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Shimadzu (Asia Pacific)

Non Destructive Inspection (NDI) Business Unit

Industrial X-ray Inspection System

What is Non Destructive Inspection?

Non Destructive Inspection or NDI is a Method of Inspecting Hidden Flaws and Defects by using the
Ability of X-ray to Penetrate various materials.

Medical Airport Security Food Consumer Electronics

Electrical Electronic Casting Automotive

What is Radiation?

Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space and may be able to
penetrate various materials.
There are 2 types of radiations: Non-Ionizing (radio waves, microwaves, infra-red, visible light &
ultraviolet) & Ionizing (X-ray & Gamma ray).

X-ray: short wavelength, high frequency & high energy.

History of Shimadzu X-ray
Medical X-ray vs Industrial X-ray

❑ Single exposure ❑ Continuous exposure

❑ Lead-shield room ❑ Lead-shield box or cabinet
❑ Radiation: 100 µSv per scan (chest) ❑ Radiation: 1 µSv per hour
* It takes 100 hours of exposure to reach 100 µSv.
How to Generate X-ray & Radiograph

1. Negative current charge the

3. Negative current charge the
filament in the cathode, produce
anode made of heavy metal.
electron or energy


Cathode - Electron Beam - + Anode

4. When negative electrons hit the

positive charged heavy metal
FILAMENT target (tungsten), X-ray is
X-ray produced.

2. Electromagnetic lenses guide

and align the electron beam
onto the anode
DETECTOR 5. Photoelectric detector capture the
Note: penetration and display the
▪ Most of the components except high voltage generator & detector are radiograph (image)
contained in a vacuum tube.
▪ There is no radiation when the X-ray is switch off.
Types of X-ray Tubes

Closed or Sealed Tube Open Tube

• Major components are contained in a vacuum casing. • Every components can be repair or replace.

• No maintenance is needed or allowed. • Yearly preventive maintenance is needed.

• Calibration is suggested every 6 months. • Open tube can last up to 10 years with regular
maintenance schedule.
• Closed tube has a lifespan up to 5,000 hours;
3 – 5 years. • Filament has a lifespan up to 500 hours;
each costs less than US$ 150.
• Cost of x-ray tube replacement ~ US$ 60,000;
re-condition ~ US$ 30,000. • Open requires a vacuum pump to re-seal the tube.
Types of X-ray Modes

Reflective Mode Transmission Mode

Horizontal Beam Direction Vertical

20 W or more Power 20 W or less

✓✓ Higher = Better penetration/contrast ✓

4 µm or more Spot Size 0.5 µm or more

✓ Smaller = Better resolution ✓✓

10 mm or more Source-Object Distance 0.2 mm or more

✓ Nearer = higher magnification ✓✓

Up to 60x Magnification Factor Up to 1500x

✓ Higher = Better (Electronics) ✓✓

Up to 30° Beam Angle Up to 170°

✓ Higher = Larger FOV ✓✓

• Transmission tube has more advantages but the limitation is the low power output (less penetration).
• Higher power means more heat = larger X-ray spot size = lower resolution.
Photoelectric Detectors
Image Intensifier (I.I.) Flat Panel Detector (FPD)





‒ Image is nosier because it has 8-bit processing (256 shades) + Image is shaper because of the 16-bit processing (65,000 shades).
‒ CCD camera size is limited to 2/3 inch + Larger panel = better magnification & higher resolution
+ Better at low dose due to high gain ‒ Expensive to manufacture = cost more
+ Cost less compared the FPD of the same resolution
Next slide will explain image processing 8-bit against 16-bit
Image Processor

8-bit (256 shades of gray)


14-bit (16,384 shades of gray)

Flat Panel

16-bit (65,536 shades of gray)

Flat Panel

256x better against 8-bit

64x better against 14-bit

• 16-bit flat panel detector has wider dynamic range = higher (better) contrast
Effect of Wall Thickness

(absorption or scattering)
e e

e e
e e

e e

e e


(absorption or scattering)
e e e

e e

e e
e e

Thick e e
e e

e e

e e e

Effect of Material Density

(absorption or scattering)
e e

e e
e e

(2.7 g/cm3)
e e

e e


(absorption or scattering)
e e e

e e

e e
e e

(19.3 g/cm3)
e e
e e

e e

e e e

Voltage against Penetration Depth

Steel Aluminum Plastic

250 Total

A Total = A + B B
Penetration Thickness (mm)


100 90 90
50 36 40
13 16
8 9 10
80 90 100 130 160 225
Voltage (kV)
Output Voltage & Current; Penetration & Image

Increase Voltage (keV)
Image is dark due to insufficient
energy to penetrate

* More electrons / energies

Increase Current (mA)
When sufficient penetration is If continue to increase voltage,
achieved, stop increase voltage image becomes saturated.

