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Read "Molly's Forgetfulness” and answer questions 1 to 6

Molly's Forgetfulness

Molly made some chocolate coffee and kept it in the freezer to cool.

Just then Milly, her friend phoned and invited Molly for her birthday party. Molly found that
she had no special dress for the evening.

She then went to the store to buy herself a dress and a gift for Milly. She bought a blue frock
with pink flowers. It was very beautiful and fitted her very well. She wore it and went to her
friend's house. When she reached there; she remembered that she had forgotten to bring a
present. She lied, saying that she had left the gift at home. Molly went out to the store again
to buy a present for her friend. But then she discovered that she had no money in her purse.

So she went to her house and searched for some money to buy the present but there was
no more money left. Soon the clock struck five and it was time to cut the cake.

Then Molly had a bright idea. She opened the refrigerator and looked for some pudding in
the freezer. Then she saw the cold coffee, which by this time had frozen into a nice solid
chocolate bar.

She packed it in wrapping paper, tied a ribbon around it and gave it to Milly as a birthday gift.
Milly loved her gift and asked her which brand of chocolate it was.

Molly said, "It is called Molly's Chocolate." Milly was surprised that Molly herself had made
the chocolate bar. . .

Later, Molly made a lot of chocolate bars which became so popular that she opened a
chocolate factory. The cover of the chocolate said 'Milly's and Molly's Chocolate'.

Source: 'Molly's Forgetfulness', The Hindu, Young World, 11th August, 2006

*1. This story is MAINLY about .

A. how Molly discovered by chance that she could make and selI chocolate
B. a girl called Molly who wanted to open a chocolate factory since she was a chiId
*C. two little girls, Molly and Milly, and the depth of the friendship they shared
D. Molly's bad habit of forgetting to do important things which led her into trouble

2. Milly was surprised to find that Molly had made the chocolate herself because
A. Molly’s mother usually made ah the chocolates
B. Molly had never made chocolates that were so tasty before
*C. the chocolate was so good thai Miify had thought it was bought from a shop
D. the chocolate was nicely packed in wrapping paper with a ribbon tied around it

3. What do we learn from this story?

*A. Sometimes small incidents can change our entire lives.
B. It is extremely important to buy birthday presents on time.
C. Everyone can learn to make and sell good chocolates.
D. It is important to have good friends like Milly who help us.

4. The author mast have written this story

A. when Molly was a still a little girl
B. on the day of Millv's birthday party
C. before Molly had started making chocolates
*D. after Molly's chocolates had become famous

5. Molly had kept the chocolate coffee in the freezer just to cool it a bit before drinking.
*Which of these took Molly's mind away from drinking her coffee?
A. her trip to the store
B. her pretty blue frock
C. her clock striking five
D. her friend's phone call

6. "But then she discovered that she had no money In her purse."
Given below are four meanings of "discovered". Which meaning can BEST REPLACE
"discovered" in the sentence given above?
A. invented
B. located
C. showed
*D. noticed


7. Identify the sentence which is CORRECT in every way.

Sunday - every - Rashmi - Veena - and - church - near - house - the - their - go - to

A. Rashmi and Veena every Sunday go to the church near their house.
*b. Rashmi and Veena go to the church near their house every Sunday.
C. Every Sunday near the church Rashmi and Veena go to their house.
D. Every Sunday near their house Rashmi and Veena go to the church.

8. Which sentence has a GRAMMAR MISTAKE?

*A. My mother told me to put the book back in it's place.
B. Tennis has lost its charm for me since Steffi Graf retired.
C. My neighbour's dog tries to catch its own tail all day long.
D. It's Sunday tomorrow so I will watch my favourite cartoons.

Read The Kakapo answer question 9 – 14

The Kakapo

The kakapo is the world's strangest parrot. It cannot fly’ It is the largest of all parrots and
weighs about 4 kg. It is a parrot that looks like an owl, hops like a sparrow, growls like a dog
and has a very strange kind of smell. The kakapo, known as 'Night Parrot', is one of New
Zealand's unique 'treasures'. It has been known to live till 60 years of age.

It has a facial disc of fine feathers, resembling the face of an owl. Thus early European
settlers called it the owl parrot. Its beak is surrounded by delicate "whiskers", which it uses to
sense the ground as it walks with its head lowered. The ends of the tail feathers often g
damaged from being continually dragged on the ground.

