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Shrine of the Kobold Queen

Adventure introduction
Adventure Overview
Welcome to Epic Encounters, designed to help you take your
fantasy roleplaying games to the next level.
In this booklet, you’ll find guidance on running an encounter, tips on making sure
every turn builds jeopardy and excitement, and for ensuring that you’ll keep your

players on their toes — if they have any left after this battle, of course!
9 The Encampment Before you play, use this handy checklist to ensure you’ve got everything prepared
16 The Caverns and are ready to go.

Stats ✔ You’ve read this book. Use it for inspiration as well as guidance. Choose the bits
you like or use it all – the choice is up to you.
25 Fire Brand Kobolds ✔ Your players all have their dice and their character sheets and know that
26 Ember Rage Fire Snake something big is coming.

27 Fire Brand Kobold Champion ✔ The battle map is laid out, ready for use, and you’ve familiarised yourself with its
different areas and the variety of things that can happen over the course of
28 Magma Belcher Basilisk the conflict.

30 Fire Brand Assassins ✔ You’re ready to have fun! Above everything else, remember that this is a game.
If you forget certain rules as the Gamemaster (GM), don’t worry. As long as you
31 Priest of the Bloody Flame and your players are laughing and enjoying yourselves, you’re doing it right.

32 Mother Krangor Before starting

Epic Encounters are divided into three tiers of play, making them suitable for as
many different player groups as possible. The Damage Level and the Difficulty
Class (DC) of each check specified during the encounter is broken into three Tiers
of Play, shown in the table below. Whenever the text calls for a 'standard DC check',
or specifies that a creature suffers 'standard damage', refer to the appropriate
box below. For example, if you’re playing at the lower level, and you take standard
damage, you suffer d4 points of damage.

This encounter is designed for lower level play. With a few tweaks, an experienced
GM should be able to make it suitable for medium level play as well.

Tier of Play Difficulty Class Damage Level

Lower (levels 1-4) 12 d4
Middle (levels 5-10) 14 d8
Higher (levels 10+) 18 d10
4 5
6 7

Fire Brand Kobolds are strange, day call their own. All they must do, Mother Krangor and the Cult of the Bloody Flame are the subjects
cowardly creatures. They attack only she says, is drive off all other settlers, of extensive rumours, discussed throughout the region as people
when in great numbers, relying on their putting holdouts to the sword and their try to discover the cause of the brutal kobold attacks. Some of these
own greater quantity and low cunning homes to the torch. More and more rumours are listed below.
to overwhelm their foes. Recently, kobolds flock to hear her speak, to
nearby towns have been complaining hear of a world made new – made, she ✔ Mother Krangor derives much of her ✔ Initiates into the Cult of the Bloody
of regular, organised kobold raids. insists, in the image of the dragon. power from the sacrifice of humans, Flame must immerse their whole arm
Kobolds captured and interrogated elves, dwarves, and other sentient in lava retrieved from the deep caverns
by the villagers babble stories of a This kobold messiah, called Mother races – especially dragonborn. Any inhabited by Mother Krangor and the
messiah, a queen who offers them Krangor, is an unusually brilliant unfortunate captured by the kobolds great dragon she has under her thrall.
visions of a land they will one and potent shaman. Her exceptional is kept in a pit lined with discarded Only through such acts of scarification
intelligence, as well as deep empathy dragon teeth to prevent escape. can a kobold’s flesh be made ‘scale
for her people and malice towards all Kept, that is, until the auspicious pure’: worthy of becoming dragonhide.
others, led her to investigate the remote moment when they are dragged Each member of the cult checks
corners of the earth for a means out of the pit and sacrificed upon their scarred and pitted flesh daily,
of bringing the kobolds to the bloody altar, their hearts hacked desperate to see evidence of fresh
power. Mother Krangor from their chests and their life’s dragon scales growing through.
ultimately discovered blood given to Mother Krangor to
her sanctuary, a sizeable bolster her powers. ✔ The cult uses Ember Rage Fire
network of caverns – caverns Snakes as mounts, breeding and
inhabited by an ancient, vicious, and ✔ The Cult of the Bloody Flame is keeping them in the caverns and
deadly red dragon. She spent months dedicated to the idea that the Fire riding them into battle or on raids,
in careful exploration until she found Brand Kobolds are the children of where they are invaluable for
a spot from which she could whisper dragons and have been denied their rounding up victims for Mother
directly into the sleeping dragon’s ear. true powers. As the various peoples Krangor’s sacrificial altar.
Weaving spells of great power and of the world have evolved and spread,
gradually seeding her dreams into the there is less room for dragonkind. ✔ Mother Krangor seldom leaves her
dragon’s mind, Mother Krangor began As a result, kobolds have been caverns, preferring to remain in the
to bend the great beast to her purpose. diminished, reduced to lesser beings somnolent darkness planning her
As she did so, she began to draw than the mighty winged beasts they strategies and waiting for the time to
followers to her, filling them with should have been. strike. In her place, she sends out her
the raging passion of her cause. Priests of the Bloody Flame – strange
This cause has metastasized into a ✔ An expert in poisons, Mother figures wreathed in grey robes and
religion: the Cult of the Bloody Flame. Krangor brews a series of strange with the distinctive dragon sigil etched
Soon Mother Krangor intends to unleash potions she keeps in her sanctuary. into their brows – to treat on her behalf.
her greatest weapon, clearing the These powerful concoctions are These priests are feared and respected
neighbouring lands of any but kobold capable of rendering victims throughout the kobold community.
life and leaving it free for settlement. insensible, confusing the senses They are trained in magic and in the
Unless, of course, she is stopped but that and deadening the wits, or inflicting mysteries of the cult, and their very
is far easier said than done. slow, agonising deaths. presence can drive kobolds into
a frenzy of devotional violence.
The player characters are here to stop the rise of a terrible new
threat and to prevent the destruction of hundreds of lives and
homes and the unleashing of a vast and horrifying draconic threat.
In short, to do the things that heroes are meant to do. But what
alerted them to this growing menace and finally left them no choice
The first stage of the adventure focuses on the Fire Brand Kobold
camp. While trying to gain access to the caverns in which Mother
Krangor shelters, the player characters begin discerning the threat
that she and her cult pose.

