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Michael Academy
(Member of OP-Siena School System)
Catarman, Northern Samar

Observance of Personal Hygiene among Junior High School

Students in Saint Michael Academy S.Y. 2020-2021

Celaya, Junielle Lucia P.

Domanais, Kurt Rochelle O.
Galupo, Lucille T.
Gayo, Betty Mae B.
Mijares, Beverly E.
Nicolasora, Jose Miguel S.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Hygiene appertain to practices related with the

protection of health and healthy living. Personal hygiene

includes standard washing of body, washing the hands, trimming

of nails, washing one’s clothes, keeping the hair presentable

and brushing of teeth. Personal hygiene assumes a significant

function to healthy lifestyle. The positive advantages of

maintaining a good personal hygiene is that it lower the risk

of social embarrassment and isolation from others. Studies

shown that practicing a proper personal hygiene prevent the

spread of communicable diseases and improve social environment

for the students. The significance of doing personal hygiene

practices is profound and necessary to the physical and mental

well-being of students. Knowledge regarding personal hygiene

can improve one’s health and can likewise have immediate and

long-term benefits. Low level of personal hygiene practices

among students have been linked to a broad range of health

related problems involving oral diseases, skin infection,

communicable diseases, and negative emotions of discomfort.

The household and school is the place wherein health

education regarding important aspects of proper personal

hygiene and sanitation is being imparted. The basis of

lifelong duty for the support of personal hygiene are laid

down in childhood, which is vital for a well-conditioned

childhood, for a healthy adulthood, and for advancement of

positive values approximately wellbeing and the use of health

services. The insufficient knowledge regarding personal

hygiene practices hinders the development of improved

techniques for improving the upkeep of personal hygiene, which

is significant to decrease the burden of communicable diseases

in the school environment.

Practicing personal hygiene particularly washing hand

frequently is a disease prevention strategy which lower the

risk for diseases and illnesses commonly spread through

viruses and bacteria. A Recent study shown that knowledge and

practices of hand hygiene among children have effectively

reduced gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections by

up to 50% the two leading causes of childhood morbidity and

mortality around the world.1 Parents who educate their children

the significance of good hygiene inculcate healthy habits

early in life and anticipate them from encountering issues

with bullies and bring a good social environment to every

students. Being clean and well-groomed can boost confidence

and improve self-esteem.2 Good hygiene can indirectly boost

Mohammed G., Nihar D., etc., (2016). Knowledge and practice of
personal hygiene among primary school students in Sharjah-UAE. Scientific
& Academic Publishing.[ Retrieved:]

Judith Calder, RN, MSN and Lyn Dailey, PHN. California Child
Healthcare Program. Good Hygiene. [Retrieved:

productivity at school activities and in scenarios that

require students to be outstanding.

While on the other hand, fail to demonstrate good

personal hygiene can be obnoxious due to factors such as bad

breath and body odor, and it increments student’s risk for

disease and infection. Some individuals might pondered a

student through physical appearance that could lead to lower

ones self-esteem and might consequence to unhealthy social

environment. Poor hygiene can trigger negative emotions of

discomfort and anxiety.

Studies revealed that younger students are especially

helpless against disregard of essential individual cleanliness

(Enahoro and Orokj, 1986). The aftereffect in terms of

morbidity and mortality are additionally more serious in

younger students contrasted with grown-ups. Children need to

be instructed and guided by grown-ups to be able to adopt

certain practices as regards their health and well-being. To

effectively address the issue of communicable diseases among

school children, parents and school administrators must work

out modalities to take and encourage children to embrace good

hygiene practice.

As of April 21 2021, there are 953,106 casesvand 16,141

death recorded of novel corona virus-2019 in the Philippines.3

Republic of the Philippines, Department of Health kagawaran ng
kalusugan. (2021). Apr. 21, 2021 covid-19 cases. [Retrieved:

Personal hygiene is significantly connected to this health

crisis as it play important role in preventing the spread of

the said virus. Practicing proper hygiene and washing hand

frequently can lower the risk of being infected of infectious

diseases such as corona virus.

Objectives of the study

1. To determine the socio-demographic profile:

A. Gender

B. Grade Level

2. To determine the students’ level of knowledge on personal


3. To determine the observance of personal hygiene practices

among junior high school students in terms of:

A. Hand hygiene

B. Oral hygiene

C. Other hygiene practices

4. To identify the students’ sources of knowledge on

personal hygiene.

Significance of the study:

In this section, will provide a concise information on

the various significances of the study0 given the following


Students. The gathered data of the study can help

students gain insights about the importance of personal

hygiene in everyday life especially today regarding the issue

of corona virus. Students will also acquire the proper

knowledge about practicing personal hygiene. The present study

can also be a medium of recommendations on the importance of

practicing personal hygiene in preventing the spread of


School administrator. The result of the present study can

provide information regarding observance of personal hygiene

among junior high school students that can help school

administrators create rules and programmes that promotes the

importance of knowledge and practices of personal hygiene in

school environment. Schools can integrate hygiene education in

daily activities in school to enhance students to adopt

personal hygiene practices in school and in daily life.

