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Chapter 16 Motivating Employees

For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.


31. The willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals based on the

effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need is ______________.

a. motivation
b. leadership
c. effort management
d. need configuration
(a; moderate; p. 392)

32. An internal situation that makes certain outcome appear attractive is known as

a. motivation
b. leadership
c. effort management
d. needs
(d; moderate; p. 392)

33. The three key elements in the definition of organizational motivation are ______________,
organizational goals, and needs.

a. personality

b. ability

c. effort

d. tenure

(c; easy; p. 392)

34. Motivated employees are in a state of ______________ that is relieved the exertion of

a. need
b. tension
c. performance
d. defined anticipation
(b; easy; p. 392)


35. Within Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the need for belonging is associated with

a. physiological needs
b. safety needs
c. social needs
d. esteem needs
(c; easy; p. 394)

36. According to Maslow, an employee who has a need for more self-respect has unmet

a. physiological needs
b. safety needs
c. social needs
d. esteem needs
(d; easy; p. 394)

37. McGregor assumed that people who were lazy would normally be viewed through

a. Theory X
b. Theory Y
c. Social Needs Theory
d. Physical Needs Theory
(a; moderate; p. 394)

38. Theory Y assumes that people inherently _____________.

a. need satisfaction of need to belong more than anything else
b. avoid responsibility and need to be closely controlled
c. want to work and exercise self-direction
d. work to satisfy hygiene factors
(c; moderate; p. 394)

39. Herzberg’s theory of motivation was based on the question, _______________

a. What is satisfaction in a job?

b. Just who is my boss?
c. Will I receive justice in awarding pay?
d. What do people want from their jobs?
(d; moderate; p. 395)

40. When an employee has a need for ____________, achieving one’s potential in his or her
career meets that need.

a. physiological needs
b. safety needs
c. social needs
d. self-actualization needs
(d; moderate; p. 393)

41. ___________ assumes that employees have little ambition, dislike work, and avoid

a. Theory Y
b. Theory X
c. Self-actualization Need Theory
d. Belongingness Need Theory
(b; moderate; p. 394)

42. According to Herzberg, when ___________ are adequate, people won't be dissatisfied, but
they also will not be satisfied.

a. achievement needs
b. affiliation needs
c. power needs
d. hygiene factors
(a; moderate; p. 396)

43. An individual who wants to buy a home in an expensive neighborhood with a low crime rate
is satisfying which psychological needs state?

a. esteem

b. safety

c. physiological

d. self-actualization

(b; moderate; p. 394)

44. The drive to find food, drink, and sexual satisfaction is based on what level of need?

a. physiological

b. safety

c. self-actualization

d. social

(a; moderate; p. 393)

45. The need for such factors as status, recognition, attention, self-respect, autonomy, and
achievement are examples of which of the following needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs?

a. physiological

b. esteem

c. social

d. self-actualization

(b; moderate; p. 394)

46. Growth, achieving one’s potential, self-fulfillment, and the drive to become what one is
capable of becoming are characteristics of which need according to Maslow’s hierarchy?

a. physiological

b. esteem

c. social

d. self-actualization

(d; moderate; p. 394

47. According to Herzberg, in order to provide employees with job satisfaction, managers
should concentrate on _____________.

a. hygiene factors

b. issues such as pay

c. motivator factors (moderate)

d. extrinsic factors

(c; moderate; p. 396)


48. David McClelland’s needs theory suggested that the highest level of needs was the need for

a. employment

b. power
c. achievement
d. affiliation
(c; moderate; p. 396)

49. The best managers are high in ________________.

a. physiological needs
b. security needs
c. need for power
d. need for achievement
(c; moderate; p. 397)

50. Difficult goals, when accepted, result in _______________.

a. lower performance than easy goals

b. higher performance than easy goals
c. low satisfaction
d. higher dissatisfaction
(b; moderate; p. 398)

51. Goal setting works best when the goals are _____________.

a. specific
b. indefinite
c. infinite
d. moderately challenging
(a; easy; p. 398)

52. Goal setting is more effective in cultures located in _______________.

a. Asia

b. North America
c. South America
d. Europe
(b; moderate; p. 399)

53. The concept that behavior is a function of consequences is known as ______________.

a. reinforcement theory
b. leadership
c. group dynamics
d. human resource management
(a; easy; p. 399)

54. Behavior that is not rewarded, or is punished, is _______________.

a. extinguished
b. not high on a list of priorities
c. unstructured
d. less likely to be repeated
(d; moderate; p. 400)