but to stop it? The encampment is made up of

Choose one of these adventure hooks and weave it into your story. a number of different tents and
locations, with paths between them.
✔ The depredations of the kobolds have ✔ Mother Krangor has amassed quite The camp is thick with kobolds,
become too severe for the local ruler the collection of treasures and magical
and the player characters are
to ignore any longer. They put out a items in her various travels. She can’t
call for heroes who don’t mind getting need them, hiding away in that cave.
faced with a choice about how
bloody, and you responded. Might as well relieve her of them, they wish to approach. Do they
really. You’d be doing her a favour. intend to sneak through, avoiding
✔ A friend was abducted by a kobold the attention of the kobold sentries,
raiding party. You’re going to ✔ The caverns in which the Fire Brand or do they intend to lay waste to all
get them back and make their Kobolds have made their home is before them, lighting the tents of the
kidnappers pay! a sacred dwarven barrow in which kobolds on fire and killing any who
the remains of a great king were dare to approach? Both options
✔ Poisoned water ruined the crops and interred. The presence of these are entirely valid and have an
left dozens ill or dying, and none can kobolds and the dark magic being impact on the forces the player
locate its source. You hear whispers performed there are a blasphemy
characters must fight in the kobold
of a kobold priestess in the hills who that must be stopped.
caverns, which is the second part of
brews strange potions. Could she be
the source of this disease – or possess ✔ The dragon to be unleashed is the adventure.
a cure? You’ll have to find out! amongst the most wicked and
despicable examples of its species
✔ The magical rituals of Mother Krangor – which is saying something. No
are affecting the planes of reality; price is too high to pay to prevent it
blood magic wears away at the fabric embarking upon its reign of fire.
of the world, tearing it and leaving it
gaping and ruined. You’ve sensed that ✔ One of you received a vision: a world
something is wrong – something that reduced to cinders, blackened trees
must be stopped before any more shattered into charcoal flakes,
damage is done to reality. a hell of vast teeth and unfolded
wings. If Mother Krangor’s plan is
brought to fruition, the world will end
in fire and pain. This prophecy must
be averted.
10 11

Enemies Sounding
There are large numbers of Fire
Brand Kobolds in the encampment, as
the alarm
might be expected. There is a single
The kobolds aren’t going to let the
player characters just walk through 4 5
Fire Brand Kobold outside each tent,
the encampment as they choose; they
one guards the shrine, and another
need to be a little smarter than that.
two watch over the pit to prevent any
This means keeping to the shadows,
escape for its inhabitants. The kobolds
avoiding patrols, and so on. Be sneaky.
also have a pair of Fire Brand Kobolds
mounted on Ember Rage Fire Snakes
There are many places for the player
patrolling the edges of the camp at all
characters to hide, and the kobolds
aren’t very organised, so their security
measures are... lax. However, if the player
If they encounter the player characters,
characters are careless or complacent,
they try to keep the player characters at
they can quickly find the whole
a distance, buying time to call for help.
encampment descending on them. If
Once reinforcements are in place, the
the player characters are spotted by
kobolds surround the player characters,
alternating spear thrusts and ranged
kobolds, or if the player characters
attack a kobold and are unable to kill
attacks, always trying to keep their
them within 2 turns, then the kobold
enemies hemmed in by a network of
shrieks for help. This draws any and all
steel. Magic-users are particular targets,
as the kobolds not only are afraid of the
kobolds within 50 ft. of the caller. 5
effects of spells but also believe that
wizard blood, if offered up to Mother
Any such call also triggers the arrival
of reinforcements (see below) within 2 6
Krangor, can substantially increase her
5 combat turns, or within 2 minutes.
magical potency.

