tures. Characters who want to have creatures like their greater goal. For example, in a Fantasy Hero
this must pay Character Points to buy them as Fol- game, the PCs might have to obtain the heart of
lowers (HERO System 5th the fabled White Falcon so their mentor can cast
Edition, Revised, page a spell to remove a terrible blight from the land.
81). (Alternately, The White Falcon isn’t a key part of the story; it
a character doesn’t really interact with the PCs at all. Find-
could ing it and killing it is just one of several obstacles
take his they have to overcome on their road to achiev-
ing their objective — ending the blight. In other
words, the creature is a plot point, but not the plot

In many adventure stories, creatures function
as obstacles for the PCs to overcome as they work
toward their ultimate goal. In this case the crea-
ture isn’t closely involved with the main objective
of the game, but instead harms, delays, sidetracks,
or tricks them.
Hero Games 9

SECONDARY HARM a pattern. The PCs finally track down and capture DRAMATIC VERSUS
Creatures provide the GM with a way to inflict or kill the beast, and the attacks stop... for a little REALISTIC ANIMALS
harm on the PCs that isn’t directly related to the while. As they soon find out, or can deduce if they
plot. A random encounter with an enraged hunt- cleverly analyze clues from some of the earlier
Another important
ing cat, a pack of wolves, or some strange, mutated attacks, the real killer is a supervillain who let the consideration for the
predator can weaken the characters by causing cat loose and used its well-publicized presence in GM (and players) to
injuries or forcing them to use up resources — thus the city as cover while he committed some brutal keep in mind when
making the major encounters to come later all the murder-robberies. using animals in a game
is whether to portray
more tense and exciting. If the creature is venom- them realistically or
ous, it may leave the characters with a poisoned and
slowly dying PC (or beloved NPC) on their hands,
Primary Goal dramatically. The former
means hewing to real
spurring them on to the most desperate heroics. Last, but certainly not least, animals can serve world information,
as the primary focus of a story or game session. abilities, and habits as
DISTRACTION much as possible; the
This can range from being hunted by the PCs, to
Similarly, animals can distract the PCs, lead- latter means tailoring
hunting the PCs, to creating the obstacle the char-
ing them astray as they try to reach their goal. By the animal, to whatever
acters must overcome to triumph. degree, to better suit the
delaying or sidetracking them this way, the GM The stereotypical example of this is the Big needs of the story.
can heighten the dramatic tension in the story or Monster Hunt — the subject of many myths and In many cases, the needs
inflict other complications on the PCs. For example, tales. A terrible beast is somehow unleashed on an of realism and the needs
suppose a group of Fantasy Hero PCs is on a quest innocent populace, forcing the PCs to track it down of drama fit together
to recover a magical artifact and return it to the and slay it (or capture it). If the creature is powerful perfectly, requiring little
king by a certain day, to prevent disaster. They get enough, they may have to obtain special weapons to (if any) work or deci-
lucky and find the item much more quickly than fight it, or team up with other heroes (or their own sion-making on the part
the GM expected, thus potentially eliminating the of the GM. An attack by
enemies!) to stop it. a poisonous creature or
tension of getting the artifact to the king on time. On the other hand, sometimes the story is man-eating tiger is both
So, the GM decides to throw a monkey wrench into reversed, with the creature hunting the player char- realistic and dramatic.
the works — quite literally, in the form of a pack acters. The movie Predator offers a good example. Things like that happen
of flesh-eating apes. Large enough to pose a seri- As in that film, the creature has to be tough enough in real life, so the GM
ous threat to the PCs, the ape pack forces them to and clever enough to handle an entire group of PCs doesn’t have to embroi-
detour well out of their way to avoid a potentially der the encounter at all.
on its own (or at least make the PCs think it’s that
lethal battle. By the time they’re back on the road to powerful). On the other hand, some
the king’s palace, the PCs have lost several days and creatures seem fierce,
In other stories, the creature poses some sort interesting, or full of
the success of their mission is once again in doubt. of indirect threat to the PCs. Perhaps a giant space adventure possibilities in
A GM can also use animals this way as the amoeba inadvertently swallows them, forcing them fiction, but not so much
lead-in to a greater adventure. If the current adven- to find a way out without causing the rare and deli- in real life. For example:
ture isn’t going well, or the GM wants more time to cate creature harm. Unless the GM wants the story —In real life, gorillas
plan the end of it, he can draw them off into a side to become a straight-up combat, he has to arrange are peaceful vegetarians
adventure by dragging an intriguing creature across things so that the characters can’t harm it easily who become aggressive
their paths. As they chase or investigate this odd (take away their weapons, deprive their ship of only when threatened
new beast, they embroil themselves in a larger story power, establish an anti-magic field) or don’t want or provoked. In fiction,
that has little, if anything, to do with the beast itself. they’re ferocious man-
to hurt it (the creature is the key to solving some killers.
FOOLING THE CHARACTERS mystery, it has intrinsic value to them, it’s occupy-
—Some scientists now
ing or using something they don’t want to damage, believe the fearsome
In the hands of a clever and capable GM, they revere all forms of life). Then the creature’s tyrannosaurus rex was
animals can become “red herrings” — supposed presence and activities become an intriguing chal- actually more of a slow-
culprits in an adventure where they are, in lenge, not just an invitation to draw swords or moving scavenger than a
fact, innocent. This throws the PCs off the unholster blasters. fast-moving hunter. But
trail, allowing the GM to develop the in adventure stories, it
story more before the final confrontation remains a mighty preda-
occurs. tor and a terrible threat
For example, think of a Champions cam- to even powerful PCs.
paign where it seems a panther has escaped Since the HERO System
from the local zoo and is spreading havoc in is a dramatic adventure
game, designed for
the city. Its attacks are savage, and perhaps suggest heroic situations and
challenges, in many
cases the “dramatic”
approach to an animal
serves the GM better
than the realistic one.
Group storytelling is
not the same thing
as creating a nature
documentary. But the
verisimilitude of the
10 HERO System Bestiary
Continued from last page

game is enhanced if the
GM sticks to “reality” as
much as he can without

spoiling the story.
This book makes an
effort to satisfy both
approaches. While the
HERO System Bestiary is
by no means a zoology
text, the descriptions of

real-world animals in it layers and GMs who want to create EGO
are based on reasonable their own creatures — or characters EGO represents a character’s strength of will.
amounts of research who frequently interact with creatures Most normal animals have an EGO of about 5,
and fact-finding. On the — should consult this section for ideas since they lack the sheer willpower possessed by
other hand, the descrip- and guidelines. In most cases, creating an animal
tions also include dis-
many intelligent beings, but can still be tenacious
(be it fantastic or mundane) is the same as creating at times.
cussions of how to make
the animals more “dra-
an ordinary character, but there are some important
differences. PRESENCE
matic,” and notes about
how the character sheets PRE represents a character’s bravery, person-
try to satisfy the needs ality, and forcefulness. Most animals, particularly
of storytelling. CHARACTERISTICS herbivores, have relatively low PREs — they scare
Readers interested in easily. Conversely, many predators have higher than
more information about NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS normal PRE, since their natural weaponry and
animals should consult AND FIGURED CHARACTERISTICS ferociousness makes them frightening to others.
the books listed in the
Bibliography, or other A negative Primary Characteristic does not But that’s not to say they can’t be scared away by
books on the subject. reduce a creature’s (or character’s) related Figured loud noises, fire, or the like. When a human charac-
Characteristics, but simply adds zero to them. For ter makes a Presence Attack against an animal, the
example, a creature with STR -20 and CON 10 has animal uses the lower of its EGO or PRE (unless
0 PD and 2 REC, not -4 PD and -2 REC. it’s bought bonuses to its PRE for this purpose, in
which case use PRE). Be sure to apply the appropri-
STRENGTH ate modifiers; if a character seems helpless or vul-
Large animals, such as bears, whales, or ele- nerable to the animal, he should roll fewer dice.
phants, typically have high STR, and small animals
like mice very little STR. However, this isn’t a hard-
and-fast rule; some animals are much stronger than The COM scores for animals in this book
their size would indicate (or much weaker). reflect how beautiful or cute they appear to normal
Many animals with high STR take the Physical humans in the world where the animal exists.
Limitation Reduced Leap, since unlike humans their (Young animals may have +1-3 COM, since they
STR does not directly correlate with their ability to seem even cuter than their parents.) Among them-
leap. Bears, for example, can’t leap very far despite selves, COM is usually less important than other
their STR. factors, including the simple opportunity to mate.
At the GM’s option, creatures with 0 or nega- However, some animals (such as many birds) do
tive STR can ignore the normal rules regarding use COM as a way of attracting potential mates or
the effect of STR on movement (HERO System 5th outdoing rivals.
Edition, Revised, page 35) and instead just use the SPEED
amount of movement indicated on their character
For normal animals, SPD rarely exceeds 3.
sheets. Most such creatures already have low rates
Only a few animals, such as some cats, have SPDs
of movement anyway, and reducing them to frac-
of 4; no normal animal has a SPD of 5 or higher.
tions of an inch may cause more confusion than it’s
INTELLIGENCE Animals rarely buy extra END beyond that
calculated from their CON. When they get tired,
As the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised notes,
they stop what they’re doing (or break off the
INT reflects a character’s ability to perceive, pro-
attack) and rest.
cess, and appropriately react to information quickly.
Thus, many animals have INTs in the standard 8-12 STUN
range common to most “normal” characters — after Many animals have some extra STUN, to sim-
all, their lives often depend, on a day-to-day basis, ulate how difficult it is to Knock them Out. Large,
upon their ability to detect and escape danger. But strong animals, such as rhinos or hippopotami,
this does not mean they’re capable of learning to have particularly high STUN scores.
read, talking, reasoning as well as a human, think-
ing abstractly, or the like. An animal’s ability — or,
more accurately, lack of ability — to do such things
is reflected by the Physical Limitation Limited Intel-
lect (see below).
Hero Games 11

SKILLS winter without getting lost, or a raccoon’s ability to

use its dexterous paws to open simple containers.
Few animals actually go to school to learn how Additionally, some animals have Everycreature Maxima For
to perform specific tasks. But there are many ways Skills specific to their species. For example, some Animals
to learn Skills besides the classroom — including humaniform creatures, like golems or apes, have
day-to-day experience, which animals get plenty Climbing as an Everycreature Skill. These Skills are Because Normal Char-
of. Thus, many animals have one or more Skills. noted on the character sheets with the abbreviation acteristic Maxima is
Typically these represent instinctual responses and “ES.” never a requirement
learned behaviors, not the more formal and elabo- for any campaign, the
ACROBATICS creatures in this book
rate training possessed by a human with the same do not pay double for
Skill. If appropriate, the GM may have an animal Skilled equestrians often have the ability to
perform stunts while on horseback (or griffinback, Characteristics bought
make an INT Roll to use his Skill properly if the above the NCM limit.
situation frightens or confuses the creature. whaleback, or what have you). They can perform But to assist campaigns
Most Skills not listed below, including all Skills handstands and other maneuvers on a fast-moving using NCM, the animal
related to technical matters, are generally inappro- mount, lean out of the saddle and pick things up write-ups indicate what
priate for animals. without falling off or damaging the object, and so the extra cost would be.
forth. They use Acrobatics to perform these tricks. When calculating
EVERYCREATURE SKILLS If a character can only perform such stunts while the extra NCM cost
Just like human characters have Everyman on a mount, he takes a -1 Limitation for the Skill. for animals (or other
characters), you don’t
Skills, animals have Everycreature Skills — the ACTING have to pay any extra
basic Skills that just about every animal needs to Character Points to
survive and thrive. Every animal has a Familiarity Some animals have this as an Everycreature
“justify” Figured Char-
(8- roll) with the following Skills: Skill to reflect their ability to seem fiercer than they acteristics that go above
are, fake an injury to lure a predator away from the NCM limits because
Analyze Animal their nests, and so forth. of the base points
Concealment (to hide self only) provided by the Pri-
ANIMAL HANDLER mary Characteristic(s)
Language (see text) This Interaction Skill allows a character to involved. For example,
Shadowing manage and train — “handle” — animals of vari- a creature with STR 40
ous sorts. A character with Animal Handler knows and CON 20 has REC
Stealth 12 — higher than the
about the animals he’s skilled at handling (their NCM limit of REC 10.
Survival (home environment) types and species, common behavior patterns, abili- But it doesn’t have to
AK: home territory or region ties, and so forth), the types of tricks an animal pay any points for the
can learn, the best ways to teach those tricks to the 2 points above 10; it
PS: [Specific Animal] Abilities gets that REC “natu-
animal, how to give commands to a trained animal,
how to calm down a potentially dangerous animal, rally,” from its STR and
Analyze Animal represents an animal’s instinc- CON alone (for which
and so forth. However, Animal Handler does not it has already paid an
tive capacity for judging the strength of other ani-
allow a character to ride an animal; that requires increased cost, in the
mals relative to itself. For example, this Skill tells
Riding (see below). case of STR). However,
a young male wolf when it’s time to challenge the
Complementary Skills for Animal Handler if it wants any addi-
alpha male of the pack for domination, and when tional REC, it must pay
typically include appropriate KSs, and sometimes
the leader remains too strong for it to defeat. double the cost, per the
Riding. In a few situations Seduction (representing
Concealment typically represents an animal’s usual NCM rules, since
the character’s friendly personality and winning it’s already above the
ability to hide itself, not other objects, so it often
ways) may also help. defined limit.
has the Self Only (-½) Limitation (though some
animals do have a normal Concealment Skill). Categories Of Animals The NCM cost listed
Some animal abilities, like camouflage, may be As indicated on pages 49-50 of the HERO includes the cost of
simulated with bonuses to Concealment or Stealth; System 5th Edition, Revised, characters must buy Running, Leaping, and
Swimming bought
if so, the animal may apply those bonuses to its 8- above the normal limits,
Familiarity roll if it doesn’t have the full Skill (this is if applicable.
an exception to the general rule).
The Language ability listed represents the
animal’s capacity to communicate with others of
its own kind. Among some animals, such as apes
or whales, this Language is fairly sophisticated
(enough for humans to perceive and study it), but
among most species it’s a very basic, simplistic, and
even instinctual thing. Of course, in some Fantasy
Hero campaigns and other games, some animals
can speak normal languages; if so, they buy that
ability with Character Points.
The PS: [Specific Animal] Abilities Skill repre-
sents various minor or lesser abilities all members
of a given species possesses. Examples include some
fishes’ ability to return to the place they were born
to spawn, some birds’ instinct to fly south for the
12 HERO System Bestiary
Animal Handler Animal Handler by category — a person who
Categories knows how to train and work with dogs doesn’t Animal Handler Modifiers
Aquatic Animals necessarily have any skill with bears, dragons, cats,
insects, or birds. The accompanying sidebar lists Circumstance Modifier
Birds Animal’s age
the categories for easy reference. As always, the GM
Bovines may add more categories if he wants to. Very young +1 to +3
Camels Very old -1 to -5
Some information and abilities imparted by
Animal’s nature
Canines training one category of animals may extend to Fierce -2 to -4
Dragons other types of creatures. At the GM’s option, a char- Skittish -1 to -2
Elephants acter with any category of Animal Handler may use Temperamental -1 to -3
Equines the Skill on animals from another category at a -4 Enhanced incentives (better than
penalty. Reduce this penalty to -3 if the character normal food/treats, conditions,
has paid Character Points for two or more catego- and so on) +1-2
Insects & Arthropods Use of pain/torture +2-4
ries of animals.
Reptiles & Amphibians Training Animals If the character fails his Skill Roll, he may
The most common use for Animal Handler try again using the standard rules for failed Skill
is to train animals — to teach them obedience, Rolls (HERO System 5th Edition, Revised, page 43).
specific behavior patterns, or the like (collectively Each attempt requires the same number of hours
referred to as “tricks”). When characters want to use or days as the first attempt.
this ability, the GM should consider several factors. If a trick would require an animal to buy off
First, he must determine the time required to a Disadvantage or Limitation, the animal must
teach a trick to the animal. This depends on two do this with its own Experience Points. Until the
factors: the animal’s intellect; and the complexity of animal does so, the Disadvantage or Limitation
the trick. Other modifiers may also apply. imposes appropriate penalties on training rolls,
As described below under Physical Limitation, and the animal suffers similar penalties on its
in the HERO System, creature intellect comes in four trick rolls (see below) even if a character does
categories: Near-Human, Animal, Instinctual, and manage to train it.
Machine. Tricks also come in categories: Simple, Animal Handler does not work on creatures
Moderate, and Complex (see below for more infor- without the Limited Intellect Physical Limitation.
mation). The accompanying table provides the base Such beings are too intelligent or uncontrollable
time (in hours or days) required to teach a trick, for characters to train in this manner.
and the maximum number of tricks the animal
can learn (the GM may, at his option, increase or Training Modifiers
decrease this number for specific animals or spe- Second, the GM should consider any poten-
cies). tial modifiers to the training roll. The accompa-
Often the more skilled the character is, the nying table indicates some common modifiers to
quicker he can train an animal. For every two Animal Handler Skill Rolls to train creatures.
points by which the character makes his Skill Roll, Types Of Tricks
he can reduce the time unit needed to teach the As noted above, tricks fall into three catego-
trick by one step up the Time Chart. However, the ries: Simple; Moderate; and Complex. Here are
GM may, if he wishes, establish a minimum time some of the tricks most commonly taught to ani-
required for any given trick. Typically Simple tricks mals, and their categories:
have a minimum time of two minutes, Moderate
tricks ten minutes, and Complex tricks one hour. Attack (Complex): The animal attacks targets (or
a specific target) when commanded to do so or
Example: Marcus Flint (Animal Handler when a specified condition occurs.
(Canines, Equines, Felines) 14-), an intrepid
Entertain (Simple): The animal knows various
explorer, tries to teach a dog how to retrieve/
cute or entertaining stunts or tricks, such as play-
fetch. The dog has Animal Intelligence, and
ing dead, rolling over, shaking hands, or saying
the GM rules that retrieve/fetch is a Moderate
something clever (if it can mimic human speech).
trick, so this will take Marcus 1-2 days (the GM
says 1 day). If Marcus makes his roll by 2, he General obedience (Simple): The animal doesn’t
reduces that time to six hours. If he makes it jump on the furniture when it’s not supposed to,
by 6, he reduces it to 20 Minutes! However, the is housebroken, comes to the character on com-
GM rules that two hours is the minimum time mand, sits when told to, and so forth.
required. Guard (Complex): The animal knows how to
guard a particular place or person, and how to
animal training times respond if that place or person is imperiled (usu-
ally by attacking, which requires the Attack trick).
Type Of Trick
Herd (Moderate): The animal can herd other ani-
Intelligence Simple Moderate Complex Maximum No. Of Tricks
Near-Human 1 hour 2-4 hours 1-2 days 10
mals (typically sheep or cattle).
Animal 1-2 hours 1-2 days 3-5 days 5 Retrieve/fetch (Moderate): The animal knows
Instinctual 1-3 days 4-10 days 11-21 days 2 how to retrieve or fetch specific objects, such
Machine .5-1 hour 2-3 hours 4-8 hours 10 as a dead duck or a thrown ball, without hurt-
Hero Games 13

ing them. If the animal only knows how to fetch BREAKFALL

thrown balls or the like, the GM may reduce this Few creatures have Breakfall; for most, a fall
to a Simple trick. (or its consequences) can be fatal. Only animals
Stay (Moderate): The animal has been trained to that do a lot of climbing — such as primates,
stand or sit still when told to (a common abil- cats, or squirrels — tend to know this Skill. Some
ity for, among others, horses in the Wild West). flying creatures, including mythical or fantastic
Unless spooked (through a Presence Attack or ones, may know it as well.
like phenomena) or physically attacked or moved,
the animal remains where it was told to stay until
hunger and thirst get the better of it. Climbing is an Everycreature Skill for many
creatures, including the ones listed under Break-
Stop attacking (Moderate): The animal instantly fall, above.
stops attacking or fighting upon command.
To indicate that an animal knows a trick, Some animals, particularly predators, buy
write it as an 11- Professional Skill on its char- Combat Skill Levels with their favored attacks.
acter sheet (e.g., PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11-). This These CSLs are almost always two-point Levels
costs the animal 2 Character Points, and it has to with a single attack, or 5-point CSLs with HTH
spend points to improve the roll. Combat.
Other Uses Of Animal Handler CONCEALMENT
A character should make an Animal Handler
Concealment is an Everycreature Skill for
roll whenever he wants a trained animal to per-
animals. As such, it represents only their ability
form a trick, or otherwise do something unusual.
to hide themselves, not to hide other objects (a
The character’s roll acts as a Complementary Skill
-½ Limitation). Animals skilled at caching food
Roll to the animal’s PS roll with its trick. If the
for later consumption, or at hiding other objects,
animal succeeds with its roll, it comprehends and
buy this Skill normally. Animals with camouflage
obeys the command; if it fails, it’s too confused to
buy bonuses to Concealment, but usually apply a
act, or does something wrong.
Limitation representing the nature of their pro-
Example: Marcus Flint has trained his dog tective coloration (see the Camouflage template,
with the Attack trick. He can order the dog page 22, for some examples).
to attack an enemy in combat with a normal
Animal Handler roll. If he wanted the dog
to attack one specific person in a crowd, he All animals have an AK of their home terri-
would have to succeed with an Animal Han- tory or range as an Everycreature Skill. Beyond
dler roll at a penalty based on the crowd’s that, few have any KSs. Skilled hunters might take
size. For every 2 points he makes the roll by, a KS of their favored prey animals.
the dog gets a +1 bonus to its PS: Attack 11- LANGUAGE
roll; for every 2 points he fails the roll by, the
Many animals have ways to communicate
dog suffers a -1 penalty. After Marcus rolls,
with other members of their species; this is rep-
the dog has to make its PS: Attack roll to per-
resented by the Everycreature Language Skill
form the trick properly.
noted above. Other animals learn to communi-
A character can also use Animal Handler cate in more advanced ways. For example, they
to calm down wild animals and ferocious beasts may learn a 1-point Language, Hand Signs, to
(with the penalty described above if he doesn’t understand the hand signals and gestures their
know how to train that category of animal). This master uses to give them commands. More intel-
usually requires him to succeed with a roll at a -2 ligent animals, including many bought as Follow-
to -5 penalty, depending upon the type of animal ers, may have 1 Character Point (no more) in a
and its intent (getting a stubborn wildebeest to human language, such as English or French. This
move out of the road is easier than preventing a allows them to understand spoken commands or
charging guard dog from attacking). In this sense statements from their master (or anyone else, for
characters can even use Animal Handler to repre- that matter), but not to speak back (even if they
sent a quasi-mystic “rapport” between a character can mimic human speech).
and all wild creatures. In some Fantasy Hero games, animals can
speak with each other, and sometimes humans,
Animal Followers
quite clearly. If this applies in your campaign,
Characters do not have to use Animal Han-
each animal may have its own language (Porcu-
dler to calm down animals bought as Followers;
pine, Dragon, Bluebird, Rabbit), a language based
those creatures are automatically friendly to the
on animal type (Mammalian, Avian, Draconic,
character. (The same applies to Summoned crea-
Feline), and/or even normal languages spoken by
tures if the Summon has the Amicable Advan-
sentient races. You could even create an “Animal
tage.) Typically, animal Followers are built with
Language Familiarity Chart” showing the rela-
tricks they already know, and/or a Language
tionships among various animal languages.
allowing them to communicate easily with the
14 HERO System Bestiary
MARTIAL ARTS tion and way he wants it to, how to equip and care
While the name “Martial Arts” implies knowl- for the animal, and so forth. Riding does not allow a
edge of a highly-developed fighting style such as character to train his mount to perform tricks; that
Karate, in fact this Skill really represents improved requires Animal Handling (see above).
hand-to-hand fighting ability. As such, the general In routine circumstances, a character can ride
“special effects” principle governing the HERO any mount for which he has a Transport Familiarity
System allows you to buy Martial Maneuvers for (see pages 73-74 of the HERO System 5th Edition,
animals, if that’s an appropriate way to represent Revised) without making a roll. Things like a pleas-
their fighting abilities. ant ride or gallop through the countryside, pulling a
In most cases, animals should follow the stan- wagon full of hay, or jumping a small obstacle for fun
dard rule requiring a character to spend at least don’t require a Skill Roll. Only when the character
ten Character Points on Martial Arts. However, at tries something unusual, or is in stressful conditions
the GM’s discretion, an animal can spend less than (such as combat or an emergency), does he have to
that, if only one or two maneuvers are necessary make a roll to ride.
to simulate the animal’s skill. Most animals buy When a character buys Riding, he receives for
only offensive maneuvers (such as Martial Strike or free a Transport Familiarity with a 1-point group
Offensive Strike), but a few may also learn maneu- of riding animals (Camels, Dogs, Equines, Flying
vers like Martial Dodge. Beasts, Huge Beasts, Swimming Beasts, or other
The accompanying box has a martial arts groups created by the GM). He may buy other TFs as
package containing some typical animal maneu- usual for that Skill.
vers. You can easily add it to any of the animal writ- Uses For Riding
eups in this book. The accompanying table lists some of the more
common situations requiring a character to make a
red in tooth and claw Riding roll. For Riding in combat, you should also
refer to the Mounted Movement section on pages
Used with Natural Weapons Group; Natural Weapons 368-69 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised.
Element is free Standard Combat Modifiers, such as Encumbrance,
Maneuver Phs Pts OCV DCV Damage/Effect may also apply.
Avoid Harm ½ 4 — +5 Dodge, Affects All The size of an obstacle typically depends on the
Attacks, Abort size of the mount. A “small” obstacle is no more than
Holding Bite ½ 3 +0 -1 Grab One Limb, +10 one-third the mount’s size. A “medium” obstacle is
larger than one-third, but smaller than three-quar-
Pounce ½ 5 -2 +1 STR Strike +4 DC
Smash/Claw ters of the mount’s size. A “large” obstacle is from
Slash ½ 4 +0 +2 STR Strike +2 DC three-quarters to 125% of the mount’s size. A “very
Trip ½ 3 +2 -1 STR Strike +1 DC; large” obstacle is larger than 125% of the animal’s
Target Falls size.
Failed Rolls And Falls
MIMICRY The consequences of a failed Riding roll vary.
Characters often use this Skill to imitate Typically they mean the animal did not perform as
animal calls and cries (some animals use it this way, commanded — it shied away from making the jump,
too, to lure prey to them). Fooling another human won’t speed up to a gallop, or the like. In many cases,
this way is one thing, but fooling another animal this is an ordinary failure, and the rider can try again
may prove much more difficult due to animals’ if he wants to. But if the rider fails the roll by 3 or
heightened perceptions. more, he may fall from his saddle due to the horse’s
Birds such as parrots, mynahs, and crows sudden movement or other factors. The rider must
can buy this Skill to imitate human speech. They succeed with a STR Roll at -2, or fall off the mount.
don’t understand what they’re saying, but they can Falling off a swimming mount may not have
sometimes mimic people quite well, right down to any dangerous consequences (other than getting
accents. left behind, perhaps). On the other hand, falling off
a flying mount could result in the character’s death
PARAMEDICS (see Falling on page 434 of the HERO System 5th Edi-
Characters trained in normal human Para- tion, Revised). Falling from a ground-based mount
medics (or similar Skills, such as SS: Medicine) can is roughly like performing a Move Through on the
apply their learning to animals at a standard -4 ground — the character takes the mount’s velocity
penalty. At the GM’s option, a character can rede- divided by three (v/3) in dice of Normal Damage. He
fine this Skill as Veterinary Medicine, which allows may make a Breakfall roll, at -1 per 2d6, to take only
him to treat animals normally and humans at a -4 half damage (or no damage, if he makes the roll by
penalty. half). If the mount was standing still, the character
takes 2d6 Normal Damage from the fall.
This Agility Skill allows a character to ride Animals With Riding
a living creature under difficult circumstances. A In some cases, animals have the Riding Skill
character with Riding knows how to stay astride his of their own. This doesn’t allow them to ride other
mount, how to make the mount move in the direc- animals, but rather functions as a Complemen-
Hero Games 15

how to survive in. But some animals, such as birds,

riding uses and modifiers migrate over vast distances, and so must buy addi-
tional environments for their Survival.
Use/Circumstance Modifier
See Mounted Movement (5E 241) Animals like wolves that work together in
Injured Animal packs may buy these Skills. The animals (or the
Up to ⅓ BODY -0
pack’s leader[s]) make Tactics rolls to trail the
⅓ to ⅔ BODY -2
More then ⅔ BODY -4 target, separate it from its herd, drive it where they
Injured Rider want it to go, replace tired pack members with fresh
Up to ⅓ BODY -0 ones, and so forth. Eventually, when they bring the
⅓ to ⅔ BODY -2 target to bay and engage it, they use Teamwork to
More then ⅔ BODY -4 make Coordinated attacks and obtain a Multiple
Injury to legs or arms Additional -1 to -3 Attacker bonus (see page 31).
Small obstacle -0 TRACKING
Medium obstacle -2 Instead of buying Tracking itself, most ani-
Large obstacle -4 mals simply apply the Tracking Sense Modifier to
Very large obstacle -8, or impossible their Normal Smell, then make PER Rolls to follow
Movement modifiers ... to stay in saddle
their prey. If a human uses an animal, such as a
Mount moves/turns violently -2
Mount moves/turns very violently -4 bloodhound, to help him track, the animal’s PER
Other Movement modifiers Roll becomes a Complementary Skill Roll to the
Make flying mount hover -2 (if possible) human’s Tracking roll.
Make swimming mount float -2 (if possible)
Make flying/swimming mount
move upside down -4 (if possible)
Make mount Push its movement -3

tary Skill for a rider’s Riding. This represents the

mount’s training at helping a rider keep his seat,
avoid falls, and the like. The animal should take a -1
Limitation, Complementary To Rider’s Skill Only, for
its Riding.
Since this Skill reflects a character’s ability to
gain the trust (and perhaps friendship) of others by
offering companionship or favors, some especially
cute, adorable, or friendly animals (housecats, rab-
bits, Mon’da flutter-wings) may take it as a way to
simulate their ability to gain and hold favorable
human attention. A COM Roll may be Comple-
Animals don’t have Streetwise themselves, but
characters can use Streetwise to stop, or participate
in, the traffic in illegal animals and animal parts.
Poaching — sometimes for food by starving peas-
ants, sometimes by greedy mercenaries willing to
despoil the environment for their own short-term
gain — has existed for centuries as part of the
world’s underground economy, and it shows no
signs of stopping. For information on the value of
animal parts, see page 37.
Survival represents an animal’s general abil-
ity to keep itself alive and healthy in the wild (the
animal’s AK of its home territory often acts as a
Complementary Skill). As such, it’s an Everycrea-
ture Skill, so GMs may wish to remove it from
the Everycreature Skill list for animals that are so
domesticated (like some breeds of cattle) that they
could not survive on their own in the wild. Most
animals only have one environment they know
16 HERO System Bestiary
Animals PERKS “training” the Follower might need.
Generally, animals themselves should never
Most Perks not listed below, including all Perks have Followers.
As of 2001, the follow- related to technical matters or the trappings of REPUTATION
ing are some examples human(oid) society, are generally inappropriate for
of the prices (in United animals. A particularly well-known animal, such as
States dollars) pro- Old Slewfoot from Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’s
tected, endangered, or CONTACT; FAVOR novel The Yearling, might develop a Reputation
restricted animals have — typically for ferocity or viciousness. Its Repu-
on the black market: In Fantasy Hero campaigns and other games
where animals are intelligent and can communicate tation would make its violent Presence Attacks
Animal Price against hunters and PCs more effective. The animal
with humans, a character might buy a Contact or a
Komodo dragon Favor with an animal. For example, a kindly druid wouldn’t receive any bonus to Interaction Skills,
$35,000 though.
might have several of the most important or pow-
Plowshare tortoise erful animals in a particular forest as his Contacts;
they recognize his religious devotion to protecting
Palm cockatoo (pair)
them and acknowledge it by helping him (when TALENTS
he can find them). If he performs some special act Most Talents not listed below are generally
Hyacinth macaw for one of them, such as saving it from hunters, it
$10,000 inappropriate for animals.
might owe him a Favor.
Tamarind monkey BUMP OF DIRECTION
Animals with the instinctive ability to find
Chinese alligator $1,750 Characters often buy animals as Followers. their way “home,” such as homing pigeons, should
Galapagos tortoise The classic example is the wizard’s familiar, but buy this Talent. If necessary the GM may require an
$1,625 many other types of characters have animals as occasional PER Roll to keep the animal “on course.”
Scarlet macaw $200 companions, sidekicks, or pets. Typically “critter
companions” have far fewer Character Points than DANGER SENSE
their masters, but as always, the GM should review Many animals possess senses so heightened,
each proposed Follower carefully — a player who compared to humans’, that they effectively func-
shows up with a character that has a dragon for a tion as Danger Sense. For example, flies can sense
pet needs a mighty good explanation for why he’s shifting air currents that tell them they’re about
not unbalancing the game before the GM should let to get swatted, so they fly out of the way; and sto-
him keep it. ries abound of dogs, cats, and other animals that
The main difference between an animal bought can sense earthquakes (or other natural disasters)
as a Follower, and one trained with Animal Han- coming and warn their owners. If appropriate,
dler, is that the former always obeys the character. animals can buy this as Danger Sense, Out Of
The character doesn’t have to make a roll whenever Combat, Immediate Vicinity. You should also apply
he wants his animal companion to perform a par- an Instinctive (-5) modifier, instead of Intuitive, to
ticular task (unless they don’t share some common reflect the fact that the roll depends on the animal’s
Language or other means of com- normal senses and instincts, not on some strange
municating). However, the GM mystical awareness of threats (or the like).
should require the character
game time working An animal does not have to buy Environmen-
with the animal; tal Movement to cope with the negative modifiers
this reflects for the environment it was born to live in. Instead,
whatever it automatically has the appropriate Environmental
Movement for free. For example, fish do not have to
buy Aquatic Movement (they automatically suffer
no penalties for being underwater), and squirrels
automatically have Supreme Balance. However, an
animal that needs to exist in two (or more) hinder-
ing environments has to buy the Environmental
Movement for all of them after the first, or suffer
the standard penalties.
Hero Games 17

POWERS natural weapon (say, fangs and claws, or horns and

hooves), typically each one is bought individually.
Powers, being the most extensive and flexible This is because attacks or events which incapacitate Killing Attacks
of the HERO System’s game elements, have many one of the weapons may not necessarily incapaci- Many of the creatures
uses for animals. This section lists some of the tate the other, so it’s important for the GM to evalu- in this book have HKAs
more unusual, interesting, or noteworthy, but is by ate each one individually. For example, a tiger tied with the Reduced Pen-
no means exhaustive. Most obvious uses, such as up with some types of Entangles couldn’t use his etration Limitation, rep-
claws, but could still bite someone who came too resenting claws, fangs,
Flight for birds or extra Running for cheetahs, are and the like. If Reduced
not listed. close.
Penetration is applied to
Killing Attacks — typically RKAs with the No an HKA ½d6 that gains
ARMOR Range Limitation — are the standard way to build no modification from
Where a creature buys Armor to represent most lethal animal venoms. See Venom, page 28, for STR, roll the damage
a protective shell, thick skin, or the like, and that more information and examples. once and then divide it
Armor covers only part of its body, the writeup in two before determin-
MULTIFORM ing the STUN damage
indicates both the Activation Roll and which hit
The HERO System Bestiary is an excellent caused by each attack.
locations the Armor protects. Gamemasters can
choose which rule to apply for their campaigns. resource for characters who use Multiform to
change into animal forms. They can use the write-
DRAIN ups in this book as basic templates, then adjust
Drain — typically a Drain STR, DEX, or CON them as necessary to reflect the character’s mental
— is the best way to build most non-fatal animal and personality Characteristics, special powers, and
venoms. See Venom, page 28, for more information so forth.
and examples.
ENHANCED SENSES One of the classic uses of Summon in many
Many, if not most, animals have one or more genres, particularly fantasy, is to call “the beasts of
Enhanced Senses. Most predators possess keen the field” to come to the character. Whether this is
senses of Smell, for example, and birds usually have done through a spell, a mental power, the beauty of
good Sight (and even Nightvision). This usually the character’s music, or some other method, the
means applying a few levels of Enhanced Percep- power usually takes the Limitations Arrives Under
tion, and Tracking is often added as a Sense Modi- Own Power and Summoned Being Must Inhabit
fier to Smell. However, even animals with some Locale.
extremely keen senses often have one or two that Additionally, some animals have their own
aren’t so good. Elephants, for example, have better Summon powers. Some species can emit cries of
than normal Smell, but relatively weak eyesight. distress, or requests for help, that others of their
Poor senses are represented as Physical Limitations, kind respond to. While you can simply resolve this
if appropriate. as a PER Roll on the part of the called animals, you
could build it as a Limited form of Summon if you
ENTANGLE prefer. Similarly, some types of extradimensional
A creature with long arms, tendrils, tentacles, beings, once Summoned to the PCs’ plane of exis-
or the like might have an Entangle representing tence, have the power to “open the ways” for their
how it uses its own “limbs” to grab and capture kin to join them.
someone. In most cases, the creature should take
the Limitation Feedback (-1), because it takes full TELEPATHY
damage from any attack against the Entangle. If If characters have Telepathy which affects the
the creature has a limited number of “limbs” with Animal class of minds (see page 117 of the HERO
which to Entangle victims, it may represent that System 5th Edition, Revised), the type of information
with the Limitation Lockout (-¼ or -½) (meaning they can receive and transmit using it depends on
the animal cannot use its Entangle any more once the campaign setting, the genre, and the GM.
all of its “limbs” are occupied; the -½ value applies Normally, Telepathy transcends the language
if it has only one “limb”). barrier. Gamemasters may prefer to change this for
human-animal communications, on the grounds
EXTRA LIMBS that the two communicate so differently even
Many animals have tails, which may seem like Telepathy runs into difficulties.
Extra Limbs. But their write-ups only include Extra In games stressing “realism,” animals may
Limbs if they can use them for some in-game pur- not have much to say. Until they reach the Near-
pose, like combat or holding on to tree branches. If Human level of intelligence, most animals’ thoughts
they only use their tails for balance, stabilization, or are dominated by basic drives and needs: food,
brushing away flies, they don’t really have an Extra shelter, protection, mating, and so on. A character
Limb with any game effect, so they have not paid who tries to communicate with them mentally
Character Points for it. will likely receive very little information. A ques-
KILLING ATTACK tion such as, “How many soldiers passed this way?”
probably elicits a response like, “Many — do you
Most animals’ natural weapons — horns, have any food?” Animals can’t count well, don’t rec-
hooves, claws, antlers, fangs — are represented ognize most human symbols or artifacts, and have
as HKAs. If an animal has more than one type of
18 HERO System Bestiary
all sorts of other difficulties that impede the clear
flow of precise information. Characters may soon DISADVANTAGES
FOR CREATURES find it’s more trouble than it’s worth to try to talk
For the sake of con-
sistency, the creatures On the other hand, in many fantasy games and Generally speaking, animals do not have
in this book (even the other campaigns with heavy elements of the fantas- DNPCs. However, a mother animal with cubs (chicks,
sentient humanoid ones, tic, animals may converse normally via Telepathy. pups, kittens...) may temporarily have this Disadvan-
like demons) are all Many will be just as intelligent as humans, and tage, since her instincts drive her to protect her young
built on 75 Base Points. easily able to handle abstract, symbolic, and logical regardless of the danger to herself.
That’s the standard
for most Heroic cam- thinking. Like Sigurd listening to the forest birds
after eating Fafnir’s heart, the PCs can gain a lot of DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
paigns — the types of
campaigns where GMs useful information from “speaking with animals” in Animals should rarely have Distinctive Features;
are most likely to use games like this. while they often have unusual appearances, this
creatures as opponents rarely hinders or impedes them, and therefore doesn’t
or obstacles. However, constitute a Disadvantage. However, a creature that’s
because animals typi-
cally have a lot of Disad-
POWER LIMITATIONS especially unusual for a setting — like a giant dino-
vantages in one category
saur in the modern-day world, or a unicorn in a fan-
— Physical Limitation INCREASED ENDURANCE COST tasy world where they’re so rare that everyone hunts
— they don’t always them — might qualify for Distinctive Features.
Since most animal abilities cost END, this
obey the standard Dis-
advantage limit of 25 Limitation is useful for simulating activities ani- ENRAGED/BERSERK
points per Disadvantage mals can only engage in for a short time because Many animals become particularly fierce or
type maximum for most they’re so tiring. For example, both bears and chee- dangerous when badly wounded, or when extremely
Heroic campaigns. tahs can put on brief bursts of speed to catch prey, hungry. This usually doesn’t occur often enough to
This same approach but can’t run at that fast pace for very long without qualify as a true Disadvantage, but GMs can use the
is recommended for becoming tired. They buy this as extra Running rules for Enraged to simulate the effects, if appropri-
HERO System GMs for with Increased Endurance Cost.
their own campaigns, ate.
make his own decision Animals’ claws are often bought with this
based on the dynamics Many animals are, literally, hunted for food, or
of his game. For exam- Limitation, because the creature has two (or more) during a specified “hunting season.” Generally this
ple, powerful demons paws that it uses simultaneously. If the animal isn’t sufficiently restricting or hindering to qualify as
encountered in a Cham- attacks with only one paw, the GM can simply roll a Disadvantage. But other animals are hunted all the
pions campaign might half the damage. time, both legally and illegally, for their pelts, parts, or
have the normal 200
Base Points common to RESTRAINABLE the like, and this is more likely to constitute a Hunted.
Superheroic campaigns. Hunted may also apply to animals that have natural
This Limitation is bought for Flight based
enemies in the animal world (such as cobras, who are
on wings, since Grabbing, snarling, or fouling the
hunted by mongooses).
wings prevents the creature from taking off (or
A sentient species that Hunts an animal usually
continuing to fly, if it’s already in the air).
counts as a “More Powerful” Hunter, since intel-
ligence, opposable thumbs, and weapons typically
win out over bestial cunning and ferocity in the
end. However, the animal’s
Hero Games 19

nomadic nature may limit the Hunter to a specific ceives and reacts to things with extreme literalness.
geographic region of its much broader territory, or If told to batter down a wall, it will continue doing so
restrict the frequency with which the Hunter pursues until it receives new orders, it destroys the wall, or it
it. is destroyed. If someone jokingly tells it, “You’re pull-
ing my leg!”, it may start trying to rip off that person’s
limbs. Although it can learn quickly and easily, it
Several Physical Limitations, some of them quite often cannot apply what it learns precisely the way its
restrictive, occur frequently in the animal kingdom. teacher wants it to.
Cold-Blooded Value Physical Limitation
Cold-blooded animals — primarily reptiles — 10 Near-Human Intelligence (Frequently, Slightly
do not have a standard internal body temperature the Imparing)
way most beasts do. Instead, their body temperature 15 Animal Intelligence (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
depends on their surroundings. If it gets too cold, 20 Instinctive Intelligence (All The Time, Greatly
they can’t move or function; thus, they tend to live Impairing)
in deserts, the tropics, and other warm regions. In 15 Machine Intelligence (Frequently, Greatly Impair-
game terms, if the Temperature Level (see page 441 ing)
of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised) is above
+3 or below 0, a cold-blooded creature’s movement In some Fantasy Hero games, this Physical Limi-
and DEX are halved. At Temperature Level -2 and tation may be unnecessary. Animals are fully intel-
below, a cold-blooded creature cannot move at all, ligent, just like humans or elves, and suffer no restric-
and will likely die (or be eaten) if not safely sheltered tions from limited sentience.
somewhere. Giant-sized or fantastic reptiles, such as
Poor Sense(s)
dragons, may be warm-blooded (or at least tolerant
While most animals have at least one or two
of a greater range of temperatures).
keen senses, many have one or more senses that are
Value Physical Limitation weaker than normal. For example, elephants have
15 Cold-Blooded (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) excellent hearing, smell, and touch, but their eyesight
Limited Intellect is poor in most conditions. This is reflected partly
Because INT represents the ability to take in and by how the animal’s senses are bought, but also by a
process information quickly and properly — some- Physical Limitation if appropriate. For example:
thing many animals are quite good at — reduced Value Physical Limitation
INT is inappropriate for simulating animals’ lack of 15 Poor Eyesight, suffers -2 to all Sight PER Rolls
sentience. Instead, they take a Physical Limitation, (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Limited Intellect, to represent this. (It’s a Physical 10 Poor Hearing, suffers -2 to all Hearing PER Rolls
Limitation, not a Psychological Limitation, because it (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
cannot be overridden with Mental Powers.)
Limited Intellect comes in four varieties. From Many animals have a limited (or no) ability to
least to most restrictive, they are: Near-Human Intel- perceive color, but this rarely qualifies as a Physical
ligence; Animal Intelligence; Instinctive Intelligence; Limitation.
and Machine Intelligence.
Reduced Leap
Near-Human Intelligence, possessed by animals
Many large animals cannot Leap as far as their
such as apes and dolphins, is the highest degree of
strength would indicate, and a Physical Limitation
intelligence an animal can attain without becoming
reflects this. If the animal would get more points
truly sentient. Near-Human Intelligence animals
by selling back its Leaping, increase the value of the
communicate with others of their kind in sophis-
Limitation accordingly. Animals with STR 0 or lower
ticated ways, can learn limited tool use, develop
cannot take this Limitation, since their STR automati-
elaborate social customs and structures, and can
cally restricts their Leaping.
sometimes be taught to communicate or work with
sentient races. Value Physical Limitation
Animal Intelligence is the level of awareness 5 Reduced Leap, can only leap half as far as STR
possessed by most animals. It represents a basic indicates (Infrequently, Slightly
bestial intellect, with a heavy degree of instinct leav- Impairing)
ened by animal cunning and insight. Creatures with 5 Reduced Leap, can only leap 1” (Infrequently,
Animal Intelligence can be taught tricks, and even Slightly Impairing)
become valuable helpmates for sentient races, but 5 Reduced Leap, cannot leap (Infrequently, Slightly
cannot communicate with sentients in any advanced Impairing)
Reduced Manipulation
Instinctive Intelligence, possessed by most
Unlike humans and other sentient species,
insects, some fish, and various other lower forms of
which typically have thumbs or other such digits,
life, barely qualifies as “intelligence” at all. The crea-
many animals have trouble manipulating physical
ture is ruled almost entirely by its instincts, and is
objects. Some, such as elephants, do possess some
difficult for sentients to train or interact with.
limited fine manipulatory ability, but most are lim-
Machine Intelligence doesn’t apply to regular
ited to fairly crude batting, scooping, or pushing.
animals, but is possessed by “creatures” such as robots,
A Physical Limitation reflects this. Very Limited
golems, and the like. It represents a creature that per-
20 HERO System Bestiary
Example Manipulation, possessed by most animals, means them, and so forth.
Creatures by Size the creature has difficulty even picking objects up. For every step smaller than human size, an
Insectile: Spider It cannot perform any fine tasks, such as typing, animal suffers +3” Knockback from attacks. These
Minute: Bat open most gates or containers, and the like. Limited extra inches only add to the distance traveled, not
Manipulation represents animals who can perform the damage taken from being Knocked Back. Addi-
Minuscule: Demonling,
Neuroparasite, Scorpion, some tasks, like opening gates or picking up things, tionally, small animals may have difficulty reaching
Songbird but cannot finely manipulate them. things, carrying large objects, and the like.
Tiny: Domestic Cat, A creature with either of these Physical Limita- Size does not necessarily indicate that an animal
Homing Pigeon, tions should not also apply the Limited Manipulation is taller than a human; it may reflect length or girth
Homonculous, Simurgh, Limitation to any Extra Limbs they buy. instead. The Physical Limitation reflects overall size
Squirrel and bulk, not just height. The specified parameters
Diminutive: Falcon, Value Physical Limitation are guidelines; GMs should give each creature the
Giant Rat, Jackalope, 15 Very Limited Manipulation (Frequently, Greatly Physical Limitation that fits it best, regardless of
Psychovore, Rabbit, Rac- whether it’s exactly the listed size.
coon Impairing)
10 Limited Manipulation (Frequently, Slightly See also the Size template, below, for more
Small: Amphisbaena, information on the effects of different sizes and alter-
Basilisk, Eagle, Large/ Impairing)
ing an animal’s size.
Hunting Dog Size/Weight
Human Size: American Perhaps the most common Physical Limitation PSYCHOLOGICAL LIMITATION
Black Bear, Barracuda, for animals is Size/Weight, which represents the det- Several Psychological Limitations are common
Boar, Leopard, Lion, to animals. They include:
Deer/Antelope, Golem, rimental effects of their mass or scale. Animals are
Gorilla, Guardian Ape, not as limited in this respect as humans are — they
Wolf rarely have to fit through doors, walk on upper
Creatures with this Psychological Limitation
Large: Buffalo/Cattle, floors, or ride in vehicles — but they do suffer some
are inherently non-aggressive and skittish. Easily
Camel, Centaur, Ele- problems because of their size and/or weight. The
frightened, they flee from anything they perceive as
mental, Giant Carnivo- accompanying table provides suggested parameters
rous Plant, Grizzly Bear, dangerous (typically including loud noises and fire).
for this Disadvantage. As usual, the value of the
Hippopotamus, Horse, They can make an EGO Roll to resist running away,
Limitation depends on how frequently it restricts or
Manticore, Rhinoceros, receiving bonuses if their young are threatened (+1
hinders the animal — a creature who’s four meters
Mako Shark to +3) or they are cornered (+1 to +2).
tall is always that tall, but his size only negatively
Enormous: Crocodile, Value Psychological Limitation
Elephant, Giant Beetle,
affects him Infrequently.
15 Timid (Common, Strong)
Great White Shark Value Physical Limitation
Huge: Amorphous 20 Insectile, down to 1/64 human size (.032m, or Domesticated
Horror, Hydra, Lesser .016”) or smaller (All The Time, Greatly Impairing) Creatures with this Psychological Limitation
Dragon, Sperm Whale, 15 Minute, down to 1/32 human size (.064m, or have become so used to living with, and being taken
Treeman, Tyrannosau- .032”) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) care of by, humans (or some other sentient species)
rus Rex
15 Minuscule, down to 1/16 human size (.125m, or they can no longer fend for themselves. They often
Gigantic: Apatosaurus, .064”) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) lack the Survival Everycreature Skill, and look to
Giant Ape, Greater
Dragon, Kraken 10 Tiny, down to 1/8 human size (.25m, or .125”) humans for food, shelter, and comfort.
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) Value Psychological Limitation
Gargantuan: Giant
Dinosaur, Giant Worm, 10 Diminutive, down to one-quarter human size 20 Domesticated (Very Common, Strong)
Sea Serpent (.5m, or ¼”) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
5 Small, down to half human size (1m, or ½”) REPUTATION
Colossal: Roc
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) As discussed under the Reputation Perk, some
0 Human size (no Limitation) animals become particularly well-known, and this
5 Large, up to twice human size (4m, or 2”) (Infre- may entail a Disadvantage as well as a benefit. For
quently, Slightly Impairing) example, if Old Slewfoot is known to usually go after
10 Enormous, up to four times human size (8m, or certain types of bait, or frequent certain parts of the
2.1-4”) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) swamp, his Reputation disadvantages him.
10 Huge, up to eight times human size (16m, or 4.1- Similarly, some species of animals are known
8”) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) for negative traits, and a Reputation for all species
15 Gigantic, up to 16 times human size (32m, or members may reflect this. A seemingly beautiful fish
8.1-16”) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) may have a well-deserved Reputation as venomous
15 Gargantuan, up to 32 times human size (64m, or and deadly, for example. People who don’t know
16.1-32”) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) about its Reputation and get too close are in for a
20 Colossal, up to 64 times human size (128 m, or rude — and probably fatal — surprise.
32.1-64”) or larger (All The Time, Greatly Impair-
An animal that lives in a pack may have a
For every step larger than human size, an rivalry with a packmate for food, mates, or the like.
animal suffers -2 DCV, and all PER Rolls to perceive This rarely rises to the level of a Disadvantage, but
it are at +2. For example, a Gargantuan beast is at -10 may in some cases.
DCV, and +10 PER to perceive. Additionally, large
animals may have difficulty fitting into small spaces,
unintentionally break things by brushing too close to
Hero Games 21

o assist players and GMs with creating their Enhanced Musculature: Surgeons have grafted
own creatures, here are some “templates” for extra muscles into key areas of the animal’s body,
various abilities or conditions common to and used bio-engineering to stimulate the growth
animals. They represent both normal things of other muscles.
(like large size and strength, venom, or camouflage)
Enhanced Musculature: +10 STR. Total cost:
and fantastic conditions (such as being mutated,
10 points.
having cybernetic enhancements, or becoming
Metallic Claws: Surgeons have replaced the animal’s
Of course, these templates are just guidelines. An
normal claws with razor-sharp metal ones.
undead animal might have the Undead template, or
the GM might want to use only some of the abilities Metallic Claws: HKA 1d6, Armor Piercing
in that template to simulate a zombie critter. Feel free (+½) (22 Active Points); Reduced Penetration
to mix, match, rewrite, and revise as necessary to suit (-¼). Total cost: 18 points. (If animal’s natu-
your campaign or personal preferences. ral claws are larger than HKA 1d6, increase
damage appropriately.)
The animal has been altered, deliberately or acci- Metallic Jaws: Surgeons have replaced the animal’s
dentally, by outside forces. jawbones and teeth/fangs with much more power-
ful metal ones.
An animal with this template has undergone Metallic Jaws: HKA 1d6, Armor Piercing (+½)
surgery and other procedures to install cyberware, (total cost: 22 points) plus +10 STR (10 Active
make improvements through bio-engineering, and Points); Only To Grab With Jaws (-1) (total
so forth. Of course, the range of biological and tech- cost: 5 points). Total cost: 27 points. (If ani-
nological modifications you could make to animals is mal’s natural teeth/fangs are larger than HKA
virtually endless; the example abilities provided here 1d6, increase damage appropriately.)
represent just a few of the most common possibilities.
Being altered in this fashion may also cause Magic
the animal to acquire some Disadvantages, such as Through deliberate or accidental exposure to
Dependence (needs fuel, maintenance, or replace- magical energies, the animal has been changed for
ment parts) or Psychological Limitations. the better. Given the nature of magic, virtually any
Cybersensors: Surgeons have installed sensory change is possible; listed below are a few examples.
devices in the animal’s body, or otherwise augmented Being magically altered may cause an animal to
one or more of its natural senses: acquire some Disadvantages, such as Enraged/Ber-
serk, Susceptibility, or Vulnerability.
Cyberears: +2 PER with Hearing Group. Total
cost: 4 points. Deadly Gaze: The animal’s very gaze causes death to
those who look it in the eye.
Cybereyes: +3 PER with Sight Group, Infrared
Perception (Sight Group), Ultraviolet Perception Deadly Gaze: RKA 6d6, NND (defense is Power
(Sight Group), and Telescopic (+4 versus Range Defense or being blind; +1), Does BODY (+1),
for Sight Group). Total cost: 22 points. Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent
(+½) (360 Active Points); Always On (-½), Eye
Cyberradar: Radar. Total cost: 15 points. Contact Required (-½), Cannot Use Targeting
(-½), Beam (-¼), Cannot Be Bounced (-¼),
Enhanced Olfactory Senses: +3 PER with Smell/
Limited Range (3”; -¼), No KB (-¼). Total cost:
Taste Group, Rolls. Total cost: 6 points. (Add
103 points.
Tracking for Smell/Taste if animal lacks it; this
increases the total cost by 10 points.)
Magical Protection: The animal’s exposure to magic
has granted it a limited ability to withstand other
Dermal Armoring: Scientists have stimulated the
magical effects.
growth of the animal’s natural defenses to unnatural
levels, or surgically implanted plastic armor into and Magical Protection: Magic Damage Reduction,
beneath its skin. 50% (total cost: 30 points) plus Power Defense
(10 points) (total cost: 10 points). Total cost: 40
Dermal Armoring: Armor (+6 PD/+6 ED).
Total cost: 18 points.
22 HERO System Bestiary
Swiftness: Magical energies have improved the BATTLE-TRAINED
creature’s speed and reaction time. An animal with this template — typically
Swiftness: Running +6” (total cost: 12 points) a horse or a dog — has been trained for use in
plus +1 SPD (total cost: 10 points). Total cost: combat. It is less skittish and fearful than others of
22 points. its kind, and knows how to attack on command.
Cost Battle-Trained
Mutation 3 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE (may be more)
Through accidental or deliberate exposure to 1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE (3 Active Points);
post-apocalypse radioactive fallout, toxic sludge, Only To Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1)
or the like, the animal has undergone mutation. 2 PS: Attack 11- (see Animal Handler, page 11).
Some of the possible effects are beneficial (at least 2 PS: Stop Attacking 11-
in part), but the creature may also acquire some Total cost: 8 points
Disadvantages as a result (particularly Depen-
dence, Enraged/Berserk, and Physical Limitation).
This template represents an animal that
Berserk Strength: Its mutations cause it constant
blends in with its surroundings better than
pain, making the animal crazed with fury and fear.
normal, thus making it easier for it to escape
Berserk Strength: +15 STR. Total cost: 15 detection. A few animals can even change their
points. Animal also acquires a Disadvantage: color at will.
Enraged: Berserk in combat (Very Common), Cost Basic Camouflage
go 14-, recover 8- (45 points). 3 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to Concealment (8
Active Points); Self Only (-½), Only In Specific
Hideousness: The mutations have made the animal Environments/Situations (-1)
horrifying to look at — its skin has bubbled up 1 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth (2 Active
through its fur in places, it has suppurating sores Points); Only In Specific Environments/Situa-
all over its body, and so on. tions (-1)
Hideousness: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Total cost: 4 points
Only For Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1). Cost Color Changing
Total cost: 10 points. Animal also acquires -8 5 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to Concealment
COM (+4 points). (8 Active Points); Costs END To Activate (-¼),
Self Only (-½)
Radioactive Aura: The animal constantly emits 2 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth (2 Active
a small field of intense radiation which affects Points); Costs END To Activate (-¼)
anyone who contacts it. Total cost: 7 points
Radioactive Aura: Drain CON 1d6, Delayed DISEASED
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per
An animal with this templates has a disease it
Hour; +1), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield
can pass on to humans. It may suffer from the dis-
(+½), Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance
ease itself, or may simply act as a “carrier.”
(0 END; +½) (45 Active Points); Always On
Described below are two diseases commonly
(-½). Total cost: 30 points.
associated with animals, rabies and bubonic
Tentacles: One or more tentacles have grown from plague.
the creature’s body. Rabies
Tentacles: Extra Limbs (5 Active Points); Humans contract this highly contagious
Limited Manipulation (-¼) (total cost: 4 disease of the nervous system when bitten by an
points) plus +10 STR (10 Active Points); Only animal who has it (or, rarely, by eating infected
With Extra Limbs (-½) (total cost: 7 points). meat). The onset of symptoms can occur as quickly
Total cost: 11 points. as about ten days, or as slowly as about a year, after
being bitten. When the disease begins to affect
the victim, he suffers fever, headache, fatigue, sore
throat, nausea, and coughing for about one to
A creature with this template has adapted to, four days. A state of excessive agitation and motor
or been altered for, life underwater. activity follows, soon leading to hallucinations,
Cost Aquatic Template confusion, combativeness, and muscle seizures.
5 Gills: Life Support: Expanded Breathing The victim develops an extreme sensitivity to
(Breathe Underwater) light, noise, and even touch. Excessive salivation,
3 Aquatic Body or Webbed Paws: Swimming combined with difficulty swallowing, creates the
+3” (possibly more) “foaming at the mouth” effect for which this dis-
1 Aquatic Body: Life Support (Safe Environment: ease is well-known. The victim’s periods of lucidity
High Pressure) become shorter and shorter, until eventually he
Total cost: 9 points lapses into a coma, and then dies.
The best way to treat rabies is to capture
the animal and test it to determine if it has the
Hero Games 23

disease. If it does, or if testing is not possible, the spreads through the air and causes continuous fever Onset Time
wound is cleansed and antibiotics administered, and the spitting of blood instead of swelling. For diseases, and for the
and the victim then undergoes a series of painful Curing bubonic plague requires treatment toxins listed elsewhere
injections over the next several days. with streptomycin or tetracycline within the first 15 in this book, the Extra
hours of the onset of symptoms. Beyond that point, Time Limitation rep-
Rabies, First Stage: Drain CON 4d6, Delayed resents the onset time
the disease has progressed too far to save the victim.
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per of the illness — how
Week; +1¾), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Bubonic Plague, First Effect: Drain CON 5d6, long it takes between
Immunity; +1) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate the time of infection
(-2), Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), of 5 per Week; +1¾), NND (defense is appropri- and when the victim
first begins to suffer
Gradual Effect (4 Days, 1d6/day; -1¾), Bite ate LS: Immunity; +1) (187 Active Points); 1 symptoms (or between
Must Do BODY (-½) (total cost: 15 points) Charge (-2), Extra Time (one hour’s onset time the time of being poi-
plus Drain END 4d6, same modifiers and cost [sometimes more]; -3), Gradual Effect (5 Days, soned, and when the
as Drain CON, plus Linked (-½) (total cost: 15 1d6/day; -1¾). Total cost: 24 points. poison takes affect).
points). Total cost: 30 points. Although diseases and
Bubonic Plague, Second Effect: Drain STR 5d6, poisons are built using
Rabies, Second Stage: Drain STR 3d6, Delayed Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate Attack Powers, animals
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per of 5 per Week; +1¾), NND (defense is appropri- who carry or use them
Week; +1¾), NND (defense is appropriate LS: ate LS: Immunity; +1) (187 Active Points); 1 should be allowed to
Immunity; +1) (112 Active Points); 1 Charge Charge (-2), Extra Time (begins to affect victim make other attacks
while the onset time
(-2), Extra Time (onset time begins after first one day after first effect; -4), Gradual Effect (5 runs.
stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (3 Days, 1d6/day; -1¾). Total cost: 21 points.
Days, 1d6/day; -1¾), Bite Must Do BODY (-
Bubonic Plague, Third Effect: Drain COM 3d6,
½), Linked (to first stage; -½) (total cost: 11
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate
points) plus Drain INT 3d6, same modifiers
of 5 per Week; +1¾), NND (defense is appropri-
and cost as Drain STR, but Linked (to Drain
ate LS: Immunity; +1) (112 Active Points); 1
STR; -½) (total cost: 11 points) plus Drain
Charge (-2), Extra Time (begins to affect victim
EGO 3d6, same modifiers and cost as Drain
one day after first effect; -4), Gradual Effect (3
STR, but Linked (to Drain STR; -½) (total cost:
Days, 1d6/day; -1¾). Total cost: 13 points.
11 points). Total cost: 33 points.
Bubonic Plague, Fourth Effect: Drain BODY
Rabies, Third Stage: Drain STUN 3d6, Delayed
5d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per
the rate of 5 per Week; +1¾), NND (defense
Week; +1¾), NND (defense is appropriate LS:
is appropriate LS: Immunity; +1) (187 Active
Immunity; +1) (112 Active Points); 1 Charge
Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (begins to
(-2), Extra Time (onset time begins after second
affect victim one day after second effect; -4),
stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (3
Gradual Effect (5 Days, 1d6/day; -1¾). Total
Days, 1d6/day; -1¾), Bite Must Do BODY (-
cost: 21 points.
½), Linked (to second stage; -½). Total cost: 11
points. Bubonic Plague, total cost: 79 points.
Rabies, Final Stage: Drain BODY 5d6, Delayed For the pneumonic variety of the plague,
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per increase the Drain BODY to 6d6, and make all
Week; +1¾), NND (defense is appropriate LS: effects Sticky (representing the ease with which the
Immunity; +1) (187 Active Points); 1 Charge disease passes from person to person).
(-2), Extra Time (onset time begins after third
stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (5 DIVINE
Hours, 1d6/hour; -1¼), Bite Must Do BODY The opposite of Infernal, this template repre-
(-½), Linked (to third stage; -¼). Total cost: 20 sents creatures who were created by, work for, or live
points. with the higher powers of light, justice, truth, and
beauty. They occasionally come to mortal realms to
Rabies, total cost: 94 points. assist the human servants of their masters.

Bubonic Plague (“the Black Death”) Divine Awareness: Divine creatures possess senses
Carried by fleas that live on rats, and passed on beyond those of mortal animals.
to humans when the fleas bite them after the rats Divine Awareness: Infrared Perception (Sight
come into close contact with people, bubonic plague Group), Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing
is often referred to as “the black death” because of Group), Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group),
the black buboes (swellings) and black skin blotches Telescopic (+6 versus Range for Sight and Hear-
it causes (from internal bleeding). It attacks quickly, ing Groups). Total cost: 31 points.
typically killing the victim within five days after
exposure. Mere hours after contracting the disease, Divine Form: The beasts of heaven are as immor-
the victim begins to feel chilled, feverish, nauseous, tal as their masters.
and eventually delirious. He also experiences severe
pain, boils, and black buboes as large as an apple in Divine Form: Life Support (Longevity:
the armpits and groin which ooze pus and blood. Immortality). Total cost: 5 points.
An even more virulent form, pneumonic plague,
24 HERO System Bestiary
Divine Shield: The creatures of the celestial realms Passage Of Earth: Tunneling 6” through 10 DEF
are very hard to harm. material, Fill In. Total cost: 52 points.
Divine Shield: Physical and Energy Damage Stonesight: N-Ray Perception (Sight Group)
Reduction, Resistant, 50%. Total cost: 60 (cannot perceive through organic matter) (10
points. Active Points); Only To See Through Earth And
Stone (-1). Total cost: 5 points.
Holy Aura: A glowing aura of holy light surrounds
the creature, causing pain to all evil beings who Total cost for Earth template: 117 points.
come near it.
Holy Aura: Sight Group Images, 1” radius, Creatures of Fire, with their bodies made of
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (15 Active elemental flame, are dangerous to touch (or be
Points); Only To Create Light (-1), No Range touched by), though to the eyes of humans they are
(-½), Linked (-½) (total cost: 5 points) plus quite beautiful.
RKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), Damage Shield
(+½), Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance Beauty Of Flame: +8 COM. Total cost: 4 points.
(0 END; +½) (52 Active Points); Only Affects Body Of Fire: Energy Damage Reduction, Resis-
Evil Beings (-½) (total cost: 35 points). Total tant, 75% (60 Active Points); Only Works Against
cost: 40 points. Fire (-½). Total cost: 40 points.
Total cost for Divine template: 136 points. Body Of Fire: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1),
Damage Shield (does damage in HTH Combat;
ELEMENTAL +¾), Inherent (+¼), Persistent (+½), Reduced
A creature with one of these templates possesses Endurance (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points);
powers derived from one of the four classic elements Always On (-½), No STR Bonus (-½). Total cost:
— Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. 30 points.
Each template lists its powers separately. If
Wings Of Fire: Flight 15”. Total cost: 30 points.
appropriate, you may buy some or all of them
through Elemental Controls, thus reducing the cost. Total cost for Fire template: 104 points.
You may wish to make some of the powers Inherent,
depending on the nature of the creature. Water
Air Water creatures have bodies of wave and foam,
Creatures of the Air have bodies formed of wind allowing them to exist underwater without harm.
and cloud. They fly with great speed and precision. Body Of Water: Desolidification (affected by
Body Of Air: Desolidification (affected by magic) magic or fire) (40 Active Points); Cannot Pass
(40 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Through Solid Objects (-½). Total cost: 27
Objects (-½). Total cost: 27 points. points.

Body Of Air: Physical Damage Reduction, Resis- Body Of Water: Physical Damage Reduction,
tant, 75% plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resis- Resistant, 75% plus Energy Damage Reduction,
tant, 25%. Total cost: 75 points. Resistant, 25%. Total cost: 75 points.

Windrunning: Flight 20”, x8 noncombat, Body Of Water: Life Support (Expanded Breath-
Rapid Noncombat Movement (+¼), Combat ing: Can Breathe Out Of Water, Safe Environ-
Acceleration/Deceleration (+¼), Reduced Endur- ment: High Pressure). Total cost: 6 points.
ance (0 END; +½). Total cost: 100 points. Waverunning: Swimming +15”, x8 noncombat.
Windrunning: +6 with Flight. Total cost: 12 Total cost: 25 points.
points. Total cost for Water template: 133 points.
True Flyer: Running -6” and Swimming -2”. Total
saved: 14 points. EXTRA HEADS
An animal with this template has more heads
Total cost for Air template: 200 than normal members of his species. Typically this
just increases its perceptiveness, but the additional
Earth noggins may also improve its ability to fight if it has
With their bodies of dirt, rock, and stone, ani- fangs. On the other hand, the extra heads may handi-
mals of Earth are massive and strong, able to inflict cap the creature by causing it to get into arguments
serious harm on their foes. They often take Physical with itself.
Limitations to represent their enormous weight.
Cost Extra Heads
Body Of Earth: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (or sub- 5 Extra Heads: Extra Limbs (however many addi-
stitute Damage Resistance, if appropriate). Total tional heads the creature has)
cost: 30 points. 3 More Eyes Better: +1 PER with all Sense Groups
Strength Of The Earth: +30 STR. Total cost: 30 (add another +1, at 3 Character Points each, for
points. each extra head)
Hero Games 25

10 More Eyes Better: Increased Arc Of Perception

(360 Degrees) for Sight Group
Total cost: 18 points.

