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Candidate Name: Anna Chub

Candidate Number: 0400480360

Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School

School Based Assessment

Project June 2021

Mathematics Department

In Partial Fulfillment for Certification in Mathematics By

Caribbean Examination Council

Candidate Name: Anna Chub

Candidate Number: 0400480360

Subject: Mathematics

Title of Project: Does running a curve take longer than running the same distance on a straight?

Presented To: Mr. Chet Ack

School: Julian Cho Technical High School

Date: April 2021

Territory: Belize C.A

School Number: 040048

Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 2

Table of content

Cover page……………………………………………………………………….1

Table of content………………………………………………………………….2


Project Title………………………………………………………………………4

Introduction and Purpose of Project/Problem Statement….………………………5

Method of Data Collection…………………………………………………………6

Presentation of Data…………………………………………………………...........7-9

Analysis of Data……………………………………...……………………………..10-11

Discussion of Findings ...…………………………………………………………...12


Appendix of diagram and mathematical knowledge used………………………….14

References ………………………………………………………………………….15
Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 3


First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Lord, the almighty father, who

gives me my daily life with lots of strength, knowledge, help and blessings with the completion

of this project. I would also like to thank my parents because of their great assistant and courage

that they give me for completing this project. Mainly, I would thank my teacher, Mr. Chet Ack

because without him my Mathematics SBA would not have been successful and well organized.

I really appreciated the help that everybody gave me. Without them I couldn't have completed

my SBA. Over all, I say a big thank you.

Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 4

Title of Project

Does running 100m on a curve take longer than running the same distance on a straight?
Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 5

Introduction and Purpose

A friend of mine (athlete) was invited for a short race. However, it was his first time and he

encountered a hard time in picking his choice of route on the track and to know which part of the

track is longer so that he could pick the one that will take fewer time, either on a curve or straight

with the same distance. Therefore, he asked me to help him decide his choice of route. In trying

to solve his problem, I decided to conduct a research.

This project’s objective is to carry out experiments to determine if it takes longer to run the same

distance on a curve or the straight part of the track.

Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 6

Method of Data Collection

This experiment will include 20 participants for precise and accurate data collection. After data

collection the time will be compared and analyzed of which experimental variable will take

more/less time or will they be equal. Several calculations such as finding mean, range, average

speed/ sec and average was conducted.

100 meters was measured on a curve distance and 100 meters was measured on a straight


These 20 individuals were asked to run the curve part of the track, individually. Each persons’

time is measured using a stop watch and was recorded. The time was recorded in seconds and

was rounded to the nearest tenth. On a separate time, the same individuals were asked to run the

straight part of the track. Time was recorded similiarly as the event of running the curved part of

the track.
Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 7

Presentation of Data

The table below clearly shows the time taken by 20 individuals to run the curve and the straight
part of the track with both 100 meters length. Each person is labeled by a number in an
ascending arrangement.

Students name, Time taken to run 100 m Time taken to run 100 m
Curve distance “X” (seconds) Straight distance “Y” (seconds)
1 29.5 26.1
2 30.9 25.7
3 30.4 26.8
4 30.6 25.9
5 30.2 27.9
6 30.5 26.9
7 30.2 25.8
8 30.1 27.6
9 29.1 25.7
10 30.0 26.7
11 29.7 27.5
12 30.5 26.6
13 30.8 26.3
14 30.6 26.5
15 30.9 26.2
16 30.3 26.6
17 31.1 26.4
18 31.3 26.7
19 30.7 26.9
20 31.5 26.3

The chart below shows that 20 individuals run 100 meters on the curve part of the track and the
same 20 individuals run 100 meters on the straight part of the track on a separate time.
Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 8

Chart Title


Time (Seconds)

100m curve
100m straight


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

The frequency table below shows the amount of individual for the presented length of time to
complete the 100m run on the curve part of the track. The majority of the athletes finished the
Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 9

race within 30 — 31 seconds. The least individual finished the race between 29—29.9 and to 31
Time displayed In seconds Frequency
29 — 29.9 3
30 — 30.9 14
31 — 31.9 3

The frequency table below demonstrates the amount of Individual for the presented length of
time to complete the 100m run on the straight part of the track. Majority of the individuals
completed the race between 26 – 27 seconds. The least individual completed the race between 27

Time displayed in seconds Frequency

25 — 25.9 4

26 — 26.9 13

27 — 27.9 3

Analysis of Data

To find the range on the curve part of the track is :

Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 10

 Range = max.– min.

range = 31.5 – 29.1 = 2.4
To find the range of the straight part of the track is:
 Range = max – min
range = 27.9 – 25.7 = 2.2
The 100m run on the curve part of the track had a range of 2.4 seconds. This means that it took
all the athletes 2.4 seconds to cross the finish line once the first person had crossed.

The 100m run on the straight part of the track had a range of 2.2 seconds which is 0.2 less than
on the curve.

 The average time taken to complete the 100m on the curve was calculated as =

mean = 608.9/20= 30.445s.

 The average time taken to run the 100m on the straight is given as =

mean = 531.1/20 = 26.555s.

 Curve average time – straight average time

= 30.445 – 26.555 = 3.89s

On average it took 3.89s longer to complete the 100m on the curve than to complete the run on
the straight part. The average speed taken to complete the 100m run on the straight was
calculated using the formula s = d/t . This clearly showed the speed on the straight was 100/
26.555 = 3.76ms -¹ compared with 100/ 30.445= 3.28ms -¹ on the curve. The average speed over
the 100m straight was faster than on the curve by 0.48ms -¹.

The table below shows the difference in times taken to complete the two events for each
individuals. The table below shows that all athletes had at least a marginal increase in the time
taken to complete the events.
Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 11

Students name,(#) Time on curve Time on straight Time difference

1 29.5 26.1 3.4

2 30.9 25.5 5.4

3 30.4 26.8 3.6

4 30.6 25.9 4.7

5 30.2 27.9 2.3

6 30.5 26.9 3.6

7 30.2 25.8 4.4

8 30.1 27.6 2.5

9 29.4 25.7 3.7

10 30.0 26.7 3.3

11 29.7 27.5 2.2

12 30.5 26.6 3.9

13 30.8 26.3 4.5

14 30.6 26.5 4.1

15 30.9 26.2 4.7

16 30.3 26.6 3.7

17 31.1 26.4 4.7

18 31.3 26.7 4.6

19 30.7 26.9 3.8

20 31.5 26.3 5.2

Discussion and Findings

Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 12

During this research 20 individuals participated in running the 100 meters on the curve part of

the track and on a separate time , the same 20 individuals run the same length on the straight part

of the track. Therefore , I found out that running the curve takes longer time than on the straight.

The least marginal time difference on this research is 2.2s, while the great marginal is 5.4s.

Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 13

This SBA was conducted, therefore it takes longer to run the 100m on the curve part of the track

than on the straight which they both have the same length.

Appendix of diagram and mathematical knowledge used

Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 14

This diagram shows the measurement of the 100 meters on the straight and 100 meters on the

 Table
 Frequency table
 Range
 Mean
 Diagram
Pictures showing participants running
Candidate Name: Anna Chub
Candidate Number: 0400480360
Centre: Julian Cho Technical High School 15


Toolsie,R.(1996) Mathematics-A Complete Course with CXC Questions, Volume One.

Caribbean Eduactional Publishers.

 Text book
 internet

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