Design and Analysis of 9 Speed Gearbox

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 830

ISSN 2250-3153

Design And Analysis Of 9 Speed Gearbox

Atul Ghayal1, Piyush Narkhede2, Chetan Bonde3, Shyamsundar Epper4, A.S.Chandore5
School of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi(D), Pune
5Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi(D), Pune

DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.06.2020.p10298

Abstract- To transmit torque from rotating power source to source to another device with the help of gear and gear trains.
another device gears or gear trains are used. There are In automobiles the output of the internal combustion engine is
different types of gears such as spur gear, helical gear, double provided to the drive wheel with the help of a transmission
helical gear, bevel gear, crown gear, hypoid gear, worm gear, mechanism. Such an engine needs to operate at relatively high
rack and pinion, epicyclical gear, etc.[4]Designing of gear is speed which is not appropriate for starting, stopping, and slow
such a vast and critical process that whole research coverage in travel. By increasing the torque, the gearbox reduces the higher
such work is very difficult. To provide speed and torque engine speed to lower engine wheel speed. Also on pedal
conversion to output shaft from rotating source, the gearbox is bicycles, large machines, and where different speed and torque
used. Multispeed gearboxes are used in the applications where are required, transmissions are used. [3]
frequent changes in speed or torque at the output shaft are The source of rotary motion having higher angular
required. The transmission of motion and power from the input momentum and lower torque is converted into higher torque
source to output is possible due to the meshing of teeth of the with the help of gears. This high torque is necessary for the
gears. This paper consists of designing of 9 speed gearbox and performance of the work. This phenomenon of increasing
the procedure for calculating the number of teeth on gear torque is called gear reduction which is brought by coupling of
including structure and ray diagram. [3]For analysis, the large gear called gear with small gear called the pinion. This
gearbox assembly is created in CATIA and the .igs file is means, the speed of output shaft of the gearbox is less than the
exported to ANSYS. Also deformation is attained as the gear speed of input shaft of the gearbox, and this reduction results in
efficiency depends on the deformation. The result shows that mechanical advantage i.e. increase in torque, which results in a
the deformation and maximum stresses are under safe limits. reduction of torque at the cost of angular momentum. This type
of gearbox is called a reducer. The gearbox can be structure to
Index terms: 9 speed, gearbox, speed variation, spur gear, act as the exact opposite such as to give a large speed with a
methodology decrease of torque. Some of the simplest gearboxes merely
change the physical rotational direction of power transmission.
I. INTRODUCTION Another use of gearbox is to change the axis of the rotary
motion of a plane with or without gear reduction. [4]
In mechanical Engineering applications, mostly the power is
transmitted with the help of gears. There is a wide range of
gears for various applications such as very minute gears for
wristwatches and there are also very large gears that are used
in ships, trucks, and the equipment used for mining. In many
pieces of machinery such as automobiles, washing machines,
blenders, construction equipment, fuel pump, mills, mining
engines, etc.; gears are a vital element of mechanism. Toothed
headgears are used to change the direction, speed, and power
between input and output shaft.
When you see the inner construction of the gearbox,
you will observe that it is very simple. It consists of two gears Fig. 1 Gear Arrangement
coupled with each other mounted on two different shafts. The
gear may be spur, bevel, worm or helical. For gear reduction The gearbox has variously used in agricultural,
the diameter of input gear must be smaller than the diameter of industrial, constructional, mining, and automotive equipment,
the output gear. If an only change in direction is required then etc. and to maximize its efficiency gearbox with 8-speed
the size of the gear may be the same. Spur gears are used for variation is used. The highly effective 9-speed gearbox has
heavy load applications, but they are noisy in operation. Due to many benefits. The most important benefit is an increase in
gradual engagement, helical gears are used silent in operation. fuel efficiency. Another benefit is a fast locking torque
Hence they are used for light-load applications. If a change of converter that allows for quick engagement and limited-slip.
plane of rotation is required then hypoid gears are used. [3] This results in less wear and tear on the clutches inside the unit
In the power transmission system, the controlled and longer life. An additional benefit is that it provides smooth
application of power is provided by the transmission shifts that happen so quickly that they often sensed by the
mechanism. Transmission refers to the gearbox, which is used driver. In Automobiles, the gearbox is mainly used to supply
to provide speed and torque conversion from a rotating power