Kakapo Behaviour
The kakapo sleeps all day and prefers to wander through the forest at night, alone,
searching for food.
When disturbed, the kakapo will stop all activity, using its mossy green and yellow feathers
to be just like the background it is in.
This is its main form of protection.
Meeting a Kakapo
If we meet a kakapo, we gel a strong stale smell that comes from its body. The smell is so
strong that even from a great distance, birds, dogs, cats and other enemies can identify it,
attack it and kill it. That is why there are very few kakapo living today.
Once we have adjusted to the smell, we can see its swaying walk, its curiosity, its wide
range of calls, and its comic acts.

Getting Around
Though it cannot fly, the kakapo is a very Rood climber. It uses its wings effectively for
balancing and slowing itself down when leaping from trees. It can move over several
kilometres in one night!

It eats, mostly, fruits, seeds, leaves, stems and roots of many native plants.

Source: 'The Kakapo' (Modified) -


9. The kakapo uses its wings to .

A. release a strong smell from its body
B. hold the leaves, fruits and seeds it eats
C. cover itself and keep warm during the winter months
*D. remain steady or slow down as it jumps down from a tree

10. Many a times, the kakapo's life is in danger because it

A. growls like a dog
B. has green and yellow feathers
C. looks like an owl and hops like a sparrow
*D. gives out a strong stale smell from its body

11. The author wrote this passage about the kakapo to

A. warn us about a dangerouos bird found in New Zealand
*B. inform us about an unusual kind of parrot which cannot fly
C entertain us with funny stories about a commonly found bird
D. educate us about the .diifferent types of parrots found in.the world

12. Using the information in ‘Kakapo’s Behaviour’, we can say that the kakapo
A. likes to only rest and eat all the time
*B. knows how to hide from other animals
C. is troubled when alone in the forest
D. is a very friendiy and welcoming parrot

13. Which of the underlined words from the passage means 'thin and smooth"?
*A. fine
B. unique
C. mossy
D. strange

14. Which option means the SAME as the sentence given below?
"Though it cannot fly, the kakapo is a very goad climber,"
A. The kakapo is a very good climber, unless it cannot fly.
B. The kakapo cannot fly, so it is a very good climber.
C. The kakapo is a very good climber because it cannot fly.
*D. The kakapo is a very good climber, even if it cannot fly.
*15. Listed below are some words. Which word will appear FOURTH in the list, if they are

bless ; blink ; blast ; blower ; blur

A. blur
B. bless
C. blink
D. blower

*16. Identify the option with the CORRECT spelling to complete the sentence given below
The ______took his sheep and goats to graze on the mountains.

A. shepard
B. shepherd
c. shepperd
C. sheepherd

17. Identify the sentence with a SPELLING MISTAKE.

*A. It is neccessary to drink enough water daily.

B. Having a balanced diet is extremely important.
C. Spinach is plentiful in minerals like iron and calcium.
D. Tomatoes and lemons are good sources of vitamin C.

Read “ How a Book is Made” and answer the questions 18 to 22.

How a Book is Made

There are many ways to make a book. Here is one way to do it.

1. A team of people meet to plan the book. They decide on its size and what it will look
like. They also choose an author to write it.
2. When the author has written the book, an editor carefully reads them. The editor
corrects any mistakes on a computer screen
3. An illustrator draws pictures to go with the words. Sometimes a photographer takes
photographs to put in the book too.
4. The designer decides how to arrange the words and pictures on each page. She then
puts the pages onto a computer disk.
5. From the disk, film and printing plates are made. At the printers a printing press prints
the pages on to large sheets of paper.
6. The printed sheets are folded and cut inot separate pages. They are stitched or glued
together. Then a cover is put around the pages.
7. You can use books to find out facts about animals, machines, history or science.
Other books have stories in them. Millions of books are made every year.