Parents/legal guardians. Young students does not have

enough knowledge or skills to develop proper hygiene habits on

their own. Parents might be able to progress the knowledge and

practices of the students demonstrating the personal hygiene

that will help students stay healthy, ward-off illnesses, and

better self-awareness.
Department of Health. These beneficiaries are involved in

the health organization. Through this, Department of health

may exhort the public to practice good personal hygiene,

sanitation, and health. Department of Health may assess

monitoring and evaluation of policies, whether good hygiene is 6

practiced and implemented by the people in certain school

community, to prevent the spread of bacteria that causes


Future Researchers. This study will serve as their guide

and reference especially if they are going to conduct the same

study or any study which is related to this study.

Furthermore, this study can also open in progression in this


Scope and limitation of the study

This research study only focuses on determining the level

of knowledge on personal hygiene, personal hygiene practice in

terms of hand hygiene, oral hygiene, and other hygiene

practices of the respondents. The source of knowledge of the

respondents in regards to personal hygiene is also included.

This will be conducted amid 4th quarter of school year

2020-2021 among junior high school students in Saint Michael

Academy. The researcher will have 251 randomly selected sample

from the total population of 671 junior high school students

with 5% margin error to maintain the validity of the data. The

other students which do not fall as part of junior high school

students are not within the scope of this research.

Due to current health crisis the data gathering

procedure will be held through online survey platform

particularly, google form. Consequently, the result of the

collected data might be concerned. 7


Knowledge and Practices of Personal Hygiene among students

Knowledge and practices of personal hygiene is a key

factor that attribute to a healthy well-being and environment.

Fail to demonstrate proper hygiene might consequence to health

related problems. A huge fraction of the world’s illness and

death is inferable to communicable diseases. 62% and 31% of

all deaths in Africa and Southeast Asia, respectively, are

caused by infectious disease.4 In the present paper, the role

attachment plays in observance of personal hygiene is

investigated. The following literature review are topics

associated in relation to personal hygiene is addressed in

oral hygiene and hand hygiene knowledge and practices.

In a research article by Mohammed Ghanim, Nihar Dash,

Bashayer Abdullah, Hiba Issa, Rasha Albarazi, Zaid Saheli

(2016) posted in Journal in Health science, there were

specific question addressed for guiding the study. First, what

Curtis VA, Danquah LO, Aunger RV. Planned, motivated and habitual
hygiene behavior: an eleven country review. Health Educ Res. (2009); 4:655-
is the source of knowledge of the students regarding personal

hygiene? Second, is personal hygiene affected by gender? Last,

is personal hygiene affected by academic achievement? The

focus of the investigation was on the student’s knowledge and

practices of personal hygiene. It is hypothesized that

improved awareness and hand hygiene practices have effectively

reduced gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections by

up to 50% the two leading causes of childhood morbidity and

mortality around the world.5 The said research is a cross

sectional study involving 428 students. The students were

selected on the stratified random sampling technique.

The result of the study shown that, 65% had adequate

perception of personal hygiene, but only 27% mentioned that

personal hygiene was important to fight diseases. The ability

to define personal hygiene was significantly higher among

girls (95%) than boys (82%). Taking shower and hand washing

were two leading hygiene practices reported by the students.

The most common reasons for not doing hand washing were

forgetfulness and lack of time. After waking up and before

going to bed were the two most common times where students

brushed their teeth. Parents and teachers were the source of

knowledge providers regarding personal hygiene to the

students. The Study also shown that school children with

Mohammed G., Nihar D., etc., Knowledge and practice of personal
hygiene among primary school students in Sharjah-UAE. Scientific &
Academic Publishing. (2016) [ Retrieved:]
better knowledge and practice of personal hygiene have fewer

sick days and absenteeism in school and achieve higher grades.

All these results combined answered the questions of the

study which are; first is that parents and teachers is the

common source if knowledge about personal hygiene among

students second, personal hygiene is influence by gender

because the ability to define personal hygiene was

significantly higher among girls compared to boys last,

personal hygiene affected by academic achievement because

students who have better knowledge and practice of personal

hygiene lower the sick days and therefore reduce the


School children are particularly vulnerable to neglect of

basic personal hygiene (Postma et al, 2004; Oduntan; 1974;

Enahoro and orok; 1986). Poor knowledge and practice of

personal hygiene play a role in the high incidence of

communicable diseases and might affect a negative consequences

for a student’s long term overall development.6 The increased

of communicable diseases due to poor knowledge and practices

of personal hygiene among school children remains a concern on

the public health agenda in developing countries. Health is

the key factor among students in achieving good academic

performance and attainment in school.

Mohammed G., Nihar D., etc., Knowledge and practice of personal
hygiene among primary school students in Sharjah-UAE. Scientific &
Academic Publishing. (2016) [ Retrieved:]
Next topic associated in relation of knowledge and

practice of personal hygiene among students is addressed by

oral hygiene. Oral diseases qualify as major public health

problems owing to student’s higher prevalence and significant

social impact.7 The mouth is a tool used to speak, eat, and

socialize with other people. Oral diseases may restrict

students to do school activities causing several school works

hours lost each day.

In a research article by Rafi Togoo, Syed Mohammed,

Zakirullam, Nasim VS, Mohammad Zamzami, the study focuses on

oral health knowledge and practices among the respondents. The

respondents are randomly selected ten public schools with a

students of 946 in Rijal Alma ‘a Asser province of Saudi

Arabia. Majority of the respondents 64.3% brush their teeth

once daily, while 16.6% of the respondents practiced irregular

tooth brushing. The reason why some school children have low

level of knowledge and practices of oral hygiene is that

parents and guardians also have low level of knowledge and

practices of oral hygiene. The Research suggest that parents

education regarding oral health must be included on school

program promoting preventive oral care as well as other

knowledge and practices of personal hygiene.

