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Tuesday 16 march 2021

Lear n about the

m anufactur ing of
the Pfizer
The Covid-19 vaccine,
Covid-19 vaccine
w ith Yar a!
the new life saver
Made by Yara Al-Hadaii 5B1
Yahoo (2020) Pfizer says supply chain challenges contributed to slashed target for Covid-19 vaccine does in 2020 ml

What is manufact ur ing? what is t hecov id- 19 vaccine?
Who ar einvol v ed ?
We ar e pr obably all over w helm ed w ith the new ar r ival of the Covid-19 vaccine, so this r epor t is seeking to
answ er all your questions about it. Fir stly, let's define m an u f act u r i n g: m anufactur ing is pr oducing pr oducts fr om
r aw m at er i al s using m anual labour or even m achiner y to then gl obal l y di st r i bu t e it at a l ar ge scal e. A good
exam ple, in this case, is the Pfizer Covid vaccine as it is m ade fr om r aw m ater ials and distr ibuted w idely.
M anufactur ing also includes the f abr i cat i on -> (the making/production of a product), assem bl y-> gathering the
components together to make the product, con t ai n er i sat i on ->a system of transportation using containerships to
carry large amount of goods around the world and di st r i bu t i on -> the action of spreading the product globally,
making it available to consumers of com ponents into a finished pr oduct. This pr ocess is called t h e su ppl y ch ai n of
a pr odu ct . We com e to our second question, w hat is the Pfizer Covid vaccine? It sim ply is a safe and effective
vaccine to pr otect you against the cor onavir us m ade by Ugur Sahin. It is a m anufactur ed item , as w e said befor e,
because it is m ade fr om r aw m ater ials and w idely diffused. Finally, w ho ar e the people involved in the m aking?
M any people ar e r esponsible for the m anufactur ing of the Covid-19 vaccine such as sci en t i st s and
ph ar m aceu t i cal com pan i es w ho star t m anufactur ing lar ge quantites of the vaccine after the scientists appr ove of

->The vaccine contains Now w e com e to the vial and the

M RNA,w hich is collected by label.

EXPLORING sci en t i st s i n t h e cel l s, and is the

only active ingr edient in the vaccine:
-> The v i al (f l acon ) is m ade of glass
and the r aw m ater ial for glass is san d
w hich can be found in the Sah ar a
THERAW the m olecules contain the genetic
m ater ial that pr ovides the
deser t .

MATERIALS instr uctions for the body on how to

r eact.
-> The l abel is m ade out of paper and
sticked on w ith glue, the r aw m ater ial
for glue can be sap w hich can be

NEEDED ->Su cr ose is far m ed by f ar m er s as it

is occur r ing in m any plants, fr uits,
far m ed fr om sap tr ees by f ar m er s.
-> The r u bber cap is m ade out of
r u bber and har vested in the r ubber
The Pfizer vaccine contains vegetables and nuts such as sugar tr ees in the Am azonian for est.
4 elem ents (M RNA,lipids,salt canes and beets.
and sugar )and is packaged
->The sal t is m ined by m i n er s fr om
in a vial w ith a label sticked
the r ock beds in I n di a.
on. Let's discover each and
ever y r aw m ater ial needed. ->Li pi ds ar e collected by sci en t i st s
and found in the body's cells.

Yara (2021) information from Gavi, WHO and CDC

W TO (2020) W TO m aps out tr ade issues r ealted to Covid-19 vaccine r ollout w w.w to.or g/english/new s_e/new s20_e/covid_20nov20_e.htm