Optional ability: Fangs A Lot: +1 OCV with

Fangs/Bite (2 points) (add another +1, at 2 Char-
acter Points each, for each extra head).
Optional Disadvantage: Psychological Limita-
tion: Heads Tend To Argue Amongst Themselves
(Common; Moderate; 10 points).
This template represents an animal who is a
wizard’s familiar. There are many possible abilities
for familiars; the ones listed below are some of the
most common.
Magical Communication: The wizard has a magical
link to his familiar; he knows what it is thinking,
and can communicate with it mentally over vast
Magical Communication: Mind Link, one mind
(the wizard), Psychic Bond. Total cost: 10

Magic Augmentation: The presence of the familiar

boosts the power of the wizard’s magic, but only common
when the two are in proximity to each other. powers, the
Magic Augmentation: Aid Magic 2d6, any magic fiendish beasts of Hell
power one at a time (+¼), Delayed Return Rate have the Infernal template.
(points fade at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1) Invis- Demonic and diabolic animals are
ible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (65 Active incredibly diverse, with a wide range of foul and hor-
Points); Only When Within 5” Of Wizard (-1), rifying abilities; the ones listed here represent some
Limited To One Power At A Time (-0), Total cost: of the most common.
32 points. Demonic Claws: Infernal creatures have claws
capable of inflicting deadly wounds. (If the creature’s
Shared Senses: The wizard and the familiar can see normal claws have more base DCs than this power,
and hear through each other’s senses, though doing increase the power appropriately; you can also apply
so prevents them from using their own senses. With this power to an animal’s fangs.)
this ability, the familiar can act as the wizard’s spy,
creeping into areas where the wizard could not go. Demonic Claws: HKA 1½d6, Armor Piercing
(+½). Total cost: 37 points.
Shared Senses: Clairsentience (Sight And
Hearing Groups), 4x Range (1,200”), Usable Hellfire Aura: Infernal creatures can make their
Simultaneously (familiar and wizard at once; bodies burst into hellflame, causing terrible burns to
+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (80 anyone who touches them.
Active Points); Blackout (-½), Only Through The
Hellfire Aura: HKA 1½d6, Continuous (+1),
Senses Of Others (familiar only; -1). Total cost:
Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating (+½), Reduced
32 points.
Endurance (½ END; +¼) (81 Active Points); No
STR Bonus (-½). Total cost: 54 points.
Total cost for Familiar template: 74 points.
Infernal Form: The beasts of Hell are as immortal as
FEROCIOUS their masters.
This template represents a particularly fierce,
Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity: Immor-
vicious, or dangerous creature.
tality). Total cost: 5 points.
Cost Ferocious
10 Ferocious Strength: +10 STR Infernal Shield: The creatures of the infernal realms
4 Terrifying Appearance: +5 PRE (5 Active Points); are very hard to harm.
Only To Make Or Resist Presence Attacks (-¼)
Total cost: 14 points. Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50%. Total cost: 60 points.
As above, so below. Where creatures of the Total cost for Infernal template: 156 points.
heavens have the Divine template to represent their
26 HERO System Bestiary
Reach For Large SIZE Cost Size: Minute (creature is about one-thirty-second
Creatures This suite of Templates represents creatures normal size)
that are significantly smaller or larger than normal. 13 Easily Hidden: +10 to Concealment (20 Active
Large creatures’ extra Larger creatures are stronger, sturdier, more impres- Points); Self Only (-½)
reach is simulated with sive, and run faster than their ordinary kin, whereas 50 Hard To Hit: +10 DCV
inches of Stretching, smaller creatures are weaker and run more slowly, 20 Hard To Perceive: +10 to Stealth
bought with these Power but are harder to see and can fit into small spaces. -25 Less Impressive: -25 PRE (minimum of 0;
Modifiers: Reduced adjust cost accordingly)
Endurance (0 END; Larger animals normally do more damage with their
attacks, and smaller animals less damage, but this has -30 Shorter Legs: Running -15” (minimum of 1”;
+½); Always Direct (-¼),
No Noncombat Stretch- to be calculated separately for each animal due to the may be changed to compensate for reduced
ing (-¼), No Velocity many factors influencing the cost of Attack Powers. movement due to negative STR)
Damage (-¼). As an approximate guideline, +/- 1 DC per Size cat- -25 Weaker: -25 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost
As with everything else egory larger or smaller often works well. accordingly)
in a Size template, reach In addition to the abilities listed for each Total points cost: 3
is not required. Some template, the creature should take an appropriate Cost Size: Minuscule (creature is about one-sixteenth
creatures, particularly
Size/Weight Physical Limitation (see above). Since normal size)
humaniform ones such
as giant apes, need it. the names for the Size/Weight categories depend on 11 Easily Hidden: +8 to Concealment (16 Active
Others can’t reach sig- the creature’s relationship to normal human size, the Points); Self Only (-½)
nificantly far away from proper Physical Limitation for a template often has a 40 Hard To Hit: +8 DCV
their bodies, so they different name than the template itself. For example, 16 Hard To Perceive: +8 to Stealth
don’t need reach. a housecat is normally about 15 inches long, entitling -20 Less Impressive: -20 PRE (minimum of 0;
it to a Diminutive Physical Limitation. Doubling its adjust cost accordingly)
size involves putting the Large Size template on it, -24 Shorter Legs: Running -12” (minimum of 1”;
which makes it about 30 inches long. However, that may be changed to compensate for reduced
Large Creatures doesn’t mean it also gets the Large Physical Limita- movement due to negative STR)
And DCV tion; instead, it qualifies for the Small Physical Limi- -20 Weaker: -20 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost
tation, since it’s now a little less than half human size. accordingly)
As noted under Physi- The small Size templates work well for creating Total points cost: 3
cal Limitation, for every baby or juvenile animals of a given species. In addi-
step larger than human Cost Size: Tiny (creature is about one-eighth
tion to the template changes, you should also reduce
size, an animal suffers -2 normal size)
DCV, and all PER Rolls the animal’s defenses, attacks, and Skills, to represent
8 Easily Hidden: +6 to Concealment (12 Active
to perceive it are at +2. the younger animal’s inexperience and not yet fully-
Points); Self Only (-½)
The DCV penalty was formed body.
30 Hard To Hit: +6 DCV
included in the Physi- As always, these templates are guidelines. Many
cal Limitation for two 12 Hard To Perceive: +6 to Stealth
creatures vary from them in significant ways. For
reasons: first, it almost -15 Less Impressive: -15 PRE (minimum of 0;
example, many birds, though small, are so brightly
never varies from the adjust cost accordingly)
standard (unlike the colored that they don’t have the full Concealment
-18 Short Legs: Running -9” (minimum of 1”; may
DCV bonus for being and Stealth bonuses for their size. Similarly, many
be changed to compensate for reduced move-
smaller than human small animals do not have the entire DCV bonus the
ment due to negative STR)
size, which often varies); template provides, many larger creatures aren’t as
and because the rules -15 Weak: -15 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost
fast as their templates indicate, and you should often
for negative DCV Levels accordingly)
adjust Characteristic modifications to suit specific
(HERO System 5th Edi- Total points cost: 2
tion, Revised, page 54) Cost Size: Diminutive (creature is about one-quarter
are optional. However, Cost Size: Insectile (creature is about one-sixty-fourth
normal size)
the value of the negative normal size)
5 Easily Hidden: +4 to Concealment (8 Active
DCV Levels (using the 16 Easily Hidden: +12 to Concealment (24 Active
standard cost of 5 Char- Points); Self Only (-½)
Points); Self Only (-½)
acter Points per Level) 20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV
60 Hard To Hit: +12 DCV
exceeds the points the 8 Hard To Perceive: +4 to Stealth
creature gets from the 24 Hard To Perceive: +12 to Stealth
-10 Less Impressive: -10 PRE (minimum of 0;
Physical Limitation. -30 Less Impressive: -30 PRE (minimum of 0;
adjust cost accordingly)
If you prefer, you can adjust cost accordingly)
-12 Short Legs: Running -6” (minimum of 1”; may
adopt the negative DCV -36 Shorter Legs: Running -18” (minimum of 1”;
Levels rule, and then be changed to compensate for reduced move-
may be changed to compensate for reduced
instead of including the ment due to negative STR)
movement due to negative STR)
reduced DCV as part of -10 Weak: -10 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost
-30 Weaker: -30 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost
the Physical Limitation, accordingly)
subtract the negative accordingly)
Total points cost: 1
Levels’ cost from the cost Total points cost: 4
of the Size Template.
Hero Games 27

Cost Size: Small (creature is about half normal size) Cost Size: Colossal (creature is up to sixty-four times
3 Easily Hidden: +2 to Concealment (4 Active normal size)
Points); Self Only (-½) 90 Greater Strength: +90 STR
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV 36 Greater Mass: +18 BODY
4 Hard To Perceive: +2 to Stealth 36 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -18”
-5 Less Impressive: -5 PRE (minimum of 0; adjust 30 More Impressive: +30 PRE
cost accordingly) 72 Long Legs: Running +36”
-6 Short Legs: Running -3” (minimum of 1”; may 18 Tougher: +18 ED
be changed to compensate for reduced move- 137 Reach: Stretching 32”
ment due to negative STR) Total points cost: 419
-5 Weak: -5 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost
Total points cost: 1 For creatures with an unusual degree of intelli-
gence — animal companions like Lassie and Silver,
Cost Size: Large (creature is up to twice normal size)
for example — apply this template. For malicious or
15 Greater Strength: +15 STR
evil beasts, retitle it “Cunning.”
6 Greater Mass: +3 BODY
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” Cost Smart (Cunning)
5 More Impressive: +5 PRE 3 Brave: +3 PRE (optional, if the animal is also
12 Long Legs: Running +6” Battle-Trained)
3 Tougher: +3 ED 5 Insightful: +5 INT
4 Reach: Stretching 1” 1 Understanding: Language: English (basic con-
Total points cost: 51 versation) (The animal can only understand
speech, not speak back, though it may find
Cost Size: Enormous (creature is up to four times
other ways to communicate: “Woof!” “What’s
normal size)
that, boy? Timmy’s missing?” “Woof, woof
30 Greater Strength: +30 STR
woof!” “He’s fallen down a well?!? And he
12 Greater Mass: +6 BODY
needs his insulin shot? Lead the way!”)
12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6”
Total points cost: 9
10 More Impressive: +10 PRE
24 Long Legs: Running +12” SPACE
6 Tougher: +6 ED An animal with this template lives in the icy,
9 Reach: Stretching 2” unforgiving depths of space. To survive the rigors
Total points cost: 103 of hard vacuum, plasma storms, and the like, it
Cost Size: Huge (creature is up to eight times normal must be tough and strong, which can make it a
size) definite threat to starfaring craft and space stations
45 Greater Strength: +45 STR (especially if it’s large, as many space creatures tend
18 Greater Mass: +9 BODY to be). Large space creatures often receive fewer
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” points for their Size/Weight Physical Limitation,
15 More Impressive: +15 PRE since space is so vast they’re disadvantaged much
36 Long Legs: Running +18” less often than terrestrial beasts.
9 Tougher: +9 ED Cost Space
17 Reach: Stretching 4” 4 Adapted To Space: Environmental Movement:
Total points cost: 158 Zero-G Training
Cost Size: Gigantic (creature is up to sixteen times 40 Space Travel: Flight 20” (may be faster, or
normal size) MegaScaled)
60 Greater Strength: +60 STR 10 Space Travel: FTL Travel (1 LY/year) (may be
24 Greater Mass: +12 BODY faster)
24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” 10 Strong Body: +10 STR
20 More Impressive: +20 PRE 30 Tough Body: Armor (10 PD/10 ED)
48 Long Legs: Running +24” 6 Vacuum Adaptation: Life Support (Safe Envi-
12 Tougher: +12 ED ronments: High Radiation, Intense Cold, Low
34 Reach: Stretching 8” Pressure/Vacuum)
Total points cost: 222 Total points cost: 100
Cost Size: Gargantuan (creature is up to thirty-two SPIKES
times normal size) A few creatures, such as some species of
75 Greater Strength: +75 STR dinosaurs, have spikes over most of their bodies to
30 Greater Mass: +15 BODY discourage predators. The following template simu-
30 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -15” lates this, though it may require alteration based
25 More Impressive: +25 PRE on the size of the creature (and thus its spikes or
60 Long Legs: Running +30” spines) and/or how many spikes/spines it has.
15 Tougher: +15 ED
69 Reach: Stretching 16” Cost Spikes
Total points cost: 304 22 Spikes: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), Damage
Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼), Persistent (+½),
28 HERO System Bestiary
Beyond Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (56 Active (0 END; +½)
Templates Points); Always On (-½), Activation Roll 14- (-½), 10 Undead Form: No Hit Locations
No STR Bonus (-½) 6 Undead Senses: +4 PER with all Senses (12
The templates described Total points cost: 22 Active Points); Only To Perceive Images Created
in this section aren’t By Means Other Than Necromancy (-1)
the only “modular” 50 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (including
elements of this book. These templates represent animals that have Immunity to all terrestrial diseases and poisons)
Many of the animal returned from the dead, whether due to a curse, the Total points cost: 272 (minus cost of selling back STR to 0)
character sheets have power of necromancy, or some other reason. One
abilities you can “drag Cost Optional Undead Ability
template is for typical corporeal undead (skeletal,
and drop” from one 17 Hunger For Life: Detect Life (PER Roll), Sense,
creature to another as zombified, or mummified animals), the other for
you create your own incorporeal undead (ghost animals). Corporeal
Total points cost: 17
beasts. Numerous types undead should take the Reduced Endurance (0
of claws, fangs, horns, END) Advantage for their STR, and incorporeals VENOM
and antlers are the best should sell back their STR to 0, but this cost is not
example, but just about An animal with this template is venomous,
included in the template because it varies. meaning it can inject a poison into its victims by
any part of an animal
could be used for some
Additionally, creatures with the Corporeal biting, stabbing, or stinging them. (This contrasts
other animal. Undead template should take the Affected By Nec- with “poisonous” animals, which give off a poison if
For instance, suppose
romancy Physical Limitation. It represents the fact touched or eaten, and usually advertise their deadly
you’re running a Fan- that even though they’re Automatons, they are nature with bright coloration.)
tasy Hero campaign susceptible to necromantic magic affecting EGO Most animal venoms fall into one of two cat-
where the PCs’ major or PRE. See the character sheets for undead in this egories. The first is haemotoxins, which affect the
enemy is an insane book for suggested values. Ghostly undead, being
wizard who likes to blood and tissues, causing swelling, intense pain,
more self-willed and thus not Automatons, don’t internal bleeding, and thickening or thinning of
create new animals by qualify for this Disadvantage. However, either type
mixing and matching the blood. American pit vipers, such as the fer-de-
parts. You decide to may take Disadvantages reflecting their unholy lance or diamondback rattlesnake, have haemo-
build a vult-hound, a nature (such as a Susceptibility to holy places or toxic venoms. The second is neurotoxins, which
monster with the body things), if appropriate to the campaign. Other Dis- affect the nervous system. They may cause little or
of a hyena, head of a advantages may also apply; see the undead write- no pain, but inflict distress and, eventually, death
gigantic vulture, and ups in this book for some ideas.
legs of a lion, to serve through suffocation or heart failure. Cobras and
as the wizard’s pet. For Cost Corporeal Undead coral snakes have neurotoxic venom. Some venoms
the head, you can take 70 Automaton Nature: Automaton, Does Not Bleed, contain both types of toxin, or are mytoxins (which
the beak and eyes of an No Hit Locations, Takes No STUN (basic version; dissolve tissue).
eagle (page 136), using don’t forget to adjust the animal’s defenses, as Seven venoms are presented below, in vary-
the guidelines from the indicated on page 458 of the HERO System 5th ing levels of lethality: Weak, Mild, Average, Strong,
Size template above to
make it larger and dead- Edition, Revised; defenses listed in this template Deadly, Lethal, and Extremely Lethal. The deadli-
lier (so it fits properly have already been adjusted) ness of a venom reflects how lethal it is to humans.
on the hyena body). For 4 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects Against Many animals with weak venoms can use them
the hyena body, you use Slashing Or Piercing Attacks (for skeletons) Or quite effectively against small animals, for whom
the body (i.e., the main Crushing Or Piercing Attacks (for zombies and those poisons are strong enough to cause paralysis
physical Characteristics mummies) (-½) or death. (Gamemasters desiring greater realism of
and abilities) of a wolf
(page 188). For the lion’s 3 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects Against presentation can buy such an animal’s venom in a
legs, you buy the same Piercing Attacks (-1) Multipower, with one slot for humans, one for small
amount of running, and 6 Undead Senses: +4 PER with all Senses (12 animals, and Charges on the entire reserve.)
same claws, as a lion Active Points); Only To Perceive Images Created Gauging the lethality of a given animal’s
(page 145). Thus, with By Means Other Than Necromancy (-1) poison often proves difficult. Scientists evaluate
just a few minutes of 10 Undead Strength: +10 STR poisonous substances by
work, you’ve got a brand
50 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (including their “LD50,” meaning
new monster to bedevil
the PCs with! Immunity to all terrestrial diseases and poisons) the dose necessary to
Total points cost: 143 (plus cost of Reduced Endurance kill half the sub-
(0 END) on STR) jects within
24 hours.
Cost Incorporeal Undead For
70 Chilling Touch: Drain STUN 2d6, Affects Physi-
cal World (+2), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½)
60 Ghostly Form: Desolidification (affected
by silver weapons or magic), Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent
(+½), Inherent (+¼); Always On (-½)
24 Ghostwalking: Flight 8”, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½)
52 Psychokinesis: Telekinesis (10 STR), Affects
Physical World (+2), Reduced Endurance
Hero Games 29

obvious reasons, it’s not possible to test LD50 rat- (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time
ings fully under controlled conditions. The venoms (onset time begins 5 Minutes after victim is
assigned to animals in this book are estimates bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5
based on available scientific and reliable anecdotal Minutes; -¾) (total cost: 17 points) plus RKA
evidence; feel free to adjust them to suit your own 2d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS [Immu-
research or preferences. nity]; +1), Does BODY (+1) (90 Active Points);
Most venomous animals are immune to the No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do
effects of their own venom (and thus that of other BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5
members of their species). However, since this is Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
not a requirement (especially not in fantastic lit- Effect (10 Minutes; 1d6/5 minutes; -¾), Linked
erature), none of these templates have the Personal (-½) (total cost: 14 points). Total cost: 36
Immunity Advantage. You can add it yourself if points.
necessary, as is done with some of the animal write-
ups in this book. Strong: A Strong poison is deadly enough to cause
All of these venom write-ups assume the death in a healthy adult about half the time, barring
animal can deliver a poisonous bite four times per rapid medical care or the like.
day. Adjust this (and recalculate the cost) if neces-
Strong Venom: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR)
(total cost: 5 points) plus Drain CON 3d6,
Weak: A Weak venom is enough to make an adult Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate
human feel sick, but not enough to have a fatal of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
effect. The effects may be more pronounced in chil- ate LS [Immunity]; +1) (90 Active Points); 4
dren or the aged. Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Extra
Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes after victim
Weak Venom: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR)
is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5
(total cost: 5 points) plus Drain CON 2d6,
Minutes; -¾), Linked (to RKA; -½) (total cost:
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate
16 points) plus RKA 3d6, NND (defense is
of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY
ate LS [Immunity]; +1) (60 Active Points); 4
(+1) (135 Active Points); No Range (-½), 4
Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Extra
Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Extra
Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes after victim
Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes after victim
is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (40 Minutes; 1d6/
is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5
20 Minutes; -1) (total cost: 11 points). Total
Minutes; -¾) (total cost: 23 points). Total cost:
cost: 16 points.
44 points.
Mild: A Mild venom can kill weak people, such as
Deadly: A Deadly poison works faster than a
some senior citizens and children, and harm and
Strong poison, and results in death more often. The
sicken adults.
victim may experience intense pain before dying.
Mild Venom: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR)
Deadly Venom: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR)
(total cost: 5 points) plus Drain CON 2d6,
(total cost: 5 points) plus Drain CON 4d6,
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate
of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is
ate LS [Immunity]; +1) (60 Active Points);
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1)
4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½),
(120 Active Points); 4 Charges
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes after
(-1), HKA Must Do BODY
victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (40 Min-
(-½), Extra Time (onset time
utes; 1d6/20 Minutes; -1) (total cost: 11 points)
begins 1 Minute after victim
plus RKA 1d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS
is bitten; -1½), Gradual Effect (4
[Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1) (45 Active
Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½), Linked (to RKA;
Points); No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), HKA
-½) (total cost: 24 points) plus RKA 4d6,
Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time
NND (defense is appropriate LS
begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2),
[Immunity]; +1), Does BODY
Gradual Effect (5+ Minutes; 1 pip/5 minutes;
(+1) (180 Active Points);
-¾), Linked (-½) (total cost: 7 points). Total
cost: 23 points.

Average: This represents a poison of average

strength, one capable of killing a healthy
adult human in the right circumstances.
Average Venom: HKA 1 point (½d6 with
STR) (total cost: 5 points) plus Drain
CON 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points
return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1),
NND (defense is appropriate LS [Immu-
nity]; +1) (90 Active Points); 4 Charges
30 HERO System Bestiary
No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Segment after victim is bitten; -½), Gradual
Minute after victim is bitten; -1½), Gradual Effect (6 Segments; 1d6/1 Segment; -¼) (total
Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½) (total cost: 72 points). Total cost: 117 points.
cost: 36 points). Total cost: 65 points.
You can also use these venoms for poisonous
Lethal: As Deadly venoms are to Strong, so Lethal creatures — ones that poison the victim when the
is to Deadly. Lethal venoms take effect more quickly victim touches or ingests them. Some poisonous
than Deadly venoms, and are even more potent. creatures are extraordinarily deadly; for example,
some species of South American poison arrow
Lethal Venom: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) frogs secrete a poison so lethal, only a few micro-
(total cost: 5 points) plus Drain CON 4d6, grams (about as much as the ink in the period at
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate the end of this sentence) can kill an adult human.
of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri- Simply apply the Damage Shield Advantage (when
ate LS [Immunity]; +1) (120 Active Points); 4 touched or eaten; +½) and remove the HKA and
Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Extra HKA Must Do BODY Limitation.
Time (onset time begins 1 Turn after victim is
bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 WINGED
Minute; -½), Linked (to RKA; -½) (total cost: An animal with this template has wings, even
25 points) plus RKA 5d6, NND (defense is though ordinary members of his species do not.
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY These could range from angelic feathered wings, to
(+1) (225 Active Points); No Range (-½), 4 demonic bat-wings, to bird-like wings, to anything
Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Extra in between.
Time (onset time begins 1 Turn after victim is
Wings: Flight 10” (20 Active Points); Restrain-
bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1
able (-½). Total cost: 13 points.
Minute; -½) (total cost: 47 points). Total cost:
77 points.
Extremely Lethal: The deadliest animal venoms in This template represents an animal that has
the world fall into this category. They can kill an adapted to life in wintry or arctic environments.
adult human in minutes (or even seconds). They range from snowshoe hares and other crea-
tures who shed their dark summer fur (or feathers)
Extremely Lethal Venom: HKA 1 point (½d6 for winter whites, to fantasy snow-serpents and
with STR) (total cost: 5 points) plus Drain ice-dragons.
CON 5d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return
at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense Cost Winter
is appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1) (150 Active 1 Used To The Cold: Life Support (Safe Environ-
Points); 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY ment: Intense Cold) (2 Active Points); Requires
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Segment A Survival Roll (-½)
after victim is bitten; -½), Gradual Effect (5 3 Winter Coat: +4 to Concealment (8 Active
Segments; 1d6/1 Segment; -¼), Linked (to Points); Self Only (-½), Only In Snow/Ice (-1)
RKA; -½) (total cost: 40 points) plus RKA 6d6, 2 Winter Coat: +2 to Stealth (4 Active Points);
NND (defense is appropriate LS [Immunity]; Only In Snow/Ice (-1)
+1), Does BODY (+1) (270 Active Points); Total points cost: 6 points.
No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do
Hero Games 31

or the most part, the standard HERO TARGET SIZE mOVEMENT
System combat rules apply to animals the Generally, the target size penalties and bonuses cONVERSIONS
same way they do to humanoid species. do not apply to animals, who reflect the ease or dif-
This section contains discussion of rules ficulty with which others can hit them through the Miles per hour x 804.5
with unusual applications, and provides some addi- size-based Physical Limitation and abilities they = number of inches
tional rules for combat actions (like swallowing take (see pages 20, 26). The Target Size modifiers moved per hour
people whole) that don’t occur in battles between should normally only apply to objects, not living Inches per hour ÷ 60 =
humanoids. things which have their own DEX- and Power- inches per minute
based CVs. However, since DCV Levels are not Inches per minute ÷ 5 =
inches per Turn
ENTERING COMBAT Persistent, the GM may wish to substitute the target
size modifier for situations when a small animal (or Inches per Turn ÷
character) is attacked from surprise, or the like. animal’s SPD = inches
MULTIPLE-POWER ATTACKS of combat movement
per Phase
Predators with both fangs and claws often
use them in a multiple-Power attack against their COMBAT MANEUVERS
prey. Typically they start by Grabbing the potential
Unless noted otherwise below, assume all crea-
victim with their jaws (see Grab, below), and in
tures can use any Combat Maneuver in the normal
their next Phase apply their fangs and claws as a
fashion, if appropriate.
multiple-Power attack. Since the Grab reduces the
Creatures with the Limited Intellect Physi-
victim’s DCV, the predator has an easy time bring-
cal Limitation ordinarily do not use the following
ing its prey down.
Combat Maneuvers, which are either too complex
ABORTING AN ACTION and sophisticated for them, or otherwise inap-
Animals rarely fight to the death if they can propriate: Disarm, Blazing Away, Cover, Dive For
avoid it, instead Aborting to Dodge and then Cover, Hipshot, Hurry, Rapid Fire, Roll With A
running away when seriously injured (i.e., when Punch, Snap Shot, and Suppression Fire.
they’ve lost half their positive BODY). Only starva- BLOCK
tion, being cornered, protecting young, or similar
Creatures with the Limited Intellect Physical Lim-
dire circumstances make an animal stay in a losing
itation generally can only use Block against attacks
they’re familiar with — primarily, their own. For
MOVEMENT example, a deer could use its antlers to block the antler
Where real-world information is available on attack of another deer, but not to block a man’s attack
how fast an animal can move, you can derive its with a club. At the GM’s discretion, the deer
movement with the accompanying sidebar. could also Block familiar predator attacks,
such as a wolf ’s pounce.
COMBAT MODIFIERS As mentioned above under “Abort-
ing An Attack,” animals often use this
See page 16 regarding animals and the Envi-
ronmental Movement Talent. GRAB
Creatures with the Small Physical Limitation, Many animals use Grab when fighting. Some,
or who are even smaller, may suffer reduced penal- such as bears and gorillas, can Grab with their fore-
ties for fighting in cramped and cluttered areas, limbs and squeeze for STR damage, and constrictor
since they can maneuver in them more easily. snakes also apply their STR damage to their victims.
But a more typical Grab involves the use of jaws.
MULTIPLE ATTACKERS: PACK TACTICS Predators such as lions and wolves make a Grab, and
Wolves and other animals who like to attack if successful, may apply the Killing Damage from
in groups to bring down large prey are using pack their fangs instead of Normal Damage from their
tactics, a form of Multiple Attackers bonus. Once STR. In later Phases they sometimes add their claws
surrounded, a hapless deer or elk has little chance as a multiple-Power attack (see above).
of survival. Unlike humanoid attackers, who typi-
cally Grab two limbs with this maneuver, most
32 HERO System Bestiary
animals only Grab one. Bearhugs and the like are OCV 0 for purposes of the trample. Animals with
an exception. the Timid Psychological Limitation will do their
Creatures with the Limited Intellect Physical best to avoid the character, and thus suffer a -3
Limitation generally do not use Grab on weapons or OCV penalty.
other objects. Once he determines the number of trampling
animals, the GM should roll a Move By attack for
each one, and then roll damage separately for each
Creatures with the Limited Intellect Physical hit. To save time, the GM may prefer to make one
Limitation ordinarily do not use this maneuver; attack, using the animal’s standard OCV, +1 for
it’s too complex and sophisticated for them. How- each additional animal that might run over the
ever, some animals, such as dogs or birds, might character. If the attack succeeds, add +1d6 to the
be trained to run up to someone, snatch an object damage rolled for every two animals (or fraction
from them, and run away, and this maneuver simu- thereof) involved in the trample.
lates that “trick” well. Characters facing an onrushing stampede can
HAYMAKER try several things to save themselves. First, they
can make a Presence Attack against the herd. They
Animals rarely Haymaker any of their attacks, make one attack, suffering a -1d6 penalty for being
except when Enraged or in similar straits (see page at a disadvantage (outnumbered in the face of terri-
18). fied beasts). If the character achieves a PRE or EGO
MOVE BY: TRAMPLING +20 result, all animals suffer a -3 OCV penalty as if
Timid (if they are already Timid, the penalties add
Creatures with the Limited Intellect Physical
Limitation occasionally perform Move Bys on their
Second, the character can try to kill (or Knock
foes; for example, some predatory fish are adept at
Out) the lead animal, causing the rest of the herd
swimming past a target, taking a bite out of it, and
to part around it (and, hopefully, run around the
moving on. But its most appropriate use is to rep-
character as well). To do this, he has to kill the lead
resent trampling, such as by stampeding herds of
animal so that its body lands 1” in front of him. For
cattle or buffalo in a Western Hero game.
dramatic purposes, this is most likely to happen if
To determine the damage a character suffers
he waits until the lead animal is only 2” away and
from being trampled, you need to know two things:
then kills it with a single attack. However, the GM
the type of animal; and how many are involved in
may allow the character to start attacking earlier in
the attack. The type of animal tells you what STR
an effort to whittle the leader down, if appropriate.
to use for the attack, and the animal’s velocity. For
targets which are twice the size (or larger) than the PULLING A PUNCH
trampling animal, “being trampled” typically causes Animals sometimes use this maneuver when
no damage, and may be little more than an incon- fighting among themselves, such as to prove supe-
venience (few, if any, PCs get hurt when run over by riority over others so they can attract mates, or to
a “herd” of rampaging squirrels or housecats). establish rank within a pack.
The number tells you how many might actu-
ally run over the character. If it’s just one animal, MARTIAL MANEUVERS
resolve the Move By normally. If there are two or As discussed on page 14, some animals buy
more, you must determine how many might tram- and use Martial Maneuvers. As a general rule, they
ple the character. This depends on the herd size and should not buy maneuvers which improve upon
density (see accompanying table). normal maneuvers that they cannot use (such as
Animals deliberately performing a Move By Block or Disarm).
use Combat Movement. Stampeding animals typi-
cally move at Noncombat velocities, and so have
Other Animal Attacks
Size Number Of Attackers* Animals with many limbs or heads, such as
Tiny ½d6 hydras or kraken, can attack multiple characters at
Small 1d6 once. There are several ways to resolve this situa-
Average 1½d6 tion.
Large 2d6 First, as with the hydra, you can buy each head
Very Large 3d6
or limb as a “separate character” using Duplication.
Density Bonus To Roll Then each one attacks in the normal fashion.
Light +0 Second, you can simulate the attack as a form
Moderate +1 of Sweep (typically a Sweep Grab). Creatures with
Average +1 long tentacles, such as the kraken, should have
Heavy +2 little trouble reaching any nearby character. Even
Very Heavy +3 better, this gives the trapped characters’ comrades a
better chance to free them, due to the reduced DCV
*Number of attackers is limited to the maximum that comes from using Sweep. Unless the animal’s
number of animals in the herd. description indicates otherwise, use the standard
Hero Games 33

rules for breaking limbs (HERO System 5th Edition, a swallowed character does BODY damage equal
Revised, page 412) to determine what it takes to cut to half the creature’s positive BODY, he cuts a hole
through a tentacle. wide enough for him fit through. For some crea-
Third, you can buy a special Autofire attack for tures, such as giant worms, that may be enough to
the animal, representing its ability to affect multiple free him completely. For others, it may simply lead
targets at once. to another section of the animal’s body, forcing the
character to keep cutting his way out.
Sufficiently large creatures can swallow their
prey whole. In a Fantasy Hero game, there might HIT LOCATIONS
even be monsters large enough to devour human-
oid PCs with a single gulp! While the Hit Location Table (HERO System
To swallow a target, a creature must be at least 5th Edition, Revised, page 414) and related rules
four size categories larger than the potential meal. work fine for humans and roughly humanoid crea-
Look at the Physical Limitation table on page 20 tures, such as apes or minotaurs, most animals have
and count down from the target’s size to determine unusual body configurations requiring different
if the attacker is big enough. For example, a crea- tables. Creating a hit location table takes a little bit
ture must be at least Gigantic to swallow a human; of effort and thought, but improves the verisimili-
a Small animal can swallow a Minute critter whole. tude of your game. Most animal forms fit into one
The GM may rule that, based on the size and shape of several broad categories, for which suggested Hit
of a creature’s mouth and throat, it cannot swallow Location Tables are provided below. But in case you
targets of a particular size whole, regardless of the want to create tables of your own, here are some
overall size difference between the two (or, likewise, guidelines.
that an animal can swallow creatures the standard To create a Hit Location table, you need to
rule says it can’t). consider two factors. The first is realism. If a Hit
Swallowing a target requires an Attack Roll Location table doesn’t bear some relation to real-
using Grab, at an additional -2 OCV penalty. If the ity, it spoils the game and causes other problems.
attack succeeds, the target has been ingested. He For example, in most Hit Location tables, the rolls
takes the attacker’s STR damage that Segment. On most likely to occur on 3d6 should be assigned to
each of the animal’s Phases thereafter, the victim the largest and/or most central mass of the body
(and everything he has with him) takes damage (the torso on humans, or the main body on quad-
(just as if he were suffering a Constant attack; see rupeds). Otherwise, the results become skewed,
page 98 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised). making the game more difficult to enjoy.
The damage comes partly from muscle contrac- But realism can only take you so far — you
tions, but mostly from stomach acids and the like. also have to consider drama and game effects. To
See the accompanying table for damage guidelines, put it another way, think about how the structure
based on the strength of the stomach acids and of your Hit Location table will affect the game. You
related factors. want the results to contribute to the excitement
of the battles (and thus of the stories your group
swallowing damage tells). If the results are undramatic or unbalanced
(even if they’re “realistic”), the game isn’t as much
Category Damage fun. For example, in HERO System terms, hits to the
Weak ½d6 Killing Head and Vitals do more damage, since they strike
Moderate 1d6 Killing more sensitive and important areas of the body. If
Average 1½d6 Killing your Hit Location table makes it too likely charac-
Strong 2d6 Killing ters will achieve (or be affected by!) hits to those
Very Strong 3d6 Killing areas, enemies (and PCs!) will suffer defeat far too
quickly, ruining everyone’s enjoyment.
A swallowed character can try to cut himself For most games, a middle of the road
free if he has the means to do so. Typically this approach, blending elements of both realism and
requires a Killing Attack of some sort, but enough drama, works best. You, as GM, simply have to
dice of Normal Damage may do the trick. If the decide whether you want to draw the line closer to
character had the attack ready or weapon drawn realism or to drama, and that depends on your per-
when he was swallowed, he can keep using it sonal style and your group’s gaming preferences.
regardless of its size, though the GM may impose
penalties for “cluttered and cramped” conditions DETERMINING AN ANIMAL’S PHYSICAL
(see the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised, page CONFIGURATION
379). If the character has to draw a weapon, it must Usually, it’s not too difficult to figure out what
be a relatively small one, such as a dagger or short the major parts of an animal’s body are for combat
sword, unless the GM rules the creature’s stomach purposes — just look at a picture and you can pick
provides enough room to draw larger weapons. them out easily. But there are some considerations
(Alternately, you can use the Weapon Lengths And to keep in mind.
Enclosed Space rules on pages 164-65 of The Ulti- First, tails. Many animals have tails, but the tail
mate Martial Artist for greater realism and detail.) should only have an entry on the Hit Location table
The interior of a creature typically has half of for one or both of two reasons. One, the animal
the creature’s ordinary defenses and a DCV of 0. If may use its tail extensively. For many animals, the
34 HERO System Bestiary
The 3d6 tail helps them to maintain balance, or even (for ASSIGNING HIT LOCATION MODIFIERS
Bell Curve creatures like monkeys) hold on to things. If the A Hit Location table requires more than just
Roll Percentage tail is lost or damaged, they may suffer penalties to matching body parts to numbers on a 3d6 range.
DEX Rolls and the like. Other animals, like croco- You also need to consider how damage affects the
3 .5%
diles and fish, use their tails for locomotion; losing areas of an animal’s body. Here, too, considerations
4 1% the tail is a severe blow to such a creature. Two, of realism and drama apply. You want more impor-
5 3% even if not used for any significant purpose, the tant areas (the head, the vitals, the stomach) to take
6 5% tail may form a significant part of a creature’s mass. more damage from attacks (that’s realistic), so you
7 7% Unless one of these two conditions, or some other have to make sure they’re not too easy to hit with
8 10% valid consideration, applies, don’t bother to put the Called Shots (that’s dramatic and balanced).
9 11.5% tail on an animal’s Hit Location Table. Bears and You have to assign four modifiers: STUNx,
10 12.5%
deer, for example, won’t suffer any particular harm the STUN Multiplier for Killing Damage; N STUN,
if they lose their tails, so they shouldn’t have them the multiplier for Normal STUN damage; BODYx,
11 12.5%
listed on their Hit Location Tables. the multiplier for BODY damage from any attack;
12 11.5% Second, wings. An animal’s wings usually and the Attack Roll modifier. Some areas take more
13 10% count as limbs (often replacing the forelimbs damage, based on their importance to the body;
14 7% altogether), and should have similar Hit Location others take less damage, based on their size or lack
15 5% ranges and modifiers. If the wings are so vestigial of importance. Game balance factors may also have
16 3% they serve no purpose whatsoever, you can ignore an effect on this decision. See the accompanying
17 1% them or assign them poor ranges and modifiers. table for suggested ranges (based on whether the
18 .5% ASSIGNING HIT LOCATION RANGES area should take average, greater than normal, or
less than normal damage).
Hit Location tables use a 3d6 roll to determine
random results, and thus feature a bell curve. That
means numbers toward the center of the range Suggested hit location
(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) come up on the dice more
frequently than numbers at the ends (3, 4, 17, 18). modifier ranges
The accompanying sidebar lists the approximate Location
percentage of occurrence of each number in the STUNx N STUN BODYx Modifier
3-18 range. Above Average x5, x4 x2, x1½ x2, x1½ -8, -7
When you create a Hit Location table, use the Average x4, x3 x1½, x1 x1 -7 to -3
bell curve to structure the table to get the results Below Average x2, x1 x1, x½ x½ -6 to -4
you want. For example, realistically, most attacks
against a creature are likely to strike the largest
and/or most central mass of its body (which may
Sample Hit Location Tables
include the stomach and vitals). Therefore, you The following Hit Location Tables provide
should assign those regions to the 8-13 range in ranges and modifiers for most common animal
most Hit Location tables. Fortunately, this works forms. If you want to create your own tables, you
perfectly from a dramatic standpoint as well — hits can use these as guidelines and inspiration.
to most of those parts of the body do average
damage. Thus, the average hit tends to do average
damage, which is appropriate from a gaming per- Use this Hit Location Table for birds and simi-
spective. lar flying creatures, such as bats and pteranodons.
Similarly, on most animals, the head is rela-
tively small compared to the rest of the body. That
means, realistically, that it shouldn’t have a wide
Avian Hit Location table
range of numbers assigned to it (no more than two Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
or three), and those numbers shouldn’t be among 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
the most common ones rolled. Again, that fits per- 6-8 Wings x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
fectly with drama and game balance, since head hits 9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
do extra damage, and you don’t want that to occur
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
too often. The same goes for the “vitals,” however 14-15 Legs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
defined. 16-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV
Legs and other limbs (including wings and
tails on some animals) occupy most of the remain- CHIMERIC
ing positions on most Hit Location tables. How you
assign them depends on the animal’s physical con- Use this Hit Location table for “constructed”
figuration (it’s usually more elegant to put the fore- quadrupedal creatures, such as chimerae, griffins,
limbs on the table near the head, for example) and manticores, and hippogriffs. Minor adaptations
other factors. For example, with an animal like a may be needed for each species. For example, when
tyrannosaur, where one set of limbs is much larger using the chart for the three-headed chimera, a 3
than the other, the larger limbs should occupy more would indicate a hit on the first head, a 4 on the
(and more frequently rolled) positions on the Hit second head, and a 5 on the third head.
Location table.
Hero Games 35

Chimeric Hit Location table Use this Hit Location Table for insects, arthro-
pods, and arachnids — everything from ants and
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
flies to spiders, scorpions, and wasps.
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-7 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
8-9 Wings x2 x½ x½ -4 OCV Insectoid Hit Location table
10-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
14-16 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 6-7 Forelegs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
17-18 Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 8-9 Wings x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
10-12 Thorax x3 x1 x1 -4 OCV
DRACONIC 13-14 Abdomen x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
Use this Hit Location Table for dragons. The 15-17 Hindlegs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
“Vitals” entry differs in nature and range compared 18 Antennae x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV
to most tables, reflecting the fact that dragons tra-
If the insect doesn’t have Wings or Antennae,
ditionally have one vulnerable, unarmored spot, but count those results as Forelegs or Hindlegs.
heroes almost always have to target it specifically to
hit it (if they even know where it is). OCTOPOID
Use this Hit Location table for creatures con-
draconic Hit Location table sisting of numerous tentacles or arms descending
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit from a central body, such as octopi, squid, kraken,
3-4 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV and jellyfish.
5-6 Neck x4 x1½ x1½ -7 OCV
7-8 Forelimbs x2
9-11 Body x3

x½ -5 OCV
x1 -3 OCV
Octopoid Hit Location table
12-13 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
14-16 Wings x2 x½ x½ -4 OCV 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
17 Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 6-10 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
18 Vital Spot x6 x3 x3 -12 OCV 11-18 Arms x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV

If dragon does not have wings, count “Wings” result QUADRUPED

as “Body”.
Use this Hit Location Table for most four-
legged animals (except those covered by the Equine
Hit Location Table, above). This includes cats, dogs,
Use this Hit Location Table for horses, mules, bears, rodents, and the like.
and other animals with roughly the same shape
— camels, elk, deer, cattle, antelopes, and the like. Quadruped Hit
equine Hit Location table Location table
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-4 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
5-6 Neck x4 x1½ x1½ -7 OCV 6-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
7-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV 12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV 13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV 14-17 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
14-18 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV

ICHTHYOID (FISH-SHAPED) If the tail would be unimportant (as for bears),

consider an 18 a Hindlimb instead.
Use this Hit Location Table for fish (includ-
ing sharks and barracudas) and similar swimming
creatures, such as dolphins and whales.

Ichthyoid Hit Location table

Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
14-18 Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
36 HERO System Bestiary

Winged Humanoid
Hit Location table
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
REPTILIAN/AMPHIBIAN 6-7 Arms/Hands x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
Use this Hit Location Table for most reptiles 8-9 Wings x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
and amphibians, including lizards, crocodiles, sala- 10-11 Chest x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
manders, and newts. Snakes have their own table
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
(see below). You can also use it for frogs and toads 14 Thighs x2 x1 x1 -4 OCV
by counting a “Tail” result as a “Body” result. 15-16 Legs x2 x½ x½ -6 OCV
17-18 Feet x1 x½ x½ -8 OCV
Hit Location table If characters want to target a larger area of a
particular animal, use the accompanying table to
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
determine the OCV modifier and the dice to roll.
6-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
13-16 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
17-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV

If the tail would be unimportant, consider a hit on

it a Hindlimb hit instead.

Use this Hit Location Table for snakes, worms,
eels, lampreys, and the like.

Serpentine Hit
Location table
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
14-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV

Use this Hit Location table for angels, gar-
goyles, winged demons, bird-men, flying monkeys,
and other humanoids with wings sprouting from
their shoulderblades.

Animal special hit locations

Head Shot High Shot Body Shot Low Shot Leg Shot
(-4 OCV) (-2 OCV) (-1 OCV) (-2 OCV) (-4 OCV)
Avian 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
Chimeric 1d6+2 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+11
Draconic 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+5 1d6+10
Equine 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+5 1d6+12
Ichthyoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
Insectoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+5 1d6+11
Octopoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
Quadruped 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+11
Reptilian 1d6+3 2d6 2d6+5 2d6+6 1d6+12
Serpentine 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
Winged Humanoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
Hero Games 37

Animal Populations

ccasionally, a GM or character may need
to know how many of a particular sort of Arctic/ Temperate/
animal lives in a given area: “The king’s Subarctic Mountains Subtropical Tropical Desert Marine
hired us to hunt down and kill all the Insectile 5d6 x 2,000 6d6 x 2,000 8d6 x 4,000 12d6 x 8,000 5d6 x 2,000 10d6 x 6,000
Minute 5d6 x 200 6d6 x 300 7d6 x 500 10d6 x 2,000 5d6 x 200 8d6 x 1,000
wolves in these mountains — how many should
Minuscule 4d6 x 150 5d6 x 100 6d6 x 200 9d6 x 500 4d6 x 150 8d6 x 300
there be?”; “I need some griffins to attack the PCs Tiny 3d6 x 100 4d6 x 100 5d6 x 150 8d6 x 200 3d6 x 100 7d6 x 200
with — how many griffins could live in this forest?” Diminutive 2d6 x 50 3d6 x 100 4d6 x 50 7d6 x 150 2d6 x 50 6d6 x 100
The basic answer, at least from a GMing Small 2d6 x 10 3d6 x 20 4d6 x 30 6d6 x 100 2d6 x 10 5d6 x 50
perspective, is: however many you need for the Human-size 1d6+1 2d6 3d6+1 5d6 x 3 1d6+1 4d6
purposes of your story. If it takes five griffins to Large 1d6 1d6+1 2½d6 3½d6 1d6 3d6
create a significant threat to the PCs, the forest can Enormous 1d6-1 1d6 2d6+1 2½d6 1d6-1 2½d6
support five. If you need to fill three hours’ worth of Huge 1d6-2 1d6-1 2d6 2d6+1 1d6-2 2d6+1
game time with the wolf hunt, then there are how- Gigantic ½d6 1d6-2 1½d6 1½d6 ½d6 1½d6
ever many wolves the PCs can kill in that time (or Gargantuan ½d6 1d6-2 1½d6 1½d6 ½d6 1½d6
Colossal 1-2 ½d6 1d6-1 1d6 1-2 1d6
maybe more, if you want to challenge them).
Gamemasters desiring more “realism” or veri- Size Of Area Dice Roll Modifier
similitude may prefer a more scientific approach One acre or less -14
to determining animal populations. Unfortunately, 2-10 acres -10
there are no hard and fast formulae for establishing 11-100 acres -8
any animal population anywhere, because there are 101-640 acres (1 square mile) -6
too many variables to take into account. But you 1.1-5 square miles -4
can establish approximations for given areas, if you 5.1-10 square miles -2
know two things. 10.1-100 square miles +0
First, you need to know the resource base 100.1-500 square miles +2
500.1-1,000 square miles +4
of the area. Animals must eat, and the more food
1,000.1-10,000 square miles +6
that’s available, the more animals a particular area
can support. Predators need prey, and prey needs
vegetation. Thus, the density of animals in a desert, The Value Of Animals And
where there’s relatively little food or water, is much
less than in a subtropical forest, where there’s lots
Their Parts
of food. Many animals, or their parts, have value to
Second, you need to know what type and humans. A player character might need to buy a
amount of food the creature you’re interested in horse, sell a few square feet of dragon’s skin to an
eats. If you want to find out how many griffins live alchemist, go into the cattle-raising business, or pay
in a forest, you need to know how many medium- the animal shelter for a stray dog that caught his
to large-sized mammals (the griffin’s primary food) eye. Here are some formulae for quick and easy cal-
live in that forest. There have to be enough to main- culations of animals’ value. As always, GMs should
tain a population, plus enough for the griffins to eat. adjust or ignore these numbers if necessary; they
The accompanying table, based on animals’ are approximations, not necessarily suited to every
Size/Weight Physical Limitations and the environ- campaign’s economy. Values are expressed in dol-
ment categories used for the Survival Skill, provides lars; substitute silver pieces, Terran credits, gold tal-
approximate formulae for calculating animal popu- ents, or the other primary form of exchange in the
lations. The numbers represent the total number of campaign. (Note that the primary form may not be
animals in each Size/Weight category for the speci- the most used form; it depends on the setting and
fied environment, not the number per species. As the GM’s judgment.) Of course, skilled bargaining
always, GMs should adjust or ignore these numbers (via the Trading Skill) may affect the price as well.
if necessary.
Whole Animals
To determine the cost of a whole animal, take
the animal’s Total Cost in Character Points from
its character sheet. Multiply that number by the
economic factors modifier (see below). Reduce the
animal’s Total Cost by any Disadvantages which are
38 HERO System Bestiary
both (a) obvious to a potential buyer, and (b) not
characteristic of the species as a whole. For exam- Economic Factors
ple, if a horse had the Physical Limitation Lame
In One Leg, and the buyer discovered this before Supply And Demand Modifier
making the purchase, that would reduce the ani- Supply greatly exceeds demand -2
Supply exceeds demand -1
mal’s Total Cost for valuation purposes. But if the
Supply barely exceeds demand -½
breed of horse the buyer wants all have the Timid Supply equals demand +0
Psychological Limitation, don’t use it to reduce the Demand barely exceeds supply +½
cost; that’s just part and parcel of what the buyer’s Demand exceeds supply +1
getting, and he should know it. Demand greatly exceeds supply +2
Animal Parts Item Quality Modifier
Animal parts, such as pelts, bones, horns, teeth, Very poor quality -1
and meat, have value on their own. Poor quality -½
For pelts, furs, feathers, and the like, assign Average quality +0
the pelt a Comeliness rating based on its general High quality +½
quality, wholeness, luxuriousness, and other such Very high quality +1
factors. This rating may or may not equal the
animal’s own COM. Then multiply that rating (not Additional Modifiers Modifier
the Character Points it would take to buy the rating, Item is in vogue/is faddish +½ to +1
Item is illegal +½ to +1
but the rating itself) by the economic factor to
Item has received much publicity +½
obtain the price. Item is associated with sex +½
For edible meat and other parts, determine
how many man-days’ worth of food they provide, to 8 PD/8 ED Armor). The demand for dragon’s
then multiply that total by the economic factor. For skin is high, greatly exceeding the supply (+2),
example, if a haunch of meat could feed five men and the skin the heroes have salvaged is of high
for two days, that’s ten man-days’ worth of food. quality (+½). The story of the slaying of the
For parts that have an associated Character dragon has spread far and wide (+½). Thus,
Point cost, such as horns, multiply the Active Point the final value of the skin is (24 x 1 + 2 + ½ +
cost of the part by the economic factor. In some ½ = 120) 120 gold pieces (the main form of cur-
cases, characters may get a better price by dividing rency in the campaign). Since most prices for
the part up into portions and selling the portions. goods are calculated in silver pieces (100 silver
For example, selling an entire rhino horn may bring = 1 gold), the adventurers have earned enough
less money than grinding the horn up and selling money to live on for a year or more!
the powder by the ounce (though that also requires
extra work on the characters’ part). Some poachers kill a rhino and cut off its horn
For parts without a specific Character Point to sell for use as an aphrodisiac. The horn has
cost, but which the GM feels should have some an Active Point value of 25. The horn is of
value, such as dragon skin or bones, the GM can average quality (+0). Demand greatly exceeds
assign them a “point cost” based on their intrinsic supply (+2), rhino horn is a highly illegal com-
magic, their general value, or some other factor. modity (+1), and it’s a commodity associated
Then apply the economic factor to that to obtain a with sex to boot (+½). So, the final value of the
price. rhino horn is (25 x 1 + 2 + 1 + ½) $112.50
Economic Factors dollars. The poachers were hoping for more, so
The scarcity and quality of an animal or they decide to split the horn up into portions to
animal part can affect its price significantly. The increase their take.
accompanying table provides modifiers reflect-
ing economic conditions and related factors that Randall Irons is stuck in the Middle East with-
can change an animal’s or item’s price. Apply these out a gun, and decides to sell his horse (145
modifiers to the animal’s or item’s Character Point Total Points) to raise money to purchase a
cost just like Advantages and Limitations. firearm. Unfortunately, he’s in a region where
there are lots of horses (supply exceeds demand,
Examples -1), and his horse isn’t a very good one because
Hemdring the Bold, Arkelos, and their compan- he was tricked by the merchant who sold it
ions have slain a mighty dragon. They recover to him (poor quality, -½). So, the final value
enough whole dragon’s skin for a spellcaster of the horse is (145 ÷ 1 + 1 + ½) 58 dinars
to make a human-sized suit of plate armor. — not enough to buy a gun. Randall must find
Rather than incur the expense of making the another way to earn the rest of the money.
armor themselves, the adventurers decide to
sell the skin to a wizard. To determine the skin’s
value, the GM assigns it a Character Point
cost. Since a suit of dragon-skin armor would
provide armor with DEF 16 (half from the skin
itself, half from the necessary enchantments),
the GM values it at 24 Character Points (equal
Hero Games 39

his chapter includes writeups like role in many stories (such as demons).
for dozens of fantastic beasts Unless otherwise noted, these creatures
and “monsters” — creatures should be considered to have the usual suite
that could never exist in the of Everycreature Skills.
“real world,” but which are a staple of many Some creatures end up with more points
fantasy adventures and other games. The from Disadvantages than they spend on
“animals” depicted here are either true, non- abilities and Characteristics. In this case,
intelligent, animals of a fantastic nature either ignore the surplus points, or spend
(such as giant worms or guardian apes), them on additional abilities suitable for indi-
intelligent beings of beast-like nature or vidual members of the species who appear
form (such as lycanthropes or centaurs), in your game.
or intelligent beings that play a creature-
40 HERO System Bestiary

Ape, Guardian hunting. They particularly like the taste of human

Sometimes humans capture these creatures
GUARDIAN APE and use them to guard buildings or treasures
VAL CHAR COST ROLL NOTES (hence the creature’s name). If their “master” does
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] not feed them man’s-flesh at least once per week,
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 they are likely to become uncontrollable, and to
23 CON 26 14- turn on him if given the slightest opportunity.
16 BODY 12 12- It is said that some wizards have gifted these
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- beasts with a touch of wits and armed them with
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 swords and shields, making them even more dan-
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6 gerous.
8 COM -1 11-
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
but they also have an overwhelming hunger for
8 PD 2 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD)
flesh (especially human flesh) which makes them
6 ED 1 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
go out of their way to seek prey.
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12
11 REC 0 Powers/Tactics: Guardian apes attack aggressively,
46 END 0 leaping on their prey and attempting to overwhelm
43 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 84 it with their size and strength. They often Grab and
(+16 with NCM) then bite, or one ape will hold the prey while his
troop-mates claw it to death.
Movement: Running: 7”/14” Campaign Use: Guardian apes are useful both as
Leaping: 6”/12” random encounters and sentries in fantasy games,
or as the creations of supervillains who specialize
Cost Powers END in genetic manipulation. They can also serve as a
7 Arm Swing: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand template for various other wild humanoid beings.
Attack (-½) 1
Appearance: Guardian apes resemble ordinary
12 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); Reduced
gorillas, but are much larger (seven to nine feet tall)
Penetration (-¼) 1
and muscular. Their fangs are larger and more pro-
15 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
nounced, and they have claws on the tips of their
4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
fingers. At night, their eyes seem to glow with an
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations (must
evil red light.
roar; -¼) 0
6 Thick, Leathery Skin: Armor (2 PD/2 ED) 0
2 Long Legs: Running +1” (7” total) 1
6 Ape Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0

10 +2 Hand-To-Hand

3 Acrobatics 13-
3 Climbing 13-
3 Tactics 11-
3 Teamwork 13-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 74

Total Cost: 158

75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size (up to
about 3m tall and 650 kg)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Hunger For
Human Flesh (Common, Strong)
48 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 158

Ecology: Guardian, or carnivorous, apes are like
ordinary gorillas, with one important exception:
they are meat-eaters. They live in smaller groups,
and often fight fiercely with other groups when not
Hero Games 41

Basilisk 75+ Disadvantages

15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Small (up to 1m
Val Char Cost Roll Notes long; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly
5 STR -5 10- Lift 50 kg; 1d6 [1] Impairing)
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited
15 CON 10 12- Manipulation (Frequently, Greatly
10 BODY 0 11- Impairing)
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 803 Experience Points
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Total Disadvantage Points: 913
6 COM -2 10-
Ecology: Created by the unnatural mating or
mingling of a toad and a hen (and perhaps related
4 PD 3 Total: 4 PD (2 rPD)
to the cockatrice, a creature of similar origin), the
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
basilisk is a strange beast indeed. It prefers to live in
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
deserts and dry regions, but sometimes makes its
4 REC 0
way into subtropical or temperate climes during the
30 END 0
warmer seasons. It lives off the bodies of the creatures
30 STUN 9 Total Characteristics Cost: 31
killed by its lethal gaze, breath, hiss, and smell.
Movement: Running: 4”/8” Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Leaping: 1”/2” Some basilisks are said to find shiny objects attrac-
tive, and thus to gather hoards of treasure from their
Cost Powers END victims.
131 Deadly Gaze: RKA 6d6, NND (defense Powers/Tactics: A basilisk is one of the deadliest
is Power Defense, or blocking its gaze; +1), beasts known. First and foremost, its very gaze is
Does BODY (+1), Persistent (+½), lethal (though some legends claim the basilisk must
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always see its victim first, or else this power will not work).
On (-½), Eye Contact Required (-½), The gaze has an “all or nothing” effect (either it kills
Limited Range (30”; -¼), All Or Nothing the victim, or it has no effect at all; the latter result
(-½) 0 means the victim somehow avoided the gaze). For-
252 Deadly Breath: RKA 6d6, NND (defense tunately, the creature is not immune to its own gaze;
is appropriate LS: Immunity; +1), Does the proper use of a mirror or other shiny surface
BODY (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 can kill it. (To do this, a character must have a suf-
END; +½); Limited Range (1”; -¼) 0 ficiently reflective object at the ready, know he’s about
252 Deadly Hiss: RKA 6d6, NND (defense is to encounter a basilisk, and obtain initiative over the
Hearing Group Flash Defense or being creature. Then he must succeed with an attack pitting
deaf; +1), Does BODY (+1), Reduced his base OCV against the basilisk’s OCV, as if he were
Endurance (0 END; +½); Limited Blocking. If the attack succeeds, the basilisk suffers
Range (5”; -¼) 0 the effect of its own gaze. By that point, though, the
206 Deadly Smell: RKA 6d6, NND (defense is character may be well within range of the basilisk’s
LS: Self-Contained Breathing or no sense deadly smell....)
of smell; +1), Does BODY (+1), Persistent If the gaze does not work for some reason, the
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); basilisk has other, equally deadly weapons. First,
Always On (-½), Limited Range (10”; -¼) 0 just smelling it can cause instant death. Next, it can
12 Bite: HKA 1d6 (1d6+1 with STR); breathe its noxious breath onto a victim and kill him
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 that way. Lastly, at short ranges the sound of its hiss
2 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance causes death.
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
6 Many Legs And A Tail: Extra Limbs, Campaign Use: The basilisk is a fearsome creature
Inherent (+¼) 0 able to decimate entire parties of heroes, especially if
3 Sharp Senses: +1 PER with all it takes them unawares. Use it only with the greatest
Sense Groups 0 caution.
-4 Short Legs: Running -2” (4” total) 0 Legend says the ashes of a basilisk, if spread over
an area, keep away all venomous creatures (including
Skills all spiders). Moreover, silver smelted in the burning
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV body of a dead basilisk takes on the qualities and
value of gold. Thus, basilisk corpses and ashes have
5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½) great value.
7 Stealth 14- Appearance: The basilisk is a fabulous blending of
serpent and rooster. It has a broad, snake-like body,
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 882 with six or eight rooster-like legs. Its head has a
Total Cost: 913 distinctive, crown-like crest.
42 HERO System Bestiary
Total Disadvantage Points: 170
Bat, Giant Vampire
Ecology: Giant vampire bats live in the subtropical
GIANT VAMPIRE BAT and tropical regions of fantasy worlds. Due to their
intense aversion to sunlight, they are nocturnal
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
creatures, living in caves, ruined buildings, or dense
5 STR -5 10- Lift 50 kg; 1d6 [1]
jungle canopies during the day. They prefer to live
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
in colonies of 3-18, if the food supply can support a
13 CON 6 12-
population that large.
10 BODY 0 11-
At night, the bats leave their nest and fly in
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
search of large animals — deer, men, or creatures
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
even larger — to feed from. They live on blood,
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
which they must drain from living victims. It finds
4 COM -3 10-
victims by echolocation (its Active Sonar) and/or
its sense of smell.
4 PD 3 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
3 SPD 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Powers/Tactics: A giant vampire bat begins its
6 REC 4 attack by swooping in, making a Presence Attack
26 END 0 as it approaches. It lands on and grapples (Grabs)
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 24 the victim, attempting as it does so to bite with its
fangs. If the bite penetrates the victim’s skin, the
Movement: Running: 1”/2” creature starts sucking blood on its next Phase.
Flight: 10”/20” It continues to suck blood until it has drunk 2d6
BODY’s worth of blood, it suffers more than 3
Cost Powers END BODY of damage, or it is somehow removed from
15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1 the victim’s body (which may cause 1 pip of BODY
28 Suck Blood: Drain BODY 1d6, Delayed damage to the victim).
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
Campaign Use: Giant vampire bats make an excel-
per Week; +1¾), Continuous (+1),
lent “nuisance encounter” for parties of heroes
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Bite
crossing the wilderness. Although not likely to
Must Do BODY (-½) 0
prove truly deadly (except in large numbers), they
10 Terrifying Appearance: +20 PRE; Only For
can inflict significant harm on a group of PCs.
Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1) 0
Don’t forget that many characters suffer negative
17 Bat’s Wings: Flight 10”, Reduced End-
OCV penalties in darkness, making it even harder
urance (½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 1
to hit these creatures.
-10 Tiny, Awkward Legs: Running -5” (1” total) 0
Stories whispered in darkened taverns tell of a
15 Sonar: Active Sonar 0
special type of giant vampire bat bred as a servitor
species by evil wizards... one with the strength to
carry a full-grown man back to its master, and the
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV
intelligence to follow orders. (To create this type of
5 Agile Flyer: +2 DCV; Only While Using
bat, increase the creature’s STR to 20, and its intel-
Flight (-½), Costs END (-½) 1
lect to Near-Human.)
5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½) Appearance: The giant vampire bat has the physical
7 Stealth 15- characteristics of other bats — brown-furred body,
two large, leathery wings in place of forelimbs,
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102 short legs, and a head
Total Cost: 126 with enlarged
ears, tiny eyes,
75+ Disadvantages and a distinc-
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence tive, partly
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) upturned nose
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers — but is of much
-4 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly larger size (up
Impairing) to half the size
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot of a man). It
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) also has promi-
5 Physical Limitation: Small (up to 1m long; nent fangs.
+3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Aversion To Sun-
light (Common, Total)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from light-based
Sight Group Flash Attacks (Common)
Hero Games 43

Centaur human maidens.

Powers/Tactics: Centaurs have many options in
CENTAUR combat. Their human arms and hands allow them
to use many different types of weapons (and their
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
enormous strength makes them effective warriors).
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
They can also kick with their hind legs, or rear up
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
and come crashing down on a foe with their front
18 CON 16 13-
hooves (they often Haymaker either attack).
18 BODY 16 13-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Campaign Use: You can use centaurs as a template
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 for other human-animal crosses. For example, to
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 create a being with the torso of a human and the
10 COM 0 11- body of a lion, simply reduce the centaur’s Running
to the lion’s level, and add the lion’s claws.
8 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) Appearance: A centaur has the head and torso of
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) a man, and the body and legs of a horse. Although
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 this combination makes centaurs fast and strong,
9 REC 0 it occasionally causes problems (they can’t climb
40 END 2 trees, or navigate narrow stairways).
40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 77
(+7 with NCM)
centaur Hit Location table
Movement: Running: 11”/22” Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
Leaping: 5”/10” 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-7 Arms/Hands x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
Cost Powers END 8 Shoulders x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
7 Kick/Rear: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand 9-10 Human Torso x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
Attack (-½) 1 11-12 Horse Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
10 Horse’s Legs: Running +5” (11” total) 2 13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0 14-18 Legs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV

Head Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+3

High Shot (-2 OCV): 2d6+1
2 Survival (Temperate) 11- Body Shot (-1 OCV): 2d6+4
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Bows, Lances Low Shot (-2 OCV): 1d6+9
Leg Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+12
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 29
Total Cost: 106

75+ Disadvantages
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Prone To Intoxication
(-3 on CON Rolls to resist drunkenness)
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Unusual Form (makes
some tasks difficult or impossible) (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Psychological Limitation: Temperamental
(Common, Moderate)
6 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 106

Ecology: Centaurs, a strange mingling of man and
horse, prefer to live in temperate fields and light
woods. In some places they form families, and even
clans or kingdoms; in others they are wilder, even
barbarous, with no formal social structure.
Personality/Motivation: Centaurs have personali-
ties as varied as humans. Some are wise and kind,
gifted in the healing arts and possessing much
wisdom (which you can represent by giving them
more points’ worth of Skills). Others are coarse and
crude, prone to fighting, carousing, and kidnapping
44 HERO System Bestiary

Chimera Skills
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Powers & Skills Cost: 172
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] Total Cost: 291
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
22 CON 24 13- 75+ Disadvantages
23 BODY 26 14- 20 Enraged: if takes BODY damage (Common),
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- go 11-, recover 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
6 COM -2 10- 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD) Slightly Impairing)
10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED (2 rED) 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
12 REC 6 10 Psychological Limitation: Aggressive And
44 END 0 Temperamental (Common, Moderate)
50 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 119 151 Experience Points
(+23 with NCM)
Total Disadvantage Points: 291
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
Ecology: The chimera is an unnatural creature, cre-
Leaping: 5”/10”
ated either by perverse gods or by wizards’ experi-
Flight: 12”/24”
ments gone horribly awry (or, even more horribly,
exactly as planned). Some say they cannot breed
Cost Powers END
— that only magic can create more chimerae — but
20 Lion’s Fangs: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with
a few adventurers claim to have encountered prides
STR); Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
of chimerae, complete with cubs.
16 Lion’s Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with
Chimerae prefer to live in mountainous or hilly
STR); Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
regions. They lair in caves. They often migrate from
10 Goat’s Horns: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1
one territory to another, since they quickly clear a
10 Dragon’s Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1
region of potential prey because of their prodigious
33 Dragon’s Venom: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity though chimerae have a notably aggressive and tem-
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Dragon’s Bite Must peramental disposition, often attacking when other
Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time animals would refrain or retreat. If wounded, they
begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), become extremely dangerous.
Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; Powers/Tactics: Thanks to its many heads, the
-¾) plus RKA 2d6, NND (defense is chimera has more than just claws and fangs avail-
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does able to it. It can butt with its goat-head (sometimes
BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No performing a Move Through with its Flight), breathe
Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Dragon’s Bite fire from its dragon-head, or even inflict a venomous
Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset bite with the dragon’s fangs. Its ability to fly allows
time begins 5 Minutes after victim is it to escape many attackers, or pursue victims who
bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (10 Minutes; might otherwise escape. Its also likes to fly past prey,
1d6/5 minutes; -¾), Linked (-½) 4 making a Move By with its claws.
20 Dragon’s Breath: RKA 2d6, Armor
Campaign Use: A tough and capable foe, the chimera
Piercing (+½); Increased Endurance Cost
is a good opponent for most groups of adventurers.
(x3 END; -1), Limited Range (10”; -¼) 12
The GM can also use it as a template for other chi-
7 Roar: +15 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
meric creatures (such as a gigantic serpent with lion’s
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations (must
legs and a bat’s wings).
roar; -¼) 0
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance Appearance: The chimera is a monstrous amalgam
(2 PD/2 ED) 0 with the body and head of a lion, plus the head of
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0 a goat and the head of a dragon (some forms have
6 Long Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1 a venomous serpent for a tail instead of a dragon’s
16 Dragon’s Wings: Flight 12”; head). It also has dragon’s wings, allowing it to
Restrainable (-½) 2 pursue its prey through the air or lair in otherwise
6 Animal Senses: +2 PER with all Sense inaccessible mountains.
Groups 0
5 Lion’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
5 Lion’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
Hero Games 45

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
14 CON 8 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
6 COM -2 10-

5 PD 5 Total: 5 PD (2 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 4
28 END 0
25 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 33

Movement: Running: 3”/6”

Leaping: 1”/2”
Flight: 5”/10”
Ecology: The result of an unnatural mating or min-
Cost Powers END gling of a toad and a hen, or perhaps created when
131 Deadly Gaze: RKA 6d6, NND (defense a serpent hatches a hen’s egg, the cockatrice lives in
is Power Defense, or blocking its gaze; +1), temperate regions, preferring to lair in dense, dark
Does BODY (+1), Persistent (+½), forests. A carnivore, it consumes the bodies of crea-
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always tures it kills with its deadly gaze.
On (-½), Eye Contact Required (-½), The cockatrice’s only real enemy is the weasel,
Limited Range (30”; -¼), All Or which for unknown reasons possesses an immunity
Nothing (-½) 0 to the cockatrice’s gaze. Weasels enjoy the taste of
8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR); cockatrice meat and actively seek out the creatures
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 to prey upon them.
2 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
7 Wings: Flight 5”; Restrainable (-½) 1 Some scholars believe the cockatrice is too stupid
1 Leaping: Leaping +1” (1” forward, ½” to know its very gaze can kill; other people claim it
upward) 1 not only knows this, but maliciously uses its powers
-6 Short Legs: Running -3” 0 to its own advantage.
3 Sharp Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
Powers/Tactics: The cockatrice, perhaps a relative
Groups 0
of the basilisk, has a similar “deadly gaze” power
(see page 41). That is its only real weapon, though it
can bite with its beak if necessary. The cockatrice’s
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV
wings give it tactical options the basilisk lacks;
some cockatrices like to fly up into trees, caw or
2 Concealment 11- (13-); Self Only (-½)
cluck loudly when they see prey approaching, then
3 Easily Hidden: +2 to Concealment (4 Active
use their deadly gaze when the prey looks up to see
Points); Self Only (-½)
what all the noise is about.
7 Stealth 14-
Campaign Use: As with the basilisk, be careful how
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 168 you use the cockatrice. Its gaze weapon can kill
Total Cost: 201 multiple player characters and bring a campaign to
a screeching halt, if you’re unlucky.
75+ Disadvantages Appearance: The cockatrice is a bizarre mixture of
5 Hunted: weasels 8- (Less Pow, Kill) rooster and reptile, with the head and front parts
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence of a rooster (including wings and two rooster
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) legs), and the back and tail of a lizard or serpent.
5 Physical Limitation: Small (up to 1m long; It is often striped lengthwise with white marks six
+3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) inches in size.
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
86 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 201

46 HERO System Bestiary

Crab, Giant 15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers

-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
GIANT CRAB 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
Val Char Cost Roll Notes only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
20 CON 20 13- tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 BODY 20 13- 16 Experience Points
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Total Disadvantage Points: 146
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Ecology: Giant crabs live on the bottom of the
4 COM -3 10-
ocean, usually preferring the shallower parts of the
sea near to shore or around coral reefs. They occa-
15 PD 10 Total: 15 PD (10 rPD)
sionally venture onto beaches, especially during
10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED (6 rED)
mating season. They live partly by scavenging, and
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
partly by killing fish and other prey with their enor-
9 REC 0
mous pincers (which are strong enough to snip a
40 END 0
man in two with little effort).
43 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 86
Giant crabs are normally solitary, but gather
(+14 with NCM)
together on beaches or in shallows during their
mating season. At this time they become unusually
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
touchy and aggressive.
Leaping: 3”/6”
Swimming: 3”/6” Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Powers/Tactics: Giant crabs approach foes warily,
Cost Powers END but once engaged attack vigorously. Although the
24 Pincers: HKA 2d6 (3½d6 with STR); positioning and shape of their legs only allow them
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 3 to move sideways (forcing them to turn if they
7 Pincers: +10 STR; Only With Grab (-½) 1 want to charge someone in front of them), they’re
6 Shell: Damage Resistance (10 PD/6 ED); large enough and fast enough to knock an enemy
Does Not Protect Hit Locations 4 Or down (Move Through) and then attack with their
14-18 (-¼) 0 pincers. If possible, they prefer to Grab with one
5 Aquatic: Life Support (Expanded pincer, and use the other to inflict injury.
Breathing: Breathe Underwater) 0
Campaign Use: You can use this character sheet for
6 Crab’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1
giant versions of other crustaceans, such as crayfish
1 Aquatic: Swimming +1”(3” total) 1
or lobsters. Apply an appropriate Size template to
6 Crab’s Legs: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0
make the creature even larger.
Many peoples consider crab meat a delicacy,
so adventurers who kill a giant crab may be in for
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand
a scrumptious feast (or be able to sell the meat to
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 60
Total Cost: 146 Appearance: A crab — roughly oval shell, six legs,
two forward “arms” ending in pincers, and a small
75+ Disadvantages face and eyestalks — of human proportions.
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence

(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Physical Limitation: Can Only Run Sideways
Crustacean Hit
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) Location table
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-8 Pincers x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
9-12 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
14-18 Legs/Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV

Head Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+3

High Shot (-2 OCV): 2d6+1
Body Shot (-1 OCV): 2d6+4
Low Shot (-2 OCV): 1d6+9
Leg Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+12
Hero Games 47

Deadly Ooze
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
20 CON 20 13-
15 BODY 10 12-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
2 COM -4 9-

4 PD 4 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 4
40 END 0
30 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 24

Movement: Running: 2”/4”

Cost Powers END

40 Acidic Secretions: HKA 1d6, Continuous
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating
(+½), Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Always On (-½), No STR
Bonus (-0) 0
30 Semisolid Body: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
22 Rapid Healing: Healing 3d6
(Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn), 75+ Disadvantages
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
Persistent (+½); Extra Time (1 Turn; (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
-1¼), Self Only (-½) 0 20 Physical Limitation: Blind (All The Time,
15 Unresponsive: +30 PRE; Only To Protect Greatly Impairing)
Against Presence Attacks (-1) 0 20 Physical Limitation: Deaf (All The Time,
31 Semisolid Body: Life Support (Self- Greatly Impairing)
Contained Breathing; Diminished Eating: 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
once per week; Immunity: all diseases and 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
poisons) 0 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Semisolid Body: No Hit Locations (see text) 0 131 Experience Points
24 Semisolid Body: Desolidification (affected
by any attack), Reduced Endurance (0 Total Disadvantage Points: 276
END; +½); Does Not Protect Against OPTIONAL ABILITIES
Damage (-1), Cannot Pass Through Solid Cost Larger Ooze
Objects (-½) 0 +40 Acidic Secretions: HKA 2d6, otherwise
17 Semisolid Body: Clinging (21 STR) 0 the same as above
-8 Slow: Running -4” (2” total) 0 12 Engulf: Entangle 3d6, 4 DEF; Lockout (can
38 Sense Vibrations: Detect Physical only have one Entangle in use at a time;
Vibrations 13- (Touch Group), -½), No Range (-½), Feedback (ooze
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Targeting 0 takes all damage done to Entangle; -1) 3
18 Sense Heat: Detect Heat 13- (Touch +2 Semisolid Body: Clinging (27 STR) 0
Group), Discriminatory, Range 0 2 Slow: Running +1” (3” total) 0
Total cost: +56 points
6 +3 OCV with Grab Cost Much Larger Ooze
+80 Acidic Secretions: HKA 3d6, otherwise the
9 Stealth 14- same as above
20 Engulf: Entangle 5d6, 7 DEF; Lockout (can
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 252 only have one Entangle in use at a time;
Total Cost: 276 -½), No Range (-½), Feedback (ooze takes
all damage done to Entangle; -1) 6
+3 Semisolid Body: Clinging (30 STR) 0
48 HERO System Bestiary
+30 Semisolid Body: increase Physical pseudopod. The green ooze, cousin to the grey-
Damage Reduction to 75% green, has the most potent acidic secretions of
4 Slow: Running +2” (4” total) 0 any species.
Total cost: +137 points Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motiva-
Cost Black Ooze
Replace Acidic Secretions with: Powers/Tactics: Deadly oozes have acidic secre-
105 Secretions: Multipower, 105-point reserve tions which they use to kill and consume prey.
10u 1) Acidic Secretions: HKA 2d6, Since they lack the speed to chase down their
Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½), prey, they typically lurk on the ceilings of cav-
Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance erns, using their Clinging and Stealth to remain
(0 END; +½); No STR Bonus (-0) 0 unseen. When unsuspecting prey passes beneath
10u 2) Paralytic Secretions: Entangle 3d6, 3 them, they drop down, using their Clinging to
DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks stick to the hapless victim (larger oozes can liter-
(+½), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield ally engulf their prey, preventing it from moving
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 while they kill it). Their acidic secretions dis-
Total cost: +95 points solve the victim, allowing the ooze to ingest the
Cost Red Ooze Oozes are extremely hard to injure with
20 Increase STR to 20 weapons, and in fact heal any injuries they suffer
7 Pseudopod Bash: HA +2d6; with amazing speed. On the other hand, fire and
Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) 1 other forms of energy have greater effect on them.
-7 Semisolid Body: Clinging (normal STR) 0 Most try to flee, using their semisolid bodies to
Total cost: +20 points escape into crevices and cracks where enemies
cannot follow, if they take more than 5 BODY
Cost Green Ooze worth of fire damage.
+5 Potent Acidic Secretions: make Acidic The deadly ooze uses the optional “no need
Secretions Penetrating (x2; +1) to buy Affects Physical World” rule described on
Total cost: +5 points page 148 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised,
since its Desolidification offers it no protection
Ecology: Deadly oozes live in underground cav- against attacks. It also has the No Hit Locations
erns and grottoes, and sometimes in deep, dark Automaton ability, even though it’s not an Autom-
forests and jungles in moist climates. They cannot aton, to reflect the unusual nature of its body.
tolerate dry climates. Solitary carnivores, they
reproduce through a fission-like process. Campaign Use: Gamemasters can use the deadly
Oozes come in many different species, distin- ooze as a template for other slimes, molds, and
guished by color. The most common is the grey- jellies, adding or re-arranging abilities to suit. You
green ooze, represented by the basic character can also create other color oozes.
sheet. The black ooze has the ability to secrete Appearance: A deadly ooze is a grey-green semi-
a paralytic substance, allowing it to dissolve its liquescent mass of protoplasm and tissue, approx-
victims at leisure. The red ooze possesses greater imately man-sized. It travels by slithering along
solidity and strength than other oozes, and can floors, walls, and ceilings, often leaving a trail of
also attack by lashing out with a tentacle-like scarring and pitting due to its acidic secretions.
Hero Games 49

DEMONS AND DEVILS trick or elude.

