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Intention Outline

Project Title: Representing Multiplication in Different Ways

General Project Goal for Students: The students will work with a partner to create a video
demonstrating their knowledge of representing multiplication in different ways. Students are to
model and explain each representation using pictures, storytelling, or manipulatives.

Specific Outcomes:
• Students will understand how to represent multiplication problems using an array, equal
groups, and a number line
• Students will understand how to read an array, equal groups, and a number line to come
up with a number sentence
• Students will work collaboratively and share ideas with a partner
• Students will create a video explaining how to represent multiplication problems in
different ways

Audience: A class of third grade students will complete this project over the course of a week.
Content Outline

Unit Title: Representing Multiplication

Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Unit Description (TEKS): The student will demonstrate an understanding of how to represent
and manipulate numbers and expressions.

3.4 Number and Operations The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and
use strategies and methods for whole number computations in order to solve problems with
efficiency and accuracy.
E: represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches such as repeated
addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line, and skip

Lesson Description:
Students will understand that there are multiple ways to represent multiplication (equal groups,
array, and number line). Students will create a video explaining and teacher their peers how to
represent a multiplication problem in different ways.


Day 1 Review representing multiplication in different ways by showing

BrainPop Videos (Array, Equal groups) as well as talk about
representing repeated addition on a number line. The teacher will
introduce project to students – Today is based solely on review and
introduction of project (to create their own version of a brainpop video to
teach someone else the different ways to represent their multiplication
Day 2 Each pair of students will be given a different multiplication number
sentence – the pair will create a video using FlipGrid to show how to
represent that number sentence using equal groups, arrays, and number

Today will be writing down the plan – give number sentence and solve
the problem by representing it on paper using all three ways
Day 3 Students will begin planning their video – do they want to use
manipulatives, tell a story, use a white board (students will have access
to all manipulatives, online and offline, to use as a resource for their
Day 4 Students will begin creating their videos with their partner

Decide Phase:

Teacher Role: The teacher will show review concepts using brainpop videos of how to
represent multiplication problems in different ways. Students will be told that their goal is to
create their own video, similar to the brainpop video they just watched, to teach how to represent
multiplication in different ways. Teacher will provide a template of options to help students
decide how they want to deliver their content and model how to fill it in.

Student Role: Students will decide how they want to show their representations – drawing it out
or using manipulatives. Students will also need to decide what each partner will be
saying/teaching (a fill in the blank script will be available for lower level students who need it)
or telling a story.

Design Phase:

Teacher Role: The teacher will model using the template to begin designing the video. The
teachers role during this time is just to facilitate and provide assistance to groups that may be
struggling with completing their template.

Student Role: Students will be using their templates to design and fill in or create scripts for
their video. Students can choose to use google slide templates from the previous lesson to show
their representation, come up with a story, or use manipulatives to show their learning. At this
time, if students find they need to change their templates to help their lesson flow they can do

Design Options:

Google Slide template example: Telling a story template example:

Draw a picture example:

Design Flow Chart

Each student will solve Students will fill out a Each partnership will The student will
template to decide how create an outline of the
the given multiplication
they want their video to
record their video
design of their video –
in different ways on flow. Students will also have a story, have any using the “shorts”
their given template decide on what examples manipulatives, examples, feature on
booklet they want to use for each or pictures ready Flipgrid

Design Booklet:
Develop Phase:

Teacher Role: The teacher will assist in the creation of the video and any other technological
issues students may have. The teacher will also give helpful feedback to students during this time
to assist with the flow of their video.

Student Role: Students will record and put together their shorts video on Flipgrid

Evaluate Phase:

Teacher Role: The teacher will use the rubric to assess students’ performance and understanding
of the content during the presentation.

Student Role: Students will share their completed video with the class.


1 2 3 4
Collaboration Did not Collaborated and Collaborated and Worked
and collaborate and participated with participated with collaboratively
Participation participate with peers some of peers most of the and participated
peers the time time throughout
Representation Did not One Two All
of represent any of representation representations representations
Multiplication the was done were done were presented
Problem multiplication correctly correctly correctly
Explanation of Did not provide Gave a Gave a mostly Gave a clear
representation an explanation somewhat clear clear explanation explanation of
or did not explanation of of most all or most
explain any of some of the representation representations
the representations

Teacher comments: _______________________________ Total out of 12:

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