The world Oral Health Report. Continuous improvement in the oral
health in the 21st century – the approach of the WHO Global Oral Health
Most of the study subjects reported irregular dental

attendance.8 A high portion of the subject reported that due to

fear from dental treatment and high costs of dental care in

private clinics among participants is the reason of irregular

dental attendance. Lack of parental encouragement to visit the

dentist also contribute to irregular dental attendance. Dental

attitudes displayed by parents or legal guardian might also

offer an explanation for the lack of regular dental attendance

of the students.

Bad breath is another poor personal hygiene issues that

might affect students oral health and socialization to fellow

students. Irregular cleaning of mouth leads to oral diseases

such as teeth decay, dental caries, bleeding gums, tooth

erosion, and bad breath. A recent National Oral Health Survey

(NOHS) shown that 97% of the grade 1 children and 82% of the

grade 6 children suffered from tooth decay.9 Students with

poorer oral health status were bound to encounter dental

torment, absenteeism, and perform ineffectively in school.

Toothache impacts on food intake and also impacts on sleep and

quality of life and the main reason for school absenteeism in

the Philippines.10 Enhancing student’s oral health status is an

Rafi A. et al. Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. (2012). Oral
hygiene knowledge and practices among school children in a rural area of
southern Saudi Arabia.
Department of Education. National Oral Health Survey among the
Public School Population in the Philippines. Manila, Department of
Araojo j. Philippines Country Report on School Health Promotion
Programme. In: 2nd Asian conference on oral health promotion for school
children. Prospectus for our future generation. 103-110.
effective way to improve their educational experience. The

World Health Organization and the FDI World Dental Federation

stated that prevention of tooth decay by using fluoride is the

most realistic way of reducing the burden of tooth decay in

population and promoting the use of effective fluoride

toothpaste twice a day is strongly recommended.

Next, the topic of attachment in relation of knowledge

and practice of personal hygiene among students is addressed

by hand hygiene. Hand hygiene practice is the head of personal

hygiene practices.11 Hand washing is an important health-

promoting practice among students that can lower the risk of

harmful germs and communicable diseases. Hand hygiene is

clearly effective against gastrointestinal and, to a lesser

extent respiratory infections.12

In a research article by Mardes M. Asilo RN,Phd, Jennifer

Berberabe RN, MAN, Aquilina De Ramos RN,MAN (2018),the study

aimed to assess the presence of hand hygiene knowledge, extent

of its practice, and facilities utilization of students in

batangas city, Philipiines enrolled academic year 2016-2017.

The research investigated the significant difference in hand

Ibrahim halil kilic, et al. Personal Hygiene Habituation and
related factors of high school students in turkey. African Journal of
Microbiology Research Vol.6(19),pp 4113-4121, 23 may, 2012
Allison E. Aiello, PhD, Rebecca M. Coulborn, BS, Vanessa Perez, MS,
and Elaine L. Larson, PhD, RNAllison E. Aiello, Rebecca M. Coulborn, and
Vanessa Perez are with the Department of Epidemiology and Center for Social
Epidemiology & Population Health, School of Public Health, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. Elaine L. Larson is with the School of Nursing and the
Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY. “Effect
of Hand Hygiene on Infectious Disease Risk in the Community Setting: A
Meta-Analysis”, American Journal of Public Health 98, no. 8 pp. 1372-1381.
hygiene knowledge, practice, and facilities utilization of the

students according to grade level and school type. Study

exhibited that Private and public grades 4, 5, 6 from selected

schools in Batangas City, Philippines manifest a high level of

knowledge in hand hygiene and practice it frequently although

available facilities are not utilized. School type which is

being public and private has highly significant relationship.

In fact, public schools showed higher level of hand hygiene

knowledge, greater frequency in practice, better facilities

utilization as well as greater interest in the proposed hand

hygiene activities. Furthermore, grade level has no

significant relationship on the knowledge and practice of the

students regarding hand hygiene.

Hand washing and hand hygiene practices reduce the number

of sick leaves and loss of productivity. Hand washing reduces

absenteeism as evidenced by the study conducted around the

world like 54% (china), 40% (Egypt), 35% (Kenya), 27%

(Philippines), and 20% in (Colombia).13 Academic performance of

the students are determined by the quality of health of the

school children. Unhealthy students may not develop their full

potential which might result to high drop-out rates and low

academic performance. Study shown that those students who wash

hands had 24% fewer sick days due to respiratory illness and


Asilio, M.M, Berberabe, j & ramos, A.D. (2018). Hand Hygiene

Knowledge, Practice and Facilities Utilization of pupils in bantangas city
Philippines: Basis for proposed hand hygiene activities. LIFE:
International Journal Of Health and Life- Sciene, 3(3), 88-116.
51% fewer sick days due to upset stomach. 14 In china,

distributions of soap among primary school children resulted

in 54% fewer sick days. A research conducted by Loren Murcia

in Zapote Elementary School year 2010-2011 on students found

out that fever/flu is the most common reason why students

absent in school followed by diarrhea.15

Importance of personal hygiene among students

The most important aspect of maintaining good health is good

personal hygiene. Hygiene is a personal matter. Maintaining

physical health and cleanliness among individual help students

understand the proper way of being a responsible and well-groomed

individual. Personal hygiene is important particularly among

students because students spend most of the time in public places

and in school proximity with others. The transmission of

infections to students may contribute to absenteeism, which may

influence their academic performance.16 Hence, health education

regarding personal hygiene are essential for students for a

healthy well-being and school environment.