Demons and devils have Everyman Skills, not
Everycreature Skill.

oul beings who inhabit the infernal planes,
demons and devils embody evil, chaos, Campaign Use: In many campaigns, infernal beings
destruction, torment, and wicked emotions. represent the ultimate evil — the one foe the PCs
They exist only to further the causes of evil fear and can never hope to fully triumph over. As
and mayhem, and revel in the terror and havoc they such, they should strike terror into adventurers; if
cause. There are few differences between the two, the demons and devils presented here don’t seem
except perhaps that devils often prefer subtlety over likely to do so in your game, improve them until
sheer power. They often try to trick or persuade they can.
mortals to sell their souls in exchange for power or Each GM should tailor the demon and devil
other gifts, whereas demons normally content them- character sheets to suit their own campaigns. For
selves with more blatant acts of cruelty and spite. example, in a campaign where Hell is a place of fire
The inhabitants of the lower planes have a and brimstone, most infernal beings should have
strict hierarchy based on power. Those who are Life Support (Safe Environment: Intense Heat).
weak serve those who are stronger, with the terrible
Appearance: Demons’ and devils’ appearance varies
demon princes ruling over all. The many princes
tremendously. Some are of the typical red-skinned,
connive and war with each other continuously, as
horned-head, barbed-tail, bat-winged form, others
each seeks to extend his sway over a greater and
look far stranger indeed. Some people believe that a
greater portion of the Hosts of Hell. Sometimes
demon’s or devil’s appearance changes depending on
these wars spill over into the World of Men, but
the viewer’s own personality and desires.
more often demons and devils come to the normal
planes of existence only when called. Some calls
are subconscious or unwitting — a desire for cruel
vengeance in an aching heart, a curse inflicted out
of malice. But most are deliberate, the work of sor-
cerers who summon demons and devils to serve
them or grant them power, and who all too often
end up losing control of them, or finding them-
selves the ones controlled....
Ecology: Demons and devils are native to the infer-
nal planes, but can exist on other planes. Beyond
that, they have little in common — some prefer
fire and heat, others revel in cold and frost;
some feed on human blood, others souls,
others living flesh; some mate in “tradi-
tional” ways, others spawn their
broods through magic or diabolic
Personality/Motivation: As dis-
cussed above, all demons and
devils are thoroughly evil. Even if
they seem to act out of kindness
or charity, they ultimately intend
only malice and woe.
Powers/Tactics: Most demons
and devils share several
common abilities. Some are
physical (unusual strength,
claws, bat-wings, resilience,
immortality) and others mental
or spiritual. But they also share
some weaknesses. Pentagrams
render them trapped and help-
less (a fact most often taken
advantage of by conjurors).
Holy places and things can
hurt or slay them. Someone
who knows a demon’s or
devil’s true name can com-
mand it effortlessly. And,
oftentimes, their unwaver-
ing desire to do only evil
things makes them easy to
50 HERO System Bestiary
60 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
5 Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity:
Immortality) 0
11 Demon Wings: Flight 8”; Restrainable (-½) 2
5 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception
(Sight Group) 0

40 Hard To Hit: +8 DCV

13 Concealment 19-; Self Only (-½)

3 Persuasion 12-
21 Stealth 21-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 186

Total Cost: 223

75+ Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
15 Physical Limitation: Minuscule (.125m; +12”
KB) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone
Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently,
Fully Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen-
tagrams, if confined within a pentagram
cannot leave or affect anyone or anything
outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
Common, Total)
25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on
holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a
IMP holy object (Common)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 33 Experience Points
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Total Disadvantage Points: 223
13 CON 6 12- Description: This demon, small enough to sit
10 BODY 0 11- comfortably on a human’s shoulder, is the lowest
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- free-willed being in the infernal hierarchy. Demon
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 princes often send imps to the World of Man to
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 serve as familiars to evil sorcerers, servants to
6 COM -2 10- wicked people, and petty tormentors of the righ-
6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 2
26 END 0
25 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 37

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 2”/4”
Flight: 8”/16”

Cost Powers END

7 Demonic Claws: HKA 1 point (½d6 with
STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 1
21 Hellfire Aura: HKA ½d6, Continuous
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating
(+½), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼);
No STR Bonus (-½) 1
Hero Games 51

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
18 CON 16 13-
15 BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
4 COM -3 10-

8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
9 REC 4
36 END 0
32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 71

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 3”/6”
Flight: 10”/20”

Cost Powers END

22 Demonic Claws: HKA 1d6 (1½d6 with STR),
Armor Piercing (+½) 2
33 Hellfire Aura: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1),
Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating (+½),
Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼); No
STR Bonus (-½) 3
60 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
2 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
5 Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity:
Immortality) 0
13 Demon Wings: Flight 10”; Restrainable (-½) 2
5 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception (Sight holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a
Group) 0 holy object (Common)
53 Experience Points
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV Total Disadvantage Points: 233
Description: Similar to imps in many ways, demon-
5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½) lings can become as large as about half human size.
7 Stealth 14- They serve the demon princes, and other infernal
beings of greater power than they, as servants, foot-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 162 soldiers, and snacks.
Total Cost: 233

75+ Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone
Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently,
Fully Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen-
tagrams, if confined within a pentagram
cannot leave or affect anyone or anything
outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully
5 Physical Limitation: Small (1m; +3” KB)
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
Common, Total)
25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on
52 HERO System Bestiary
2u 5) Shadow Portal: Extradimensional
Movement (the shadow’s lair in Hell) 2
37 Demonic Claws: HKA 1½d6 (2d6 with STR),
Armor Piercing (+½) 4
10 Terrifying Mien: +20 PRE; Only For Fear-
Based Presence Attacks (-1) 0
60 Shadow Form: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
2 Shadow Form: Damage Resistance
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
5 Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity:
Immortality) 0
13 Shadow Wings: Flight 10”;
Restrainable (-½) 2
5 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception (Sight
Group) 0
5 Shadow Eyes: Nightvision 0

24 Combat Sense 21-

9 Concealment 15-
9 Stealth 16-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 263

Total Cost: 366

75+ Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
SHADOW (Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] 15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently,
20 CON 20 13- Fully Impairing)
18 BODY 16 13- 15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- tagrams, if confined within a pentagram
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 cannot leave or affect anyone or anything
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully
10 COM 0 11- Impairing)
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
8 PD 6 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD) Common, Total)
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED) 25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on
6 REC 0 holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a
40 END 0 holy object (Common)
35 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 103 15 Susceptibility: to light attacks, automatically
takes 2d6 when hit with a light-based attack
Movement: Running: 6”/12” (including Sight Group Flashes based on
Leaping: 2”/4” light) (Common)
Flight: 10”/20” 30 Susceptibility: to sunlight, takes 2d6 per
Phase when exposed to sunlight (Very
Cost Powers END Common)
60 Shadow Powers: Multipower, 60-point 20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Light Attacks
reserve (Common)
6u 1) Weave Shadow: Darkness to Sight 20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Light Attacks
Group 4” radius, Reduced Endurance (Common)
(0 END; +½) 0 106 Experience Points
6u 2) Shadow Touch: Drain BODY 6d6 6
6u 3) Meld Into Shadow: Desolidification Total Disadvantage Points: 366
(affected by magic or light-based attacks), Description: Shadows, horrible demons of gloom,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 resemble demons made out of night-thick darkness.
4u 4) Shadowwalking: Teleportation 30”; Although they have corporeal bodies, they can meld
Only From Shadow To Shadow (-½) 6 into shadow (becoming intangible) and spend most
of their time in this shadowy form unless they have
Hero Games 53

to attack. A few of the most powerful can even attack

living beings while intangible! (For these shadows, add
a Multipower slot with a Drain BODY 2d6, Affects
Solid World.)
Shadows feed off life energy drained from mor-
tals. Their Shadow Touch affects the very soul of the
victim, and can kill him if administered too long (if
not, he quickly recovers). Once they have fed, shadows
may linger to cause further harm, or use their Shadow
Portal power to return to their homes in Hell.
In combat, shadows usually use one of two tac-
tics. If hungry, or in an aggressive mood, they rely on
their Shadow Touch, ceasing to apply it only if badly
injured and forced to flee. If it needs to be more cau-
tious, a shadow uses its Weave Shadow ability to pro-
tect itself, confuse its foes, and get close enough (with
its Combat Sense) to attack with its claws.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
15 CON 10 12-
13 BODY 6 12-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
24 COM 7 14-

6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6 REC 2
30 END 0
30 STUN 4 Total Characteristics Cost: 116
(+2 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 2”/4”

Cost Powers END

30 Irresistible Embrace: Mind Control 12d6,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Only
To Inspire Lust For The Succubus (-1),
Skin Contact Required (-1) 0
49 Seductive Form: Shape Shift (Sight and
93 Slavery Of Lust: Major Transform 6d6
Touch Groups; any humanoid form),
(male into succubus’s willing slave, heals
Imitation, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
back through sincere repentance and a
22 Succubus Claws: HKA 1d6 (1d6+1 with
priest’s blessing), BOECV (+1), Works Against
STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 2
EGO, Not BODY (+ ¼ ), Reduced Endurance
10 Seductive Mien: +20 PRE; Only For
(0 END; +½); Limited Target (human males;
Friendly Presence Attacks (-1) 0
-¼), All Or Nothing (-½), No Range (-½), Skin
60 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
Contact Required (-1), Only On Male With
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
Whom She Is Engaged In Sexual Congress (-1)
5 Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity:
plus Major Transform 4d6 (male into male
Immortality) 0
with corrupted soul, heals back through sin-
5 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception (Sight
cere repentance and a priest’s blessing),
Group) 0
BOECV (+1), Works Against EGO, Not BODY
(+ ¼ ), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Limited Target (human males; -¼),
3 Concealment 13-
All Or Nothing (-½), No Range (-½),
3 Conversation 13-
Skin Contact Required (-1), Only On
3 High Society 13-
Male With Whom She Is Engaged In
3 Persuasion 13-
Sexual Congress (-1), Linked (-½) 0
7 Seduction 15-
54 HERO System Bestiary
3 Stealth 13- her slave but actually corrupting his very soul (a
Psychological Limitation). Only one who sincerely
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 296 repents of the sins committed with the succubus,
Total Cost: 412 and who receives a priest’s blessing, can dispel this
75+ Disadvantages If her victim shows strong character and
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size rejects her, a succubus may become vicious, grow-
15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone ing claws from her fingers and attempting to
Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently, destroy by violence what she could not through her
Fully Impairing) perverted sexuality. However, she is no combatant,
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen- and quickly flees if confronted with force or other
tagrams, if confined within a pentagram danger.
cannot leave or affect anyone or anything The male counterpart of the succubus is the
outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully incubus, who seduces women in like manner.
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
Common, Total)
20 Psychological Limitation: Coward Val Char Cost Roll Notes
(Common, Total) 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects, 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on 23 CON 26 14-
holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a 20 BODY 20 13-
holy object (Common) 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
237 Experience Points 20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
Total Disadvantage Points: 412 8 COM -1 11-
Description: Resembling a human female of incred-
15 PD 10 Total: 15 PD (8 rPD)
ible beauty (sometimes with one or two minor,
15 ED 10 Total: 15 ED (8 rED)
easily concealed, diabolic features, like fangs or
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
small horns), the succubus is a manifestation of
12 REC 4
the sin of lust. When she first appears, she relies
46 END 0
on her Seduction Skill and Seductive Form power
45 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 169
to get close to the victim. Once within touching
(+34 with NCM)
distance, she can employ her Irresistible Embrace
to make her victim desire her completely (if he
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
doesn’t already). While engaged in sexual congress
Leaping: 5”/10”
with him, she transforms him, not only making him
Flight: 12”/24”

Cost Powers END

31 Demon Powers: Elemental Control,
62-point powers
31 1) Demonic Blast: Energy Blast 10d6,
Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) 2
33 2) Hellfire Aura: HKA 1½d6,
Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½),
Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance
(½ END; +¼); No STR Bonus (-½) 3
37 Demonic Claws: HKA 1½d6 (2½d6
with STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 4
8 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
(8 PD/8 ED) 0
60 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
5 Demonic Mind: Mental Defense
(9 points total) 0
5 Demonic Shield: Power Defense (5 points) 0
50 Infernal Form: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
16 Demon Wings: Flight 12”; Restrainable (-½) 2
6 Demon’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1
5 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception
(Sight Group) 0
Hero Games 55

Skills Cost Foulness Demon Powers

10 +1 Overall 31 Disgusting Stench: Drain CON 1d6,
NND (defense is LS [Self-Contained
3 Concealment 13- Breathing]; +1), Continuous (+1), Area
3 Stealth 13- Of Effect (2” Radius; +¾), Persistent
5 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Missile Weapons, Whip Always On (-½) 0
10 Acidic Vomit: RKA 1 point, Continuous
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 308 (+1), Penetrating (+½); 8 Charges lasting
Total Cost: 477 1 Turn each (-0), Limited Range (2”; -¼) 0
8 Bloated Body: Knockback Resistance -4” 0
75+ Disadvantages Total cost: +49 points
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear) Cost Frost Demon Powers
15 Enraged: if thwarted or tricked (Uncommon), 0 Convert Hellfire Aura to Deathfrost Aura
go 11-, recover 11- 30 Icy Weapon: HKA 2d6 (3d6 with STR),
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size Penetrating (+½); OIF (demonic
15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone Who weapon; -½) 4
Knows Its True Name (Infrequently, Fully 20 Protection From Frost: increase Energy
Impairing) Damage Reduction to 75%; Only Versus
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Penta- Ice/Cold (-½) 0
grams, if confined within a pentagram cannot 29 Ice Sheet: Change Environment (create ice
leave or affect anyone or anything outside the sheet) 8” radius, -4 to DEX Rolls to move
pentagram (Infrequently, Fully Impairing) on, Personal Immunity (+¼); Only Affects
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very Characters Who Are Moving On The
Common, Total) Ground (-¼) 3
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence 2 Frost Resistance: Life Support (Safe
(Very Common, Strong) Environment: Intense Cold) 0
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other Lesser Total cost: +81 points
Demons, for power and influence)
25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects, Cost Guile Demon Powers
takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on holy 40 Diabolic Treachery: Multipower, 40-point
ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a holy reserve
object (Common) 4u 1) Diabolic Domination: Mind
262 Experience Points Control 8d6 4
4u 2) Diabolic Glamour: Mental
Total Disadvantage Points: 477 Illusions 8d6 4
3 Conversation 14-
3 High Society 14-
You can apply any of the following templates to 3 Persuasion 14-
a Lesser Demon to alter its nature and/or increase its 3 Seduction 14-
power. You can also apply them to Greater Demons, Total cost: +60 points
but may want to increase the power of the various
abilities. Cost Power Demon Powers
100 Demonic Powers: Variable Power Pool,
Cost Fire Demon Powers 40 base + 20 control cost, Powers Can
20 Fiery Weapon: HKA 2d6 (3½d6 with Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action
STR); OIF (demonic weapon; -½) 3 (+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1) var
+60 Enhanced Hellfire Aura: HKA 2½d6, Total cost: +100 points
Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½),
Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance Cost Quickness Demon Powers
(0 END; +½); No STR Bonus (-½) 0 30 +10 DEX
20 Protection From Fire: increase Energy 10 +1 SPD (total of +2, taking +10 DEX
Damage Reduction to 75%; Only Versus into account)
Fire (-½) 0 Total cost: +40 points
13 Ignite: RKA 1 point, Continuous (+1),
Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance Cost Strength Demon Powers
(0 END; +½), Sticky (only affects 20 Demonic Weapon: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with
flammables; +¼), Uncontrolled (lasts STR); OIF (demonic weapon; -½) 3
until extinguished or flammables burn 10 +10 STR
themselves out; +½); Only Works On 10 +5 PD (total +7, taking +10 STR into
Flammable Objects (-½) 0 account), +5 ED (double cost for NCM)
2 Heat Resistance: Life Support (Safe +12 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
Environment: Intense Heat) 0 (20 PD/20 ED) 0
Total cost: +115 points Total cost: +52 points
56 HERO System Bestiary
Movement: Running: 12”/24”
Cost Torment Demon Powers Leaping: 6”/12”
60 Agony Powers: Multipower, 60-point reserve Flight: 20”/40”
6u 1) Touch Of Torture: Drain STUN 3d6, Teleportation: 30”/60”
Continuous (+1) 6
6u 2) Agony Infliction: Ego Attack 6d6 6 Cost Powers END
6u 3) Crippling Pain: Drain DEX 4d6, 100 Demonic Powers: Variable Power Pool, 40
Ranged (+½) 6 base + 20 control cost, Powers Can Be
3 Interrogation 14- Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1),
Total cost: +81 points No Skill Roll Required (+1) var
Description: Lesser Demons are the lieutenants of 30 Demonic Weapon: HKA 3d6 (5d6 with
Hell — the chief servants of Greater Demons, the STR); OIF (demonic weapon; -½) 4
commanders of detachments of weaker demons, and 45 Demonic Claws: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 with
the operatives often first sent to the World of Man STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 4
to investigate strange goings-on or rumors of activ- 45 Demon Powers: Elemental Control,
ity by the Divine Host. 90-point powers
49 1) Demonic Blast: Energy Blast 15d6,
Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) 3
63 2) Hellfire Aura: HKA 2½d6, Continuous
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
No STR Bonus (-½) 0
45 3) Demon Gate: Teleportation 30”,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
14 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
(14 PD/14 ED) 0
90 Infernal Shield: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50% plus Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 0
10 Demonic Mind: Mental Defense
(15 points total) 0
10 Demonic Shield: Power Defense (10 points) 0
50 Infernal Form: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
27 Demon Wings: Flight 20”; Restrainable (-½) 4
12 Demon’s Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 1
10 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) 0
42 Sense Souls: Detect Life Force 14-,
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense,
Targeting, Tracking 0

20 +2 Overall
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Concealment 14-
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] 3 Persuasion 16-
25 DEX 45 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 3 Stealth 14-
30 CON 40 15- 5 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
25 BODY 30 14- Missile Weapons, Whip
25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14-
26 EGO 32 14- ECV: 9 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 686
35 PRE 25 16- PRE Attack: 7d6 Total Cost: 950
8 COM -1 11-
75+ Disadvantages
22 PD 16 Total: 22 PD (14 rPD) 20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
22 ED 16 Total: 22 ED (14 rED) (Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
5 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 15 Enraged: if thwarted or tricked (Uncommon),
15 REC 6 go 11-, recover 11-
60 END 0 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
60 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 264 15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone Who
(+140 with NCM) Knows Its True Name (Infrequently, Fully
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Penta-
Hero Games 57

grams, if confined within a pentagram cannot

leave or affect anyone or anything outside the
pentagram (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
Common, Total)
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
(Very Common, Strong)
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other Greater
Demons, for power and influence)
25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on holy
ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a holy
object (Common)
735 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 950

Description: Captains and commanders of the Host
of Hell, greater demons directly serve the demon
princes themselves. Immensely powerful in their
own right, greater demons fight among themselves
for power, influence, and prestige within their
masters’ ranks. A few of great ambition conspire to
overthrow their masters, and take their places... and
sometimes, actually succeed.

Demon Princes
Even the mightiest greater demon is as noth-
ing compared to the awesome power and evil of
a demon prince. The four princes described here
represent four common types — foulness, guile,
power, and strength — common among the ranks
of the infernal. Since each diabolic sovereign is
unique, GMs should give them names, and perhaps
alter the basic character sheet a little to reflect the Cost Powers END
abilities, temperament, weapons, and predilections 150 Demonic Powers: Variable Power Pool,
of each prince. 60 base + 30 control cost, Powers Can
Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action
(+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1) var
DEMON PRINCE OF FOULNESS 45 Demonic Claws: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 with
Val Char Cost Roll Notes STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 4
35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3] 60 Foulness Demon Powers: Elemental
27 DEX 51 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 Control, 120-point powers
32 CON 44 15- 60 1) Demonic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6,
35 BODY 50 16- Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
30 INT 20 15- PER Roll 15- 60 2) Disgusting Stench: Drain CON 3d6,
30 EGO 40 15- ECV: 10 NND (defense is LS [Self-Contained
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6 Breathing]; +1), Continuous (+1), Area
2 COM -4 9- Of Effect (12” Radius; +1), Persistent
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
25 PD 18 Total: 25 PD (20 rPD) Always On (-½) 0
25 ED 19 Total: 25 ED (20 rED) 60 3) Demon Gate: Teleportation 40”,
5 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
18 REC 10 81 Demon’s Grip: Telekinesis (36 STR),
64 END 0 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
70 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 317 30 Acidic Vomit: RKA 1d6, Continuous
(+195 with NCM) (+1), Penetrating (+½); 8 Charges lasting
1 Turn each (-0), Limited Range (4”; -¼) 0
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 30 Acidic Secretions: HKA 1d6, Continuous
Leaping: 0”/0” (+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating
Teleportation: 40”/80” (+½), Persistent (+½), Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always On
(-½), No STR Bonus (-½) 0
20 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
(20 PD/20 ED) 0
58 HERO System Bestiary
120 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy 15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 0 Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently,
20 Demonic Mind: Mental Defense Fully Impairing)
(26 points total) 0 7 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
20 Demonic Shield: Power Defense (20 points) 0 leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” 0 15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen-
50 Infernal Form: Life Support: Total tagrams, if confined within a pentagram
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0 cannot leave or affect anyone or anything
10 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully
Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) 0 Impairing)
42 Sense Souls: Detect Life Force 15-, 25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense, Common, Total)
Targeting, Tracking 0 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
(Very Common, Strong)
Skills 5 Rivalry: Professional (with other Demon
40 +4 Overall Princes, for power and influence)
25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
3 Concealment 15- takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on
5 WF: Common Melee Weapons, holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a
Common Missile Weapons, Whip holy object (Common)
1,003 Experience Points
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 918
Total Cost: 1,235 Total Disadvantage Points: 1,235
Description: So bloated and foul it can barely walk,
75+ Disadvantages so malodorous even other demons become sick
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil from the stench, so full of bile its very vomit causes
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear) death, the Demon Prince of Foulness embodies
15 Enraged: if thwarted or tricked (Uncom- utter uncleanliness. There is nothing so pure, so
mon), go 11-, recover 11- beautiful, or so beloved he cannot corrupt, taint,
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (Frequently, and ruin it.
Slightly Impairing)


Val Char Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10
30 CON 40 15-
30 BODY 40 15-
35 INT 25 16- PER Roll 16-
30 EGO 40 15- ECV: 10
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6
20 COM 5 13-

25 PD 19 Total: 25 PD (20 rPD)

25 ED 19 Total: 25 ED (20 rED)
6 SPD 20 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
15 REC 6
60 END 0
60 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 324
(+199 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 12”/24”

Leaping: 6”/12”
Flight: 20”/40”
Teleportation: 40”/80”

Cost Powers END

225 Demonic Powers: Variable Power Pool, 90
base + 45 control cost, Powers Can
Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action
(+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1) var
60 Guile Demon Powers: Elemental
Control, 120-point powers
60 1) Demonic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6,
Hero Games 59

Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 cannot leave or affect anyone or anything

65 2) Hellfire Aura: HKA 3d6, Continuous outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating Impairing)
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
No STR Bonus (-½) 0 Common, Total)
60 3) Diabolic Domination: Mind Control 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
16d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 (Very Common, Strong)
60 4) Diabolic Guile: Mental 5 Rivalry: Professional (with other Demon
Illusions 16d6, Reduced Endurance Princes, for power and influence)
(0 END; +½) 0 25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
60 5) Demon Gate: Teleportation 40”, takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a
45 Demonic Claws: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 with holy object (Common)
STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 4 1,193 Experience Points
49 Seductive Form: Shape Shift (Sight and
Touch Groups; any humanoid form), Total Disadvantage Points: 1,408
Imitation, Reduced Endurance Description: Unlike its cousin the Prince of Foul-
(0 END; +½) 0 ness, the Prince of Guile resembles a beautiful
10 Seductive Mien: +20 PRE; Only For human (albeit one with obvious demonic features,
Friendly Presence Attacks (-1) 0 such as horns and wings, unless it uses its Seduc-
20 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance tive Form power to hide them completely). It uses
(20 PD/20 ED) 0 its wiles and powers to corrupt mortals, turning
120 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy them to evil and stealing their souls. In the eternal
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 0 internecine conflicts of Hell, it relies on negotiation,
20 Demonic Mind: Mental Defense diplomacy, conspiracy, sabotage, and treachery to
(26 points total) 0 accomplish what the other diabolic sovereigns do
20 Demonic Shield: Power Defense (20 points) 0 through sheer power.
50 Infernal Form: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
27 Demon Wings: Flight 20”; Restrainable (-½) 4 DEMON PRINCE OF POWER
12 Demon’s Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 1
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3]
Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) 0
30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10
42 Sense Souls: Detect Life Force 16-,
30 CON 40 15-
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense,
30 BODY 40 15-
Targeting, Tracking 0
30 INT 20 15- PER Roll 15-
33 EGO 46 15- ECV: 10
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6
40 +4 Overall
10 COM 0 11-
3 Concealment 16-
25 PD 18 Total: 25 PD (20 rPD)
3 Conversation 17-
25 ED 19 Total: 25 ED (20 rED)
3 High Society 17-
6 SPD 20 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
3 Interrogation 17-
16 REC 6
3 Oratory 17-
60 END 0
3 Persuasion 17-
63 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 324
3 Seduction 17-
(+205 with NCM)
3 Stealth 15-
5 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Movement: Running: 12”/24”
Missile Weapons, Whip
Leaping: 7”/14”
Flight: 20”/40”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 1,084
Teleportation: 40”/80”
Total Cost: 1,408
Cost Powers END
75+ Disadvantages
300 Demonic Powers: Variable Power Pool,
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
120 base + 60 control cost, Powers Can
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action
15 Enraged: if thwarted or tricked (Uncom-
(+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1) var
mon), go 11-, recover 11-
60 Power Demon Powers: Elemental
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
Control, 120-point powers
15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone
60 1) Demonic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6,
Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
Fully Impairing)
65 2) Hellfire Aura: HKA 3d6,
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen-
Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½),
tagrams, if confined within a pentagram
60 HERO System Bestiary
40 +4 Overall

3 Concealment 15-
3 Conversation 17-
3 High Society 17-
13 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 25-
8 KS: True Names 20-
3 Persuasion 17-
3 Stealth 15-
5 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Missile Weapons, Whip

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 1,057

Total Cost: 1,381

75+ Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
15 Enraged: if thwarted or tricked (Uncom-
mon), go 11-, recover 11-
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone
Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently,
Fully Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen-
tagrams, if confined within a pentagram
cannot leave or affect anyone or anything
outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
Common, Total)
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
(Very Common, Strong)
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other Demon
Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance Princes, for power and influence)
(0 END; +½); No STR Bonus (-½) 0 25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
60 3) Manifestation Of Power: Aid takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on
Characteristics 4d6, Variable Effect holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a
(all demonic Characteristics holy object (Common)
simultaneously; +2) 0 1,166 Experience Points
60 4) Demon Gate: Teleportation 40”,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 1,381
45 Demonic Claws: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 with
Description: This prince embodies pure, demonic
STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 4
power at its most potent. His power dwarfs that
20 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
of even the most skilled human wizards, and his
(20 PD/20 ED) 0
knowledge of arcane lore (and even true names
120 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
— though sadly not those of the other princes) is
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 0
unparalleled. He rarely soils his hands with physi-
20 Demonic Mind: Mental Defense
cal combat, preferring to disable and defeat his foes
(27 points total) 0
with magic.
25 Demonic Shield: Power Defense (25 points) 0
50 Infernal Form: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
27 Demon Wings: Flight 20”; Restrainable (-½) 4
12 Demon’s Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 1
10 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) 0
42 Sense Souls: Detect Life Force 16-,
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense,
Targeting, Tracking 0
Hero Games 61


Val Char Cost Roll Notes
60 STR 50 21- Lift 100 tons; 12d6 [6]
33 DEX 69 16- OCV: 11/DCV: 11
40 CON 60 17-
40 BODY 60 17-
25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14-
25 EGO 30 14- ECV: 8
45 PRE 35 18- PRE Attack: 9d6
10 COM 0 11-

30 PD 18 Total: 30 PD (30 rPD)

30 ED 22 Total: 30 ED (30 rED)
6 SPD 17 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
20 REC 0
80 END 0
90 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 376
(+272 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 18”/36”

Leaping: 12”/24”
Flight: 20”/40”
Teleportation: 40”/80”

Cost Powers END

150 Demonic Powers: Variable Power Pool, 60
base + 30 control cost, Powers Can Be
Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1),
No Skill Roll Required (+1) var
40 Demonic Weapon: HKA 4d6 (8d6 with
STR); OIF (demonic weapon; -½) 6
60 Strength Demon Powers: Elemental
Control, 120-point powers
60 1) Demonic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
9 Reach: Stretching 2”, Reduced Endurance
65 2) Hellfire Aura: HKA 3d6, Continuous
(0 END; +½); Always Direct (-¼), No
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Damage (-¼) 0
No STR Bonus (-½) 0
60 3) Demon Gate: Teleportation 40”,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
40 +4 Overall
45 Demonic Claws: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 with
32 +4 with All Combat
STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 4
30 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
3 Concealment 14-
(30 PD/30 ED) 0
14 KS: Military History 25-
120 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
3 Riding 16-
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 0
3 Stealth 16-
15 Demonic Mind: Mental Defense (20
3 Tactics 14-
points total) 0
10 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
20 Demonic Shield: Power Defense (20 points) 0
Missile Weapons, Siege Engines, Small Arms,
12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” 0
Staffs, Whip
50 Infernal Form: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 947
27 Demon Wings: Flight 20”; Restrainable (-½) 4
Total Cost: 1,323
24 Enormous Demon’s Legs: Running +12”
(18” total) 2
75+ Disadvantages
10 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) 0
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
42 Sense Souls: Detect Life Force 14-,
15 Enraged: if thwarted or tricked (Uncom-
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense,
mon), go 11-, recover 11-
Targeting, Tracking 0
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (Frequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Must Obey Anyone
Who Knows Its True Name (Infrequently,
62 HERO System Bestiary
Fully Impairing) Movement: Running: 11”/22”
15 Physical Limitation: Restricted By Pen- Leaping: 4”/8”
tagrams, if confined within a pentagram
cannot leave or affect anyone or anything Cost Powers END
outside the pentagram (Infrequently, Fully 36 Fiery Breath: RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing
Impairing) (+½); Limited Range (9”; -¼) 4
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very 22 Demonhound’s Fangs: HKA 1d6 (1½d6
Common, Total) with STR), Penetrating (+½) 2
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence 15 Demonhound Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with
(Very Common, Strong) STR) 1
5 Rivalry: Professional (with other Demon 30 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
Princes, for power and influence) Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects, 4 Demon’s Skin: Damage Resistance
takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on (4 PD/4 ED) 0
holy ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a 5 Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity:
holy object (Common) Immortality) 0
1,098 Experience Points 10 Demon Leg: Running +5” (11” total) 2
5 Demon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception (Sight
Total Disadvantage Points: 1,323 Group) 0
Description: Also known as the Prince of Conflict 5 Demonhound’s Nose: Tracking for
or the Prince of War, the Prince of Strength embod- Normal Scent 0
ies destruction, death, warfare, violence, and the 6 Demonhound’s Senses: +2 PER with all
exaltation of the physical over the intellectual. Sense Groups 0
Where he goes, chaos and ruin follow; few have
even the power to stand against him, much less Skills
defeat him. 9 Tracking 14-
The Prince of Strength often rides into battle
on an enormous demon steed, and carries more Total Powers & Skills Cost: 147
weapons than just the one listed on his character Total Cost: 240
sheet. He may also wield a demonic shield with
various powers. 75+ Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Aura Of Infernal Evil
(Concealable With Effort; Causes Fear)
DEMON HOUND 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence (Fre-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes quently, Greatly Impairing)
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
17 CON 14 12- tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
18 BODY 16 13- 25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Common, Total)
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on holy
6 COM -2 10- ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a holy
object (Common)
10 PD 6 Total: 10 PD (4 rPD) 65 Experience Points
10 ED 7 Total: 10 ED (4 rED)
4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Total Disadvantage Points: 240
7 REC 0 Ecology: The demon hound resides in the fiery parts
34 END 0 of the infernal realms, except when its masters wit-
37 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 93 tingly or unwittingly release it into the World of Man.
(+6 with NCM) There it sometimes serves evil wizards, wicked giants
or trolls, and other such folk.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
as tainted by demonic evil.
Powers/Tactics: Demon hounds prefer to weaken
their foes with a blast of Fiery Breath, and then follow
up by leaping on them for a fang and claw attack. If
overcome by hunger, they may leap before using their
fire breath.
A demon hound is a tenacious tracker, able to
use its nose (supplemented by its Tracking Skill) to
follow prey or escaping foes. Few who try to flee from
a demon hound manage to elude it for long.
Hero Games 63

Campaign Use: The demon hound can serve as a tem- 30 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
plate for other demonic creatures. Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
Appearance: Demon hounds (also called hell-hounds 5 Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity:
or devil-dogs) are enormous, dark-fanged, coal-black Immortality) 0
hounds with eyes of flame and mouths filled with fire. 8 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -4” 0
14 Horse’s Legs: Running +7” (13” total) 1
2 Horse’s Legs: Leaping +2” (8” forward, 4”
DEMON STEED upward) 1
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] with all Sense Groups 0
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
22 CON 24 13- Skills
18 BODY 16 13- 5 +1 Hand-To-Hand
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 1 Riding 13-; Complementary To Rider’s
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 Skill Only (-1)
10 COM 0 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 126
12 PD 6 Total: 12 PD (4 rPD) Total Cost: 250
12 ED 8 Total: 12 ED (4 rED)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 75+ Disadvantages
10 REC 0 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV, +2 to
44 END 0 PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, Slightly
44 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 124 Impairing)
(+30 with NCM) 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelligence
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Movement: Running: 13”/26” 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
Leaping: 8”/16” tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
25 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very
Cost Powers END Common, Total)
12 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); Reduced 25 Susceptibility: to holy places and objects,
Penetration (-¼) 1 takes 2d6 damage per Phase demon is on holy
22 Fiery Snort: RKA 1d6, Penetrating (+½) 2 ground, in a holy place, or within 1” of a holy
17 Flaming Hooves: HA +5d6; Hand-To- object (Common)
Hand Attack (-½) 2 95 Experience Points
4 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(4 PD/4 ED) 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 250
64 HERO System Bestiary
Ecology: Demon steeds live in fiery regions of the men, since a dragon can be trained as a mount or
infernal planes. There they graze on the souls of the sentinel.
damned. Personality/Motivation: Dragons are highly intelli-
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations, gent, cunning, and clever, which makes them all the
as tainted by demonic evil. more difficult to trick or defeat. But like other sen-
Powers/Tactics: Demon steeds attack like normal tient species, they suffer from their own personality
horses do, by biting, rearing, and kicking. However, quirks and flaws. Each dragon is different, of course,
since they have sharp fangs, their bites inflict more but most are greedy, overconfident, and cruel. They
serious wounds than normal horses’ do, and since enjoy intellectual challenges, such as riddle-games,
their hooves constantly burn with demonic flame, so but more as a way of toying with their victims than
do their kicks. (Their flaming hooves also leave dis- as true sport. They are particularly noted for their
tinctive prints, clearly different from the hoofprints of unremitting avarice. Most gather large hoards, and
an ordinary steed.) Additionally, they can snort gouts know the hoard’s contents right down to the last
of fire to burn their foes. silver piece or cheap trinket. Other than hunger or
the opportunity for some wanton destruction, the
Campaign Use: Demon steeds typically come to the chance to increase their hoards (or the necessity
World of Man as mounts for diabolic knights, demon of pursuing a thief who’s stolen from them) is the
princes, and the like. Some are said to have the ability thing most likely to tempt them from their lairs.
to visit men’s dreams as nightmares to torment them
and keep them from getting enough sleep. Powers/Tactics: One of the reasons dragons are so
fearsome is that they have many means of attack.
Appearance: Demon steeds are coal-black horses Most terrifying of all is their fiery breath, a single
with fiery eyes, smoke and licks of flame coming blast of which can reduce an armored adult human
from their nostrils, fanged mouths, and fiery manes. to ash. As if that were not enough, they can bite
with their enormous, fang-filled jaws, claw with
their razor-sharp talons, or smash with their wings
DRAGONS and tail. In battle, many dragons prefer to fight
from the air, often performing Move Bys to rake

normous lizard-like creatures, with breath
of flame and claws able to rend armor as opponents with their talons.
if it were paper, dragons are among the Dragons are magical creatures, and often
most majestic and terrifying creatures in possess much magical lore and many sorcerous
the annals of legend. To many groups of adventur- powers. Their very gaze can enthrall others, leaving
ers, a dragon represents the ultimate challenge, the the victim helpless and vulnerable to the dragon’s
one monster whom even the most skilled and jaded other attacks. Some dragons can actually cast
warriors fear — and also the ultimate reward, due spells, or work other magics (including the ability
to dragons’ well-known proclivity for hoarding to change their shape, which allows them to walk
gold, gems, and other valuables. unnoticed among men, and sometimes even breed
with humans).
Ecology: The average dragon is a large, solitary Many dragons have a single vulnerable point
creature lairing in a cave or cavern, where it keeps somewhere on their bodies (typically the belly).
its vast hoard. Some dragons live in the moun- Their scaly skin provides no protection here, giving
tains, some in deserts, some in forests, and some in a clever and knowledgeable hero a way to slay them
swamps. It all depends on the dragon’s diet, abilities, — if he can find and strike the unarmored spot.
and sometimes subspecies. (The GM should choose one of the dragon’s Hit
Flesh-eaters, dragons consume cattle, horses, Locations as the one with zero defense. If you’re
other large beasts, and even men (some dragons using the Draconic Hit Location Table on page 35,
prefer human flesh). The lands around a dragon’s this should be Location 18, representing the area on
lair are often desolate, partly because the dragon the dragon’s underside where one of its forelimbs
has eaten all the creatures living nearby, and partly joins its body.)
because it has deliberately destroyed trees and
brush so it can see attackers approaching. Campaign Use: As mentioned above, dragons rep-
While dragons are active year-round, most resent the greatest challenge many groups of heroes
tend to sleep for long periods, particularly after can face. Slaying one is a crowning achievement for
eating a large meal. Tales abound of adventurers any adventurer. Since dragons should be dangerous
lucky enough to sneak up on a sleeping dragon, foes, but not completely unkillable, be sure to adjust
kill it effortlessly, and take its treasure, but most of the power level of the write-ups presented here to
these stories are untrue — thanks to their height- suit your PCs. Similarly, since dragons are intel-
ened senses, dragons usually cannot be taken by ligent individuals, you may want to adjust the char-
surprise this way. acter sheet for each one to better reflect its specific
Dragons rarely mate. When they do, the female talents, interests, and personality.
lays a single egg, which she (and sometimes the You can easily tailor dragons to different envi-
father as well) guards until it hatches. After hatch- ronments by applying the appropriate templates,
ing, the dragonling is typically driven away from its such as Aquatic or Winter. Just imagine how ter-
parents’ lair and left to fend for itself. Dragon’s eggs rifying an Undead, Cybernetic, or Infernal dragon
and newborn dragons are enormously valuable to would be!
Dragons’ parts, particularly their blood, skin,
Hero Games 65

and fangs, reputedly have magical powers. Legends 10 Strong Mind: Mental Defense (14 points
tell of heroes who bathed in dragon’s blood and total) 0
became invulnerable, or who ate a dragon’s heart 8 Magical Beast: Power Defense (8 points) 0
and gained the power to understand the speech of 30 Wings: Multipower, 30-point reserve
animals. Wizards and alchemists uses parts of drag- 2u 1) Flying: Flight 15”; Restrainable (-½) 3
ons to make enchanted armor, potions, wands, and 1u 2) Wing Buffet: HA +2d6; Hand-To-
many other magical items. Hand Attack (-½) 1
Appearance: The typical dragon, if there is such a 19 Hoardsense: Detect Hoard 15-,
thing, is a large-bodied creature with a long neck, a Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense 0
wedge-shaped head, four legs, a long tail, and two 10 Dragon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
enormous bat-wings. Tough, scaly skin covers their Ultraviolet Perception (both Sight Group) 0
bodies and protects them from harm. Most are red- 5 Dragon’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
dish, orangeish, and/or yellowish in color, but many 6 Dragon’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
other colors are possible. Groups 0
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0


5 Hoard: Money: Well Off
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
3 Lightsleep
25 CON 30 14-
25 BODY 30 14-
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
10 +1 Overall
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6
16 +2 with All Combat
30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
4 +2 OCV with Fire Breath
16 COM 3 12-
3 Concealment 13-
20 PD 12* Total: 20 PD (14 rPD)
3 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 13-
20 ED 15* Total: 20 ED (14 rED)
5 KS: Dragon Lore 15-
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
3 KS: History 13-
15 REC 4
3 Persuasion 15-
50 END 0
3 Stealth 13-
60 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 210
2 Survival (choose appropriate
(+80 with NCM)
environment) 13-
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 387
Leaping: 4”/8”
Total Cost: 597
Flight: 15”/30”
75+ Disadvantages
Cost Powers END
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (up to 16m tall;
90 Dragon Powers: Multipower, 90-point
-6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
4u 1) Fire Breath: RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(18” Line; +1); Increased Endurance
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Cost (x2 END; -½), No Range (-½) 18
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
6u 2) Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 12d6,
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Eye
quently, Slightly Impairing)
Contact Required (-½) 0
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
47 Draconic Weapons: Multipower, 47-point
(Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves
5m 1) Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6 with STR) 2
Gold And Treasure (Common, Strong)
4m 2) Talons: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR),
15 Psychological Limitation: Cruel (Common,
Armor Piercing (+½) 2
2m 3) Tail Bash: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
20 Reputation: terrifyingly powerful evil crea-
Attack (-½) 1
ture, 14- (Extreme)
14 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance
427 Experience Points
(14 PD/14 ED); Does Not Protect Hit
Location 18 (-0) 0
Total Disadvantage Points: 597
30 Tough Body: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
*: Does Not Protect Hit Location 18 (-0)
10 Protection From Fire: Energy Damage
Reduction, Resistant, +25% (50% total);
Only Works Against Fire (-½) 0
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0
66 HERO System Bestiary
GREATER DRAGON 9m 1) Bite: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR), Armor
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Piercing (+½) 4
50 STR 40 19- Lift 25 tons; 10d6 [5] 7m 2) Talons: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR),
25 DEX 45 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 Armor Piercing (+½) 4
33 CON 46 16- 4m 3) Tail Bash: HA +6d6; Hand-To-Hand
30 BODY 40 15- Attack (-½) 3
25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14- 20 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance
24 EGO 28 14- ECV: 8 (20 PD/20 ED); Does Not Protect Hit
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6 Location 18 (-0) 0
16 COM 3 12- 60 Tough Body: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, 50%, Resistant 0
28 PD 18* Total: 28 PD (20 rPD) 20 Protection From Fire: Energy Damage
28 ED 21* Total: 28 ED (20 rED) Reduction, Resistant, +25% (75% total);
5 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Only Works Against Fire (-½) 0
20 REC 6 24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” 0
66 END 0 12 Strong Mind: Mental Defense (17 points
72 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 307 total) 0
(+178 with NCM) 15 Magical Beast: Power Defense (15 points) 0
40 Wings: Multipower, 40-point reserve
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 3u 1) Flying: Flight 20”; Restrainable (-½) 4
Leaping: 5”/10” 1u 2) Wing Buffet: HA +4d6; Hand-To-
Flight: 20”/40” Hand Attack (-½) 2
6 Dragon’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1
Cost Powers END 19 Hoardsense: Detect Hoard 16-,
150 Dragon Powers: Multipower, 150-point Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense 0
reserve 10 Dragon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
10u 1) Fire Breath: RKA 4d6, Area Of Effect Ultraviolet Perception (both Sight Group) 0
(36” Line; +1), Armor Piercing (+½); 5 Dragon’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
No Range (-½) 15 6 Dragon’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
9u 2) Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 18d6, Groups 0
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Eye 6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
Contact Required (-½) 0
82 Draconic Weapons: Multipower, 82-point Perks
reserve 10 Hoard: Money: Wealthy

3 Lightsleep

Hero Games 67

Skills NND (defense is appropriate LS

20 +2 Overall [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1),
32 +4 with All Combat Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½),
6 +3 OCV with Fire Breath 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½),
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes
3 Concealment 14- after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect
3 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 14- (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) [4]
5 KS: Dragon Lore 16-
3 KS: History 14-
3 Persuasion 17-
3 Stealth 14- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
2 Survival (choose appropriate 40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4]
environment) 14- 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
25 CON 30 14-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 611 25 BODY 30 14-
Total Cost: 918 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
75+ Disadvantages 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
15 Physical Limitation: Gigantic (up to 32m 16 COM 3 12-
tall; -8 DCV, +8 to PER Rolls to perceive)
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 20 PD 12* Total: 20 PD (14 rPD)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation 20 ED 15* Total: 20 ED (14 rED)
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can 15 REC 4
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre- 50 END 0
quently, Slightly Impairing) 60 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 196
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (+79 with NCM)
(Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves Movement: Running: 12”/24”
Gold And Treasure (Common, Strong) Leaping: 4”/8”
15 Psychological Limitation: Cruel (Common,
Strong) Cost Powers END
20 Reputation: terrifyingly powerful evil crea- 60 Dragon Powers: Multipower, 60-point
ture, 14- (Extreme) reserve
743 Experience Points 3u 1) Fire Breath: RKA 2d6, Area Of Effect
(12” Line; +1); Increased Endurance Cost
Total Disadvantage Points: 918 (x2 END; -½), No Range (-½) 12
4u 2) Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 8d6,
*: Does Not Protect Hit Location 18 (-0) Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Eye
Contact Required (-½) 0
OPTIONS 47 Draconic Weapons: Multipower,
You can apply these optional abilities to both 47-point reserve
the lesser and greater dragons. 5m 1) Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6 with STR) 2
4m 2) Talons: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR),
Cost Dragon Powers Armor Piercing (+½) 2
75 Magic Spells And Powers: Variable Power 2m 3) Tail Bash: HA +3d6; Hand-To-
Pool (Magic Pool), 40 base + 20 control Hand Attack (-½) 1
cost plus Magic 20- (costs 77 points for 14 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance
Lesser Dragon) var (14 PD/14 ED); Does Not Protect Hit
37 Assume Human Form: Shape Shift (Sight Location 18 (-0) 0
and Touch Groups; any humanoid form), 30 Tough Body: Physical and Energy
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
9 Manipulable Talons: Buy off the Limited 10 Protection From Fire: Energy Damage
Manipulation Physical Limitation, and Reduction, Resistant, +25% (50% total);
apply the Limited Manipulation Only Works Against Fire (-½) 0
Limitation to the dragon’s Tail 0 18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0
42 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed 7 Strong Mind: Mental Defense (10 points
Return Rate (points return at the rate of total) 0
5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is 5 Magical Beast: Power Defense (5 points) 0
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal 12 Dragon’s Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 1
Immunity (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must 19 Hoardsense: Detect Hoard 14-,
Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense 0
begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), 10 Dragon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; Ultraviolet Perception (both Sight Group) 0
-¾), Linked (to RKA; -½) plus RKA 3d6, 5 Dragon’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
68 HERO System Bestiary

6 Dragon’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense *: Does Not Protect Hit Location 18 (-0)
Groups 0
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0 Description: A wyrm is a slightly smaller, weaker
dragon who lacks wings. If anything, it is more
Perks cruel and wicked than its winged cousins. It fre-
5 Hoard: Money: Well Off quently lairs near lakes, well-traveled underground
caverns, and other such places so that it may prey
Talents on animals and people who use them.
3 Lightsleep

10 +1 Overall Val Char Cost Roll Notes
16 +2 with All Combat 30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
4 +2 OCV with Fire Breath 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
23 CON 26 14-
3 Concealment 12- 20 BODY 20 13-
3 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 12- 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
5 KS: Dragon Lore 14- 15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
3 KS: History 12- 23 PRE 13 14- PRE Attack: 4½d6
3 Stealth 13- 16 COM 3 12-
2 Survival (choose appropriate
environment) 13- 18 PD 12 Total: 18 PD (10 rPD)
18 ED 13 Total: 18 ED (10 rED)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 324 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Total Cost: 520 12 REC 2
46 END 0
75+ Disadvantages 47 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 164
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (up to 16m tall; (+41 with NCM)
-6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
quently, Slightly Impairing) Movement: Running: 6”/12”
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation Leaping: 3”/6”
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) Flight: 15”/30”
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre- Cost Powers END
quently, Slightly Impairing) 42 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6,
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence Delayed Return Rate (points return at
(Very Common, Strong) the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves (defense is appropriate LS [Immunity];
Gold And Treasure (Common, Strong) +1), Personal Immunity (+¼); 4
15 Psychological Limitation: Cruel (Common, Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY (-½),
Strong) Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes
20 Reputation: powerful evil creature, 14- after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect
(Extreme) (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾), Linked
350 Experience Points (to RKA; -½) plus RKA 3d6, NND
(defense is appropriate LS [Immunity];
Total Disadvantage Points: 520
Hero Games 69

+1), Does BODY (+1), Personal Perks

Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), 4 2 Hoard: Money: Well Off
Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Talents
Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), 3 Lightsleep
Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5
Minutes; -¾) [4] Skills
22 Poisonous Spittle: RKA 2d6, Penetrating 8 +1 with All Combat
(+½); Limited Range (6”; -¼), 6 6 +2 with Venomous Bite, Poisonous Spittle,
Charges (-¾) [6] and Venomous Stinger
39 Venomous Stinger: HKA 1 point (½d6
with STR) plus Drain CON 3d6, Delayed 3 Concealment 12-
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 3 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 12-
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate 5 KS: Dragon Lore 14-
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity 3 KS: History 12-
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY 3 Stealth 13-
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes 2 Survival (choose appropriate
after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (15 environment) 13-
Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) plus RKA 2d6,
NND (defense is appropriate LS [Immunity]; Total Powers & Skills Cost: 317
+1), Does BODY (+1), Personal Immunity Total Cost: 480
(+¼); No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), HKA
Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time 75+ Disadvantages
begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), 10 Physical Limitation: Huge (up to 16m tall;
Gradual Effect (10 Minutes; 1d6/5 -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
minutes; -¾), Linked (-½) [4] quently, Slightly Impairing)
30 Wyvern Weapons: Multipower, 30-point 10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
reserve (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
3m 1) Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
2m 2) Talons: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
1m 3) Tail Bash: HA +2d6; Hand-To- only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
Hand Attack (-½) 1 quently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
(10 PD/10 ED) 0 (Very Common, Strong)
30 Tough Body: Physical and Energy 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0 Gold And Treasure (Common, Strong)
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0 15 Psychological Limitation: Cruel (Common,
30 Wings: Multipower, 30-point reserve Strong)
2u 1) Flying: Flight 15”; Restrainable (-½) 3 20 Reputation: terrifyingly powerful evil crea-
1u 2) Wing Buffet: HA +3d6; Hand-To- ture, 14- (Extreme)
Hand Attack (-½) 1 288 Experience Points
17 Hoardsense: Detect Hoard 12-,
Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 480
10 Wyvern’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and
Description: A wyvern is an unusual form of
Ultraviolet Perception (both Sight Group) 0
dragon with no front legs and a poisonous bite and
5 Wyvern’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
spittle instead of fiery breath (and a poisonous sting
6 Wyvern’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
on the end of its tail). They prefer to lair in dark,
Groups 0
dank forests, swamps, or underground. Although
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
much less intelligent than its kin, it is nevertheless a
cunning, vicious foe.

70 HERO System Bestiary
SKILLS ELEMENTALS earth elemental conjured in the mountains may
look, act, and fight a little differently from one sum-
moned in a swamp. If you want to reflect this in
your game, use the optional packages provided with

Elementals have neither lementals are beings of pure Air, Earth,
Everyman Skills nor Fire, or Water. They normally dwell on each elemental, or create your own packages.
Everycreature Skills. the Elemental Planes, but sometimes wiz- All four elemental write-ups assume an
Instead, they have the ards summon them to the World of Man elemental who’s roughly twice human size. You can
following “Everyelemen- make them larger or smaller by applying the appro-
tal Skills”: to perform tasks or slay enemies. At other times,
elementals travel to the World of Man on their own, priate Size template.
AK: Home Plane 8-
through mysterious rifts that develop high in the
Deduction 8- clouds, deep in the sea or earth, or in the heart of AIR ELEMENTAL
Native Language volcanoes or enormous fires. If these rifts close, the
(4 points’ worth) elemental finds itself trapped. Val Char Cost Roll Notes
The GM may, in his dis- 0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
cretion, give elementals Ecology: The ecologies of elementals are not well- 23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8
the normal selection known, for they come from strange planes of exis- 23 CON 26 14-
of Everyman Skills, but tence where few people have ever traveled. Arcane 15 BODY 10 12-
only allow them to use lore says each Elemental Plane is made up entirely, 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
those Skills on their or almost entirely, of its element, which could lead
home planes.
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
to some strange ecologies indeed. Given elementals’ 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
propensity for fighting with each other and among 8 COM -1 11-
themselves, some wizards believe they are highly
territorial. 5 PD 5 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
Personality/Motivations: An elemental’s typical per- 5 ED 0 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
sonality depends on its type, though they all seem 4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
to be temperamental to some degree. Air elementals 5 REC 0
are flighty and quick-witted, rarely able to stand still 46 END 0
for long. Earth elementals are dull-witted, slow to 35 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 92
comprehend or to anger, but difficult to turn from (+15 with NCM)
their chosen path once they make up their minds
about something. Fire elementals are capricious and Movement: Running: 0”/0”
dangerous, delighting in the setting of fires and the Leaping: 0”/0”
destruction they cause. Water elementals are flexible Flight: 25”/200”
and adaptable, perhaps the most calm of their kind,
but terrifyingly destructive if angered. Cost Powers END
If summoned to or trapped in the World of 75 Air Attacks: Multipower, 75-point reserve
Man, elementals’ main objective is usually to find a 6u 1) Air Blast: Energy Blast 6d6, Double
way home. However, fire elementals may have such Knockback (+¾), Reduced Endurance
fun setting things on fire that they give no thought (½ END; +¼) 2
to home, and some elementals enjoy the change of 5u 2) Whirlwind: Energy Blast 6d6, Area
scenery, and so wish to remain for a time. Of Effect (5” radius; +1), Personal
Immunity (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½
Powers/Tactics: Though roughly man-shaped,
END; +¼); No Range (-½) 3
elementals scorn weapons, preferring to attack with
5u 3) Lack Of Air: Energy Blast 5d6, NND
their own natural powers (which relate to their
(defense is LS [Self-Contained
native element). Given their ability to move swiftly,
Breathing]; +1) 5
they often flee as soon as a battle turns against
7u 4) Wind-Strength: Telekinesis (30 STR),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
Because of their elemental bodies, all elemen-
20 Air Powers: Elemental Control, 40-point
tals are highly resistant to injury. Furthermore, they
lack bodily structures and organs as humans know
13 1) Body Of Air: Desolidification (affected
them, and so have the No Hit Locations Automaton
by magic); Cannot Pass Through Solid
Power, though they are not Automatons.
Objects (-½) 4
Since different gamers’ conceptions of elemen-
100 2) Windrunning: Flight 25”, x8
tals differ, these elementals do not have powers
noncombat, Rapid Noncombat Movement
bought with the Inherent Advantage. If you prefer,
(+¼), Combat Acceleration/Deceleration
simply assume that appropriate elemental powers
(+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
are Inherent.
17 3) Unseen Air: Invisibility to Sight Group,
Campaign Use: Player characters typically encoun- No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END;
ter elementals as the servants, bodyguards, or +½); Only When Not Attacking (-½) 0
soldiers of powerful evil wizards. Heroic wizards 75 Body Of Air: Physical Damage Reduction,
who gain sufficient magical prowess may learn to Resistant, 75% plus Energy Damage
summon elementals of their own. Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
In some cases, the appearance and powers of 45 Body Of Air: Life Support: Total 0
an elemental depend on where it’s summoned. An 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations
Hero Games 71

-14 True Flyer: Running -6”, Swimming -2”

12 Windrunning: +6 with Flight

2 AK: Elemental Plane Of Air 11-

3 Stealth 14-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 381

Total Cost: 473

75+ Disadvantages
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4m; -2
DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Flighty (Very
Common, Moderate)
378 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 473

Cost Cloud Elemental
50 Add EC slot: 4) Blinding Fog: Darkness to
Sight Group 4” radius, Personal Immunity
(+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
Total cost: +50

Cost Storm Elemental

21 Add EC slot: 4) Control Weather: Change
Environment 4” radius, -1 to Sight Group
PER Rolls (at most), Varying Effect (any type
of weather; +1), MegaScale (1” = 1 km; EARTH ELEMENTAL
+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
29 Add EC slot: 5) Lightning Bolt: RKA 40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4]
3d6, Indirect (always comes from the sky; 17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
+¼); Only Works During Storms (-¼) 6 25 CON 30 14-
Total cost: +50 20 BODY 20 13-
Description: Air elementals typically resemble large 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
whirlwinds or roiling clouds. They can fly at incred- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
ible speeds, and maneuver aerially better than the 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
most agile bird. Since their bodies are, at most, only 8 COM -1 11-
semi-solid, it’s difficult to harm them, and they
can make themselves completely intangible (and 15 PD 7 Total: 15 PD (10 rPD)
invisible) if they wish. In combat, they blast their 15 ED 10 Total: 15 ED (10 rED)
foes with the very wind, or convert their bodies 3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12
into deadly whirlwinds. A single air elemental can 15 REC 4
quickly demolish most structures. 50 END 0
53 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 132
(+48 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 4”/8”
Tunneling: 6”/12”

Cost Powers END

30 Earth Powers: Elemental Control, 60-point
48 1) Earthwalking: Tunneling 6” through
10 DEF material, Fill In, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
20 2) Grasp Of The Earth: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF;
Only Versus Targets Standing On
The Ground (-½) 6
72 HERO System Bestiary
10 Body Of Earth: Damage Resistance 75+ Disadvantages
(10 PD/10 ED) 0 5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4m; -2
60 Body Of Earth: Physical and Energy DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre-
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0 quently, Slightly Impairing)
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
45 Body Of Earth: Life Support: Total 0 only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
5 Earthsight: N-Ray Perception (Sight quently, Slightly Impairing)
Group; cannot perceive through organic 15 Psychological Limitation: Flighty (Very
matter); Only To See Through Earth Common, Moderate)
And Stone (-1) 0 277 Experience Points
10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations
Total Disadvantage Points: 377
3 Bump Of Direction
Skills Cost Forest Elemental
3 Climbing 12- 73 Add EC slot: 3) Awaken The Trees:
2 AK: Elemental Plane Of Earth 11- Summon 297-point Treeman,
3 Stealth 12- Devoted (+¾) 10
-15 Add Psychological Limitation: Protects
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 245 Forests (Common, Strong)
Total Cost: 377 -10 Add Susceptibility: if leaves forested
areas, take 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon)
Total cost: +48

Cost Mountain Elemental

-5 Increase Size Physical Limitation to Huge
+26 Replace Damage Resistance with Stony
Body: Armor (12 PD/12 ED) 0
30 +30 STR (and attendant Figured
Characteristics) 0
12 +6 BODY (and attendant Figured
Characteristics) 0
10 +10 PRE 0
12 Knockback Resistance +6” 0
24 Long Legs: Running +12” 2
-10 Add Susceptibility: if leaves moutainous/
stony areas, take 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon)
Total cost: +99

Cost Sand Elemental

30 Add EC slot: 3) Sandblast: Energy Blast
8d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
30 Add EC slot: 4) Sand Form:
Desolidification (affected by magic or
water), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
-10 Add Susceptibility: if leaves sandy/desert
areas, take 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon)
Total cost: +50

Cost Swamp Elemental

20 Add EC slot: 3) Engulf: RKA 1d6, NND
(defense is Life Support [Self-Contained
Breathing]; +1), Does BODY (+1),
Continuous (+1); Only Works On Foes
Elemental Has Grabbed (-½) 6
20 Call Of The Swamp: Summon 100-point
Animal, Any Swamp Animal (+¼),
Devoted (+¾); Arrives Under Own
Power (-½), Summoned Being Must
Inhabit Locale (-½) 4
-15 Add Psychological Limitation: Protects
Swamps (Common, Strong)
-10 Add Susceptibility: if leaves swampy/marshy
areas, take 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon)
Hero Games 73

-20 Add Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Fire/Heat

-20 Add Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire/
Heat (Common)
Total cost: +0
Description: Large, enormously heavy, and slow
(compared to other elementals, at least), the earth
elemental embodies the crushing and resisting
powers of Earth. It fights with its huge fists, but
can also cause the very earth to rise up and engulf
someone. It travels through earth and rock as easily
as a man walks on top of the ground.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
23 CON 26 14-
15 BODY 10 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
12 COM 1 11-

4 PD 4 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
10 ED 5 Total: 10 ED (0 rED)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
5 REC 0
46 END 0
35 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 102
(+18 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 0”/0”

Leaping: 0”/0” 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations
Flight: 15”/30” 30 Wings Of Fire: Flight 15” 3
-12 Cannot Run: Running -12” (0” total)
Cost Powers END 5 Heat Vision: Infrared Perception (Sight
67 Fire Attacks: Multipower, 67-point reserve Group) 0
7u 1) Fire Blast: RKA 3d6, Reduced 17 Brightness Of Flame: Sight Group
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 Images, +3 to PER Rolls, Increased Size
6u 2) Firestorm: RKA 2d6, Area Of (4” radius; +½), Inherent (+¼), Persistent
Effect (3” radius; +1) 6 (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
5u 3) Withering Heat: Energy Blast 5d6, Always On (-½), No Range (-½), Only
NND (defense is LS [Safe Environment To Create Light (-1) 0
(Intense Heat)]; +1) 5
67 Body Of Fire: HKA 1½d6, Continuous Skills
(+1), Damage Shield (does damage in 9 +3 with OCV Fire Attacks
HTH combat; +¾), Inherent (+¼),
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 2 AK: Elemental Plane Of Fire 11-
END; +½); Always On (-½), No STR
Bonus (-0) 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 374
13 Ignite: RKA 1 point, Continuous (+1), Total Cost: 473
Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½), Sticky (only affects 75+ Disadvantages
flammables; +¼), Uncontrolled (lasts 5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4m; -2
until extinguished or flammables burn DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre-
themselves out; +½); Only Works On quently, Slightly Impairing)
Flammable Objects (-½) 0 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap (cannot
90 Body Of Fire: Energy Damage Reduction, leap) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
Resistant, 75% plus Physical Damage 15 Psychological Limitation: Capricious (Very
Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0 Common, Moderate)
20 Body Of Fire: Armor (0 PD/20 ED); Only 30 Susceptibility: if immersed in water or
Versus Fire (-½) 0 doused with large amounts of water, takes
45 Body Of Fire: Life Support: Total 0 2d6 per Segment (Common)
74 HERO System Bestiary
AFFECTS POROUS 25 Susceptibility: if deprived of all oxygen, WATER ELEMENTAL
takes 2d6 per Segment (Uncommon) Val Char Cost Roll Notes
The water elemental’s 10 Susceptibility: if the temperature is below 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
Water Manipulation freezing, take 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon) 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
power, built with Teleki- 20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Water Attacks 23 CON 26 14-
nesis, has a +10 Charac- (Common) 15 BODY 10 12-
ter Point Adder, Affects 20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Water Attacks
Porous, so that it can 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
(Common) 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
affect liquids. Characters
cannot ordinarily use 268 Experience Points 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Telekinesis to pick up 8 COM -1 11-
liquids, but can do so Total Disadvantage Points: 473
if they buy this Adder. 8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD)
The amount of liquid a
character can pick up OPTIONS 5 ED 0 Total: 5 ED (0 rED)
depends on his teleki- 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Cost Lava Elemental
netic STR. A character 10 REC 2
30 +30 STR (and attendant Figured
may use Affects Porous 46 END 0
Telekinesis to shape Characteristics) 0
37 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 99
the picked-up liquid 8 Body Of Lava: Damage Resistance
(+6 with NCM)
into crude forms (such (6 PD/10 ED) 0
as squares, spheres, or 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
humanoid shapes); to Movement: Running: 6”/12”
-10 Add Susceptibility: if leaves lava-filled/
actually sculpt the water Leaping: 4”/8”
extremely hot areas, take 1d6 per Turn
requires Fine Manipula- Swimming: 20”/160”
tion and PS: Sculptor. (Uncommon)
Total cost: +34 points
Cost Powers END
Description: Fire elementals are beings of pure flame. 82 Water Attacks: Multipower, 82-point reserve
They give off tremendous amounts of light and heat, 6u 1) Water Blast: Energy Blast 6d6, Double
and ignite and damage everything they touch. Capri- Knockback (+¾), Reduced Endurance
cious, often vain, and just as often malicious, they (½ END; +¼) 2
delight in the setting of fires. In combat they attack 4u 2) Whirlpool: Energy Blast 6d6, Area Of
aggressively, trying to burn to ashes anyone who dares Effect (5” radius; +1), Personal Immunity
to stand against their magnificence. (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼);
Only Against Targets In The Water (-1) 3
5u 3) Drowning: Energy Blast 5d6, NND
(defense is LS [Self-Contained
Breathing]; +1) 5
4u 4) Water Manipulation: Telekinesis (30
STR), Affects Porous, Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Only Against Objects On
Or In The Water (-1) 0
4u 5) Engulf: RKA 1d6, NND (defense is
Life Support [Self-Contained Breathing];
+1), Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1);
Only Works On Foes Elemental Has
Grabbed (-½) 6
20 Water Powers: Elemental Control,
40-point powers
13 1) Body Of Water: Desolidification
(affected by magic); Cannot Pass
Through Solid Objects (-½) 4
25 2) Body Of Water: Stretching 6”,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
36 3) Aquatic Movement: Swimming +18”
(20” total), x8 noncombat, Rapid
Noncombat Movement (+¼), Combat
Acceleration/Deceleration (+¼),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
10 4) Unseen Water: Invisibility to Sight
Group, No Fringe, Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Only When Not Attacking
(-½), Only In The Water (-1) 0
75 Body Of Water: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 75% plus Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations
45 Body Of Water: Life Support: Total 0
Hero Games 75

Frog, Giant
2 AK: Elemental Plane Of Water 11-
2 KS: Marine Life 11- GIANT FROG
3 Stealth 13- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 346 13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
Total Cost: 445 16 CON 12 12-
12 BODY 4 11-
75+ Disadvantages 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4m; -2 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre- 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
quently, Slightly Impairing) 4 COM -3 10-
15 Psychological Limitation: Flighty (Very
Common, Moderate) 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Fire Attacks 9 ED 6 Total: 9 ED (2 rED)
(Common) 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire Attacks 8 REC 0
(Common) 32 END 0
310 Experience Points 33 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 44
(+18 with NCM)
Total Disadvantage Points: 445
Movement: Running: 2”/4”
Leaping: 15”/30”
OPTIONS Swimming: 5”/10”
Cost Sea Elemental
20 Call Of The Sea: Summon 100-point Cost Powers END
Animal, Any Sea Animal (+¼), Devoted 16 Tongue: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) plus
(+¾); Arrives Under Own Power (-½), Stretching 2”, Reduced Endurance
Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-½) 4 (0 END; +½); Always Direct (-¼),
-15 Add Psychological Limitation: Protects Limited Body Parts (tongue; -¼) 0
Seas And Their Creatures (Common, 2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
Strong) (2 PD/2 ED) 0
-10 Add Susceptibility: if leaves sea, takes 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
1d6 per Turn (Uncommon) 10 Frog’s Legs: Leaping +10” (15” forward,
Total cost: -5 points 8” upward) 1
(This package can also serve for River Elementals, 3 Frog’s Legs: Swimming +3” (5” total) 1
with the proper changes in wording.) -8 Slow: Running -4”

Cost Ice Elemental Skills

27 Add EC slot: 5) Control Weather: Change 4 +2 OCV with Grab
Environment 4” radius, -3 to Sight Group
PER Rolls (at most), Varying Effect (any 2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
type of winter weather; +½), MegaScale
(1” = 1 km; +¼), Reduced Endurance Total Powers & Skills Cost: 35
(0 END; +½) 0 Total Cost: 79
20 Winter’s Call: Summon 100-point Animal,
Any Arctic Animal (+¼), Devoted (+¾); 75+ Disadvantages
Arrives Under Own Power (-½), 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-½) 4 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
-10 Add Susceptibility: if leaves arctic areas, 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
takes 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon) +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Total cost: +37 points Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
Description: Water elementals look like large, tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
vague-featured people made of water (some have
different shapes, such as water-mermen, or even Total Disadvantage Points: 110
water-animals). They rarely, if ever, leave the seas,
lakes, and rivers they call home. In battle, they blast Ecology: Giant frogs live in or near large lakes,
their foes with water, choke them by filling their swamps, and similar bodies of water, or along the
lungs with fluid, or use their malleable bodies to banks of the largest rivers. Some species live under-
Grab them and drag them under the waves. ground, in subterranean lakes. Typically giant frogs
are solitary, but some live in groups of three to six.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
76 HERO System Bestiary
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Leaping: 4”/8”
Flight: 10”/20”

Cost Powers END

15 Gargoyle’s Talons: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with
STR) 1
10 Gargoyle’s Fangs: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1
with STR) 1
5 Stony Skin: Damage Resistance
(6 PD/4 ED) 0
13 Gargoyle’s Wings: Flight 10”;
Restrainable (-½) 2
5 Gargoyle’s Sight: Nightvision 0

3 Simulate Death

4 +2 OCV with Move By

3 Concealment 11-
Powers/Tactics: Giant frogs have voracious appe- 3 Stealth 12-
tites and consume anything they can. They can
swallow up to a single adult human whole (see page Total Powers & Skills Cost: 61
33; it does Average swallow damage). Typically the Total Cost: 131
frog gets close to its prey (either by lying in wait, or
with a sudden leap), then lashes out with its tongue 75+ Disadvantages
to Grab the victim. Then it drags the victim to it 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
and swallows him. 20 Psychological Limitation: Rapacious And
Campaign Use: Individual giant frogs are good Cruel (Very Common, Strong)
“nuisance encounters” for parties of adventurers, 36 Experience Points
and as a group may represent a more serious threat
(especially if most of the PCs have STRs too low Total Disadvantage Points: 131
to resist being Grabbed and swallowed). Some Ecology: Gargoyles live atop, and sometimes within,
swamp-dwelling sentient species may use giant structures such as towers, castles, and temples. They
frogs as steeds. squat on the edges of roofs and overhangs, looking
Appearance: A typical frog, with slick greenish skin, like ordinary carved stone gargoyles, waiting for
but about twice the size of a man. unsuspecting prey to come by.
Some gargoyles prefer to live by themselves;
others belong to a large group, family, or clan. Young
gargoyles hatch from eggs laid once a year by the
Gargoyle mother.
Personality/Motivation: Although sometimes consid-
ered dull and slow-witted, in truth gargoyles are cun-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes ning and cruel. They enjoy inflicting harm on other
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] living creatures, often toying with their food for sport
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 before killing and consuming it. They are also greedy,
20 CON 20 13- and save treasure and keepsakes from their victims.
13 BODY 6 12-
Powers/Tactics: Gargoyles fight with the talons on
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
their hands and feet, and to a lesser extent with their
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
short fangs. They favor flying Move Bys, which allow
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
them to swoop past their prey and claw it to death.
8 COM -1 11-
Older, more experienced gargoyles are often quite
agile while in the air, difficult to capture or hit.
12 PD 8 Total: 12 PD (6 rPD)
If confronted with superior force, gargoyles
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (4 rED)
wisely flee, hoping for a chance to regroup and
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
attack later.
8 REC 0
40 END 0 Campaign Use: Gargoyles can come in many shapes
33 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 70 and varieties. You can easily add extra limbs or heads
(+4 with NCM) to this template, for example. Since gargoyles are
intelligent, they might develop magical powers, learn
to use weapons, or otherwise gain extra abilities.
Hero Games 77

With the addition of a few powers from the

Infernal template, you can use the gargoyle character
sheet for various types of demons and devils as well.
Appearance: Gargoyles are humanoid beings with
grey-green, stony skin. They have talons on their feet
and fingers, spikes jutting from knees and elbows,
short horns on their heads, and two bat-wings grow-
ing from their shoulderblades.


olems are humanoid constructs, sculpted
or made out of various materials (anything
from dead flesh to iron) and animated with
magic. Wizards and priests create them as
servants and bodyguards.
Ecology: Golems, being constructed creatures, have
no ecology per se. They do what their creator orders
them to do, go where he says go, and so forth. They
do not need to eat, sleep, or perform most of the
other functions living beings must to survive. Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Personality/Motivation: None. Golems, as Automatons, Leaping: 6”/12”
follow their creator’s orders. They do not think or feel.
In potentially confusing situations, the GM may allow Cost Powers END
a golem an INT Roll to interpret its orders correctly. 15 Golem’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
Powers/Tactics: Golems possess enormous strength 10 Golem’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
and use it to good effect in combat. Most know how 45 Golem’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
to use weapons, but even those who do not can strike 15 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on STR 0
devastating blows with their fists. Their implacable 6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
nature, high degree of invulnerability, and untiring Running 0
bodies make them terrifying opponents. 3 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Leaping 0
Campaign Use: Gamemasters can also use these 1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
write-ups to represent animated statues, certain types Swimming 0
of undead, odd alien life-forms, and some robots. 18 Body Of Clay: Damage Resistance
These writeups assume golems of roughly (6 PD/6 ED) 0
human size. Wizards and other golem-makers often 45 Body Of Clay: Physical Damage
prefer much taller or smaller versions, which you can Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Only
create by applying the appropriate template. Similarly, Versus Edged Weapons (-1) 0
by adding wings, claws, or the like to a golem during 50 Golem’s Body: Life Support: Total
the creation process, the maker can give it many addi- (including Longevity: Immortality) 0
tional abilities.
CLAY GOLEM 10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 1 Climbing 8-
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] 2 Language (native)
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 3 Stealth 12-
10 CON 0 11- 2 WF: Common Melee Weapons
15 BODY 10 12-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 226
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A Total Cost: 295
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
8 COM -1 11- 75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
6 PD 12 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence
6 ED 15 Total: 6 ED (6 rED) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 205 Experience Points
8 REC 0
0 END -10 Total Disadvantage Points: 295
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 69
(+10 with NCM) Description: Formed and sculpted of clay, the clay
golem typically resembles a statue of a person
78 HERO System Bestiary
Leaping 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Swimming 0
12 Body Of Reanimated Flesh: Damage
Resistance (4 PD/4 ED) 0
4 Body Of Reanimated Flesh: +2 PD; Only
Protects Against Crushing Or Piercing
Attacks (-½)
3 Body Of Reanimated Flesh: +2 PD; Only
Protects Against Piercing Attacks (-1) 0
50 Golem’s Body: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0

10 +2 Hand-To-Hand

1 Climbing 8-
2 Language (native)
3 Stealth 11-
2 WF: Common Melee Weapons

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 176

Total Cost: 219

75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
— until it starts to move. Artistically gifted creators 20 Psychological Limitation: Fear Of Fire
sometimes embellish their clay golems with fierce (Common, Total)
countanances, the appearance of clothing or armor, 20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire
or the like. Most clay golems fight with weapons, (Common)
but their fists alone are enough to deal deadly 109 Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 219
FLESH GOLEM Description: Sewn together from pieces of corpses,
Val Char Cost Roll Notes and animated through magic, chemicals, and/
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] or electricity, the flesh golem is,
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 in essence, an improved form
10 CON 0 11- of zombie (see page 127).
15 BODY 10 12- Although its move-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10- ments are jerky and
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A seemingly inept,
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6 it has more speed
6 COM -2 10- and agility than
its appearance and
4 PD 9 Total: 4 PD (4 rPD) composition suggest.
4 ED 9 Total: 4 ED (4 rED) It attacks with a
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 weapon (if it
6 REC 0 has one) or
0 END -10 its fists (if
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 43 not).

