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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo City


Name: _______________________________ Section: _________ Date:________

Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. He ____ go to school tomorrow. He has a fever.

A. can’t C. wouldn’t
B. couldn’t D. don’t have to
2. If we walk so slowly, we ________ late.
A. be C. will be
B. will being D. would be
3. I _________ my umbrella if it rains.
A. took C. had taken
B. take D. could take
4. Hello, _______ I speak with Mr. Smith please?
A. can C. could
B. may D. would
5. _______ you lend me your pencil please? I left mine at home.
A. Can C. Could
B. May D. Would
6. The museum is free. You ________ pay to get in.
A. can’t C. don't have to
B. shouldn’t have D. may not
7. You ___________ wear a helmet.
A. Have to C. Ought to
B. Must D. Should
8. I __________ finish my homework last night.
A. could C. must
B. had to D. have to
9. What would you do if it ________ on your wedding day?
A. rained C. would rain
B. will rain D. will be raining
10. If she comes, I _______ call you.
A. will C. would have
B. would D. would have to
11. What will you do if you ________ the history exam?
A. would fail C. fail
B. will fail D. failed
12. Would you go out more often if you ________ so much in the house?
A. don’t have to C. didn’t have to
B. hadn’t have to D. couldn’t have to
13. She wouldn’t have yawned the whole day if she _________late last night.
A. hadn’t stayed up C. didn’t stay up
B. doesn’t stay up D. wouldn’t stay up

14. It is a special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to
A. slang C. vocabulary
B. jargon D. idioms
15. Which of the following situations need a consultative speech style?
A. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist C. giving last minute instructions to players
B. delivering campaign speeches D. delivering a speech at the UN Summit
16. Which of the following situations call for a casual speech style?
A. delivering an oratorical speech C. leading a prayer before meal
B. leading a prayer before meal D. talking to a friend while playing sports
17. This style is "frozen" in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies.
A. intimate C. consultative
B. formal D. frozen
18. This style is private and occurs between or among close family members or individuals.
A. casual C. consultative
B. intimate D. formal
19. Which of the following situations require a formal speech style?
A. talking to a superior C. reading a court order
B. talking and laughing about memorable experiences D. talking to a stranger
20. The language used in intimate style may be shared in public.
A. yes C. maybe
B. no D. none of the above
21. The following situations use formal speech style, except:
A. inquiring at a hotel C. delivering an oratorical speech
B. delivering a campaign speech D. delivering news reports
22. It is a style used in formal settings. Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way.
A. consultative C. frozen
B. intimate D. formal
23. This is the standard style which uses professional or mutually acceptable language.
A. casual C. frozen
B. consultative D. formal
24. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular languages are NOT acceptable in the casual style.
A. true C. all of the above
B. false D. none of the above
25. Which component of VUCA represents unexpected or rapid change?
A. complexity C. uncertain
B. volatility D. ambiguity
26. The wide range of advertisements vying for consumers' attention is an example of the _____ component of
A. complexity C. ambiguity
B. volatility D. uncertainty
27. The Tendency to favor one person, group, thing, or point of view over another, often in an unfair way.
A. bias C. stereotype
B. prejudice D. discrimination
28. Unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehead or without knowledge, thought or reason.
A. prejudice C. bias
B. discrimination D. stereotype
29. Bullying and discriminating someone with a disability shows _________
A. bias C. stereotype
B. prejudice D. discrimination
30. It is the concept of one topic being connected to another topic in a way that makes it useful to consider the
second topic when considering the first.
A. relevance C. truthfulness
B. validity D. effectiveness

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