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 831
ISSN 2250-3153
the power to wheels from the engine through the differential. 1.12 – 1.12 * 1.12 = 1.254
The differential is also a combination of gears. [3] 1.06 – 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06 = 1.338
Multiple of 1.06 gives nearest value of 1.34. As 1.06
It is being observed that all the hype in the automobile is multiplied 4 times we skip 4 speeds. Hence standard ϕ value
industry is about the huge improvement in the efficiency of the is 1.06 and R40 series is selected.
vehicles being produced. You can see that the companies have
been spending so much time and money on developing the STEP – 3: Selection of speeds in RPM:
transmission that maximizes efficiency because customers
have fuel economy at the top in their checklist. N1 110
The 9-speed transmission system helps to improve the N2 200
efficiency of the transmission as compared to the 5-speed
transmission system and 6-speed transmission systems. It also N3 355
gives 9 different speed variations. The advancement in the N4 630
transmission system of modern-day cars being produced is a N5 150
major benefit to car enthusiasts of all types. This can handle a
significant amount of torque and power and offer an N6 265
unparalleled fuel economy. These are certainly a small step in N7 475
the direction for increasing the efficiency of the transmission. N8 850
Table No. 1 Selection of speeds
For Design of gearbox between the speeds range 110
RPM to 1120 RPM with 9 numbers of steps for 15 KW power, STEP – 4: Structural formula and Ray Diagram:
the methodology [5] is,
Structural Formula: The structural formula for the 9-speed
STEP – 1: Material Selection: gearbox is,
3 (1) 3 (3)
Some factors are to be considered while choosing the
gear material. The main three factors are strength, durability, Stage 1: Single input speed is divided into three different
and cost. The cost includes the cost of the material and the cost speeds according to user requirements.
of manufacturing. The importance of these factors is different Stage 2- 3 input is split into 9 speeds i.e. each input is split into
for different projects. The main factor of material selection for 3 speeds.
gear is getting the correct combination of physical properties
that fulfill the requirements of the gearbox at a low cost. [1] Ray Diagram: This diagram is used to represent the structural
Gears can be manufactured of various materials used formula. It gives information like the speed of gear in each
for gear making, some of them are steel, brass, bronze, cast stage, transmission ratio for each stage, and the total number of
iron, ductile iron, aluminum, powdered metals, and plastics. speeds.
But the Steel is the most commonly used material for gearbox The ray diagram is drawn as,
manufacturing. [2] Mostly steel is used for making gear because
of advantages such as high resistance to wear and the ability to
increase the physical properties by the use of various heat

Material for pinion:

‘15 Ni 2 Cr 1 Mo 15’
Bending stress = 3200 kgf/cm2
Crushing stress = 9500 kgf/cm2
Material for gear:
‘15 Ni 2 Cr 1 Mo 15'
Bending stress = 1400 kgf/cm2
Crushing stress = 5000 kgf/cm2

STEP – 2: Calculation of Step ratio or speed progression ratio:

(Nmax / Nmin) = ϕ n-1

Φ = 1.34
Since it is not standard value, we have to find out the
multiple standard values which come close to the calculated
step ratio.
Selected speeds are 110, 150, 200, 265, 355, 475, 630,
1.6 – cannot be used 850, and 1120. Let us group the output speeds into 3 since the
1.25 – cannot be used structural formula is,
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 832
ISSN 2250-3153
[3 (1) 3 (3)]
Now let’s select the input speed of stage 2. Two
following condition should be satisfied for that input speed.
(Nmin / Ninput) > 0.25

(Nmax / Ninput) < 2

Stage- 2

Fig. 2 kinematic arrangement

Step – 6: Calculation of the number of teeth:

For calculating the number of teeth on gear pair we

assume that the number of teeth on driver gear is 22. We used
formulas as follows,

1. (Npinion / Ngear ) = ( Zgear / Zpinion )

2. Z5 + Z6 = Z3 + Z4 = Z3 + Z4

3. Z7 + Z8 = Z9 + Z10 = Z11 + Z12

(Nmin / Ninput) = 110 / 355 = 0.30 > 0.25 Gears Teeth’s

1 28
(Nmax / Ninput) = 630 / 355 = 1.77 < 2
2 56
The Conditions are satisfied. 3 40
4 44
Stage- 2
5 22
6 62
7 42
8 52
9 62
10 32
11 22
12 72
Table No. 2 Number of teeth’s

Step 7: Calculation of Diameter:

The diameters of gears are found out by using the


(Nmin / Ninput) = 355 / 1000 = 0.355 > 0.25 Where,

(Nmax / Ninput) = 630 /1000 = 0.63 < 2 d = diameter of gear

m = module (4 mm)……from calculation
The Conditions are satisfied. Z = number of teeth

STEP – 5: Kinematic Arrangement:

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 833
ISSN 2250-3153

Gears Diameter in mm IV. IMPLEMENTATION

1 112
Certain parameters must be considered for selecting
2 224 the gearbox for different applications in the industry. Some of
3 160 them are [1],
4 176  Gear ratio
 Output torque
5 220  Maximum input power
6 248  Maximum input speed
7 168  Gearing arrangement
 Reducer output
8 208  Shaft Alignment
9 248
10 128 Standard Spur Gear: The Fig. 3 shows the meshing of standard
spur gears. The meshing of standard spur gears means the
11 88 reference circles of each gear come in contact and roll with
12 288 each other. Below formula for the calculation is shown in table
Table No. 3 Diameter of gears no.5

