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One Paper Pakistan Affairs MCQS

Prepared by Zahid Hussain Mirani Dated: 16-03-2021

One Paper Very Important Pak Affairs of FPSC, SPSC, NTS, IBA
1 Liaquat Ali Khan Joined All India Muslim league as a member in? 1923
2 Liaquat Ali Khan was born in? 1 Oct 1896
3 Liaquat Nehru Pact or Delhi Pact signed on April 8, 1950 related to? Refugees Problem
4 The Government of India Act 1935, Divided the country into ……… provinces. Eleven
5 Lord Pathick Lawrence Secretary of state of India who led the cobinet mission in 1946
6 Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah was born in karachi on July 31, 1893 and died on? 9-Jul-67
7 Congress Launched "Quit India Movement" against the british government in? 1942
The Hindus had launched "Swadeshi Movement" (to bycott english made Partition of Bengal
goods) 1905
9 The Khaksar Tehrik was established by Allama Inayatullah Mashrique in? 1931
10 Lord Wavel remained viceroy of India 1943-1947
11 Maulana Zafar Ali Khan died on? 27-Nov-56
12 Zulfqar Ali Bhutto remained fouth president of Pakistan? 1971-73
………….. Line was signed b/w Sir Mortmir Durand & King of Afghanistan Abdul
13 Durand Line
Rehman in 1893.
Maulana Shoukat
14 ……………. Was appointed the first secretary of All India Khilafat Committee.
15 ……………….. Was the ruler of Kashmire during partition. Hari Singh
………………… Muslim Women participated all the three round table Begum Jahanara
conferences. Shahnawaz
Maulana Zafar Ali
17 ………………….. Translated the Lahore Resolation from English to Urdu.
18 Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brelvi buried in? Balakot
19 The Jallianwala Massacre took place on 13-Apr-19
20 Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan did his Ph.D from Leaven University of? Belgium
21 The Famous Qisa Khawani Bazar is in? Peshawar
22 Hussain Shaheed Sehwardi belongs to? East Pakistan
23 "Jinnah of Pakistan" is famous book written by? Stenly Wolpert
24 During the War of 1965, Foreign Minister of Pakistan Zulfqar Bhutto
25 ………………….. Constructed on River Korang. Rawal Dam
Prof: Muhammad
26 Pakistan Standered Time was suggested by?
27 The Delta of River Indus is called? Panjand
28 Z.A Ali Bhutto wrote the book? The Great Tragedy
29 Kafir Fort is located in the province? KPK
30 Qutub Ul Din Aibak died in lahore on? 1210 AD
31 The Construction of Rohtas fort was started in? 1543 AD
32 Ibrahim Lodhi become the Sultan of Delhi in? 1517
33 Zaheer Ul Din Babar founded the Mughal Empire in India in? 1526
34 First Census in India was made in the Period of? Lord Mayo
Raja Ram Mohan
35 Barhamo Samaj was founded by?
Composed By: Zahid Hussain Mirani WhatsApp No: 0308-2022235

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