A study on knowledge, attitude and practice about

personal hygiene and disease awareness by Md.Mazharul Hossain

White C, Kolble R, Carlson R, et al. The effect of hand hygiene on
illness rate among students in university residence hall. Am J Infect
Control. 2003;31:364-70.
(2012) stated the reasons why personal hygiene is important. 17

It includes personal reasons, social reasons, health reasons,

psychological issues.

Personal reasons; Girls is more conscious of their

hygiene needs and practices than boys. This can be the result

of being taught of the importance of personal hygiene from

early age, from making themselves attractive to the opposite

sex. Confidence, self-esteem, and healthy socialization to

fellow students can be altered by body image, it is often

reflected on the ability of individuals to care and keep good

hygiene practices. A bright smile with a clean and healthy

teeth can endear individual whereas, unhealthy teeth can cause

embarrassment and social isolation from fellow students.

Hygienic appearance can give students confidence in everyday


Social reason; most of the students hate to be talked,

particularly in a contrary way. Being hygienic and well-

presented can project positive body image that reflects

individual personalities. Students should be instructed in

regards to importance of good personal hygiene to achieve

healthy life style and reduce the incidence of bullying in

school environment.

Md. Mazharul Hossain. (2012). A study on knowledge, attitude, and
practice about personal hygiene and disease awareness of east west
university students in Dhaka city.
Health reasons; poor hygiene leads to poor health.18

Hygiene in everyday life settings not only helps maintain a

healthy body image but also help preventing spread of

infectious diseases. Good hygiene is vital to good overall

health and wellness because it lower the chance for illness, 17

disease, and medical condition caused by the effects of poor

hygiene. Good hygiene practices are among the essentials of

the survival and development of the school children. Without

the knowledge and practice of personal hygiene, the lives of

millions of people would be at risk of suffering from water,

sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases which are one of the

leading causes of death among children. In 2015, diarrhea was

the leading cause of death among all ages, it was found out

that 35% of the total deaths from diarrhea were due to poor


Psychological Issues; by being well-presented, clean,

tidy students can feel more confident especially in social

school environment. Any mental health problem can affect a

person’s ability and motivation for caring for hygiene needs.20

Students who already have low self-esteem and depression often

neglect personal hygiene which perpetuates the problem of poor

body image. Poor hygiene might be sign of self-neglect, which

Jo Johnson. (2018).The importance of Good personal hygiene. Hygiene
experts. [retrieved:]
Save Kumwenda (2019). Challenges to Hygiene Improvement in
Developing Countries, The Relevance of Hygiene to Health in Developing
Countries, Natasha Potgieter and Afsatou Ndama Traore Hoffman, IntechOpen,
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.80355.
Deepa UL.(2015) Factors affecting home and personal hygiene.
Discovery Science, Vol: 11(25), 37-39.
it is unwillingness to practice one’s personal hygiene need.

Poor hygiene often accompanies a certain mental or emotional

disorders, including severe depression and psychotic


Factors affecting Personal Hygiene

In a research article written by Jane Gateway (2017)

posted in the website of Leaf Group Manila, the article

focuses on the factors affecting personal hygiene. Factors

affecting personal hygiene includes psychological, physical,

social and cultural, and financial.

Psychological factors; the mental health of an individual

can affect the personal hygiene aspect on the students,

however it can also work in another way. The psychological

instabilities can cause a person to neglect personal hygiene.21

Some students who might be experiencing mental distress lose

self-worth and neglect to care for personal hygiene. In

contrast, some students who are obsessive-compulsive disorder

might be over hygienic which may affect its socialization with

fellow students.

Physical factors; students who have physical

disabilities, whether temporary or permanent might not be able

to perform personal hygiene practices. For instance, a student

who has injury and has arm cast cannot fully use his arm so,

Jane Gateway(2017). Factors affecting personal hygiene.[retrieved:
it may not be able to practice personal hygiene. Under actual

components is self-perception, an individual's subjective view

about their actual appearance, self-perception itself can be

impacted by quite a few things, including an individual's

mind-set, their qualities, a recent accident of some sort, and

so on. Students perform proper personal hygiene to be more

presentable to every individuals. Students may also feel

insecurities thru its body image and by that students will

perform personal hygiene practices.

Social and Cultural Factor; individuals practice personal

hygiene because it is socially accepted and recognised by

society as a sign of healthy living and disease prevention and

in many cultures, bathing and grooming are expected to

everyone, but there are some cultures that do not encourage

daily bathing and changing of clothes.22 In some situation a

students receive social disapproval from fellow students due

to unhygienic appearance.

Financial factor; maintaining personal hygiene requires

having the basic toiletries such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste

and etc. A student with financial problem may prevent from

having access to these materials. In the other hand, students

that have enough allowance can fully practice personal hygiene

such as common to girls which is skin care.

Jane Gateway (2017). Factors affecting personal hygiene.[retrieved:
Another factor affecting student’s personal hygiene is

age. Teenagers are commonly preoccupied with being accepted by

and judged by fellow students. This means students might be

more likely to follow the latest trends regarding personal

hygiene. Once an individual hit its puberty students will

start to think more mature. At an early age students already

know how to perform proper hygiene but, every time an

individual grow more it will start to think more critically

that will lead an individual do the behaviour properly. For

instance, at an early age students know how to brush teeth,

take half bath in the evening and that’s all but, once a

student grow older they might perform upgraded personal

hygiene like having a skin care routine, taking a bath

multiple times a day and visiting derma clinic.