Mother Krangor is determined to fulfil with reinforcements. The nature of these
her plan, even if she must expend the reinforcements is typically another pair
lives of every single one of her followers of mounted kobolds. The priest lingers
to do so. As a result, if the kobolds are at the back of the combat, using magic
alerted to the presence of invaders, a to bolster the kobolds’ morale and to
Priest of the Bloody Flame is dispatched damage the enemy however they can. 5
12 13
The altar The shrine The pit

Large and clearly hewn by craftsmen far Made from the bones of sacrificial Mother Krangor demands blood, both D10 Result
more skilled than the kobolds who now victims, glittering red scales, dragon’s for her magical rites and to offer to the No one; the pit is empty. The latest
make use of it, the altar is stained with teeth, and a series of peculiarly dragon under her thrall. The intended 1-2 victim has already been offered up
to Mother Krangor.
the blood of the victims who have gone deformed kobold skulls, the shrine is sacrificial victims are kept in a pit close
beneath the Priests of the Bloody Flame's an object of worship for the kobolds to the altar so that they can be quickly A halfling thief named Glion
knives. A series of strange runes, clearly within the encampment. They all dragged to the site of their eventual Swiftfoot, once caught by the
kobolds when he unwisely
ancient, appear alongside more recent, revere it and visit at least once a day to death. The pit is 12 ft. deep, with sheer 3-4
attempted to pilfer from the shrine.
cruder, carvings added by kobolds using genuflect. As Mother Krangor is rarely sides lined with a series of sharp objects, Once rescued, he offers no reward
handmade chisels or the blunted edges seen outside of the caverns – and even designed to deter potential escapees. and bolts as soon as possible.
of weapons. These newer images depict then only by her chosen guards – most To extricate a victim, the kobolds lasso
A half-orc barbarian named
dragons and kobolds in various attitudes of the kobolds pray to the shrine as a them with the ropes surrounding the pit Mutter Bellow, ambushed in a
of conquest or conducting strange surrogate. The composite elements of and pull them up. An inhabitant of the pit nearby forest and dragged here for
sacrifice. She is extremely thankful
rituals. The altar is ancient – much more the shrine have significance only to the can either cooperate or suffer great pain
for being rescued but has nothing
ancient than its current users (apart Cult of the Bloody Flame (the kobold as they are dragged over the protruding to offer in gratitude.
from Mother Krangor) truly realise – and skulls, for example, are from those with glass, iron nails, and dragon teeth.
A human ranger named Vitor
the kobolds’ rituals have imbued it with a deformities which the cult believed

Vellion, who was dragged down by
sullen, evil presence that affects anyone indicated they were turning back into If a player character is captured, the weight of numbers while trying to
who draws too close. true dragons), but there is one element kobolds attempt to dump them in the protect a local farmstead. He offers
the player characters a pouch of
which holds real power: the Sigil of the pit before bothering to interrogate 50 gp for aiding him.
Anyone of neutral or good alignment Dragon, once worn by a dragonborn them. Falling or being thrown into
who draws within 5 ft. of the altar is knight. Mother Krangor took it from his the pit inflicts standard piercing An elf paladin named Ser Dracourt
de Sylence. Their horse was
struck by horrifying visions of death and corpse and, with the workings of her damage. Climbing up the walls killed by kobold arrows and they
destruction; they must make a Wisdom dark magic, corrupted its chivalric, noble requires a Dexterity check, made with were struck with some form of
saving throw or be frightened for as long power. What had once been a force for disadvantage to reflect the constant 9-10 strange paralysing toxin. They
gift the player characters 100 gp
as they remain within 5 ft. of the altar. good now augments evil. nicked fingers and sliced flesh which in gratitude and promise to grant
This does not affect magic-users. even the nimblest of climbers can them a favour should the need
Whenever a kobold is within 5 ft. of the scarcely avoid. ever arise.
Magic-users within 5 ft. of the altar make shrine, they gain a free bonus action.
all checks with disadvantage, regardless The sigil may be removed from the If the aim of the captured player
of alignment. They are not, however, shrine with a Strength (Athletics) character was to rescue a companion or
affected by the visions of destruction. check. Once removed from the strange kidnapped friend, that individual is here.
Their magical training is too strong for nexus of bone and blood magic, the sigil If not, the GM might like to roll on the
the background radiation of the altar to immediately loses all its power. following table.
break through.
14 15
The forge Kobold huts