55. One of the first attempts to design jobs horizontally expanded jobs and is known as job

a. enlargement
b. scope
c. rotation
d. enrichment
(a; moderate; p. 400)

56. A theory that suggests that employees compare their inputs and outcomes from a job to the
ratio of input to outcomes of relevant others is known as ______________.

a. action motivation
b. goal setting
c. reinforcement theory
d. equity theory
(d; moderate; p. 403)

57. The importance that an individual places on a potential outcome or reward that can be
achieved on the job is known as _____________.

a. valence or attractiveness of reward

b. operant learning opportunity
c. effort performance linkage or expectancy
d. goal-setting behavior
a; moderate; p. 405)

58. The degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level is
instrumental in attaining the desired outcome is _____________.

a. valence of a reward
b. valence
c. effort performance linkage
d. instrumentality or performance-reward linkage
(d; moderate; p. 405)

59. An individual who would enjoy taking on the challenge of personally redesigning the
workflow of a manufacturing line to improve employee productivity would probably be
rated high on which of the following?

a. need for affiliation

b. need for impact

c. need for achievement

d. need for power

c difficult

Page 396

60. According to McClelland, the need to make others behave in a way they wouldn’t have
behaved otherwise is which of the following work motives?

a. need for achievement

b. need for power

c. need for affiliation

d. need for motivation

(b; easy; p. 396)

61. Which of the following suggests that there is a need to have good relationships at work?

a. need for achievement

b. need for power

c. need for fulfillment

d. need for affiliation

(d; moderate; p. 396)

62. People will do better when they get ______________ because it helps identify discrepancies
between what they have done and what they want to do.

a. input

b. goals

c. equity

d. feedback
(d; easy; p. 402)

63. The higher your ______________, the more confidence you have in your ability to succeed in a

a. self-efficacy

b. self-esteem

c. reinforcers

d. job scope

(a; easy; p. 399)

64. Reinforcement theorists believe that behavior results from which of the following?

a. external consequences

b. internal personality traits, such as need for achievement

c. setting high goals

d. intrinsic satisfiers

(a; moderate; p. 399)

65. A ______________ is any consequence immediately following a response that increases the
probability that the behavior will be repeated.

a. goal

b. reinforcer

c. conclusion

d. job characteristics model

(b; moderate; p. 399)

66. ______________ is the way tasks are combined to form complete jobs.

a. Job scope

b. Job enlargement

c. Job enrichment

d. Job design

(d; moderate; p. 400)

67. The higher your _______________, the more confident you are in your ability to succeed in
a task

a. self-efficacy
b. democratic orientation
c. goals are set
d. work ethic
(a; difficult; p. 399)

68. According to reinforcement theory, rewards are effective if they ___________ a desired

a. precede
b. follow
c. coincide with
d. decrease
(b; moderate; p. 399)

69. The job characteristics model is based on ____________.

a. skill variety
b. feedback
c. autonomy
d. all of the above
(d; moderate; p. 401)

70. According to reinforcement theory, an individual would behave in a desired manner if
which of the following occurred?

a. Nothing happened when they acted appropriately.

b. They are punished for doing the wrong behavior.

c. They set specific, difficult goals to achieve.

d. They are immediately rewarded, such as by a monthly bonus.

(d; moderate; p. 400)

71. The number of different tasks required in a job and the frequency with which those tasks are
repeated is ____________.

a. scope

b. enlargement

c. enrichment

d. design

(a; moderate; p. 400)

72. Horizontally expanding the tasks of a job is known by which of the following terms?

a. job enrichment

b. job enlargement

c. task improvement

d. job expansion

(b; moderate; p. 400)

73. Job ______________ is vertical expansion of a job by adding planning and evaluating

a. scope

b. enlargement

c. enrichment

d. design

(c; moderate; p. 401)

74. The research evidence on the use of job enrichment programs could be classified as

a. encouraging

b. strongly supportive

c. moderately supportive

d. inconclusive

(d; moderate; p. 401)

75. The job characteristics model identifies ______________ as the degree to which a job has
substantial impact on the lives or work of other people.

a. task significance

b. task identity

c. skill variety

d. autonomy

(a; moderate; p. 401)

76. ______________ is the degree to which a job provides substantial freedom, independence,
and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and determining the procedures to be
used in carrying it out.

a. Task significance

b. Task identity

c. Skill variety

d. Autonomy
(d; easy; p. 402)

77. ______________ is the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by a job results
in an individual’s obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her

a. Task significance

b. Task identity

c. Skill variety

d. Feedback

(d; moderate; p. 402)