Step 7: Diameter of shaft:

From the calculation, we have found diameters of

shafts are,

Shaft Diameter in mm
1 30
2 40
3 60 Fig. 3 Meshing of spur gears
Table No. 4 Diameter of Shaft’s

No. Item Symbol Formula
Pinion (1) Gear (2)

1 Module m 4 mm

2 Pressure Angle ϕ Set Value 20 0

3 Number of Teeth Z 28 56

4 Center Distance CD (z1 + z2) m / 2 168 mm

5 Reference Diameter d Z*m 112 mm 224 mm

7 Addendum a 1.00m 4 mm 4 mm

8 Tooth Depth H 2.25m 9 mm 9 mm

9 Tip Diameter da d + 2m 120 mm 232 mm

10 Root Diameter df d – 2.5m 102 mm 214 mm

Table No. 5 Calculation for standard spur gear


Step 1: Assembly Creation - First of all we created our gearbox assembly in CATIA and saved the file in .igs format, to export it
into ANSYS workbench environment.

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 834
ISSN 2250-3153

Fig. 4 Design of Gearbox

Step 2: Meshing - Meshing is applied to the assembly to get accurate results.

Fig. 5 Meshing

Step 3: Boundary Conditions - Boundary conditions are a necessary part of finite element analysis. So here the moment of 206.65
Nm is applied as driving torque.

Fig. 6 Total Deformation

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 835
ISSN 2250-3153

Fig. 7 Directional Deformation

Fig. 8 Maximum principle stress

VI. RESULTS The analysis shows that the gearbox can carry
maximum stresses and deformation under the safety zone.
Max. Based on the results, spur gear with a higher module is
Total Directional preferred if a large amount of power is required to transmit.
Results Principle
Deformation Deformation
1.2169e-6 m 4.623e-7 m 9.0847e5 Pa During the entire duration of this project work, we received
endless help from a number of people and we feel that this
0 -4.6357e-7 m -39857 report would be incomplete if we don’t convey grateful
thanks to them. This acknowledgement is a humble attempt
Table No. 6 Results to thank all those who were involved in the project work and
were of immense help to us.
VII. CONCLUSION We want to express our gratitude towards our respected
project advisor/guide Prof. A.S. Chandore for his constant
Lastly, we concluded that as per the design criteria, encouragement and valuable guidance during the completion
we have designed the gearbox and the design made by us is of this project work. We also want to express our gratitude
safe and satisfactory and can be proceeded with the towards respected School Dean Dr. Prafulla Hatte for his
production process. Also the stepwise solution of the present continuous encouragement.
work would be beneficial as per an aspect of time and We would be failing in our duty if we do not thank all the
reducing complexity for designing the gearbox. The ray other staff and faculty members for their experienced advice
diagrams are used to make the design more feasible and evergreen co-operation.
concerning the number of teeth used in gearbox and
transmission ratio.
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 836
ISSN 2250-3153
First Author – Atul Ghayal, Student, Student, School of
[1] A Textbook of “Machine design” by R.S. KHURMI and J.K.
Mechanical and Civil Engineering, MIT Academy of
Engineering, Alandi(D), Pune, [email protected]
[2] Ujjayan Majumdar, Sujit Maity, Gora Chand Chell “Design and
Analysis of Six Speed Gear Box,” in “International Journal of Second Author – Piyush Narkhede, Student, School of
Research in Engineering, Science and Management, Volume-1, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, MIT Academy of
Issue-9, September-2018” Engineering, Alandi(D), Pune, [email protected]

Third Author – Chetan Bonde, Student, School of

[3] Rahi Jain and Pratik Goyal, “DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF Mechanical and Civil Engineering, MIT Academy of
GEAR-BOX USING SPUR GEAR AND ELIMINATING THE Engineering, Alandi(D), Pune, [email protected]
DIFFERENTIAL UNIT” in “International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 7,
Fourth Author – Shyamsundar Epper, Student, School of
Issue 6, November–December 2016, pp.510–517, Article ID:
Mechanical and Civil Engineering, MIT Academy of
Engineering, Alandi(D), Pune, [email protected]
[4] Neeraj Patel, Tarun Gupta, “Methodology for Designing a
Gearbox and its Analysis” in “International Journal of Fourth Author – A.S.Chandore, Assistant Professor,
Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278- School of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, MIT Academy
0181, Vol. 5 Issue 01, January-2016” of Engineering, Alandi(D), Pune, [email protected]

This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.

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