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 4”/8”

Cost Powers END

15 Golem’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
10 Golem’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
45 Golem’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
10 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on STR 0
6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Running 0
2 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Hero Games 79

METAL GOLEM tion, a metal golem is a fearsome oppo-

Val Char Cost Roll Notes nent, thanks to its strength
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4] and near-invulnerability.
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
10 CON 0 11-
20 BODY 20 13-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
8 COM -1 11-

10 PD 21 Total: 10 PD (10 rPD)

10 ED 27 Total: 10 ED (10 rED)
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12
10 REC 0
0 END -10
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 123
(+37 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 8”/16”

Cost Powers END

15 Golem’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
10 Golem’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
45 Golem’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
20 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on STR 0
6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Running 0
4 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Leaping 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Swimming 0
30 Body Of Metal: Damage Resistance
90 Body Of Metal: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
36 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” 0 35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3]
50 Golem’s Body: Life Support: Total 16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0 10 CON 0 11-
15 BODY 10 12-
Skills 5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand 0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
1 Climbing 8- 8 COM -1 11-
2 Language (native)
2 WF: Common Melee Weapons 8 PD 18 Total: 8 PD (5 rPD)
8 ED 21 Total: 8 ED (5 rED)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 322 3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Total Cost: 445 9 REC 0
0 END -10
75+ Disadvantages — STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 90
20 Physical Limitation: Human Size, Weighs (+15 with NCM)
6,400 kg (All The Time, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence Movement: Running: 6”/12”
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Leaping: 7”/14”
335 Experience Points
Cost Powers END
Total Disadvantage Points: 445 15 Golem’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
10 Golem’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
Description: The most powerful golems are those 45 Golem’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
made of metal — typically iron, though bronze, 17 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on STR 0
steel, and others are not unknown. Some metal 6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
golems resemble solid metal statues, others look Running 0
like suits of living armor. Regardless of configura-
80 HERO System Bestiary
3 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Leaping 0 Running 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 2 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Swimming 0 Leaping 0
15 Body Of Stone: Damage Resistance 1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
(5 PD/5 ED) 0 Swimming 0
90 Body Of Stone: Physical and Energy 9 Body Of Wood: Damage Resistance
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0 (3 PD/3 ED) 0
24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -4” 0 8 Body Of Wood: +4 PD; Only Protects
50 Golem’s Body: Life Support: Total Against Crushing Or Piercing Attacks (-½) 0
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0 50 Golem’s Body: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand Skills
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
1 Climbing 8-
2 Language (native) 1 Climbing 8-
2 WF: Common Melee Weapons 2 Language (native)
3 Stealth 12-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 291 2 WF: Common Melee Weapons
Total Cost: 381
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 177
75+ Disadvantages Total Cost: 235
20 Physical Limitation: Human Size, Weighs
5,000 kg (All The Time, Greatly Impairing) 75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence
271 Experience Points (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Fear Of Fire
Total Disadvantage Points: 381 (Common, Total)
Description: More powerful than a clay golem, 20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire
but not as mighty as one made of metal, the stone (Common)
golem typically resembles a large stone statue of a 105 Experience Points
man. As with a clay golem, its creator may sculpt it
with fanciful features, or leave it mostly blank and Total Disadvantage Points: 235
unformed. Description: Wood golems look like carved wooden
statues. They strike with fists as hard as ironwood,
and withstand damage well because their bodies are
as tough as gnarled oak-roots.
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
10 CON 0 11-
15 BODY 10 12-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
8 COM -1 11-

5 PD 9 Total: 5 PD (3 rPD)
5 ED 12 Total: 5 ED (3 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
7 REC 0
0 END -10
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 56
(+5 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 5”/10”

Cost Powers END

15 Golem’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
10 Golem’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
45 Golem’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
12 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on STR 0
Hero Games 81

Gorgon Total Powers & Skills Cost: 186

Total Cost: 266
GORGON 75+ Disadvantages
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
18 STR 8 13- Lift 300 kg; 3½d6 [2] 20 Psychological Limitation: Wicked And Cruel
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 (Very Common, Strong)
18 CON 16 13- 171 Experience Points
12 BODY 4 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Total Disadvantage Points: 266
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4
Ecology: Gorgons live, alone or in groups, in many
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
different regions — everywhere from temper-
2 COM -4 9-
ate forests, to desolate wastes, to coastlines. They
usually lair in a cave or ruin, but sometimes build
7 PD 3 Total: 7 PD (2 rPD)
dwellings of their own.
5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (2 rED)
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Personality/Motivation: Gorgons are filled with spite
8 REC 0 for all living things, save their own kind. They seek
36 END 0 to slay (or petrify) anyone they meet. They collect
40 STUN 10 Total Characteristics Cost: 80 treasure, sometimes using it to bribe adventurers to
leave them alone or sneaking into a town to spend it.
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Powers/Tactics: Gorgons know how to use weapons
Leaping: 4”/8” and armor, and will do so if threatened. However,
Flight: 8”/16” their chief weapon is their gaze, which turns to
stone all who meet their glance! Reflecting the
Cost Powers END gaze back at them has no effect, but an attacker can
93 Petrifying Gaze: Major Transform 8d6 fight them without being petrified by looking at a
(living things to stone, heals back through reflection instead of directly at them. This requires
restorative magics), Personal Immunity an appropriately shiny surface. The
(+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); attacker must make an EGO Roll
Limited Target (living things; -¼), All Or every round to keep his eyes on
Nothing (-½), Eye Contact Required (-½) 0 the reflection, and he suffers a
5 Serpentine Hair: HKA 1 point (½d6 with -3 OCV penalty.
STR) 1
Campaign Use: Legend
33 Serpentine Hair: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
says a gorgon’s
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
head, if cut
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate
from its body,
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity (+¼);
retains the
4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½),
creature’s power
Extra Time (onset time begins 5
of petrification.
Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
Whether this is actu-
Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) plus
ally true is up to the
RKA 2d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS
[Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1),
Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), Appearance: A gorgon is
4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), a hideous mockery of a
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes human female. Though
after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect it possesses a beauteous
(10 Minutes; 1d6/5 minutes; -¾), female form, the head atop
Linked (-½) [4] that body is grotesque —
15 Brazen Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 ugly, often warty, with a
8 Fangs: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR); fang-filled mouth (from
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 which a hideous red tongue
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance usually lolls) and venomous
(2 PD/2 ED) 0 serpents for hair. It also has
11 Wings: Flight 8”; Restrainable (-½) 2 wings (which it can keep con-
10 Serpentine Hair: Increased Arc Of cealed behind its back if it wishes)
Perception (360 Degrees) for Sight Group 0 and bronze claws on its hands. It
wears human clothing.
2 AK: Home Territory 11-
3 Stealth 12-
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Missile Weapons
82 HERO System Bestiary

Griffin Skills
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Stealth 13-
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 88
20 CON 20 13- Total Cost: 202
16 BODY 12 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 75+ Disadvantages
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
16 COM 3 12- 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD) Slightly Impairing)
9 ED 5 Total: 9 ED (3 rED) 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
9 REC 0 20 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Very
40 END 0 Common, Strong)
40 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 114 72 Experience Points
(+13 with NCM)
Total Disadvantage Points: 202
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
Ecology: Griffins are carnivores who live by them-
Leaping: 5”/10”
selves, or in prides of two to four. They typically lair
Flight: 12”/24”
in mountain caves, though some build nests in the
tops of large trees. The young are born from eggs,
Cost Powers END
usually in litters of one to six.
20 Eagle’s Beak: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with
STR) 2 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motiva-
12 Eagle’s Talons/Lion’s Claws: HKA 1d6 tions. Additionally, many adventurers claim griffins
(2d6 with STR); Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 are rapacious, malicious, and greedy. Some have
3 Thick Skin: Damage Resistance reported griffins who guard large hoards, or gold
(3 PD/3 ED) 0 mines from which they have driven out the miners.
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0 Powers/Tactics: Griffins prefer to fight from the
16 Eagle’s Wings: Flight 12”; Restrainable (-½) 2 air if they can, swooping down on prey and raking
6 Swift-limbed: Running +3” (9” total) 1 with their talons. Sometimes a griffin slams right
6 Eagle’s Eyes: +3 PER with Sight Group 0 into a target, Grabbing the prey with its talons and
6 Eagle’s Eyes: +4 versus Range for Sight biting with its large beak. If forced to fight on the
Group 0 ground, the griffin relies on its beak more than its
claws, and looks for an opportunity to take to the
Campaign Use: You can use the griffin as a tem-
plate for manufacturing other “hybrids,” simply by
switching out the appropriate parts. For example,
by replacing the eagle parts with those of a dragon,
and giving the creature a fiery breath attack from
one of the dragon character sheets, you could create
a dracogriff (or griffodrake).
If captured early — while in the shell, or only
a few days out of it — griffins can be trained to
become loyal steeds and companions. They never
entirely get over their rapacious natures, though,
and they have prodigious appetites.
Appearance: The griffin is a beast with the head,
wings, and forelimbs of an eagle, and the body
and hindparts of a lion. It has red eyes, and large
pointed ears like a dog’s. The body is usually tawny
or brown, the feathers brown, blue, or white.
Hero Games 83

Harpy Ecology: Harpies are carnivores who survive by

a combination of taking unsuspecting prey and
scavenging. They eat almost any meat they can
HARPY find (even days-old carrion), but they prefer fresh
Val Char Cost Roll Notes human flesh. Their diet, and generally unsanitary
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [1] habits, makes them look matted and filthy, and
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 gives them a stench strong enough to sicken an
15 CON 10 12- adult human.
12 BODY 4 11- Harpies prefer to nest in high places — tree-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- tops or cliffsides — so they have a good view of
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 their territory and a chance to spot potential prey
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 (or attackers) as quickly as possible. They most
4 COM -3 10- often live alone, but sometimes form colonies of
up to a dozen (and just as quickly disperse when
8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD) squabbles occur). Since all harpies appear to be
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (2 rED) female, how they reproduce remains a mystery.
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Personality/Motivation: Harpies are malicious,
6 REC 0
vicious, self-centered, and cruel. A harpy cares for
30 END 0
no one but itself, and gladly harms others (even
30 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 56
another harpy) if it gains something thereby (even
just the simple pleasure of tormenting the poor
Movement: Running: 2”/4”
victim). They like treasure and shiny objects, and
Leaping: 3”/6”
often hoard them.
Flight: 10”/20”
Powers/Tactics: A harpy’s favorite tactic is to use
Cost Powers END its Stealth to fly as close to its prey as possible with-
24 Talons: HKA 2d6 (2½d6 with STR); out being detected, then swoop in, screeching to
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 3 deafen the target and make a Presence Attack. Then
10 Screech: Hearing Group Flash 4d6; it Grabs or slashes with its talons. If it suffers seri-
Incantations (-¼) 2 ous injury, or the battle turns against it, it flees as
23 Foul Stench: Drain CON 1d6, NND quickly as it can.
(defense is LS [Self-Contained Breathing]; Campaign Use: While the harpies depicted here
+1), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect have human intelligence, some are far more bestial
(One Hex; +½), Personal Immunity (+), and savage (i.e., they have the Near-Human Intel-
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Per- lect Physical Limitation). Harpies may be related to
sistent (+½); Always On (-½), Max- sirens (see page 115), another type of woman-bird
imum Effect Of 6 Points On Any hybrid.
One Target (-½) 0
5 Terrifying: +10 PRE; Only For Fear- Appearance: Harpies are hideous creatures with
Based Presence Attacks (-1) 0 vulture-like bodies, raptor-like talons, and the
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance heads and breasts of human women.
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
13 Wings: Flight 10”; Restrainable (-½) 2
-8 Slow: Running -4”
4 Raptor’s Eyes: +2 PER with Sight Group 0

6 +2 with Grab, Grab By, and Move By

3 Concealment 11-
3 Stealth 12-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 85

Total Cost: 141

75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Wicked (Very
Common, Strong)
36 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 141

84 HERO System Bestiary

Hippocampus 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,

+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
HIPPOCAMPUS 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] 10 Psychological Limitation: Fears Bright Lights
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 And Loud Noises (Uncommon, Strong)
20 CON 20 13- 5 Susceptibility: to being out of water, takes
15 BODY 10 12- 1d6 per Minute (Uncommon)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Total Disadvantage Points: 125
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
Ecology: The hippocampus lives in the sea and
10 COM 0 11-
breathes water. It grazes on seaweed, kelp, and other
underwater vegetation. Herds of wild hippocampi
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
contain five to 50 of the creatures. Mermen and
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (1 rED)
other intelligent undersea species sometimes cap-
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
ture and domesticate hippocampi for use as aquatic
8 REC 0
40 END 0
35 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 59 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
(+4 with NCM) Powers/Tactics: Hippocampi prefer to flee rather
than fight (though some have been battle-trained).
Movement: Running: 0”/0” If a hippocampus cannot avoid conflict, it fights by
Leaping: 4”/8” bashing its opponent and biting him with its teeth.
Swimming: 9”/18”
Campaign Use: You can use the hippocampus as a
template for other aquatic crossbreeds. Instead of
Cost Powers END
a horse body, it could have lion body, dragon body,
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
dog body, or the like.
10 Tail Bash/Kick: HA +3d6; Hand-To-
Hand Attack (-½) 1 Appearance: A hippocampus has the head and
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance foreparts of a horse (with webbed fins in the place
(1 PD/1 ED) of hooves on its two front feet) and the tail of a fish.
1 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance Its short hair comes in the many colors common to
(+2 PD/+2 ED); Activation Roll 11- (or horses; its scales are usually blue-green.
covers locations 7 and 13-18; -½) 0
Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3”
Fishtail And Webbed Feet: Swimming
0 hippocampus Hit
+7” (9” total) 1 Location table
-12 Helpless On Land: Running -6” Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
6 Perceptive: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0 3-4 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
5-6 Neck x4 x1½ x1½ -7 OCV
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 24 7-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
Total Cost: 83 9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1 x1 -7 OCV
13-18 Fishtail x2 x½ x½ -8 OCV
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Hero Games 85

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
21 DEX 33 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
18 CON 16 13-
16 BODY 12 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
12 COM 1 11-

8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
8 REC 0
36 END 0
35 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 76
(+9 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 13”/26”

Leaping: 4”/8”
Flight: 10”/20”

Cost Powers END Powers/Tactics: Hippogriffs fight equally well on

15 Eagle’s Beak: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 land and in the air (in fact, they can gallop faster
12 Eagle’s Talons: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); than they fly, at least over even terrain). In the air,
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 they usually Move By and rake with their talons,
2 Thick Skin: Damage Resistance or hover over the target to make talon and beak
(2 PD/2 ED) 0 attacks. On land, they prefer to rear up and Grab
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0 the target with their talons, then bite with their
13 Eagle’s Wings: Flight 10”; Restrainable (-½) 2 beak.
14 Swift-limbed: Running +7” (13” total) 1
4 Eagle’s Eyes: +2 PER with Sight Group 0 Campaign Use: The hippogriff makes a good tem-
6 Eagle’s Eyes: +4 versus Range for Sight plate for other horse-hybrid creatures.
Group 0 Appearance: The hippogriff, a product of some mad
god’s or wizard’s experiment, has the head, beak,
Skills forelimbs, and wings of an eagle, and the body
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand and hindlegs of a horse. Its horse parts come in
the usual variety of equine colors; its feathers are
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 77 brown, white, or sometimes gold.
Total Cost: 153

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
43 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 153

Ecology: Hippogriffs live in herds of four to twenty
animals, led by a dominant male. The size of the
herd depends on the dominant male’s strength and
the food supply available in their territory. Hip-
pogriffs typically prey on small- to medium-sized
animals, such as deer or wild dogs. Young are born
live in the early summer.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
86 HERO System Bestiary

Homonculus Cost Powers

1 Leaping: Leaping +1” (1” total)
-6 Short Legs: Running -3”
-1 Tiny Form: Swimming -1”
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 6 Perceptive: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Skills
13 CON 6 12- 30 Hard To Hit: +6 DCV
7 BODY -6 10-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 0 ES: Acting 8-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 3 Climbing 12-
5 PRE -5 10- PRE Attack: 1d6 10 Concealment 17-; Self Only (-½)
8 COM -1 11- 0 ES: Conversation 8-
0 ES: Deduction 8-
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) 0 ES: Persuasion 8-
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) 15 Shadowing 17-
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 15 Stealth 18-
5 REC 4 2 WF: Common Melee Weapons
26 END 0
20 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 14 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 75
Total Cost: 89
Movement: Running: 3”/6”
Leaping: 1”/2” 75+ Disadvantages
10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (.25m; +9” KB)
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
25 Psychological Limitation: Lacks Free Will;
Must Obey Creator (Very Common, Total)

Total Disadvantage Points: 110

Ecology: Created by a wizard through alchemical
and magical processes, a homonculus cannot breed
and has little interaction with others of its kind
(unless its master creates more than one). It lives
where its master lives.
Personality/Motivation: A homonculus’s personality
depends on its creator’s desires. Its master can make
it wicked and capricious, kind-hearted and helpful,
or the like. Overriding any other motivations is the
desire to obey its master’s every command, even
ones that could lead to its own injury or death.
Powers/Tactics: Due to their small size and weak-
ness, homonculi make poor combatants. They serve
their masters best as spies and servants. If forced
to fight, they use tiny weapons (1 point HKA) and
try for a surprise attack (like leaping down onto a
target’s shoulder and stabbing him in the throat or
Campaign Use: This character sheet represents a
basic homonculus. A character could add other
abilities, such as wings, claws, tiny venomous fangs,
a Mind Link power, or the like.
Appearance: A homonculus resembles an adult
human no more than one foot tall. Some are per-
fectly formed, others crude or mis-shapen; they
may also have unusual skin or hair tones, as their
creator desires.
Hero Games 87

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
55 STR 45 20- Lift 50 tons; 11d6 HTH
damage [5]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
30 CON 40 15-
30 BODY 40 15-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 3
35 PRE 25 16- PRE Attack: 7d6
4 COM -3 10-

22 PD 11 Total: 22 PD (8 rPD)
22 ED 16 Total: 22 ED (8 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
17 REC 0
60 END 0
73 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 194
(+115 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 6”/12”

Cost Powers END

67 Nine Heads: Duplication (creates 8
195-point Duplicates), Inherent (+¼); Cannot
Recombine (-0), 0 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
5 Cut Off A Head And Two Shall Take Its only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
Place: +24 Duplicates, Inherent (+¼); Two quently, Slightly Impairing)
Duplicates Appear Only When One Existing 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
Duplicate Is Slain (-1), Does Not Work tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
If Regeneration Is Stopped (-½) 0 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves Trea-
25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6 with STR) 2 sure And Shiny Objects (Common, Strong)
15 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 260 Experience Points
8 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED) 0
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 395
18 Regeneration: Healing 3d6 (Regeneration;
3 BODY per Turn), Persistent (+½),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Extra HYDRA HEAD
Time (1 Turn; -1¼), Self Only (-½), Does Not Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Work On Cauterized Wounds (-½) 0 35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3]
10 Hydra Senses: Infrared Perception and 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
Ultraviolet Perception (both Sight Group) 0 20 CON 20 13-
6 Hydra Senses: +2 PER with all Sense 10 BODY 0 11-
Groups 0 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0 11 EGO 2 10- ECV: 3
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Talents 4 COM -3 10-
3 Lightsleep
22 PD 15 Total: 22 PD (8 rPD)
Skills 22 ED 18 Total: 22 ED (8 rED)
20 +4 Hand-To-Hand 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
11 REC 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 201 40 END 0
Total Cost: 395 38 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 105
(+43 with NCM)
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Movement: Running: 6”/12”
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Leaping: 6”/12”
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m tall; -6 DCV,
+6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
Slightly Impairing)
88 HERO System Bestiary
Cost Powers END Ecology: The hydra is an enormous reptilian beast,
25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6 with STR) 2 kin perhaps to dragons. It most often lairs in caves,
8 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED) 0 underground caverns, dense forests, and deserts,
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0 but can only live in places with sufficient food to
10 Hydra Senses: Infrared Perception and satisfy its enormous appetite. Some hydrae survive
Ultraviolet Perception (both Sight Group) 0 partly on the corpses of adventurers foolish enough
6 Hydra Senses: +2 PER with all Sense to challenge them.
Groups 0 Hydrae are solitary, except during the mating
season (in the late winter/early spring every five to
Talents ten years), when males and females seek each other
3 Lightsleep out (and males sometimes battle each other for the
right to mate with a particular female). The female
Skills lays a clutch of one to six eggs, which hatch in six
20 +4 Hand-To-Hand months. It takes a dozen years for the young, which
must fend for themselves from birth, to become
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 90 fully grown.
Total Cost: 195 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motiva-
tions, with perhaps a touch of intelligence lacking
75+ Disadvantages in most creatures. Extremely fierce and aggressive,
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence the hydra is hard for anyone to control or dominate
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) (even with magic). It’s also quite greedy, gathering
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size as much treasure (and shiny objects) to itself as it
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can can.
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing) Powers/Tactics: The hydra fights by attacking with
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- its nine heads. Since the heads are bought with
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Duplication, each one counts as a separate charac-
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves ter, giving the hydra nine separate attacks in each
Treasure And Shiny Objects (Common, Phase! Typically some heads Hold their Actions, so
Strong) an opponent suffers assault every single Segment of
70 Experience Points a Turn.
To make matters worse, the hydra is extremely
Total Disadvantage Points: 195 difficult to injure or kill. Even if an attacker man-
ages to penetrate its thick, scaly skin, the hydra
heals at an extraordinarily rapid rate. And if an
Hydra Head Hit attacker should get lucky and kill one of the heads,
two more sprout from the dead one! The only way
Location table to stop this is to cauterize — seal with heat — the
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
wound. Any injury inflicted by fire or heat, or to
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV which an attacker applies at least 1 pip of fire-based
6-11 Upper Neck x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV Killing Damage before the hydra next regenerates,
12-18 Lower Neck x2 x½ x ½ -5 OCV cannot heal with Regeneration.
Campaign Use: The hydra is a tough foe, able to
OPTIONS take on most groups of adventurers singlehandledly
If you apply either of the “Breath” options, each of and give them a fight for their lives. If you add in
the individual heads should have it as well, thus any of the options, such as fire breath or making the
altering the cost of the hydra’s Duplication. main head immortal, the battle becomes even more
Cost Hydra Options You can use the hydra as a template for multi-
40 Fiery Breath: RKA 2d6, Area Of Effect headed alien creatures in a Star Hero campaign, or
(12” Line; +1); No Range (-½) 6 perhaps some Lovecraftian extra-dimensional hor-
+20 Immortal Main Head: Add “Resurrection” rors in a pulp-era or Horror Hero game. For a touch
option to hydra’s Regeneration (but not of comedy, you could have some of the heads argue
to its Duplicates); Resurrection is stopped with other heads.
by burning the head up completely 0 Appearance: The hydra, a large-bodied reptile, has
168 Poisonous Breath: RKA 4d6, NND (defense a thick tail, four relatively stumpy legs, and nine
is appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does necks, each ending in a beaked or fanged head.
BODY (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 Thanks to its many heads, the hydra is difficult to
END; +½); Limited Range (1”; -¼) 0 sneak up on, and even more difficult to fight.
13 Wings: Flight 10”; Restrainable (-½) 2
Hero Games 89

Insect Senses: +2 PER with Hearing Group 0
Insect Feet: Clinging (normal STR);
Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼) 0
Ecology: Giant insects (and arthropods and 6 Six Legs: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0
arachnids) are simply enormous versions of tiny
creatures like beetles and wasps. Their ecology and Skills
behavior patterns are the same as those of their 0 ES: Climbing 8-
lesser cousins, though they may pursue larger prey
(men, for example) or require significantly more Total Powers & Skills Cost: 129
territory. Some, such as wasps or ants, form colo- Total Cost: 194
nies of 20 or more insects; others, like spiders and
scorpions, are solitary. 75+ Disadvantages
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (8m; -4 DCV,
Powers/Tactics: These vary from species to spe- +4 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
cies, but generally giant insects attack aggressively, Slightly Impairing)
trying to overwhelm their prey with numbers and/ 20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence
or size. Tactics that work against regular insects (All The Time, Greatly Impairing)
work against them, if used on a sufficiently large 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
scale. only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
Campaign Use: Each of the four giant insects pre- 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
sented here can serve as the template for others. tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
For example, the giant wasp can become a giant bee 69 Experience Points
if you apply the Limitation 1 Charge which Never
Recovers and give it a Susceptibility (takes 1d6 per Total Disadvantage Points: 194
Segment after it uses its sting). The giant beetle
becomes a giant ant if you reduce its Armor (and, OPTIONS
perhaps, get rid of its wings). And of course, you Cost Giant Bombardier Beetle
can always make these creatures bigger.... 30 Explosive Spray: Energy Blast 8d6, Area
Of Effect (One Hex; +½); 4 Charges (-1) [4]
Total cost: +30 points
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Cost Giant Diving Beetle
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4] 3 Fringed Legs: Swimming +3” 0
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 2 Underwater Adaptation: Life Support
20 CON 20 13- (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute) 0
16 BODY 12 12- Total cost: +5 points
4 INT -6 10- PER Roll 10-
3 EGO -14 10- ECV: 1 Cost Giant Cockroach/Tiger Beetle
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 Swift Runner: Running +4” (22” total) 1
4 COM -3 10- Total cost: +8 points
Description: A giant beetle is approximately eight
8 PD 0 Total: 16 PD (8 rPD) times the size of an adult human — large enough
6 ED 2 Total: 14 ED (8 rED) to destroy small buildings, or to chop a person in
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 half with its enormous mandibles. Its glossy black
12 REC 0 exoskeleton protects it from many forms of attack;
40 END 0 some human cultures make armor or shields out of
46 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 65 parts of the shell.
(+36 with NCM) The options describe several specific species
of giant beetle which have unusual abilities. Game-
Movement: Running: 18”/36” masters can easily come up with others with just a
Leaping: 4”/8” few minutes’ research.
Flight: 6”/12”
Tunneling: 2”/4”

Cost Powers END

25 Mandibles: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
24 Exoskeleton: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) 0
12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” 0
8 Wings: Flight 6”; Restrainable (-½) 1
10 Digging: Tunneling 2” through 2 DEF
material 1
24 Long Legs: Running +12” (18” total) 2
8 Insect Senses: +4 PER with Smell/Taste
Group 0
90 HERO System Bestiary
GIANT SCORPION Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Minute
Val Char Cost Roll Notes after victim is bitten; -1½), Gradual
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4] Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½) [4]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 30 Pincers: Multipower, 30-point reserve
25 CON 30 14- 3u 1) Rending: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR)
19 BODY 18 13- 1u 2) Grasping: +20 STR, Reduced Endurance
4 INT -6 10- PER Roll 10- (0 END; +½); Only To Grab (-1) 0
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 18 Exoskeleton: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) 0
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0
4 COM -3 10- 2 Scorpion Body: Life Support (Safe
Environment: High Radiation) 0
10 PD 2 Total: 16 PD (6 rPD) 36 Long Legs: Running +18” (24” total) 4
8 ED 3 Total: 14 ED (6 rED) 8 Scorpion Senses: +4 PER with Touch Group 0
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 38 Sense Vibrations: Detect Physical
13 REC 0 Vibrations 13- (Touch Group),
50 END 0 Discriminatory, Analyze, Range,
52 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 97 Targeting 0
(+65 with NCM) 6 Eight Legs And A Stinger: Extra Limbs,
Inherent (+¼) 0
Movement: Running: 24”/48”
Leaping: 4”/8” Skills
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
Cost Powers END
10 Sting: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1 0 ES: Climbing 8-
65 Venom: Drain CON 4d6, Delayed Return
Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Total Powers & Skills Cost: 245
Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate Total Cost: 342
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do 75+ Disadvantages
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time 10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m tall; -6 DCV,
begins 1 Minute after victim is bitten; +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
-1½), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Slightly Impairing)
Minute; -½), Linked (to RKA; -½) plus 20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence
RKA 4d6, NND (defense is appropriate (All The Time, Greatly Impairing)
LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1), 15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), -2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
202 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 342

Description: Unlike its smaller cousin (page 174),
which rarely poses a threat to humans, the giant
scorpion considers men, and other creatures of
similar size, dainty morsels. It moves swiftly with
its eight legs, the front two of which terminate in
powerful pincers. Sometimes it uses the pincers to
hold prey while it stings it to death; other times the
pincers help it tear prey apart. It hunts mostly at
night, using its ability to sense vibrations to track
down prey.
Hero Games 91


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m tall; -6 DCV, This character sheet
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently, represents a giant hunt-
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Slightly Impairing) ing spider, which catches
20 CON 20 13- 20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence prey by running, leap-
(All The Time, Greatly Impairing) ing, and climbing rather
19 BODY 18 13- than spinning webs. You
6 INT -4 10- PER Roll 10- 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
can use the “webspin-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) ning” optional package
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 203 Experience Points for spiders that weave
4 COM -3 10- webs.
Total Disadvantage Points: 323 In HERO System terms,
6 PD 0 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD) webs are Area Of Effect
6 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (2 rED) Entangles which must
OPTIONS be created in advance
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 as vertical walls (see the
10 REC 0 Cost Giant Webspinning Spider
48 Webs: Multipower, 97-point reserve; HERO System 5th Edi-
40 END 0 tion, Revised, page 168).
44 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 94 4 Charges for entire Multipower (-1) [4]
3u 1) Standard Web: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Unlike normal Area Of
(+43 with NCM) Effect Entangle walls,
Area Of Effect (7” Radius; +1), Continuous they are not normally
Movement: Running: 24”/48” (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼), Extra Time 2” “thick,” but usually
Leaping: 20”/40” (takes about one Hour per hex to weave more like 1/2”-1” thick,
web; -1½), Only To Form Barriers (-½) depending on the size
2u 2) Wrapping Up Prey: Entangle 6d6, 6 of the spider who wove
Cost Powers END them. (A normal spider’s
10 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1 DEF; Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), No
web is of course much
65 Venom: Drain CON 4d6, Delayed Return Range (-½)
smaller and thinner.)
Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Total cost: +53 points Also unlike normal Area
Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate Of Effect Entangles used
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity Cost Giant Spitting Spider to create walls, which
As giant webspinning spider, plus: do not Entangle targets
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do in the Area Of Effect, a
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time 4u 3) Gluespitting: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF;
Range Based On STR (-¼) spider web does Entan-
begins 1 Minute after victim is bitten; gle any creature that
-1½), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Total cost: +57 points blunders into it. (For
Minute; -½), Linked (to RKA; -½) plus this reason, the value
RKA 4d6, NND (defense is appropriate Cost Giant Trapdoor Spider of the Only To Form
5 Digging: Tunneling 1” through 1 DEF Barriers Limitation is
LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1), reduced.)
Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), material 1
4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), Total cost: +5 points Spider webs are built
with the Continuous
Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Minute Description: Giant spiders are perhaps the most Advantage to represent
after victim is bitten; -1½), Gradual fearsome giant “insect” adventurers can encounter. the fact that they last
Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½) [4] Fast, agile, and extremely venomous, they consider (and remain able to
6 Exoskeleton: Armor (2 PD/2 ED) 0 a human an excellent meal. Entangle victims) until
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0 The giant spider in this character sheet is completely destroyed.
36 Long Legs: Running +18” 4 eight times as large as an adult human. You can When a web suffers
damage sufficient to
14 Leaper: Leaping +14” (20” total) 1 easily create other sizes of this popular monster by break it, a “hole” is cre-
6 Eight Eyes: +3 PER with Sight Group 0 using the Size templates to adjust its abilities. ated in it. The hole is
6 Spider Senses: +3 PER with Touch Group 0 equal in size to the crea-
38 Sense Vibrations: Detect Physical ture who escaped from
Vibrations 13- (Touch Group), the Entangle (the GM
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Targeting 0 may alter this to reflect
other considerations,
8 Spider Legs: Clinging (normal STR); of course). Once half
Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼) 0 or more of the hexes in
6 Eight Legs: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0 a web are damaged or
destroyed, it collapses
Skills and must be rewoven.
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand It typically takes a
spider one hour per hex
3 Climbing 13- to spin a web. A giant
spider may make his
3 Stealth 13- web smaller than its
maximum size, or may
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 229 spin several Entangles
Total Cost: 323 and “link” them to create
one web large enough
for it to sit in (or to fill a
particular area).
92 HERO System Bestiary
8 Insect Feet: Clinging (normal STR);
Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼) 0
6 Six Legs: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0

10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV

3 Climbing 12-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 60

Total Cost: 74

75+ Disadvantages
20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence
(All The Time, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Small (1m; +3” KB)
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

Total Disadvantage Points: 120

Description: About half the size of an adult human,
Val Char Cost Roll Notes giant wasps are not individually as dangerous as
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 4d6 [2] other giant insects. But because they live together
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 in gigantic hives containing hundreds or even thou-
14 CON 8 12- sands of wasps, they can quickly overwhelm and
8 BODY -4 11- kill even the strongest adventurer.
4 INT -6 10- PER Roll 10- Due to their bright coloration and buzzing
3 EGO -14 10- ECV: 2 flight, giant wasps do not get the Concealment and
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Stealth bonuses creatures smaller than human size
4 COM -3 10- normally do.
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 0
28 END 0
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 14

Movement: Running: 2”/4”

Leaping: 1”/2”
Flight: 8”/16”

Cost Powers END

10 Sting: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1
20 Venom: Drain CON 2d6, Delayed Return
Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per
Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time
begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2),
Gradual Effect (40 Minutes; 1d6/20
Minutes; -1) plus RKA 1d6, NND (defense
is appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does
BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No
Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time
begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten;
-2), Gradual Effect (5+ Minutes; 1 pip/
5 minutes; -¾), Linked (-½) [4]
11 Wings: Flight 8”; Restrainable (-½)
-8 Slow: Running -4”
Hero Games 93

JACKALOPE Ecology: Jackalopes live in the same habitats as

Val Char Cost Roll Notes jackrabbits do — grasslands, plains, and meadows.
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1] However, they don’t graze contentedly on grass and
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 leaves. They are carnivores, using their antlers and
14 CON 8 12- sharp teeth to kill small prey and consume it.
7 BODY -6 10- Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Jackalopes are noted for their aggressiveness and
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 temper. Unlike ordinary lapines, if disturbed or
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 frightened, they are as likely to charge as to flee.
6 COM -2 10-
Powers/Tactics: Jackalopes attack with their antlers,
by running or leaping at the target at full speed.
4 PD 4 Total: 4 PD (1 rPD)
With a properly-timed charge, they can often bring
3 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (1 rED)
down prey much larger than themselves.
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 REC 2 Campaign Use: Jackalopes provide a good example
28 END 0 of how to take an ordinary and harmless crea-
20 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 12 ture — a rabbit, in this case — and make it into a
disturbing and potentially dangerous creature by
Movement: Running: 7”/14” amalgamating it with other animals. This may catch
Leaping: 4”/8” the PCs by surprise, making the encounter more
Swimming: 1”/2” interesting than just another battle.
Some legends say jackalopes possess extraor-
Cost Powers END dinary luck (i.e., Luck 3d6). If so, an encounter with
15 Antlers: HKA 2d6 (2d6 with STR); Only one — or an entire warren of them — may prove
With Move Throughs (-1) 3 even more interesting.
12 Bite: HKA 1d6 (1d6 with STR); Reduced Appearance: A jackalope resembles an ordinary,
Penetration (-¼) 1 albeit large, jackrabbit, but with sharp antlers
5 Claws: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 projecting from its head, short, sharp fangs, and
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance tiny claws. Its eyes seem to gleam with a devilish
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 malevolence instead of the bucolic placidity of the
5 Tough Head: +10 PD; Only To Protect ordinary rabbit.
Damage Taken Due To Performing Move
Throughs (-1) 0
2 Rabbit’s Legs: Running +1” (7” total) 1
4 Rabbit’s Legs: Leaping +4” (4” forward, 2”
upward) 1
-1 Short Legs: Swimming -1”
6 Rabbit Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
Groups 0
5 Rabbit Eyes: Nightvision 0
4 Rabbit’s Ears: +2 PER with Hearing Group 0

6 +3 OCV with Move Through
20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV

7 Concealment 15-; Self Only (-½)

11 Stealth 16-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102

Total Cost: 114

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (typically
no larger than about .5m; +6” KB) (Fre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Psychological Limitation: Temperamental
(Common, Moderate)

Total Disadvantage Points: 125

94 HERO System Bestiary

Kraken (Giant Octopus/Squid) 1 Tough Body: Life Support (Safe Environ-

ment: High Pressure) 0
7 Suction Cups: Clinging (normal STR);
KRAKEN Cannot Move Up Vertical Surfaces (-½) 0
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” 0
60 STR 50 21- Lift 100 tons; 12d6 [6] 28 Water Siphon: Swimming +28” (30” total) 3
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 -12 Only Swims: Running -6”
30 CON 40 15- 22 Underwater Senses: Spatial Awareness 0
30 BODY 40 15-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Skills
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 6 +3 OCV with Grab
30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
6 COM -2 10- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 189
Total Cost: 355
12 PD 0 Total: 12 PD (2 rPD)
8 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (2 rED) 75+ Disadvantages
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
18 REC 0 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
60 END 0 15 Physical Limitation: Gigantic (32m long;
75 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 166 -8 DCV, +8 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
(+115 with NCM) quently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
Movement: Running: 0”/0” (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Leaping: 0”/0” 12 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
Swimming: 30”/60” leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
228 Experience Points
Cost Powers END
25 Beak: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2 Total Disadvantage Points: 355
6 Tentacles: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0
Ecology: Krakens live in the deepest depths of the
80 Tentacles: Stretching 16”, Inherent (+¼),
ocean, where they hunt whales and other huge
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance
marine animals as prey. They are solitary, and fight
(0 END; +½); Always On (-½), No
with others of their kind if they encounter them.
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity
Occasionally, driven by impulses no human under-
Damage (-¼), Limited Body Parts
stands, they rise to the surface to snatch people off
(tentacles; -¼) 0
the decks of ships, or even drag entire vessels down
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
beneath the waves.
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
The kraken lacks the camouflage and ink-jet-
ting ability possessed by normal-sized octopi, since
its size and power make it impossible to hide, and
remove the need for escape adaptations.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Powers/Tactics: Krakens attack aggressively, using
their long, immensely strong tentacles to Grab and
crush. They also have a large beak with which they
can bite prey, if they get close enough. The kraken’s
SPD reflects the fact that it has so many tentacles
to attack with; if its foes cut several of them off, the
GM may wish to reduce its SPD proportionately.
Campaign Use: You can also use this character sheet
for the “normal” giant octopi and squids known to
reside in Earth’s oceans, though you may want to
reduce the creature’s abilities slightly.
Some legends speak of much larger krakens
— ones with bodies over a mile long, and tentacles
to match. Some krakens also supposedly have horns
on their bodies.
Appearance: The kraken resembles a gigantic octo-
pus or squid.
Hero Games 95

Lizard, Giant Cost Giant Lizard Options
GIANT LIZARD 16 Tongue: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) plus
Stretching 2”, Reduced Endurance (0
Val Char Cost Roll Notes END; +½); Always Direct (-¼), Limited
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] Body Parts (tongue; -¼) 0
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 7 Frightening Frill: +15 PRE; Only For
28 CON 36 15- Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1) 0
20 BODY 20 13- 33 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
6 COM -2 10- (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5
12 PD 6 Total: 18 PD (6 rPD) Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
12 ED 6 Total: 16 ED (4 rED) Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Minutes; -¾) plus RKA 2d6, NND (defense
12 REC 0 is appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does
56 END 0 BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No
50 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 110 Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do
(+67 with NCM) BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins
5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2),
Movement: Running: 24”/48” Gradual Effect (10 Minutes; 1d6/5
Leaping: 6”/12” minutes; -¾), Linked (-½) [4]
8 Rapid Healing: Healing 1d6 (Regeneration;
Cost Powers END 1 BODY per Hour), Can Heal Limbs,
25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); (+½); Extra Time + Increased Time
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 Increment (heals per Hour; -2¼), Self
23 Spiny Skin: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), Only (-½) 0
Damage Shield (+½), Persistent (+½),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Ecology: Giant lizards live in warm climates, such
Activation Roll 14- (-½), No STR as the tropics or deserts. Some species prefer dry
Bonus (-½), No Knockback (-¼) 0 regions, others are at home in wet climes. They feed
15 Scaly Skin: Armor (6 PD/4 ED) 0 on giant insects, mammals of deer size and up, and
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0 other such prey. They also eat humans.
36 Long Legs: Running +18” (24” total) 3 Giant lizards breed once every four to eight
3 Reptilian Senses: +1 PER with all years. Among some species, the female cares for the
Sense Groups 0 eggs until they hatch; others simply lay them and
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); then abandon them to their fate.
Limited Manipulation (-¼) 0 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Powers/Tactics: Giant lizards aren’t particularly
smart or cunning. They attack in a simple, straight-
0 ES: Climbing 8-
forward fashion, relying primarily on their Bite. The
spines on their bodies can make it dangerous for
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 137
opponents to counterattack.
Total Cost: 247
Campaign Use: The listed options allow the GM
75+ Disadvantages to customize the giant lizard to represent specific
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence species. For example, to create a giant Gila monster,
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) add the Venomous Bite.
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m long; -6 Appearance: An enormous, scaly-skinned, quadru-
DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre- pedal reptile with a long body and tail. It comes in a
quently, Slightly Impairing) variety of species and colors.
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Cold
112 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 247

96 HERO System Bestiary

LYCANTHROPES as humans, but possess powerful animal abilities

— including the ability to infect others with the
(WERECREATURES) condition, which can make for some interesting

ycanthropes are humans with the ability to You can use the six character sheets below as
change their shape into that of a particu- templates for many other types of lycanthropes. The
lar animal. (Or, more rarely, an intelligent weretiger can become a wereleopard or werelion
animal with the power to assume man- with few, if any, changes; the wererat makes for a
shape.) Many people consider lycanthropy a curse, good wereserpent if you add some scales and a ven-
a dreaded disease they would give anything to be omous bite.
cured of, but some accept (or even revel in) their
bestial nature and abilities. CONTRACTING LYCANTHROPY
Ecology: Some lycanthropes live as humans, A character contracts lycanthropy from
whether among human societies or by themselves the bite of an existing lycanthrope. (He might also
(they tend to be loners); others prefer to dwell with get it from a wizard’s curse, or any other appropri-
their wild brethren (perhaps even acting as their ate means chosen by the GM.) If a character takes
protector). All of them hunt or forage in animal half or more of his positive body from the bite of a
shape to some degree, but they may also eat cooked single lycanthrope (or multiple lycanthropes of the
human food. same species during the same battle), he becomes
A mating between two lycanthropes produces a lycanthrope, though he won’t know that until the
a child who also possesses lycanthropic powers. next full moon. Every lycanthrope has Lycanthrope’s
A mating between a lycanthrope and an ordinary Bite power to represent this ability to infect others.
human, or an ordinary member of the species When a character first contracts lycanthropy,
whose shape the lycanthrope can assume, produces he has little control over his abilities. He cannot ini-
offspring with lycanthropic powers about half the tiate the change to animal or half-human form vol-
time. untarily; it takes place only on the nights of the full
moon each month, and during that time the char-
Personality/Motivations: Typically, lycanthropes acter loses complete control of himself, becoming a
have ordinary human motivations (ranging from ravening beast. The character has the Psychological
pure beneficence to utter evil), but their personali- Limitation Bestial Nature (Uncommon, Total), and
ties usually have a touch of the bestial nature of also Enraged (when opposed or injured, go 11-,
their animal shape. Werewolves are cruel and cun- recover 8-), during this time, though he receives no
ning, but also quite loyal to their friends (“pack”); extra Character Points for them. His Multiform has
werebears are slow and ponderous, but powerful the No Conscious Control Limitation.
once roused; wererats are sneaky and shifty; and so Every month after the first time he changes
forth. during the full moon, the character may make an
Powers/Tactics: Lycanthropes possess three forms: EGO Roll to gain partial control of his lycanthropy.
a normal human form; a human-animal “mixed” The first roll is at -6; if the character fails it, each
form; and an animal form. The animal form may month afterwards reduce the penalty by 1 until he
be physically normal for its kind, or unusually makes it. At that point, he can usually prevent him-
large and strong, but it almost always retains some self from changing during the full moon, though
or all of the human’s intelligence. For the sake of he may be subject to an Accidental Change during
simplicity, the character sheets below portray the it. The GM should let the character change or re-
half-animal, half-human form as the “true form,” arrange his Disadvantages to take the Accidental
and uses the normal animal write-ups from this Change, and perhaps an appropriate Psychological
book and a 150 Character Point human as the or Social Limitation, to reflect his condition — or
other forms. (The animal forms receive some extra he may simply allow the character to add them to
points to account for their superior nature, intel- his existing Disadvantages to balance the cost of the
ligence, and the like.) However, for characters who character’s Multiform. The Multiform still has the
contract lycanthropy from a werecreature’s attack, No Conscious Control Limitation.
the human form should be the true form. See Con- Once the character makes his EGO Roll, he
tracting Lycanthropy, below, for more information. can start buying off the No Conscious Control Limi-
Common lycanthropic powers include: tation with Experience Points (or, if the GM allows,
greater than normal physical Characteristics; fangs extra points gained from new Disadvantages). He
and claws; and the ability to heal with incredible can spend no more than 2 Character Points per
speed. They also relate well to animals of their type week on this. When he has completely bought off
(their Animal Handler Skill represents this; some the Limitation, he has full control over the Multi-
may also have a Mind Link that works only with form and can change shape whenever he likes. He
that type of animal). However, lycanthropes suffer may or may not also buy off any Accidental Change
extra damage from weapons made of silver (a few he suffers from; that depends on the GM, the player,
even suffer injury from just touching pure silver), and the campaign. Some lycanthropes never com-
and they have a tendency to lose control of them- pletely overcome the tug of the full moon. (The
selves in battle or when hurt. accompanying character sheets assume the lycan-
thrope has full control over his abilities.)
Campaign Use: Lycanthropes make excellent adver-
saries for PCs in many games. They’re as intelligent
Hero Games 97

WEREBEAR 5 Lycanthrope’s Eyes: Ultraviolet

Val Char Cost Roll Notes Perception (Sight Group) 0
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] 5 Lycanthropic Nose: Discriminatory
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 for Normal Smell 0
23 CON 26 14- 5 Lycanthropic Nose: Tracking for
20 BODY 20 13- Normal Smell 0
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Skills
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
10 COM 0 11-
2 Animal Handler (Ursines) 14-
12 PD 6 Total: 12 PD (2 rPD) 3 Concealment 11-
12 ED 7 Total: 12 ED (2 rED) 3 Stealth 12-
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 3 Tracking 11-
11 REC 0 4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
46 END 0 Missile Weapons
47 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 124
(+29 with NCM) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 236
Total Cost: 360
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Leaping: 6”/12” 75+ Disadvantages
25 Enraged: in combat or when injured (Very
Cost Powers END Common), go 11-, recover 11-
20 Shapechanging: Multiform (change shape 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
into 150-point human or bear; 20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Silver
true form is half-animal form); Extra Time Weapons (Common)
(takes an Extra Phase to change shape; -¾) 0 20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Silver
20 Fangs: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 2 Weapons (Common)
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); 220 Experience Points
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based Total Disadvantage Points: 360
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
(must roar; -¼) 0
60 Lycanthrope’s Bite: Major Transform 7d6
(human into werebear; heals back
through special magic ritual), Persistent
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Always On (-½), Limited Target (humans;
-½), All Or Nothing (-½), Must Do Half
Of Target’s Positive BODY With Fangs (-1) 0
Martial Arts: Red In Tooth And Claw
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
4 Avoid Harm — +5 Dodge all
attacks, Abort
4 Chomp/Cuff/
Claw Slash +0 +2 Strike +2 DC
3 Holding Bite +0 -1 Grab One Limb,
+10 STR
3 Knockover +2 -1 Strike +1 DC;
Target Falls
2 Lycanthropic Resilience: Damage
Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
40 Lycanthropic Resilience: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Does Not Work
Against Silver-Based Attacks (-½) plus
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%;
Does Not Work Against Fire Attacks (-½) 0
18 Lycanthropic Regeneration: Healing 3d6
(Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn),
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
END; +½); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼),
Self Only (-½), Does Not Heal Damage
Caused By Silver Weapons (-½) 0
6 Lycanthropic Senses: +2 PER with all
Sense Groups 0
98 HERO System Bestiary
Description: Werebears are much quicker and more Cost Powers END
agile than their appearance suggests. In human 20 Shapechanging: Multiform (change shape
form they are tall and broad-shouldered, with thick into 150-point human or boar; true form
beards and hirsute bodies. Most are quick to anger is half-animal form); Extra Time (takes an
and slow to forget wrongs; a few are openly venge- Extra Phase to change shape; -¾) 0
ful. But they are more likely to be kindhearted and 20 Tusks: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 2
true than any other type of lycanthrope. 8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
60 Lycanthrope’s Bite: Major Transform 7d6
(human into wereboar; heals back through
Val Char Cost Roll Notes special magic ritual), Persistent (+½),
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 On (-½), Limited Target (humans; -½),
20 CON 20 13- All Or Nothing (-½), Must Do Half Of
16 BODY 12 12- Target’s Positive BODY With Bite (-1) 0
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Martial Arts: Red In Tooth And Claw
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6 4 Avoid Harm — +5 Dodge all
8 COM -1 11- attacks, Abort
4 Punch/
10 PD 6 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD) Tusk Slash +0 +2 Strike +2 DC
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED) 3 Holding Bite +0 -1 Grab One Limb,
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 +10 STR
8 REC 0 3 Knockover +2 -1 Strike +1 DC;
40 END 0 Target Falls
40 STUN 4 Total Characteristics Cost: 99 2 Lycanthropic Resilience: Damage
(+2 with NCM) Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
40 Lycanthropic Resilience: Physical Damage
Movement: Running: 7”/14” Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Does Not Work
Leaping: 4”/8” Against Silver-Based Attacks (-½) plus
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%;
Does Not Work Against Fire Attacks (-½) 0
18 Lycanthropic Regeneration: Healing 3d6
(Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn),
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼),
Self Only (-½), Does Not Heal Damage
Caused By Silver Weapons (-½) 0
2 Lycanthrope’s Legs: Running +1” (7” total) 1
6 Lycanthropic Senses: +2 PER with all
Sense Groups except Sight Group 0
5 Lycanthrope’s Eyes: Ultraviolet Perception
(Sight Group) 0
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Discriminatory for
Normal Smell 0
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Tracking for Normal
Smell 0

10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
4 +2 OCV with Move By

2 Animal Handler (Porcines) 13-

3 Concealment 11-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Tracking 11-
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Missile Weapons

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 234

Total Cost: 333

75+ Disadvantages
35 Enraged: Berserk in combat or when injured
(Very Common), go 11-, recover 11-
Hero Games 99

0 Physical Limitation: Human Size

15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Silver Weap-
ons (Common)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Silver Weap-
ons (Common)
168 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 333

Description: Wereboars tend to be short, squat, and
ugly in both human and half-human form. Unlike
other lycanthropes, they suffer from poor vision,
though their remaining senses are quite acute. In
combat they attack with their teeth (they lack the
claws other lycanthropes have), often performing
Move Bys with their tusks.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
16 CON 12 12-
14 BODY 8 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
8 COM -1 11-

8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
6 ED 3 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
6 REC 0
40 Lycanthropic Resilience: Physical Damage
32 END 0
Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Does Not Work
30 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 80
Against Silver-Based Attacks (-½) plus
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%;
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
Does Not Work Against Fire Attacks (-½) 0
Leaping: 3”/6”
18 Lycanthropic Regeneration: Healing 3d6
(Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn), Persistent
Cost Powers END
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
20 Shapechanging: Multiform (change shape
Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), Self Only (-½), Does
into 150-point human or rat; true form is
Not Heal Damage Caused By Silver Weapons
half-animal form); Extra Time
(-½) 0
(takes an Extra Phase to change shape; -¾) 0
6 Lycanthrope’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1
20 Bite: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 2
6 Lycanthropic Senses: +2 PER with all
8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Sense Groups 0
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
5 Lycanthrope’s Eyes: Ultraviolet
60 Lycanthrope’s Bite: Major Transform 7d6
Perception (Sight Group) 0
(human into wererat; heals back through
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Discriminatory for
special magic ritual), Persistent (+½),
Normal Smell 0
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Tracking for Normal
On (-½), Limited Target (humans; -½), All
Smell 0
Or Nothing (-½), Must Do Half Of
Target’s Positive BODY With Bite (-1) 0
Martial Arts: Red In Tooth And Claw
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
4 Avoid Harm — +5 Dodge all
2 Animal Handler (Rodents) 13-
attacks, Abort
3 Concealment 11-
4 Chomp/
3 Stealth 13-
Claw Slash +0 +2 Strike +2 DC
3 Tracking 11-
3 Holding Bite +0 -1 Grab One Limb,
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
+10 STR
Missile Weapons
2 Lycanthropic Resilience: Damage
100 HERO System Bestiary
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 232 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Total Cost: 311 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
75+ Disadvantages 20 CON 20 13-
35 Enraged: Berserk in combat or when injured 18 BODY 16 13-
(Very Common), go 11-, recover 11- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Silver Weap- 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
ons (Common) 8 COM -1 11-
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Silver Weap-
ons (Common) 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (4 rPD)
161 Experience Points 8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (4 rED)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Total Disadvantage Points: 311 9 REC 0
Description: Wererats are shorter than other lycan- 40 END 0
thropes. In human form they often look shifty, with 41 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 105
tiny eyes, sharp noses, black or dark grey hair, and (+22 with NCM)
other rat-like features. In half-human form, they
often favor weapons (such as daggers, short swords, Movement: Running: 6”/12”
and short bows) over their small claws. Leaping: 5”/10”
Swimming: 20”/40”

Cost Powers END

34 Shapechanging: Multiform (change shape
into 150-point human or 275-point shark
true form is half-animal form); Extra Time
(takes an Extra Phase to change shape; -¾) 0
25 Jaws: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
60 Lycanthrope’s Bite: Major Transform 7d6
(human into wereshark; heals back
through special magic ritual), Persistent
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Always On (-½), Limited Target (humans;
-½), All Or Nothing (-½), Must Do Half
Of Target’s Positive BODY With Jaws (-1) 0
Martial Arts: Red In Tooth And Claw
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
4 Avoid Harm — +5 Dodge all
attacks, Abort
4 Chomp +0 +2 Strike +2 DC
3 Holding Bite +0 -1 Grab One Limb,
+10 STR
3 Knockover +2 -1 Strike +1 DC;
Target Falls
4 Lycanthropic Resilience: Damage
Resistance (4 PD/4 ED) 0
40 Lycanthropic Resilience: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Does Not Work
Against Silver-Based Attacks (-½) plus
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%;
Does Not Work Against Fire Attacks (-½) 0
18 Lycanthropic Regeneration: Healing 3d6
(Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn),
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
END; +½); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), Self
Only (-½), Does Not Heal Damage
Caused By Silver Weapons (-½) 0
18 Shark’s Body: Swimming +18” (20” total) 1
6 Lycanthropic Senses: +2 PER with all
Sense Groups 0
4 Shark’s Nose: +2 PER with Smell/Taste
Group 0
5 Lycanthrope’s Eyes: Ultraviolet
Perception (Sight Group) 0
Hero Games 101

5 Shark’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception

(240 Degrees) for Sight Group 0
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Discriminatory for
Normal Smell 0
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Tracking for Normal
Smell 0

10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
4 +2 OCV with Move By

2 Animal Handler (Sharks) 13-

3 Concealment 11-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Tracking 11-
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Missile Weapons

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 272

Total Cost: 377

75+ Disadvantages
35 Enraged: Berserk in combat or when injured
(Very Common), go 11-, recover 11-
30 Enraged: Berserk when smells blood (Very
Common), go 8-, recover 11-
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Silver Weap-
ons (Common)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Silver Weap-
ons (Common)
197 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 377

Description: Weresharks are perhaps the oddest-
looking lycanthrope. They have the upper body and
head of a shark combined with the arms and legs Cost Powers END
of a man. Some even have shark-like tails. Rarely 29 Shapechanging: Multiform (change shape
found outside the water (or far from it on land), into 150-point human or 225-point tiger;
they fight in shark-like fashion, performing Move true form is half-animal form); Extra Time
Bys with their jaws. (takes an Extra Phase to change shape; -¾) 0
20 Fangs: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 2
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
WERETIGER Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 Roar: +5 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 (must roar; -¼) 0
18 CON 16 13- 60 Lycanthrope’s Bite: Major Transform 7d6
18 BODY 16 13- (human into weretiger; heals back through
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- special magic ritual), Persistent (+½),
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 On (-½), Limited Target (humans; -½), All
10 COM 0 11- Or Nothing (-½), Must Do Half Of
Target’s Positive BODY With Fangs (-1) 0
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD) Martial Arts: Red In Tooth And Claw
6 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (2 rED) Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 Avoid Harm — +5 Dodge all
8 REC 0 attacks, Abort
36 END 0 4 Chomp/
40 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 107 Claw Slash +0 +2 Strike +2 DC
(+13 with NCM) 3 Holding Bite +0 -1 Grab One Limb,
+10 STR
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 3 Knockover +2 -1 Strike +1 DC;
Leaping: 9”/18” Target Falls
102 HERO System Bestiary
2 Lycanthropic Resilience: Damage WEREWOLF
Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
40 Lycanthropic Resilience: Physical Damage 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Does Not Work 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Against Silver-Based Attacks (-½) plus 18 CON 16 13-
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%; 16 BODY 12 12-
Does Not Work Against Fire Attacks (-½) 0 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
18 Lycanthropic Regeneration: Healing 3d6 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
(Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn), 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance 10 COM 0 11-
(0 END; +½);
Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), Self Only (-½), Does 9 PD 5 Total: 9 PD (2 rPD)
Not Heal Damage Caused By Silver Weapons 6 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
(-½) 0 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6 Lycanthrope’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1 8 REC 0
5 Tiger’s Legs: Leaping +5” (9” forward, 5” 36 END 0
upward) 1 35 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 95
6 Lycanthropic Senses: +2 PER with all (+2 with NCM)
Sense Groups 0
5 Lycanthrope’s Eyes: Ultraviolet Movement: Running: 9”/18”
Perception (Sight Group) 0 Leaping: 6”/12”
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Discriminatory for
Normal Smell 0 Cost Powers END
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Tracking for Normal 20 Shapechanging: Multiform (change shape
Smell 0 into 150-point human or wolf; true form
is half-animal form); Extra Time (takes
Skills an Extra Phase to change shape; -¾) 0
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand 20 Fangs: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 2
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
2 Animal Handler (Felines) 13- Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
3 Concealment 11- 60 Lycanthrope’s Bite: Major Transform 7d6
3 Tiger Stripes: +4 to Concealment; Self Only (human into werewolf; heals back through
(-½), Only In Forests/Jungles (-1) special magic ritual), Persistent (+½),
3 Stealth 14- Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always
1 Tiger Stripes: +1 to Stealth; Only In Forests/ On (-½), Limited Target (humans; -½), All
Jungles (-1) Or Nothing (-½), Must Do Half Of Target’s
3 Tracking 11- Positive BODY With Fangs (-1) 0
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Martial Arts: Red In Tooth And Claw
Missile Weapons Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
4 Avoid Harm — +5 Dodge all
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 263 attacks, Abort
Total Cost: 370 4 Chomp/
Claw Slash +0 +2 Strike +2 DC
75+ Disadvantages 3 Holding Bite +0 -1 Grab One Limb,
35 Enraged: Berserk in combat or when injured +10 STR
(Very Common), go 11-, recover 11- 3 Knockover +2 -1 Strike +1 DC;
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size Target Falls
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Silver Weap- 2 Lycanthropic Resilience: Damage
ons (Common) Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Silver Weap- 40 Lycanthropic Resilience: Physical Damage
ons (Common) Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Does Not Work
220 Experience Points Against Silver-Based Attacks (-½) plus
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%;
Total Disadvantage Points: 370 Does Not Work Against Fire Attacks (-½) 0
Description: Weretigers are as graceful and beauti- 18 Lycanthropic Regeneration: Healing 3d6
ful as they are deadly. In battle a weretiger uses its (Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn),
claws and fangs with deadly efficiency, pouncing on Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
its victims from surprise if possible. END; +½); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼),
Self Only (-½), Does Not Heal Damage
Caused By Silver Weapons (-½) 0
6 Lycanthrope’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1
2 Wolf ’s Legs: Leaping +2” (6” forward,
3” upward) 1
6 Lycanthropic Senses: +2 PER with all
Sense Groups 0
Hero Games 103

Lycanthrope’s Eyes: Ultraviolet Perception

(Sight Group) 0
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Discriminatory for
Normal Smell 0 MANTICORE
5 Lycanthropic Nose: Tracking for Normal Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Smell 0 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Skills 22 CON 24 13-
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand 16 BODY 12 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
2 Animal Handler (Canines) 13- 8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3
3 Concealment 11- 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
3 Stealth 13- 6 COM -2 10-
3 Tracking 11-
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD)
Missile Weapons 8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 245 9 REC 0
Total Cost: 340 44 END 0
40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 104
75+ Disadvantages (+15 with NCM)
35 Enraged: Berserk in combat or when injured
(Very Common), go 11-, recover 11- Movement: Running: 12”/24”
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size Leaping: 5”/10”
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Silver Weap- Flight: 8”/16”
ons (Common)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Silver Weap- Cost Powers END
ons (Common) 20 Triple Fangs: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6
190 Experience Points with STR) 2
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR);
Total Disadvantage Points: 340 Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
18 Shooting Spines: RKA 1d6, Armor
Description: Werewolves, the best known and in
Piercing (+½); 12 Charges (-¼) [12]
many places the most common type of lycanthrope,
4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
are also often the fiercest and most savage of their
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
kind. They often live in packs, and seem to enjoy
(must roar; -¼) 0
killing not just to obtain food, but for the sake of
3 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(3 PD/3 ED) 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
11 Wings: Flight 8”; Restrainable (-½) 2
12 Long Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 0

9 +3 with Triple Fangs, Claws, and
Shooting Spines

3 Stealth 13-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102

Total Cost: 206

75+ Disadvantages
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
101 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 206

104 HERO System Bestiary
tails. (Some adventur-
ers report encountering
manticores who instead, or
in addition, had a tail like a scor-
pion, with a venomous sting on the
Campaign Use: You can use the man-
ticore as a model or template for other
unusual “amalgam” monsters.
Appearance: The manticore has
the body of a lion (colored cin-
nabar red), the head of a
man (with an enormous
mouth containing three
rows of razor-sharp
fangs), bat-wings, and
a tail tipped with sharp
spines it throws at its

Cost Manticore Option
10 Stinging Tail: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
with STR) 1 23 STR 13 14- Lift 600 kg; 4½d6 [2]
33 Stinging Tail Venom: Drain CON 3d6, 17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the 25 CON 30 14-
rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is 18 BODY 16 13-
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
Immunity (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), 8 COM -1 11-
Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes;
-¾) plus RKA 2d6, NND (defense is appropri- 12 PD 7 Total: 12 PD (3 rPD)
ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1), 8 ED 3 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), 4 3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Charges (-1), Sting Must Do BODY (-½), 10 REC 0
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes 50 END 0
after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (10 43 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 102
Minutes; 1d6/5 minutes; -¾), Linked (-½) [4] (+17 with NCM)
Ecology: The manticore lives throughout temperate,
Movement: Running: 10”/20”
subtropical, and tropical regions, though it prefers
Leaping: 5”/10”
forests, plains, and wastelands. It is carnivorous,
feeding on large mammals (including humans) and
Cost Powers END
similar creatures. In their voraciousness manticores
15 Horns: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
often devour the entire body (including the bones)
8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
of their prey, and even clothing and worn objects.
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations, 2 Bellow: +5 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
with a touch of cunning and wickedness not seen Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
in ordinary creatures. (must bellow; -¼) 0
Powers/Tactics: Fierce, vicious, and aggressive, 3 Leathery Skin: Damage Resistance
manticores prefer to attack on the ground by (3 PD/3 ED) 0
pouncing on their foes, then biting and clawing. If 2 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -1” 0
they fight from the air, they perform Move By rakes 8 Long Legs: Running +4” (10” total) 1
with their claws. Before they pounce or rake, they 6 Minotaur’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
often open the battle with a volley of long, needle- Groups 0
sharp spines which they shoot or throw from their 5 Minotaur’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
Hero Games 105

5 Keen Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 Campaign Use: You can use the minotaur character
sheet as a template for other animal-headed men:
Talents deer-men, lion-men, eagle-men, and more.
3 Bump Of Direction Appearance: Minotaurs are creatures with the body
of men and the head (and sometimes hooves) of a
Skills bull. Their mouths are filled
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand with small, sharp fangs.
6 +2 with Move By, Move Through, and Strike Thick, coarse, short
dark hair covers
0 ES: Climbing 8- its body.
0 ES: Deduction 8-
2 AK: Home Labyrinth 11-
3 Stealth 12-
2 WF: Common Melee Weapons

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 75

Total Cost: 177

75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
10 Psychological Limitation: Short-Tem-
pered (Common, Moderate)
92 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 177

Ecology: Minotaurs live by
themselves, preferably in
labyrinths (whether man-
made, or the result of natural
cavern formation). Those
unable to find a labyrinth
typically lair in ruins, thick
forests, or similar places. They
dwell together only during the
mating season (when the male lives
with the female until the calf is born)
or when forced to by some greater
power (such as a wizard who employs
minotaurs as guards). Minotaurs pri-
marily consume meat, and especially
enjoy the taste of human flesh.
Personality/Motivation: Minotaurs are
intelligent, and have the normal motiva-
tions common to intelligent beings: comfort,
power, survival, and more. A few show traces
of even greater intelligence; they learn to read and
sometimes become scholars or philosophers.
On the other hand, some are entirely
bestial (they have the Near-Human
Intelligence Physical Limitation). But
no matter how intelligent, minotaurs
have short tempers; they’re quick to
anger and slow to forgive.
Powers/Tactics: Minotaurs typi-
cally fight by bellowing (to scare
the opponent) and then charging,
so they can butt their opponent
or gore him with their horns.
They prefer to fight one-on-one,
and usually avoid charging into
groups of foes if they can. They
know how to use weapons,
and often carry sword and
shield for use after the charge.
106 HERO System Bestiary

3 +1 with Bite, Kick/Rear

1 Riding 13-; Complementary To Rider’s Skill

Only (-1)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 78

Total Cost: 179

75+ Disadvantages
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
74 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 179

Ecology: Pegasi typically dwell in high
mountain meadows and similar areas. They
graze among the meadows, and along cliffsides, in
hidden dells, and other places their wings
allow them to reach. Unlike normal
horses, which gather in herds, pegasi live
Pegasus in mated pairs (occasionally two or three mated
pairs live in the same place, but never more than
PEGASUS that). Foals are born in the spring and take one to
two years to reach maturity.
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Powers/Tactics: Pegasi fight like ordinary horses,
20 CON 20 13- but use their ability to fly to add momentum to
16 BODY 12 12- their strikes or attack from unusual angles.
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3 Campaign Use: In some fantasy campaigns, pegasi
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6 substitute for horses, allowing PCs and armies to
14 COM 2 12- fight aerial battles.
Appearance: Pegasi are beautiful horses with large
8 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD) wings sprouting from their shoulders. Most are
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED) white, but they can have many different skin colors,
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 including some pastel shades.
10 REC 2
40 END 0
40 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 101
(+9 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 12”/24”

Leaping: 5”/10”
Flight: 10”/20”

Cost Powers END

5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
Attack (-½) 1
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
33 Wings: Flight 20”, Reduced Endurance
(½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 2
12 Horse’s Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 0
6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
with all Sense Groups 0
Hero Games 107

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
5 STR -5 10- Lift 50 kg; 1d6 [1]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
15 CON 10 12-
7 BODY -6 10-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
20 COM 5 13-

6 PD 5 Total: 6 PD (4 rPD)
12 ED 9 Total: 12 ED (4 rED)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6 REC 4
30 END 0
25 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 79
(+4 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 1”/2”

Leaping: 1”/2” Ecology: The Phoenix (only one exists at a time)
Flight: 24”/48” has one of the most unusual life cycles in the
(super)natural world. It lives for 500-5,000 years.
Cost Powers END When it feels its time has come, it builds a fire out
33 Fiery Mantle: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), of rare woods, perfumes, and the like. Alighting in
Damage Shield (does damage in HTH the precious kindling, it uses its Fiery Mantle to
Combat; +¾), Reduced Endurance start a fire which consumes it totally. When the fire
(0 END; +½); No STR Bonus (-½) 0 dies away, all that is left is an egg. From the egg a
8 Beak: HKA ½d6 (1d6 with STR); new Phoenix hatches in just a few hours, and in a
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 few hours more grows to adulthood.
12 Talons: HKA 1d6 (1d6+1 with STR); The Phoenix seems to live by hunting fish and
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 small game, just like an eagle or hawk. However,
4 Hard To Kill: Damage Resistance some adventurers have reported seeing the Phoenix
(4 PD/4 ED) 0 feast upon rare spices, or even gemstones. People
40 Born In Fire: Energy Damage Reduction, have reported seeing the Phoenix all over the world,
Resistant, 75%; Only Works Against so it may have no fixed abode, but it does seem to
Fire (-½) 0 prefer desert regions.
5 Cycle Of Rebirth: Life Support (Longevity:
Personality/Motivation: Typically normal animal
Immortal) 0
motivations, but some adventurers tell how the
40 Wings: Flight 24”, Reduced Endurance
Phoenix seemed to aid them to destroy some great
(½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 2
evil or right a terrible wrong.
-10 Short Legs: Running -5”
6 Phoenix’s Eyes: +4 versus Range Powers/Tactics: The Phoenix fights as would an
Modifier for Sight Group 0 ordinary raptor, with beak and talons. However,
it has one weapon they do not: its Fiery Mantle,
Skills which burns all who touch or are touched by it.
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV Campaign Use: The Phoenix makes a wonderful
plot seed for your campaign. Maybe the PCs try to
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 148 hunt it down to capture it; it (or its egg) are worth
Total Cost: 227 vast sums of money to the right people. More likely,
the PCs save the Phoenix from evil hunters, earning
75+ Disadvantages its respect and future assistance. The bird’s exis-
10 Hunted: greedy hunters 8- (As Pow, tence, and its role in the Great Scheme of Things,
Capture/Kill) might be a “deep secret” in the campaign for the
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation PCs to unravel.
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Appearance: The Phoenix resembles a large eagle,
5 Physical Limitation: Small (1m; +3” KB)
but with plumage of gold, red, blue, and purple, and
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
eyes of fiery red. Its bright colors, fiery aura, and the
127 Experience Points
wonderful smells of incense which tend to follow it
make it difficult for it to hide or avoid notice.
Total Disadvantage Points: 227
108 HERO System Bestiary
per Month; +2); Only At Night (-½) 6
43 Change Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Touch,
Hearing, and Smell/Taste Groups, any
humanoid shape), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½) 0

10 +2 Hand-To-Hand

3 Persuasion 13-
3 Seduction 13-
3 Stealth 13-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 136

Total Cost: 247

75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
20 Psychological Limitation: Greedy And Lech-
erous (Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Wicked And Cruel
(Common, Strong)
137 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 247

Ecology: Rakshasas are sentient beings who live
in wilderness areas, and sometimes the infernal
planes. Some say they have a wondrous jewelled
palace for their home. They eat humans with gusto.
Personality/Motivation: Towards each other, raksha-
sas are loyal and caring, but to the rest of the world
Rakshasa they are quite evil. Greedy, lecherous, blasphemous,
destructive, and cruel, they delight in causing dis-
RAKSHASA ease and havoc.
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Powers/Tactics: Rakshasas have two ways of fight-
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] ing. The more devious among them rely on their
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 shapechanging powers to get close to a victim, then
20 CON 20 13- surprise him by changing back to their normal
15 BODY 10 12- form and ripping him to pieces. More martially
12 INT 2 11- PER Roll 11- inclined rakshasas stay in their normal shape most
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 of the time, relying on their strength and natural
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 weaponry to defeat any foes.
4 COM -3 10- Some adventurers report encountering rak-
shasas with venomous claws. To simulate this, add a
10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (4 rPD) Venom template to this character sheet.
10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED (4 rED)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Campaign Use: Rakshasas play a role similar to
9 REC 0 demons — they corrupt, they destroy, they work
40 END 0 evil whenever they can. You may want to add some
40 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 111 abilities to reflect this, such as the power to create
(+9 with NCM) illusions (Images). You can also add extra heads
or create other monstrous deformities for them,
Movement: Running: 6”/12” or apply a Size template to make them bigger and
Leaping: 5”/10” mightier.
Appearance: Male rakshasas are large (sometimes
Cost Powers END gigantic) humanoids with fangs, claws (sometimes
20 Fangs: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR); on fingers that bend backward from the hand),
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2 bloated bellies, red hair and beards, and a generally
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); horrific or bestial appearance. Some have multiple
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 heads or eyes, or other hideous deformities. Female
2 Nighttime Might: +5 STR; Only At Night rakshasas (rakshasi) are somewhat less terrifying in
(-½), No Figured Characteristics (-½) 1 appearance. They can marry humans, and if they do
40 Cause Disease: Drain CON 2d6, Delayed so are transformed into beautiful women.
Return Rate (points fade at the rate of 5
Hero Games 109

Rat, Giant 7
Concealment 15-; Self Only (-½)
Stealth 16-
3 Tactics 11-
GIANT RAT 3 Teamwork 12-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
8 STR -2 10- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 [1] Total Powers & Skills Cost: 77
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Total Cost: 96
15 CON 10 12-
7 BODY -6 10- 75+ Disadvantages
9 INT -1 11- PER Roll 11- 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (typically
6 COM -2 10- no larger than about .5m; +6” KB) (Fre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (1 rPD) 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (1 rED) tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 115
30 END 0
Ecology: Giant rats, like their normal cousins, can
20 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 19
live just about anywhere and eat just about any-
thing. Their greater size and ferocity makes them
Movement: Running: 3”/6”
more likely to go after large, living prey (including
Leaping: 2”/4”
humans). They breed frequently (once a month,
Swimming: 1”/2”
sometimes more) and can spread throughout a
Tunneling: 1”/2”
region in less than a year.
Cost Powers END Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6 with STR); Reduced Powers/Tactics: Giant rats use their incisors and
Penetration (-¼) 1 claws, usually Grabbing with the former so they can
8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6 with STR); bite and claw in later Phases. They often work in
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 packs, swarming over a large foe and overwhelm-
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance ing him with Coordinated Attacks and a Multiple
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 Attacker bonus (using their Tactics and Teamwork
5 Digging/Gnawing: Tunneling 1” through 1 Skills).
DEF material 1
Campaign Use: Giant rats are a ubiquitous feature
-6 Short Legs: Running -3”
of many campaigns — adventurers encounter them
-1 Short Legs: Swimming -1”
in cities, dungeons, wilderness areas, ruins, and just
6 Animal Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
about anywhere else. You can also use this template
Groups 0
for bizarre alien life forms equivalent to rats, and
5 Animal Eyes: Nightvision 0
other such critters.
Skills Appearance: Giant rats look like ordinary rats, but
20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV are up to a meter long.