Sacred to the Cult of the Bloody Flame, There are a number of huts where The contents of the different huts can be determined randomly by rolling on the
lava plays an important role in their the many kobolds who gather in the following table. If you roll the same result twice, reroll.
rituals. While the caverns Mother camp sleep, eat, and generally do those
Krangor claimed span a number of things which don’t involve the sinister D8 Result
pyroclastic rivers, little is accessible worship of dragons and bloody sacrifice.
Two kobolds are in here, fast asleep. Their thin, rasping snores fill the tent. Around
from the surface. To address this, the The huts are easy to enter through them are piles of skins as well as the chaotic detritus one expects with kobolds –
kobolds converted a looted travelling an opening at the front, or the player half-gnawed bones, discarded hunks of metal and paper, chewed wood, and so on.
blacksmith’s forge and use it to maintain characters can cut their way in with a Moving through the tent without detection requires a Dexterity (Stealth) check.
a supply of sacred lava taken from the Strength or Dexterity check.
Faces. The walls of this tent are hung with the flensed faces of a score of victims.

cavern of Mother Krangor herself in a Each has been carefully peeled from the skull, though the skulls themselves are
large iron trough. Constantly heated to The huts are 6 ft. high, roughly circular, 3-4 nowhere to be seen. The rest of the hut is austere, with two small pallet beds, a
ensure it remains molten, this lava is and made from a combination of animal sharpening block, and a number of grotesquely keen knives carefully arrayed on
two small wooden tables. These daggers each do 1d6 + 1 damage.
used to initiate new members of the cult leather, kobold hide, and human skin.
and is fed in very small doses to the fire A kobold cowers in the corner of the tent, hiding ineptly behind a mound of rubbish.
snakes to ensure they remain obedient. This kobold, Dreem, can be threatened into silent obedience with a Charisma
The rest of the forge is made up of a half- (Intimidation) check. If the player characters fail to secure a promise of silence, the
5-6 kobold immediately raises the alarm and tries to flee. If the player characters manage
tent also looted from the blacksmith. to extract a promise to keep their presence a secret, the kobold proves surprisingly
Scattered about are various half-finished talkative and amenable. The player characters can ask one question of their choice
weapons which the kobolds attempted about the caverns or Mother Krangor which the GM must answer honestly.
to manufacture before discarding them. A kobold armoury, containing racks of poorly made, and poorly maintained
weaponry. Two guards, their backs to the player characters, paw through the
The lava has strange hallucinogenic weapon stands for the best choices they can find. These kobolds aren’t easily cowed
7-8 and fight back, sounding the alarm as they do so.
properties, as a result of having been If the player characters search through the weapon racks, they can find a +1
infused with Mother Krangor’s mixtures. longsword and a +1 dagger jumbled in with the brittle, poorly forged rubbish the

As they evaporate, these mixtures kobolds typically rely on.
give off a thick, toxic fug. Any non-
kobold within the forge must make
a Constitution save or take standard
poison damage and suffer the poison
condition for d3 rounds.
The cavern opening
The player characters’ ultimate goal, this 6 ft.-wide, 8 ft.-tall gash in the rock cliff face
is the entrance to the passages heading down into the dark earth. It is always guarded
by a Fire Brand Kobold Champion, a deadly defender of the faith, who won't leave
their post for any reason. This is the party’s only way into the lower caverns where
their ultimate adversary awaits.

Beyond the kobold encampment lie the sinister, winding passages

of Mother Krangor’s caverns. It is here that Mother Krangor works
her will on the dragon and plots her conquest of the lands beyond
the harsh rock in which she has made her home. The caverns
themselves are perilous, with exposed seams of lava tracing paths

through the stone, and the high priestess of the Cult of the Bloody
Flame is not foolish enough to jeopardise her survival by incaution.
She is protected at all times by her most formidable troops – heavily 5
armoured Ember Rage Fire Snake cavalry; the monstrous Magma
Belcher Basilisk she calls Borghus; and her two most trusted and
deadly Fire Brand Assassins, Facetaker and Skullclaimer.

Reinforcements 7
The caverns are filled with Mother Krangor’s soldiers, all dedicated to preserving her
life and butchering anyone who threatens it. To this end, any combat in any chamber
which lasts more than 3 rounds automatically draws reinforcements of 1d4 Fire
Brand Kobolds.

Opening 8
This is a long, sandy tunnel which leads
down into the caverns. It is unguarded.
The walls are rough stone, but
otherwise the hallway is almost
entirely unremarkable.