78. The job characteristics model provides guidance to managers concerning


a. job design

b. employee selection

c. pay satisfaction

d. collective bargaining

(a; easy; p. 402)

79. In ______________ an employee compares his job’s inputs-outcomes ratio with that of
relevant others and then corrects any inequity.

a. reinforcement theory

b. the job characteristics model

c. job design

d. equity theory

(d; moderate; p. 403)

80. Which of the following is not an input according to equity theory?

a. effort

b. experience

c. pay level

d. education

(c; easy; p. 403)

81. In general, the research support for equity theory could be described as ______________.

a. strong

b. moderate

c. weak

d. inconclusive

(a; moderate; p. 405)

82. Which expectancy theory linkage explains the belief that having a high grade point average
is critical in obtaining a good job?

a. instrumentality

b. expectancy

c. goal setting to achievement

d. valence

(a; difficult; p. 405)

83. Which expectancy theory linkage explains the degree to which a student desires a good job?

a. expectancy

b. effort to performance

c. input to outcome

d. valence

(d; moderate; p. 405)

84. Which of the following is not an important issue surrounding equity theory?

a. it emphasizes payoffs

b. it is important to understand why outcomes are important or unimportant

c. expected behaviors are important

d. reality is key

(d; difficult; p. 405)


85. In _____________, employees work fewer days, but more hours per day.

a. a reorganization
b. flexible work hours
c. a job characteristics model
d. a compressed workweek

(d; moderate; p. 409)

86. To maximize motivation among today’s diverse workforce, managers need to think in terms
of ________________.

a. flexibility

b. consistency

c. needs

d. wants
(a; easy; p. 409)

87. A ______________ workweek is where employees work a certain number of hours per
week, but are free, within limits, to vary the hours of work.

a. flexible

b. compressed

c. congruent

d. parallel

(a; easy; p. 409)

88. ______________ is a scheduling system in which employees are free to vary work hours
within certain limits.

a. Compressed workweek

b. Job sharing

c. Flextime

d. Telecommuting

(c; moderate; p. 409)

89. What type of job scheduling option would allow two different employees to share one 40-
hour-a-week systems analyst position?

a. compressed workweek

b. job sharing

c. flextime

d. telecommuting

(b; easy; p. 409)

90. The linking by computer and modem of workers at home with coworkers and management
at an office is termed ____________.

a. job sharing

b. compressed workweek

c. flextime

d. telecommuting

(d; easy; p. 409)

91. Piece-rate pay plans, wage incentive plans, profit sharing, and lump-sum bonuses are
examples of ______________ programs.

a. open-book management

b. expectancy theory

c. pay-for-performance

d. equity theory

(c;easy; p. 412)

92. ______________ is a motivational approach in which an organization’s financial statements
are opened to and shared with all employees.

a. Open-book management

b. Expectancy theory

c. Pay-for-performance

d. Equity theory

(a; easy; p. 411)

93. Successful motivation of professions requires that managers recognize that the loyalty of
professionals is usually toward their _____________.

a. employer

b. short-term financial well-being

c. long-term financial well-being

d. profession

(d; moderate; p. 410)

94. All of the following are mentioned in the textbook as suggestions to motivate professionals
except _______________.

a. providing them with ongoing challenging projects

b. using money and promotions

c. allowing them to structure their work in ways they find productive

d. rewarding them with recognition

(b; moderate; p. 410)

95. Which of the following is not a suggestion for motivating employees?

a. recognize individual differences

b. makes goals very difficult to achieve

c. match people to jobs

d. individualize rewards

(b; easy; p. 415)

96. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a reward program?

a. employee incentive

b. pay for performance

c. employee recognition

d. stock option programs

(a; moderate; pp. 412-413)

97. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a suggestion for motivating employees in

a. recognize individual differences

b. use goals

c. use collective rewards

d. don’t ignore money

(c; moderate; p. 415)

98. Maslow’s hierarchy aligns well with employees in ________________.

a. the United States

b. Mexico
c. Japan
d. Greece
(a; moderate; p. 408)

99. Compensation plans that pay employees based on the basis of their contribution to the
effectiveness of the organization are referred to as _____________.

a. pay-for-performance programs
b. expectancy theory
c. equity theory
d. all of the above
(a; easy; p. 412)

100. Attempts to show the financial condition of the firm to employees to get them to think like
owners of the firm are known as ______________.

a. pay-for-performance programs
b. work sharing arrangements
c. telecommuting
d. open-book management
(d; difficult; p. 411)


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