Major findings

1. It is hypothesized that improved awareness and hand

hygiene practices have effectively reduced

gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections by up

to 50% the two leading causes of childhood morbidity and

mortality around the world.

2. In relation to gender, the ability to define personal

hygiene was significantly higher among female (95%) than

male (82%).
3. The reasons why personal hygiene is important, includes

personal reasons, social reasons, health reasons,

psychological issues.

4. Factors affecting personal hygiene includes

psychological, physical, social and cultural, and


Theoretical Framework:

This study is anchored on the following theory:

Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980)

Theory of Reasoned Action was developed by Martin

Fishbein and Icek Ajzen. This theory recognize that there are

situations and factors that limit the influence of attitude on

behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). This theory has two

important changes first, Reasoned Action add another element

in the process of persuasion, behavioral intension. For

example, if student’s attitude leads them to want to take a

bath but the weather is cold, the cold weather will prevent

student’s attitude from causing students to take a bath.

Aforementioned, Reason Action predicts behavioral intension, a

compromise between stopping at attitude predictions and

actually predicting behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980).

Reasoned Action theory also showed the factors that limit the

influence of attitude on behavior.

The second change is that Reasoned Action Theory uses two

element the attitude and norms or the expectations of other

people. It is whenever individuals attitude lead them to do

one thing but the relevant norms suggest individuals should do

something else, both factors influence individuals behavioral

intent. For example, A girl student is currently on her

monthly period and the girl student do not take a bath because

she believe that taking a bath while on period will make the

blood stock on her ovaries and it can cause complication on

her health, but the doctors said that taking a bath while on 22

period does not have any relation on the complication of

health on every female while on period, rather taking a bath

while on period will make every girl feel clean and fresh

during menstruation. Does that girl student do what her

attitudes suggest or what the norm of the doctors suggest?

The Reasoned Action theory of Fishbein and Ajzen support

the present study as it justify the factors affecting a

student observance of personal hygiene. Reasoned Action

explained that behavioral intent is created or caused by the

two factors; student’s attitude and student’s subjective


Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

Theory of Planned Behavior is an extension of the Theory

of Reasoned Action of Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen. It has

been applied widely to the understanding of variety of

behaviors including health behaviors (Silverman B. G. & Lim S.

2016). The Theory of Planned Behavior details how the

influences on individual determine that the individuals

decision to follow a particular behavior (Silverman G. B. &

Lim S. 2016). The performance of a behavior is determined by

the individual’s intention to engage in it (influenced by the

value the individual places on the behavior, the ease with

which it can be performed and views of significant others) 23.

And the perception that the behavior is within his/her


For example in a positive side, a student who is at

school finished his/her lunch thinks if he/she will brush

his/her teeth, since students around her/him do brush their

teeth he/she might also do the behavior because his/her

decisions influenced by his/her surrounding, same in the

negative side.

The Theory of Planned Behavior explained that individuals

are likely to intend to follow a particular health action if

they believed that the behavior will lead to a particular

outcomes which they value. In connection to the present study,

students follow a particular action just like performing a

personal hygiene as they believed that it will make them look

clean and good and most common to girls is doing a skin care

Sarah R., Alison C., (2010). The Theory of planned behaviour.
as they want to have a clear skin as it lead them to be engage

in a particular action and believe in outcome that they value.

Conceptual Framework

The primary objective of the study is to appertain the

observance of personal hygiene among junior high school

students of Saint Michael Academy. To achieve this, the

researchers intend to determine the level of knowledge on

personal hygiene, personal hygiene practices in terms of: A.

Hand hygiene B. Oral Hygiene C. Other hygiene practices, and

Source of knowledge on personal hygiene of the respondents.

The Level of knowledge on personal hygiene, Personal

hygiene practices in terms of: A. Hand hygiene B. Oral Hygiene

C. Other hygiene practices, and Source of knowledge on

personal hygiene is the independent variable of the present

study. On the other hand, observance of personal hygiene is

the dependent variables of the study.

Paradigm of the Study

Independent variable Dependent

I. variable
Level of knowledge on
personal hygiene
II. Personal hygiene
practices in terms
A. Hand hygiene
B. Oral hygiene Observance of personal
C. Other hygiene hygiene
III. Source of knowledge
on personal hygiene
Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the relationship between

variables of the study


Null Hypothesis

1. The level of knowledge on personal hygiene of the junior

high school students is very high.

2. The observance of personal hygiene practices of the

junior high school students in terms of: hand hygiene,

oral hygiene, and other hygiene practices is always


3. The primary source of knowledge of the junior high school

students in regards to personal hygiene are parents.

Definition of terms:

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally

in order to facilitate common understanding of this research:

Personal Hygiene. Conceptually, it appertain to maintaining

one’s personal cleanliness. It includes proper washing of

hand, bathing, cleaning teeth, etc. In this study, it pertains

to the practices being performed by the students to observe


Hand hygiene. Conceptually and operationally, it refers to

practices that keeps the hand clean, it includes washing of

hand with soap or alcohol-based hand rubs.

Oral hygiene. Conceptually and operationally, it is the aspect

of dental care which covers keeping teeth clean and healthy.

It includes brushing of teeth every after meal. Students’ oral

practices determine their knowledge on proper personal


Other hygiene practices. Conceptually and operationally, it

refers to other practices excluding oral and hand hygiene.

