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Attachment No.

1:- Go Away Floppy

1. Circle the correct word for the given pictures.

Kipper Floppy Biff Mum


Kipper Wilma Chip Dad


Wilf Biff Wilma Chip

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence!

a) Go away, ____________.

b)_________ are skipping.
c)________ away, Floppy.

d) Go __________, Floppy.

3. Draw Floppy playing!

4. Match and Write.

a) Go away

b) Floppy are

c) away Go

d) are sorry

e) come Floppy

f) sorry come
Attachment No.2: Reds and Blues

1. Cross the correct sentence for each picture.

Hide and Seek.

Look at me! X

Reds and Blues.

Go Away, Floppy!

We are the blue.

We are the red.

We are the red.

We are the blue.

2. Fill in the missing letter!

a) all __ll

b) are __ re

c) Come __ome

d) in i__

e) on o__

f) The Th__

g) We __e
3. Draw the red team.
Extra Attachment No. 3: Activities for sight words (set up these activities in your
child’s homeschooling exercise book. Can printed, cut and stick or handwritten.)
1. Read, trace and write the words.

Go Go ______

away away ______

Go away, Floppy.

are are ______ We are skipping.

come come ______

We We ______
Go away, Floppy.
sorry sorry We are painting.
2. Write the capital letter and the 3. Word box. (teacher/parent dictates out
lower-case letter of:- and child carries out on the above story
Cross the picture of Wilf.
G ___ g ___ Circle the picture of paint can.

C ___ c ___ blue the word “painting”

orange the word “skipping”

S ___ s ___ green the word “go”

yellow the words “are”
purple the words “away”
A ___ a ___ black the words “We”
My spelling test
go away are
1. _________ 4. __________

come we back
sorry skipping 2. _________ 5. ___________

painting 3. _________ 6. ____________

Teacher/Parent:- tick the words that Teacher/Parent:- dictates the words at

your child can read. random and the child write without any help.
Make sure to do correction next to the
incorrect word if there is.
A little sticker reward would be very nice if
the attempt is satisfactory.
Extra Attachment No. 3: Activities for sight words (set up these activities in your
child’s homeschooling exercise book. Can printed, cut and stick or handwritten.)
4. Read, trace and write the words.

reds reds ______

blues blues ______

Come on the reds!
Come on the blues!
the the ______

is is ______

muddy muddy ______

Who is in red
who who ______
Who is in blue

5. Write the capital letter and the 6. Word box. (teacher/parent dictates
lower-case letter of:- out and child carries out on the
above story page.)
Cross the picture of the red team.
I ___ i ___ Circle the picture of the blue team.

O ___ o ___ blue the word “who”

orange the word “the”

T ___ t ___ green the word “in”

yellow the word “come”
purple the word “blue”
R ___ r ___
My spelling test
reds blues all
1._________ 4. __________

the come on 2._________ 5. ___________

who is muddy
3._________ 6. ____________
Teacher/Parent:- tick the words that your Teacher/Parent:- dictates the words at
child can read. random and the child write without any
Make sure to do correction next to the
incorrect word if there is.
A little sticker reward would be very nice
if the attempt is satisfactory.

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