18 19
Cavern of torches Sanctuary of the statue
The passageway opens into a large wielders aim to pin the player characters This cavern has a much lower roof The cavern is populated by four Fire

cave. The roof of this cave stretches up in place. As they do so, the mounted than the first cavern, only 10 ft. above. Brand Kobolds mounted on Ember
into the darkness, well over 20 ft. A few kobolds use their additional speed to This reduces the distance of all ranged Rage Fire Snakes, all of whom attack
torches gutter in improvised sconces harry the player characters’ flanks. weapons by 10 ft. A passageway leads immediately. As soon as the player
jammed into the walls. These provide towards the next large cave room, and characters enter the cavern, these
enough light to ensure that there is no Searching the cave reveals 75 gp worth there is a dark aperture which leads mounted kobolds unleash a volley of
penalty to vision in this cave. Strange of discarded, slightly chewed jewellery to the hatchery. The noises of small arrows and begin to move around the
markings have been scrawled over the and gems. fire snakes can be heard through the cavern quickly, drawing the player
walls in thickly applied paints. Some aperture — a sound like cawing birds characters in different directions while
of these markings are Draconic script There is also a secret passageway being slowly drowned. As in the last trying to avoid any kind of extended
and decipherable to anyone fluent in concealed here, which a Wisdom cavern, a few torches burn weakly in melee battle. The player characters can

the language. They consist of peculiar (Perception) check reveals, as a player sconces, and there is no penalty to vision surprise these guards by accessing the
prophecies of the return of the dragons character feels the faint breeze blowing in this cave. secret passage in Cavern of Torches.
and the right of the great lizards to rule. through a well-hidden crack in the
The room is occupied by two Fire Brand apparently solid stone wall of the cavern. In the centre of the cave stands a large Approximately halfway through the
Kobolds mounted on Ember Rage Fire This secret passage can be followed statue depicting a dragon. It is roughly fight (when two of the mounted kobolds
Snakes and four Fire Brand Kobolds. to the hatchery, allowing the player made but captivating nonetheless and has are dead), the player characters hear a
They attack immediately upon seeing characters to surprise the kobolds the same stylised, geometric lines of the sudden and terrifying roar. It rips through
the player characters. The four spear- waiting there. wall art in Cavern of Torches. The statue the cave, leaving a rasping echo. The
is made from the strange ambergris surviving kobolds redouble their efforts,

Narrow passage

substance which kobolds produce after shrieking for their ‘Baby God’ to help
feeding, carefully shaped while still them. Two turns later, the Magma Belcher
fluid and then left to harden. A Wisdom Basilisk enters the fray, urged on by its two
The second linking passage is narrow The passage is booby trapped. The trap
(Perception) check or an Intelligence handlers, who jab at the vile beast, lazily.
and, again, the floor is covered in fine sand. can be spotted with a Wisdom
(Nature) check reveals this fact and
A Wisdom (Perception) check reveals (Survival/Perception) check. A tripwire
reminds the player character that this The basilisk emerges from the
that the sand has been disturbed and stretches across the passage (the GM
kobold ambergris is extremely valuable. passageway leading to the next cave
then hastily swept back into place. can choose where) and is set off by the
The statue is far too large and room, not from the hatchery. The beast
first player character to pass through
cumbersome to carry as a whole. It can is an unusual mutation of the species,
it. This triggers a rock fall from above,
be broken down into pieces, however, created by Mother Krangor through
dealing standard bludgeoning damage to
with a Strength check or with a solid blow sinister rituals and tinctures of her own
any character within 15 ft. of the tripwire
from a weapon. devising. These have resulted in a basilisk
in either direction. The tripwire can be
The statue breaks into six pieces, each capable of firing gobbets of hot lava from
disarmed with a Dexterity (Sleight of
of which is worth approximately 200 its throat. The kobolds use the basilisk to
Hand) check, rendering it harmless.
gp, though a particularly charismatic pin the player characters at the back of
negotiator might be able to get more. the room, hitting them with its Petrifying
Breaking down the statue any further Gaze or a Magma Belch. The surviving
risks compromising the ambergris and kobolds give the basilisk a few turns to
rendering it worthless. soften up the player characters and then
charge back in to try to finish them off.
20 Stone Assassin's 21