Other hygiene practices are acts of keeping other parts of the

body clean.

Figure 2. The map above shows the location of Saint Michael


The present study was directed in Catarman, which is the

capital of the Northern Samar, Philippines. The said area is

known to have the largest number of population and land area

in the province. Catarman is also considered as the

commercial, educational, financial, political, and government

center of the said province.

This study was conducted in Saint Michael Academy,

located at Bonifacio Corner, Quezon Street, Brgy. Acacia,

Catarman, Northern Samar. The Saint Michael Academy started in

1946, it is a private-catholic institution and has been the

only Dominican-Siena school in region 8. The said school is

located near the heart of Catarman, also known as the Our Lady

of the Annunciation Cathedral Parish.

The number of students enrolled in Saint Michael Academy

school year 2020-2021 is 1,002. The population of students in

junior high school is 671. There are currently 139 grade 7

students, 164 grade 8 students, 177 grade 9 students, and 191

grade 10 students. The other students which do not fall as

part of junior high school students are not within the scope

of this research. The present study will focus especially to

the junior high school students because students who are in a

lower age is more prone to neglect proper hygiene due to lack

of knowledge regarding personal hygiene.

Research Design

This is a quantitative type of study and under this,

descriptive method was used in order to gain the data that

determine observance of personal hygiene practices of the


The researchers used descriptive method to describe the

level of knowledge, personal hygiene practices, and the source

of knowledge of the students regarding personal hygiene.

The Variables

There are two kinds of variable present in this study:

the independent and dependent variables. The level of 29

knowledge on personal hygiene, personal hygiene practices in

terms of: hand hygiene, oral hygiene, and other hygiene

practices, and last is the source of knowledge regarding

personal hygiene of the junior high school constituted the

independent variable of the study. On the other hand,

observance of personal hygiene was the dependent variable of

the study.

Population and Sampling

As of school year 2020-2021 a total of 1,002 students is

enrolled in Saint Michael Academy both junior high school and

senior high school. However, the researchers will only gather

the data to junior high school students in Saint Michael

Academy. There are 671 enrolled junior high school students in

Saint Michael Academy. There are currently 139 grade 7

students, 164 grade 8 students, 177 grade 9 students, and 191

grade 10 students.

Grade level Percentage from the Number of samples

total population

Grade 7 21.1% 53
Grade 8 24.3% 61
Grade 9 26.3% 66
Grade 10 28.3% 71
Total 100% 251

To avoid bias the researchers will use a proportionate

stratified random sampling in determining the total number of

samples, the researchers will use the slovin’s formula. With a

5% margin of error, there should be a total of 251 respondents

of the present study. After getting the number of samples,

proportionate stratified sampling will be used. The

researchers divided the population in to four grade level of 30

junior high school form grade 7-10. Total number of samples

will be proportionately divided according to the total number

of population per strata (grade level).

The Respondents

There are 671 number of junior high school students

currently enrolled in Saint Michael Academy school year 2020-

2021. The 251 junior high school students that are assessed
through slovin’s formula will be the respondents of the study.

The said respondents were selected because younger students

are particularly vulnerable to neglect personal hygiene

practices due to lack of knowledge. Low level of knowledge and

poor personal hygiene practices play a significant functions

in the high occurrence of transmittable sicknesses and

viruses, such as today’s health crisis of corona virus. Thus,

it has negative ramification for a younger student’s long term

overall health development and should not be ignored.

Research Instrument

The survey questionnaire was used as the research

instrument to gather the needed data of the study. The Survey

questionnaire was patterned form the study of Jafar A. Qasem

et al., (2018) in their study on Personal hygiene among

college students in Kuwait: A Health promotion perspective.

The researchers modified the aforementioned instrument to make

it more suitable to the locale and respondents of the study.

The survey questionnaire is constituted of six (6) parts

that classified the personal hygiene practices and the source

of knowledge of the respondents regarding personal hygiene.

The initial (1) part of the questionnaire will request

for respondents’ demographic profile which incorporates the

name (optional), grade level, and gender. The items included

in second (2) part of the questionnaire is designed to

determine the knowledge of proper personal hygiene and

personal hygiene practices of the respondents. The third (3)

part of the survey questionnaire are items intended to

determine the respondents hand hygiene practices. Items refer

to oral hygiene practices are indicated in the fourth (4) part

of the survey questionnaire. The fifth (5) part of the survey

questionnaire are items for other hygiene practices, while in

the sixth (6) part the source of knowledge regarding personal

hygiene is pointed out.

Moreover, all segment of the survey questionnaire are

all designed as 5-point Likert scale which signifies strongly

agree to strongly disagree.

Scoring and Interpretation

The scale for interpretation will be used for the 5-point

Likert scale of the questionnaire to ascertain the level and

observance of personal hygiene among the junior high school


erage Interpretation
Answer Score Interval Observance Level

5 4.21 – 5.00 Always Very High

Strongly observed
4 3.41 – 4.20 frequently High
Agree Observed
3 2.61 – 3.40 occasionally Moderate
Undecided observed
2 1.81 – 2.60 Rarely Low
Disagree observed
1 1.00 – 1.80 Not observed Very Low

Data Gathering Procedure

Due to current health crisis of corona virus there was no

face to face classes hence, the data gathering procedure was

held through online via survey platform specifically google


In gathering the needed data by the researchers, the

following procedures were followed: First, the survey

questionnaire was patterned that contains statements regarding

the level of knowledge on personal hygiene, observance of

personal hygiene in terms of: hand hygiene, oral hygiene, and

other hygiene practices and last is the source of knowledge on

personal hygiene. Then the distribution of these survey

questionnaire was done by the researcher by first seeking

permission to the advisers to collect the necessary data

through online survey. The researchers initiated group chat

via Facebook messenger to add the randomly selected junior

high school students. After adding all of the respondents by

grade level, the researchers sent the survey form. The survey

tool can be answered within 15-30 minutes only. After which,

the researchers monitored all survey questionnaires via google

The research instrument was administered by the

researchers themselves to ensure validity and reliability of

the gathered data. Further, the gathered data being sent to

researcher was tabulated and analyzed.

