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Timeline of Branded Spice Industry of Pakistan:

Competitive Advantage:
The domestic industry of spices contains branded and unbranded segments.

% Market share of Spice Industry

Branded Segment
Unbranded Segment

The first and foremost targeted segments by the branded spice industry players are the health
intended consumers and the women looking for convenience in terms of ready-made spices.

% Market share in recipe mix

National Foods
Shan Foods
49% Others

The major competitive advantages of National foods and Shan Foods are discussed due to their
huge market chunk in the spice industry.

Both Shan and National Foods are by far the largest and oldest food companies in Pakistan. They
enjoy a good reputation among consumers and are the leading brands in Pakistan. Their
reputation for quality, innovation, and Halaal certifications are essential assets that enable them
to infiltrate the domestic and international market.

Shan Foods:

Shan foods have a representation in nearly 65 countries around the world with Bombay Biryani
is Shan’s highest-selling mix.

Also, Shan foods are the only user of Cryogenic technology which gives low-temperature
applications in food processing. Cryo-preservation is the only feasible technique available for the
long-lasting preservation of the species.

The thematic Brand advertisements of Shan Foods is all about hitting the right notes of
emotional and sensitive people of Pakistan.

National Foods:

National Foods is one the oldest and largest food industry in Pakistan which shares a deep
connection with its consumers. Their two core assests of quality and innovation set them apart
from its competitors.

National Foods diversified business helps them to expand nationally as well as in the
international market.

On the other hand, National foods food enjoys a substantial market share in the northern side
i.e. in Punjab due to the preference for mild food in that region. A new business model of
National Foods has key driving ingredients which offer them to deal directly with the farmers to
integrate them in a high-value chain thus making a sustainable model.
Spices Export:
Shan Foods, National Foods and Mehran Foods are the biggest exporters of spices in Pakistan.

Pakistan has a share of 14.7% in total world exports of spices and is ranked number 03 for mixed
spices. The Major Importers of Pakistan’s Spices are Canada, Australia, the USA, United
Kingdom, and UAE.

Spice Industry export receipts in terms of

thousand US dollars

FY 2020 90,889

FY 2019 87,871

86,000 87,000 88,000 89,000 90,000 91,000 92,000

The spice export receipts by commodity and groups are shown in the above graph for the Fiscal
years 2019 and 2020. An increase of 3.4% can be seen in FY 2020 as compared to FY 2019.

Similarly, the comparison of FY 2020 (Jul-Feb) with FY 2021 (Jul-Feb) shown an increase of
16.72% in FY 2021.

Spice Industry export receipts in terms of

thousand US Dollars



50,000 52,000 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000

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