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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Freeport Area of Bataan Branch

Mariveles, Bataan



This module covers Investment Property. Under PFRS, investment property is property that an entity holds to earn rental income and/or capital appreciation.
It generates cash flows mostly independently of other assets held by an entity. It is not property that an entity uses to supply goods or services, nor is it used for
administrative purposes. Examples of investment property are land held for appreciation and a building held for current or future leases to third parties.
Examples of assets that are not investment property are property intended for sale in the near term, property being constructed for a third party, owner occupied property, and
property leased to a third party under a finance lease.


By the end of this module, students will be able to:

1 - define investment property and differentiate them from owner-occupied assets classified as PPE
2 - measure investment property upon initial recognition;
3 - measure investment property subsequently after initial recognition;
4 - account for transfer of classification from and into investment property; and
5 - identify required disclosures for investment property.

All students will be encouraged to read the chapter topic of the required reading material. Further readings are also recommended for additional information
regarding the within
topic. the curriculum to develop their information retrieval and
evaluation skills in order to identify such resources effectively
Required reading:
Robles, N. & Empleo, P. (2019) The Intermediate Accounting Series, Volume 2, Millenium Books, Inc.
Chapter 3 - Investment Property
Further reading:
IAS 40: Investment Property


Task 1: ASSIGNED READING Read through Chapter 3 of the course textbook and use the activities below
as learning guide.

1 - What are investment property (LO1) Read the PAS definition and be able to identify investment property based on the
standard classification issues

2- Examples of Investment Property (LO1) Cite and discuss examples of Investment Property. Distinguished investment
property from PPE and Inventory

3- Initial Recognition and Discuss the recognition criteria as it applies to Investment Property. 2 - 3 hours
measurement (LO2)

4- Subsequent measurement (LO3) Explain how are investment property maybe measured after initial recognition

5- Transfers From or To Investment Discuss the issues involved in accounting for transfers from and to Investment
Property (L04) Property

6- Presentation and disclosure (LO5) Discuss the general and specific disclosure requirements related to Investment Property

Go over the course content below and answer the review questions after the topic
Task 2: Course Content 1 -2 hours


Land or a building or part of a building or both held by the owner or by the lessee under a finance lease to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both.


The best way to understand what investment property constitutes is to look at examples of investments that are considered by the standard as investment properties,
and contrast these with those investments that do not qualify for this categorisation.


According to the standard, examples of investment property are:
a. Land held for long-term capital appreciation
b. Land held for undecided future use
c. Building leased out under an operating lease
d. Vacant building held to be leased out under an operating lease
e. Property under construction as investment property

Conversely, the following are not investment property and, therefore, are outside the scope of PAS 40:
a. Property held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes (Property, plant and equipment)
b. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of business or in the process of construction of development for such sale (Inventories)
c. Property being constructed or developed on behalf of third parties (Construction Contracts)
d. Owner-occupied property (Property, Plant and Equipment), including property held for future use as owner-occupied property, property held for future
development and subsequent use as owner-occupied property, property occupied by employees and owner-occupied property awaiting disposal.
e. Property leased to another entity under a finance lease.


Property held under an operating lease

* A property interest that is held by a lessee under an operating lease may be classified and accounted for as investment property provided that:
* The rest of the definition of investment property is met
* The operating lease is accounted for as if it were a finance lease in accordance with IFRS 16 Leases
* The lessee uses the fair value model set out in this Standard for the asset recognized.
* An entity may make the foregoing classification on a property-by-property basis.

Partial own use - If the owner uses part of the property for its own use, and part to earn rentals or for capital appreciation

* If the portions can be sold or leased out separately, they are accounted for separately. Therefore the part that is rented out is investment property.
* If the portions cannot be sold or leased out separately, the property is investment property only if the owner-occupied portion is insignificant.

Ancillary services - If the enterprise provides ancillary services to the occupants of a property held by the enterprise, the appropriateness of classification as
investment property is determined by the significance of the services provided.