Statistical Treatment

The information that was assembled was scored, counted,

organized and analyzed statistically dependent on the

recurrence tallies and percentage, weighted mean, and multiple

regression analysis.

Percentage Computation
This was utilized to determine the percentage dependent

on recurrence checks of the socio-demographic profile of the

respondents as to grade level and gender.



P = Percentage

f = Frequency

n = Sample Size

Weighted Mean
This will be used to compute, tabulate, and scores of the

respondents on the survey questionnaire for personal hygiene

practices. Statistical analysis will focus on the descriptive

differences across gender and grade level of the students.



Xwm = Weighted Mean

f = Frequency

n = Sample size

Chapter IV


Table 1.A

Socio-Demographic Profile of the respondents as to Sex

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 130 51.8%
Male 121 48.2%
Total 251 100%

Gender. Table 1.A Distribution of the respondents in terms of

Gender. The table conveys the percentage of the respondents in

regards to their gender. According to the collected data,

majority of the respondents were female with an overall

frequency of 130 and a percentage of 51.8%, followed by the

male category with a total frequency of 121 and a percentage

48.2%. The table clearly shows that female students has more


Table 1.B

Socio-demographic profile of the respondents as to Grade Level

Grade Level Frequency Percentage

Grade 7 53 21.1%
Grade 8 61 24.3%
Grade 9 66 26.3%
Grade 10 71 28.3%
Total 251 100%

Grade Level. Table 1.B Distribution of the respondents in

terms of Grade Level. The table below displays junior high

school from grade 7 to 10. Majority of the respondents were

from grade 10 with the total frequency of 71 and a percentage

of 28.3% out of 251 randomly selected students. In contrast,

respondents in grade 7 ranked least with a total number of 53

and a percentage of 21.2%.

Table 2

Level of Knowledge of Personal Hygiene of the Respondents

Question Frequency Mean Interpretation
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Personal 136 99 13 2 2 4.46 Very high
your self-
Practicing 156 75 18 3 0 4.54 Very high
prevents the
spread of
You should 144 89 18 2 0 4.52 Very high
brush your
teeth after
every meal.
Poor dental 126 101 21 4 0 4.40 Very high
hygiene can
cause oral
You should 142 91 14 3 1 4.50 Very high
wash your
face every
morning in
order to
remove all
dirt that
you have
come in
contact with
during the
course of
the day.
The proper 145 79 23 4 1 4.50 Very high
washing of
hands is 20-
30 seconds
or about the
length of a
little tune
of “happy
Maintaining 148 91 12 3 0 4.60 Very high
hygiene has
benefits to
Taking a 152 91 9 2 0 4.60 Very high
shower every
day is 38
important to
ensure body
stays clean
and odor
Cleaning the 118 99 27 8 0 4.31 Very high
ears is also
Sharing of 121 92 34 4 1 4.32 Very high
hygiene kits
can cause
Long 127 95 23 8 0 4.40 Very high
tend to
dirt on the
Keeping 125 106 20 1 0 4.43 Very high
trimmed and
in good
shape weekly
is important
Poor hair 122 109 12 8 0 4.40 Very high
could cause
dandruff and
Changing 127 103 14 7 0 4.40 Very high
daily is
Table 2 Distribution of the respondents in terms of their 39

knowledge on personal hygiene. In this table, the researchers

wanted to determine the level of knowledge regarding personal

hygiene of the respondents. It is revealed that educational

level regarding personal hygiene was very high among the

respondents, with most of them understanding the concept very


The Table also presented that the most strongly agreed

statement with a weighted mean of 4.54 “Practicing proper

hygiene prevents the spread of communicable diseases including

corona virus.” This means that junior high school students

know that practicing proper personal hygiene is significant in

this time of pandemic.

The least strongly agreed statement was “Cleaning the

ears is also necessary” with a weighted mean of 4.31. This

implies that there are least number of respondents among all

who does not consider cleaning the ears as necessary personal

hygiene practice.

Table 3.A

Observance of personal hygiene of the respondents as to hand


Question Frequency Mean Interpretation

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

I wash my 113 104 27 11 0 4.32 Always
hands with observed
water and

I wash my 133 81 24 11 2 4.32 Always

hand before observed
I wash my 144 79 22 6 0 4.44 Always
hand after observed
I wash my 99 96 40 17 1 4.12 frequently
hand after observed
contact with
a pet.
I wash my 103 90 43 16 0 4.13 frequently
hand after observed
I wash my 112 96 34 9 2 4.25 Always
hand after observed
coming back
I wash my 136 89 23 6 0 4.49 Always
hand after observed
going to
I properly 120 94 29 10 1 4.32 Always
demonstrate observed
the hand
I am aware 147 84 14 5 1 4.48 Always
that poor observed
hand hygiene
can spread

Table 3.A shows the distribution of the respondents in 41

terms of hand hygiene. In this table, the researchers wanted

to know the practice of the respondents as to hand hygiene.

