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The recording,
classifying, and
summarizing of
economic events for
whether recorded
properly reflects
‫الزتونة‬ Auditing accumulation and evaluation of
evidence to report on the degree of
correspondence between the information
and established criteria

the purpose of the economic Evidence is any information used by the

providing financial events that auditor to determine whether the
information used in occurred during information being audited is stated in
decision making. the accounting accordance with the established criteria.
Forms of Evidence:
InformationOral The risk that
testimony the information
Written in the
financial statements Electronic
do not represent fairly (indata
 Auditing should be done by a competent,
Independent person.
Causes of Information Risk Reducing Information Risk
Remoteness of information -1 1- User verifies information
Biases and motives of the provider -2 2- User shares information risk with management
Voluminous data -3 3- Audited financial statements are provided
Complex exchange transactions -4

Services provided by CPAs Types of Audits

Assurance Services 1- Operational Audit: To

evaluate whether operating
An independent professional service that improves the information
quality for decision makers. procedures are efficient and
Can be performed by CPAs or by a variety of other professionals. effective.
2- Compliance Audit: To
Attestation Services Other Attestation determine whether client is following
is a type of assurance service in which the  The CPA is not specific procedures set by higher
CPA firm issues a report about the reliability required to issue a authority.
of an assertion that is the responsibility of written report.
.another party 3- Financial statements Audit:
Attestation Services (5 Categories): 1- Compliance with
To determine whether the overall
1. Audit of historical financial statements trading policies and
procedures financial statements are presented
2. Internal Control over Financial Reporting
in accordance with GAAP.
3. Review of historical financial statements
2- ISO 900
4. Attestation services on information
technology (WebTrust and SysTrust .
certification Types of Auditors:
5. Other attestation services 3- Environmental 1-Independent certified public
audit accounting firms
The CPA is required to issue a written 2-Governmental general
report. accounting office auditors (GAO)
3-Internal Revenue agents
4-Internal auditors
Non Assurance service Three Requirements for Becoming a CPA
1- accounting and book keeping
1-Educational requirement 2-Uniform CPA examination requirement
2- Tax services
3-Experience requirement
3- Management consulting
(can’t perform it with Audit) Financial Statements = GAAP
Auditing = GAAS
SOX = Public
Certified Public Accounting Firms The legal right to
perform audits is granted to CPA firms by each state.

- Big Four international firms : “The four largest firms in united

Deloitte , Ernest & young , Price water house Coopers, KPMG
 These four firms have offices in most major cities in the United
States and in many cities throughout the world.

- National firms large but smaller than Big four

- Regional and large local firms
- Small local firms do not perform audits and provide
accounting and tax services to their clients

Staff perform most of the audit field work.

Seniors are responsible for the field work and supervise
the staff.
Managers help plan the audit, manage the audit, review
the audit work and work with the client to resolve any
issues identified.
Partners review all audit areas and makes significant
The partner signs the audit report.

Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)

General Standards
1. The audit is to be performed by a person or persons having adequate technical training and proficiency as
an auditor.
2.The auditor must maintain independence in mental attitude
3.The auditor must exercise due professional care in the performance of the audit and the preparation of
the report.

Standards of Field Work

1. Auditor must adequately plan work & properly supervise any assistants.
2. The auditor must obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity..
3.The auditor must obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence

Standards Of Report
1. The report shall state whether the financial statements are presented in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles.
2. The report shall identify those circumstances.
3. Informative disclosures in the financial statements
4. The report shall contain an expression of opinion.

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