* If those services are a relatively insignificant component of the arrangement as a whole (for instance, the building owner supplies security and maintenance services
to the lessees), then the enterprise may treat the property as investment property.
* Where the services provided are more significant (such as in the case of an owner-managed hotel), the property should be classified as owner-occupied.

Intracompany rentals - Property rented to a parent, subsidiary, or fellow subsidiary

Not investment property in consolidated financial statements that include both the lessor and the lessee, because the property is owner-occupied from the perspective of the group.
However, such property could qualify as investment property in the separate financial statements of the lessor, if the definition of investment property is otherwise met.


Investment property should be recognized as an asset
1 - When it is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the property will flow to the enterprise
2 - The cost of the property can be reliably measured

Initial measurement
1- Investment property is initially measured at cost. The measurement of cost depends on the mode of acquisition.

By purchase
The cost of a purchased investment property comprises the purchase price and any directly attributable costs in bringing the asset to its intended condition
such as legal fees, property transfer taxes, and other transaction costs
If payment is deferred, the cost is the cash price equivalent. The difference between cash price equivalent and the total amount paid is recognized as interest over the
credit period.
The cost of an investment property should not include start-up costs, abnormal waste, or initial operating losses incurred before the investment property achieves the
planned level of occupancy.

By exchange
If an investment property is acquired in exchange for equity instruments of the reporting entity, the cost of the investment property is the fair value of the equity
instruments issued,
The measurement of an investment property acquired in exchange for another non-monetary asset depends on whether the exchange transaction has commercial
substance or not. Refer to exchange rules for PPE.

The cost of self constructed investment property is its cost at the date when construction or development is completed.

Measurement subsequent to initial recognition

After initially recognizing the investment property at cost, an enterprise may choose between the
1- Fair value model
2- Cost model
* One method must be adopted for all of an entity's investment property. Change is permitted only if this results in a more appropriate presentation. PAS 40 notes that this
is highly unlikely for a change from a fair value model to a cost model.

Fair value model

a. Investment property is remeasured at fair value, which is the amount for which the property could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an
arm's length transaction. Gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment property must be included in net profit or loss for the period in which it arises.

b. Fair value should reflect the actual market state and circumstances as of the end of the reporting period. The best evidence of fair value is normally given by current
prices on an active market for similar property in the same location and condition and subject to similar lease and other contracts. In the absence of such information,
the entity may consider current prices for properties of a different nature or subject to different conditions, recent prices on less active markets with adjustments to reflect
changes in economic conditions, and discounted cash flow projections based on reliable estimates of future cash flows.

c. There is a rebuttable presumption that the enterprise will be able to determine the fair value of an investment property reliably on a continuing basis. However, if, in
exceptional circumstances, an entity follows the fair value model but at acquisition concludes that a property's fair value is not expected to be reliably measurable on a
continuing basis, the property is accounted for in accordance with the benchmark treatment under PAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment (cost less accumulated
depreciation less accumulated impairment losses).

d. Where a property has previously been measured at fair value, it should continue to be measured at fair value until disposal, even if comparable market transactions
become less frequent or market prices become less readily available.

Cost Model
After initial recognition, investment property is accounted for in accordance with the cost model as set out in PAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment – cost less
accumulated depreciation and less accumulated impairment losses.

Transfers to or from Investment Property Classification

Transfers to, or from, investment property should only be made when there is a change in use, evidenced by:
a. Commencement of owner-occupation (transfer from investment property to owner-occupied property)
b. Commencement of development with a view to sale (transfer from investment property to inventories)
c. End of owner-occupation (transfer from owner-occupied property to investment property);
d. Commencement of an operating lease to another party (transfer from inventories to investment property)
e. End of construction or development (transfer from property in the course of construction/development to investment property.
f. When an entity decides to sell an investment property without development, the property is not reclassified as investment property but is dealt with as investment
property until it is disposed of.
Accounting for Transfers
From Transferred Category Treatment
Investment property carried at fair value Owner-occupied property or inventories Fair value at the change of use is the 'cost' of the property under its new
Owner-occupied property Investment property carried at fair value Difference in carrying amount and fair value as revaluation under PAS 16
Inventories Investment property at fair value Difference in carrying amount and fair value is recognized in profit or loss.
Investment property under construction or Completed investment property that will be carried at fair value Difference between the fair value at the date of transfer and the previous
development carrying amount should be recognized in net profit or loss
Investment property under the cost model Owner-occupied property or inventories No change the carrying amount of the property transferred

a. An investment property should be derecognized on disposal or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are
expected from its disposal.
b. The gain or loss on disposal is the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and recognized in profit or loss.
c. Compensation from third parties is recognized when it becomes receivable.