Get t ing in det ail ...
The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine
is assem bled in m any Pfizer
facilities in M ar bu r g,
Ger m an y w hich is w her e
40% of it's facilities ar e
located. Ther e ar e also m any
facilities in Bel gi u m ,
Cam br i dge (England),
M assach u sset s (USA),
Ar gen t i n a and I n di a. Ther e
ar e m any people
r esponsable in the dom ain of
the assem bly of the vaccine case, the custom er s can be of all
such as sci en t i st s w ho
car efully and pr ecisely
DISTRIBUTION ages because it is a m edical r ight
and need. How ever , the m ajor ity
of custom er s ar e people w ho ar e
assem ble ever y ingr edient
(that w e have seen ear lier )
CENTRESAND at r isk of the cor onavir us such as
el der l i es, pr egn an t w om an ,
in or der to cr eate the
for m ula. Ther e ar e also CUSTOMERS doct or s, n u r ses, i n di v i du al s w h o
ar e su f f er i n g of ot h er di seases
and n ew bor n s. Nobody can deny
Thef inal st ep that other people can get the
We have com e now to the last and final
step: the distr ibution to the custom er s (or
vaccine as w ell but the people
consum er s). Now that the vaccine is set and listed pur chase the vaccine by
"Covidvaccine finalized, it is tim e for it to r each the pr ior ity of secur ity. The r eason
manufact ur ing wil l consum er s via the di st r i bu t i on cen t er s. people buy the Covid vaccine is
Som e actor s can be container ship dr iver s because ther e is an on goi n g
goas smoot hly as w ho tr anspor t lar ge quantities of the pan dem i c and ever yone is getting
ever ."- Mail onl ine vaccine over seas, people in phar m aceutical their hands on an item w hich w ill
com panies w ho and w or ker s on the pr otect them , in this case the
2021 healthcar e system that. Distr ibution center s Covid-19 vaccine.
ar e located all ar ound the w or ld, but m ostly
in the US and Ch i n a. In this

pr ofessional r egu l at or s w ho
ensur e that the pr oduct is
per fectly assem bled and
finalizing it. After the
assem bly, the vaccine is
r eady to go to the
distr ibution centr es and
finally be accessible to
consum er s!
GAVI (2021) The covid-19 vaccine race
VACCINE - A br ief intr oduction
-Explor ing the Raw M ater ials
Going in dept h of t heconsequences and
advant ages
Advantages: Page2
We can all agr ee that the cor onavir us vaccine is a l i f e saver w hen it com es to -The fam ous assem bly points
pr otecting elder y, as statistics show that 6.100 older people lives have been
saved by the Covid-19 vaccine. By having the vaccine, you ar e also pr eventing -Distr ibution centr es and
disease and m or tality, tests show that the vaccines ar e 94-95% effective. You custom er s
ar e also saving other people's lives because you ar e r educing the r isk to other s
by shedding f ew er vir us par ticles, thanks to the vaccine, even if you test
positive! You ar e also r eaching her d im m unity safely w hich m eans that w hen Page3
enough people have the antibodies -> molecule made by the immune system to
-Im pacts of the Covid-19 vaccine
resist to a virus to the vir us, it w ill have now her e to spr ead. We can all agr ee
that by vaccinating your self you ar e contr ibuting to fighting against the
pandem ic as w ell. It doesn't im pact the envir onm ent as ther e ar e no har m ful
elem ents and it doesn't dr aw r esour ces because it uses r ecycl abl e elem ents Page4
such as glass, as w e have seen in the pr evious topic. It is an advantage to the
you t h f u l popu l at i on because that w ill open a job for them and avoid -Bibliogr aphy
m i sm at ch .
Though m any vaccines have been tested num er ously, som e br ands of Covid Hope you enjoyed reading and
vaccines w ill have dr am at i c si de ef f ect s w hich ar e not safe for
learning about the Covid-19
w eak-im m uned system consum er s. Som e side-effects include: sor e ar m s,
m u scl e ach es and f at i gu e. We have to also count in the fact that the vaccine is vaccine as much as I enjoyed
quite pr i cy and only located in bi g ci t i es, such as New Yor k or Par i s, in the writing it! Goodbye :)
w or ld so less for tunate or poor people and individuals w ho ar e in the less
fam ous par ts of the globe m ight not be able to get a hold of the vaccine. We can
also take in acount that the Covid-19 vaccine is n ot l i f e-l ast i n g so you have to
take a shot ever y year. It is im pr actical because the Covid-19 vaccine is on l y 1
var iant, ther e w ill alw ays be a a new var iant because it is a h i gh l y m utated vir us
-> always changing so a new vaccine w ill be popping up ever y year for each and
ever y var iant.

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