7 Climbing 14-
110 HERO System Bestiary

Roc 8
Tough: Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED)
Heavy: Knockback Resistance -18”
50 Wings: Flight 30”, Reduced Endurance
ROC (½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 3
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 28 Long Legs: Running +14” (20” total) 3
60 STR 50 21- Lift 100 tons; 12d6 [6] 6 Roc’s Eyes: +3 PER with Sight Group 0
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 15 Roc’s Eyes: +10 versus Range for Sight
30 CON 40 15- Group 0
50 BODY 80 19-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 412
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Total Cost: 625
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6
8 COM -1 11- 75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
15 PD 3 Total: 15 PD (8 rPD) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 ED 9 Total: 15 ED (8 rED) 20 Physical Limitation: Colossal (128 m; -12
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 DCV, +12 to PER Rolls to perceive) (All The
18 REC 0 Time, Greatly Impairing)
60 END 0 6 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
95 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 213 only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
(+170 with NCM) quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
Movement: Running: 20”/40” tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Leaping: 6”/12” 494 Experience Points
Flight: 30”/60”
Total Disadvantage Points: 625
Cost Powers END
Ecology: The roc lives as do other raptors, by diving
90 Colossal Talons: Area Of Effect (6”
down and snatching prey. However, its preferred
Radius; +1) for 60 STR; Reduced
prey runs to things like elephants and whales. To
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
satisfy its colossal appetite, it must live near jungles,
86 Reach: Stretching 20”, Reduced
deep oceans, and other regions with enough large
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always Direct
animals. Rocs sometimes attack ships or castles,
(-¼), No Noncombat Stretching (-¼),
consuming humans as dainty morsels the same way
No Velocity Damage (-¼) 0
normal birds eat ants.
45 Beak: HKA 3d6 (6d6 with STR) 4
Rocs mate once every few years, with the female
48 Talons: HKA 4d6 (8d6 with STR);
laying a clutch of one to three eggs in an enormous
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 6
nest built by her and the male.
Hero Games 111

Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.

Powers/Tactics: The roc typically swoops down and
impales a target with its claws (a Grab and crush,
followed by an attack the next Phase), then attacks
with claws and beak. If possible, it picks the creature
up into the air to continue the fight in its favored
Campaign Use: Due to their size and power, rocs rep-
resent a challenge to even the most powerful group
of adventurers. As such, you can use them to moti-
vate PCs to form temporary alliances with enemies,
go on great quests to find ancient artifacts for slaying
rocs, and so forth.
Appearance: The roc resembles a colossal eagle (or
sometimes vulture), typically with dark blue feathers.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 162
Salamander Total Cost: 195

SALAMANDER 75+ Disadvantages

15 Hunted: certain wizards and alchemists 8-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
(Mo Pow, Capture)
5 STR -5 10- Lift 50 kg; 1d6 [1]
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
13 CON 6 12-
10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (.5m; +6”
8 BODY -4 11-
KB) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
65 Experience Points
10 COM 0 11-
Total Disadvantage Points: 195
3 PD 2 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
8 ED 5 Total: 8 ED (0 rED) Ecology: Creatures from the same Plane of Fire that
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 fire elementals come from, salamanders normally
4 REC 0 reside in hot or fiery areas — volcanoes, sun-baked
26 END 0 deserts, hot springs, and the like. They can survive
20 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 33 away from such places, but become irritable, and
sometimes even sluggish (-1 SPD). Since it’s difficult
Movement: Running: 2”/4” to observe them in their natural habitat (few schol-
Leaping: 1”/2” ars can swim through lava to follow them), humans
know little about them. They seem to eat combus-
Cost Powers END tible materials, or sometimes raw gemstones.
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
30 Fiery Hot Body: HKA 1d6, Continuous
(+1), Damage Shield (does damage in Powers/Tactics: When roused to fight, salamanders
HTH Combat; +¾), Inherent (+¼), use their bite, and naturally intense body heat, to
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 harm their foes. If injured, they usually break off
END; +½); Always On (-½), No STR the combat and flee into lava pools or other places
Bonus (-½) 0 their attackers cannot go.
30 Fire-Resistant Body: Armor (0 PD/30 Some scholars have written about salaman-
ED); Only Versus Fire/Heat (-½) 0 ders with venomous bites and bodies. According to
40 Fire-Resistant Body: Energy Damage these reports, just touching a salamander can kill an
Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Only Versus adult human (in addition to burning him), and the
Fire/Heat (-½) 0 salamander’s bite kills even more quickly. If a sala-
2 Fire-Resistant Body: Life Support (Safe mander wraps himself around a fruit tree, the fruit
Environment: Intense Heat) 0 becomes poisoned; if the fruit drops into a well, the
-8 Short Legs: Running -4” water becomes poisoned also.
25 Firesense: Detect Fire/Extreme Heat 14-, Campaign Use: Some wizards and alchemists hunt
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense 0 salamanders, whose skins and bodies are ingredi-
ents in many potions or magical workings. They
Skills could hire the PCs to capture some for them, or the
20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV PCs might protect the innocent (and perhaps intel-
ligent?) salamanders from poachers. Some wizards
7 Concealment 15-; Self Only (-½) or creatures of Elemental Fire might keep salaman-
11 Stealth 17- ders as guards or pets.
112 HERO System Bestiary
Appearance: The salamander resembles an ordinary Range (-½), Set Effect (see text; -¼), Does
lizard or newt, but with fiery coloration. Waves of heat Not Affect Deaf People Or People With
rise from its body. Heavy Ear Coverings (-¼) 0
4 Goat’s Legs: Running +2” (8” total) 1
9 Perceptive: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0
Satyr 5 Satyr’s Eyes: Nightvision 0

SATYR Skills
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 6 +3 OECV with Haunting Melody
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [1] 2 KS: Wine 11-
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 3 Persuasion 12-
15 CON 10 12- 7 PS: Play Instrument Of Choice 16-
10 BODY 0 11- 3 Seduction 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 3 Stealth 12-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 2 WF: Bows, Polearms
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
10 COM 0 11- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 90
Total Cost: 130
4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) 75+ Disadvantages
3 SPD 5 hases: 4, 8, 12 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
6 REC 0 20 Psychological Limitation: Hedonist (Very
30 END 0 Common, Strong)
25 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 40 15 Psychological Limitation: Mischievous
(Common, Strong)
Movement: Running: 8”/16” 20 Experience Points
Leaping: 3”/6”
Total Disadvantage Points: 130
Cost Powers END Ecology: Satyrs live in temperate woodlands, often
46 Haunting Melody: Mind Control 10d6, in hilly regions. They tend to congregate in groups
Telepathic (+¼), Area Of Effect (10” of two to twelve, sometimes more. They eat fruits
Radius; +1), Personal Immunity (+¼), and nuts they gather, and sometimes small game
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF they hunt. They particularly enjoy wine, and trade
(panpipes or other instrument; -1), for it whenever they can.
Gestures (play instrument; -¼), No
Personality/Motivation: Rampant hedonists, satyrs
believe life is to be enjoyed. To them, it’s all one big
party. They spend their days gamboling through
the woods, making music, seducing human women,
playing pranks, and having parties. They fight only
if they must; they’d rather make love than war.
Powers/Tactics: Satyrs can fight with weapons if
need be (they lack claws, and their horns are too
short for use in battle), but prefer to use their magi-
cal music to convince troublesome people and
creatures to leave them alone. Most beings who
hear a satyr’s tunes cannot help but follow whatever
compulsion he lays in their minds, though he can
only choose from the following: wander away and
forget about me; go to sleep; run away in fear; join
my/our party.
Campaign Use: Although frequently troublesome,
satyrs are rarely annoying enough for characters to
kill. Instead, they can make good woodland allies,
for they learn much in their wanderings.
Appearance: Satyrs are creatures with the upper
bodies of men, the legs of goats, and short goat’s
horns growing from their heads. They usually have
dark skins and short, pointed beards. They always
seem to have musical instruments, food, and wine.
Hero Games 113

Sea Serpent Ecology: Sea serpents live in the deep ocean, sur-
facing only to breathe (and that rarely). They live
mostly on large fish, but have been known to go
SEA SERPENT after larger prey, including kraken and whales. They
Val Char Cost Roll Notes seem to enjoy the taste of human flesh, and destroy
60 STR 50 21- Lift 100 tons; 12d6 [6] ships so they may pluck the survivors out of the
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 water at their leisure.
35 CON 50 16-
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
25 BODY 30 14-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Powers/Tactics: The sea serpent’s standard tactic
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 is to swallow human-size victims whole (see page
35 PRE 25 16- PRE Attack: 7d6 33; it does Very Strong swallow damage). If an
8 COM -1 11- opponent is too large for it to swallow, it wraps
itself around the target and squeezes and bites it to
20 PD 8 Total: 26 PD (6 rPD) death. When it attacks ships, it tries to constrict the
15 ED 8 Total: 21 ED (6 rED) ship and crush it into two pieces (if the ship’s small
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 enough for it to do that) or bashes it to pieces with
19 REC 0 its tail (if not).
70 END 0 Some sea serpents reportedly have venomous
73 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 184 bites. You can simulate this by adding the Lethal
(+127 with NCM) Venom template to this character sheet.
Campaign Use: Sea serpents are a classic encounter
Movement: Running: 0”/0” in fantasy campaigns when the PCs must take to
Leaping: 0”/0” the waves. Characters with the ability to breathe
Swimming: 22”/44” and function underwater could go on sea serpent
hunts, or perhaps try to capture young sea serpents
Cost Powers END and train them to become guardian animals.
30 Bite: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR) 3
10 Tail Bash: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand Appearance: A sea serpent is a gargantuan snake
Attack (-½) 1 with a wedge-shaped head, large mouth, and vari-
22 Tough Skin: Armor (6 PD/6 ED), ous fins along the length of its body to help it swim.
Hardened (+¼) 0 Its skin lacks the scaly appearance of land-based
30 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -15” 0 serpents, instead having a slick, shiny look like eels’
4 Underwater Adaptation: Life Support skin.
(Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20
Minutes) 0
20 Swift Swimmer: Swimming +20” (22” total) 2
-12 Only Swims: Running -6”
22 Underwater Senses: Spatial Awareness 0

9 +3 with Bite, Grab, Tail Bash

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 135

Total Cost: 319

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Gargantuan (64m long;
-10 DCV, +10 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
12 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
187 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 319

114 HERO System Bestiary
30 Hard To Hit: +6 DCV

3 Concealment 11-
3 Stealth 11-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 94

Total Cost: 129

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (.25m; +9” KB)
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
14 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 129

Ecology: The simurgh is a rare and fabulous bird
that lives by eating gold, silver, and gems. These
precious substances filter out through its body
and into its plumage, making it look wonderously
beautiful. It must consume at least a handful of
gold, silver, and/or gems once per month. The
simurgh favors dry, warm climates, such as scrub
Simurgh deserts, but ventures throughout temperate, sub-
tropical, and tropical regions in search of food.
SIMURGH Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motiva-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes tions.
-10 STR -20 7- Lift 6.4 kg; 0d6 [1] Powers/Tactics: The simurgh only fights if cor-
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 nered; otherwise it flees. Fortunately for it, its
20 CON 20 13- gold and silver feathers protect it from most
20 BODY 20 13- attacks.
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
Campaign Use: A clever GM can get many uses
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
out of the simurgh. If the PCs aren’t careful, they
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
may return home to find a simurgh sitting con-
20 COM 5 13-
tentedly in their treasure vaults where once there
were piles of gold and gems. Or, they could turn
8 PD 8 Total: 8 PD (8 rPD)
a simurgh loose on their enemies, or train one to
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (8 rED)
use its ability to sniff out treasure on their behalf.
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 REC 0 Appearance: The simurgh is a bird roughly
40 END 0 chicken-like in form and size, with glittering gold
30 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 35 and silver feathers.

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 0”/0”
Flight: 5”/10”

Cost Powers END

5 Beak: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
8 Feathers Of Gold And Silver: Damage
Resistance (8 PD/8 ED) 0
2 Mild Appetite: Life Support (Diminished
Eating: eats once per month) 0
7 Wings: Flight 5”; Restrainable (-½) 1
18 Smell Gold And Silver: Detect Precious
Metals 14- (Smell/Taste Group),
Discriminatory, Analyze 0
18 Smell Gems: Detect Gems 14- (Smell/Taste
Group), Discriminatory, Analyze 0
Hero Games 115

Siren Ecology: Sirens feed upon the flesh of men. To

obtain it, they live along seaside cliffs and shores
near dangerous waters (where hidden coral reefs
SIREN or rocks exist, or the bay is much shallower than it
Val Char Cost Roll Notes seems). When a ship appears, they use their songs
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] to inspire longing in the sailors, causing them to
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 dive overboard and swim to shore, or run their ship
13 CON 6 12- aground. When the entranced victim gets close
10 BODY 0 11- enough, the siren tears him apart with her talons
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- and devours his flesh.
13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4
Personality/Motivation: Normal sentient motiva-
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
tions, tainted by a selfish cruelty.
18 COM 4 13-
Powers/Tactics: Sirens rely on their seductive song
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) whenever possible, but if forced to fight (for exam-
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) ple, when confronted by a woman), they use their
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12 talons, often performing flying Move Bys. If injured,
5 REC 0 they flee rather than fight to the death.
26 END 0 Campaign Use: You can adapt the siren for use
22 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 42 in many other situations besides seaside fantasy
encounters. With a few changes, you can use this
Movement: Running: 6”/12” character sheet for a strange alien creature who
Leaping: 2”/4” uses telepathic powers to lure victims to its lair, a
Flight: 10”/20” “living idol” of gold who attracts greedy victims
and then devours them, and so forth.
Cost Powers END
45 Luring Melody: Mind Control 12d6, Appearance: A siren has the upper body and head
Telepathic (+¼), Area Of Effect (12” of a human female, and the lower body and legs of
Radius; +1), Personal Immunity (+¼), a bird, with bird’s wings projecting from its shoul-
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); der blades.
Incantations (sing; -¼), No Range (-½),
Set Effect (inspire longing for the siren;
-1), Only Versus Men (-1), Does Not
Affect Deaf People Or People With
Heavy Ear Coverings (-¼) 0
8 Taloned Feet: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1
with STR); Reduced Penetration (-¼) 0
13 Wings: Flight 10”; Restrainable (-½) 2

3 Perfect Pitch

2 AK: Home Territory 11-
9 Mimicry 14-
3 Persuasion 12-
5 PS: Singing 14-
3 Seduction 12-
3 Stealth 12-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 94

Total Cost: 136

75+ Disadvantages
20 Enraged: if hear someone making more
beautiful music than their own (Uncom-
mon), go 14-, recover 11-
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
20 Psychological Limitation: Wanton And
Cruel; View Humans Only As Food (Very
Common, Strong)
21 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 136

116 HERO System Bestiary

SNAKES, FANTASTIC 43 Rear Head And Venom: As Front Head

and Front Head Venom
2 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
Ecology: Fantastic snakes live, eat, and breed like -4 Slow: Running -2”
regular snakes (see page 177), but typically require 6 Serpentine Senses: +2 PER with all
more prey, or a specific type of prey. They live Sense Groups 0
wherever normal snakes live and there’s enough
food to support them. Skills
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV
Some fantastics snakes seem unusually intelligent,
and sometimes seem to possess malevolent inten- 6 Concealment 14-; Self Only (-½)
tions toward humanity. On the other hand, legends 7 Stealth 14-
describe some that are benevolent and good.
Powers/Tactics: Giant constrictors try to Grab and Total Powers & Skills Cost: 113
crush; giant venomous serpents and amphisbaenas Total Cost: 139
rely on their bite(s).
75+ Disadvantages
Campaign Use: You can easily customize the basic 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
fantastic snake character sheets, particularly “Giant (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Snake,” to create other creatures. Optional packages 15 Physical Limitation: Cold-Blooded (Fre-
are provided for horns and wings, two additional quently, Greatly Impairing)
features commonly described in folklore and myth, 5 Physical Limitation: Small (1m; +3” KB)
and wise serpents. (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
AMPHISBAENA 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
14 Experience Points
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
Total Disadvantage Points: 139
10 CON 0 11-
8 BODY -4 11- Description: An amphisbaena is a meter-long ser-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- pent with a second head at the tail end of its body.
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 In combat it curls up so that it may strike with
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 either head, often using both for a multiple-Power
6 COM -2 10- attack on a single target.

4 PD 4 Total: 4 PD (2 rPD) GIANT SNAKE

4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (2 rED)
4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
4 REC 4 35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3]
20 END 0 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
20 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 26 25 CON 30 14-
20 BODY 20 13-
Movement: Running: 4”/8” 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
Leaping: 0”/0” 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
Cost Powers END 8 COM -1 11-
10 Front Head: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR) 1
33 Front Head Venom: Drain CON 3d6, 12 PD 5 Total: 12 PD (6 rPD)
Delayed Return Rate (points return at 8 ED 3 Total: 8 ED (6 rED)
the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
(defense is appropriate LS [Immunity]; 12 REC 0
+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); 4 50 END 0
Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY (-½), 51 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 103
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes (+34 with NCM)
after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect
(15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) plus RKA Movement: Running: 15”/30”
2d6, NND (defense is appropriate Leaping: 0”/0”
LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1), Per- Swimming: 10”/20”
sonal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), 4
Charges (-1), HKA Must Do BODY Cost Powers END
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5 15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), 6 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (6 PD/6 ED) 0
Gradual Effect (10 Minutes; 1d6/5 18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0
minutes; -¾), Linked (-½) [4] 18 Long Body: Running +9” (15” total) 2
8 Long Body: Swimming +8” (10” total) 1
Hero Games 117

Skills Cost Giant Wise Snake

3 Concealment 12-; Self Only (-½) 2 +2 INT (10 INT total)
3 Stealth 12- 20 +10 EGO (15 EGO total)
3 Language: English (or whatever the cam-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 71 paign’s default language is; add Literate if
Total Cost: 174 necessary)
Total cost: +25 points
75+ Disadvantages Description: This character sheet represents a basic
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence giant serpent. Add the constrictor, venomous, or
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) other packages to it to customize it.
15 Physical Limitation: Cold-Blooded (Fre-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m tall; -6 DCV,
+6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
Slightly Impairing)
7 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
37 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 174

Cost Giant Constrictor
+7 Coils: +15 STR; Only To Grab (-1) 1
6 +3 with Grab
Total cost: +13 points

Cost Giant Horned Snake

15 Horns: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
Total cost: +15 points

Cost Giant Venomous Snake

121 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 5d6, Delayed
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Seg-
ment after victim is bitten; -½), Gradual
Effect (5 Segments; 1d6/1 Segment; -¼),
Linked (to RKA; -½) plus RKA 6d6, NND
(defense is appropriate LS [Immunity];
+1), Does BODY (+1), Personal Immunity
(+¼); No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite
Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset
time begins 1 Segment after victim is
bitten; -½), Gradual Effect (6 Segments;
1d6/1 Segment; -¼) [4]
9 +3 DEX
10 +1 SPD
Total cost: +140 points

Cost Giant Winged Snake

17 Bat-Wings: Flight 13”; Restrainable (-½) 3
4 +2 with Flight
Total cost: +21 points
118 HERO System Bestiary

Sphinx 75+ Disadvantages

5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
SPHINX +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Slightly Impairing)
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Manipulation (Frequently, Greatly Impair-
20 CON 20 13- ing)
14 BODY 8 12- 10 Psychological Limitation: Likes To
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- Challenge/Toy With Human Prey
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 (Common, Moderate)
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 102 Experience Points
14 COM 2 12-
Total Disadvantage Points: 207
10 PD 6 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD)
10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED (2 rED) OPTIONS
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Cost Magic Powers
8 REC 0 30 30 points’ worth of spells (alternately, give the
40 END 0 sphinx a small Variable Power Pool)
40 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 126 15 Power: Magic 19-
(+6 with NCM) Total cost: +45 points

Movement: Running: 11”/22” Cost Criosphinx (Ram-Headed Sphinx)

Leaping: 4”/8” 6 Horns: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack
Flight: 15”/30” (-½), Only With Move Through (-1) 1
Total cost: +6 points
Cost Powers END
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR); Cost Hieracosphinx (Falcon-Headed Sphinx)
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2 20 Beak: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 2
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance Total cost: +20 points
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0 Ecology: Sphinxes inhabit temperate regions,
20 Wings: Flight 15”; Restrainable (-½) 3 favoring wilderness and wasteland. However, they
4 Long Legs: Running +5” (11” total); primarily eat humans, and so must remain close
Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1½) 4 enough to a town, road, or other place of men to
9 Sphinx’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense keep their appetites satisfied. Some build lairs in
Groups 0 isolated places and then fly in search of food.
5 Sphinx’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
Personality/Motivation: Sphinxes are crafty and
Skills cruel. They enjoy taunting and toying with their
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand human prey when they can. A favorite game is to
ask a human a riddle, promising not to eat him if
3 KS: History 13- he can answer it. Whether the sphinx actually keeps
6 KS: Riddles 16- its promise depends on its individual personality
and mood.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 81 Powers/Tactics: Sphinxes prefer not to fight crea-
Total Cost: 207 tures they cannot obviously defeat and slay (such
as the average human). If they cannot avoid a con-
frontation, they use their claws. A few sphinxes are
said to possess mighty powers of magic, useful not
only in combat but other situations as well.
Campaign Use: Sphinxes come in many varieties.
The criosphinx has a ram’s head; the hieracosphinx
the head of a falcon. You can easily create other
sphinxes by mixing and matching appropriate
animal parts.
Appearance: The sphinx has the head and breasts
of a woman, body of a lion, and wings of an eagle. If
it has the head and chest of a man, it’s known as an
androsphinx instead.
Hero Games 119

Treeman 20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire

128 Experience Points
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Disadvantage Points: 297
45 STR 35 18- Lift 12.5 tons; 9d6 [4]
Ecology: Treemen reside in large, thick forests. They
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
derive nourishment from the same sources as ordi-
30 CON 40 15-
nary trees: soil, sunlight, water. They do not mate,
22 BODY 24 13-
but occasionally a treeman plants a shoot from his
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
body that grows into another treeman.
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 Personality/Motivation: Treemen guard trees and
8 COM -1 11- forests, preventing the wanton chopping of trees,
forest fires, and other threats from destroying their
14 PD 5 Total: 20 PD (6 rPD) charges. Anyone who harms any part of a treeman’s
8 ED 2 Total: 12 ED (4 rED) forest without the treeman’s permission incurs the
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 treeman’s wrath.
15 REC 0 Powers/Tactics: Treemen fight by punching with
60 END 0 their gnarled wooden fists. The long reach of their
60 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 138 arms allows them to keep an opponent at a distance
(+75 with NCM) and strike him without suffering counterattack.
Although normally courageous, treemen often flee
Movement: Running: 18”/36” from fire, which causes them significant harm.
Leaping: 0”/0”
Campaign Use: You can easily adapt this character
sheet to create larger (or smaller) treemen, or to
Cost Powers END
add other tree-related abilities. For example, some
10 Strength Of The Roots: HA +3d6; Hand-
treemen may have Extra Limbs (lots of branches
To-Hand Attack (-½) 1
they can fight with), the ability to spit sticky sap
43 Reach: Stretching 10”, Reduced Endurance
(Entangle), or the power to cause their roots (or
(0 END; +½); Always Direct (-¼), No
the roots of other plants) to grow quickly and snare
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity
someone (also an Entangle).
Damage (-¼) 0
15 Tough Bark: Armor (6 PD/4 ED) 0 Appearance: Treemen look like ordinary trees...
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0 until they uproot themselves and start to walk
3 Long-Lived: Life Support (Longevity: around! Their faces look like features of their bark
800-year lifespan) 0 until they open their mouths and eyes.
24 Long Stride: Running +12” 2
5 Treeman Senses: Nightvision 0
19 Weathersense: Detect Weather 13-,
Discriminatory, Range, Sense 0

6 Concealment 16-; Self Only (-½), Only In
Forests (-½)
7 AK: Home Forest 16-
7 SS: Dendrology 16-
2 Stealth 11-; Only In Forests (-½)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 159

Total Cost: 297

75+ Disadvantages
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m tall; -6 DCV,
+6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
Slightly Impairing)
9 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Protects Trees And
Forests (Common, Total)
15 Psychological Limitation: Fear Of Fire
(Common, Strong)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Fire
120 HERO System Bestiary

THE UNDEAD (except for Diminished Eating; including

Longevity: Immortality) 0
10 Undead Form: No Hit Locations 0

he undead — remains of humans who have
returned to “life” in a horrifying mockery 24 Ghostwalking: Flight 8”, Reduced
of their former state — occur frequently in Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
adventure literature, and thus in gaming as 22 Ghost Senses: Spatial Awareness 0
well. From simple skeletons and zombies, to fiend- 17 Hunger For Life: Detect Life 11-, Range,
ish vampires and wraiths, they are a powerful force Sense 0
for evil and destruction. Whether they arise from 6 Undead Senses: +4 PER with all Sense
malign influences, or are created by a necromancer, Groups; Only To Perceive Images Created
they hunger for human life. By Means Other Than Necromancy (-1) 0
Many undead are built as Automatons, or have
Automaton abilities. This represents their mind- Skills
less nature and resilient physical form. Automa- 20 Various Skills possessed in life
ton undead typically have a Physical Limitation,
Affected By Necromancy, to reflect the fact that they Total Powers & Skills Cost: 348
are susceptible to necromancy spells involving Total Cost: 405
EGO or Presence Attacks, even though Automatons
normally have immunity to such things. 75+ Disadvantages
Some undead, although not Automatons, have 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
Automaton abilities like No Hit Locations to reflect 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
their unliving nature. leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Hunger For
Human Life or Must Complete Death-Task
GHOST (Very Common, Strong)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 305 Experience Points
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Total Disadvantage Points: 405
10 CON 0 11-
10 BODY 0 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Cost Optional Ghost Powers
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 60 Possession: Mind Control 12d6, Telepathic
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
8 COM -1 11- Must Merge With Victim’s Body (-¾) 0
44 Tableau Of Horror: Sight and Hearing
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) Group Images, -2 to PER Rolls, Increased
5 ED 3 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) Size (8” radius; +¾), Affects Solid World
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 (+2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
4 REC 0 Only To Create Horrifying Images Or
20 END 0 Images Of Ghost’s Last Actions (-1) 0
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 57 16 Undead Mind: Mental Defense (20
points total) 0
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Ecology: Most ghosts inhabit the place or region
Leaping: 0”/0” where they died, though a few have the power
Flight: 8”/16” to range freely over the world, bringing terror to
whomever they encounter. Most feel a driving need
Cost Powers END to consume the life-force of living beings (by using
25 Ghost Powers: Elemental Control, their Chilling Touch and Presence Attack).
50-point powers
Personality/Motivation: Some ghosts exist only to
45 1) Chilling Touch: Drain STUN 2d6, Affec
cause fear in the living and consume their life-force.
ts Physical World (+2), Reduced
Others are tied to the place and circumstances of
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
their death by the need to complete an important
27 2) Psychokinesis: Telekinesis (10 STR),
task they were working on when they died — deliv-
Affects Physical World (+2), Reduced
ering a message to a loved one, finishing a book
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
or construction project, or something else of deep
35 3) Fading: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing,
emotional significance. They try to show the living
and Smell/Taste Groups, No Fringe,
what it is they want done, and when someone per-
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
forms the task, the ghost passes away to true death.
60 Ghostly Form: Desolidification (affected
by magic), Reduced Endurance Powers/Tactics: Ghosts are incorporeal; only magic
(0 END; +½), Persistent (+½), can affect them. But they can affect the world of the
Inherent (+¼); Always On (-½) 0 living with their touch and ability to inspire fear. A
10 Touch Of Fear: +20 PRE; Only For few ghosts have mightier powers still — spellcast-
Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1) 0 ing or other mystic abilities they possessed in life,
47 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total and retain in death. They rely on their intangibility
Hero Games 121

Cost Powers END

5 Teeth: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 0
2 Undead Body: Damage Resistance
(3 PD/1 ED) 0
30 Undead Body: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
42 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total
(except for Diminished Eating) 0
5 Digging: Tunneling 1” through 1 DEF
materials 1
6 Ghoul’s Nose: +3 PER with Smell/
Taste Group 0
5 Ghoul’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0

3 Concealment 11-
7 Stealth 14-
and powers of invisibility to keep themselves safe
from harm. Total Powers & Skills Cost: 113
Campaign Use: Ghosts make excellent plot hooks: a Total Cost: 147
group of PCs, upon encountering a ghost, takes up
the task it died trying to complete (or finds one of 75+ Disadvantages
its number possessed by the ghost), and has many 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
adventures finishing it. If necessary, you can easily 10 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from the Presence
tailor ghosts to specific circumstances or groups, Attacks of holy men (Uncommon)
giving them whatever powers they need to make 62 Experience Points
them challenging (or intriguing) antagonists.
Some ghosts, called revenants, have a special Total Disadvantage Points: 147
mission: they seek revenge on the person who Ecology: Ghouls have a ravenous hunger for human
murdered them. Unswerving in their quest for flesh and blood. Typically they dig up graves and
vengeance, they often care little for the harm they break into crypts to feed on corpses, but they gladly
wreak on others, as long as they destroy their eat fresh human meat if they can obtain it without
intended victim. A clever GM can spin many great risk to themselves.
adventures around a revenant’s activities.
Personality/Motivation: Ghouls’ personalities barely
Appearance: Ghosts typically look like hazy rise above those of animals; they think about little
humans with their legs trailing off into vapor. Some more than safety, shelter, and feeding. They do pos-
display the marks of wounds or disease that killed sess a devious, malicious cunning that serves them
them. well for eluding or tricking foes.
Powers/Tactics: Ghouls prefer not to fight at all, but
GHOUL if they must, or if they feel they can defeat a victim
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
13 CON 6 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
2 COM -4 9-

5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (3 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (1 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 0
26 END 0
25 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 34

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 2”/4”
Tunneling: 1”/2”
122 HERO System Bestiary
with numbers, they use their teeth and claws to Cost Powers END
rip a victim to shreds. More organized, intelligent 15 Mighty Fists: HA +3d6, Reduced
groups of ghouls use Tactics and Teamwork to Endurance (0 END; +½); Hand-To-Hand
overwhelm their prey. Attack (-½) 0
Campaign Use: Ghouls sometimes make tough 4 Strangling Grip: Choke Hold (Grab One
opponents due to their resistance to physical Limb, 2d6 NND(2)) 0
damage. You can compensate for this by decreasing 12 Untiring Body: Reduced Endurance
or removing their Damage Reduction. Alternately, (0 END; +½) for STR 0
if your PCs find ghouls easy opponents, make them 15 Mummy’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
stronger, tougher, and smarter. 10 Mummy’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
45 Mummy’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
Appearance: Ghouls typically look like dessicated 90 Undead Body: Energy Damage
human corpses with long, claw-like nails on their Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Does Not
hands. Their heads often have a vaguely canine Work Against Magic Or Fire (-1) 0
appearance, or prognathous jaws. 30 Undead Body: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 25%; Does Not
MUMMY Work Against Magic (-½) 0
4 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Against Crushing Or Piercing Attacks (-½) 0
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
3 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
Against Piercing Attacks (-1) 0
10 CON 0 11-
24 Undead Body: Damage Resistance
15 BODY 10 12-
(12 PD/4 ED) 0
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
50 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
4 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
8 COM -1 11-
Running 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
8 PD 18 Total: 8 PD (8 rPD)
Leaping 0
4 ED 9 Total: 4 ED (4 rED)
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
Swimming 0
10 REC 6
-4 Slow: Running -2”
0 END -10
6 Undead Senses: +4 PER with all Senses;
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 55
Only To Perceive Images Created By
(+5 with NCM)
Means Other Than Necromancy (-1) 0
Movement: Running: 4”/8”
Leaping: 1”/2”
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand

3 Climbing 11-
1 Language (GM’s choice)
9 Stealth 14-
2 WF: Common Melee Weapons

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 340

Total Cost: 395

75+ Disadvantages
10 Physical Limitation: Affected By Nec-
romancy (has EGO 20 for purposes of
necromancy spells, and can be affected by
necromancy-based Presence Attacks) (Infre-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire
270 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 395

Hero Games 123

Cost Optional Mummy Powers Val Char Cost Roll Notes
40 Curse Fulfillment: Detect Tomb-Robber 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
16-, Range, Sense, Targeting, Telescopic 12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
(+10 versus Range Modifier), Tracking 0 10 CON 0 11-
105 Curse Of The Mummy’s Touch: Drain 10 BODY 0 11-
BODY 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points 5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
fade at the rate of 5 per Month; +2), 0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
39 Wall-Smashing: Tunneling 1” through 6 COM -2 10-
8 DEF material, Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½) 0 2 PD 3 Total: 2 PD (2 rPD)
Ecology: Certain cultures preserve their dead by 2 ED 3 Total: 2 ED (2 rED)
removing most of the organs from the body, replac- 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
ing them with herbs, flowers, and precious sub- 5 REC 0
stances, anointing the body with preservative oils 0 END -10
and salts, and then wrapping the body in linen ban- — STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 3
dages before placing it in a crypt or tomb (and usu-
ally in a sarcophagus as well). If the person returns Movement: Running: 6”/12”
to life as one of the undead, it becomes a mummy. Leaping: 1”/2”
Most mummies arise for specific reasons:
either a necromancer animates them; or powerful Cost Powers END
magic spells placed on them after their death cause 7 Untiring Body: Reduced Endurance
them to rise up and seek vengeance on those who (0 END; +½) for STR 0
desecrate or rob their tombs. Occasionally, a mum- 15 Skeleton’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
mified corpse comes back to life of its own accord, 10 Skeleton’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
perhaps (in revenant-like fashion) to avenge itself 45 Skeleton’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
on its killers or tormentors. 4 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects
Against Slashing Or Piercing Attacks (-½) 0
Personality/Motivation: Mummies have no person- 3 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects
alities. They simply follow the orders given them by Against Piercing Attacks (-1) 0
their creators. When they have fulfilled these com- 12 Undead Body: Damage Resistance
mands, they return to their sarcophagi. (6 PD/2 ED) 0
Powers/Tactics: Mummies use their tremendous 50 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total
strength in battle to smash and strangle, attacking (including Longevity: Immortality) 0
tirelessly until they slay their target. They can also 6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
wield weapons. Running 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Campaign Use: Mummies are strong opponents
Leaping 0
with plenty of story hooks. The PCs might find
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
themselves pursued by one after robbing a tomb (if
Swimming 0
necessary, be sure to increase the mummy’s abili-
5 See Life: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) 0
ties so it presents a threat to the entire group), or
6 Undead Senses: +4 PER with all Senses;
receive a request for help from some scholar with
Only To Perceive Images Created By
a mummy on his trail. A semi-intelligent mummy
Means Other Than Necromancy (-1) 0
might even seek the PCs’ aid to accomplish what-
ever goal it came back to life to achieve.
Appearance: Mummies are shambling human 3 Climbing 11-
corpses entwined with linen bandages. Often the 1 Language (GM’s choice)
bandages begin to come loose, showing the desic- 3 Stealth 11-
cated brown flesh beneath. 4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Missile Weapons

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 176

Total Cost: 179

75+ Disadvantages
10 Physical Limitation: Affected By Nec-
romancy (has EGO 10 for purposes of
necromancy spells, and can be affected by
necromancy-based Presence Attacks) (Infre-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
124 HERO System Bestiary
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
30 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Blunt Weap-
Ecology: Vampires are a powerful form of undead.
ons (Very Common)
Necromancers create some with spells, but most are
44 Experience Points
“born” when an existing vampire drains a victim’s
blood and then forces the victim to drink some of the
Total Disadvantage Points: 179
vampire’s own blood. That creates a “lesser vampire,”
OPTIONS without the ability to sire progeny of its own. Lesser
Cost Optional Skeleton Powers vampires become greater vampires by acquiring
12 Fingerbones Like Claws: HKA ½d6 power and experience on their own, or sometimes
(1d6+1 with STR), Reduced Endurance upon the death of their sire.
(0 END; +½); Reduced Penetration (-¼) 0 Vampires survive by drinking the blood of
17 Hunger For Life: Detect Life 10-, Range, the living. Typically they need at least one adult
Sense 0 human’s worth of blood per week (more when they’re
younger, less when they’re older), though they can
Ecology: Skeletons are the bones of the dead, re- substitute less tasty animal blood if they must.
animated through necromantic magics.
Personality/Motivation: Vampires are thoroughly
Personality/Motivation: Skeletons have no personali- wicked. They exist only to satisfy their perverse and
ties. They simply follow the orders given them by deadly appetites, and gladly toy with humans and
their creators. meddle in human affairs purely for the joy of causing
Powers/Tactics: In battle, skeletons wield weapons misery, despair, and havoc. But each vampire is an
(typically swords), though they can use their bony individual, with his own approach to evil; a few are
fists if they must. They never flee (except when even said to be kindhearted and gentle instead.
exposed to certain necromantic or holy powers); Powers/Tactics: Vampires possess a plethora of
they fight until victorious or destroyed. powers and abilities, making them the ideal predator.
Campaign Use: Skeletons are a basic, low-powered Most obvious are their fangs and claws, backed by
foe in many Fantasy Hero games. If you want to their immense strength, but they possess many other
improve them for use against more powerful PCs, weapons as well. For one, they have hypnotic gazes,
you can increase their STR and other Characteris- which they use to render prey helpless so they can
tics, make them larger (the skeletons of giants and feed. For another, they can assume three forms — bat,
the like), or give them eerie necromantic wolf, and mist — and use them to approach by stealth
powers. or escape a dangerous foe. Third, they can summon
and control wolves, bats, and rats to aid them. Fourth,
Appearance: Skeletons are walking
they can only be slain if run through the heart with a
human skeletons.
wooden stake, or if their bodies are utterly destroyed;
otherwise they soon return from the dead again.
But vampires have a number of severe weak-
nesses. First, they suffer horrendous burns if they
touch, or are touched by, holy objects or places.
Second, sunlight burns and destroys them; each day
they must sleep in a coffin filled with earth from their
grave (or, in the case of more powerful vampires,
anywhere out of the sunlight). Third, they cannot
cross running water (except via a bridge), and take
extra damage from water-based attacks. Fourth, they
cannot enter a dwelling unless invited in by someone
inside. Fifth, garlic repels them.
Campaign Use: These vampires represent the stereo-
typical European vampire as depicted in countless
movies, novels, television shows, and comic books.
However, vampires and vampire-like monsters exist
all over the world, with a bewildering variety of
powers, weaknesses, and customs. In Europe alone,
dozens of variations exist! With a little research, you
can find ways to customize or adapt these character
sheets to create many different types of monsters.
Appearance: Vampires look like normal human
beings, with pale skin and dark hair. Some dress at the
height of fashion; others favor a punk or goth look.
Only when they allow their fangs and claws to grow
is it obvious they’re not human. Some, mostly lesser
vampires, have a bestial or quasi-bestial look at all
Hero Games 125


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 +1 Hand-To-Hand
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 20 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests
15 CON 10 12- in life)
12 BODY 4 11- 3 Climbing 13-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 3 Concealment 12-
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 5 Stealth 14-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
10 COM 0 11- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 327
Total Cost: 412
8 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (1 rED) 75+ Disadvantages
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 5 Dependence: must sleep each night in a
8 REC 0 coffin containing earth from its gravesite (or
30 END 0 any cemetery, if inapplicable) or suffer Weak-
33 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 85 ness (Uncommon, Difficult to obtain)
(+5 with NCM) 20 Distinctive Features: No Reflection (Not
Concealable; Causes Major Reaction)
Movement: Running: 7”/14” 20 Enraged: at the sight or smell of blood
Leaping: 5”/10” (Common), go 11-, recover 11-
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
Cost Powers END 20 Psychological Limitation: Cannot Enter
7 Fangs: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR), A Dwelling Without Invitation (Common,
Penetrating (+½) 1 Total)
33 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6, NND (defense is 20 Psychological Limitation: Aversion To Garlic
not having blood or protective skin or (Common, Total)
equipment too thick to bite through; +1), 15 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey Sire’s
Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1), Orders (Common, Strong)
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No 15 Psychological Limitation: Will Only Cross
Range (-½), Fangs Must Do BODY Running Water Via Bridges (Uncommon,
First (-½) 0 Total)
10 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1 10 Psychological Limitation: Considers
47 Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 8d6, Tele- Humanity Cattle (Common, Moderate)
pathic (+¼), Reduced Endurance 25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places,
(0 END; +½); Eye Contact Required (-½) 0 takes 2d6 per Phase is in contact with them
60 Undead Body: Physical and Energy (Common)
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0 35 Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6
2 Undead Body: Damage Resistance per Segment (Very Common)
(3 PD/1 ED) 0 10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Water Attacks
21 Hard To Slay: Healing 3d6 (Regeneration; (Uncommon)
3 BODY per Day), Resurrection (others 10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Water Attacks
can stop resurrection by burning the body, (Uncommon)
driving a stake through the vampire’s 132 Experience Points
heart, or cutting off its head and filling its
mouth with holy wafers), Reduced Total Disadvantage Points: 412
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½);
Self Only (-½), Extra Time + Increased
Time Increment (3 BODY/Day; -2¾),
Resurrection Only (-½) 0
47 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total
(except Diminished Eating; including
Longevity: Immortality) 0
2 Swift: Running +1” (7” total) 1
5 Vampire’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
27 Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by
wind, heat, or cold); Cannot Pass Through
Solid Objects (-½) 4
30 Wolf and Bat Forms: Multiform (assume
125-point wolf or bat form) 0
126 HERO System Bestiary
First (-½) 0
64 Create Vampire: Major Transform 10d6
(humans into lesser vampires, heals back
through special exorcisms and holy rituals),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No
Range (-½), Must Drain All But 1 BODY
Of Victim’s Blood With Drink Blood, Then
Have Him Drink ½d6 BODY’s Worth Of
Vampire’s Blood (-1), All Or Nothing (-½),
Limited Target (humans; -½) 0
10 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1
70 Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 12d6, Tele-
pathic (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+½); Eye Contact Required (-½) 0
60 Undead Body: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
3 Undead Body: Damage Resistance
(4 PD/2 ED) 0
21 Hard To Slay: Healing 3d6 (Regeneration;
3 BODY per Day), Resurrection (others
can stop resurrection by burning the body,
driving a stake through the vampire’s heart,
or cutting off its head and filling its mouth
with holy wafers), Reduced Endurance (0
END; +½), Persistent (+½); Self Only (-½),
Extra Time + Increased Time Increment
(3 BODY/Day; -2¾), Resurrection
Only (-½) 0
47 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total
(except Diminished Eating; including
Longevity: Immortality) 0
6 Swift: Running +3” (9” total) 1
6 Vampire’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
Groups 0
GREATER VAMPIRE 5 Vampire’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 27 Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] wind, heat, or cold); Cannot Pass Through
24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 Solid Objects (-½) 4
20 CON 20 13- 35 Wolf and Bat Forms: Multiform (assume
18 BODY 16 13- 150-point wolf or bat form) 0
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 52 Call Dark Creatures: Summon up to 16
20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7 90-point wolves, rats, or bats, Expanded
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 Class (+¼), Slavishly Devoted (+1),
12 COM 1 11- Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Arrive
Under Own Power (-½), Summoned
12 PD 6 Total: 12 PD (4 rPD) Being Must Inhabit Locale (-½) 0
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
5 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Skills
10 REC 0 15 +3 Hand-To-Hand
40 END 0
50 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 175 40 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests in
(+41 with NCM) life, or learned since undeath)
7 Climbing 16-
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 3 Concealment 13-
Leaping: 6”/12” 3 Seduction 14-
7 Stealth 16-
Cost Powers END
7 Fangs: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR), Total Powers & Skills Cost: 521
Penetrating (+½) 1 Total Cost: 696
33 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6, NND (defense is
not having blood or protective skin or 75+ Disadvantages
equipment too thick to bite through; +1), 20 Distinctive Features: No Reflection (Not
Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1), Concealable; Causes Major Reaction)
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
Range (-½), Fangs Must Do BODY 20 Psychological Limitation: Cannot Enter
Hero Games 127

A Dwelling Without Invitation (Common, 5 See Life: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) 0
Total) 6 Undead Senses: +4 PER with all Senses;
20 Psychological Limitation: Aversion To Garlic Only To Perceive Images Created By
(Common, Total) Means Other Than Necromancy (-1) 0
15 Psychological Limitation: Will Only Cross
Running Water Via Bridges (Uncommon, Skills
Total) 3 Climbing 11-
10 Psychological Limitation: Considers 1 Language (GM’s choice)
Humanity Cattle (Common, Moderate) 3 Stealth 11-
25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, 4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
takes 2d6 per Phase is in contact with them Missile Weapons
35 Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 170
per Segment (Very Common) Total Cost: 178
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Water Attacks
(Uncommon) 75+ Disadvantages
10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Water Attacks 10 Physical Limitation: Affected By Nec-
(Uncommon) romancy (has EGO 13 for purposes of
456 Experience Points necromancy spells, and can be affected by
necromancy-based Presence Attacks) (Infre-
Total Disadvantage Points: 696 quently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 73 Experience Points
10 CON 0 11-
10 BODY 0 11- Total Disadvantage Points: 178
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
6 COM -2 10-

4 PD 9 Total: 4 PD (4 rPD)
2 ED 3 Total: 2 ED (2 rED)
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
6 REC 0
0 END -10
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 8

Movement: Running: 2”/4”

Leaping: 1”/2”

Cost Powers END

10 Untiring Body: Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½) for STR 0
15 Zombie’s Body: Does Not Bleed 0
10 Zombie’s Body: No Hit Locations 0
45 Zombie’s Body: Takes No STUN 0
4 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects
Against Slashing Or Piercing Attacks (-½) 0
3 Undead Body: +2 PD; Only Protects
Against Piercing Attacks (-1) 0
15 Undead Body: Damage Resistance
(8 PD/2 ED) 0
50 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0
-8 Slow: Running -4”
2 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Running 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Leaping 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Swimming 0
128 HERO System Bestiary
Cost Optional Zombie Powers
5 Teeth: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1 UNICORN
8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
17 Hunger For Life: Detect Life 10-, Range, 30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
Sense 0 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
24 CON 28 14-
Ecology: Zombies are the corpses of the dead, re- 20 BODY 20 13-
animated through necromantic magics. 12 INT 2 11- PER Roll 11-
Although the zombie character sheet indicates 15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
Total Life Support (meaning the monster doesn’t 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
have to eat), some versions of zombies hunger for 18 COM 4 13-
human brains.
Personality/Motivation: Zombies have no personali- 10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD)
ties. They simply follow the orders given them by 8 ED 3 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
their creators. 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
11 REC 0
Powers/Tactics: In battle, zombies use their power-
48 END 0
ful fists, or wield weapons. They never flee; they
47 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 146
fight until victorious or destroyed.
(+35 with NCM)
Campaign Use: Zombies are a basic, low-powered
foe in many Fantasy Hero games, Horror Hero Movement: Running: 15”/30”
campaigns, and games featuring “weird” occult Leaping: 6”/12”
phenomena. If you want to improve them for use
against more powerful PCs, you can increase their Cost Powers END
DEX and other Characteristics, make them larger 30 Alicorn: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR),
(the bodies of giants and the like), or give them Armor Piercing (+½) 3
eerie necromantic powers. 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
Appearance: Zombies are walking human corpses 10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
in various stages of decay. Attack (-½) 1
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
8 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -4” 0
10 Alicorn: Life Support (Immunity: to all
poisons) 0
18 Horse’s Legs: Running +9” (15” total) 2
6 Unicorn’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
Groups 0

10 +2 Hand-To-Hand

2 Riding 14-; Complementary To Rider’s

Skill Only (-1)
3 Stealth 13-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 104

Total Cost: 250

75+ Disadvantages
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
155 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 250

Ecology: Unicorns live in idyllic woodlands, faerie
forests, beautiful meadows, and similar places. They
prefer peace and quiet, and flee from the noisi-
ness of men and monsters to gentler places when
they can. They usually live alone, or in mated pairs,
though some adventurers claim to have encoun-
Hero Games 129

tered entire herds of the beautiful creatures.

Personality/Motivation: Typically normal animal
motivations, though the unicorn’s intelligence and
innately magical nature sometimes make it act dif-
ferently. It may oppose evil powers or corrupting
influences, or volunteer to act as a scout or steed for
those who do.
Unlike most herbivores, the unicorn is strong-
willed and fierce. It stands its ground and fights,
rather than running from predators, though it’s
smart enough to know when it should flee (as it
usually does from human hunters). Some legends
describe the unicorn and the lion as fierce and
bitter enemies.
Powers/Tactics: Unicorns fight primarily with their
alicorns, or horns. Strong and needle-sharp, the
alicorn inflicts terrible wounds and can easily pen- Wolf, Giant
etrate plate armor. Unicorns can also rear, bite, and
kick, just like ordinary horses. GIANT WOLF
Its alicorn also grants a unicorn immunity to Val Char Cost Roll Notes
venoms. Supposedly, if the horn is taken from the 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
animal, it retains this property, making it extremely 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
valuable to those who fear poisoners. 20 CON 20 13-
Although many men have tried to capture a 15 BODY 10 12-
unicorn, either for use as a steed or to take its valu- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
able horn, few have succeeded. The best known 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
method by which to lure a unicorn is to send a 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
beautiful human or elven maiden alone into the 8 COM -1 11-
forest to sit in a clearing. Enchanted by her beauty,
the unicorn will approach her, lay down, and place 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD)
its head in her lap. While it relaxes, hunters can 6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
steal upon it and capture or slay it. 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Campaign Use: Unicorns often represent a difficult 9 REC 0
to reach or unattainable goal. Participating in a 40 END 0
unicorn hunt — or, perhaps, preventing one — may 38 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 69
present an intriguing challenge for PCs that differs (+9 with NCM)
from the usual adventure.
Legends describe many different versions of Movement: Running: 11”/22”
unicorns which you can incorporate into your Leaping: 5”/10”
game for a change of pace. Some have forks at the
tips of the horns, or the legs and body parts of Cost Powers END
other beasts. A few can speak the tongue of men, or 12 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); Reduced
elves. Penetration (-¼) 1
Appearance: A unicorn is a large, beautiful horse, 2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
typically solid white but sometimes other colors, (2 PD/2 ED) 0
with a long, straight, curlicue horn projecting from 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
its forehead. Its eyes clearly display its intelligence. 10 Swift: Running +5” (11” total) 1
3 Wolf ’s Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
Groups but Sight Group 0
5 Wolf ’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
6 Wolf ’s Nose: +3 PER with Smell/Taste
Group 0
5 Wolf ’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
6 Wolf ’s Ears: +3 PER with Hearing Group 0
3 Wolf ’s Ears: Ultrasonic Perception
(Hearing Group) 0

10 +2 Hand-To-Hand

3 Concealment 11-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Tactics 11-
3 Teamwork 12-
130 HERO System Bestiary
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 80 Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
Total Cost: 149 (must roar; -¼) 0
24 Tough Skin: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) 0
75+ Disadvantages 30 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -15”
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 62 Boring: Tunneling 10” through 10 DEF
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) material, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) 2
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV, 28 Slithering: Running +14” (20” total) 3
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, 38 Sense Vibrations: Detect Physical
Slightly Impairing) Vibrations 13- (Touch Group),
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers Discriminatory, Analyze, Range,
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly Targeting 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 253
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Total Cost: 470
24 Experience Points
75+ Disadvantages
Total Disadvantage Points: 149 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
Ecology: Giant wolves live and hunt like ordinary (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
wolves, but pursue larger prey (including humans). 15 Physical Limitation: Gargantuan (64m; -10
DCV, +10 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. quently, Greatly Impairing)
Evil humanoids and wizards often employ giant 15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
wolves as mounts or guards, usually training them -2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
to have a touch of bestial malevolence. Impairing)
Powers/Tactics: Giant wolves hunt in packs, like 10 Physical Limitation: Poor Hearing, suffers -2
wolves of normal size. to all Hearing PER Rolls (Frequently, Slightly
Campaign Use: You can use this character sheet for
9 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
larger than normal versions of other canines, such
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
as hyenas.
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
Appearance: A grey-furred wolf, but twice as large tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
as normal. 316 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 470

Worm, Giant
Ecology: The giant worm typically lives underground,
GIANT WORM where it feeds on other underground animals (includ-
ing members of its own species). Solitary, and regard-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
ing all other creatures as either threats or food (or
45 STR 35 18- Lift 12.5 tons; 9d6 [4]
both), it mates only once every decade. Adventurers
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
whisper strange rumors of a giant worm “breeding
50 CON 80 19-
ground” where mating takes place and dozens or hun-
40 BODY 60 17-
dreds of worm eggs are laid.
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
35 PRE 25 16- PRE Attack: 7d6 Powers/Tactics: The giant worm fights by using its
4 COM -3 10- gargantuan size to its advantage. Its maw is big enough
to bite several people at once, and it can swallow many
20 PD 11 Total: 28 PD (8 rPD) adult humans whole before sating its appetite (see
20 ED 10 Total: 28 ED (8 rED) page 33; it does Very Strong swallow damage). It can
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 also bash with its tail, or perform a Move By or Move
19 REC 0 Through simply by slithering over a person or crea-
100 END 0 ture with its immense bulk.
88 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 217
Campaign Use: You can adapt a giant worm for many
(+181 with NCM)
other settings if you desire. Some versions may live
aboveground (in which case they probably lack the
Movement: Running: 20”/40”
Poor Hearing and Poor Eyesight Physical Limitations),
Leaping: 0”/0”
or in large bodies of water. A few may even have wings
Tunneling: 10”/20”
and contest with rocs for mastery of the skies.
Cost Powers END Appearance: A giant worm is just that — a gigantic
52 Toothy Maw: HKA 2d6 (3½d6 with worm, typically pale pinkish in color, but some-
STR), Area Of Effect (2” Radius; +¾) 5 times displaying other, darker hues (such as brown
10 Tail Bash: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand or purple). Its enormous mouth is ringed with
Attack (-½) 1 sharp, glittering fangs.
9 Roar: +20 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
Hero Games 131

his chapter focuses on ordinary tion have their own listing.
creatures — the sort of animals Some creatures end up with more points
you might see in a zoo or the from Disadvantages than they spend on
wild areas near your home. The abilities and Characteristics. In this case,
creatures chosen were selected for their use- either ignore the surplus points, or spend
fulness in adventure stories as adversaries, them on additional abilities suitable for indi-
companions, or the like. vidual members of the species who appear
Many creatures in this section do not in your game.
have their own “Campaign Use” informa-
tion. For the most part, GMs use them as
they would any ordinary animal: as food for
PCs to hunt; or as a potential adversary or
attacker. Animals requiring more informa-
132 HERO System Bestiary

Total Disadvantage Points: 105

Ecology: The barracuda lives in warm seas around
most of the world. It eats fish and other sealife
Barracuda smaller than itself, but also hunts in packs to pursue
larger prey. If disturbed or provoked, it will attack
BARRACUDA humans; it has also been known to attack swim-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes ming humans who carry or wear something shiny
5 STR -5 10- Lift 50 kg; 1d6 [1] that the barracuda mistakes for a fish.
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
10 CON 0 11-
8 BODY -4 11- Powers/Tactics: Barracuda swim up to their prey
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- and attempt to bite/swallow it. On larger prey, they
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 may try Move By bites.
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Appearance: A slender, silvery fish reaching lengths
8 COM -1 11- of up to six feet, the barracuda has a long jaw filled
with needle-sharp teeth.
3 PD 2 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Bat
3 REC 0
20 END 0 BAT
16 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 7 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
(+9 with NCM) -25 STR -35 4- Lift .8 kg; 0d6 [1]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Movement: Running: 0”/0” 5 CON -10 10-
Leaping: 1”/2” 2 BODY -16 9-
Swimming: 14”/28” 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Cost Powers END 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
10 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6 with STR) 0 4 COM -3 10-
12 Fast Swimmer: Swimming +12” (14” total) 1
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” 1 PD 1 Total: 1 PD (0 rPD)
6 Sharp Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0 1 ED 0 Total: 1 ED (0 rED)
5 Keen Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 3 SPD 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
2 REC 2
Skills 10 END 0
2 +1 OCV with Bite 5 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: -43
5 +1 DCV
Movement: Running: 0”/0”
3 Tactics 11- Leaping: 0”/0”
3 Teamwork 12- Flight: 5”/10”
3 Stealth 12-
Cost Powers END
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 37 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
Total Cost: 44 7 Bat’s Wings: Flight 5”; Restrainable (-½) 1
-12 Tiny, Awkward Legs: Running -6”
75+ Disadvantages 15 Sonar: Active Sonar 0
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 6 Bat’s Ears: +3 PER with Hearing Group 0
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size (up to six Skills
feet long) 40 Hard To Hit: +8 DCV
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 5 Agile Flyer: +2 DCV; Only While Using
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Flight (-½), Costs END (-½) 1
Hero Games 133

15 Concealment 21-; Self Only (-½) BEARS

19 Stealth 21-
Ecology: Bears are omnivores; they eat meat,
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 100 insects, fruit, honey, roots, and just about any-
Total Cost: 57 thing else that seems appetizing. They are usually
solitary, but are sometimes found in small family
75+ Disadvantages groups (such as a mother and her cubs). Many spe-
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence cies hibernate in the winter, sleeping for months
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) while they live off body fat accumulated during the
15 Physical Limitation: Minute (.064m; +15” warmer seasons, but they can awaken quickly if
KB) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) disturbed.
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
-3 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly Powers/Tactics: Bears use their size and strength
Impairing) in combat, delivering powerful blows with their
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- clawed paws and biting with their large jaws.
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Although normally slow-moving, they can put
20 Psychological Limitation: Aversion To Sun- on short bursts of speed when chasing prey, then
light (Common, Total) knock the prey down and crush it as they attack.
20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from light-based
Sight Group Flash Attacks (Common) Appearance: Bears are large, furry creatures with
thick limbs, broad heads, and wide bodies. They can
Total Disadvantage Points: 175 stand on their hind legs for limited periods of time.
They can be as much as ten feet long/tall and weigh
Ecology: Bats live all over the world (even in up to about 650 kilograms.
places cold enough that they must hibernate in the
winter). Most species eat insects; some eat fruit or AMERICAN BLACK BEAR
small animals; some, like the vampire bat, make Val Char Cost Roll Notes
tiny cuts in large animals and lap up their blood. 23 STR 13 14- Lift 600 kg; 4½d6 [2]
Bats are nocturnal. They spend the day in large 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
roosts where they hang upside-down from the ceil- 18 CON 16 13-
ing. When darkness falls, they leave the roost and 12 BODY 4 11-
go in search of food. Although their eyes are poor, 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
they use a form of echolocation (“sonar”) to locate 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
and catch prey. 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 8 COM -1 11-
Powers/Tactics: Bats swoop down on their prey 8 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
and snatch it on the wing. Extremely dexterous and 6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
nimble flyers, they are difficult to hit or catch while 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
they’re in the air. They are the only type of mammal 10 REC 2
that can fly. 36 END 0
Appearance: A bat resembles a small rodent, such 33 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 57
as a mouse, with large, leathery wings in place of (+3 with NCM)
forelimbs, large ears, and often a prominent nose.
Their fur is dark, usually brown or black. Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Leaping: 1”/2”

Cost Powers END

15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
4 Growl: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations (must
growl or roar; -¼) 0
2 Tough Skin/Fat: Damage Resistance
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
1 Burst Of Speed: Running +3” (9” total);
Increased Endurance Cost
(x8 END; -3½) 8
4 Bear’s Nose: +2 PER with Smell/
Taste Group 0

3 Lightsleep
134 HERO System Bestiary
Skills Val Char Cost Roll Notes
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand 26 STR 16 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
3 Climbing 12- 20 CON 20 13-
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½) 16 BODY 12 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 55 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Total Cost: 112 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
8 COM -1 11-
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 9 PD 4 Total: 9 PD (2 rPD)
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
15 Physical Limitation: Hibernates In Winter 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
(Infrequently, Fully Impairing) 10 REC 2
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 40 END 0
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers 39 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 73
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly (+7 with NCM)
10 Physical Limitation: Poor Hearing, suffers -2 Movement: Running: 6”/12”
to all Hearing PER Rolls (Frequently, Slightly Leaping: 1”/2”
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only Cost Powers END
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR);
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
4 Growl: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
Total Disadvantage Points: 150 Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations (must
Description: The smallest of the North American growl or roar; -¼) 0
bears (about six feet long), the black bear also has 2 Tough Skin/Fat: Damage Resistance
the widest range (it’s found throughout most of (2 PD/2 ED) 0
the continent, even northern Mexico). It’s named 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
for its black fur, which can actually be brown, red- 1 Burst Of Speed: Running +3” (9” total);
dish-brown, or some other colors. It can become Increased Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
dangerous if taunted or it feels the need to protect 4 Bear’s Nose: +2 PER with Smell/
its young. Taste Group 0

3 Lightsleep

5 +1 Hand-To-Hand

0 ES: Climbing 8-
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 58

Total Cost: 131

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Hibernates In Winter
(Infrequently, Fully Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 3m and
450 kg; -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive)
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
10 Physical Limitation: Poor Hearing, suffers -2
to all Hearing PER Rolls (Frequently, Slightly
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
Hero Games 135

15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Cost Powers END

tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 20 Bite: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 1
20 Claws: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR);
Total Disadvantage Points: 155 Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
Description: The grizzly bear, also known as the 4 Growl: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
brown, Kodiak, or Kamchatkan bear, gets its name Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations (must
from the grey-white “grizzled” tips of its fur. It can growl or roar; -¼) 0
grow up to nine feet long, and has a reputation for 2 Tough Skin/Fat: Damage Resistance
ferocity and unpredictability. It does not climb as (2 PD/2 ED) 0
well as smaller bears. 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
1 Used To The Cold: Life Support (Safe
Environment: Intense Cold); Requires A
Survival Roll (-½) 0
1 Burst Of Speed: Running +3” (9” total);
Increased Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
2 Large Paws: Swimming +2” 1
4 Bear’s Nose: +2 PER with Smell/
Taste Group 0

5 +1 Hand-To-Hand

0 ES: Climbing 8-
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
3 Winter Coat: +4 to Concealment; Self Only
(-½), Only In Snow/Ice (-1)
2 Winter Coat: +2 to Stealth; Only In
Snow/Ice (-1)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 72

Total Cost: 161

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Hibernates In Winter
(Infrequently, Fully Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 3m and
650 kg; -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive)
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
POLAR BEAR -2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Impairing)
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] 10 Physical Limitation: Poor Hearing, suffers -2
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 to all Hearing PER Rolls (Frequently, Slightly
22 CON 24 13- Impairing)
20 BODY 20 13-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
8 COM -1 11-

10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD)
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
10 REC 0
44 END 0
46 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 89
(+16 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 1”/2”
Swimming: 4”/8”
136 HERO System Bestiary
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only EAGLE/HAWK
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) Val Char Cost Roll Notes
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- -8 STR -18 7- Lift 8 kg; 0d6 [1]
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
6 Experience Points 8 CON -4 11-
5 BODY -10 10-
Total Disadvantage Points: 161 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
Description: The polar bear, the largest land car- 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
nivore on Earth, lives in Arctic regions. In the 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
summer it eats rodents, berries, and fish; in the 10 COM 0 11-
winter it replaces much of that diet with seals it
catches at airholes in the ice. Its thick fur, broad 3 PD 3 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
feet, and claws make it well-suited to life in a wintry 3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
environment where it frequently walks on ice. It’s 3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
also a superb swimmer; polar bears have been 3 REC 2
sighted hundreds of miles from land. 16 END 0
16 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: -6

BIRDS OF PREY Movement: Running: 1”/2”

Leaping: 0”/0”
Ecology: Birds of prey, or raptors, are carnivorous Swimming: 0”/0”
birds with hooked beaks and sharp talons. They Flight: 20”/40”
include eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, harriers, vul- Gliding: 12”/24”
tures, condors, kites, and others. They live through-
out the world. Cost Powers END
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 12 Talons: HKA 1d6 (1d6 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
Powers/Tactics: Except for owls, raptors hunt 5 Beak: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
by day, using their sharp eyesight to spot prey 33 Wings: Multipower, 50-point reserve, all
and then swooping or diving down to catch it. Restrainable (-½)
Fish, small rodents, and small birds are the most 3u 1) Flying: Flight 20”, Reduced Endurance
common prey. Humans can train many species for (½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 2
use in falconry. 1u 2) Riding The Thermals: Gliding 12”;
Restrainable (-½) 0
29 Stooping: Flight +24”, Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Restrainable (-½), Only To
Dive At Prey For Move Bys (-1) 0
-10 Short Legs: Running -5”
-2 No Swimming: Swimming -2”
10 Eagle Eyes: +5 PER with Sight Group 0
16 Eagle Eyes: +16 versus Range for
Normal Sight 0

4 +2 with Talons
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV

3 Easily Hidden: +2 to Concealment; Self

Only (-½)
4 Hard To Perceive: +2 to Stealth

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 118

Total Cost: 112

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Small (from about .4m
to 1m long; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
2 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 112

Hero Games 137

Description: This character sheet represents a typi-

cal eagle or hawk (such as a bald eagle, golden eagle,
harpy eagle, red-tailed hawk, or northern goshawk).
They’re well-known for their superb eyesight; some
eagles can distinguish a rabbit from its surroundings
at 1.5 kilometers (whereas a human must approach to
within 500 meters to do the same).
Campaign Use: You can also use this character sheet
for vultures and condors. Eliminate the Stooping,
increase Riding The Thermals to 20”, and reduce
the Talons to HKA 1 point.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
-10 STR -20 7- Lift 6.4 kg; 0d6 [1]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
8 CON -4 11-
4 BODY -12 10-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 167
12 PRE 2 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 Total Cost: 171
10 COM 0 11-
75+ Disadvantages
3 PD 3 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD) 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (up to
3 REC 2 about .5m; +6” KB) (Frequently, Slightly
16 END 0 Impairing)
16 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 4 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Movement: Running: 1”/2” 56 Experience Points
Leaping: 0”/0”
Swimming: 0”/0” Total Disadvantage Points: 171
Flight: 24”/48”
Description: This character sheet represents a typi-
Gliding: 12”/24”
cal falcon (such as a peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, or
kestrel/sparrowhawk). They’re fast flyers, especially
Cost Powers END
when stooping (diving at prey). The peregrine
8 Talons: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR);
falcon can reach speeds of 112 miles per hour (180
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
kilometers per hour), making it the fastest of ter-
5 Beak: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
restrial birds. Falcons typically prey on rodents and
40 Wings: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all
birds, using their speed and power to hit the latter
Restrainable (-½)
in flight with a Move By with Talons.
4u 1) Flying: Flight 24”, Reduced Endurance
(½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 2
1u 2) Riding The Thermals: Gliding 12”;
Restrainable (-½) 0
58 Stooping: Flight +48”, Reduced Endurance Val Char Cost Roll Notes
(0 END; +½); Restrainable (-½), Only To -10 STR -20 7- Lift 6.4 kg; 0d6 [1]
Dive At Prey For Move Bys (-1) 0 16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
-10 Short Legs: Running -5” 8 CON -4 11-
-2 No Swimming: Swimming -2” 5 BODY -10 10-
8 Falcon Eyes: +4 PER with Sight Group 0 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
12 Falcon Eyes: +12 versus Range for 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Normal Sight 0 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
10 COM 0 11-
6 +2 OCV with Talons, Move By, Greb By 3 PD 3 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
4 +2 with Flight 3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV 3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
3 REC 2
5 Easily Hidden: +4 to Concealment; Self 16 END 0
Only (-½) 16 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: -8
8 Hard To Perceive: +4 to Stealth
138 HERO System Bestiary

Swimming: 0”/0”

esides birds of prey, there are thousands
Flight: 18”/36” of species of birds on Earth, rang-
ing from enormous albatrosses to tiny
Cost Powers END hummingbirds. They fill virtually every
12 Talons: HKA 1d6 (1d6 with STR); ecological niche and live in just about all types of
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 climate and environment.
5 Beak: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
30 Wings: Flight 18”, Reduced Endurance
(½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 2 HOMING PIGEON
-10 Short Legs: Running -5” Val Char Cost Roll Notes
-2 No Swimming: Swimming -2” -25 STR -35 4- Lift .8 kg; 0d6 [1]
5 Owl Eyes: Nightvision 0 12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
6 Owl Eyes: +3 PER with Sight Group 0 4 CON -12 10-
8 Owl Eyes: +8 versus Range for Normal 2 BODY -16 9-
Sight 0 6 INT -4 10- PER Roll 10-
4 Owl Ears: +2 PER with Hearing Group 0 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
3 PRE -7 10- PRE Attack: ½d6
Skills 8 COM -1 11-
4 +2 with Talons
20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV 1 PD 1 Total: 1 PD (0 rPD)
1 ED 0 Total: 1 ED (0 rED)
5 Easily Hidden: +4 to Concealment; 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
Self Only (-½) 1 REC 0
11 Stealth 16- 8 END 0
6 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: -76
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 98
Total Cost: 90 Movement: Running: 1”/2”
Leaping: 0”/0”
75+ Disadvantages Flight: 14”/28”
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Swimming: 0”/0”
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (up to Cost Powers END
about .6m; +6” KB) (Frequently, Slightly 28 Wings: Flight 14”, Reduced Endurance
Impairing) (0 END; +½); Restrainable (-½) 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- -10 Short Legs: Running -5”
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) -2 Nonaquatic: Swimming -2”
5 Bird’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception
Total Disadvantage Points: 115 (240 Degrees) for Sight Group 0
Description: This character sheet represents a typi- 24 Homing Sense: Detect Home 14-, Range,
cal owl. Although considered “birds of prey,” owls Sense, Telescopic (+10 versus Range
actually belong to a different order of birds. Most Modifier) 0
owls are nocturnal, using their heightened vision
and hearing to detect prey and swoop down on it in Talent
near-silence using Stealth. 3 Bump Of Direction

20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV

8 Easily Hidden: +6 to Concealment;

Self Only (-½)
15 Stealth 17-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 91

Total Cost: 15

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (about .33m; +9”
KB) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common,
Hero Games 139

20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated
(Very Common, Strong)

Total Disadvantage Points: 150

Ecology: Homing pigeons are domesticated
pigeons. When not used for carrying messages, they
live in large cages and eat seed.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Powers/Tactics: Homing pigeons possess the ability
to locate their “home” and return to it, no matter
how far away a person takes them. This makes them
ideally suited for carrying messages — particularly
when more high-tech methods won’t work.
Appearance: A medium-sized bird, no more than 10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (from about
about 13 inches long, usually dove-grey or light .3m up to about .6m; +6” KB) (Frequently,
brown in color. Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Disadvantage Points: 115
-20 STR -30 5- Lift 1.6 kg; 0d6 [1] Ecology: Ravens, and their smaller cousins crows, are
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 omnivores who survive not only on seeds and berries,
6 CON -8 10- but on carrion (the raven sometimes hunt small prey
3 BODY -14 10- as well). They often come together in flocks for protec-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- tion and socialization purposes.
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1½d6 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
8 COM -1 11- Corvids are noted for their cleverness and guile.
Powers/Tactics: A raven dispatches prey with blows
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) from its beak, which is strong enough to break a man’s
2 ED 1 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) finger. Ravens normally communicate with croaking
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 calls, and crows with a distinctive cawing, but both
2 REC 2 are good at imitating sounds — up to and including
16 END 2 human speech, if they’re properly trained.
12 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: -40 Campaign Use: Ravens and crows frequently appear in
fantasy stories as wizards’ familiars or pets, the servants
Movement: Running: 1”/2” of gods such as Odin or the Morrigan, or as harbingers
Leaping: 0”/0” of doom and despair. With a few adaptations, you can
Flight: 9”/18” also use this character sheet for parrots and like birds.
Swimming: 0”/0” Ravens and crows should be considered to have
a Total Cost of 5 Character Points for purposes of
Cost Powers END buying them as Followers, Summoning them, and so
5 Beak: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 forth.
12 Wings: Flight 9”; Restrainable (-½) 2
-10 Short Legs: Running -5” Appearance: Both ravens and crows are solid black,
-2 Nonaquatic: Swimming -2” though many other corvids (including jays and mag-
5 Bird’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception pies) are brightly colored. Ravens are about 25 inches
(240 Degrees) for Sight Group 0 (65 cm) long, and can have wingspans of
up to five feet. Crows are somewhat
Skills shorter and smaller.
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV

5 Easily Hidden: +4 to Concealment;

Self Only (-½)
3 Mimicry 11-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 28

Total Cost: -12

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
140 HERO System Bestiary
SONGBIRD Description: This character sheet represents a
Val Char Cost Roll Notes typical songbird, from a wren, to a chickadee, to
-30 STR -40 3- Lift .4 kg; 0d6 [1] a mockingbird, to thousands of other species in
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 between. You should consider them to have a Total
4 CON -12 10- Cost of 5 Character Points for purposes of buying
1 BODY -18 9- them as Followers, Summoning them, and so forth.
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10
2 PRE -8
10- ECV: 2
9- PRE Attack: 0d6
12 COM 1 11-
1 PD 1 Total: 1 PD (0 rPD) Val Char Cost Roll Notes
1 ED 0 Total: 1 ED (0 rED) 13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [1]
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
1 REC 0 15 CON 10 12-
8 END 0 12 BODY 4 11-
6 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: -73 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Movement: Running: 1”/2” 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
Leaping: 0”/0” 6 COM -2 10-
Flight: 8”/16”
Swimming: 0”/0” 6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (3 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (3 rED)
Cost Powers END 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
11 Wings: Flight 8”; Restrainable (-½) 0 6 REC 0
-10 Short Legs: Running -5” 30 END 0
-2 Nonaquatic: Swimming -2” 30 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 31
5 Bird’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception
(240 Degrees) for Sight Group 0 Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Leaping: 3”/6”
20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV Cost Powers END
15 Tusks: HKA 1d6 (1½d6 with STR) 1
5 Easily Hidden: +4 to Concealment; 8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Self Only (-½) Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
7 Stealth 14- 3 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(3 PD/3 ED) 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 36 1 Charge: Running +3” (9” total); Increased
Total Cost: -37 Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
5 Boar’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
75+ Disadvantages 6 Boar’s Nose: +3 PER with Smell/
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Taste Group 0
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Minuscule (.125m; +12” Skills
KB) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 4 +2 with Move By
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 3 Stealth 12-
15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common,
Strong) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 45
Total Cost: 76
Total Disadvantage Points: 135
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

Total Disadvantage Points: 120

Ecology: Boars eat primarily roots, tubers, acorns,
and the like, using their sensitive noses to locate
Hero Games 141

6 Charge: +3 OCV with Move Through

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 45

Total Cost: 128

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
food at night. They live in small groups of up to
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
20 in temperate regions and breed throughout the
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common,
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. Strong)
Powers/Tactics: When threatened, disturbed, or
cornered, boars can become dangerous. They Total Disadvantage Points: 130
charge their opponent, performing a Move By to OPTIONS
slash with their tusks in an attack capable of disem-
boweling a man. In addition to eliminating the Timid Psychological
Limitation for especially temperamental or aggres-
Appearance: Boars are large (5 foot long) wild
sive bovids (or perhaps substituting Temperamental
porcines with short, grey-brown fur and distinctive
or an Enraged), you can apply the following pack-
ages to simulate the abilities of particular species:

Buffalo/Cattle Cost Cape Buffalo

+10 Increase horns to 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
BUFFALO/CATTLE 3 Horns: Armor (4 PD/4 ED); Only
Protects Location 3 (-3) 0
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
19 Charge: Running +19” (32” total);
35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3]
Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) 12
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
10 Fast: +5 DEX (base of 15 Active Points,
23 CON 26 14-
-5 for alteration to cost of 3 SPD) 0
22 BODY 24 13-
3 Impressive: +3 PRE
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
Total cost: +45 points
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
Cost American Bison
8 COM -1 11-
-5 Reduce horns to HKA 1d6-1 (1d6+1
with STR) 1
7 PD 0 Total: 7 PD (2 rPD)
Total cost: -5 points
5 ED 0 Total: 5 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12
12 REC 0
46 END 0
52 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 83
(+25 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 10”/20”

Leaping: 4”/8”

Cost Powers END

15 Horns: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(2 PD/2 ED) 0
10 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -5” 0
8 Long Legs: Running +4” (10” total) 1
1 Charge: Running +3” (13” total); Increased
Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
3 Heightened Senses: +1 PER with all
Sense Groups 0
142 HERO System Bestiary
Ecology: Buffaloes and cattle — collectively, bovids
— live in grasslands and light forest, where they
graze on low-lying vegetation. They live in herds,
sometimes enormous ones that can take days to CAMEL
pass a given spot. Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
Powers/Tactics: Buffaloes and cattle would rather 20 CON 20 13-
flee than fight, but sometimes become aggressive 13 BODY 6 12-
if startled or cornered. The cape buffalo is particu- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
larly noted for its temper and dangerousness. It can 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
quickly become aggressive and charge with little or 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
no provocation, reaching speeds of up to 36 miles 8 COM -1 11-
per hour and doing enough damage with its horns
to kill an adult male lion. It has even been known 5 PD 0 Total: 5 PD (1 rPD)
to wait for pursuing hunters and attack them by 4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED)
surprise. 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
Campaign Use: This character sheet represents a 9 REC 0
wide variety of bovids, from bulls fought in the 40 END 0
bullring by daring pulp adventurers, to bison 36 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 36
hunted by cowboys in Western Hero, to the Cape (+9 with NCM)
Buffalo, to the wildebeest, and many others. It can
serve as a template for winged bulls and similar Movement: Running: 12”/24”
fantastic beasts. Leaping: 3”/6”
Appearance: As much as nine to ten feet tall at the Cost Powers END
shoulder, and eleven feet long from nose to rump, 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
and weighing a ton or more, large bovids such as 1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
the American bison, cape buffalo, or domestic bull (1 PD/1 ED) 0
are large and powerful. Coloration ranges from 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
white to dark brown and black, and the males of 3 Long Eyelashes: Sight Group Flash
all species have horns projecting from the sides of Defense (3 points) 0
their heads. 2 Desert Adaptation: Life Support
(Diminished Eating: once per month) 0
12 Long Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 1
3 Camel’s Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
Groups 0

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 32

Total Cost: 68

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 3.5m long,
and 2.5m feet tall at the shoulder; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated
(Very Common, Strong)

Total Disadvantage Points: 135

Ecology: Camels were first domesticated about 5,000
years ago, and the wild species have since died out
in most places. There are two types: the dromedary,
or African camel, which has only one hump; and the
Bactrian, or Asian camel, which has two.
Camels are adapted for life in desert regions.
They can survive months without water, relying on
the fat (not water) stored in their humps. A camel can
Hero Games 143

lose 27% of its body weight without ill effect. When

the opportunity arises, it can drink up to 13 gallons
of water, quickly regaining much of the weight lost in
the interim. It eats dry, salty, or thorny plants no other
desert animal can. Its two-toed feet keep it from sink-
ing into the sand, and its eyelashes and slit nostrils
keep sand from getting in its eyes and nose.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
However, camels are known for their stubborness and
foul tempers. If unhappy, they may spit on their keep-
ers or find even less pleasant ways to express their
Powers/Tactics: Camels have large, combat-adapted
teeth with which they can deliver painful bites.
Campaign Use: With a few changes (such as getting
rid of the Desert Adaptation), you can use this writ-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 85
eup for other members of the camel family, such as
Total Cost: 73
the llama or the vicuña.
Appearance: Camels are large, tan-colored, one- or 75+ Disadvantages
two-humped quadrupeds with long, upward-curving 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
necks and small heads. (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Cat, Domestic 10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (.25m; +9” KB)
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
DOMESTIC CAT 20 Psychological Limitation: Lets Humans
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Think They Own It, When It Really Owns
-15 STR -25 6- Lift 3.2 kg; 0d6 [1] Them (Common, Total)
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
10 CON 0 11- Total Disadvantage Points: 130
5 BODY -10 10-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- OPTIONS
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Cost General Cat Options
8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1½d6 7 Conquer With Cuteness: Seduction 13-
12 COM 1 11- 1 Flee!: Running +3” (9” total); Increased
Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) 2 Flurry Of Claws: Autofire (5 shots; +½)
2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) for Claws 1
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 REC 4 Cost Black Cat Option
20 END 0 52 Don’t Let A Black Cat Cross Your Path:
12 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: -12 Major Transform 7d6 (standard effect: 21
BODY) (humans to humans with Unluck
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 3d6; heals back automatically after one
Leaping: 2”/4” day), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Limited Target (humans; -½), Must Cross
Cost Powers END Human’s Path (-1), All Or Nothing (-½) 0
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 Ecology: Cats were domesticated thousands of years
5 Claws: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 ago. Meat-eaters, they live on food served them by
2 Pounce: Leaping +2” (2” total) 1 their supposed human masters, and/or on small
9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0 rodents, insects, and birds they catch on their own.
5 Cat’s Eyes: Nightvision 0 Skilled hunters, they can even snatch flying birds out
5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 of the air with a well-timed leap.