Disclosures under the Fair Value Model and Cost Model

a. Whether the fair value or the cost model is used
b. If the fair value model is used, whether property interests held under operating leases are classified and accounted for as investment property;
c. If classification is difficult, the criteria to distinguish investment property from owner-occupied property and from property held for sale.
d. The methods and significant assumptions applied in determining the fair value of investment property.
e. The extent to which the fair value of investment property is based on a valuation by a qualified independent valuer; if there has been no such valuation, that fact must be disclosed.
f. The amounts recognized in profit or loss for:
* Rental income from investment property;
* Direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance) arising from investment property that generated rental income during the period; and
* Direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance) arising from investment property that did not generate rental income during the period.
g. Restrictions on the realizability of investment property or the remittance of income and proceeds of disposal.
h. Contractual obligations to purchase, construct, or develop investment property or for repairs, maintenance or enhancements.

Review Theory Questions Series 1

1- Which of the following statements best describes investment property?
a. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of business
b. Property held for sale in the production and supply of goods or services and property held for administrative purposes
c. Property held to ean rentals or for capital appreciation
d. Property held for capital appreciation
2 - Investment property includes all of the following except
a. Land held for long term capital
b. at appreciation
fair value
b. Land held for currently undetermined use
c. Building held by the entity as a right of use asset and leased out under an operating lease
d. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of business

3- Which of the following statements best described owner occupied property according to PAS 40?
a. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of business
b. Property held for use in the production and supply of goods and services
c. Property held to earn rentals
d. Property held for administrative purposes
e. b & d

4- Which of the following would be reported as Investment property?

a. Property that is being constructed or developed for future use as owner occupied property
b. Property that is lease to another entity as a right of use asset
c. Owner occupied property awaiting sale
d. Property available for lease

5- Investment property is initially recognized as

a. cost
b. fair value
c. fair value plus transaction cost
d. cost if the entity follows the cost method; fair value if the entity follows the fair value method.

6- Transfers from investment property to PPE are appropriate

a. when there is change in use
b. based on the entity's discretion
c. only when the entity adopts the fair value model under PAS 38
d. the entity can never transfer property into another classification on the statement of financial position once it is classified as investment property
7- Which of the following demonstrates a change from owner occupied property to investment property?
a. Commencement of development with a view to sell
b. End of re-development of the investment property for use as investment property
c. Commencement of owner occupation
d. End of use of property for administrative purposes to be leased in one or more operating leases.

8- I. Investment property may be valued subsequent to initial recognition using the cost model or revaluation model
II. The entire asset is classified as PPE if the portion devoted to investment property is insignificant
III. Depreciable properties under the cost model are subject to depreciation
IV. Investment properties being re-developed as investment properties on behalf of third parties are investment properties

a. Only one statement is true b. Two statements are true c. Three statements are true d. All statements are true

Task 3: Problem Solving Refer to your course textbook for the practice problems
Straight Problems

Problem 3-1 Read and solve Problem 3-1 on page 209 of your course textbook.

30 mins
Problem 3-4 Read and solve Problem 3-4 on page 251 of your course textbook.

Problem 3-6 Read and solve Problem 3-6 on page 252-253 of your course textbook.

Task 3: Homework

A 10 item MC problems Answer all questions and solve all problems based on the Module
will be presented to you synthesizing Access to the quiz will be posted separately 1 hour
the topics learned in the module.

Task 3: Virtual Classroom

Lecture plus homework discussion via Google Meet
Lecture discussion Instructor summarizes the main points of the module 2-3 hours

This exercise will validate the achievement of learning outcomes.


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