Solution: Adjust the current

* More flux + Faster energies

e Perfect Image!
Acquire a Good X-ray Image

Increase voltage


Constant high voltage (keV) penetration; can shorten lifespan of detector!
Micro-focus & Sharpness


(100 µm)
Detector Image

source Sharp

(10 µm)
Detector Image

source Sharpest

(1 µm)

Detector Image
Magnification of X-ray Image

Image Image Image

Detector Detector Detector


X-ray source X-ray source X-ray source

Measurement of Spatial Resolution

40 mm 1.5 mm

30 mm

1.5 mm
1 µm

JIMA Resolution Chart

650 µm
Line width: 0.1 – 0.15 µm within ±0.02 µm
0.2 – 2 µm within ± 10%
3 – 10 µm within ± 8%
Post-processing of X-ray Images

Fluoroscopy Computer Tomography (CT)

Fluoroscopy Inspection & Analysis

Inspection Analysis

❑ Dimension Measurement

❑ BGA Measurement

❑ Area Ratio Measurement

❑ Wire Sweep Ratio Measurement

Fluoroscopic Inspections

Consumer Electronics Consumer Products Ball Grip Array (BGA)

Die Castings Electronics Wire Bonding

Fluoroscopic Inspections

Dimension Measurement

Measuring Items:
▪ Distance between 2 points
▪ Angle
▪ Curvatures (radius)
Fluoroscopic Inspections

BGA (Ball Brid Array) Measurement



Measurement Items:
▪ Total void ratio
▪ Maximum void ratio
▪ Bump diameter
▪ Bump roundness
Fluoroscopic Inspections

Area Ratio Measurement

Still Image

▪ Region-Of-Interest

▪ Exclude region
▪ Target region

Area Ratio results:

▪ Percentage (%)
▪ Pass / Fail
Fluoroscopic Inspections

Wire Sweep Ratio Measurement

Wire Sweep Ratio determines:

▪ Diameter
▪ Density
▪ Breakage
▪ Cross-over
▪ Short circuit
Post-processing of X-ray Images

Fluoroscopy Computer Tomography (CT)

Computer Tomography (CT)

Data acquisition time:

10s – 30 min
Computer Tomography Methods

Horizontal CT

Vertical CT

Planar CT (Xslicer)

Sample Rotate
Detector Rotate

Sample Rotate

• Reflective mode
• Sample rotate
• Large & heavy samples • Transmission mode
• Sample rotate
• Small & light samples

• Transmission mode
• Detector rotate
• Large flat samples
Computer Tomography Modes

2 Dimensional CT (2DCT) Cone Bean CT (CBCT)

2DCT applies to thin samples. CBCT applies to thick samples.

For highest resolution sample For high resolution sample

analysis, sample will be scan slice by inspection, sample will be scan area
slice. by area.

In the mode, data acquisition time is In the mode, data acquisition time is
longer. short.

Offset Scan
Normal Scan

In order to achieve highest When large sample is not possible

resolution and largest FOV, 1
to be near to the X-ray source.
sample should be scan nearest to Offset Scan, acquire the data by
the X-ray source. Normal Scan scanning the sample in 2 sections.
applies to small samples.
Offset scan can also apply to small
samples to achieve highest
resolution in CBCT.
This is a unique of Shimadzu X-ray
CT system.
CT Reconstruction Software

Multi Planar Reconstruction (MPR) Display Volume Rendering (VR) Display

All Shimadzu X-ray CT software has CT Reconstruction function.

CT Analysis Software (non-Shimadzu)

High-end software for the analysis and visualization of industrial computed tomography (CT) data.

❑ Porosity / Inclusion Analysis

❑ Wall Thickness Analysis
❑ Nominal / Actual (CAD-Part) Comparison
❑ Coordinate Measurement
❑ Composite Material Analysis
CT Analysis Software (non-Shimadzu)

Porosity / Inclusion Analysis Module Coordinate Measurement Module

Nominal /Actual Comparison Module Wall Thickness Analysis Module


End of Part 1

Shimadzu (Asia Pacific)

Non Destructive Inspection (NDI) Business Unit

Industrial X-ray Inspection System

Product Line-up
Industrial X-ray Inspection System

Electronics Die Casting

SMX-311M / FI-311M SMX-3100M / FI-3100M

SMX-800 SMX-1000 Plus

Computer Tomography

SMX-90CT Plus
(Table-top) SMX-100CT
SMX-2000 Xslicer SMX-6000 SMX-225CT FPD / FPD HR
Industrial X-ray Inspection System


Model SMX-800 SMX-1000 Plus SMX-1000L Plus SMX-2000 Xslicer SMX-6000

Resolution : 10 µm (JIMA) 5 µm (JIMA) 5 µm (JIMA) 1 µm (JIMA) < 1 µm (JIMA)

Tube Type : Closed Closed Closed Open Open

Max. Tube
80 kV 90 kV 90 kV 160 kV 160 kV
Voltage :

Max. Tube
10 W 10 W 10 W 21 W 16 W
Power :