Skills Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.

15 Hard To Hit: +3 DCV Cats have a well-deserved reputation for cleverness
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand and sly behavior, though they are often quite loving
and friendly as well. Moving objects often fascinate
3 Breakfall 13- them.
3 Climbing 13- Powers/Tactics: Most cats flee rather than fight (at
13 Concealment 19-; Self Only (-½) least from larger opponents). If forced to fight, they
15 Stealth 19- arch their backs and puff up their fur (to make them-
selves look larger), and use their teeth and claws.
144 HERO System Bestiary
Cats have acute senses. Their eyes are sensi- Movement: Running: 9”/18”
tive enough to allow them to move and act at night Leaping: 4”/8”
without difficulty, and their other senses are similarly
developed. Cost Powers END
Campaign Use: Cats appear frequently in adventure 10 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1
stories as wizard’s familiars, talking creatures, and the 8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
like. Old superstitions attribute many powers to them, Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
or claim they work for the Devil. 3 Trip Prey: Sacrifice Throw (STR Strike,
Target Falls, Cheetah Falls) 0
Appearance: Domesticated cats are small, usually 1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
about a foot long and weighing about ten pounds (1 PD/1 ED) 0
(some more, some less). They have pointed ears that 6 Swift Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1
they can move slightly to help focus on sounds, four 76 Burst Of Speed: Running +38” (47” total) 8
agile, clawed feet, and long tails to help them keep 9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0
their balance. 5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell 0

Cats, Great
+3 Hand-To-Hand

he accompanying writeups describe the
major great cats of the world, such as 2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
tigers and lions. These animals appear 3 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to
frequently in adventure stories, whether Concealment; Self Only (-½), Only In
as man-eaters the PCs must hunt down and kill, the Home Environment (-1)
pets and soldiers of jungle-themed villains, or the 5 Stealth 14-
faithful companions of heroes. 1 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth; Only
In Home Environment (-1)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 144

Total Cost: 204

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
99 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 204

Ecology: The cheetah lives in the grasslands, savan-
nahs, and plains of Africa and Asia, where it hunts
small mammals, antelopes, and similar prey. It
hunts by day, allowing it to co-exist with the more
Cheetah nocturnal lion and leopard. Females stay by them-
selves, or with their young, whereas males gather in
CHEETAH small groups to hunt together.
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
18 STR 8 13- Lift 300 kg; 3½d6 [2] Powers/Tactics: Cheetahs are the fastest land
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 animal on Earth, but only over short distances.
18 CON 16 13- They can reach speeds of about 70 miles per hour,
12 BODY 4 11- but can only maintain that pace for about 20 sec-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- onds before becoming overheated. A cheetah chases
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 down prey, leaps on it or knocks it down (often
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 using its Sacrifice Throw), and then kills by biting
12 COM 1 11- the victim’s throat with its fangs. Unlike other cats,
it cannot retract its claws.
6 PD 2 Total: 6 PD (1 rPD)
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED) Appearance: The cheetah is a thin-bodied hunting
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 cat that reaches lengths of up to six feet. Its long
8 REC 0 legs and flexible spine show how well it’s built to
36 END 0 run swiftly. Its fur is gold-yellow with black spots
30 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 60 (smaller than those of the leopard), and it has two
black lines down the side of its nose that make it
appear to be weeping.
Hero Games 145

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
18 CON 16 13-
12 BODY 4 11-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
12 COM 1 11-

8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (1 rED)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
8 REC 0 by breaking the victim’s neck. Skilled climbers, they
36 END 0 often rest on tree branches, and sometimes drag
31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 68 dead prey up into a tree and wedge it into a notch
or fork so other predators can’t get at it.
Movement: Running: 8”/16” Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Leaping: 4”/8”
Powers/Tactics: Leopards hunt by sneaking close
to their prey (or lying in wait) and then attacking.
Cost Powers END
Their powerful jaws and sharp claws allow them to
15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
Grab and kill even large animals quickly.
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 Campaign Use: You can also use this write-up for
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance panthers and jaguars.
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 Appearance: Leopards are large cats with yellow-
4 Swift Runner: Running +2” (8” total) 1 gold or grey coats marked with distinctive black
9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0 spots. Some, called black panthers, are born with
5 Cat’s Eyes: Nightvision 0 completely black fur instead.
2 Leopard’s Ears: +1 PER with Hearing Group 0
5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell 0
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand LION
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
5 Climbing 14- 23 STR 13 14- Lift 600 kg; 4½d6 [2]
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½) 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
3 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to 20 CON 20 13-
Concealment; Self Only (-½), Only In 14 BODY 8 12-
Home Environment (-1) 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 Stealth 14- 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
1 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth; Only 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
In Home Environment (-1) 12 COM 1 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 84 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (1 rPD)
Total Cost: 152 5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (1 rED)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
75+ Disadvantages 10 REC 2
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 40 END 0
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 36 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 84
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size (+5 with NCM)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Movement: Running: 7”/14”
47 Experience Points Leaping: 5”/10”
Total Disadvantage Points: 152 Cost Powers END
Ecology: Solitary and nocturnal, leopards live in 25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6 with STR) 2
forests and grasslands (some species, like the snow 16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR);
leopard, live in the mountains). They hunt mostly Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
other mammals (ranging from small monkeys to 4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
large antelope), killing with a bite to the throat or Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations (must
146 HERO System Bestiary

roar; -¼)
Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
Sabretooth Tiger (Smilodon)
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
2 Swift Runner: Running +1” (7” total) 1 SABRETOOTH TIGER (SMILODON)
9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
5 Cat’s Eyes: Nightvision 0 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell 0 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
20 CON 20 13-
Skills 12 BODY 4 11-
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
3 Climbing 13- 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½) 12 COM 1 11-
3 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to
Concealment; Self Only (-½), Only In 8 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
Home Environment (-1) 5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (1 rED)
5 Stealth 14- 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
1 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth; 9 REC 0
Only In Home Environment (-1) 40 END 0
3 Tactics 11- 35 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 78
3 Teamwork 13- (+5 with NCM)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102 Movement: Running: 7”/14”

Total Cost: 186 Leaping: 5”/10”

75+ Disadvantages Cost Powers END

15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 30 Sabretooth Bite: HKA 2d6
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) (3½d6 with STR) 3
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR);
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
81 Experience Points Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
(must roar; -¼) 0
Total Disadvantage Points: 186 1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
Ecology: The second largest of the great cats, lions
2 Swift Runner: Running +1” (7” total) 1
live in the grasslands and savannahs of Africa
9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0
(though they also inhabited Asia and southern
5 Cat’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
Europe thousands of years ago). Unlike other cats,
5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell 0
they live together in prides of up to about 15 ani-
mals, and hunt together to bring down large prey
and defend their kills from scavengers.
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 4 +2 OCV with Sabretooth Bite
Powers/Tactics: Female lions do most of the hunt-
ing, leaving the lazier males to sleep about 20 hours 3 Climbing 13-
out of every day. They work in groups, using pack 2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
tactics. 3 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to
Concealment; Self Only (-½), Only In
Appearance: Lions are large cats with tawny skin
Home Environment (-1)
that blends in well with their home environment.
5 Stealth 14-
Males have large manes of hair to make themselves
1 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth;
look fiercer and more dangerous.
Only In Home Environment (-1)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 95

Total Cost: 173

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
68 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 173

Hero Games 147

Ecology: This small (four feet long) but tough hunt-

ing cat lived in North and South America during
the late Pleistocene.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal
Powers/Tactics: The sabretooth
tiger probably hunted much
the same way a modern
tiger does. Its jaw opened
to a 120-degree angle,
allowing it to use its
powerful neck muscles to
plunge its sabre-like main
fangs into the victim’s body.
If it could not kill the prey right
away, it simply waited for it to bleed to
Appearance: The sabretooth tiger, or Smilodon,
was a short, powerfully-built hunting cat. Its
most prominent feature were its twin “sabre” fangs,
with a slight backward curve and serrated back
edges. Skills
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand

Tiger 3 Climbing 13-

2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
TIGER 3 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Concealment; Self Only (-½), Only In
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] Home Environment (-1)
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 7 Stealth 15-
20 CON 20 13- 1 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth;
16 BODY 12 12- Only In Home Environment (-1)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 106
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 Total Cost: 200
14 COM 2 12-
75+ Disadvantages
9 PD 4 Total: 9 PD (1 rPD) 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (1 rED) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 11 feet
10 REC 2 long and 660 pounds; -2 DCV, +2 to PER
40 END 0 Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, Slightly
39 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 94 Impairing)
(+6 with NCM) 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 90 Experience Points
Leaping: 5”/10”
Total Disadvantage Points: 200
Cost Powers END Ecology: The largest of the great cats (they can
25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2 grow up to 11 feet long and 660 pounds), tigers live
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR); in the jungles, forests, and grasslands of Asia (pri-
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2 marily India). Some subspecies (e.g., the Siberian
4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based tiger) also live in mountainous or cold regions. It is
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations (must solitary and nocturnal.
roar; -¼) 0
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 Powers/Tactics: Tigers kill their prey by using their
4 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -2” 0 massive jaws to sheer through the spine, or by
6 Swift Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1 Grabbing the throat and choking or injuring the
9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0 animal. They hunt by stealth, pouncing on their
5 Cat’s Eyes: Nightvision 0 prey without warning. They use their immense
5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell 0 strength to drag dead prey into thick cover before
they feed.
148 HERO System Bestiary
75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size (up to five
feet tall)
10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

Total Disadvantage Points: 95

Ecology: Chimpanzees are omnivores. They mostly
eat leaves, shoots, and nuts, but also consume
insects, eggs, and even the flesh of monkeys and
other creatures on some occasions. They live in
African jungle and woodland savannah environ-
ments in troops of up to 70, led by a strong male.
Appearance: Tigers are large cats with distinctive From day to day, the troop splits up into small
orange coats with black stripes (which provide bands of about six chimps to forage for food.
them with excellent camouflage). Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
though they are highly intelligent for animals, and
can even make crude tools (such as using a clean
Chimpanzee twig to get termites or ants out of a nest to eat).
Powers/Tactics: Chimpanzees fight by biting. They
sometimes have to defend their territory from rival
Val Char Cost Roll Notes groups of chimps.
18 STR 8 13- Lift 300 kg; 3½d6 [2]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Appearance: Chimpanzees are small (two to five
15 CON 10 12- feet tall) apes with black fur and light-colored skin.
8 BODY -4 11- Their faces display a wide range of expressions, and
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- they can make more than thirty different sounds.
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 They lack claws, having nails instead on both feet
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 and hands. They can walk on two legs for short
10 COM 0 11- periods, but usually stay on all fours.

4 PD 0 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
7 REC 0
30 END 0
25 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 22

Movement: Running: 4”/8”

Leaping: 4”/8”
Swimming: 0”/0”

Cost Powers END

5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
-4 Slow: Running -2” (4” total)
-2 Poor Swimmer: Swimming -2” (0” total)
6 Agile Feet: Extra Limbs (legs and feet can
function almost as well as arms and
hands), Inherent (+¼) 0

3 Acrobatics 12-
3 Breakfall 12-
7 Climbing 14-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 18

Total Cost: 40
Hero Games 149

Clam, Giant Campaign Use: No pulp-

era campaign would be
complete without at least
GIANT CLAM one character getting his
Val Char Cost Roll Notes foot trapped in a giant
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1] clam, now would it?
3 DEX -21 10- OCV: 1/DCV: 1
Appearance: The giant
10 CON 0 11-
clam is a clam up to one
8 BODY -4 11-
meter across; it can weigh
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
as much as 650 pounds.
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
The microscopic algae in
3 PRE -7 10- PRE Attack: ½d6
its lips give them a blue
6 COM -2 10-
1 PD 1 Total: 9 PD (8 rPD)
2 ED 0 Total: 10 ED (8 rED)
1 SPD 0 Phases: 12
2 REC 0 Crocodile/Alligator
20 END 0
13 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: -55 CROCODILE/ALLIGATOR
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Movement: Running: 0”/0” 23 STR 13 14- Lift 600 kg; 4½d6 [2]
Leaping: 0”/0” 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
Swimming: 0”/0” 20 CON 20 13-
16 BODY 12 12-
Cost Powers END 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
18 Grab: +25 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
END; +½); Only For Grabs And Staying 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
In Its Crevice (-1) 0 4 COM -3 10-
20 Unimpressed: +40 PRE; Only To Protect
Against Presence Attacks (-1) 0 10 PD 5 Total: 14 PD (4 rPD)
24 Shell: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) 0 7 ED 3 Total: 9 ED (2 rED)
12 Wedged In: Knockback Resistance -6” 0 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
-12 Can’t Move: Running -6” 9 REC 0
-2 Can’t Swim: Swimming -2” 40 END 0
38 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 68
Skills (+5 with NCM)
6 +3 OCV with Grab
Movement: Running: 3”/6”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 66 Leaping: 1”/2”
Total Cost: 11 Swimming: 6”/12”

75+ Disadvantages Cost Powers END

25 Physical Limitation: Blind And Deaf (All 10 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
The Time, Fully Impairing) Restrainable (-½) 1
20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence 5 Tail Bash: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand
(All The Time, Greatly Impairing) Attack (-½), Only With Extra Limb (-½) 0
5 Physical Limitation: Small (1m; +3” KB) 9 Scaly Skin: Armor (4 PD/2 ED) 0
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 4 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +4” (6” total) 1
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) -6 Short Legs: Running -3” (3” total)
1 Lunge: Leaping +1” (2” forward, 1”
Total Disadvantage Points: 140 upward); Only To Lunge At Things Near
Ecology: Giant clams live in shallow waters on coral The Water (-1) 1
reefs. They wedge themselves into a crevice and 1 Burst Of Speed: Running +3” (6” total);
grow into it, making it difficult to move them. They Increased Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
filter food from the water. 6 Crocodilian Senses: +2 PER with all
Sense Groups 0
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 5 Crocodilian Eyes: Nightvision 0
Powers/Tactics: Giant clams don’t fight. However, 6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
if they feel something enter their shells, they clamp
down with 25 STR, possibly holding a hapless char- Talents
acter underwater until he drowns. 3 Environmental Movement: Aquatic
Movement (no penalties in water)
150 HERO System Bestiary
an unsuspecting victim. They
have little fear of humans; the
estuarine crocodile of
Australia is thought to
be responsible for up to
1,000 human fatalities
a year.
Appearance: Crocodil-
ians are large lizard-like crea-
tures. Crocodile species can grow up to
about 23 feet (7 meters), and alligators up
to 20 feet. (A few longer specimens have been
recorded; the record for a croc is 28 feet.) They have
long, triangular-shaped heads; the tip of the alliga-
tor’s snout is more rounded, and has a slight upward
curve the crocodile’s head lacks. The arrangement
of the head allows a crocodilian to float through the
Skills water with just its eyes and nostrils above the sur-
4 +2 OCV with Bite face. Their thick, grey or green hides protect them,
6 +3 OCV with Grab but also make them targets for human hunters who
want the valuable leather.
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
3 Stealth 12-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 71
Total Cost: 139 DEER/ANTELOPE
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
75+ Disadvantages
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
13 CON 6 12-
15 Physical Limitation: Cold-Blooded (Fre-
10 BODY 0 11-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (8m; -4 DCV,
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
+4 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1½d6
Slightly Impairing)
10 COM 0 11-
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
2 ED -1 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
4 Experience Points
5 REC 0
26 END 0
Total Disadvantage Points: 139
22 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 9
Ecology: Crocodiles, and their slightly smaller (+2 with NCM)
cousins alligators, live in rivers, lakes, and swamps.
Alligator species include the American and Chinese; Movement: Running: 11”/22”
crocodile species include the Nile, estuarine, and Leaping: 5”/10”
dwarf. Crocodiles are powerful swimmers, and have
been sighted dozens of miles out to sea. They eat Cost Powers END
waterfowl, fish, reptiles, and mammals (even some 4 Antlers: HKA ½d6; No STR Bonus (-½),
large ones). Only During Appropriate Times Of
Crocodilians in temperate climates may take Year (-1) 1
the Hibernates In Winter Physical Limitation (see 10 Swift: Running +5” (11” total) 1
“Bears,” above), since they dig dens and wait out the 3 Leaper: Leaping +3” (5” forward,
colder months in them. 3” upward) 1
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 5 Quick To Flee: +1 SPD; Only To Run
Away From Danger (-1) 0
Powers/Tactics: A crocodilian fights with its power- 6 Deer’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
ful bite, with jaws strong enough to sever limbs and Groups
crush major bones. (However, the muscles that open
the jaws are considerably weaker [-15 STR], making Skills
it possible for a human to hold them shut.) Croco- 2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
diles like to Grab their victims and pull them down 3 Stealth 12-
to drown as well. They typically hunt prey in the
water or along the banks, and can use their Lunge
ability to suddenly lash out of the water to snatch
Hero Games 151

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 33 are permanent, and sometimes continue to grow
Total Cost: 42 throughout the animal’s lifetime. Although they
may look large and heavy, they are hollow, and so
75+ Disadvantages don’t weigh much.
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size Powers/Tactics: Deer and antelope generally avoid
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- combat (except between males of the species
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) during mating season) — they’d rather run than
15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common, fight a predator. If they must, they can use their
Strong) antlers or horns to defend themselves.
Appearance: Deer are large quadrupeds with thin,
Total Disadvantage Points: 120 strong legs, short tails, and for males multi-pronged
antlers on their heads. Antelopes are similar, but
have horns in various configurations.
Cost Antelope (Any)
-4 Remove Antlers
7 Horns: HKA ½d6; No STR Bonus (-½)
Total cost: +3 points

Cost Bighorn Sheep

-4 Remove Antlers
5 +5 STR 1
7 Horns: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack
(-½), Only With Move Through (-½) 1
4 +2 OCV with Move Through
Total cost: +12 points

Cost Moose
10 +10 STR 1
10 +5 CON 0
7 +7 PRE 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
Total cost: +33 points

Cost Mountain Goat

-4 Remove Antlers
7 Horns: HKA ½d6; No STR Bonus (-½)
1 Used To The Cold: Life Support (Safe
Environment: Intense Cold); Requires A
Survival Roll (-½) 0
5 Climbing 14-; Mountainsides Only (-½)
3 Winter Coat: +4 to Concealment; Self
Only (-½), Only In Snow/Ice (-1)
2 Winter Coat: +2 to Stealth; Only In
Snow/Ice (-1)
Total cost: +14 points

Cost Pronghorn Antelope

32 World’s Fastest Hoofed Mammal:
Running +16” (27” total) 3
Total cost: +32 points
Ecology: Deer, and their cousins antelope, are her-
bivores (as are related creatures like wild species of
sheep and goats). They eat grass and leaves, and rely
on their speed to keep themselves safe from preda-
Deer (including elk and moose) grow antlers
every year. Made of bone, they sprout in spring,
and through the summer remain covered in a soft,
velvety substance. By late summer or autumn the
velvet falls off and they harden, just in time for
use in mating season fights. In the winter they fall
off. Antelopes have horns, made of keratin, which
may curve but do not branch as antlers do. Horns
152 HERO System Bestiary


10 Tail Bash: HA +4d6; Hand-To-Hand

Attack (-½), Only With Extra Limb (-½) 2

inosaurs are reptiles who lived hundreds
of millions of years ago, long before 22 Spiky Body: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1),
humans evolved. Some were tiny, but Damage Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼),
many of the best-known ones, including Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
most of the ones described here, were enormous, END; +½); Always On (-½), Activation
dwarfing any land-based creatures alive today. They Roll 14- (-½), No STR Bonus (-½) 0
filled all ecological niches, from herbivores, to scav- 12 Armored Body: Armor (4 PD/4 ED) 0
engers, to fierce and deadly predators. 10 Armored Body: Armor (+8 PD/+8 ED);
Activation Roll 9- (Does Not Cover Hit
Campaign Use: Dinosaurs crop up frequently in
Locations 6, 10-16; -1½) 0
adventure fiction. Supervillains (or greedy cor-
24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” 0
porations) with a talent for genetic manipulation
12 Big Body And Long Legs: Running +6”
re-create them by obtaining DNA from insects
(12” total) 1
trapped in amber. Lost continents, islands, and pla-
-2 Can’t Swim: Swimming -2”
teaus still house populations of them, safe from the
3 Dinosaur Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
catastrophes that destroyed all their kin. Time trav-
Groups 0
elers journey back to the Jurassic Period and study
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
the mating habits of Apatosaurus. With a little cre-
ative effort, the possibilities are nearly as vast as the
gigantic lizards themselves.
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4] Total Cost: 193
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
28 CON 36 15- 75+ Disadvantages
25 BODY 30 14- 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10- (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (about 10m
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 long and 5m wide at its widest point, and
6 COM -2 10- weighing approximately four tons; -4 DCV,
+4 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
14 PD 6 Total: 18 PD (4 rPD) Slightly Impairing)
7 ED 1 Total: 11 ED (4 rED) 8 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
14 REC 0 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
56 END 0 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
59 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 91 70 Experience Points
(+56 with NCM)
Total Disadvantage Points: 193
Movement: Running: 12”/24” Ecology: This enormous herbivore lived during the
Leaping: 0”/0” late Cretaceous Period. It probably grazed in small
Swimming: 0”/0” groups.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Powers/Tactics: Unlike many herbivores, Anky-
losaurus fights aggressively and stands its ground
when attacked. It possesses strong natural armor
consisting of hundreds of oval bony plates set in a
thick, leathery skin. Additionally, spikes grew out
of its body, making it difficult for predators to leap
on or grapple it without getting hurt.
It fought back with its large tail, which
ended in a thick, bony knob.
Appearance: Ankylosaurus has a body over
30 feet long (including tail) and 16 feet wide at its
broadest point. Its head, with a toothless beak-
like mouth, is about two and a half feet wide, and
all of its body is both armored and covered with
rows of spikes, as described above.
Hero Games 153

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
60 STR 50 21- Lift 100 tons; 12d6 [6]
8 DEX -6 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
40 CON 60 17-
40 BODY 60 17-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
8 COM -1 11-

20 PD 8 Total: 26 PD (6 rPD)
18 ED 10 Total: 22 ED (4 rED)
2 SPD 2 Phases: 6, 12
20 REC 0
80 END 0
90 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 183
(+147 with NCM)
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Movement: Running: 12”/24”
Leaping: 0”/0” Powers/Tactics: When unable to flee a predator
(such as Allosaurus), Apatosaurus probably fought
Cost Powers END in one or both of two ways. First, it could rear up
13 Rear: HA +4d6; Hand-To-Hand and bring its heavy forelegs and bulk crashing
Attack (-½) 2 down onto the foe. Second, it could use its long,
7 Tail Bash: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand heavy tail to bash.
Attack (-½), Only With Extra Limb (-½) 0 Appearance: Apatosaurus was an enormous — up
15 Thick Skin: Armor (6 PD/4 ED) 0 to 70 feet long, 20 feet high, and weighing about 30
24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” 0 tons — dinosaur with four legs, a long neck, a tiny
12 Big Body And Long Legs: Running +6” head, and a long tail.
(12” total) 1
-2 Can’t Swim: Swimming -2”
3 Dinosaur Senses: +1 PER with all Sense DEINONYCHUS (VELOCIRAPTOR)
Groups 0
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 78
15 CON 10 12-
Total Cost: 261
12 BODY 4 11-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
75+ Disadvantages
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
6 COM -2 10-
15 Physical Limitation: Gigantic (up to 21m
long, and weighing about 30 tons; -8 DCV, +8
8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently, Greatly
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12
12 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
6 REC 0
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
30 END 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
30 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 45
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
(+4 with NCM)
15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common,
Movement: Running: 12”/24”
114 Experience Points
Leaping: 4”/8”
Total Disadvantage Points: 261
Cost Powers END
Ecology: Apatosaurus, also known as Brontosau- 15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
rus (“thunder lizard”), was a gigantic herbivore 12 Hand Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
that spent most of its time eating leaves and plants Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
during the Late Jurassic Period. It wandered across 30 The Terrible Claw: HKA 1d6+1 (2d6 with
what is now the western United States in herds of STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 3
ten to forty animals. 2 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
12 Swift: Running +6” 1
1 Leaper: Leaping +1” (4” forward,
2” upward) 1
154 HERO System Bestiary
6 Dinosaur Senses: +2 PER with all Sense In addition to hunting small game on its own, it
Groups 0 probably worked with others of its kind in packs to
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0 bring down much larger prey. In fact, its anatomy
(including a large brain) suggests a lifestyle so active
Skills that many scientists argue it, and by extension other
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand dinosaurs, was warmblooded.
4 +2 OCV with Terrible Claw Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
3 Stealth 13- Powers/Tactics: Deinonychus is a living killing
3 Tactics 11- machine. Swift and nimble, it comes equipped with
3 Teamwork 13- three weapons for catching and slaughtering its prey.
The first is its mouth, filled with sharp, backward-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 107 curving fangs. The second are its forelimb “hands,”
Total Cost: 152 with three fingers, each tipped with a sharp claw. But
most terrifying of all is the six inch long “terrible
75+ Disadvantages claw” from which its name comes. It has one of these
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence sickle-shaped, razor-sharp claws on the second toe of
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) each foot. When it runs, the toe angles up to keep the
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4m long claw sharp. When the velociraptor reaches its prey,
and 2m tall, and weighing about 68 kg; -2 it stands on one foot (using its long, straight tail for
DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre- balance), and raises the other to slash with its terrible
quently, Slightly Impairing) claw.
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Appearance: Deinonychus stands about six feet tall,
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) and is up to 13 feet long including its tail. It has two
42 Experience Points short, three-fingered “arms,” or forelimbs, and two
larger, stronger hindlimbs. It stands with its head and
Total Disadvantage Points: 152 forelimbs thrust forward, and the weight of its body
Ecology: Deinonychus, better known to modern taken on its hindlimbs, with the tail for balance.
humans as “velociraptor,” was a fast, agile hunter.
Hero Games 155

PLESIOSAURUS ecological niche. By applying the appropriate Size

Val Char Cost Roll Notes template, you can easily create character sheets for
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] its larger relatives, such as Elasmosaurus.
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Appearance: Plesiosaurus is a six foot-long aquatic
20 CON 20 13- dinosaur with a tapered body and tail, and four flip-
13 BODY 6 12- pers instead of legs. It has a long neck with a small
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10- head at the end, and a mouth filled with short,
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 sharp teeth for grasping and eating fish.
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
6 COM -2 10-

8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
8 REC 0
40 END 0
33 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 48
(+5 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 0”/0”

Leaping: 0”/0”
Swimming: 10”/20”
Cost Powers END Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
(2 PD/2 ED) 0 11 CON 2 11-
1 Aquatic: Life Support (Extended 8 BODY -4 11-
Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0 5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
8 Aquatic: Swimming +8” (10” total) 1 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
3 Dinosaur Senses: +1 PER with all Sense 6 COM -2 10-
Groups 0
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
Skills 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
4 +2 with Swimming 4 REC 0
22 END 0
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 22 19 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: -1
Total Cost: 70
Movement: Running: 1”/2”
75+ Disadvantages Leaping: 0”/0”
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Flight: 5”/10”
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Gliding: 10”/20”
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot Cost Powers END
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 3 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR);
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- No STR Bonus (-½) 1
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 8 Wings: Multipower, 12-point reserve,
all Restrainable (-½)
Total Disadvantage Points: 110 1u 1) Flying: Flight 5”, Reduced Endurance
Ecology: Plesiosaurus was a marine hunter who ate (½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 2
fish and smaller aquatic reptiles. Although unable 1u 2) Riding The Thermals: Gliding 10”;
to move on land, it was fast and maneuverable in Restrainable (-½) 0
the water, thanks to its four flippers. -10 Short Legs: Running -5”
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 6 Good Eyes: +3 PER with Sight Group 0

Powers/Tactics: Plesiosaurus uses its long neck to Total Powers & Skills Cost: 9
snatch fish and other prey out of the water with its Total Cost: 8
toothy mouth. If confronted by a larger, dangerous
opponent, it flees. 75+ Disadvantages
Campaign Use: Plesiosaurus is but one member, 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
and one of the smallest, of a large family of dino- (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
saurs with the same general body structure and 5 Physical Limitation: Large (wingspan of up
156 HERO System Bestiary

to 7m; -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) Movement: Running: 12”/24”

(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) Leaping: 0”/0”
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot Swimming: 0”/0”
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Cost Powers END
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 25 Tail Spikes: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
19 Dorsal Plates: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1),
Total Disadvantage Points: 115 Damage Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼),
Ecology: Pteranodon probably lived by flying low Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
over the Late Cretaceous oceans and skimming END; +½); Always On (-½), Activation
fish out of the water, much like a modern pelican. Roll 11- (-1), No STR Bonus (-½) 0
Unlike its relatives, pterosaurs such as Pterodactyl 2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
and the enormous Quetzalcoatlus, it did not have (2 PD/2 ED) 0
teeth in its beak. Pteranodon is a weak flyer, prefer- 3 Armored Skin: Armor (2 PD/2 ED); Does
ring to glide. Not Protect The Head, Vitals, Or Legs
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. (Hit Locations 3-8, 13, 14-17 on the
Quadruped Hit Location Table; -1) 0
Powers/Tactics: If forced to fight, Pteranodon does 16 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -8” 0
so with its beak. 12 Big Body And Long Legs: Running +6”
Appearance: Pteranodon has a small body with (12” total) 1
short legs, and a head dominated by a large, pointed -2 Can’t Swim: Swimming -2”
beak, and a counterbalancing bony crest that may 3 Dinosaur Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
also have acted as a stabilizer when it flew. Stretch- Groups 0
ing beneath its “arms” are two large, leathery wings 6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
it uses to fly and glide.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 84
Total Cost: 193
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 75+ Disadvantages
35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3] 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
30 CON 40 15- 10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (up to 9m
30 BODY 40 15- long and up to two tons; -4 DCV, +4 to
3 INT -7 10- PER Roll 10- PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently, Slightly
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Impairing)
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 7 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
8 COM -1 11- leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
12 PD 5 Total: 14 PD (4 rPD) tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 ED 4 Total: 12 ED (4 rED) 71 Experience Points
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
13 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 193
60 END 0
63 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 109
(+65 with NCM)
Hero Games 157

Ecology: An inhabitant of what is now the western

United States during the Late Jurassic Age, Stego-
saurus was a plant-eater who probably swallowed
stones to help grind up and digest its food. Lumber-
ing and slow-moving at most times, it had a brain
the size of a walnut.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motiva-
Powers/Tactics: If threatened, Stegosaurus
fights back by swinging its tail, which
is tipped with two or four meter-
long spikes. Backed by the creature’s
enormous strength, these spikes
can inflict serious wounds on a predator.
Stegosaurus may also have had a row of bony
plates, some as much as two feet tall, running down
its backbone to prevent predators like Allosaurus
from pouncing on it. However, because paleontolo-
gists have never found these plates attached to the
backbone, they are not certain if they served a
protective function. They may have lain flat against
the skin, to act as armor and/or a heat exchange
mechanism. This character sheet assumes they 30 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -15” 0
stood upright and were defensive in nature. 12 Big Body And Long Legs: Running +6”
(12” total) 1
Appearance: Stegosaurus was a large dinosaur, up -2 Can’t Swim: Swimming -2”
to 30 feet long and weighing as much as two tons. 3 Dinosaur Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
Its body narrows down to a small neck and equally Groups 0
small head in front, and a long, spiked tail in back, 6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
and has four stumpy legs to support it. Running
down its backbone is a row of defensive plates, as Skills
described above. 4 Charge: +2 OCV with Move Through

TRICERATOPS Total Powers & Skills Cost: 115

Total Cost: 275
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4]
75+ Disadvantages
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
38 CON 56 17-
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
35 BODY 50 16-
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (up to 9m
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
long and weighing up to 11 tons; -4 DCV, +4
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently, Slightly
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
8 COM -1 11-
8 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 PD 7 Total: 21 PD (6 rPD)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
12 ED 4 Total: 16 ED (4 rED)
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12
152 Experience Points
16 REC 0
76 END 0
Total Disadvantage Points: 275
74 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 160
(+101 with NCM) Ecology: Triceratops (“three-horned face”) lived
in what is now western North America during the
Movement: Running: 12”/24” Late Cretaceous Period. It roamed the lands in
Leaping: 0”/0” herds of up to fifty, eating vegetation. To establish
Swimming: 0”/0” dominance within the herd, the males probably
sparred with each other using their horns, but
Cost Powers END inflicted no serious damage.
30 Three Horns: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR) 3 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
10 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1
Powers/Tactics: Besides being well-armored against
15 Thick Skin: Armor (6 PD/4 ED) 0
attack, especially around the head and neck, Tric-
7 Head Plate: Armor (+5 PD/+5 ED); Only
eratops comes equipped with fearsome weaponry.
Protects The Head/Neck (Hit Locations
It has three horns — a small one over the nose, and
3-5 on the Quadruped Hit Location Table)
two large ones projecting forward from above its
And Against Move Through Damage (-1) 0
158 HERO System Bestiary

eyes. In some species, the horns extended beyond 5 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
the snout. When threatened, Triceratops could use (5 PD/5 ED) 0
the horns to defend itself, counting on its bony frill 22 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -11” 0
to protect its neck. It may have dispatched preda- 12 Big Body And Long Legs: Running +6”
tors like Tyrannosaurus by charging them and (12” total) 1
thrusting all three horns into them with full force. -2 Can’t Swim: Swimming -2”
It could also bite with its beak-like mouth. 6 Dinosaur Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
Appearance: An enormous, lumbering tank of a Groups 0
dinosaur, Triceratops could grow to as much as 30 6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0
feet long and weigh up to 11 tons. Its heavy head,
with the three horns described above, has a bony Skills
frill projecting backward to protect the neck. 10 +2 Hand-To-Hand

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 109

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
75+ Disadvantages
50 STR 40 19- Lift 25 tons; 10d6 [5]
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
40 CON 60 17-
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (up to 15m long/
35 BODY 50 16-
tall and 8 tons; -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
perceive) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
10 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
8 COM -1 11-
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 PD 5 Total: 15 PD (5 rPD)
180 Experience Points
12 ED 4 Total: 12 ED (5 rED)
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Total Disadvantage Points: 305
18 REC 0
80 END 0
80 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 196
(+123 with NCM)
Tyrannosaur Hit
Location table
Movement: Running: 12”/24”
Leaping: 0”/0” Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
Swmming: 0”/0” 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-7 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
7-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
Cost Powers END 12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
40 Jaws: HKA 2½d6 (5d6+1 with STR) 4 13-15 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
10 Forelimb Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with 16-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV
STR) 1
Hero Games 159

Ecology: A terror of the Late Cretaceous Period, 9” total, its SPD to 3, and its PER Roll bonus to +1.
Tyrannosaurus is the largest land-based carnivore Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
known to have ever existed. Scientists disagree as
to its primary ecological niche or role. Based on the Powers/Tactics: Tyrannosaurus is a fearsome
structure of its leg and hip bones, some argue it was predator. Its enormous jaw contains six inch-long
a slow-moving scavenger, not a hunting predator. fangs. Its tiny forelimbs, though weak, possess sharp
In support, they cite calculations which may show claws. It attacks aggressively, relying on its powerful
that if Tyrannosaurus fell while running, it would natural weaponry to overcome its prey’s defenses.
shatter its own skull. Other scientists, based on Campaign Use: You can also use this character sheet
Tyrannosaurus’s powerful jaw muscles, heightened for Allosaurus, a similar but slightly smaller preda-
senses, and possible binocular vision, argue that a tor of the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous.
predatory role was more likely. They assert Tyran- Appearance: Tyrannosaurus is a huge dinosaur
nosaurus probably lurked in forests, chasing down (nearly 50 feet long/tall, and weighing eight tons)
its main prey (duck-billed dinosaurs) with short with a head over four feet long and jaws full of
bursts of speed or surprise attacks. vicious fangs. It walks on its two large hindlimbs,
The character sheet above assumes the “preda- balancing itself with a thick tail; its two two-fin-
tor” explanation is true, since it’s a lot more enjoy- gered forelimbs are small and weak.
able for gaming purposes. If you prefer the “scaven-
ger” approach, reduce Tyrannosaurus’s Running to
160 HERO System Bestiary

Hard To Hit: +1 DCV
Ecology: Known as “man’s best friend” for their
5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½)
loyalty, companionship, and helpfulness, dogs
2 PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11-
have been domesticated for thousands of years.
7 Stealth 13-
Descended from wild canines such as wolves, foxes,
and jackals, they range from huge, fierce guard
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 45
and hunting dogs to small, yapping lapdogs, with
Total Cost: 13
thousands of breeds in between. Although they can
survive in the wild if necessary, they usually depend
75+ Disadvantages
on their human masters for food.
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
Most dogs fall into one of three category: pet
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
(or “toy”) dogs (such as most poodles or Peking-
5 Physical Limitation: Small (no larger than
ese); working dogs (such as collies, sheepdogs, and
about 1m; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly
police drug-sniffing dogs); and hunting dogs (such
as retrievers). Some dogs are also trained for guard
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
duty, or even combat.
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
though they often learn to perform tricks. Some Total Disadvantage Points: 110
dogs display an uncanny sense of what their mas-
Description: This character sheet represents a typi-
ters want and how to prevent disaster from befall-
cal small or medium dog, such as a poodle, a terrier,
ing them. (In game terms, you may want to give
or a cocker spaniel. Particularly small dogs may
dogs like this the Smart template.)
have less Running than indicated.
Powers/Tactics: Dogs can be aggressive, especially
if trained to attack, but most start a fight by growl-
ing (a Presence Attack) and trying to establish
dominance. If forced to fight, they use their power-
ful jaws.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
-8 STR -18 7- Lift 8 kg; 0d6 [1]
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
7 CON -6 10-
5 BODY -10 10-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
10 COM 0 11- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
-5 STR -15 8- Lift 12.5 kg; 0d6 [1]
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
2 ED 1 Total: 1 ED (0 rED) 10 CON 0 11-
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 7 BODY -6 10-
3 REC 4 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
20 END 3 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
10 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: -32 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
10 COM 0 11-
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Leaping: 1”/2” 3 PD 3 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
2 ED 0 Total: 1 ED (0 rED)
Cost Powers END 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 4 REC 4
1 Leap: Leaping +1” (1” forward, ½” upward) 1 20 END 0
9 Canine Senses: +3 PER with all Sense 15 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: -5
Groups 0
5 Canine Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 Movement: Running: 6”/12”
3 Canine Ears: Ultrasonic Perception Leaping: 1”/2”
(Hearing Group) 0
Cost Powers END
Talents 10 Bite: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR) 1
3 Lightsleep 1 Leap: Leaping +1” (1” forward, ½” upward) 1
9 Canine Senses: +3 PER with all Sense
Groups 0
Hero Games 161

5 Canine Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 Talents

3 Canine Ears: Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing 3 Lightsleep
Group) 0
Talents 5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½)
3 Lightsleep 2 PS: Attack 11-
2 PS: Guard 11-
Skills 2 PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11-
5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½) 2 PS: Stop Attacking 11-
2 PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11- 5 Stealth 13-
2 One other PS, representing an additional
trick Total Powers & Skills Cost: 57
5 Stealth 13- Total Cost: 81

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 45 75+ Disadvantages

Total Cost: 40 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
75+ Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Small (no larger than
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence about 1m; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Small (no larger than 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
about 1m; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Total Disadvantage Points: 110
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Description: This character sheet represents a typi-
cal large dog trained for guard, combat, or similar
Total Disadvantage Points: 110
duties, such as a Doberman or Rottweiler. In some
Description: This character sheet represents a typi- times and places, dogs used in battle were equipped
cal large dog, working dog, or hunting dog, such as with barding-like armor, or had spiked collars that
a collie, German shepherd, or Irish setter. might act as a small Damage Shield.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
12 CON 4 11-
9 BODY -2 11-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
10 COM 0 11-

5 PD 5 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 6
24 END 0
20 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 24

Movement: Running: 7”/14”

Leaping: 1”/2”

Cost Powers END

15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (1d6 with STR) 1
2 Fast: Running +1” (7” total) 1
1 Leap: Leaping +1” (1” forward, ½” upward) 1
1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE; Only To
Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1) 0
9 Canine Senses: +3 PER with all Sense
Groups 0
5 Canine Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
3 Canine Ears: Ultrasonic Perception
(Hearing Group) 0
162 HERO System Bestiary
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 42
Dolphin Total Cost: 75
DOLPHIN 75+ Disadvantages
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1] gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4m long;
15 CON 10 12- -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre-
12 BODY 4 11- quently, Slightly Impairing)
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
10 COM 0 11- Total Disadvantage Points: 105
Ecology: Although they look like fish, dolphins
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (1 rPD)
are actually mammals — small members of the
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (1 rED)
whale family — and thus must regularly return to
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
the surface to breathe air through their blowholes.
6 REC 0
However, they are superbly adapted to aquatic life.
30 END 0
They typically live in coastal waters throughout the
28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 33
temperate and tropical oceans of the world (and
(+17 with NCM)
some rivers as well), but can dive as deep as 100
meters in search of the fish and other marine crea-
Movement: Running: 0”/0”
tures they eat. They use a sonar-like echolocation to
Leaping: 3”/6”
“see” while deep underwater.
Swimming: 22”/44”
Dolphins typically live together in groups
of 15, or sometimes more, and are sociable and
Cost Powers END
friendly (even to humans, whom they sometimes
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
approach). They are highly intelligent, and can
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
communicate with others through a series of com-
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
plex clicks and squeaks. Some species can swim as
5 Tough Nose: +10 PD; Only To Protect
fast as 25 miles per hour.
Against Damage Taken When
Performing Move Bys/Throughs (-1) 0 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
2 Aquatic: Life Support (Extended though they are unusually intelligent.
Breathing: 1 END per Turn, Safe Powers/Tactics: Dolphins typically prefer to avoid
Environment: High Pressure) 0 fights, but if they must fight, they rely on their
20 Fast Swimmer: Swimming +20” (22” total) 2 small, sharp teeth. They’re also good at perform-
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” ing Move Bys or Move Throughs to ram their
15 Echolocation: Active Sonar hard noses into the sensitive sides of creatures like
6 Dolphin’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense sharks.
Groups 0
Appearance: The bottlenose
dolphin, to choose a typical
example of the creature, is a
mammal with a fish-like body,
distinctive dorsal and side fins
and flukes (horizontal tailfins),
and a blowhole on the top of
its head. The curved line
of its mouth makes it
look like it’s always
Hero Games 163

Eel Cost Electric Eel
EEL 50 Electric Shock: EB 6d6, NND (defense is
rED; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
Val Char Cost Roll Notes +½); No Range (-½) 0
-15 STR -25 6- Lift 3.2 kg; 0d6 [1] 2 +2 ED 0
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Total cost: +52 points
4 CON -12 10-
4 BODY -12 10- Cost Moray Eel
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- +5 Replace Bite with Moray’s Bite: HKA
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 ½d6 (½d6 with STR) 1
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 Total cost: +5 points
4 COM -3 10-
Ecology: Eels live in many places throughout the
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) world, and include many species, such as the moray
2 ED 1 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) eel. The moray lives mostly in tropical and warm
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 temperate waters, and is brightly colored. It lurks in
2 REC 2 underwater crevices, darting out to catch fish and
8 END 0 other prey. It can deliver a nasty bite if provoked
8 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: -39 (such as when a diver accidentally puts a hand into
its crevice), and is sometimes aggressive.
Movement: Running: 0”/0” Perhaps the best known eel, the electric eel,
Leaping: 0”/0” isn’t really an eel at all, but a South American river
Swimming: 4”/8” fish. The electric eel can emit electric shocks of
up to 550 volts; a large one’s zap can stun an adult
Cost Powers END human. They also use tiny electric shocks to light
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 the waters around them and help them see where
2 Eel’s Body: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1 they’re going.
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
6 Eel’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0
Powers/Tactics: The moray and similar eels fight
by biting, and flee if possible. The electric eel uses
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 1
its electric shocks for defense, usually using a small
Total Cost: -38
one (1-3d6) as a warning before unleashing its full
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Campaign Use: You should consider eels with nega-
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) tive Total Costs to have a Total Cost of 5 Character
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size (up to 3m Points for purposes of buying them as Followers,
long, but elongated and slender) Summoning them, and so forth.
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Appearance: Eels are long, slender creatures that
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) seem to blend the features of fish and
snake. They come in
Total Disadvantage Points: 105 a variety of
164 HERO System Bestiary

Elephant Ecology: Sociable and intelligent, elephants live in

groups of eight to twelve females plus young, with
the males living by themselves or in male-only
ELEPHANT herds. They migrate across their grassland and
Val Char Cost Roll Notes forest homes in search of the vast amounts of prov-
45 STR 35 18- Lift 12.5 tons; 9d6 [4] ender they eat — an adult elephant can consume up
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 to 650 pounds of vegetation and drink 25 gallons
30 CON 40 15- of water per day. Elephants can live for 70 years or
30 BODY 40 15- more.
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Perhaps the most interesting feature of the
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 elephant is its trunk, a long, flexible extension of
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 its nose and upper lip. The trunk is flexible enough
8 COM -1 11- to pick up branches and other objects, even ones
as small as a coin, and can suck up and spray large
12 PD 3 Total: 12 PD (2 rPD) amounts of water.
9 ED 3 Total: 9 ED (2 rED) Elephants can communicate with each other
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 using infrasonic sounds, below the range of the
15 REC 0 human ear. Other elephants as far as a mile and
60 END 0 a half away can hear, understand, and respond to
68 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 139 another elephant’s “speech.”
(+78 with NCM) There are two types of elephants, the African
and the Asian. The African is larger, and has larger
Movement: Running: 12”/24” ears. The Asian elephant lives mainly in India and
Leaping: 0”/0” Southeast Asia. Both subspecies are endangered.
Asian elephants have been domesticated and used
Cost Powers END for various tasks for 4,000 years.
12 Tusks: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
2 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance Powers/Tactics: When driven to fight, elephants use
(2 PD/2 ED) 0 their tusks, which can reach a length of 10 feet or
16 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -8” 0 more in the African elephant. They may also charge,
12 Long Legs: Running +6” 1 attempting to trample the target (a Move Through).
3 Elephant’s Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Elephants become most aggressive and likely to
Groups except Sight Group 0 attack instead of flee during rut, or during musth, a
2 Elephant’s Nose: +1 PER with Smell/ period in which the male elephant secretes a sub-
Taste Group 0 stance of the same name from a gland between its
6 Trunk: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0 eyes and ears.
Despite their great size, elephants can move
Skills quietly when they want, and their broad feet often
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand leave few tracks.
Campaign Use: Some cultures train elephants for
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 58 use in war. With their tusks gilded, and warriors
Total Cost: 197 mounted on their backs, elephants can strike terror
into the heart of the bravest warrior.
75+ Disadvantages
15 Hunted: poachers 8- (Mo Pow, Capture/Kill) Appearance: Elephants are enormous animals —
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence up to eight meters long, four meters tall, and 13,000
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) pounds — with grey skin. Their trunks, tusks, and
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (up to 8m large ears are distinctive. They have four pillar-like
long, 4m tall at the shoulder, and 6,000 kg legs directly beneath their body, and a small tail.
weight; -4 DCV, +4 to PER Rolls to perceive)
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls except in dim light
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
9 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
48 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 197

Hero Games 165

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
20 CON 20 13-
14 BODY 8 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
8 COM -1 11-

5 PD 0 Total: 5 PD (1 rPD)
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
9 REC 0
40 END 0
37 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 55
(+5 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 5”/10”

Leaping: 5”/10”
Swimming: 0”/0”

Cost Powers END

7 Arm Swing: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand
Attack (-½) 1
8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
(must roar; -¼) 0
1 Thick Skin: Damage Resistance
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
3 Ape Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups 0
-2 Slow: Running -1” (5” total) Powers/Tactics: Typically calm and peaceful,
-2 Poor Swimmer: Swimming -2” gorillas can become aggressive if threatened or
approached too closely. Their strength makes them
Skills powerful fighters, but they prefer to begin a battle
4 +2 OCV with Arm Swing by standing and roaring (i.e., by making a Presence
Attack). If they must fight, they swing their arms to
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 23 strike powerful punches, or Grab and then bite.
Total Cost: 78 Campaign Use: Gorillas appear in adventure litera-
ture in a variety of guises, including giant and flesh-
75+ Disadvantages eating varieties (see pages 40, 194). Intelligent, talk-
15 Hunted: poachers 8- (Mo Pow, Capture/Kill) ing gorillas exist in a number of settings. The gorilla
0 Physical Limitation: Human size (up to character sheet could serve as a template for brutal
about 2m tall and 300 kg) proto-humanoids on strange alien worlds. Apply
10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli- the Winter template and you’ve got a yeti.
gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) Appearance: The largest of the apes of Earth,
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation the gorilla stands as tall as a human, but is much
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) broader-chested and muscular. Short fur, usually
black but sometimes shading to silver-grey in some
Total Disadvantage Points: 110 places on older males (“silverbacks”), covers most
Ecology: Gorillas inhabit the dense, secluded tropi- of their body; visible skin is a shiny black. Gorillas
cal forests of western and central Africa. They live usually move in a semi-upright posture, using their
in multiple-family troops led by a single, dominant long arms to support themselves via knuckle-walk-
male. Each troop has a territory of about 10-40 ing, but can stand upright on two legs to reach
square kilometers, which they wander over during objects, carry things for short distances, or assume
the day. They eat fruits and vegetation (obtaining an aggressive posture. Males are noticeably larger
most of their water from their food), and do not than females.
pose a threat to humans.
166 HERO System Bestiary

Hippopotamus 75+ Disadvantages

15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to about 5m
Val Char Cost Roll Notes long and 2,400 kg; -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls
35 STR 25 16- Lift 1,600 kg; 7d6 [3] to perceive) (Infrequently, Slightly Impair-
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 ing)
24 CON 28 14- 7 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
25 BODY 30 14- leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 41 Experience Points
6 COM -2 10-
Total Disadvantage Points: 158
10 PD 3 Total: 10 PD (4 rPD)
Ecology: Hippos are vegetarians. They spend most
6 ED 1 Total: 6 ED (4 rED)
of their time in the water to keep cool, but at night
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
venture as far as three miles from the water in
12 REC 0
search of the 90 pounds of vegetation each of them
48 END 0
eats every day. They congregate in herds of ten to
55 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 103
twenty, and if danger threatens, the herd gathers
(+35 with NCM)
together in the water for mutual defense.
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Leaping: 0”/0” Powers/Tactics: Despite their size, hippos are sur-
Swimming: 4”/8” prisingly fast, especially in the water (where they
prefer to fight, and will retreat to if confronted
Cost Powers END on land). Their tusks are large — up to 20 inches
30 Tusks: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR) 3 long — and powered by their massive jaws can
4 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance easily smash through the side of a boat or kill an
(4 PD/4 ED) 0 adult human in one bite. Well-adapted to a mostly
12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” 0 aquatic life, a hippo can hold its breath underwater
1 Used To The Water: Life Support for as much as 15 minutes.
(Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0
2 Good Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1 Appearance: Hippos are large animals — up to
3 Hippo Senses: +1 PER with all Sense about 15 feet long and weighing over 5,000 pounds
Groups 0 — with grey, blubbery skin, short, squat legs, and
long heads with enormous, tusk-filled mouths. The
Talents eyes and nostrils are set high on the head so that
3 Environmental Movement: Aquatic the hippo can keep most of its body submerged
Movement (no penalties in water) while remaining on the lookout for danger.

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 55

Total Cost: 158
Hero Games 167

HORSES markings. A star is a spot of white between the eyes

on a dark coat; a blaze is a larger patch of white
covering the forehead and muzzle. Socks are small
Ecology: Horses inhabit grassy plains, plateaus, patches of white at the bottom of the legs; stockings
moors, and wastelands in temperate and subtropi- are larger patches in the same place.
cal regions. They live together in herds of dozens of Horses are measured in hands from the
animals. The dominant male and his females stay in bottom of the forelegs to the top of the withers;
the center of the herd, with the lesser males on the each hand is four inches long (fractions like .1 or .2
outside. Herbivores, horses often travel great dis- hands represent a number of additional inches).
tances to new grazing grounds.
Horses were domesticated by about 2000
B.C., and have served mankind in dozens of roles PONY
ever since: riding animal, workhorse, racehorse, Val Char Cost Roll Notes
warhorse, and more. Ranchers often castrate male 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
horses to gentle them up or make them easier to 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
train. A castrated male horse of any age is a gelding. 18 CON 16 13-
An uncastrated male horse up to age 4 is a colt; at 13 BODY 6 12-
age 4 and up, he’s called a stallion. Female horses 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
up to age 4 are fillies; at age 4 and over, they’re 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
mares. In the Wild West, cowboys rarely rode 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
either fillies or mares; a mare used as a saddle horse 10 COM 0 11-
is sometimes called a dilsey.
Personality/Motivations: Normal animal motiva- 5 PD 1 Total: 5 PD (1 rPD)
tions, plus any imposed by training and affection 4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED)
for an owner or trainer. 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
8 REC 0
Powers/Tactics: Horses typically prefer to flee
36 END 0
rather than fight, trusting to their speed to keep
32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 41
them safe. (Exception: zebras stand and fight pred-
(+6 with NCM)
ators rather than running away.) If they must fight,
or if trained for battle, they bite with their teeth,
Movement: Running: 13”/26”
kick with their legs, and rear up to crash their front
Leaping: 4”/8”
hooves down on an opponent.
Campaign Use: You can use the pony character Cost Powers END
sheet for wild African asses, donkeys, and mules, 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
though you may want to reduce their inches of 10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
Running to no more than 10”. You can use the Attack (-½) 1
riding horse write-up for zebras. Of course, for wild 1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
creatures, you should remove the Domesticated Psy- (1 PD/1 ED) 0
chological Limitation. 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
You can also use the various horse character 14 Horse’s Legs: Running +7” (13” total) 0
sheets as templates for similar riding animals. 6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
Appearance: Horses are large ungulate mammals with all Sense Groups but Sight Group 0
with a single toe (a hoof) on each foot. They have
long, tapering heads; long, broad necks, backs well- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 42
suited for a person to sit on, and tails. Total Cost: 83
Horses come in many colors: Appaloosa/
spotted (a spotted breed with a distinctive dark 75+ Disadvantages
color-on-white spotted pattern to its coat); bay 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(reddish with black mane, tails, and points); black; (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
brown; chestnut (also called sorrel; it signifies 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
shades of gold, from pale gold to rich, red gold); +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
dapple grey (dark grey with light grey hairs forming Slightly Impairing)
“stars” on the coat); dun (yellow, blue, or a “mouse” 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
shade of grey, depending on who you ask); fleabit- tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
ten (grey coat with specks of brown); grey; grullo 15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common,
(a “smoky-colored horse,” with a dark body with Strong)
bluish tendencies and a black mane and tail); pie- 20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated
bald (white and black patches); pinto (patchwork); (Very Common, Strong)
roan (either strawberry-roan [chestnut with white
hairs interspersed] or blue roan [a black or brown Total Disadvantage Points: 145
body with a percentage of white hair]); skewbald Description: A pony is any horse no taller than 14.2
(white and patches of a color other than black); and hands. Most are a little stockier than their larger
white. brethren. In the wild, they prefer harsher, bleaker
Riders have many terms for typical horse territories, such as moors, since they can survive
168 HERO System Bestiary
without as much food as a horse. Noted for their 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
surefootedness on rough terrain, they make good tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
mounts for smaller characters (children, halflings, 15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common,
dwarves), and good pack animals. Strong)
20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated
(Very Common, Strong)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Disadvantage Points: 145
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] Description: The riding horse represents a typical
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 domestic horse ridden for work or pleasure. Some
20 CON 20 13- breeds are a little stronger, some a little faster, some
15 BODY 10 12- more intelligent or hardier. Most riding horses are
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 14-16 hands tall; a few are as tall as 17 hands.
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
6 PD 1 Total: 6 PD (1 rPD) 28 STR 18 15- Lift 1,200 kg; 5½d6 [3]
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED) 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12 22 CON 24 13-
9 REC 0 18 BODY 16 13-
40 END 0 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
38 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 57 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
(+11 with NCM) 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
10 COM 0 11-
Movement: Running: 13”/26”
Leaping: 5”/10” 8 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED)
Cost Powers END 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1 10 REC 0
10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand 44 END 0
Attack (-½) 1 43 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 69
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance (+12 with NCM)
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0 Movement: Running: 10”/20”
14 Horse’s Legs: Running +7” (13” total) 1 Leaping: 6”/12”
6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
with all Sense Groups but Sight Group 0 Cost Powers END
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 42 10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
Total Cost: 99 Attack (-½) 1
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
75+ Disadvantages (1 PD/1 ED) 0
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 10 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -5” 0
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 8 Horse’s Legs: Running +4” (10” total) 1
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV, 6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, with all Sense Groups but Sight Group 0
Slightly Impairing)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 40
Total Cost: 109

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Timid (Common,
20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated
(Very Common, Strong)
Hero Games 169

Total Disadvantage Points: 145 Skills

3 +1 with Bite, Kick/Rear

Description: The draft horse character sheet is for 2 PS: Attack 11-
Clydesdales, Percherons, and other large horses 2 PS: Stop Attacking 11-
suited more for heavy lifting and pulling than for 1 Riding 13-; Complementary To Rider’s Skill
riding. However, larger characters and humanoid Only (-1)
creatures, such as trolls, may prefer them as steeds.
The average height for a draft horse is 15.2-18.0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 49
hh (the largest horse ever recorded Total Cost: 118
was a 21 hh Percheron).
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated
(Very Common, Strong)

Total Disadvantage Points: 130

You may add this option to any of the warhorses,
though in Heroic campaigns, PCs typically do not
pay Character Points for equipment like this.

Cost Warhorse Options

LIGHT WARHORSE 3 Leather Barding: Armor (2 PD/2 ED);
Val Char Cost Roll Notes OIF (-½), Activation Roll 14- (-½) 0
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] 9 Chainmail Barding: Armor (6 PD/6 ED);
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 OIF (-½), Activation Roll 14- (-½) 0
20 CON 20 13- 12 Plate Barding: Armor (8 PD/8 ED);
16 BODY 12 12- OIF (-½), Activation Roll 14- (-½) 0
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Description: This character sheet represents the
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 smallest and swiftest warhorse, the type favored by
16 PRE 6 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 light cavalry, some tribes of nomadic horsemen,
10 COM 0 11- and the like. Like all warhorses, it is
trained for battle, not only to
7 PD 2 Total: 7 PD (1 rPD) fight but to help its rider
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED) keep his seat, and it
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 remains calm even
9 REC 0 amid the noise and
40 END 0 terror of battle.
39 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 69
(+9 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 12”/24”

Leaping: 5”/10”

Cost Powers END

5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
Attack (-½) 1
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE; Only To
Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1)
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
12 Horse’s Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 1
6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
with all Sense Groups but Sight Group 0
170 HERO System Bestiary
MEDIUM WARHORSE Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 8 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -4” 0
28 STR 18 15- Lift 1,200 kg; 5½d6 [3] 10 Horse’s Legs: Running +5” (11” total) 1
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
21 CON 22 13- with all Sense Groups but Sight Group 0
17 BODY 14 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Skills
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 3 +1 with Bite, Kick/Rear
17 PRE 7 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
10 COM 0 11- 3 PS: Attack 12-
2 PS: Stop Attacking 11-
8 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD) 1 Riding 12-; Complementary To Rider’s
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED) Skill Only (-1)
3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12
10 REC 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 50
42 END 0 Total Cost: 125
42 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 75
(+12 with NCM) 75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
Movement: Running: 11”/22” (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Leaping: 6”/12” 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Cost Powers END Slightly Impairing)
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited
10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand Manipulation (Frequently, Greatly
Attack (-½) 1 Impairing)
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance 20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 (Very Common, Strong)
1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE; Only To
Total Disadvantage Points: 130
Description: This warhorse represents a middle
ground between the light and heavy versions — it’s
stronger and tougher than the light warhorse, but
not as swift; it’s faster than the heavy warhorse, but
not as sturdy. Many warriors prefer it because they
feel it mixes the best features of the two.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
22 CON 24 13-
18 BODY 16 13-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
10 COM 0 11-

8 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (1 rED)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
10 REC 0
44 END 0
44 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 82
(+14 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 10”/20”

Leaping: 6”/12”
Hero Games 171

Cost Powers
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR)
10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand

he following two character sheets repre-
Attack (-½) 1 sent a wide variety of diminutive mam-
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance mals (foxes, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, and
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 the like) and tiny mammals (mice, squir-
1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE; Only To rels, rats, most other small rodents, and so forth).
Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1) Also included are some options for customizing the
10 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -5” 0 write-ups to represent specific species.
8 Horse’s Legs: Running +4” (10” total) 1
Ecology: Varied. Most of these creatures live in
6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER
temperate regions, but some species can be found
with all Sense Groups but Sight Group 0
anywhere from the tropics to arctic lands.
Skills Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
3 +1 with Bite, Kick/Rear Powers/Tactics: Small predators stalk and kill
insects and animals tinier than themselves, using
4 PS: Attack 13- their small claws and teeth. Small herbivores rely on
2 PS: Stop Attacking 11- stealth and speed to escape this fate.
1 Riding 12-; Complementary To Rider’s Skill
Only (-1) Campaign Use: Many of these animals have value as
food, or for their pelts. Characters may find them-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 51 selves hunting them... or preventing poachers from
Total Cost: 133 wiping out endangered species.

