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Practice paper - I

VIII STD – English Marks: 100

I. Four alternatives are given for each question. Choose the correct answer & write: 10x1=10
1. In Shantiniketan, Classes are conducted ____________
a) In the classroom b) Under the tree c) In the foot ball ground d) Beside the building
2. Raman had his early education in _________.
a) Trichy b) Madras c) Vishakhapatnam d) Bangalore
3. White boy had a hazel eye. Hazel eye means _________.
a) Reddish brown b) Pale brown c) Yellowish brown d) Bluish brown
4. Beneath all uniforms, single body breaths. Here ‘uniforms’ means_______
a) Clothes b) Soldiers c) Same d)Universe
5. Master considered Oliver’s request for more gruel as a ________.
a) Crime b) Robbery c) Mischief d) Convict
6. The snail is carried out carefully and left to feed on ___________.
a) Rose b) Daffodil c) Fruits d) Olive
7. The swan was shot by ___________.
a) Siddhartha b) Minister c) Devadatta d) King
8. Minerals are melted in ___________.
a) Furnace b) Ore bed c) Water d) Oil
9. Boys were welcoming ________
a) Snowfall b) Rainfall c) Old woman d) Summer
10. Burbank was influenced by _________.
a) Newton b) Einstein c) Copernicus d) Darwin

II. 11. Match the words in list ‘A’ with their meanings in list ‘B’: 4x1=4
a. Cast ---- state of quietness
b. Majestic ---- accept
c. Proposal ---- sing
d. Chant ---- impressive
---- mould
III. Quote from memory: -3-
12. How skillful------------------- And I ----------------------
----------------------------------- OR -------------------------------------
----------------------------------- -------------------------------------
-------------------------- Flower! ------------------------- Upon the axe
IV. Answer the following in 2-3 sentences each: 15x2=30
13. How did the chief minister resolve the dispute in the end?
14. What works can a machine do? 15. What are the bad effects of war?
16. What kind of work do the boys of Shantinikethan practice in the afternoon?
17. What did the old woman say in her prayers that night? Why?
18. How did grafting help Burbank in his experimentation?
19. What do you learn about the trees from the poem” The Axe in the wood”?
20. Why does the mother say “ a Kind of faith prevails?”
21. Why did the house wife delay in giving alms to Kaushika?
22 .What events caused the crash?
23. What did the Chief advisers tell the Emperor about the two weavers?
24. Why do you think Lal Bahadur refused to stay at home even during the days of parole?

25. What did Kaushika do after his visit to Dharmavyadha?

26. Mention the things where beauty can be seen during the day.
27. What makes you think that Raman, even as a boy, had great interest in science?

V. Read the following extracts & answer the questions that follow: 2x3=6
28. “Asked for more, I never heard of such a thing.”
a) Who said this? b) Who asked for more? c) What had the person never heard?

29“ You can’t run with us, You make our team weak”.
a) Who does ‘Us’ refer to? b) Who does ‘You’ refer to? c) Why did they say so?

VI. Answer the following questions in 6 - 8 sentences each: 3x3 = 9

30. Briefly describe how a war spoils everything.

31. Narrate any one incident from Shastry life which highlights his honesty.
32. Write the summary of the poem “Somebody’s mother”

VII. Do as Directed:-

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:- -1-

Abdul is ______ excellent football player. As ____ student, he won many prizes.

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition:- -1-

i. Raghav is a teacher, He works hard _____ the welfare of his students.

C. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verb given in the brackets. -1-

i. The two weavers are seen ________ ( work). ii. She _____(write) the notes neatly.

D. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions:- -1-

i. The gruel was served ______ was quickly swallowed . ii. The man is poor, ______ honest.

E. Add the suitable question tag to the following sentences: - -2-

i. Only grownups are silly. ii. Seema was washing clothes.

F. Give one word for the following:- -2-

i. Books and written composition valued for form and style is called =
ii. Something handed down by predecessors or a gift left by will =

G. Rearrange the jumbled words into meaningful sentences- -2-

i. Problems/ Opportunities/ into/convert/ lead/life/peaceful/to

ii. Doctrine of Lapse/introduced/Lord Dalhousie/by/expansion/ kingdoms/the/for/of.

H. Frame the questions to get the underlined words as answer:- -2-

i. Rabindranath Tagore named the School ‘Shantiniketan’.

ii. Meera told Sai that she made their team weak.

I. Change into Passive Voice:- -2-

i. The book of fairy tales called ‘Mulancha Mera’ had been published by Sai.
ii. An improved cherry was developed by Burbank.

J. Change into indirect speech:- -2-

i. Chief Minister said to the king, “The swan has decided the case”.
ii. Shastry said, “Release me on a parole without any conditions”.

K. Change into other degrees of Comparisons. 2x2=4

i. Ravish is the most intelligent boy in the class

ii. No other peak is as high as Mount Everest in the world.

L. Make your own sentences using the pair of words:- Break- brake -2-

M. Fill in the blanks with suitable phrasal verbs choosing from the brackets:- -2-
(put up make up, break down, make out, break up, put on)
a) He speaks using high sounding words. Really, I can’t ______ anything.
b) Rashmi’s health used to ______ now and then.

VIII. Write a letter to your head master requesting for three days leave giving appropriate reasons :- -3-
IX. Write an essay on any one of the following :- -3-
a) Environment pollution b) Global warming c) Health and hygiene

X. Read the following passage and answer the following:-

The Circus Romano is a travelling circus from Italy. It follows a long tradition of performing in a ‘Marquee’-
A canvas portable building usually put in a green space or car park, rather than in a theater or stadium.
Inspite of this, circus Romano isn’t at all like the traditional circuses one grows up watching. There are no
animals just very talented loving and acrobatic routines, especially at the beginning, but the best part is the music and
the Lighting. They’re magical. At forty five dollars a ticket, it is really expensive. Moreover, the performance is really
for adult tastes and much of it would, in fact, be lost on children.
A good show or the whole family would be The Circus Electrical Purists, however, suggest that this isn’t
dance and magic, rather than the usual ones you expect in a circus. With only six performers, it is a small production.
An interesting feature of the show is that the performers are so young, the youngest is only fourteen.
Another performing troupe. With a difference is the famous Mekong water puppet Troupe. Water puppetry
is amazing! It is large puppets on long sticks controlled by puppeteers standing waist deep in a lake.
The puppets do comedy routines and there is some terrific formation dancing. This is a fantastic show and the
best moment comes at the end –seeing the puppeteers. When the troupe walks up out of the water, one finds it really
hard to believe that what one has been watching is merely lifeless wood and cloth. Although most older people in the
Audience wasn’t quite impressed with the show, the young children had a time of their lives and that’s the audience
This show is really aimed at.
1. What is a Marquee? -1-
2. What is the highlight of the Circus Romano show? -1-
3. How is Circus Romano different from traditional circuses? -2-
4. Why was there a wide spread protest throughout the country? What was the result of it? -2-
5. What is the best moment of water puppet show? -1-
6. Add prefix to the word ‘expensive’ to form its antonym -1-


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