5 6
Hatchery corridor chamber
The room is almost entirely occupied The juvenile fire snakes immediately This passageway is particularly narrow This smallish grotto is where Mother
by eggs – dozens of large, heavy fire attack if the player characters attempt to and has black marks from some sticky, Krangor’s two bodyguards spend much
snake eggs. Their rough, black surface touch or remove any of the eggs. They tarry substance smeared along the walls. of their time. They are her final protectors
is seamed with gleaming red of varying swarm around, biting and nipping at the The ceiling is, again, low, making it difficult and have already prepared themselves
intensity, like magma. Juvenile fire characters and screeching for help. As to avoid the impression of being trapped. for the player characters. Like their tent
snakes, each approximately the size of a long as the player characters do not touch of faces on the surface, this chamber is
small dog, slink and wriggle between the the eggs, however, the fire snakes remain deeply unsettling. Headless and limbless
eggs, warming themselves against the unconcerned by them and simply ignore torsos stand in an ugly ritual circle in the
fluctuating heat. them or else nuzzle against their legs. centre of the room, candles rising from
the ragged necks. These provide the only
Touching a fire snake egg is a risky choice. The hatchery is accessible both from light in the gloomy chamber, forcing any
When touching a fire egg with bare hands, Santuary of the Statue and via the secret player without darkvision to make all
roll a d6. On a 1–3, the egg is lukewarm passage in Cavern of Torches. If the attacks at disadvantage.
and easy to pick up and move. On a 4–6, player characters find and use the secret
the egg is dangerously hot, and the player passage and do not disturb the eggs, The room is occupied by one of Mother
character takes half standard fire damage then they can make a surprise attack on Krangor’s specially chosen and trained
(to a minimum of 1). the mounted kobolds in Santuary of the Fire Brand Assassins. The creature
Statue. If the fire snake hatchlings raise hides itself in the shadows from where
the alarm, however, then the mounted it watches the player characters,

kobolds approach the entrance of the scrutinising their weaknesses and
hatchery and fire arrows at the player waiting for the perfect moment to
characters from outside, trying to lure strike. Detecting the assassin requires
them into the main cavern beyond. a Wisdom (Perception) check. If the
player characters notice the assassin,
then it leaps to attack immediately. If,
however, the player characters can’t see
the assassin, then it spends 5 minutes
carefully observing them before suddenly
exploding into motion. The time spent
studying the player characters grants
the assassin advantage on all attacks
made during the combat. It continues to
move around, using its exceptional speed
and deadly skill to avoid the edges of the
player characters’ weapons.

Searching through the room reveals

a stash of gold coins, gems, and other
goods stolen from the assassins’ victims.
This cache is worth 450 gp.
22 23
Rocky span Lair of the kobold queen
Stretching over a lake of seething, Whenever a creature takes damage The entrance of Mother Krangor’s inner The final battle is an extremely difficult

bubbling lava, the bridge is 25 ft. in from a successful attack, they must sanctum is mostly covered in lengthy one despite the numerical advantage
length and 5 ft. wide, so that only one make a Dexterity saving throw or be vines into which are woven the heads the player characters possess. Mother
player character can cross it at a time. knocked from the bridge. Once knocked of several sacrificial victims. Dead Krangor is old for a kobold but has
The second of Mother Krangor’s Fire from the bridge, a creature has the eyes stare out as the player characters remained potent through the use of
Brand Assassins guards the bridge. While chance to make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) move through a narrow opening and magic. She immediately employs a
the assassin in the previous room was check. A success allows them to grab the into the small cave in which the kobold powerful spell to deliver damage to
content to conceal itself in the shadows, edge of the bridge and cling to it. In the priestess lives. the player characters and to split them

this one stands boldly in the centre of next turn, the player character can pull apart. She then attacks the most lightly
the bridge, idly tossing a knife into the themselves up onto the bridge as their The cave is roughly circular, its walls armoured player character, scratching
air with its tail and catching it in a clawed action. If they fall into the lava below, festooned with strange charms, tokens, at them with her claws. She aims to
hand or a wickedly toothed mouth. The the player character suffers standard trinkets, and bones that form odd, poison the magic-users and then attack
assassin is cloaked in human skin. bludgeoning damage from the fall, plus geometrical shapes. Large, ornate the martial characters with her most
another triple standard fire damage basins are placed around the room, powerful magic. She uses her wings to
The only way across the bridge is per round until they are pulled free. If a filled with blood congealing in the heat keep out of the party’s range, and she
through the assassin. As soon as the player character is in the lava for more from the lava stream which bisects the summons reinforcements when she can,
player characters step onto the bridge, than 3 rounds, they are killed and cannot cave. Mother Krangor kneels beside bringing in 1d6 Fire Brand Kobolds and a
the assassin hurls two throwing knives. be resurrected – the lava carbonises and that stream, bathing her scaly hands Priest of the Bloody Flame to assist her.
As these streak towards the player then dissolves their body. in its molten contents and whispering
characters, the assassin follows up with a draconic prayers into the lava flowing When Mother Krangor has been killed,
flurry of attacks, attempting to knock its off, deeper into the caverns to where the adventure is at an end... at least,
foes into the lava. The lava lake beneath the dragon waits. The lava stream this part of it is. You can combine this
provides enough light for normal vision running through this room provides adventure with the Lair of the Red
rules to apply. enough light to allow normal vision Dragon Epic Encounter set to make a
rules to apply. truly awe-inspiring finale to these events.

