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Best Couple in Pride and

Elliot, Ally, Taylor
The Obvious Choice
Exhibit A:
the blueprint.

“The best love is the kind

that awakens the soul
and makes us reach for

-Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“Most marital problems can
Insight from a be solved through open
Cornell communication”
Psychologist - Love, factually: Gerontologist finds
the formula to a happy marriage

We hope to conclude that Elizabeth and Darcy have both made self realizations which have
been communicated to each other, therefore setting them on course to be a successful
Exhibit B:
Darcy and Elizabeth not only
show what love for another Lizzy’s testimony.
person should look like, but
also self understanding and
evolution. It is not until after
reading a letter from Darcy “Of neither Darcy or Wickham
that Elizabeth comes to could I think without feeling
terms with her faults.
that I had been blind, partial,
prejudiced, absurd.”
The ever so cynical Darcy had Exhibit C:
also admitted that Elizabeth had Darcy’s testimony.
changed him for the better, and
taught him to reach for more in
life. Once he is able to admit to
her his love, he is also able to
admit just what she had done. “She taught me to hope … as
I had scarcely ever allowed
myself to hope before.”
In Conclusion...

Darcy and Elizabeth on course for

a happy marriage. Aside from
this, their rocky start gives them
depth as a couple. They are an
interesting and attention
grabbing couple, as well as a
couple who are headed toward a
bright future.
Collins & Charlotte THE


But like...Why ?

= Lov
“Whoever said that money didn't buy happiness was
a BLEEP fool. A BLEEP fool who'd never been poor.”
― Tom Cooper, The Marauders
Charlotte’s Testimony
“...Considering Mr. Collins’s
character, connections, and
situation in life, I am
convinced that my chance of
happiness with him is as fair
as most people can boast on
entering the marriage state.'”
LIZZIES TESTIMONY!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

E RT marriage. It is
YA L unaccountable! In
every view it is

Collins Testimony

“It’s been many

years since I had
such an
Jane & Bingley

The Underdogs
Exhibit A:
the blueprint.

“It doesn’t matter if the

guy is perfect or the girl is
perfect, as long as they are
perfect for each other .”

-Sean Maguire, Good will hunting

“I chose to love you
Insight from a
irrespective of what you do or
don’t do for me.” published
- The foundation of lasting
relationships, by a doctor who wrote
the book on it

1. In love for who each other are now they don't need the other to change
2. Both make each other undeniably happy & content
3. Their proposal is just heart melting
Both Jane and Bingley are
Exhibit B: completely infatuated with
Janes ’s one another but beyond their
simple enjoying one another
testimony. they care for each other so
much they are fooled by the
interfering of Darcy and
“He is just what a young man bingley's sisters
ought to be, ‘ said she,
‘sensible, good humored, lively; c ough
g h
and I never saw such happy *cou roline
Ca ough*
manners! -- so much ease, with *coug
such perfect good breeding
Darcy, ever playing with the
readers affections admits to
Exhibit C: separating jane and bingley
Darcy’s testimony. on three main grounds
1. Janes family sucks
2. Jane doesn’t love Bingley
“I remained convinced from 3. Bingley’s family’s plans
the evening’s scrutiny, that
though She received his
attentions with pleasure, she
did not invite them by any
participation of sentiment.”
In Closing...

Jane and Bingley are the best

marriage within pride in prejudice.
They are fully in love with each
other, flaws and all. Their love is
near effortless and only impeded
by the societal blindness of their
friends and family. Overall their
relationship is a joyous one on
every level.

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