Source: 'How' a Book is Made', Kingfisher First Encyclopedia, Kingfisher Publications,

18. An editor will ALWAYS

A. decide how the pages of the book should be printed
*B. check for grammar and spelling errors made by the author
C. coIlect information that the author will use to write the book
D. decide what the book should be about and who will write it
19. Diana makes dictionaries for grown ups. Keeping the details of the passage in mind, the
information under which of these points can be skipped while making the dictionary?
A. point 2
*B. point 3
C. point 4
D. point 5

20. Which best option can BEST REPLACE the title of this passage?
A. Edit your own book
B. Ideas for Book Writing
C. Quick Ways to Make a Book
*D. Steps of Book Production

21. Which question can be answered by the information in points 2,3, and 4?
A. How does the printing process take place?
*B. What happens after a book has been written?
C. When is a book ready to be sold in the market?
D. Why should a book include pictures and photographs?

22. Which option BEST EXPLAINS the sentence given below?

"Millions of books are made every year."
A. Two million books are made every year.
B. Very expensive books are made every year.
*C. A large number of books are made every year.
D. Books costing two million are made every year.


23. Which of the following words has the SAME sound of “g” as in "giant"?
A. gate
B. brag
*C. rage
D. igloo

24. Which option PUNCTUATES the sentence given below CORRECTLY?

nisha said to me do you want me to drop you home

A. Nisha said to me, "do you want me to drop you home."

*B. Nisha said to me, "Do you want me to drop you home?"
C. Nisha said to me "do you want me to drop you home?"
D. Nisha said to me "Do you want me to drop you home."

25. The car in front of our scooter stopped "abruptly". Since we were mi pre we banged hard
into it!
The word "abruptly" as used in the sentence above, means ___________
A. slowly, without hurry
*B. suddenly, without warning
C. loudly, with a huge bang
D. quietly, in an unusual manner
Read “Sea Turtle Tips” and answer the questions 26 -30
Sea Turtle Tips
"If You Encounter Turtle Hatchlings:"
 Watch your step
 Turn off all lights
 Let turtles walk on their own to the ocean

"If You Encounter A Nestting Turtle :

 Keep some distance and stay quiet
 Turn off all torches
 Avoid flash photography

If you spot Sea Turtle Tracks

 Please do not disturb tracks or nest site
 Call local authorities with location of activity

Hatchlings : baby animals that have just emerged from eggs
A Nestling Turtle : is a turtle that is ready to lay eggs
... ...
*26. What is the purpose of the poster?
A. to encourage people to adopt turtles as pets
B. to educate people about what might harm turtles
C. to inform people about when and where turtles nest
D. to request people to help catch those who harm turtles

27. If we see a turtle on the beach, we should

*A. leave it alone
B. dig a nest for it
C. carry it. to the sea
D. light its way using a torch

*28. Based on the information in the poster, when are you likely to see a nesting turtle?
A. at any time
B. only at sunrise
C. only during the day
D. mostly during the night

*29. Most of the sentences in the poster tell you,

A. how to do particular tasks
B. why you should do something
C. what to do in certain situations
D. where you should do something

*30. "If You Encounter Turtle Hatchlings:"

Which of the words below can REPLACE "Encounter" in the sentence above without
changing the meaning?
A. Hurt
B. Stop
C. Meet
D. Catch
Read “Two little kittens” and answer the questions 31 - 36

Two little kittens

Two little kittens, one stormy night,

Began to quarrel, and then to fight;
One had a mouse, the other had none,
And that's the way the quarrel had begun.
"I'll have that mouse," said the biggest cat;
"You'll have that mouse? We'll see about that!"
"I will have that mouse," said the eldest son;
"You shan't have the mouse," said the little one.

I told you before 'twas a stormy night

When these two little kittens began to fight;
The old woman seized her sweeping broom,
And swept the two kittens right out of the room.

The ground was covered with frost and snow,

And the two little kittens had nowhere to go;
So they lay down on the mat at the door,
While the old woman finished sweeping the floor.

Then they crept in, as quiet as mice,

All wet with the snow, and cold as ice,
For they found it was better, that stormy night.
To lie down and sleep than to quarrel and fight

frost: white powdery ice that forms on objects when it is freezing cold

Source: 'Two Little Kittens' ~'mdex.htm

31. Why were the two kittens fighting?

*a. Each kitten wanted what the other one had.
B. They were scared because it was a stormy night.
C. Both wanted to remain inside the house and be warm.
D. They thought that the old woman was not in the house.