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Val Char Cost Roll Notes
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV, -5 STR -15 8- Lift 12.5 kg; 0d6 [1]
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
Slightly Impairing) 12 CON 4 11-
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 5 BODY -10 10-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
(Very Common, Strong) 3 PRE -7 10- PRE Attack: ½d6
3 Experience Points 8 COM -1 11-

Total Disadvantage Points: 133 3 PD 3 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
Description: The heavy warhorse is the largest,
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
strongest equine trained for fighting. Able to carry
3 REC 2
a heavily armored knight and all his weapons and
24 END 0
equipment without faltering, it’s used by heavy cav-
15 STUN 4 Total Characteristics Cost: -20
alry units, humanoid species larger than humans,
and the like.
Movement: Running: 2”/4”
Leaping: 1”/2”
Swimming: 1”/2”

Cost Powers END

8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
5 Claws: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
1 Leaping: Leaping +1” (1” forward, ½”
upward) 1
-8 Short Legs: Running -4”
-1 Short Legs: Swimming -1”
6 Animal Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
Groups 0
5 Animal Eyes: Nightvision 0

20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV

3 Climbing 12-
9 Concealment 16-; Self Only (-½)
11 Stealth 16-
172 HERO System Bestiary
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 59 Total cost: +25 points
Total Cost: 39
Cost Rabbit/Hare
75+ Disadvantages -5 No Claws
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence -3 No Climbing
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 10 Swift: Running +5” (7” total) 1
10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (typically 3 Rabbit’s Legs: Leaping +3” (4” forward, 2”
no larger than about .5m; +6” KB) (Fre- upward) 1
quently, Slightly Impairing) 4 Rabbit’s Ears: +2 PER with Hearing Group 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Total cost: +9 points
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Cost Raccoon
Total Disadvantage Points: 115 (+5) Change to Physical Limitation: Limited
6 +2 DEX
Total cost: +6 points

Cost Skunk
-3 No Climbing
82 Spray: Change Environment 1” radius, -5
to target’s Smell/Taste Group PER Rolls, 6
Charges lasting 1 Week each (removed by
washing in tomato juice; +1), Usable As
Attack (+1), Ranged (+½); Limited Range
(2”; -¼), Linked (-½) plus Smell/Taste Group
Images, +5 to PER Rolls, 1” radius, 6 Charges
lasting 1 Week each (removed by washing in
tomato juice; +1½), Usable As Attack (+1),
Ranged (+½); Limited Range (2”; -¼), Set
Effect (make victim stink; -1) plus Energy
OPTIONS Blast 2d6, NND (defense is Life Support
Cost Aquatic Mammals (Beaver, Otter, and so [Self-Contained Breathing]; +1); 6 Charges
forth) (-¾), Limited Range (2”; -¼), Linked (-½) [6]
-3 No Climbing Total cost: +79 points.
1 Aquatic Adaptation: Life Support
(Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0
2 Aquatic Paws/Tail: Swimming +2” (3” total) 1
Total cost: +0 points

Cost Fox
-5 No Claws
-3 No Climbing
+4 Bite: HKA 1d6 (1d6 with STR); Reduced
Penetration (-¼) 1
4 Swift: Running +2” (4” total) 1
2 Fox’s Ears: +1 PER with Hearing Group 0
Total cost: +2 points TINY MAMMAL
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Cost Monkey
-20 STR -30 5- Lift 1.6 kg; 0d6 HTH
6 +2 DEX
damage [1]
6 +1 SPD
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); Limited
8 CON -4 11-
Manipulation (-¼) 0
3 BODY -14 10-
4 +2 Climbing (14-)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
Total cost: +21 points
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
1 PRE -9 9- PRE Attack: 0d6
Cost Porcupine
8 COM -1 11-
25 Quills: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1),
Damage Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼),
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
END; +½); Always On (-½), Activation
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
Roll 15- (-¼), No STR Bonus (-½)
2 REC 0
(-15) Add Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight,
16 END 0
suffers -2 to all Sight PER Rolls
10 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: -50
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Hero Games 173

Movement: Running: 1”/2”

Leaping: 1”/2”
Swimming: 1”/2” RHINOCEROS
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Cost Powers END 35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 [3]
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
1 Leaping: Leaping +1” (1” forward, ½” 28 CON 36 15-
upward) 1 28 BODY 36 15-
-10 Short Legs: Running -5” 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
-1 Short Legs: Swimming -1” 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
6 Animal Senses: +2 PER with all Sense 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Groups 0 8 COM -1 11-
5 Animal Eyes: Nightvision 0
15 PD 8 Total: 21 PD (6 rPD)
Skills 10 ED 4 Total: 14 ED (4 rED)
30 Hard To Hit: +6 DCV 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
13 REC 0
3 Climbing 12- 56 END 0
10 Concealment 17-; Self Only (-½) 60 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 124
15 Stealth 18- (+60 with NCM)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 64 Movement: Running: 12”/24”

Total Cost: 14 Leaping: 0”/0”

75+ Disadvantages Cost Powers END

15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 25 Horn: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 15 Thick Skin: Armor (6 PD/4 ED) 0
10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (.25m; +9” KB) 16 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -8” 0
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 5 Braced For Impact: +10 PD; Only To
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Protect Against Damage Taken When
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Performing Move Throughs (-1) 0
12 Long Legs: Running +6” 1
Total Disadvantage Points: 115 12 Burst Of Speed: Running +15” (27” total);
Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1½) 12
Cost Squirrel Skills
3 Breakfall 12- 8 +4 OCV with Move Through
+4 +2 Climbing (14-)
1 Leaping +1” (2” forward, 1” upward) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 93
Total cost: +8 points Total Cost: 217

75+ Disadvantages
15 Hunted: poachers 8- (Mo Pow, Capture/Kill)
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to about 5m
long and 3.5 tons; -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to
perceive) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
7 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Susceptibility: to sharp, powerful blows to
the horn, 3d6 damage instantly (Uncommon)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from sharp, power-
ful blows to the horn (Uncommon)
45 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 217

174 HERO System Bestiary
Ecology: Rhinos are vegetarians who graze on the LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
grasslands and in the forests of Africa and Asia. (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do
Major species include the white, or square-lipped, BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time
rhino and the black, or hook-lipped, rhino (both begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2),
native to Africa and displaying two horns) and the Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5
Indian rhino (native to India and with only one Minutes; -¾) plus RKA 2d6, NND (defense
horn). is appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does
All species of rhinos are endangered due to BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No
poaching and habitat loss. Rhino horns have great Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do
value on the black market, prompting hunters to BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins
kill rhinos, saw off the horns, and leave the bodies 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
to rot. Effect (10 Minutes; 1d6/5 minutes; -¾),
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. Linked (-½) [4]
15 Pincers: Multipower, 15-point reserve
Powers/Tactics: Some species of rhino are aggres- 1u 1) Rending: HKA 1 point (1 point with
sive, and some prefer to flee. But when angered or STR)
surprised, or when another creature blocks their 1u 2) Grasping: +10 STR, Reduced
way to something they want (such as a watering Endurance (0 END; +½); Only To Grab (-1) 0
hole), most rhinos charge, smashing into the target 4 Scorpion Body: Life Support (Diminished
with their horn(s) (which are actually very tightly Eating: once per year, Safe Environment:
compressed hollow hair-like filaments, not horn). High Radiation) 0
Rhino impacts have been known to derail trains! -10 Shorter Legs: Running -5”
Ironically, a sharp, powerful blow directly to the 8 Scorpion Senses: +4 Touch Group PER
horn — such as being hit in the horn with a bullet Rolls 0
— often stuns or knocks out a rhino, since the force 38 Sense Vibrations: Detect Physical
of the impact transmits directly into its brain. Vibrations 13- (Touch Group),
Appearance: Rhinos are large creatures, reaching as Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Targeting 0
much as 16 feet in length and a weight of over three 6 Eight Legs And A Stinger: Extra Limbs,
tons. Other than the elephant, rhinos are the larg- Inherent (+¼) 0
est land animals alive today. They have thick, warty
skin that often has the appearance of armor due to Skills
its folds and which does, in fact, protect them. Their 25 Hard To Hit: +5 DCV
heads are long and sort of rectangular, with one or
two horns projecting upward from the nose. Afri- 13 Concealment 18-; Self Only (-½)
can rhinos have two long horns; Asian rhinos one 19 Stealth 19-
short one.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 158
Total Cost: 64
75+ Disadvantages
SCORPION 20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence
Val Char Cost Roll Notes (All The Time, Greatly Impairing)
-30 STR -40 3- Lift .4 kg; 0d6 [1] 15 Physical Limitation: Minuscule (about 5-19
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 cm; +12” KB) (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
2 CON -16 9- 15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
2 BODY -16 9- -2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10- Impairing)
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
2 PRE -8 9- PRE Attack: 0d6 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
2 COM -4 9-
Total Disadvantage Points: 140
1 PD 1 Total: 1 PD (0 rPD)
1 ED 1 Total: 1 ED (0 rED)
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
1 REC 2
4 END 0
4 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: -94

Movement: Running: 1”/2”

Cost Powers END

5 Sting: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR)
33 Sting Venom: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate
Hero Games 175

Ecology: The scorpion is an arthropod; there are — a simple, but quite effective, tactic.
more than 1,200 species of them, living in all Just brushing up against a shark can be dan-
regions of the world except for arctic ones. It is a gerous. Sharkskin has dermal denticles, small
predator, and eats insects, small lizards and mice, plate-like scales that are rough to the touch, giving
and like prey. it a sandpaper-like feel. Bumping into a shark can
Scorpions have lived on Earth for about 200 scrape the skin off a person or fish.
million years. Some species can survive for 500
days without food, and some never drink water in
their lives (they get the moisture they need from
their food). They are also resistant to high radiation.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Powers/Tactics: A scorpion hunts by sensing vibra-
tions. It catches prey by Grabbing it with its pincers
and then stinging it. Most scorpion stings are pain-
ful to humans, but cause no other ill effects; only
a few, such as the Sahara scorpion, possess venom
powerful enough to kill a person. (The character
sheet is for just such a scorpion; you can change
this by reducing the poison to Mild.)
Appearance: Scorpions have eight legs, with the GREAT WHITE SHARK
front two terminating in large pincers. Its multi- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
jointed tail curves up over its back and ends in a 30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
sharp sting. 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
25 CON 30 14-
23 BODY 26 14-
SHARKS 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Ecology: Sharks are cartilaginous fishes, meaning 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than 6 COM -2 10-
bone. They have existed on Earth for 500 million
years, and today there are over 400 different species. 10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD)
Most are small and harmless to humans, but a few, 8 ED 3 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
such as the great white shark, attack and kill people 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
under certain circumstances. 11 REC 0
Sharks live at most levels of the ocean, as far 50 END 0
down as 13,000 feet, and in all the oceans of the 51 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 104
world (and even some rivers). They eat fish, marine (+46 with NCM)
mammals, and just about anything else they can get
their jaws around. Movement: Running: 0”/0”
Many species of sharks require a flow of water Leaping: 6”/12”
over their gills to breathe properly. If this flow Swimming: 18”/36”
stops, they drown. Thus, they move constantly, even
when they sleep. Cost Powers END
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 25 Jaws: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
Sharks are particularly voracious and spend much 8 Dermal Denticles: HKA 1 point,
of their time hunting and eating. Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½),
Inherent (+¼), Persistent (+½), Reduced
Powers/Tactics: Sharks, particularly large ones, have
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always On
evolved many abilities to help them track down and
(-½), Activation Roll 14- (-½), No STR
kill prey. Their senses are acute, particularly smell;
Bonus (-½) 0
they can smell blood in the water from a third of
3 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
a mile away. They have two senses that other ani-
(3 PD/3 ED) 0
mals lack. The first is their electrosense, with which
12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” 0
they can detect the bioelectric fields prey gives off.
16 Shark’s Body: Swimming +16” (18” total) 2
Though this sense only works at very short range, it
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” (0” total)
allows a shark to, for example, detect a fish hiding
6 Shark’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
in the sand. Second, their lateral line senses are a
Groups 0
series of sensory organs running down their bodies
5 Shark’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception
that allow them to sense vibrations in the water.
(240 Degrees) for Sight Group 0
Sharks attack using their powerful jaws. Some,
6 Shark’s Nose: +3 PER with Smell/Taste
such as the great white, have teeth up to two inches
Group 0
long. Sharks’ teeth break off and are replaced
15 Shark’s Nose: Targeting and Tracking for
throughout their lives. Most sharks swim up to or
Normal Smell 0
by the intended prey and take a big bite out of it
17 Electrosense: Detect Bioelectrical Fields
176 HERO System Bestiary
11-, Sense, Targeting 0 Movement: Running: 0”/0”
35 Lateral Line Sense: Detect Physical Vibra- Leaping: 6”/12”
tions 11- (Touch Group), Discriminatory, Swimming: 25”/50”
Analyze, Range, Targeting 0
Cost Powers END
Skills 20 Jaws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR) 2
6 +3 OCV with Jaws 8 Dermal Denticles: HKA 1 point,
Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½),
3 Stealth 12- Inherent (+¼), Persistent (+½), Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always On (-½),
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 145 Activation Roll 14- (-½), No STR Bonus (-½)
Total Cost: 249 0
3 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
75+ Disadvantages (3 PD/3 ED) 0
35 Enraged: berserk when smells blood 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
(Common), go 11-, recover 8- 23 Shark’s Body: Swimming +23” (25” total) 2
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 12 Burst Of Speed: Swimming +24” (49” total);
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) 6
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (up to 8m -12 Only Swims: Running -6” (0” total)
long; -4 DCV, +4 to PER Rolls to perceive) 6 Shark’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) Groups 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 5 Shark’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) (240 Degrees) for Sight Group 0
15 Psychological Limitation: Voracious Appetite 6 Shark’s Nose: +3 PER with Smell/Taste
(Common, Strong) Group 0
20 Reputation: Man-eater, 14- (Extreme) 15 Shark’s Nose: Targeting and Tracking for
10 Susceptibility: to not moving in water, takes Normal Smell 0
1d6 per Turn (Uncommon) 17 Electrosense: Detect Bioelectrical Fields
54 Experience Points 11-, Sense, Targeting 0
35 Lateral Line Sense: Detect Physical Vibra-
Total Disadvantage Points: 249 tions 11- (Touch Group), Discriminatory,
Description: A large grey-white shark, the great Analyze, Range, Targeting 0
white is one of the most fearsome shark species. It
is aggressive and strong, and has been known to Skills
ram small boats to sink them (or knock people out 4 +2 OCV with Jaws
of them) so it can eat them. It’s the shark of choice
for supervillains, pulp-era masterminds, and other 3 Stealth 12-
bad guys to use in deathtraps.
For game purposes, you can use this character Total Powers & Skills Cost: 151
sheet for most other sharks, such as the hammer- Total Cost: 225
head, tiger, and thresher sharks. You may want to
decrease some of its Characteristics or its bite. 75+ Disadvantages
35 Enraged: berserk when smells blood
(Common), go 11-, recover 8-
MAKO SHARK 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
Val Char Cost Roll Notes (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] 5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4m long;
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre-
22 CON 24 13- quently, Slightly Impairing)
18 BODY 16 13- 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 15 Psychological Limitation: Voracious Appetite
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 (Common, Strong)
6 COM -2 10- 20 Reputation: Man-eater, 14- (Extreme)
10 Susceptibility: to not moving in water, takes
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD) 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon)
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (3 rED) 35 Experience Points
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
8 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 225
44 END 0 Description: The mako is a dark blue shark with a
39 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 74 grey-white belly. It lives in warm seas worldwide.
(+24 with NCM) It’s known for its speed (it can reach velocities of
55 miles per hour, making it the fastest shark) and
ferocity. Both qualities make it a popular quarry for
deep-sea sports fishermen.
Hero Games 177

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 [1]
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
15 CON 10 12-
13 BODY 6 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
8 COM -1 11-

4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (1 rPD)
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (1 rED)
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
6 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 150
30 END 0
28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 10 OPTIONS
Cost Anaconda
Movement: Running: 3”/6” 5 +5 STR 1
Leaping: 0”/0” 1 Better Swimmer: Swimming +1” (5” total) 1
Swimming: 4”/8” 1 Aquatic Adaptation: Life Support (Extended
Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0
Cost Powers END Total cost: +7 points
7 Bite: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR); No
STR Bonus (-½) 0 Cost Boa Constrictor
7 Coils: +15 STR; Only With Grab And 2 +2 STR 1
Squeeze (-1) 1 2 +1 with Climbing
1 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED) 0 Total cost: +4 points
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
2 Not Much Appetite: Life Support Cost Reticulated Python
(Diminished Eating: only needs to eat 5 +5 STR 1
once every few months) 0 5 Heat-Sensitive Pits: Infrared Perception
2 Good Swimmer: Swimming +2” (4” total) 0 (Touch Group) 0
-6 Slow: Running -3” (3” total) Total cost: +10 points
6 Serpent’s Tongue: +3 PER with Smell/
Ecology: Constrictors are large serpents who kill
Taste Group 0
their prey by grabbing it, wrapping their coils
around it, and squeezing it until it suffocates. Then
they swallow the remains whole. Some, such as the
4 +2 ocv with Grab
anaconda, spend a lot of time in the water; others,
like the reticulated python, are ground-dwellers;
5 Climbing 12-
and some, for example the boa constrictor, often
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
climb trees to search for prey among the branches.
3 Stealth 11-
Constrictors can go for months between meals.
Due to their cold-blooded nature, constric-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 39
tors live in deserts, tropical forests, and other warm
Total Cost: 49
75+ Disadvantages Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Powers/Tactics: See above. Constrictors are not
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) venomous, though they may have a nasty bite. They
15 Physical Limitation: Cold-Blooded (Fre- typically use their bite to Grab their prey, then, in
quently, Greatly Impairing) their next Phase, wrap their coils around it (another
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (up to 10m Grab, made against the Grabbed creature’s lower
long; -4 DCV, +4 to PER Rolls to perceive) DCV), and start squeezing.
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers Appearance: Constrictors are larger than venomous
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly serpents, or most other serpents for that matter; the
Impairing) reticulated python, which can grow to lengths of 33
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot feet (10 meters), is the largest serpent on Earth.
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
178 HERO System Bestiary

Total Disadvantage Points: 135

Cost Black Mamba
42 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate
VENOMOUS SNAKES LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
Val Char Cost Roll Notes (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
-8 STR -18 7- Lift 8 kg; 0d6 [1] (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
5 CON -10 10- Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾),
3 BODY -14 10- Linked (to RKA; -½) plus RKA 3d6, NND
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- (defense is appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1),
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Does BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼);
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do
8 COM -1 11- BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins
5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (1 rPD) Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) [4]
2 ED 1 Total: 2 ED (1 rED) 8 Fast: Running +4” (6” total) 1
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 5 Burst Of Speed: Running +5” (11” total);
3 REC 4 Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) 3
12 END 1 Total cost: +55 points
10 STUN 4 Total Characteristics Cost: -25
Cost Bushmaster
Movement: Running: 2”/4” +5 Replace Bite with Huge Fangs: HKA ½d6
Leaping: 0”/0” (½d6 with STR) 1
78 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 4d6, Delayed
Cost Powers END Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
1 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED) 0 ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
2 Not Much Appetite: Life Support (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
(Diminished Eating: only needs to eat (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn
once every few months) 0 after victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect
-8 Slow: Running -4” (2” total) (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½), Linked (to
6 Serpent’s Tongue: +3 PER with Smell/Taste RKA; -½) plus RKA 5d6, NND (defense is
Group 0 appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY
(+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range
Skills (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
5 Hard To Hit: +1 DCV (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn
4 +2 OCV with Bite after victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect (4
Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½) [4]
5 Climbing 13- 5 Heat-Sensitive Pits: Infrared Perception
5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½) (Touch Group) 0
5 Stealth 13- Total cost: +88 points

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 30

Total Cost: 5

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Cold-Blooded (Fre-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size (size varies,
but this makes for a good average; if desired,
apply an appropriate Size template based on
the information given in the text)
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Hero Games 179

Cost Cobra, King Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do

3 Hood Display: +5 PRE; Gestures BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time
(throughout; -½) 0 begins 1 Turn after victim is bitten; -1¼),
78 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 4d6, Delayed Gradual Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 Minute; -½) [4]
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri- 2 Fast: +1 DEX (-1 point saved from SPD) 0
ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity Total cost: +80 points
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn Cost Fer-de-Lance
after victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect 42 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
(4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½), Linked (to Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
RKA; -½) plus RKA 5d6, NND (defense is per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do
Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes after victim is bitten; -2),
1 Turn after victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Gradual Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes;
Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½) [4] -¾), Linked (to RKA; -½) plus RKA 3d6,
9 Lunge: Stretching 2”, Reduced Endurance NND (defense is appropriate LS
(0 END; +½); Always Direct (-¼), No [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1),
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½),
Damage (-¼) 0 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY (-½),
Total cost: +90 points Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes
after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect
(15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) [4]
2 Fast: +1 DEX (-1 point saved from SPD) 0
5 Heat-Sensitive Pits: Infrared Perception
(Touch Group) 0
Total cost: +49 points

Cost Coral Snake

42 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity (+¼);
4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY (-½),
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes
after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (15
Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾), Linked (to
RKA; -½) plus RKA 3d6, NND (defense is
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY
(+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range
(-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5
Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) [4]
Total cost: +42 points
Cost Rattlesnake
Cost Death Adder 42 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed
78 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri- ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual
after victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾),
(4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½), Linked (to Linked (to RKA; -½) plus RKA 3d6, NND
RKA; -½) plus RKA 5d6, NND (defense is (defense is appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1),
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does Does BODY (+1), Personal Immunity
BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No (+¼); No Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Bite
180 HERO System Bestiary
Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0
time begins 5 Minutes after victim is Total cost: +124 points
bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (15 Minutes;
1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) [4] Cost Taipan
2 Fast: +1 DEX (-1 point saved from SPD) 0 121 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 5d6, Delayed
4 Rattle: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based Presence Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
Attacks (-1), Gestures (throughout; -½) 0 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
5 Heat-Sensitive Pits: Infrared Perception ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
(Touch Group) 0 (+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do
Total cost: +53 points BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins
1 Segment after victim is bitten; -½),
Cost Ringhals (Spitting Cobra) Gradual Effect (5 Segments; 1d6/1 Segment;
187 Venom: Multipower, 374-point reserve, 4 -¼), Linked (to RKA; -½) plus RKA 6d6,
Charges for entire Multipower (-1) [4] NND (defense is appropriate LS
10u 1) Venomous Bite: Drain CON 4d6, [Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1),
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½),
rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY (-½),
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Segment
Immunity (+¼); Bite Must Do BODY (-½), after victim is bitten; -½), Gradual Effect
Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn after (6 Segments; 1d6/1 Segment; -¼) [4]
victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect (4 Total cost: +121 points
Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½), Linked (to
RKA; -½) plus RKA 5d6, NND (defense is
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does
BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No
Range (-½), Bite Must Do BODY (-½),
Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn after
victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect (4
Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½)
20u 2) Spitting Venom: Major Transform 6d6
(human into blind human, heals back nor-
mally unless full effect achieved, in which
case heals back through eye transplant or Ecology: Venomous serpents use their bite and
the like), Partial Transform (for every 2 venom to catch and kill prey. Many of them have
BODY Transformed, victim suffers -1 PER venom deadly enough to kill an adult human
with the Sight Group until healed; +½); quickly. They prefer warm regions, such as deserts
Limited Target (humans; -½), Limited or the tropics, due to their cold-blooded metabo-
Range (2”; -¼) plus Drain CON 4d6, lisms, but live everywhere except in arctic regions.
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the Most subsist on small mammals, birds, eggs, and
rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is like food.
appropriate LS [Immunity] or Sight Group Of the 2,700 snake species found on Earth,
Flash Defense; +1), Ranged (+½), Personal only about 500 are venomous. Only on the conti-
Immunity (+¼); Limited Range (2”; -¼) nent of Australia do venomous species outnumber
Total cost: +217 points non-venomous species. In a typical year, only about
10-15 people in the United States die of venomous
Cost Sea Snake serpent bites (as opposed to about 500 who die
121 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 5d6, Delayed from bee and wasp stings).
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri-
Powers/Tactics: Most venomous serpents lie in wait
ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
for prey. They strike when a target gets too close,
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do
then wait for it to die and stop twitching before
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins
they eat it. Others search for prey more actively.
1 Segment after victim is bitten; -½),
Gradual Effect (5 Segments; 1d6/1 Black Mamba: The largest venomous serpent of
Segment; -¼), Linked (to RKA; -½) plus Africa, the black mamba grows to a length of up to
RKA 6d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS 14 feet. Besides being extremely poisonous, it’s fast
[Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1), — it can move at speeds of up to twelve miles per
Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), hour for brief bursts, enough to overtake a fleeing
4 Charges (-1), Bite Must Do BODY (-½), human.
Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Segment Bushmaster: The bushmaster is a pit viper (a viper
after victim is bitten; -½), Gradual Effect with heat-sensitive pits in its face for sensing prey)
(6 Segments; 1d6/1 Segment; -¼) [4] that grows up to about 11 feet long. It lives in the
2 Flattened Tail/Body: Swimming +2” jungles of Central and South America. Although
(4” total) 1 ounce for ounce its venom is not as strong as that
1 Aquatic Adaptation: Life Support of some other vipers, it has huge fangs, and injects
Hero Games 181

so much venom with a strike that it’s one of the South American pit vipers) can be up to eight feet
most dangerous serpents on Earth. long. It’s responsible for more human deaths in the
Cobra, King: Reaching lengths of American tropics than any other serpent.
nearly 19 feet, Rattlesnake: This name applies to a large group
the king cobra, of pit vipers, most native to the United States, who
or hamadryad, is are easily recognized from the rattles — thick-
the world’s largest ven- ened scales retained after molting — at the end of
omous serpent. It lives in India and their bodies. When vibrated, the rattle produces a
Southeast Asia. Although normally shy, characteristic sound sufficient to scare away most
it can become aggressive, and has been predators. Some of the best-known rattlesnakes
known to make unprovoked attacks on include the timber rattler, sidewinder, eastern dia-
humans with its lethal venom. Normally it mondback, and western diamondback. Rattlesnakes
warns anyone who disturbs it by holding can grow up to about eight feet long.
the upper part of its body off the ground You can also use
and unfolding a flap of skin around its the rattlesnake’s
head to form a “hood.” It can lunge as character
far as six feet to strike its prey. Reliable sheet for the
reports tell of elephants dying within copperhead
a few hours of being bitten by a king and the cot-
cobra. tonmouth (or
You can also use this snake’s character water mocas-
sheet for most other species of cobra, such as sin). For the
the Indian or the Egyptian. former, elimi-
Coral Snake: This brightly-colored snake, with nate the Rattle
bands of red, yellow, and black, is highly poison- altogether; for the
ous, but has small teeth and thus may experience latter, change it to “Mouth Display” (the showing
difficulty trying to poison any creature with thick of the white insides of the mouth) and reduce the
fur, skin, or other protection (including a human’s bonus to +5 PRE. Give the cottonmouth Swimming
clothing or footwear). +1”, and the copperhead the Camouflaged template.
Death Adder: Native to Australia, the death adder Ringhals: Better known as the “spitting cobra,”
actually belongs to the cobra family. Its bite is one the ringhals has the ability to project venom up to
of the most lethal on Earth. about nine feet. It aims for the victim’s eyes. Besides
You can also use the death adder’s character being intensely painful, spit venom can cause tem-
sheet for the land krait, a group of highly venomous porary, or sometimes permanent, blindness.
serpents native to Asia. Sea Snake: This large family of marine serpents
Fer-de-Lance: The fer-de-lance (a term applied by has vertically flattened tails (and sometimes bodies)
some authorities to a large group of closely-related to help them swim. All are extremely poisonous.
According to some authorities, the deadliest of all
sea snakes is the sea krait, which takes its name
from its resemblance to the land krait. Others argue
for Enhydrina schistosa as the most lethal.
Taipan: The inland taipan, or “fierce snake,” is
generally regarded as the most venomous snake on
Earth (though some argue that the venom of the
sea snake Enhydrina schistosa is more potent). The
ordinary taipan is only slightly less deadly.
182 HERO System Bestiary
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
-35 STR -45 3- Lift .2 kg; 0d6 [1]
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
2 CON -16 9-
1 BODY -18 9-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
3 PRE -7 10- PRE Attack: ½d6
8 COM -1 11-

1 PD 1 Total: 1 PD (0 rPD)
1 ED 1 Total: 1 ED (0 rED)
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
1 REC 2
4 END 0
4 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: -96

Movement: Running: 1”/2”

Leaping: 1”/2”

Cost Powers END

7 Fangs: HKA 1 point, Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); No STR Bonus (-0) 0
13 Webs: Multipower, 27-point reserve; 4
Charges for entire Multipower (-1) [4]
1u 1) Standard Web: Entangle 1d6, 0 DEF,
Area Of Effect (up to One Hex Radius;
+½), Continuous (+1), Personal Immunity
(+¼); Extra Time (takes about one Hour
to weave web; -1½), No Defense (-1½),
Only To Form Barriers (-½), Does Not
SPIDERS Work Against Creatures Larger Than
Minuscule (-1)
Ecology: Spiders live in all but the coldest climes 1u 2) Wrapping Up Prey: Entangle 1d6, 1
and occupy ecological niches from the high tree- DEF; Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), No
tops to deep underground. All species hunt prey, Range (-½)
and all are venomous (though almost all either -10 Insectile: Running -5” (1” total)
have fangs too small or poison too weak to affect 1 Spider Legs: Leaping +1” 1
humans). A few, such as the Australian funnel-web 6 Eight Legs: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0
spider, have venom potent enough to kill an adult 8 Spider Legs: Clinging (normal STR);
human quickly. Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼) 0
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
Powers/Tactics: Some spiders hunt by building Skills
webs, and then sucking the juices from insects and 35 Hard To Hit: +7 DCV
other small creatures who blunder into them and
become trapped; others, such as most tarantulas, 18 Concealment 22-; Self Only (-½)
chase, pursue, or ambush prey, using their fangs and 27 Stealth 23-
pedipalps to kill, cut, and crush their food.
Appearance: Spiders have eight legs and two dis-
tinct body sections: the cephalothorax (a sort of Total Powers & Skills Cost: 107
joining of the head and thorax) and the abdomen Total Cost: 11
(a pedicel, or narrow waist, connects the two sec-
tions). Most species have multiple eyes (eight are 75+ Disadvantages
common) and large (for insectile beings) fangs and 20 Physical Limitation: Insectile (.032m;
jaws. They range in size from tiny spiders about the +18” KB) or smaller (All The Time, Greatly
size of a pinhead to the tarantula (or bird spider), Impairing)
which can have a legspan of up to 11 inches. 20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence
(All The Time, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

Total Disadvantage Points: 130

Hero Games 183

Cost Australian Funnel-Web Spider

78 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 4d6, Delayed ome animals, although too tiny to cause
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 any significant harm to the average human
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropri- (or large animal) by themselves, become
ate LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity quite dangerous when they group together
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Fangs Must Do BODY with others of their kind in swarms. In game terms,
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn a swarm counts as a single being, albeit a being
after victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual Effect which is hard to hurt or avoid due to its amorphous
(4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½), Linked (to nature (represented by its Damage Reduction). A
RKA; -½) plus RKA 5d6, NND (defense is character who Stuns or Knocks Out a swarm has
appropriate LS [Immunity]; +1), Does simply affected enough of its component creatures
BODY (+1), Personal Immunity (+¼); No to disperse and disorient it. If he does enough
Range (-½), 4 Charges (-1), Fangs Must Do BODY damage to kill it, he has destroyed enough
BODY (-½), Extra Time (onset time begins of the component creatures that the few survivors
1 Turn after victim is bitten; -1¼), Gradual leave.
Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -½) [4] Since swarms are not single creatures, you
Total cost: +78 points should not use the Hit Location rules when attack-
ing them; simply apply the damage generally. Alter-
Cost Black Widow nately, you can use the accompanying Hit Location
33 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 3d6, Delayed Table.
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate swarm Hit Location table
LS [Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity
(+¼); 4 Charges (-1), Fangs Must Do BODY Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
(-½), Extra Time (onset time begins 5 3-5 High Desnity x2 x2 x2 -8 OCV
Minutes after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual 6-14 Avg. Density x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV
15-18 Low Desnity x½ x½ x½ -3 OCV
Effect (15 Minutes; 1d6/5 Minutes; -¾) plus
RKA 2d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS
[Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1), Personal STINGING INSECT SWARM
Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½), 4 Charges Val Char Cost Roll Notes
(-1), Fangs Must Do BODY (-½), Extra Time -35 STR -45 3- Lift .2 kg; 0d6 [1]
(onset time begins 5 Minutes after victim is 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (10 Minutes; 10 CON 0 11-
1d6/5 minutes; -¾), Linked (-½) [4] 10 BODY 0 11-
Total cost: +33 points 5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Cost Tarantula (Bird Spider) 8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1½d6
(+10) Change Physical Limitation to Tiny (.25m; 8 COM -1 11-
+9” KB) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
(+15) Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers 1 PD 1 Total: 1 PD (0 rPD)
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly 1 ED -1 Total: 1 ED (0 rED)
Impairing) 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 Increase STR to -30 1 2 REC 0
12 Venomous Bite: Drain CON 2d6, Delayed 20 END 0
Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 15 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: -45
Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate LS
[Immunity]; +1), Personal Immunity (+¼); Movement: Running: 1”/2”
4 Charges (-1), Fangs Must Do BODY (-½), Leaping: 0”/0”
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes after Swimming: 0”/0”
victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (40 Flight: 5”/10”
Minutes; 1d6/20 Minutes; -1) [4]
-15 Remove Webs Cost Powers END
Total cost: +2 points 23 Stinging: RKA ½d6, Continuous (+1),
NND (defense is appropriate LS
[Immunity]; +1), Does BODY (+1),
Personal Immunity (+¼), 64 Charges
(+½); No Range (-½), Must Target
Unprotected Hit Locations (-½) [64]
40 Swarm Form: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Not Versus
Area Of Effect/Explosion Attacks (-½) 0
10 Swarm Form: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25%; Not Versus Area Of Effect/
Explosion Attacks (-½) 0
184 HERO System Bestiary
24 Swarm Form: Desolidification (affected Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
by any attack), Reduced Endurance (0 Powers/Tactics: Insect swarms usually attack when
END; +½); Cannot Pass Through Solid their nest is disturbed. They pursue a foe aggres-
Objects (-½), Does Not Protect Against sively, creeping through the tiniest openings to get
Damage (-1) 0 at him. Once a swarm’s target eludes it (typically
7 Wings: Flight 5”; Restrainable (-½) 1 by diving underwater or getting into an airtight
1 Insect Legs: Leaping +1” (1” forward, location), the swarm disperses or moves on after a
½” upward) 1 minute or two.
-10 Insectile: Running -5” (1” total)
-2 Insectile: Swimming -2” (0” total) Campaign Use: Arctic regions sometimes have
6 Six Legs: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0 clouds of large mosquitoes which you can also
5 Swarm Form: Increased Arc Of Perception simulate with this writeup. By getting rid of the
(360 Degrees) for Normal Sight 0 Wings, you can use it to represent hoards of army
8 Insect Legs: Clinging (normal STR); ants rampaging through a jungle.
Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼) 0 Appearance: A man-size (or sometimes larger)
cloud of flying, stinging insects.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 112
Total Cost: 67
75+ Disadvantages Val Char Cost Roll Notes
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size -30 STR -40 3- Lift .4 kg; 0d6 [1]
20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence 17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
(All The Time, Greatly Impairing) 10 CON 0 11-
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 10 BODY 0 11-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Total Disadvantage Points: 110 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
Ecology: This character sheet represents a swarm 8 COM -1 11-
of stinging insects, such as hornets or bees. Found
everywhere but arctic regions, such insects can pose 2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)
a significant threat to humans when they swarm. 2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12
2 REC 0
20 END 0
20 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: -22

Movement: Running: 0”/0”

Leaping: 1”/2”
Swimming: 4”/8”

Cost Powers END

17 Bite: RKA ½d6, Continuous (+1),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No
Range (-½) 0
40 Swarm Form: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Not Versus
Area Of Effect/Explosion Attacks (-½) 0
10 Swarm Form: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25%; Not Versus Area Of Effect/
Explosion Attacks (-½) 0
24 Swarm Form: Desolidification (affected
by any attack), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Cannot Pass Through
Solid Objects (-½), Does Not Protect
Against Damage (-1) 0
2 Fish Form: Swimming +2” (4” total) 1
1 Fish Form: Leaping +1” (1” forward,
½” upward) 1
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” (0” total)
5 Swarm Form: Increased Arc Of Perception
(360 Degrees) for Normal Sight 0

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 87

Total Cost: 65
Hero Games 185

75+ Disadvantages Movement: Running: 0”/0”

15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Leaping: 4”/8”
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Swimming: 20”/40”
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Cost Powers END
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 22 Sword: Multipower, 22-point reserve
1u 1) Slash: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
Total Disadvantage Points: 105 1u 2) Ram: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR),
Armor Piercing (+½); Only Works With
Ecology: Piranha are foot-long fish that live in
Move Through (-1) 2
South American rivers. Most species eat fruit, but
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
some, such as the red piranha, are carnivores. The
18 Fish Form: Swimming +18” (20” total) 2
red piranha has a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” (0” total)
and an underslung lower jaw perfect for taking
coin-sized chunks of flesh out of victims. Schools
of piranha normally eat fish, but will surround
6 +2 with Sword Multipower
animals or people trapped in the water and quickly
reduce them to little more than skeletal remains.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 42
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. Total Cost: 97
Powers/Tactics: As noted above, a hungry school
of piranha simply engulfs its prey and, bite by bite, 75+ Disadvantages
strips the flesh from it. In one famous incident in 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
the early 1980s, piranha killed over 300 people (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
when a boat overturned in a Brazilian river. 5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 4.9m; -2
DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infre-
Appearance: The red piranha is a silvery-grey fish
quently, Slightly Impairing)
with a bloody red tinge to its lower jaw and forward
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
lower body. It has the underslung lower jaw charac-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
teristic of piranha.
Total Disadvantage Points: 110
Swordfish Ecology: Swordfish live in deeper waters, where
they hunt and eat small fish, squid, and like prey.
SWORDFISH They migrate seasonally, moving south in the
Val Char Cost Roll Notes winter and north in summertime. They are solitary,
22 STR 12 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2] except during mating season.
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
18 CON 16 13-
Powers/Tactics: The exact function of the sword-
15 BODY 10 12-
fish’s sword is unclear. It may be that it swims into
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
the middle of schools of small fish and slashes
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
back and forth, then eats anything it has killed. Or,
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
it may use the sword to ram and skewer its prey.
10 COM 0 11-
It has been known to have collisions with, or per-
haps attack, ships; a reliable report from the early
6 PD 2 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
1800s describes how one swordfish rammed its
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
sword right through a ship’s hull (made of a layer of
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
copper plating and 30 cm of solid oak).
8 REC 0
36 END 0 Appearance: The swordfish is a large (up to 16 feet
35 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 55 long) blue-grey fish with an up to 4.5 foot-long
(+17 with NCM) “sword” extending from its snout.
186 HERO System Bestiary

WHALES (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute,

Safe Environment: High Pressure) 0
12 Fins And Flukes: Swimming +12” (14” total) 0
Ecology: Whales are enormous, ocean-going mam- 3 Burst Of Speed: Swimming +14” (28” total);
mals with fish-like bodies. A whale has a blowhole Increased Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
on the top of its head for breathing, and unlike fish -12 Only Swims: Running -6” (0” total)
its tail, or fluke, is horizontal. 15 Echolocation: Active Sonar 0
Whales typically live in deep waters, and many 3 Orca Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups 0
can dive to extreme depths. They come in two vari- 4 Orca Ears: +2 PER with Hearing Group 0
eties: toothed whales, which hunt fish and other
animals for food; and baleen whales, which strain Skills
plankton from the water using a comb-like material 5 +1 Hand-To-Hand
in their mouths.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations, 3 Tactics 11-
though they are unusually intelligent. 3 Teamwork 12-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 76
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Total Cost: 205
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 75+ Disadvantages
30 CON 40 15- 10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (up to 10m
30 BODY 40 15- long and weighing as much as 9 tons; -4
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- DCV, +4 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
8 COM -1 11- gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
12 PD 4 Total: 12 PD (4 rPD) tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
9 ED 3 Total: 9 ED (4 rED) 95 Experience Points
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
14 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 205
60 END 0
65 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 129 Powers/Tactics: Killer whales live together in family
(+74 with NCM) pods, often hunting together to take larger prey
than a single pod member could kill individually.
Movement: Running: 0”/0” They are fast, with top speeds of up to 31 miles per
Leaping: 8”/16” hour (faster than most speedboats).
Swimming: 14”/28” Campaign Use: Although killer whales have never
been known to attack humans, an enterprising GM
Cost Powers END can certainly make them man-killers if it suits the
15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 scenario. You can also use this character sheet for
4 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance gigantic versions of various fish.
(4 PD/4 ED) 0 Appearance: A relative of the dolphin, the killer
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0 whale, or orca, is a large (up to 33 feet long) aquatic
3 Deep Water Swimmer: Life Support mammal with a distinctive black and white col-
oration pattern (including two large white “eyes”
above and behind its actual eyes). Its dorsal fin can
grow to over six feet long, and its mouth contains
40-50 sharp teeth. They live worldwide in both
coastal and open waters.
Hero Games 187

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
60 STR 50 21- Lift 100 tons; 12d6 [6] 75+ Disadvantages
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 10 Physical Limitation: Huge (up to 20m long
35 CON 50 16- and 50 tons; -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to per-
40 BODY 60 17- ceive) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
8 COM -1 11- tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
189 Experience Points
20 PD 8 Total: 20 PD (6 rPD)
15 ED 8 Total: 15 ED (6 rED) Total Disadvantage Points: 299
3 SPD 9 Phases: 4, 8, 12
19 REC 0 Ecology: Sperm whales live in the open ocean,
70 END 0 where they dive deep (possibly to depths of over a
88 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 185 mile) in search of prey (many sperm whales have
(+137 with NCM) scars around their snouts and heads from titanic
underwater battles with giant squid). They can
Movement: Running: 0”/0” reach these depths thanks to a waxy substance
Leaping: 12”/24” called spermaceti which surrounds their nasal pas-
Swimming: 17”/34” sages — by taking water into the passages, they can
alter the density of the spermaceti, and thus their
Cost Powers END buoyancy. (Spermaceti may also help focus the
25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2 whale’s echolocation.) A sperm whale can hold its
6 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance breath for nearly two hours.
(6 PD/6 ED) 0 Powers/Tactics: Sperm whales fight primarily by
50 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -25” 0 biting with their huge jaws. They can also bash with
3 Deep Water Swimmer: Life Support their tails (Strike) or ram targets (Move Through).
(Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute,
Campaign Use: By getting rid of the Bite, you can
Safe Environment: High Pressure) 0
use this character sheet for many different baleen
15 Flukes: Swimming +15” (17” total) 0
whales, such as humpbacks and blue whales.
-12 Only Swims: Running -6” (0” total)
15 Echolocation: Active Sonar 0 Appearance: A sperm whale is a large (over sixty
3 Whale Senses: +1 PER with all feet long and up to 50 tons in weight) dark grey
Sense Groups 0 whale with a distinctive square-shaped snout and a
4 Whale Ears: +2 PER with Hearing Group 0 mouth containing sharp teeth only in its lower jaw.
Its blowhole is far forward on its head, and to the
Skills left.
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 114

Total Cost: 299
188 HERO System Bestiary

Wolf 1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance

(1 PD/1 ED) 0
4 Swift: Running +2” (8” total) 1
WOLF 3 Wolf ’s Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Groups but Sight Group 0
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] 5 Wolf ’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 6 Wolf ’s Nose: +3 PER with Smell/Taste
15 CON 10 12- Group 0
10 BODY 0 11- 5 Wolf ’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 6 Wolf ’s Ears: +3 PER with Hearing Group 0
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 3 Wolf ’s Ears: Ultrasonic Perception
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 (Hearing Group) 0
8 COM -1 11-
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (1 rPD) 10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (1 rED)
3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12 3 Concealment 11-
5 REC 0 3 Stealth 12-
30 END 0 3 Tactics 11-
23 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 27 3 Teamwork 12-

Movement: Running: 8”/16” Total Powers & Skills Cost: 63

Leaping: 2”/4” Total Cost: 90

Cost Powers END 75+ Disadvantages

8 Bite: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR); 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

Total Disadvantage Points: 120

Ecology: Wolves live in temperate to arctic regions,
ranging over wide territories in search of food.
They often congregate in packs of several adult
pairs plus young, allowing them to team up and
bring down larger prey than they could otherwise.
Within the pack, a clearly defined hierarchy exists,
from an “alpha male” down to the lowliest female.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal
Powers/Tactics: Wolves use their
powerful jaws to Grab and kill prey.
Packs know how to use their num-
bers to best advantage.
Campaign Use: You can use this
character sheet for many other
canines, including hyenas, jackals,
dingoes, coyotes, and especially
large and fierce hunting or guard
Appearance: Wolves are large
canines, with iron grey fur
and long, brushy tails. Fur
color may differ in some
Hero Games 189

his chapter features a hodge-
podge of creatures seen in sci-
ence fiction, movies, television,
and similar sources. The crea-
tures chosen were selected for their com-
monality, usefulness in adventure stories as
adversaries, unusual natures, and the like.
Some creatures end up with more points
from Disadvantages than they spend on
abilities and Characteristics. In this case,
either ignore the surplus points, or spend
them on additional abilities suitable for indi-
vidual members of the species who appear
in your game.
190 HERO System Bestiary
30 Acidic Secretions: HKA 1d6, Continuous
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating
(+½), Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Always On (-½), No STR
Bonus (-½) 0
5 Semisolid Body: Damage Resistance
(5 PD/5 ED) 0
30 Semisolid Body: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
22 Rapid Healing: Healing 3d6 (Regeneration;
3 BODY per Turn), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½), Persistent (+½); Extra Time
(1 Turn; -1¼), Self Only (-½) 0
30 Semisolid Body: Life Support (Self-
Contained Breathing; Immunity: all
diseases and poisons) 0
10 Semisolid Body: No Hit Locations (see text) 0
24 Semisolid Body: Desolidification (affected
by any attack), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+½); Does Not Protect Against Damage (-1),
Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-½) 0
-4 Slow: Running -2” (4” total) 0
5 Many Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception
(360 Degrees) for Normal Sight 0
45 Oozing Body: Stretching 6”, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
5 Pseudopods And Tentacles: Extra Limbs
(as many as needed) 0
10 Semisolid Body: Clinging (normal STR) 0

15 +3 Hand-To-Hand

Amorphous Horror 3 Stealth 13-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 320

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] 75+ Disadvantages
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m tall; -6 DCV,
25 CON 30 14- +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently,
20 BODY 20 13- Slightly Impairing)
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- 6 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7 leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 20 Psychological Limitation: Hunger For
2 COM -4 9- Human Flesh (Very Common, Strong)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire
15 PD 9 Total: 15 PD (5 rPD) (Common)
15 ED 10 Total: 15 ED (5 rED) 367 Experience Points
5 SPD 22 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
11 REC 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 498
50 END 0
Ecology: The amorphous horror’s exact ecology
50 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 178
depends on its origin, but in almost all cases it
(+49 with NCM)
hungers for the flesh of humans. It will stop at
nothing to capture and consume people.
Movement: Running: 4”/8”
Leaping: 0”/0” Personality/Motivation: Often, little more than
normal animal motivations. But the amorphous
Cost Powers END horror is highly intelligent and clever, and uses its
15 Fanged Mouth I: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 intelligence to avoid traps, set up ambushes, and
15 Fanged Mouth II: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 ensure that it survives and thrives.
15 Fanged Mouth III: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 Powers/Tactics: Fighting an amorphous horror
15 Clawed Hand I: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 is difficult due to its semisolid body, its ability to
15 Clawed Hand II: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 grow however many tentacles and pseudopods
15 Clawed Hand III: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 it needs, its multiple sets of fangs and claws, and
Hero Games 191

the fact that it has eyes looking every direction BIRD-MAN

and thus is difficult to surprise. Its chief vulner- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
ability is to fire and other forms of energy, which 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
it avoids if possible. 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
The amorphous horror uses the optional 13 CON 6 12-
“no need to buy Affects Physical World” rule 10 BODY 0 11-
described on page 148 of the HERO System 5th Edi- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
tion, Revised, since its Desolidification offers it no 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
protection against attacks. It also has the No Hit 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
Locations Automaton ability, even though it’s not 8 COM -1 11-
an Automaton, to reflect the unusual nature of its
body. 6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
Campaign Use: You can use the amorphous 4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
horror for many different creatures: an alien 3 SPD 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
plant-monster grown from pods found buried 5 REC 0
in the Antarctic permafrost; a bizarre demon; a 26 END 0
toxic sludge-monster; the result of experiments in 25 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 48
mutation gone terrifyingly awry; and many more.
You may need to add or vary abilities or Disad- Movement: Running: 6”/12”
vantages to suit the creature’s origin; for example, Leaping: 2”/4”
a demonic amorphous horror probably has some Flight: 10”/20”
of the same Disadvantages demons do (such as a
Susceptibility to holy things). Cost Powers END
15 Talons: HKA 1d6 (1½d6 with STR) 1
Appearance: An amorphous horror is a horrid-
5 Beak: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
looking pile of semisolid protoplasm dotted with
17 Wings: Flight 10”, Reduced Endurance
eyes, fanged mouths, and clawed tentacles and
(½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 1
pseudopods. It often slowly changes shape, gradu-
4 Bird’s Eyes: +2 PER with Sight Group 0
ally exuding other features while absorbing exist-
2 Bird’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception
ing ones back into itself.
(240 Degrees) for Normal Sight 0

+1 with Flight
Ecology: Animal-men are blasphemous, but often
quite powerful, cross-breedings of humans and 3 Stealth 13-
animals. They may result from a wizard’s experi-
ments, the twisted activities of mad scientists and Total Powers & Skills Cost: 48
deranged surgeons, strange mutative magics, or Total Cost: 96
the like. Some have electrodes or wires attached
to their heads or other parts of their bodies, indi-
cating how their master controls them.
Campaign Use: Besides using them as opponents
for PCs, you can bring animal-men into adven-
tures as sentient aliens, escapees from an evil
scientist who have formed their own community
in the sewers (or in the deepest jungle), wizards’
servants, or in many other roles.
Animal-men may have many additional
Skills or abilities, depending on their origin or
training. For example, many have Weapon Famil-
192 HERO System Bestiary
75+ Disadvantages Val Char Cost Roll Notes
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation 23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 15 CON 10 12-
11 Experience Points 15 BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
Total Disadvantage Points: 96 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
Personality/Motivation: Varies, depending on the 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6
individual. 8 COM -1 11-
Powers/Tactics: Bird-men rely on their ability to fly
8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
for tactical advantage. They swoop down, perform-
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED (1 rED)
ing Move Bys with their talons. Sometimes they
4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
even Grab a foe and carry him up into the air to
6 REC 0
drop him from a deadly height.
30 END 0
Appearance: Bird-men are hideous crosses between 31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 85
men and avians. In place of arms, they have wings (+10 with NCM)
(sometimes with tiny, almost-useless fingers at the
mid-joint); in place of feet, they have talons. Their Movement: Running: 9”/18”
heads often have beak-like structures and large, Leaping: 6”/12”
avian eyes.
Cost Powers END
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
6 Cat’s Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 1
3 Cat’s Legs: Leaping +3” (6” total) 1
6 Cat’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); Limited
Manipulation (-¼) 0

5 +1 Hand-To-Hand

3 Acrobatics 14-
3 Breakfall 14-
3 Stealth 14-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 52

Total Cost: 137

75+ Disadvantages
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
62 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 137

Personality/Motivation: Varies, depending on the
Powers/Tactics: Skilled hunters, cat-men use their
Stealth and sharp senses to get as close as they can
to their foe/prey, then pounce. In open battle they
use their agility and claws.
Appearance: Cat-men look like humans with feline
features: short fur covering the body; large, pointed
ears; large eyes; wide mouths filled with small,
sharp teeth; and clawed hands and feet.
Hero Games 193

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
18 CON 16 13-
15 BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
8 COM -1 11-

7 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
4 ED 0 Total: 5 ED (1 rED)
4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
8 REC 0
36 END 0
34 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 77

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 4”/8”

Cost Powers END

7 Arm Swing: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand
Attack (-½) 1
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1 REPTILE-MAN
3 Thick Skin: Armor (1 PD/1 ED) 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
3 Ape Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups 0 18 STR 8 13- Lift 300 kg; 3½d6 [2]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
Skills 15 CON 10 12-
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand 15 BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
3 Acrobatics 12- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
3 Climbing 12- 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
3 Stealth 12- 8 COM -1 11-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 32 9 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (1 rPD)

Total Cost: 109 6 ED 3 Total: 7 ED (1 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
75+ Disadvantages 7 REC 0
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 30 END 0
34 Experience Points 32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 60
(+1 with NCM)
Total Disadvantage Points: 109
Personality/Motivation: Varies, depending on the Movement: Running: 6”/12”
individual. Leaping: 4”/8”
Swimming: 3”/6”
Powers/Tactics: Like their true gorilla brethren,
gorilla-men rely on their great strength and enor-
Cost Powers END
mous arms to deliver powerful blows.
8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Appearance: Gorilla-men look like smaller, slightly Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
weaker gorillas with more human features — in 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
some cases, similar to what Neanderthals or austra- 3 Scaly Skin: Armor (1 PD/1 ED) 0
lopithecines are sometimes drawn like. 1 At Home In The Water: Life Support
(Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0
1 At Home In The Water: Swimming +1”
(3” total) 0
3 Reptilian Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
Groups 0
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼);
Limited Manipulation (-¼) 0
194 HERO System Bestiary

Stealth 12-
Ape, Giant
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 29 GIANT APE
Total Cost: 89 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
85 STR 75 26- Lift 3.2 ktons; 17d6 [8]
75+ Disadvantages 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 30 CON 40 15-
14 Experience Points 26 BODY 32 14-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
Total Disadvantage Points: 89 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
35 PRE 25 16- PRE Attack: 7d6
Personality/Motivation: Varies, depending on the
8 COM -1 11-
Powers/Tactics: Although usually trained to fight 17 PD 0 Total: 22 PD (5 rPD)
with weapons, reptile-men can use their claws and 16 ED 10 Total: 21 ED (5 rED)
teeth if necessary. They can also bash with their 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
tails. 23 REC 0
Appearance: A reptile-man looks like a cross 60 END 0
between a human and some kind of reptile, be it a 84 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 189
crocodile, lizard, serpent, or something else. (+160 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 30”/60”

Leaping: 17”/34”

Cost Powers END

42 Gigantic Hands: Area Of Effect (One
Hex; +½) for STR 85 4
55 Reach: Stretching 13”, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always
Direct (-¼), No Noncombat Stretching
(-¼), No Velocity Damage (-¼) 0
30 Bite: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR) 3
9 Roar: +20 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
(must roar; -¼) 0
15 Thick Skin: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) 0
60 Durable Body: Physical and Energy
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” 0
48 Gigantic Legs: Running +24” (30” total) 5
3 Ape Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups 0

8 +4 OCV with Strike

3 Climbing 12-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 297

Total Cost: 486

75+ Disadvantages
20 Enraged: when subjected to bright lights or
Sight Group Flashes (Uncommon), go 14-,
recover 11-
5 Hunted: monster hunters 8-
(Less Pow, Capture)
15 Physical Limitation: Gigantic (32m tall;
-8 DCV, +8 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
quently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Must Exert Domi-
Hero Games 195

nance Over Other Monsters And Beasts

(Common, Strong)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x Stun from Chemical
Attacks (Common) CHROMEDOG
316 Experience Points Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
Total Disadvantage Points: 486 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
15 CON 10 12-
12 BODY 4 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
10 COM 0 11-

8 PD 6 Total: 14 PD (6 rPD)
8 ED 5 Total: 14 ED (6 rED)
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 0
30 END 0
30 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 62

Movement: Running: 9”/18”

Leaping: 2”/4”

Cost Powers END

Ecology: Dwelling in the deep, thick jungles of 22 Titanium Steel Jaws: HKA 1d6 (1d6+1
undiscovered islands, hidden plateaus, long-lost rift with STR), Armor Piercing (+½) 2
valleys, and other forgotten places, the giant ape 5 Titanium Steel Jaws: +10 STR; Only To
lives the peaceful existence of its ordinary cousin Grab With Jaws (-1) 1
— just on a much, much larger scale. Sometimes 15 Titanium Steel Claws: HKA 1d6 (1½d6
natives living nearby propitiate it with sacrifices, up with STR) 1
to and including human ones, but since it doesn’t 18 Dermal Armoring: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) 0
eat meat, the giant ape simply carries the sacrifices 6 Cybernetically-Augmented Legs:
away and soon lets them go. If the sacrifice is a Running +3” (9” total) 1
beautiful woman, the giant ape may become oddly 15 Cybernetically-Augmented Canine Senses:
attracted to it, keeping it as a “pet” and protecting it +5 PER with all Sense Groups 0
from anything it perceives as a danger. 5 Canine Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 3 Canine Ears: Ultrasonic Perception
(Hearing Group) 0
Powers/Tactics: Giant apes aggressively protect
15 Radar Implant: Radar 0
their territory, and are willing to fight after only the
slightest provocation. Of course, in most cases, only
another gigantic creature, or men armed with guns
3 Lightsleep
or fire, are enough to provoke it. In combat, it fights
like lesser gorillas, using its enormous hands and
immensely strong arms to great effect.
5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½)
Unfortunately for the giant ape, its metabolism
1 Language: English (basic conversation)
makes tranquilizer darts, knockout gases, and simi-
2 PS: Attack 11-
lar attacks especially effective against it. Monster
2 PS: Guard 11-
hunters often take advantage of this weakness.
2 PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11-
Campaign Use: Giant apes are perfect for smashing 2 PS: Stop Attacking 11-
cities and committing other large-scale mayhem. 3 Stealth 13-
A single giant ape should be enough to oppose
an entire group of heroes or superteam (if not, Total Powers & Skills Cost: 124
increase its Damage Reduction and other abilities Total Cost: 186
until it can).
Appearance: Resembling an ordinary gorilla, but 75+ Disadvantages
towering over 100 feet tall, the giant ape strikes fear 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
into even the bravest soul. gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Small (no larger than
about 1m; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
25 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey Master
196 HERO System Bestiary
(Very Common, Total) statue of a dog.
56 Experience Points Appearance: A chromedog is a large, strong dog,
such as a Doberman or Rottweiler, enhanced with
Total Disadvantage Points: 186 cybernetic and biological modifications. Its teeth
OPTIONS and claws are made of titanium steel, and dermal
armoring has been implanted underneath its skin
Cost Chromedog Options
(giving it an odd, sort of “lumpy” appearance in
26 Mounted Gun: RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing
some cases).
(+½); Beam (-¼), 8 Charges (-½) [8]
24 Implanted Bomb: RKA 5d6, Explosion
(+½), Trigger (radio signal from owner; Engine Of Destruction
+¼); No Range (-½), 1 Charge which
Never Recovers (-4) [1] ENGINE OF DESTRUCTION
Ecology: Chromedogs are normal combat-trained Val Char Cost Roll Notes
dogs enhanced with cybernetics. They work as 80 STR 70 25- Lift 1.6 ktons; 16d6 [8]
guard dogs, battle dogs, and canine assassins. 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations, 60 CON 100 21-
plus whatever motivations are programmed into 100 BODY 180 29-
the computer chips implanted in their brains. The 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
chips always include a compulsion to obey the dog’s 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
owner. Thanks to neurological grafts, chromedogs 30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
are far more intelligent than an ordinary hound. 8 COM -1 11-
Powers/Tactics: Chromedogs typically attack with
30 PD 14 Total: 30 PD (30 rPD)
jaws and claws, but their normal natural weapons
30 ED 18 Total: 30 ED (30 rED)
have been replaced with titanium steel versions.
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Some have other weapons, such as mounted guns,
28 REC 0
or even bombs implanted in their bodies (which
120 END 0
the owner activates by remote radio signal when
170 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 431
the ’dog gets close enough to its target).
(+342 with NCM)
Campaign Use: You can also use this character
sheet for a cyber-wolf or -hyena, and with a few Movement: Running: 0”/0”
modifications for many other cybernetically- Leaping: 0”/0”
enhanced animals. In a fantasy campaign, the Flight: 50”/800”
chromedog might become a magically-animated FTL Travel: 1 LY/year
Hero Games 197

Cost Powers END 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-

712 Planet-Destroying Cannon: Multipower, tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
712-point reserve 2,007 Experience Points
56u 1) Long-Range Blast: RKA 10d6, Armor
Piercing (+½), MegaScale (1” = 10 km; +½), Total Disadvantage Points: 2,138
Increased Maximum Range (x125, Ecology: The Engine of Destruction is a self-per-
or 281,250”; +¾), No Range Modifier petuating, quasi-artificially intelligent, mobile
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 weapon that refuels its hyperdrive and power plants
71u 2) Short-Range Blast: RKA 10d6, Armor by “ingesting” and breaking down asteroids, chunks
Piercing (x4, +2), Increased Maximum of planets it destroys, starships, and other such
Range (x125, or 375,000”; +¾), No Range objects. It fills no ecological niche, existing only to
Modifier (+½), Reduced Endurance reduce enemy planets and ships to rubble.
(0 END; +½) 0
195 Point-Defense Blaster: RKA 4d6, Armor Personality/Motivation: Engines of Destruction
Piercing (+½), Increased Maximum Range are programmed by their creator to destroy one
(x125, or 93,750”; +¾), No Range Modifier or more target(s). Typically their creators unleash
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 them against enemy territory, instructing them to
20 15 more Point-Defense Blasters (spaced destroy every planet and ship they encounter.
equidistantly around hull) 0 Powers/Tactics: An Engine of Destruction has
60 Neutronium Construction: Physical and little understanding of tactics or strategy. It simply
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0 attacks by blasting targets with its Planet-Destroy-
15 Neutronium Hull: Hardened (+¼) for ing Cannon until they present no further threat.
30 PD, 30 ED 0 The Cannon has a range of nearly three million
37 Neutronium Hull: Damage Resistance kilometers. The Engine also has a system of point-
(30 PD/30 ED); Hardened (+¼) 0 defense blasters with which to defend itself.
50 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -25” 0 As noted in the HERO System 5th Edition,
38 Psionic Shielding: Mental Defense Revised, ordinarily you should not apply Advan-
(40 points total) 0 tages to Senses. This was done for the Engine as a
50 Built For Space: Life Support: Total way of simulating communications abilities that
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0 function over vast interstellar distances (a not-
172 Hyperdrive: Multipower, 172-point reserve uncommon genre convention for Star Hero).
1u 1) Interstellar Travel Mode: FTL Travel Campaign Use: Engines of Destruction represent
(1 LY/year) 0 perhaps the ultimate threat any group of Star Hero
17u 2) Normal Travel Mode: Flight 50”, x16 PCs can encounter. With a few adaptations, in fan-
noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 tasy campaigns the Engine might become a gigantic
END; +½) 0 wheeled golem capable of crushing cities.
-12 Only Flies: Running -6” (0” total)
39 Sensors: HRRP, MegaScale (1” = 100 Appearance: Engines of Destruction vary in
million km; +2¼) 0 appearance; most are either cylinders about a
32 Sensors: Infrared Perception, Ultraviolet kilometer long, or spheroids about a kilometer in
Perception (both Sight Group), MegaScale diameter. The Planet-Destroying Cannon, consist-
(1” = 100 million km; +2¼) 0 ing of a central firing element and four focusing
114 Sensors: Detect Planets 14-, arms, occupies the front part of the Engine; Point-
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense, Defense Blasters dot its length at equal intervals.
Targeting, MegaScale (1” = 100 million
km; +2¼) 0

15 +5 with Planet-Destroying Cannon

9 AK: Milky Way Galaxy 18-

16 Navigation (Space) 18-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 1,707

Total Cost: 2,138

75+ Disadvantages
10 Physical Limitation: Really Colossal (1,000m
long or in diameter; -18 DCV, +18 to PER
Rolls to perceive) (Frequently, Slightly
15 Physical Limitation: Machine Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
16 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
198 HERO System Bestiary

Giant Carnivorous Plant 24

Rooted: Knockback Resistance -12”
Rooted: Running -6 “

-2 Rooted: Swimming -2”

GIANT CARNIVOROUS PLANT 39 Sense Vibrations: Detect Physical
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Vibrations 13- (Touch Group),
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3] Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense,
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Targeting 0
20 CON 20 13- 5 Tendrils: Extra Limbs (2d6 worth),
20 BODY 20 13- Inherent (+¼); Limited Manipulation (-¼) 0
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 Skills
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 4 +2 OCV with Grab
4 COM -3 10-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 92
12 PD 6 Total: 12 PD (6 rPD) Total Cost: 177
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12 75+ Disadvantages
10 REC 0 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
40 END 0 (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
45 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 85 5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
(+14 with NCM) +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
Movement: Running: 0”/0” 10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
Leaping: 0”/0” (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Swimming 0”/0” 15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
Cost Powers END Impairing)
15 Flytrap Mouth: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 10 Physical Limitation: Poor Hearing, suffers -2
15 Thorny Tendrils: HKA ½d6, Continuous to all Hearing PER Rolls (Frequently, Slightly
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼), Impairing)
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 6 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
END; +½); Always On (-½), No STR Bonus leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
(-½), Only Applies To Two Tendrils (-½) 0 41 Experience Points
4 Tough Fibers: Damage Resistance
(6 PD/2 ED) 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 177
Cost Giant Carnivorous Plant Options
67 Deadly Spores: RKA 3d6, NND (defense
is LS: Self-Contained Breathing; +1), Does
BODY (+1); Limited Range (10”; -¼), 6
Charges (-¾) [6]
13 Long Tendrils: Stretching 3”, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always Direct
(-¼), No Noncombat Stretching (-¼),
No Velocity Damage (-¼) 0
34 Seductive Bouquet I: Mind Control 8d6,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Set
Effect (come within range of plant’s
attacks; -½), Limited Range (range of
smell, typically about 20”; -¼) 0
56 Seductive Bouquet II: Mind Control 8d6,
Area Of Effect (32” Radius; +1½),
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
END; +½); Always On (-½), Set Effect
(come within range of plant’s attacks; -½),
No Range (-½) 0
48 Slave Spores: Major Transform 5d6
(humans into plant’s slaves, heals at the
normal rate for healing BODY), BOECV
(Power Defense applies; +1), Works
Against EGO, Not BODY (+¼); Based On
CON (-1), Limited Target (humans; -½),
Limited Range (10”; -¼), 6 Charges (-¾) [6]
25 Slave Spores Mind Bond: Mind Link,
Hero Games 199

specific group of up to 6 minds 0 Damage Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼),

30 Sticky Sap: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Sticky (+½); Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance
Limited Range (5”; -¼), 6 Charges (-¾) [6] (0 END; +½); Always On (-½),
24 Thorn-shooting: RKA 1d6, Autofire (5 Activation Roll 11- (-1), No STR
shots; +½), 64 Charges (+½); Limited Bonus (-½) 0
Range (10”; -¼) [64] 25 Gargantuan Feet: Area Of Effect (One
Ecology: Giant carnivorous plants feed on animals Hex; +½) for STR; Only With Feet (-½) 4
(and people) who come too close. They reproduce 8 Gargantuan Form: Swimming +8”
through spores, which they shoot into the air once (10” total) 1
every few years to drift away on the wind. 8 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
(8 PD/8 ED) 0
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. 60 Resilient: Physical and Energy Damage
Powers/Tactics: Giant carnivorous plants look like Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
ordinary (albeit large) plants... until prey gets close 60 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -30” 0
enough. Then they lash out with their tendrils, 60 Gargantuan Legs: Running +30” (36” total) 6
Grabbing it so they can bite it to death and swallow 6 Dinosaur Senses: +2 PER with all
it. Since they cannot move, they fight to the death if Sense Groups 0
attacked. 65 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); Limited
Manipulation (-¼) plus Stretching 12”,
Campaign Use: Giant carnivorous plants lurk in
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persis-
alien jungles, the swamps of fantasy worlds, the
tent (+½), Inherent (+¼); Always On (-½),
laboratories of mad botanists, and places like that.
Always Direct (-¼), No Noncombat
By applying options and tinkering with the write-
Stretching (-¼), No Velocity Damage (-¼) 0
up a little, a clever GM can use this character sheet
to create all sorts of deadly flora.
Appearance: Giant carnivorous plants are large, 10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
about twice the size of an adult human. They pos-
sess several thick, strong tendrils that can lash, Total Powers & Skills Cost: 489
bash, and grab, and a Venus flytrap-like mouth with Total Cost: 804
woody teeth strong enough to bite through armor.
75+ Disadvantages
Giant Dinosaur 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Gargantuan (up to 64m
GIANT DINOSAUR tall and weighing over six million kg; -10
Val Char Cost Roll Notes DCV, +10 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
75 STR 65 24- Lift 800 tons; 15d6 [7] quently, Greatly Impairing)
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 15 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
50 CON 80 19- leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
50 BODY 80 19- 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 669 Experience Points
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6
8 COM -1 11- Total Disadvantage Points: 804

25 PD 10 Total: 25 PD (8 rPD) OPTIONS

25 ED 15 Total: 25 ED (8 rED) Cost Giant Dinosaur Options
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 75 Fiery Breath: RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect
25 REC 0 (72” Line; +1½); No Range (-½) 11
100 END 0 75 Radioactive Eyebeams: RKA 3d6, Area Of
113 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 315 Effect (40” Cone; +1½); No Range (-½) 11
(+272 with NCM) 9 Terrible Roar: +20 PRE; Only For Fear-
Based Presence Attacks (-1),
Movement: Running: 36”/72” Incantations (must roar; -¼) 0
Leaping: 0”/0” Ecology: Unknown. Through mysterious means,
Swmming: 10”/20” this gargantuan dinosaur, of a previously undis-
covered species dwarfing even the mightiest tyran-
Cost Powers END nosaur, becomes trapped in suspended animation
75 Jaws: HKA 3d6+1 (6½d6 with STR), beneath the sea, underground, on a deserted island,
Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) 7 or in space until freed. Once freed, it goes on a ram-
25 Forelimb Claws: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 page fueled by rage and hunger.
with STR) 2
50 Tail Sweep: Area Of Effect (12” Cone; +1) Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
for STR; Only With Extra Limb (-½) 7 However, at times some giant dinosaurs seem moti-
37 Spikes: HKA 2d6, Continuous (+1), vated by anger and a desire to destroy, while others
200 HERO System Bestiary
benevolently try to protect humanity from their Its feet count as Area Of Effect (One Hex) attacks,
brethren, giant apes, and other such monsters. making stomping easy and fun!
Powers/Tactics: A typical giant dinosaur has several Legends speak of giant dinosaurs with other
means of attack. First and foremost are its gargan- fearsome powers, such as the ability to breathe
tuan jaws, which can bite through a car without tremendous gouts of fire, project blasts of lethal
even slowing down. Second are its forelimbs, with radioactivity from the eyes, or roar terrifyingly.
long, sharp claws tipping their finger-like append- Perhaps giant dinosaurs with other abilities will be
ages. Third is its long, heavy tail, which it can sweep discovered over time.
from side to side in a swath of destruction. (In Campaign Use: Giant dinosaurs such as this one
game terms, the tail is an Area Of Effect: Cone, could menace cities protected by superheroes, be
equal to its own length, with No Range. As the giant discovered by intrepid pulp explorers in long-lost
dinosaur smashes with it to either side, it damages valleys in Darkest Africa or South America, menace
everything in that half of the cone. The target hex time travelers visiting prehistoric times, or even
of the Cone is where the creature’s tail joins its play the part of weird alien predators on a new-
body.) found planet.
Of course, given the giant dinosaur’s size, it can Appearance: Towering over 200 feet tall, the giant
simply step on people, vehicles, and small buildings. dinosaur resembles a tyrannosaurus rex, but on a
Each step does its STR damage to objects beneath much greater scale. Also unlike the tyrannosaur, the
it automatically; this requires no Attack Roll unless giant dino tends to stand upright, and it has large
the giant dinosaur is trying to hit a specific target. spikes covering much of its body.
Hero Games 201

Giant Space Amoeba

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
50 STR 40 19- Lift 25 tons; 10d6 [5]
5 DEX -15 10- OCV: 2/DCV: 2
150 CON 280 39-
1,000 BODY 1,980 209-
5 INT -5 10- PER Roll 10-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
50 PRE 40 19- PRE Attack: 10d6
4 COM -3 10-

20 PD 10 Total: 30 PD (10 rPD)

30 ED 0 Total: 40 ED (10 rED)
1 SPD 0 Phases: 12
40 REC 0
300 END 0
1,100 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost:
2,317 (+2,290 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 0”/0”

Leaping: 0”/0”
Swimming: 0”/0”
Flight: See text

Cost Powers END

112 Striking Pseudopods: Area Of Effect
(160” Radius; +2¼) for STR 11
75 Acidic Innards: HKA 3d6, Continuous
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating PER Rolls to perceive) (Frequently, Slightly
(x3; +1½), Persistent (+½), Reduced Impairing)
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always On (-½), 15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers
No STR Bonus (-½), Only Affects -2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly
Objects/Beings Inside It (-1) 0 Impairing)
120 Too Big To Hurt: Physical and Energy 10 Physical Limitation: Poor Hearing, suffers -2
Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 0 to all Hearing PER Rolls (Frequently, Slightly
30 Tough Outer Membrane: Armor Impairing)
(10 PD/10 ED) 0 10 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot
100 Too Big To Move: Knockback leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
Resistance -50” 0 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
50 Adapted To Space: Life Support: Total tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
(including Longevity: Immortality) 0 10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from attacks to its
90 Oozing Through Space: Flight 20”, nucleus (Uncommon)
MegaScale (1” = 10,000 km; +1¼) 9 10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from attacks to its
-12 Only Flies: Running -6” nucleus (Uncommon)
-2 Only Flies: Swimming -2” 2,824 Experience Points
114 Sense Food: Detect Planets 13-,
Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense, Total Disadvantage Points: 2,999
Targeting, MegaScale (1” = 100 million
km; +2¼) 0 Ecology: The giant space amoeba — actually not an
5 Pseudopods: Extra Limbs (however amoeba, because it is a multi-celled organism, but
many it wants) 0 so called because it resembles one in many respects
— lives in outer space. It drifts/oozes through
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 682 the cosmic void, looking for asteroids, starships,
Total Cost: 2,999 and planets to eat. When it finds one, it engulfs it,
digests it, and then starts looking for food again.
75+ Disadvantages Every few millennia it reproduces by a sort of fis-
20 Physical Limitation: Instinctive Intelligence sion-like process.
(All The Time, Greatly Impairing) Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
10 Physical Limitation: Planetary Size (larger
Powers/Tactics: If attacked, the giant space amoeba
than an Earth-size world; -48 DCV, +48 to
202 HERO System Bestiary
generally ignores its attacker; few attacks are pow-
erful enough to attract its attention or cause it
Living Brain
significant harm. If it does feel an attack (or series
of attacks), it will extrude a pseudopod to bash or LIVING BRAIN
Grab the attacker. Grabbed attackers get ingested, Val Char Cost Roll Notes
where they find themselves exposed to the deadly 0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1]
acidic inner juices of the creature. 0 DEX -30 9- OCV: 0/DCV: 0
The giant amoeba has a weak spot — its brain, 15 CON 10 12-
or “nucleus,” at its very center. If the PCs can reach 10 BODY 0 11-
it, all attacks against it do x2 BODY and STUN. It’s 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
smaller than the amoeba itself, of course; it suffers 20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7
only a -10 DCV penalty. 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
4 COM -3 10-
Campaign Use: The giant amoeba is as great a threat, if
not greater, than the Engine of Destruction. But clever
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)
GMs can find a way to make it an intriguing part of
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
an adventure story, and not just a danger to avoid or
3 SPD 20 Phases: 4, 8, 12
destroy. For example, suppose the creature is actually a
3 REC 0
swarm of much tinier, sentient organisms — the PCs
30 END 0
would have to discover this, negotiate a truce, and find
18 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 29
a place where the swarm could survive without eating
any sentient beings.
Movement: Running: 0”/0”
Appearance: The giant space amoeba resembles Leaping: 0”/0”
a unicellular organism larger than a planet. Its Swimming: 0”/0”
outlines constantly change, but it’s usually at least
12,000-15,000 km long and about half that wide
and deep. Larger (or smaller) specimens may exist.
Hero Games 203

Cost Powers END when involved in one of its frequent schemes to

60 Mental Powers: Multipower, 60-point build or obtain a new body, but beneath the veneer
reserve of civilization lies a madman waiting to wreak
6u 1) Machine Control: Mind Control 8d6 havoc on the world.
(Machine class of minds), Reduced Powers/Tactics: Living brains have no limbs and
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 can barely fend for themselves in many situations.
6u 2) Mental Blast: Ego Attack 4d6 (Human They must rely on their mental energies, and the
class of minds), Reduced Endurance machines, robots, and followers whom they control.
(0 END; +½) 0 In desperate circumstances a living brain can men-
30 Psychokinesis: Telekinesis (10 STR), tally blast its foes, but if it comes to that, it’s usually
BOECV (+1) 3 too late.
16 Mental Shield: Mental Defense
(20 points total) 0 Campaign Use: Some living brains are those of
-12 No Limbs: Running -6” politicians (typically, dictators or generalissimos)
-2 No Limbs: Swimming -2” instead of scientists. To create such a creature,
5 Visual Sensors: Increased Arc Of simply make the appropriate Skill changes.
Perception (360 Degrees) for Normal Sight 0 Appearance: A living brain is the enlarged, some-
times throbbing or eerily-colored brain (and per-
Skills haps spine) of a renowned scientist resting upright
30 Hard To Hit: +6 DCV in a tank of organic nutrient fluid. Visual sensors,
linguistic synthesizers, computers, and many other
3 Computer Programming 13- machines are hooked up to the tank, awaiting the
3 Deduction 13- brain’s mental commands.
3 Electronics 13-
3 Inventor 13-
3 Mechanics 13-
3 Persuasion 13- Mon’da Hunting Lizard
3 Systems Operation 13-
2 1) SS: Biology 13-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
2 2) SS: Chemistry 13-
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
2 3) SS: Physics 13-
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
2 4) GM’s Choice 13-
18 CON 16 13-
2 5) GM’s Choice 13-
15 BODY 10 12-
2 6) GM’s Choice 13-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 175
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
Total Cost: 204
6 COM -2 10-
75+ Disadvantages
8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (2 rPD)
5 Physical Limitation: Depends On Machines
7 ED 3 Total: 7 ED (2 rED)
For Speech And Senses (Infrequently, Slightly
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
7 REC 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
36 END 0
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 50
5 Physical Limitation: Small (1m; +3” KB)
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
Movement: Running: 10”/20”
20 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Mad; Bent
Leaping: 3”/6”
On Obtaining A New Body, Revenge, And/
Swimming: 3”/6”
Or Conquest (Common, Total)
20 Susceptibility: to being outside nutrient tank,
Cost Powers END
take 2d6 per Phase (Uncommon)
15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
64 Experience Points
8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
Total Disadvantage Points: 204
10 Tail Bash: HA +4d6; Hand-To-Hand
Ecology: The surviving brain (and sometimes Attack (-½), Only With Tail (-½) 2
spinal column) of an insane scientist whose body 3 Trip Prey: Sacrifice Throw (STR Strike,
was somehow destroyed, a living brain is confined Target Falls, Lizard Falls) 0
to a tank of organic nutrients which supply it with 2 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 0
“food.” If taken outside the tank for too long, it dies. 8 Fast: Running +4” (10” total) 1
Personality/Motivation: Thanks to the disaster which 1 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +1” (3” total) 1
destroyed its body and the stresses of being con- 6 Reptilian Senses: +2 PER with all
fined to a nutrient tank, a living brain is quite mad. Sense Groups 0
It may seem focussed and disciplined, particularly 5 Lizard’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
204 HERO System Bestiary
5 Keen Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); Limited Powers/Tactics: Generally lazy, and unwilling to
Manipulation (-¼) 0 chase prey any more than they have to, hunting
lizards prefer to kill by ambush. They creep stealth-
Skills fully up on their prey and then pounce, or simply
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand hide in a convenient position until a hapless herbi-
vore gets close enough for the lizard to leap on it.
3 Stealth 12- But if pressed, they can run swiftly.
Hunting lizards use their long, sharp fangs and
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 81 equally deadly claws to bring down prey, usually
Total Cost: 131 going for the target’s throat while trying to trip it
with their tails.
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Campaign Use: The Mon’da hunting lizard is an
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) example of the sort of weird predator PCs might
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size encounter on other planets (or in other dimen-
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- sions). By changing the description a bit, and per-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) haps altering its abilities slightly or adding a tem-
26 Experience Points plate, you can create all sorts of unusual beasts.
Appearance: The Mon’da hunting lizard is a large
Total Disadvantage Points: 131 reptilian carnivore, with a body nearly as long as a
Ecology: Native to the planet Mon’da, a world man is tall, and a long, thick tail with tiny barbs on
where warmblooded reptilian species evolved with- the tip. Its large, amber-colored eyes give it excellent
out competition from mammals, the hunting lizard nightvision, and its wide nostrils allow it to follow
fills the same ecological niches there as hunting cats a scent for miles. Most subspecies are dark colors
like the tiger and leopard do on Earth. Most sub- — dark grey or grey-green — but tan and bluish
species prefer jungles and forests, though some are subspecies also exist.
more at home pursuing prey in grasslands, savan-
nahs, and even deserts.
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
-10 STR -20 7- Lift 6.4 kg; 0d6 [1]
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
8 CON -4 11-
4 BODY -12 10-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
4 COM -3 10-