Detector: Image Intensifier Flat Panel Flat Panel Flat Panel Flat Panel

Tilting : NA 60 60 70 60

300 (X) mm 350 (X) mm 570 (X) mm 470 (X) mm 460 (X) mm
Max. Sample
350 (Y) mm 450 (Y) mm 720 (Y) mm 420 (Y) mm 410 (Y) mm
Size :
400 (Z) mm 100 (Z) mm 400 (Z) mm 100 (Z) mm 100 (Z) mm

Max. Sample
2 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg
Weight :

NA Optional Optional NA Xslicer (45 or 60)
Tomography :
Industrial X-ray Inspection System

Die Casting

Model SMX-312M (-P) FI-312M (-P) SMX-3100M FI-3100M

X-ray Generator Micro-focus Mini-focus Micro-focus Mini-focus

Min. Focal 0.1 mm (standard) 0.3 / 0.6 mm (standard)

7 µm 7 µm
Size : 0.3 / 0.6 mm (optional) 0.1 mm (optional)

Max. Tube 130 kV (standard) 130 kV (standard)

150 kV 150 kV
Voltage : 150 kV (optional) 150 kV (optional)

Max. Tube 75 W (standard) 355 W (standard)

75 W 75 W
Power : 355 W (optional) 75 W (optional)

Image Intensifier / Flat Panel / Image Intensifier / Flat Panel /

Flat Panel Image Intensifier Flat Panel Image Intensifier

Tilting : 60 60 60 60

Ø 400 mm (standard) Ø 400 mm (standard)

Max. Sample Ø 200 mm Ø 200 mm
Ø 620 mm (optional) Ø 620 mm (optional)
Size : 650 (H) mm 650 (H) mm
650 (H) mm 650 (H) mm

Max. Sample
15 kg 15 kg 70 kg 70 kg
Weight :
Industrial X-ray Inspection System

Die Casting

Model SMX-312M (-P) FI-312M (-P) SMX-3100M FI-3100M

X-ray Generator Micro-focus Mini-focus Micro-focus Mini-focus

0.1 mm (standard) 0.3 / 0.6 mm

Min. Focal
7 µm 0.3 / 0.6 mm 7 µm (standard)
Size :
(optional) 0.1 mm (optional)

Max. Tube 130 kV (standard) 130 kV (standard)

150 kV 150 kV
Voltage : 150 kV (optional) 150 kV (optional)

Max. Tube 75 W (standard) 355 W (standard)

75 W 75 W
Power : 355 W (optional) 75 W (optional)

Image Intensifier / Flat Panel / Image Intensifier / Flat Panel /

Flat Panel Image Intensifier Flat Panel Image Intensifier

Tilting : 60

Ø 400 mm
Max. Sample Ø 200 mm
Ø 620 mm
Size : 650 (H) mm
650 (H) mm

Max. Sample
15 kg 70 kg
Weight :
Industrial X-ray CT System


Model inspeXio SMX-90CT Plus inspeXio SMX-100CT inspeXio SMX-225CT FPD inspeXio SMX-225CT FPD HR Plus

Max. Tube
90 kV 100 kV 225 kV 225 kV
Voltage :

Max. Tube
10 W 20 W 135 W 135 W
Power :

Flat Panel
Detector: Flat Panel Image Intensifier Flat Panel
(High Resolution)

Max. Sample Ø 160 mm Ø 180 mm Ø 350 mm Ø 400 mm

Size : 100 (H) mm 250 (H) mm 300 (H) mm 300 (H) mm

Max. CT Area
Ø 50 mm Ø 90 mm Ø 250 mm Ø 400 mm
(FOV) :

Max. CT Image
1024 x 1024 4096 x 4096 2048 x 2048 4096 x 4096
Size :

Max. Sample
4 kg 5 kg 9 kg 12 kg
Weight :
Industrial Dimensional X-ray CT System

(1) High Accuracy

Achieves measurement accuracy with a sphere distance error of 
(3.8 + L/50) µm. Provides the highest level of accuracy assurance
in the industry.
L = Length of measurement in mm (example: 5.8 µm error for 100 mm)

(2) Large Measurement Volume in a Compact Cabinet

It provides measurements of large samples (Ø 300 mm) within a
small cabinet (W 2.2m x D 1.5m).

(3) Quick and Easy Operation

No calibration process is necessary before scanning. Scans can be
started immediately after sample placement.
XDimensus 300

End of Presentation

Brand Statement "Excellence in Science"

We in the Shimadzu Group have delivered products and services to enable our customers around the world to develop a diverse range of
new products, to protect and improve the environment, and to improve the health and lives of mankind. This brand statement
represents our sense of pride in this endeavor. It is our commitment to society and ourselves that Shimadzu remains dedicated in our
pursuit of technology and accumulation of knowledge, so that we can offer even more outstanding technologies, products, and services,
so as to be recognized for excellence in the field of science.

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