32. 'You'll have that mouse? We’ll see about that;"

Which sentence given below means the same as the line from the poem given above?
A. We will see to it that you get that mouse.
B. If you want that mouse you shall have it.
*C. I'll see how you take that mouse from me.
D. Let us try together and get you that mouse.

33. "I told you before 'twas a stormy night"

Who says this line?
*A. the poet
B. the older kitten
C. the younger kitten
D. the old woman
34. Why did the kittens become quiet in the end?
A. They understood that brothers should not fight.
B. The mouse had escaped while they were fighting.
C. They had eaten the mouse and were no longer hungry
*D. They did not want to be thrown out into the cold again.

35. Based on stanzas 3, 4 and 5, identify which of the following statements is TRUE.
*A. The old woman threw the kittens out because they were fighting.
B. When the kittens stopped fighting, the old woman carried them inside.
C. The kittens were covered with snow so the old woman threw them out.
D. When the old woman entered, the kittens went outside to finish fighting.

36. 'The old woman seized her sweeping broom."

Which word can BEST REPLACE “seized” in the line above?
A. plucked
B. attacked
*C. grabbed
D. borrowed

The passage below has some blanks. Choose the correct word that should appear in the
blanks, from the options given below. Use the numbers to match the blanks and the options.

Man on the Move

A Japanese marathon runner, Yamada, _____(37) competed in the 1952 Olympics in

Helsinki, has finally stopped running at the age of 81. ____(38) taking part in three
marathons this year, Yamada has decided it is time to do ____(39) activities and give up
competitive running. Yamada, known as "Iron Man",___(40) with his daily 20 km jogs, but
says. "I’m not getting any younger ___(41) I won't am any more 42 km races. But, I will
carry on running for fun to stay fit." Yamada was ___(42) people of japan to
begin marathon running.

Source: 'Man on the Move', The Hindu, Young World, 28th July, 2009

Now choose the correct option for each of the blanks numbered 37 to 42 in the passage

37. A. that
* B. who
C. which
D. whom

38. A. By
B. After
C. Except
D. Through

39. A. little
B. much
*C. fewer
D. many
*40. A. continue
B. continued
C. will continue
D. had continued

*41. A. so
B. and
C. since
D. though

42. A. one of first

B. one of a first
* C. one of the first
D. one of some first


*43. Abbas and I went to buy a hockey stick. But I did not have any money. He "offered" to
pay for the hockev stick. I agreed and promised to return it soon.

In the sentence given above, when Alilias "offered" money, he was .

A. giving an order
B. making a request
C. asking a question
D. presenting a solution

44. Which word BEST COMPLETES the sentence given below?

Our teacher had told us about how difficult it was to get to the Peacock Island by boat. She
had said that it was even more difficult to spend the night there because it was dark and
scary. So we made it our ____________ to row a boat there and stay the entire night alone.
A. view
B. prize
*C. goal
D. style

45. In which option is the sound of "i" the same in all the words?
A. B. C. D.
Like Spit spin list
Pink drink kitten spill
Sight island signal twist
Brick write *final wicked

46. Sharukh Khan is a “famous” actor today. But when he came to Mumbai several years
agom he was almost ________. It has been a long journey for him.
Which word is OPPOSITE in meaning to “famous” and can be used to complete the
sentence given above?
A. poor
*B. unknown
C. familiar
D. worthless
47. I took a lot of time to ______a clay model of a hand cart for the Social Studies project.
But it took my naughty brother a few seconds to _______ it. I don’t know what to do now.

Identify the option that BEST COMPLETES the sentence given above with a pair of
A. plan and close
B. make and form
C. build and separate
*D. create and destroy

*48. Identify the sentence that answers the question given below. "How long will it take to
reach the airport from the hotel?'*
A. The airport is just 4 km away from the hotel.
B. The hotel is closer to my house than the airport.
C. It's about a 20-minute drive from the hotel to the airport.
D. The airport is outside the city hut the hotel is at its centre.

49. Which option completes the sentence below CORRECTLY?

Yesterday, my cousin Anila and I ________________
*A. built sand castles on the beach
B. builds sand castles on the beach
C. will build sand castles on the beach
D. has buiit sand castles on the beach

50. Today I was late for school. But since if had happened for the first time, the teacher did
not punish me.

Which word can BEST REPLACE "did not punish" in the sentence given above?
*A. excused
B. explained
C. examined
D. expected

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