2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (1 rPD)
2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (1 rED)
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
2 REC 0
16 END 0
10 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: -25

Movement: Running: 1”/2”

Leaping: 1”/2”

Cost Powers END

5 Barbs: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
52 Neural Control: Mind Control 15d6, Tele-
pathic (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+½); No Range (-½), Skin Contact
Required (-1) 0
50 Harm To The Parasite Harms The Host:
Major Transform 9d6 (standard effect: 27
BODY) (humans to humans with Physical
Limitation Victim Takes All Damage Neuro-
parasite Takes; heals back automatically
when parasite leaves or is removed),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Limited
Hero Games 205

Target (humans; -½), No Range (-½), Skin body). Once it makes skin contact, it digs the barbs
Contact Required (-1), Only On Victims on its feet (and in some species, a proboscis) into the
Under Its Control (EGO+20 or better victim’s flesh and latches onto his spine. This allows it
required; -½), All Or Nothing (-½) 0 to take control of the victim (i.e., attack with its Mind
10 Nutrition Loss: Drain BODY 1d6 (standard Control) and make him do its bidding. In doing so it
effect: 1 BODY), Delayed Return Rate establishes a one-way neurochemical link. This means
(points return at the rate of 5 per Month, or that once it’s firmly attached to a victim, any damage a
begin healing normally once neuroparasite neuroparasite suffers its victim suffers as well, but the
is removed; +2), Penetrating (+½), Reduced parasite itself does not suffer if its host is harmed. The
Endurance (0 END; +½); Skin Contact neuroparasite remains attached to its host (and usu-
Required (-1), 1 Charge (-2) [1] ally hides itself under the host’s collar, hat, shirt, tunic,
1 Tough Shell: Damage Resistance or the like) until the host dies and it seeks another, or
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 it is somehow removed. Typically a host loses 1 BODY
-10 Short Legs: Running -5” (1” total) per day a parasite is attached due to the strain of being
1 Springy Legs: Leaping +1” (1” total) 1 controlled and the diminished nutrition his body
6 Heightened Senses: +2 PER with all receives.
Sense Groups 0 Campaign Use: Neuroparasites (and like creatures, for
6 Lots Of Legs: Extra Limbs, Inherent (+¼) 0 which this character sheet can serve as a template)
represent the ultimate horror in many games. Hard to
Skills detect and hard to remove without harm to the victim,
40 Hard To Hit: +8 DCV they’re far more difficult to confront than a typical
monster or enemy.
13 Concealment 19-; Self Only (-½)
19 Stealth 19- Appearance: Most neuroparasites are insect-like or
crustacean-like beings no more than five inches long.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 193 They have six or more legs or barbs with which
Total Cost: 168 they attach themselves to a victim’s flesh, and some
have a proboscis as well.
75+ Disadvantages
10 Physical Limitation: Limited
Manipulation (Frequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Minus-
cule (about 3-5 inches long;
+12” KB) (Frequently, Greatly
10 Physical Limitation: Near-
Human Intelligence (Fre-
quently, Slightly Impairing)
58 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 168

Ecology: Neuroparasites have been
found in a variety of environments on
several different worlds. But regardless of
the location, their basic method of survival
— latching onto and taking control of
sentient beings, thereby deriving nutriment
— remains the same. Due to the dangers
posed in studying them, almost nothing is
known about their reproductive habits or
activities when not attached to a host.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal moti-
vations. But to many sentient beings, the
actions of the neuroparasite seem tinged
with malice, and they may be so; it’s pos-
sible neuroparasites are themselves a
sentient species.
Powers/Tactics: A neuroparasite
attacks by surprise, typically
dropping onto the back of the
victim’s neck from above (it
must have access to the spinal
cord or brain, and so never attacks other parts of the
206 HERO System Bestiary

Psychovore 60
Specific Emotion (-1)
Energy Form: Desolidification (affected by

lasers and light-based attacks), Reduced

PSYCHOVORE Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½),
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Inherent (+¼); Always On (-½) 0
-10 STR -20 7- Lift 6.4 kg; 0d6 [1] 30 Energy Form: Flight 10”, Reduced
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
20 CON 20 13- -12 Only Flies: Running -6”
10 BODY 0 11- -2 Only Flies: Swimming -2”
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 Skills
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 3 Stealth 11-
8 COM -1 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 191
1 PD 1 Total: 1 PD (0 rPD) Total Cost: 242
4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 75+ Disadvantages
4 REC 0 10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (.5m; +6”
40 END 0 KB) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 51 10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
Movement: Running: 0”/0” 10 Physical Limitation: Must Feed Off Sen-
Leaping: 0”/0” tients’ Emotions (Frequently, Slightly Impair-
Swimming: 0”/0” ing)
Flight: 10”/20” 137 Experience Points

Cost Powers END Total Disadvantage Points: 242

112 Empathic Manipulation: Mind Control
Ecology: Various species of psychovore (“emotion-
12d6, Telepathic (+¼), Affects Physical
eater”) live on various planets, or in certain regions
World (+2), Reduced Endurance
of space (the latter have Life Support). Unlike cor-
(0 END; +½); Only To Control/Inflict A
poreal creatures, they do not eat vegetation or flesh,
but rather feed off of an emotional state of sentient
beings. They have the innate ability to stimulate and
control this emotional state, the better to feed off it.
A few relatively benign species can inflict feelings
of love and passion on their victims, but most seem
to feed on the stronger, darker emotions of fear,
anger, hatred, and prejudice. Beyond this, nothing is
known about psychovores.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
though indications are that psychovores are at least
as intelligent as their prey.
Powers/Tactics: A psychovore approaches its vic-
tims by Stealth until it can establish Line Of Sight,
then begins using its Empathic Manipulation. It
keeps this up until discovered, forced to flee, or
it becomes sated (the latter may require hours or
days, and can easily exhaust or kill the victim).
Campaign Use: Psychovores are another unusual
threat for PCs to contend with. A life form utterly
alien from most sentient species, they can both play
the central part in stories, and act as a complication
when the PCs have other things they’d rather worry
Appearance: A psychovore resembles a small ball
of glowing, pulsating energy, often with differ-
ent colors corruscating across its “surface.” When
it feeds, the intensity of its glow and colors often
Hero Games 207

ROBOTS AND ANDROIDS 6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on

Running 0
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on

obots and androids are mechanical
creations, usually of roughly humanoid Leaping 0
shape, designed to perform specific tasks 1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
on behalf of their creators or owners. Swimming 0
Androids have a far more “human” appearance than 18 Android Body: Damage Resistance
robots, but even they are recognizably not human (6 PD/6 ED) 0
in most cases. 45 Android Body: Life Support: Total 0
Robots and androids most commonly appear 34 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception,
in science fiction stories; they’re one of the defining Ultraviolet Perception, x1000 Microscopic,
elements of the genre in many instances. How- Telescopic (+6 versus Range) (all for Sight
ever, you can also use them in superhero games, Group) 0
and in primitive form perhaps even in pulp- and 3 Auditory Sensors: Ultrasonic Perception
Victorian-era campaigns. In a fantasy games, you (Hearing Group) 0
can adapt robot and android character sheets for 12 Radio Sensors: HRRP 0
golems and other magical/alchemical constructs. 3 Sensor Enhancements: +1 PER with all
Robotic automatons typically take the Affected Sense Groups 0
By Cyberkinesis Physical Limitation. It represents
the fact that even though they’re Automatons, they Talents
are susceptible to cyberkinetic (machine-manipu- 32 Onboard Computer Systems: Absolute
lating) powers affecting EGO or PRE. This would Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump
include any Mental Power bought to affect the Of Direction, Lightning Calculator,
Machine class of minds. Universal Translator 12-

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] 1 Climbing 8-
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 2 Language (GM’s choice)
10 CON 0 11-
10 BODY 0 11- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 562
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Total Cost: 623
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 75+ Disadvantages
10 COM 0 11- 10 Physical Limitation: Affected By Cyberkine-
sis (has EGO 20 for purposes of cyberkinetic
6 PD 15 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) powers, and can be affected by cyberkine-
6 ED 15 Total: 6 ED (6 rED) sis-based Presence Attacks) (Infrequently,
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Greatly Impairing)
4 REC 0 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
0 END -10 25 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 61 Programmer’s/Owner’s Commands (Very
Common, Total)
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 513 Experience Points
Leaping: 2”/4”
Total Disadvantage Points: 623
Cost Powers END Description: This highly advanced android is built
54 Alter Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, with mimicking circuitry that allows it to both
and Touch Groups; any humanoid form), alter its shape to match that of another person, and
Imitation, Reduced Endurance duplicate that person’s abilities (be they skills, tech-
(0 END; +½) 0 nology, superpowers, or the like). As such, it makes
255 Mimicking Circuitry: Variable Power Pool an ideal spy and assassin.
(Mimic Pool), 150 base + 75 control cost,
Powers Can Be Changes As Zero-Phase
Action (+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Requires Successful HTH Attack Roll (-½),
VPP Mimics Target’s Powers (-½), Powers
May Only Be As Powerful As Target’s
Powers (-½) 0
15 Android Body: Does Not Bleed 0
45 Android Body: Takes No STUN 0
15 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
up to 30 STR 0
208 HERO System Bestiary
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 45 Android Body: Life Support: Total 0
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] 20 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception,
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 Ultraviolet Perception, x100 Microscopic
10 CON 0 11- (all for Sight Group) 0
10 BODY 0 11- 3 Auditory Sensors: Ultrasonic Perception
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- (Hearing Group) 0
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A 12 Radio Sensors: HRRP 0
5 PRE -5 10- PRE Attack: 1d6
10 COM 0 11- Talents
32 Onboard Computer Systems: Absolute
2 PD 3 Total: 2 PD (2 rPD) Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump
2 ED 3 Total: 2 ED (2 rED) Of Direction, Lightning Calculator,
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 Universal Translator 11-
4 REC 0
0 END -10 Skills
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: -9 1 Climbing 8-
2 Language (GM’s choice)
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 3 Paramedics 11-
Leaping: 2”/4” 3 Jack Of All Trades
1 1) PS: Bartending 11-
Cost Powers END 1 2) PS: Butler 11-
15 Android Body: Does Not Bleed 0 1 3) PS: Childcare 11-
45 Android Body: Takes No STUN 0 1 4) PS: Cooking 11-
5 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 1 5) PS: Housecleaning 11-
10 STR 0 1 6) PS: Household Financial Management 11-
6 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 1 7) PS: Tailor 11-
Running 0 1 8) PS: Valet 11-
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on
Leaping 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 208
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on Total Cost: 199
Swimming 0
6 Android Body: Damage Resistance 75+ Disadvantages
10 Physical Limitation: Affected By Cyberkine-
sis (has EGO 5 for purposes of cyberkinetic
powers, and can be affected by cyberkine-
sis-based Presence Attacks) (Infrequently,
Greatly Impairing)
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
25 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey
Programmer’s/Owner’s Commands (Very
Common, Total)
25 Psychological Limitation: Must Not Cause
Or Allow Harm To Humans (Very Common,
64 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 199

Description: Homeowners of the future do not need
to worry about household chores at all. For a few
hundred credits, they can acquire a General Purpose
Robot that cleans house, cooks meals, and even pro-
vides basic medical care and childrearing services.
Campaign Use: This character sheet represents an
advanced form of general purpose robot. Less sophis-
ticated models would be built as normal characters,
not Automatons, with their END representing built-in
power supplies and the like (and thus cost far fewer
Character Points).
Although this robot seems peaceful and harm-
less, plenty of science fiction stories involve ordinary
creations such as these that malfunction or are
reprogrammed, causing them to become a threat to
humanity. Just because the General Purpose Robot
Hero Games 209

has no onboard weaponry doesn’t mean it’s not dan-


Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8
10 CON 0 11-
15 BODY 10 12-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
10 COM 0 11-

10 PD 24 Total: 10 PD (10 rPD)

10 ED 27 Total: 10 ED (10 rED)
4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
7 REC 0
0 END -10
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 127
(+26 with NCM)

Movement: Running: 9”/18”

Leaping: 5”/10”

Cost Powers END

112 Onboard Weaponry: RKA 2d6, Variable
Advantage (+1 Advantages; +2), Variable
Special Effects (any weapon; +¼),
Reduced End (0 END; +½) 0
15 Robot Body: Does Not Bleed 0
45 Robot Body: Takes No STUN 0 Skills
12 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 20 +2 Overall
25 STR 0
9 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 24 Suite of Skills specifically programmed
Running 0 into drone
2 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 1 Climbing 8-
Leaping 0 2 Language (GM’s choice)
1 Tireless: Reduced End (0 END; +½) on 3 Stealth 14-
Swimming 0 3 Tactics 12-
30 Robot Body: Damage Resistance
(10 PD/10 ED) 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 444
45 Robot Body: Life Support: Total 0 Total Cost: 571
6 Robot Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 0
34 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception, 75+ Disadvantages
Ultraviolet Perception, x1000 Microscopic, 5 Physical Limitation: Affected By Cyberkine-
Telescopic (+6 versus Range) (all for Sight sis (has EGO 25 for purposes of cyberkinetic
Group) 0 powers, and can be affected by cyberkine-
18 Auditory Sensors: Active Sonar and Ultra- sis-based Presence Attacks) (Infrequently,
sonic Perception (both for Hearing Group) 0 Slightly Impairing)
27 Radio Sensors: HRRP and Radar 0 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
3 Sensor Enhancements: +1 PER with all 25 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey
Sense Groups 0 Programmer’s/Owner’s Commands (Very
Common, Total)
Talents 466 Experience Points
32 Onboard Computer Systems: Absolute
Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump Total Disadvantage Points: 571
Of Direction, Lightning Calculator, Description: Designed for warfare, combat, pursuit,
Universal Translator 12- and assassination, the hunter-seeker drone comes
equipped with a wide variety of the most sophisti-
cated and deadly weapons available — everything
from missiles and slugthrowers to lasers, blasters, and
exotic particle weapons. Pursuant to its program-
ming, it determines the location of its target, hunts
210 HERO System Bestiary
Reconnaissance the target down, and then destroys the target in the Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Robots most efficient manner possible. (If necessary, give the Leaping: 3”/6”
Many species, including hunter-seeker drone whatever other built-in weapons
21st century humans, and equipment it needs to have a reasonable chance of Cost Powers END
use robotic sensors completing its mission.) 7 Butcher Knife: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with
in the shape of small Since each hunter-seeker drone is programmed STR); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼) 1
animals to spy on their with a selection of Skills specific to it, this character 11 Can’t Keep Him Down For Long: +10
enemies and scout ter- sheet simply specifies the amount of points allotted for REC; Requires A CON Roll (-¾) 0
rain. To create one of
these robots, take the Skills, allowing the GM to assign the appropriate ones. 29 Unstoppable Killer: Healing 2d6 (Regen-
appropriate animal Common hunter-seeker drone Skills include Bug- eration; 2 BODY per Turn), Resurrection
character sheet (such as ging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting, Combat Skill (others can stop resurrection by burning
Diminutive Mammal Levels, Computer Programming, Deduction, Demoli- the body), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
or Songbird), add the tions, Electronics, Fast Draw, Interrogation, Lock- +½), Persistent (+½); Self Only (-½),
Robot Body, Tireless, and picking, Mechanics, Navigation, Penalty Skill Levels, Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼) 0
sensory abilities of the
Hunter-Seeker Drone,
Security Systems, Shadowing, Tracking, Transport
and make any other Familiarity, Weapon Familiarity, and Weaponsmith. Talents
appropriate changes. 6 Combat Luck
You may also want to
include a Mind Link Slasher Skills
between the robot and 15 +3 Hand-To-Hand
its controller or home SLASHER
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Climbing 12-
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1] 3 Contortionist 12-
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 5 Stealth 13-
20 CON 20 13-
20 BODY 20 13- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 79
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Total Cost: 186
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 75+ Disadvantages
10 COM 0 11- 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
20 Psychological Limitation: Unquenchable
8 PD 5 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD) Urge To Kill (Very Common, Strong)
8 ED 4 Total: 11 ED (3 rED) 91 Experience Points
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
10 REC 6 Total Disadvantage Points: 186
40 END 0 Ecology: An unstoppable homicidal maniac, the
40 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 107 Slasher lurks in parks, basements, campgrounds,
lover’s lanes, and any other dark and scary area where
he can find his preferred prey — teenagers.
Personality/Motivation: The Slasher kills not for food
or self-defense, but out of a simple urge to kill. Many
experts have speculated on what turned him into a
five-fingered monster, but no definitive theory has yet
emerged, in part because of the difficulty of studying
the subject.
Powers/Tactics: The Slasher uses a common butcher’s
knife or similar object, wielded with vicious efficiency,
to dispatch his victims. What makes him remarkable
is not his form of attack, but how difficult it is for his
victims to stop him. Although he looks like a normal
human, the Slasher possesses uncanny recuperative
abilities. Beat him, stab him, slash him, crush him,
or burn him, you can’t keep him down for very long.
Somehow, even when he looks dead, he shrugs off
the effects of his injuries and continues to implacably
pursue his prey.
Campaign Use: The Slasher is a classic horror movie
villain. To make him more effective against actual
heroes, as opposed to teenagers too stupid not
to search an unlit basement after several of their
friends have already been murdered, you may need
to increase his combat abilities or Characteristics,
give him additional abilities (such as Invisibility with
Hero Games 211

appropriate Limitations), or arrange the situation so

the PCs are weaker than normal.
Appearance: The Slasher is a man wearing dark
clothes and wielding a butcher knife. He typically
covers his face with a rubber mask, hockey mask, ski
mask, hood, or the like.

Swamp Creature
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
20 CON 20 13-
15 BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
6 COM -2 10-

8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (6 rPD)
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (6 rED)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
9 REC 4
40 END 0
40 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 97

Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Leaping: 3”/6” intrepid explorers and fearful tribesmen). It sur-
Swimming: 5”/10” vives mostly on fish and aquatic vegetation.
Personality/Motivation: For the most part, the
Cost Powers END Swamp Creature simply wants to live in peace, feed-
10 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6+1 with STR) 1 ing off the fish and creatures native to its home and
6 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance defending itself from the likes of crocodiles. But it’s
(6 PD/6 ED) 0 afflicted with a strange, instinctual drive for human
5 Gills: Life Support (Expanded Breathing: female companionship, since it needs a human
Breathe Underwater) 0 woman to mate. If it encounters a human woman, it
3 Aquatic Adaptation: Swimming +3” typically tries to Grab her and drag her away to an
(5” total) 1 underwater grotto to keep her prisoner and, in its
10 Big Black Eyes: Infrared Perception and own monstrous way, cherish her.
Ultraviolet Perception (both for Sight
Group) 0 Powers/Tactics: A Swamp Creature usually pre-
fers to attack from ambush and surprise, using its
Skills stealthfulness and knowledge of its native terrain to
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand obtain the upper hand (especially against humans
armed with guns or fire). If forced into open battle,
6 AK: Home Swamp 15- it uses its claws.
3 Shadowing 11- Campaign Use: A Swamp Creature (which can also
3 Stealth 13- serve as a Sewer Creature, Sea Creature, or the like)
works best for your stories when it presents a threat
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 51 to the PCs. Although it might not stand up to a
Total Cost: 148 given PC in a one-on-one battle, it usually avoids
such battles anyway, evening the odds with cunning
75+ Disadvantages and guile. If necessary, give it other abilities — fish-
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size related powers like an electric eel’s shock, Mimicry,
20 Psychological Limitation: Desire For Com- effective camouflage, or the like — to even the odds.
panionship (Very Common, Strong) Appearance: The Swamp Creature is a humanoid
53 Experience Points being resembling a cross between a man, a fish, and
a lizard. It has both gills and lungs, allowing it to
Total Disadvantage Points: 148 exist comfortably on the surface or underwater.
Ecology: A Swamp Creature inhabits a large swamp
or marsh, typically one far from civilization (but
not so far rumors of it have not reached the ears of
212 HERO System Bestiary


Swimming: 0”/0”

irst encountered by humanity in the 2300s,
the Xenovores are a hostile alien species Flight: 20”/40”
that attempted to exterminate mankind in
a series of long wars that occupied Earth’s Cost Powers END
attention for almost the entire twenty-fourth cen- 15 Talons: HKA 1d6 (1d6 with STR) 1
tury. The Xenovores include as part of their arsenal 5 Beak: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
battle-trained animals from their homeworld. 1 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED) 0
Human soldiers fought many such animals during 1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE; Only To
the Xenovore Wars, but they encountered two Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1)
— the warhound and the battlebird — more often 33 Wings: Flight 20”, Reduced Endurance
than others. (½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 2
29 Stooping: Flight +24”, Reduced Endurance
XENOVORE BATTLEBIRD (0 END; +½); Restrainable (-½), Only To
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Dive At Prey For Move Bys (-1) 0
0 STR -10 9- Lift 25 kg; 0d6 [1] 1 Wing-Assisted Leap: Leaping +1”
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 (1” forward, ½” upward) 1
10 CON 0 11- -10 Short Legs: Running -5”
7 BODY -6 10- -2 No Swimming: Swimming -2”
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 Raptor Eyes: +5 PER with Sight Group 0
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 16 Raptor Eyes: +16 versus Range for
16 PRE 6 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Normal Sight 0
8 COM -1 11-
5 PD 5 Total: 5 PD (1 rPD) 10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
5 ED 3 Total: 5 ED (1 rED) 8 +4 Targeting Skill Levels with Talons and
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Beak
4 REC 4 10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV
20 END 0
20 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 23 2 PS: Attack 11-
2 PS: General Obedience 11-
2 PS: Guard 11-
2 PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11-
2 PS: Stop Attacking 11-
7 Stealth 15-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 144

Total Cost: 167

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Small (from about .6m
to 1.3m long; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
57 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 167

Ecology: Unknown. Presumably battlebirds fill a simi-
lar ecological niche on their homeworld as eagles and
hawks do on Earth, but this has not been confirmed.
Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
though battlebirds encountered by Humans have
received combat training and are vicious combatants
and killers.
Powers/Tactics: A trained battlebird typically begins
combat by swooping down on its target, performing a
Move By with its talons. If that works well, it performs
other Move Bys, or hovers around the target striking
with beak and talons. It often aims for the eyes and
Hero Games 213

Campaign Use: You can use this character sheet for 2 PS: General Obedience 11-
eagles altered by magic, other strange alien raptors 2 PS: Guard 11-
and bats, and the like. 2 PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11-
Appearance: A Xenovore battlebird looks like a 2 PS: Stop Attacking 11-
strange cross between a lizard and an eagle. It has 5 Stealth 14-
scales on its upper body and the top edges of its wings 3 Tactics 11-
that gradually, almost imperceptibly, meld into feath- 3 Teamwork 13-
ers lower down. Its ears and tail are leathery, more like
those of a bat than a bird. Most subspecies are grey- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 136
green or black in color. Total Cost: 226

75+ Disadvantages
XENOVORE WARHOUND 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
20 CON 20 13- 121 Experience Points
16 BODY 12 12-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Total Disadvantage Points: 226
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 Ecology: Unknown. Presumably warhounds fill a
8 COM -1 11- similar ecological niche on their homeworld as lions,
wild dogs, or wolves do on Earth, but this has not been
10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (4 rPD) confirmed.
8 ED 4 Total: 5 ED (4 rED) Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations,
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 though warhounds encountered by Humans have
9 REC 0 received combat training and are vicious combatants
40 END 0 and killers.
40 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 90
Powers/Tactics: Trained warhounds know how to
(+7 with NCM)
work in a pack to bring down dangerous prey, such
as Humans. But if necessary, a warhound will take on
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
opponents up to twice its size on its own, counting on
Leaping: 5”/10”
its strong jaws and sharp claws to slaughter its prey
before it can escape or strike back.
Cost Powers END
25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2 Appearance: Canine-like animals about the size of
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2½d6 with STR); lions, Xenovore warhounds have the same strange
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1 quasi-reptilian physiognomy as many other creatures
15 Spikes: HKA ½d6, Continuous (+1), from the Xenovore
Damage Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼), homeworld. Their
Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 squarish heads,
END; +½); Always On (-½), Activation with bat-like ears
Roll 14- (-½), No STR Bonus (-½) 0 and large red-
4 Growl: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based amber eyes, are
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations most noted for
(must growl; -¼) 0 the heavy, slightly
4 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (4 PD/4 ED) 0 underslung jaw
1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE; Only To filled with fangs
Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1) from one to
6 Swift-limbed: Running +3” (9” total) 1 three inches long.
9 Warhound’s Senses: +3 PER with all Strong legs sup-
Sense Groups 0 port a body with
5 Warhound’s Eyes: Nightvision 0 scaly skin and a
5 Warhound’s Nose: Tracking with series of short,
Normal Smell 0 sharp spines
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); running along
Limited Manipulation (-¼) 0 the forward part
of the creature’s
Skills back. Its long,
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand thick tail pro-
vides balance
3 Climbing 13- when it leaps
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½) and allows it to
2 PS: Attack 11- trip prey.
214 HERO System Bestiary

Burnie, David. The Kingfisher Illustrated Animal Dover Clip Art Series
Gesner, Konrad. Beasts and Animals. New York:
Burton, Robert and Maurice. Inside The Animal
World Gesner, Konrad. Curious Woodcuts of Fanciful and
Real Beasts.
Conant, Roger and Joseph T. Collins. Peterson Field
Guides: Reptiles And Amphibians Of Eastern/Cen- Giuliani, Bob. Animal Illustrations.
tral North America Giuliani, Bob. Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Mammals
Cox, Barry, R.J.G. Savage, Brian Gardiner, and Colin Illustrations.
Harrison. The Simon & Schuster Encyclopedia Of Giuliani, Bob. Endangered Animal Illustrations.
Dinosaurs And Prehistoric Creatures Giuliani, Bob. Illustrations of Marine Animals.
The Dorling-Kindersley Animal Encyclopedia Grafton, Carol Belanger. Animal Illustrations.
The Encyclopedia Of Animals Grafton, Carol Belanger. Cuvier’s Animals.
McGavin, George. The Pocket Guide To Insects Of Grafton, Carol Belanger. Old-Fashioned Animals Cuts.
The Northern Hemisphere
Harter, Jim. Animals.
Nigg, Joseph. The Book Of Fabulous Beasts
Huber, Richard. Treasury of Fantastic and
Preston-Mafham, Rod and Ken. Spiders Of The Mythological Creatures.
Kate, Maggie. Big Book of Animals Illustrations.
Rose, Carol. Giants, Monsters, And Dragons
Lehner, Ernst and Johanna. Devils, Demons, and
Slater, Peter, ed. The Encyclopedia Of Animal Behav- Witchcraft.
Merian, Matthaus. 1300 Real and Fanciful Animals.
Taylor, Leighton, ed. The Little Guides: Sharks
Whitfield, Philip. The Simon & Schuster Encyclope-
dia Of Animals
Hero Games 215

o help you use the creatures from the Resource Kit.
Bestiary in your campaigns, this appen- To use the combat templates, all you have to do
dix contains several gaming aids. First, it is photocopy them (you have permission to do so
includes several examples of how to apply for your personal use only) and cut them out. A few
the templates described on pages 21-30. are in two or more “pieces,” since they’re too big to
Second, there’s a two-page quick-reference fit on a single page, so you’ll have to tape the pieces
containing all of the Hit Location Tables from this together. After your combat templates are ready,
book. That way you can save yourself a lot of page- whenever you need one, simply lay it on the hex
flipping during a game; just bookmark those pages map you’re using to track a battle. That way you can
and turn to them quickly whenever you need them. quickly and easily determine which characters are
Third, there are two pages of combat tem- affected by an attack, and which aren’t.
plates for the Area Of Effect attacks some of the Lastly, there’s a summary chart containing all
monsters have, as well as some generic “creature” the creatures in Chapters Two, Three, and Four,
combat templates for creatures larger than one hex. arranged in alphabetical order, so you can reference
The combat templates are all on a scale of 1” = one them quickly.
inch, the same as the maps in the HERO System
216 HERO System Bestiary
10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (from about
.3m up to about .6m; +6” KB) (Frequently,
Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

Total Disadvantage Points: 115

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
38 STR 28 14- Lift 4,800 kg; 7 ½d6 [4]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
18 CON 16 13-
12 BODY 4 11-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
MAGIC RAVEN 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 8 COM -1 11-
-20 STR -30 5- Lift 1.6 kg; 0d6 [1]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 11 PD 3 Total: 11 PD (2 rPD)
6 CON -8 10- 6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
3 BODY -14 10- 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 13 REC 2
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 36 END 0
8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1½d6 40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 72
8 COM -1 11- (+21 with NCM)

2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) Movement: Running: 6”/12”

2 ED 1 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) Leaping: 1”/2”
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
2 REC 2 Cost Powers END
16 END 2 30 Radioactive Aura: Drain CON 1d6,
12 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: -34 Delayed Return Rate (points return at
the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), Continuous
Movement: Running: 1”/2” (+1), Damage Shield (-½), Persistent (+½),
Leaping: 0”/0” Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
Flight: 9”/18” Always On (-½) 0
Swimming: 0”/0” 15 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2 ½d6 with STR);
Cost Powers END Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2
5 Beak: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 11 Hideous Growl: +25 PRE; Only For
30 Magical Protection: Magic Damage Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1),
Reduction, 50% 0 Incantations (must growl or roar; -¼) 0
10 Magical Protection: Power Defense 2 Tough Skin/Fat: Damage Resistance
(10 points) 0 (2 PD/2 ED) 0
12 Wings: Flight 9”; Restrainable (-½) 2 1 Burst Of Speed: Running +3” (9” total);
-10 Short Legs: Running -5” Increased Endurance Cost (x8 END; -3½) 8
-2 Nonaquatic: Swimming -2” 4 Bear’s Nose: +2 PER with Smell/
5 Bird’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception Taste Group 0
(240 Degrees) for Sight Group 0 4 Tentacles: Extra Limbs (3); Limited
Manipulation (-¼) 0
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV Talents
3 Lightsleep
5 Easily Hidden: +4 to Concealment;
Self Only (-½) Skills
3 Mimicry 11- 5 +1 Hand-To-Hand

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 68 3 Climbing 12-

Total Cost: 34 2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)

75+ Disadvantages Total Powers & Skills Cost: 96

15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Total Cost: 168
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
Hero Games 217

75+ Disadvantages Skills

45 Berserk: in combat (Very Common), 10 +2 Hand-To-Hand
go 14-, recover 8-
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 3 Acrobatics 13-
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 3 Climbing 13-
15 Physical Limitation: Hibernates In Winter 3 Tactics 11-
(Infrequently, Fully Impairing) 3 Teamwork 13-
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers Total Powers & Skills Cost: 83
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly Total Cost: 167
10 Physical Limitation: Poor Hearing, suffers -2 75+ Disadvantages
to all Hearing PER Rolls (Frequently, Slightly 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size (up to
Impairing) about 3m tall and 650 kg)
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only 10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
leap 1” (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Hunger For
Total Disadvantage Points: 195 Human Flesh (Common, Strong)
57 Experience Points
AQUATIC GUARDIAN APE Total Disadvantage Points: 167
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
23 CON 26 14- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
16 BODY 12 12- 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 20 CON 20 13-
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 ½d6 16 BODY 12 12-
8 COM -1 11- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
8 PD 2 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD) 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
6 ED 1 Total: 8 ED (2 rED) 16 COM 3 12-
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12
11 REC 0 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD)
46 END 0 9 ED 5 Total: 9 ED (3 rED)
43 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 84 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
(+16 with NCM) 9 REC 0
40 END 0
Movement: Running: 7”/14” 40 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 114
Leaping: 6”/12” (+13 with NCM)
Swimming: 5”/10”
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
Cost Powers END Leaping: 5”/10”
7 Arm Swing: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand Flight: 12”/24”
Attack (-½) 1
12 Bite: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); Reduced Cost Powers END
Penetration (-¼) 1 40 Holy Aura: Sight Group Images, 1”
15 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR) 1 radius, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based Only To Create Light (-1), No Range (-½),
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations Linked (-½) (total cost: 5 points) plus
(must roar; -¼) 0 RKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), Damage
6 Thick, Leathery Skin: Armor (2 PD/2 ED) 0 Shield (+½), Penetrating (+½), Reduced
5 Gills: Life Support: Expanded Breathing Endurance (0 END; +½); Only Affects
(Breathe Underwater) Evil Beings (-½) 0
1 Aquatic Body: Life Support (Safe 20 Eagle’s Beak: HKA 1d6+1 (2 ½d6 with STR) 2
Environment: High Pressure) 12 Eagle’s Talons/Lion’s Claws: HKA 1d6
2 Long Legs: Running +1” (7” total) 1 (2d6 with STR); Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
3 Webbed Paws: Swimming +3” (5” total) 1 60 Divine Shield: Physical and Energy
6 Ape Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0 Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
3 Thick Skin: Damage Resistance
(3 PD/3 ED) 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
218 HERO System Bestiary

5 Divine Form: Life Support AIR CONSTRICTOR SERPENT

(Longevity: Immortality) 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
16 Eagle’s Wings: Flight 12”; Restrainable (-½) 2 13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2 ½d6 [1]
6 Swift-limbed: Running +3” (9” total) 1 11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
6 Eagle’s Eyes: +3 PER with Sight Group 0 15 CON 10 12-
6 Eagle’s Eyes: +4 versus Range for Sight 13 BODY 6 12-
Group 0 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
31 Divine Awareness: Infrared Perception 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
(Sight Group), Ultrasonic Perception 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
(Hearing Group), Ultraviolet Perception 8 COM -1 11-
(Sight Group), Telescopic (+6 versus
Range for Sight and Hearing Groups) 0 4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (1 rPD)
3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (1 rED)
Skills 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand 6 REC 0
30 END 0
3 Stealth 13- 28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 10
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 224 Movement: Running: 0”/0”
Total Cost: 338 Leaping: 0”/0”
Swimming: 0”/0”
75+ Disadvantages Flight: 20”/160”
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Cost Powers END
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV, 7 Bite: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR); No STR
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, Bonus (-½) 0
Slightly Impairing) 7 Coils: +15 STR; Only With Grab And
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Squeeze (-1) 1
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 75 Body Of Air: Physical Damage Reduction,
25 Psychological Limitation: Suffused With Resistant, 75% plus Energy Damage
Holy Purpose (Very Common, Total) Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
203 Experience Points 1 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED) 0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
Total Disadvantage Points: 338 2 Not Much Appetite: Life Support (Dimin-
Hero Games 219

ished Eating: only needs to eat once every EARTH GIANT LIZARD
few months) 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
100 Windrunning: Flight 20”, x8 noncombat, 60 STR 50 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
Rapid Noncombat Movement (+¼), 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
Combat Acceleration/Deceleration (+¼), 28 CON 36 15-
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 20 BODY 20 13-
-12 Only Flies: Running -6” (0” total) 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
-2 Only Flies: Swimming -2” (0” total) 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
6 Serpent’s Tongue: +3 PER with Smell/ 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
Taste Group 0 6 COM -2 10-
27 Body Of Air: Desolidification (affected
by magic); Cannot Pass Through Solid 18 PD 6 Total: 28 PD (10 rPD)
Objects (-½) 0 12 ED 6 Total: 26 ED (10 rED)
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Skills 18 REC 0
4 +2 OCV with Grab 56 END 0
65 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 140
5 Climbing 12- (+72 with NCM)
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
3 Stealth 11- Movement: Running: 24”/48”
Leaping: 6”/12”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 231 Tunneling: 6”/12”
Total Cost: 249
Cost Powers END
75+ Disadvantages 25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR);
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
15 Physical Limitation: Cold-Blooded (Fre- 23 Spiny Skin: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1),
quently, Greatly Impairing) Damage Shield (+½), Persistent (+½),
10 Physical Limitation: Enormous (up to 10m Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
long; -4 DCV, +4 to PER Rolls to perceive) Activation Roll 14- (-½), No STR Bonus
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing) (-½), No Knockback (-¼) 0
15 Physical Limitation: Poor Eyesight, suffers 30 Body Of Earth: Armor (10 PD/10 ED)
-2 to all Sight PER Rolls (Frequently, Greatly 18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0
Impairing) 36 Long Legs: Running +18” (24” total) 3
5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot 52 Passage Of Earth: Tunneling 6” through
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 10 DEF material, Fill In 5
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 5 Stonesight: N-Ray Perception (Sight
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Group) (cannot perceive through organic
99 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 249

220 HERO System Bestiary
matter); Only To See Through Earth And Fire (-½) 0
Stone (-1) 0 4 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -2” 0
3 Reptilian Senses: +1 PER with all Sense 30 Wings Of Fire: Flight 15” 3
Groups 0 6 Swift Runner: Running +3” (9” total) 1
5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); Limited 9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0
Manipulation (-¼) 0 5 Cat’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell 0
0 ES: Climbing 8- Skills
15 +3 Hand-To-Hand
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 209
Total Cost: 349 3 Climbing 13-
2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-½)
75+ Disadvantages 3 Camouflage Coloration: +4 to
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Concealment; Self Only (-½), Only In
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Home Environment (-1)
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (16m long; -6 7 Stealth 15-
DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre- 1 Camouflage Coloration: +1 to Stealth; Only
quently, Slightly Impairing) In Home Environment (-1)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 206
234 Experience Points Total Cost: 304

Total Disadvantage Points: 349 75+ Disadvantages

15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to 11 feet
Val Char Cost Roll Notes long and 660 pounds; -2 DCV, +2 to PER
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2] Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, Slightly
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Impairing)
20 CON 20 13- 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
16 BODY 12 12- tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 194 Experience Points
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 Total Disadvantage Points: 304
22 COM 4 13-

9 PD 4 Total: 9 PD (1 rPD) WATER HORSE

5 ED 1 Total: 5 ED (1 rED) Val Char Cost Roll Notes
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 28 STR 18 15- Lift 1,200 kg; 5 ½d6 [3]
10 REC 2 17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
40 END 0 21 CON 22 13-
39 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 98 17 BODY 14 12-
(+7 with NCM) 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
Movement: Running: 9”/18” 17 PRE 7 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
Leaping: 5”/10” 10 COM 0 11-
Flight: 15”/30”
8 PD 2 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
Cost Powers END 4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (1 rED)
30 Body Of Fire: HKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), 3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Damage Shield (does damage in HTH 10 REC 0
Combat; +¾), Inherent (+¼), Persistent 42 END 0
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 42 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 75
Always On (-½), No STR Bonus (-½) 0 (+12 with NCM)
25 Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2 ½d6 with STR); Movement: Running: 11”/22”
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 2 Leaping: 6”/12”
4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based Swimming: 17”/136”
Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
(must roar; -¼) 0 Cost Powers END
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 10 Kick/Rear: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand
40 Body Of Fire: Energy Damage Reduction, Attack (-½) 1
Resistant, 75%; Only Works Against 75 Body Of Water: Physical Damage
Hero Games 221

Reduction, Resistant, 75% plus Energy FIVE-HEADED MANTICORE

Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
27 Body Of Water: Desolidification 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
(affected by magic or fire); Cannot 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Pass Through Solid Objects (-½) 4 22 CON 24 13-
1 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance 16 BODY 12 12-
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
6 Body Of Water: Life Support (Expanded 8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3
Breathing: Can Breathe Out Of Water, 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
Safe Environment: High Pressure) 0 6 COM -2 10-
1 Combat-Acclimated: +3 PRE; Only To
Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1) 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD)
8 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -4” 0 8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
25 Waverunning: Swimming +15”, x8 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
noncombat 2 9 REC 0
10 Horse’s Legs: Running +5” (11” total) 1 44 END 0
6 Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER 40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 104
with all Sense Groups but Sight Group 0 (+15 with NCM)

Skills Movement: Running: 12”/24”

3 +1 with Bite, Kick/Rear Leaping: 5”/10”
Flight: 8”/16”
3 PS: Attack 12-
2 PS: Stop Attacking 11- Cost Powers END
1 Riding 12-; Complementary To Rider’s Skill 20 Triple Fangs: HKA 1d6+1 (2 ½d6 with
Only (-1) STR) 2
16 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2 ½d6 with STR);
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 183 Reduced Penetration (-¼) 1
Total Cost: 258 18 Shooting Spines: RKA 1d6, Armor
Piercing (+½); 12 Charges (-¼) [12]
75+ Disadvantages 4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Presence Attacks (-1), Incantations
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) (must roar; -¼) 0
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV, 3 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently, (3 PD/3 ED) 0
Slightly Impairing) 6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3” 0
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 11 Wings: Flight 8”; Restrainable (-½) 2
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 12 Long Legs: Running +6” (12” total) 0
20 Psychological Limitation: Domesticated 5 Extra Heads: Extra Limbs (5) 0
(Very Common, Strong) 12 More Eyes Better: +4 PER with all Sense
128 Experience Points Groups 0
10 More Eyes Better: Increased Arc Of
Total Disadvantage Points: 258 Perception (360 Degrees) for Sight Group

8 Fangs A Lot: +4 OCV with Triple Fangs
9 +3 with Triple Fangs, Claws, and
Shooting Spines

3 Stealth 13-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 137

Total Cost: 241

75+ Disadvantages
5 Physical Limitation: Large (4m; -2 DCV,
+2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Infrequently,
Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelli-
gence (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Psychological Limitation: Heads Tend To
Argue Amongst Themselves (Common;
222 HERO System Bestiary
126 Experience Points 5 Cat’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
5 Cat’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
Total Disadvantage Points: 241
15 Hard To Hit: +3 DCV
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand

3 Breakfall 13-
3 Climbing 13-
13 Concealment 19-; Self Only (-½)
15 Stealth 19-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 159

Total Cost: 147

75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (.25m; +9” KB)
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Lets Humans
CAT FAMILIAR Think They Own It, When It Really Owns
Val Char Cost Roll Notes Them (Common, Total)
-15 STR -25 6- Lift 3.2 kg; 0d6 [1] 17 Experience Points
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
10 CON 0 11- Total Disadvantage Points: 147
5 BODY -10 10-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1½d6 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
12 COM 1 11- 50 STR 40 19- Lift 25 tons; 10d6 [5]
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
2 PD 2 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) 40 CON 60 17-
2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) 35 BODY 50 16-
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-
4 REC 4 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
20 END 0 30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
12 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: -12 8 COM -1 11-

Movement: Running: 6”/12” 15 PD 5 Total: 15 PD (5 rPD)

Leaping: 2”/4” 12 ED 4 Total: 12 ED (5 rED)
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Cost Powers END 18 REC 0
32 Magic Augmentation: Aid Magic 2d6, any 80 END 0
magic power one at a time (+¼), Delayed 80 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 196
Return Rate (points fade at the rate of 5 (+123 with NCM)
per Hour; +1) Invisible Power Effects
(Fully Invisible; +1); Only When Within Movement: Running: 12”/24”
5” Of Wizard (-1), Can Only Affect One Leaping: 0”/0”
Power At A Time (-0) 0 Swmming: 0”/0”
32 Shared Senses: Clairsentience (Sight
And Hearing Groups), 4x Range (1200”), Cost Powers END
Usable Simultaneously (familiar and 40 Jaws: HKA 2 ½d6 (5d6+1 with STR) 4
wizard at once; +½), Reduced Endurance 54 Hellfire Aura: HKA 1½d6, Continuous
(0 END; +½); Blackout (-½), Only (+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating
Through The Senses Of Others (familiar (+½), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼);
only; -1) 0 No STR Bonus (-½) 3
5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 37 Demonic Claws: HKA 1½d6, Armor
5 Claws: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1 Piercing (+½) 4
2 Pounce: Leaping +2” (2” total) 1 60 Infernal Shield: Physical and Energy
10 Magical Communication: Mind Link, one Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0
mind (the wizard), Psychic Bond 0 5 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance
9 Cat’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0 (5 PD/5 ED) 0
Hero Games 223

22 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -11” 0 SMART LARGE/HUNTING DOG

5 Infernal Form: Life Support (Longevity: Val Char Cost Roll Notes
Immortality) 0 -5 STR -15 8- Lift 12.5 kg; 0d6 [1]
12 Big Body And Long Legs: Running +6” 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
(12” total) 1 10 CON 0 11-
-2 Can’t Swim: Swimming -2” 7 BODY -6 10-
6 Dinosaur Senses: +2 PER with all Sense 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
Groups 0 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0 13 PRE 3 11- PRE Attack: 2 ½d6
10 COM 0 11-
10 +2 Hand-To-Hand 3 PD 3 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
2 ED 0 Total: 1 ED (0 rED)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 255 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Total Cost: 451 4 REC 4
20 END 0
75+ Disadvantages 15 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 3
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Movement: Running: 6”/12”
10 Physical Limitation: Huge (up to 15m long/ Leaping: 1”/2”
tall and 8 tons; -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to
perceive) (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) Cost Powers END
10 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot 10 Bite: HKA ½d6 (½d6 with STR) 1
leap (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 1 Leap: Leaping +1” (1” forward, ½” upward) 1
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- 9 Canine Senses: +3 PER with all Sense
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Groups 0
326 Experience Points 5 Canine Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0
3 Canine Ears: Ultrasonic Perception
Total Disadvantage Points: 451 (Hearing Group) 0

3 Lightsleep

5 Concealment 13-; Self Only (-½)
1 Language: English (basic conversation)
224 HERO System Bestiary
(comprehension only) 15 Roc’s Eyes: +10 versus Range for Sight
2 PS: Retrieve/Fetch 11- Group 0
2 One other PS, representing an additional
trick Talents
5 Stealth 13- 4 Adapted To Space: Environmental Move-
ment: Zero-G Training
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 45
Total Cost: 48 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 464
Total Cost: 677
75+ Disadvantages
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence 75+ Disadvantages
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence
5 Physical Limitation: Small (no larger than (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
about 1m; +3” KB) (Infrequently, Slightly 20 Physical Limitation: Colossal (128 m; -12
Impairing) DCV, +12 to PER Rolls to perceive) (All The
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula- Time, Greatly Impairing)
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 6 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
Total Disadvantage Points: 110 quently, Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipula-
tion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
SPACE ROC 546 Experience Points
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
60 STR 50 21- Lift 100 tons; 12d6 [6] Total Disadvantage Points: 667
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
30 CON 40 15-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- Val Char Cost Roll Notes
5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 40 STR 30 17- Lift 6,400 kg; 8d6 [4]
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack: 8d6 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
8 COM -1 11- 25 CON 30 14-
25 BODY 30 14-
15 PD 3 Total: 25 PD (18 rPD) 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
15 ED 9 Total: 25 ED (18 rED) 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6
3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12 30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6
18 REC 0 16 COM 3 12-
60 END 0
95 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 213 20 PD 12* Total: 20 PD (14 rPD)
(+170 with NCM) 20 ED 15* Total: 20 ED (14 rED)
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Movement: Running: 20”/40” 15 REC 4
Leaping: 6”/12” 50 END 0
Flight: 30”/60” 60 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 210
(+80 with NCM)
Cost Powers END
90 Colossal Talons: Area Of Effect (6” *: Does Not Protect Hit Location 18 (-0)
Radius; +1) for 60 STR; Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 Movement: Running: 6”/12”
86 Reach: Stretching 20”, Reduced Leaping: 4”/8”
Endurance (0 END; +½); Always Direct Flight: 15”/30”
(-¼), No Noncombat Stretching (-¼),
No Velocity Damage (-¼) 0 Cost Powers END
45 Beak: HKA 3d6 (6d6 with STR) 4 90 Dragon Powers: Multipower, 90-point
48 Talons: HKA 4d6 (8d6 with STR); reserve
Reduced Penetration (-¼) 6 4u 1) Fire Breath: RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect
30 Tough Body: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) 0 (18” Line; +1); Increased Endurance Cost
36 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -18” 0 (x2 END; -½), No Range (-½) 18
6 Vacuum Adaptation: Life Support (Safe 6u 2) Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 12d6,
Environments: High Radiation, Intense Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Eye
Cold, Low Pressure/Vacuum) 0 Contact Required (-½) 0
50 Wings: Flight 30”, Reduced Endurance 47 Draconic Weapons: Multipower, 47-point
(½ END; +¼); Restrainable (-½) 3 reserve
20 Space Travel: FTL Travel (30 LY/year) 5m 1) Bite: HKA 1½d6 (3d6 with STR) 2
28 Long Legs: Running +14” (20” total) 3 4m 2) Talons: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR),
6 Roc’s Eyes: +3 PER with Sight Group 0 Armor Piercing (+½) 2
Hero Games 225

2m 3) Tail Bash: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand 4 +2 OCV with Fire Breath

Attack (-½) 1
14 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance 3 Concealment 13-
(14 PD/14 ED); Does Not Protect Hit 3 Winter Coloration: +4 to Concealment; Self
Location 18 (-0) 0 Only (-½), Only In Snow/Ice (-1)
30 Tough Body: Physical and Energy Damage 3 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 13-
Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0 5 KS: Dragon Lore 15-
10 Protection From Fire: Energy Damage 3 KS: History 13-
Reduction, Resistant, +25% (50% total); 3 Persuasion 15-
Only Works Against Fire (-½) 0 3 Stealth 13-
1 Used To The Cold: Life Support (Safe 2 Winter Coloration: +2 to Stealth; Only In
Environment: Intense Cold) (2 Active Snow/Ice (-1)
Points); Requires A Survival Roll (-½) 0 2 Survival (Arctic) 13-
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9” 0
10 Strong Mind: Mental Defense Total Powers & Skills Cost: 393
(14 points total) 0 Total Cost: 603
8 Magical Beast: Power Defense (8 points) 0
30 Wings: Multipower, 30-point reserve 75+ Disadvantages
2u 1) Flying: Flight 15”; Restrainable (-½) 3 10 Physical Limitation: Huge (up to 16m tall;
1u 2) Wing Buffet: HA +2d6; Hand-To- -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) (Fre-
Hand Attack (-½) 1 quently, Slightly Impairing)
19 Hoardsense: Detect Hoard 15-, 10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation
Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense 0 (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Dragon’s Eyes: Infrared Perception and 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can
Ultraviolet Perception (both Sight Group) 0 only leap half as far as STR indicates (Infre-
5 Dragon’s Nose: Tracking for Normal Smell 0 quently, Slightly Impairing)
6 Dragon’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence
Groups 0 (Very Common, Strong)
6 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼) 0 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; Loves
Gold And Treasure (Common, Strong)
Perks 15 Psychological Limitation: Cruel (Common,
5 Hoard: Money: Well Off Strong)
20 Reputation: terrifyingly powerful evil crea-
Talents ture, 14- (Extreme)
3 Lightsleep 433 Experience Points

Skills Total Disadvantage Points: 603

10 +1 Overall
16 +2 with All Combat
226 HERO System Bestiary

Avian Hit Location table Crustacean Hit

Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit Location table
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-8 Wings x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV 6-8 Pincers x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV 9-12 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
14-15 Legs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
16-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV 14-18 Legs/Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV

Head Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+3

High Shot (-2 OCV): 2d6+1
Body Shot (-1 OCV): 2d6+4
Low Shot (-2 OCV): 1d6+9
Leg Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+12
centaur Hit Location table
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-7 Arms/Hands x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
8 Shoulders x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
9-10 Human Torso x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV draconic Hit Location table
11-12 Horse Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
14-18 Legs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 3-4 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
5-6 Neck x4 x1½ x1½ -7 OCV
Head Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+3 7-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
High Shot (-2 OCV): 2d6+1 9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
Body Shot (-1 OCV): 2d6+4 12-13 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
Low Shot (-2 OCV): 1d6+9 14-16 Wings x2 x½ x½ -4 OCV
Leg Shot (-4 OCV): 1d6+12 17 Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
18 Vital Spot x6 x3 x3 -12 OCV

If dragon does not have wings, count “Wings” result

as “Body”.

Chimeric Hit Location table

Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV equine Hit Location table
6-7 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
8-9 Wings x2 x½ x½ -4 OCV
3-4 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
10-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
5-6 Neck x4 x1½ x1½ -7 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
7-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
14-16 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
17-18 Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
14-18 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV

Insectoid Hit Location table

Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-7 Forelegs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
8-9 Wings x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
10-12 Thorax x3 x1 x1 -4 OCV
13-14 Abdomen x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
15-17 Hindlegs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
18 Antennae x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV

If the insect doesn’t have Wings or Antennae,

count those results as Forelegs or Hindlegs.
Hero Games 227

Ichthyoid Hit Location table Serpentine Hit

Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit Location table
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV 6-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
14-18 Tail x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV 12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
14-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV

Octopoid Hit Location table

Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit Tyrannosaur Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-10 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV Location table
11-18 Arms x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-7 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
7-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
13-15 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
16-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV
Quadruped Hit
Location table
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV Winged Humanoid
9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV Hit Location table
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
14-17 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit
18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV 3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-7 Arms/Hands x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
If the tail would be unimportant (as for bears), 8-9 Wings x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV
consider an 18 a Hindlimb instead. 10-11 Chest x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 OCV
14 Thighs x2 x1 x1 -4 OCV
15-16 Legs x2 x½ x½ -6 OCV
17-18 Feet x1 x½ x½ -8 OCV

Hit Location table
Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit Animal special hit locations
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 OCV
6-8 Forelimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV Head Shot High Shot Body Shot Low Shot Leg Shot
9-11 Body x3 x1 x1 -3 OCV (-4 OCV) (-2 OCV) (-1 OCV) (-2 OCV) (-4 OCV)
12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 OCV Avian 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
13-16 Hindlimbs x2 x½ x½ -5 OCV Chimeric 1d6+2 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+11
17-18 Tail x1 x1 x1 -3 OCV Draconic 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+5 1d6+10
Equine 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+5 1d6+12
If the tail would be unimportant, consider a hit on Ichthyoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
it a Hindlimb hit instead. Insectoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+5 1d6+11
Octopoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
Quadruped 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+11
Reptilian 1d6+3 2d6 2d6+5 2d6+6 1d6+12
Serpentine 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
Winged Humanoid 1d6+3 2d6+1 2d6+4 2d6+6 1d6+12
228 HERO System Bestiary

Area Of Effect, 9” Line

(Lesser Dragon’s Fire Breath
is 18”; Greater Dragon’s is 36”)

2” Creature
Example: Centaur

9” Long Creature
Example: Lesser Dragon
(Wings Not Shown)

Area Of Effect, 2” Radius

Or Creature with 1” Reach
Example: Giant Worm Bite
Hero Games 229
Hero Games 237

Hero Sysyem Bestiary Index

Aborting an Action................................31 Camouflage (Template).........................22 Demonling...............................................51 Familiar Cat.......................................... 222
Acrobatics................................................11 Cape Buffalo......................................... 141 Dependent NPC (Disadvantage)..........18 Fer-de-Lance...................................178-79
Acrobatics (Skill)....................................11 Carnivorous Plant, Giant...............198-99 Diminutive (Template)..........................26 Ferocious (Template).............................25
Acting (Skill)...........................................11 Cat, Domestic....................................... 143 Dingo.................................................... 188 Fighting multiple targets.................32-33
Air (Template).........................................25 Cat, Familiar......................................... 222 Dinosaur, Giant................................... 199 Figured Characteristics, effect of
Air Constrictor Serpent.................218-19 Cats, Great.......................................144-48 Dinosaurs........................................152-59 negative Characteristics on............10
Air Elemental....................................70-71 Cat-Man................................................ 192 Disadvantages.........................................19 Fire (Template).......................................25
Aliens, as creatures...................................7 Cattle..................................................... 141 Diseased (Template).........................22-23 Fire Tiger.............................................. 220
Alligator...........................................149-50 Centaur....................................................43 Distinctive Features (Disadvantage)....18 Fire Elemental...................................73-74
Altered (Template).................................21 Characteristics........................................10 Divine (Template).............................23-24 Five-Headed Manticore.................221-22
Amoeba, Space, Giant....................201-02 Cheetah................................................. 144 Divine Griffin..................................217-18 Flesh Golem............................................78
Amorphous Horror........................190-91 Chimera...................................................44 Dodge (Combat Maneuver)..................31 Followers, creatures as.................... 13, 16
Amphisbaena....................................... 116 Chimeric Hit Location Table..........34-35 Dog, Guard/Combat........................... 161 Forest Elemental...............................71-72
Anaconda............................................. 177 Chimpanzee......................................... 148 Dog, Large/Hunting.........160-61, 223-24 Fox. ...................................................171-72
Androids (see Robots and Androids) Chromedog.....................................195-96 Dog, Small/Medium............................ 160 Frog, Giant.........................................75-76
Androsphinx........................................ 118 Clam, Giant.......................................... 149 Dolphin................................................. 162 Gargantuan (Template)..........................27
Animal creation......................................10 Clay Golem........................................77-78 Domesticated (Psychological Gargoyle...................................................76
Animal Handler (Skill)....................11-13 Climbing (Skill)......................................13 Limitation).......................................... 20 General Purpose Robot...................... 208
Animal parts, value of......................37-38 Cloud Elemental...............................70-71 Donkey.............................................167-68 Ghost..................................................... 120
Animal populations...............................37 Cobra, King.....................................178-79 Draconic Hit Location Table.................35 Ghoul.................................................... 121
Animals in combat.................................31 Cockatrice...............................................45 Draft Horse........................................... 168 Gigantic (Template)...............................27
Animals in your game..............................7 Cold-Blooded (Physical Limitation)....19 Dragon, Greater................................66-67 Golems
Ankylosaurus....................................... 152 Colossal (Template)................................27 Dragon, Lesser......................... 65, 224-25 . Clay.............................................77-78
Antelope...........................................150-51 Combat, creatures in..............................31 Drain (Power).........................................17 . Flesh..................................................78
Apatosaurus.......................................... 153 Combat Maneuvers................................31 Dramatic versus realistic animals...........9 . Metal.................................................79
Ape, Giant........................................194-95 Combat Modifiers..................................31 Duplicator Robot................................. 207 . Stone...........................................79-80
Ape, Guardian................................ 40, 217 Combat Skill Levels (Skill)....................13 Eagle.................................................136-37 . Wood................................................80
Aquatic (Template).................................22 Comeliness (COM)................................10 Earth (Template).....................................25 Gorgon.....................................................81
Aquatic Guardian Ape........................ 217 Concealment (Skill)........................ 11, 13 Earth Giant Lizard........................219-220 Gorilla................................................... 165
Armor (Power).......................................17 Condor.............................................136-37 Earth Elemental................................71-72 Gorilla-Man......................................... 193
Ass, Wild..........................................167-68 Constructs, as creatures.......................7-8 Economic factors, modifying value Grab (Combat Maneuver)...............31-32
Australian Funnel-Web Spider.....182-82 Contact (Perk)........................................16 of animals and animal parts..........38 Greater Demon.................................56-57
Avian Hit Location Table.......................34 Copperhead.....................................178-81 Eel, Electric........................................... 163 Greater Dragon.................................66-67
Background creatures..............................8 Coral Snake.....................................178-79 Eel, Moray............................................. 163 Greater Vampire.............................126-27
Barracuda............................................. 132 Coyote................................................... 188 Ego (EGO)...............................................10 Green Ooze.......................................47-48
Basilisk.....................................................41 Crab, Giant..............................................46 Electric Eel............................................ 163 Grey Ooze..........................................47-48
Bat. ...................................................132-33 Creating your own Hit Location Elemental (Template).............................25 Griffin........................................ 82, 216-17
Bat, Giant Vampire.................................42 Tables..........................................33-36 Elementals Grizzly Bear.....................................134-35
Battle-Trained (Template).....................22 Creature creation....................................10 . Air...............................................70-71 Guard/Combat Dog............................ 161
Battlebird, Xenovore......................212-13 Creature parts, value of....................37-38 . Cloud..........................................70-71 Hare..................................................171-72
Bear, Black.......................................133-34 Creature populations.............................37 . Earth...........................................71-72 Harpy.......................................................83
Bear, Grizzly....................................134-35 Creatures, creating..................................10 . Fire..............................................73-74 Hawk................................................136-37
Bear, Mutated..................................216-17 Creatures in combat...............................31 . Forest..........................................71-72 Haymaker (Combat Maneuver)...........32
Bear, Polar........................................135-36 Creatures in your game............................7 . Ice................................................74-75 Hieracosphinx...................................... 118
Beaver...............................................171-72 Crustacean Hit Location Table.............46 . Lava.............................................73-74 Hippocampus..........................................84
Beetle, Giant............................................89 Criosphinx............................................ 118 . Mountain....................................71-72 Hippogriff................................................85 
Bell curve, implications for Hit Crocodile.........................................149-50 . Sand............................................71-72 Hippopotamus..................................... 166
Location Table creation............33-34 Crow...................................................... 139 . Sea...............................................74-75 Hit Locations.....................................33-36
Bighorn Sheep.................................150-51 Cunning (Template)...............................27 . Storm..........................................70-71 Homonculus............................................86
Bird-Man.............................................. 191 Cybernetic (Template)...........................21 . Swamp........................................71-72 Horror, Amorphous.......................190-91
Bison.................................................141-42 Danger Sense (Talent)............................16 . Water...........................................74-75 Horses
Black Bear........................................133-34 DCV of large creatures..........................26 Elephant................................................ 164 . Draft............................................... 168
Black Mamba....................................... 178 Deadly Ooze, Black..........................47-48 Endurance (END)..................................10 . Heavy War................................170-71
Black Ooze.........................................47-48 Deadly Ooze, Green.........................47-48 Engine of Destruction....................196-97 . Light War...................................... 169
Black Widow Spider.......................182-82 Deadly Ooze, Grey...........................47-48 Enhanced Senses (Power).....................17 . Medium War................................. 170
Block (Combat Maneuver)....................31 Deadly Ooze, Red.............................47-48 Enormous (Template)............................27 . Pony..........................................167-68
Boa Constrictor................................... 177 Death Adder....................................178-79 Enraged/Berserk (Disadvantage).........18 . Riding.......................................168-69
Boar..................................................140-41 Deer..................................................150-51 Entangle (Power)....................................17 . Water.......................................220-221
Breakfall (Skill).......................................13 Deinonychus...................................153-54 Environmental Conditions Huge (Template).....................................27
Bubonic plague.......................................23 Demon, Greater................................56-57 (Combat Modifier).........................31 Hunted (Disadvantage)....................18-19
Buffalo................................................... 141 Demon Hound..................................62-63 Environmental Movement (Talent).....16 Hunter-Seeker Robot.....................209-10
Bull......................................................... 141 Demon, Lesser..................................54-56 Equine Hit Location Table....................35 Hydra.................................................87-88
Bump Of Direction (Talent).................16 Demon Prince, Foulness..................57-58 Everycreature Skills................................11 Hyena.................................................... 188
Bushmaster........................................... 178 Demon Prince, Guile.......................58-59 Extra Heads (Template)...................25-26 Ice Elemental.....................................74-75
Calming wild beasts using Demon Prince, Power......................59-60 Extra Limbs (Power)..............................17 Ichthyoid Hit Location Table................35
Animal Handler..............................13 Demon Prince, Strength..................60-61 Falcon.................................................... 137 Imp............................................................50
Camel...............................................142-43 Demon Steed.....................................63-64 Familiar (Template)................................25 Increased Endurance Cost
238 HERO System Bestiary
(Limitation)........................................18 Orca (Killer Whale)............................. 186 Sabretooth Tiger.............................146-47 Streetwise (Skill).....................................15
Incubus..............................................53-54 Otter.................................................171-72 Salamander......................................111-12 Strength (STR)........................................10
Infernal (Template)................................25 Owl....................................................137-38 Sand Elemental.................................71-72 Stun (STUN)...........................................10
Infernal Tyrannosaurus Rex.......222-223 Pack Tactics using Tactics and Satyr....................................................... 112 Succubus............................................53-54
Insectile (Template)................................26 Teamwork................................. 15, 31 Scorpion...........................................174-75 Summon (Power)...................................17
Insectoid Hit Location Table.................35 Panther.................................................. 145 Scorpion, Giant.......................................90 Survival (Skill)........................................15
Insects, Swarm of............................183-84 Paramedics (Skill)...................................14 Sea Elemental....................................74-75 Swallowing targets whole......................33
Intelligence (INT)...................................10 Parts of animals, value of.................37-38 Sea Serpent........................................... 113 Swamp Creature................................... 211
Introduction..............................................5 Pegasus.................................................. 106 Sea Snake.........................................178-80 Swamp Elemental.............................71-72
Jackal..................................................... 188 Perks.........................................................16 Secret plan for world conquest, Swarms (insects, piranha).............183-85
Jackalope..................................................93 Phoenix................................................. 107 Andy’s............................................ 333 Swordfish.............................................. 185
Jaguar.................................................... 145 Physical Limitation Seduction (Skill).....................................15 Tactics (Skill)...........................................15
Killer Whale (Orca)............................. 186 (Disadvantage)..........................19-20 Serpentine Hit Location Table..............36 Taipan.................................................... 178
Killing Attack (Power)...........................17 Pigeon, Homing..............................138-39 Shadow...............................................52-53 Talents......................................................16
Knowledge Skills (Skill).........................13 Piranha, School of..........................184-85 Shark, Great White.........................175-76 Tarantula..........................................182-82
Krait, Land.......................................178-81 Plant, Giant Carnivorous...............198-99 Shark, Mako......................................... 176 Target Size (Combat Modifier).............31
Krait, Sea............................................... 178 Plesiosaurus.......................................... 155 Simurgh................................................ 114 Teamwork (Skill)....................................15
Kraken......................................................94 Polar Bear........................................135-36 Siren...................................................... 115 Telepathy (Power).............................17-18
Language (Skill)......................................13 Pony..................................................167-68 Size (Template).................................26-27 Templates for creatures..........................21
Large (Template).....................................27 Poor Sense(s) (Physical Limitation).....19 Size of target (Combat Modifier).........31 Tiger........................................ 147-48, 220
Large creatures’ DCV.............................26 Populations of animals...........................37 Size/Weight (Physical Limitation)........20 Tiger, Sabretooth............................146-47
Large/Hunting Dog........................160-61 Porcupine.........................................171-72 Skeleton............................................123-24 Timid (Psychological Limitation)........20
Lava Elemental..................................73-74 Power Limitations..................................18 Skills.........................................................11 Tiny (Template)......................................26
Leopard................................................. 145 Powers......................................................17 Skunk...............................................171-72 Tracking (Skill).......................................15
Lesser Demon...................................54-56 Presence (PRE).......................................10 Slasher................................................... 210 Training times and modifiers for
Lesser Dragon.........................................65 Presence Attacks, special rules for Small (Template).....................................27 animals.......................................12-13
Lesser Vampire..................................... 125 animals and......................................10 Small/Medium Dog............................. 160 Trampling (Move By).............................32
Limitations..............................................18 Primary goal of the story, creatures as...9 Smart (Template)....................................27 Treeman................................................ 119
Limited Intellect (Physical Pronghorn Antelope......................150-51 Smart Large/Hunting Dog............223-24 Triceratops.......................................157-58
Limitation).......................................19 Psychological Limitation Smilodon (Sabretooth Tiger)........146-47 Tricks..................................................12-13
Lion..................................................145-46 (Disadvantage)................................... 20 Snake, Giant....................................117-18 Tyrannosaurus Rex..........158-59, 222-23
Living Brain.....................................202-03 Psychovore............................................ 206 Snakes Undead (Template).................................28
Lizard, Giant............................. 95, 219-20 Pteranodon......................................155-56 . Amphisbaena................................ 116 Unicorn............................................128-29
Lizard, Mon’da Hunting.................203-04 Pulling A Punch.....................................32 . Anaconda...................................... 177 Vampire Bat, Giant.................................42
Lycanthropes and lycanthropy......96-103 Quadruped Hit Location Table.............35 . Black Mamba................................ 178 Vampire, Greater............................126-27
Magic (Template)..............................21-22 Rabbit...............................................171-72 . Boa Constrictor.............. 177, 218-19 Vampire, Lesser.................................... 125
Magic Raven......................................... 216 Rabies.................................................22-23 . Bushmaster................................... 178 Velociraptor (Deinonychus)..........153-54
Manticore..........................103-04, 221-22 Raccoon...........................................171-72 . Cobra, King..............................178-79 Venom (Template)............................29-30
Martial Arts (Skill).......................... 14, 32 Rakshasa............................................... 108 . Copperhead.............................178-81 Vulture.............................................136-37
Metal Golem...........................................79 Rat. ...................................................172-73 . Coral Snake..............................178-79 Warhorses........................................169-71
Mimicry (Skill).......................................14 Rat, Giant.............................................. 109 . Death Adder............................178-79 Warhound, Xenovore.......................... 213
Minotaur..........................................104-05 Rattlesnake......................................178-80 . Fer-de-Lance............................178-79 Wasp, Giant.............................................92
Minuscule (Template)............................26 Raven............................................. 139, 216 . Giant.........................................117-18 Water (Template)....................................25
Minute (Template)..................................26 Reach for large creatures.......................26 . Krait, Land...............................178-81 Water Horse..................................220-221
Mon’da Hunting Lizard..................203-04 Realistic versus dramatic animals..........9 . Krait, Sea....................................... 178 Water Elemental...............................74-75
Monkey............................................171-72 Red In Tooth And Claw (Martial . Rattlesnake...............................178-80 Water Moccasin..............................178-81
Moose...............................................150-51 Arts package)...................................14 . Reticulated Python...................... 177 Weight/Size (Physical Limitation)........20
Moray Eel.............................................. 163 Red Ooze...........................................47-48 . Ringhals....................................178-80 Werebear..................................................97
Mountain Elemental........................71-72 Reduced Leap (Physical Limitation)....19 . Sea Snake..................................178-80 Wereboar.................................................98
Mountain Goat...............................150-51 Reduced Manipulation (Physical . Taipan............................................ 178 Wererat.............................................99-100
Move By (Combat Maneuver)..............32 Limitation).................................19-20 . Water Moccasin.......................178-81 Wereshark........................................100-01
Movement................................................31 Reduced Penetration (Limitation).......18 Songbird................................................ 140 Weretiger.........................................101-02
Mule.................................................167-68 Reptile-Man....................................193-94 Space (Template)....................................27 Werewolf..........................................102-03
Multiform (Power).................................17 Reptilian/Amphibian Hit Space Amoeba, Giant.....................201-02 Whale, Sperm....................................... 187
Multiple Attackers (Combat Modifier)..31 Location Table.................................... 36 Space Roc.............................................. 224 Winged (Template).................................30
Multiple targets, fighting.................32-33 Reputation (Disadvantage)...................20 Speed (SPD)............................................10 Winged Humanoid Hit Location Table.36
Multiple-Power attacks..........................31 Reputation (Perk)...................................16 Sperm Whale........................................ 187 Winter (Template)..................................30
Mummy...........................................122-23 Restrainable (Limitation)......................18 Sphinx................................................... 118 Winter Lesser Dragon....................224-25
Mutated Bear...................................216-17 Reticulated Python.............................. 177 Spider, Giant............................................91 Wolf....................................................... 188
Mutation (Template)..............................22 Rhinoceros......................................173-74 Spiders Wolf, Giant......................................129-30
Negative Characteristics and Figured Riding (Skill).....................................14-15 . Australian Funnel-Web..........182-82 Wood Golem...........................................80
Characteristics.................................10 Riding Horse...................................168-69 . Black Widow............................182-82 Worm, Giant........................................ 130
Neuroparasite..................................204-05 Ringhals...........................................178-80 . Giant.................................................91 Wyrm.................................................67-68
Noncorporeal beings, as creatures.........7 Rivalry (Disadvantage)..........................20 . Tarantula..................................182-82 Wyvern...............................................68-69
Normal Characteristic Maxima Robots and Androids Spikes (Template).............................27-28 Xenovore Battlebird.......................212-13
for creatures.....................................11 . Duplicator..................................... 207 Squid, Giant.............................................94 Xenovore Warhound........................... 213
Obstacles, creatures as.........................8-9 . General Purpose.......................... 208 Squirrel............................................172-73 Zebra................................................168-69
Octopoid Hit Location Table................35 . Hunter-Seeker.........................209-10 Stegosaurus......................................156-57 Zombie.................................................. 127
Octopus, Giant........................................94 Roc. .......................................... 110-11, 224 Stone Golem......................................79-80
Onset time for diseases and poisons....23 Role of creatures in your game...............8 Storm Elemental...............................70-71

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