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Name: Gapoy, Ailene N. Score: __________

Course/Year: BSTM1 – TOU102 Date: April 15, 2021
Time Schedule: Synchronous Monday 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Asynchronous Thursday 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Essay: Answer the following questions briefly but precisely.

1. Do all arts express beauty? Justify your answer.

- Yes. Art is that the approach we tend to specific the fullness of life from its darkest cruelties
to its supreme beauties and lyricism. There's no should be concerned. There are not any
arbiters of subject material. It's going to be unoriginal to mention, however. Art is life, and
attempting to defend one from some side of the opposite is not possible.

2. When can you say that a craft is made with the application of human intelligence?
- Crafts are made by human intelligence because they have a mind of creativity, original ideas
in the production of any crafts they do. And then the designs, human intelligence is capable
of coming up with crafts that square measure suited to a spread of activities. They need a
purpose, planning, and performance.

3. How Art and Crafts started during the 19th century? Explain.
- Their critique was sharpened by the things that they saw within the nice Exhibition of 1851,
which they thought of to be overly ornate, artificial, and blind to the qualities of the materials

4. Do we need to attend formal schooling in order to become a professional artis it? Why or
why not?
- For me, we don't need to attend formal schooling to become professional artists. No
schooling is needed for one to create it professionally as an artist. Some skilled and a small
amount lucky, people have succeeded in going away their mark on this world, with not one
lesson beneath their belts. Some have even been while not general education. There aren’t
any certifications or degrees that will turn you instantly into a successful artist. But You still
have to prove yourself like everyone else, even some amateurs or self-taught individuals.
Today, we face the pandemic few of us learn in the importance of skills and techniques from
watching tutorials and reading and books, and all manner of online learning. The main thing
for either to be a successful artist is always to be open to learning and absorb everything we
can. And lastly, no amount of schooling or even raw talent will ever replace practice. We all
go through difficult trials so that we can achieve the success we hope for.

5. What is the contribution of William Morris in the realm of arts and crafts?
- Although he splattered in embroidery, carpet-making, poetry, and literature, he down the art
of woodblock printing, and created a number of the foremost recognizable textile patterns of
the nineteenth century.

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