Mother Krangor does not immediately As Mother Krangor is finally defeated,

move when the player characters and the last breaths seep from her
enter her room but continues her ruined form, she utters one last
murmurings. Then she stands and ragged phrase in the draconic tongue.
turns towards them, hissing in fury. She Somewhere, deeper in the caverns,
removes an earthen pot from her robes there is an answering roar. The dragon
and pours a tarry, black substance over is awake – and ravenous for vengeance.
her claws. Suddenly, wings unfurl from
her back, snapping out wide. She leaps,
sweeping quickly towards the player
characters as she does so. Her claws
drip poison that hisses dangerously
when it comes into contact with any
other surface.
24 25

Fire Brand Challenge


(25 XP)

Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil

AC: 12 STR: 7 (-2)
Hit Points: 5 (2d6 – 2) DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 9 (-1)
Speed: 30 ft.
INT: 8 (-1)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
WIS: 7 (-2)
Passive Perception 8
CHA: 8 (-1)
Languages: Common,

Special Abilities
Pack Tactics
Kobolds have advantage on an attack roll against a
creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is within
5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated

Sunlight Sensitivity
While in sunlight, kobolds have disadvantage on attack rolls
as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight

Short Bow
Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
30/120 ft., one target
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage

Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage

Fire Bas



26 27
1 Ember Rage Fire Brand Challenge

Fire Snake Kobold Champion

(200 XP) (50 XP)

Medium elemental, neutral evil Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil

AC: 14 (natural armour) STR: 12 (+1) AC: 14 (toughened scales) STR: 10 (+0)
Hit Points: 22 (5d8) DEX: 14 (+2) Hit Points: 17 (5d6) DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 11 (+0) CON: 10 (+0)
Speed: 30 ft. Speed: 30 ft.
INT: 7 (-2) INT: 8 (-1)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
WIS: 10 (+0) WIS: 7 (-2)
Passive Perception 10 Passive Perception 8
CHA: 8 (-1) CHA: 8 (-1)
Languages: understands Languages: Common,
Draconic but can’t speak it Damage Vulnerabilities: Draconic
Damage Immunities:
Damage Resistances:
Special Abilities
Sunlight Sensitivity
Bludgeoning, piercing,
While in sunlight, the kobold champion has
and slashing from
Disadvantage on attack rolls as well as on Wisdom
nonmagical weapons
(Perception) checks that rely on sight

Special Abilities Savage Slashes

The kobold champion wields its twin daggers as
Heated Body though they were a single weapon
A creature that touches the fire snake or hits it with a melee
attack while within 5 ft. of it takes 3 (1d6) fire damage Impossible Speed
The kobold champion takes

Actions one free action at the start

of any combat, irrespective
of initiative order
The fire snake makes two attacks: one with its
bite and one with its tail
Twin Daggers
Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage plus
Ember R
a 3 (1d6) fire damage Fire Brand


Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,

bold amp
Fire Snake

reach 30/120 ft., one target.

Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage
plus 3 (1d6) fire damage ion
28 29

Magma Belcher Challenge


(700 XP)

Medium monstrosity, unaligned

AC: 15 (natural armour)
Hit Points: 52 (8d8 + 16)
STR: 16 (+3)
DEX: 8 (-1)
Special Abilities
Petrifying Gaze
CON: 15 (+2)
Speed: 20 ft. If a creature starts its turn within 30 ft. of the basilisk and
INT: 2 (-4)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. the two of them can see each other, the basilisk can force the
WIS: 8 (-1)
Passive Perception 9 creature to make a Constitution saving throw if the basilisk
CHA: 7 (-2)
Languages: - isn't Incapacitated. On a failed saving throw, the creature
magically begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must
repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a
success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified
until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.
A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the
saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see
the basilisk until the start of its next turn, when it can avert
its eyes again. If it looks at the basilisk in the meantime, it
must immediately make the saving throw. If the basilisk
sees its reflection within 30 ft. of it in bright light, it
mistakes itself for a rival and targets itself with its gaze

Magma Belch
The basilisk vomits forth a bulging mass of chewed rock,
magma, and acidic bile. The basilisk exhales a 15-foot
cone of lava.. Each creature in that area must make
a Dexterity saving throw, taking 23 (6d6+2) fire
damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much
damage on a successful one

Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing
damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage g

a Be
lcher B
30 31
1 Fire Brand Priest of the Challenge

Assassins Bloody Flame

(200 XP) (200 XP)

Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil
AC: 16 STR: 10 (+0) AC: 15 STR: 10 (+0)
Hit Points: 25 (4d10 + 5) DEX: 17 (+3) Hit Points: 30 (5d10+5) DEX: 15 (+2)
Speed: 40 ft. CON: 9 (-1) CON: 10 (+0)
Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: Darkvision 60ft. INT: 12 (+1) INT: 14 (+2)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
Passive Perception 11 WIS: 12 (+1) WIS: 14 (+2)
Passive Perception 12
Languages: Common, CHA: 8 (-1) CHA: 12 (+1)
Languages: Common,
Damage Immunities: Draconic Damage Immunities:
Saving Throws: Fire Fire
Saving Throws:
DEX +5 Damage Vulnerabilities: Damage Vulnerabilities:
WIS +4
Cold Cold

Special Abilities Special Abilities

Sudden Leap Sunlight Sensitivity
As a bonus action, the kobold assassin can move half its While in sunlight, the kobold priest has Disadvantage on
speed without triggering any attack of opportunity attack rolls as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks
that rely on sight
Sunlight Sensitivity
While in sunlight, the kobold assassin has disadvantage on Spellcasting
attack rolls as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that A Priest of the Bloody Flame is a 3rd level Cleric. His
rely on sight casting ability is Wisdom. His spellcasting attack
bonus is +4 and he knows the following spells:

Actions ✔
Cantrips: Sacred Flame,
Mending, Light
1st Level: Healing Word,
Guiding Bolt, Inflict Wounds,
The kobold assassin makes two attacks a turn, one with
Shield of Faith
each of its knives
✔ 2nd Level: Prayer of Healing, Continual Flame

Knife Slash
Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target.
Fire Actions
Staff Smash

f th
Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage
Melee Weapon Attack: +2 attack. Reach 5ft.

e Bloody Fl
One target. Hit: 4(1d6) bludgeoning damage

n am
32 33

Mother Challenge

(1,100 XP)

Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil

AC: 18
Hit Points: 62 (10d12 + 2)
STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 16 (+3)
Special Abilities
Sunlight Sensitivity
CON: 12 (+1)
Speed: 30 ft. (flying/ While in sunlight, Mother Krangor has Disadvantage on
INT: 16 (+3)
walking) attack rolls as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
WIS: 18 (+4)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. rely on sight
CHA: 16 (+3)
Passive Perception 14
Languages: Common, Damage Immunities: Spellcasting
Draconic Fire Mother Krangor is an 8th level Cleric. Her casting ability
Damage Vulnerabilities: is Wisdom. Her spellcasting attack bonus is +6 and a spell
Saving Throws:
Cold save of DC18. She knows the following spells:
DEX +3, INT +5, WIS +6
✔ Cantrips (at will): Light, Mending, Resistance,
Sacred Flame
✔ 1st Level (4): Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Inflict
Wounds, Shield of Faith
✔ 2nd Level (3): Continual Flame, Hold Person,
Prayer of Healing, Spiritual Weapon
✔ 3rd Level (3): Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Revivify,
Spirit Guardians
✔ 4th Level (2): Death Ward, Stone Shape

Mother Krangor makes three attacks per turn: two
with her sickle-staff and one with her wings buffet

Melee Weapon Attack: +5 attack. Reach 5ft. One target
Hit: 12 (4d6) piercing damage

Wing Buffet Mo
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 attack. Reach 10ft. Multiple

targets. Hit: 10 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage

34 35

Epic Encounters Steamforged Games Team

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Mat Hart Steve Margetson Ben Clapperton Adam King
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Chairman Jordan Connolly Louis Moore
Mat Hart Richard August Doug Telford Layout Simon Spalding Fraser McFetridge Aitch Parker Judy Guan
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36 37


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Priest of the Bloody Flame; Mother Krangor; Fire Brand
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38 39

Lair of The Red Dragon

Is it cunning that gleams in the

red dragon’s eye? Or a reflection
of the gold it so jealously hoards?

With intelligence sharp as its

teeth, this tyrant covets riches
above all else—and will rain fire
on any foolish enough to enter its
glittering lair.



2x Fire Brand Assassin 1x Mother Krangor 4x Fire Brand Kobold mounted

on Ember Rage Fire Snake

1x Priest of the 1x Fire Brand 8x Fire Brand Kobold

Bloody Flame Kobold Champion

2x Basilisk 1x Magma Belcher A2 Double Sided

Handler Basilisk Mat

Copyright © 2020 Steamforged Games Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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