Baseband Blue Tooth

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Wireless Communications

P o w e r ful single-chip ar c h i t e c t u r e for
Bluetooth-enabled applications

OVERVIEW Bluetooth technology offers the Bluetooth protocol stack while the on-chip
following benefits: peripherals provide for easy interfacing
The VWS26001 is a highly-integrated • Open standard to a Bluetooth radio module and to a
Bluetooth baseband processor designed • Both voice and data support host system.
to form the heart of standalone and • Usable worldwide
embedded Bluetooth wireless • “Ad hoc” operation simplifies network
communication systems. setup FEATURES
• Designed to withstand interference in
Bluetooth is a low-cost cable replacement unlicensed bands • Integrated ARM7TDMI
technology using short-range wireless • Can be implemented in very small microcontroller
links to provide “ad hoc” networking modules, saving space in end equipment • Bluetooth core encapsulating Ericsson
between portable devices. Bluetooth • Very low power consumption IP (EBC)
provides ubiquitous communication • Designed to reduce system bill-of- • Ericsson Protocol stack executes
capabilities for a range of consumer materials costs on-chip
electronics devices ranging from • On-chip UART, as well as USB, PCM
cell phones, PDAs and computers The VWS26001 Bluetooth Processor, and I2C™ interfaces
to digital cameras and fax machines. first member of the VWS26000 Bluetooth • Implemented in 0.25 um CMOS
The five founding members of the family, was developed by VLSI to an technology
Bluetooth consortium (Ericsson, IBM, Ericsson specification, thus minimizing • Packaged in 96-pin FPBGA package
Intel, Nokia and Toshiba) have since risk and ensuring compliance and inter- for small footprint
been joined by over 500 companies, thus operability with the Bluetooth standard. • Utilizes Received Signal Strength
setting the standard for worldwide The integrated enhanced ARM7TDMI Indication (RSSI) for adaptive
success and rapid market growth. microprocessor runs the complete transmit power control

VWS26001 Baseband Processor – Block Diagram

Clock Control
Counters/Timers Inter
rupt Controllers
Controllers ARM
ARM Core

External Bus
UART3/I2C Control
Control SDRAM
UART 1,2,3
I/O FIFOs Radio
Mode Interface
USB+ USB- Select
Select II CC


• Supports key Bluetooth features such as: RSSI measurement, providing scope for Protocol Stack
· Fast frequency hopping further dynamic reduction of system • Link Manager (LM)
· CVSD (Continuously Variable Slope power consumption. • Logical Link Control + Adaptation
Delta-modulation) speech coding Protocol (L2CAP)
· Advanced security functions • Host Controller Interface (HCI)
LOW RISK The first generation of Bluetooth- • Frequency “hop” selection
enabled products will make use of • Transmit/receive timing
The VWS26001 is directly compatible Bluetooth ‘modules’ which include both • Radio interface
with the Ericsson-developed Bluetooth radio and baseband functionality. VLSI’s • FEC, CRC, ARQ
radio module, thus reducing VWS26001 processor is at the heart of a • PCM conversion
development time and risk. number of Bluetooth modules currently • Encryption and authentication
under development by OEMs.


• Operates in 2.4GHz ISM band
The VWS26001 device makes use of (unlicensed) The VWS26001 baseband processor is
VLSI's low-power design expertise and is • Frequency hopping, spread spectrum now sampling and will be available in
implemented in VLSI's leading-edge technology pre-production quantities in mid-1999.
0.25 um CMOS technology to deliver • Up to 79 “hop” channels
minimal power consumption with • 1MHz bandwidth per channel
correspondingly longer battery lifetimes. • Peak data rate 1Mb/s
The VWS26001 also allows adaptive • Standard range <10m (0dBm),
radio transmit power control based on <100m option (+20dBm)

VWS26001 Bluetooth Processor

Implemented in an
8x8mm 96 FPBGA pack-
age, the highly
integrated Bluetooth
Baseband Processor
optimizes both size
and cost while
delivering minimal
power consumption.

HDLi and Velocity are trademarks of VLSI Technology, Inc. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are trademarks of the Bluetooth
Special Interest Group. Other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.
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© 1999 VLSI Technology, Inc. Printed in USA. Document Control: BlueTooth BBP V1.0 March 99 USA

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