Out of 9 statement there are 7 statement that were always

observed by the respondents. However, there are 2 statement

that were frequently observed by the respondents. It is

revealed that the respondents wash their hand with soap.

Washing hand before and after eating is always observed by the

respondents. The researchers also found out that the statement

“I properly demonstrate the hand hygiene practices”, with a

weighted mean of 4.32 was always observed by the respondents.

This implies that most number of respondents properly

demonstrate the hand hygiene practices.

The most strongly agreed statement was that “I am aware

that poor hand hygiene can spread communicable diseases”, with

a weighted mean of 4.48. This means that most number of

respondents were aware of the consequences of poor hand


Further, the table also presented the least strongly

agreed statement was “I wash my hand after contact with a

pet”, with a weighted mean of 4.12. The statement was

frequently observed by the respondents. This implies that some

number of respondents do not wash their hand after contact

with a pet.

Table 3.B

Observance of Personal Hygiene of the Respondents as to Oral

Frequency on
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
I brush my
before I go Always
to sleep. 128 100 15 5 5 4.38 observed
I use
synsodyne, Always
etc.) 97 111 39 6 0 4.22 observed
I change my
every 3 Frequently
months. 70 85 36 50 12 3.59 observed
I brush my
teeth every Frequently
after meal. 103 104 34 11 1 4.20 observed
I visit
clinic to
get my
teeth a occasionally
check-up. 37 60 68 59 28 3.09 observed
I properly
teeth Frequently
techniques 87 118 34 12 2 4.12 observed
I am well
aware that
poor oral
hygiene can
cause oral Always
diseases. 136 101 12 4 0 4.49 observed

Table 3.B shows the distribution of the respondents in 43

terms of oral hygiene. In this table, the researcher wanted to

determine the practices of the respondents in terms of oral

hygiene. Only 3 out of 7 statement was always observed by the

respondents. Brushing teeth before going to bed was always

observed by the respondents. The statement “I change my

toothbrush every 3 months”, was frequently observed by the

respondents with a weighted mean of 3.59. Also, the statement

“I properly demonstrate the brushing and flossing teeth

techniques” with a weighted mean of 4.12 was frequently

observed by the respondent. This implies that the respondents

were inadequately maintaining their oral hygiene

Moreover, the table presented that the most strongly

agreed statement was “I am well aware that poor oral hygiene

can cause oral diseases” with a weighted mean of 4.49. This

mean that most number of respondents know the aftereffect of

performing inadequately oral hygiene.

On the other hand, the statement that got the least

strongly agreed and occasionally observed by the respondents

was “I visit dental clinic to get my teeth a check-up” with a

weighted mean of 3.09. This implies that most numbers of

respondents do not go to dental clinic to get their

consultation from the dentist.

Table 3.C

Observance of Personal Hygiene of the Respondents as to other

hygiene practices

Question Frequency Mean Interpretatio

(5) (4) (3) (2 (1)
I bathe and 140 93 15 4 1 4.49 Always
wash my hair observed
with shampoo
and water
I have a skin 98 67 46 31 10 3.82 Frequently
care routine. observed
(Ex. Facial
wash, toner,
I use 97 81 35 33 6 3.93 Frequently
deodorant. (Ex. observed
Rexona, Nivea,
I cover my nose 118 102 27 8 0 4.36 Always
and mouth with observed
tissue or elbow
when coughing
and sneezing.

I trim my hair 66 61 47 61 21 3.42 Frequently

at least once a observed
I trim my nails 98 84 41 22 7 3.98 Frequently
once a week. observed

I use perfume 97 104 35 16 0 4.14 Frequently

to keep me observed
smell good.
I changed my 108 113 25 7 0 4.30 Always
facemask every observed
after 4hours of

In this table, the researchers intended to determine the

observance of the respondents in terms of other hygiene

practice. The data gathered presented that the most strongly

agreed statement was “I bathe and wash my hair with shampoo

and water daily”, with a weighted mean of 4.49. This means

that taking a bath with shampoo and water is always observed

by the respondents. Also, changing facemask every after 4hrs

of use was always observed by the respondents.

Further, researchers found out that the least strongly

agreed statement was “I trim my hair at least once a month”

with a weighted mean of 3.42. This implies that most number of

respondents prefer to trim their hair in a longer period of

time. The second least strongly agreed statement was “I use 45

deodorant. (Ex. Rexona, Nivea, etc)” with a weighted mean of

3.93. This means that most respondents do not use deodorant as

part of observing personal hygiene. Trimming nails at least

once a week ranked third of least strongly agreed and

frequently observed by the respondents.

Table 4
Source of knowledge about personal hygiene of the students

Source of Knowledge Frequency Percentage

From parents 176 70.1%
From school teachers 61 24.3%
From friends 29 11.6%
From social media 63 25.1%
platforms( Ex.
Television, radio,
Total 251 100%
According to the data gathered based on the source of

knowledge on personal hygiene of the junior high school

students in Saint Michael academy, it shows that majority of

the students got much information from their parents with the

total frequency of 176 and a percentage of 70.1%. Contrarily,

friends ranked least as the source of knowledge regarding

personal hygiene of the respondents. This means that the

parents is the primary source of knowledge of the respondents

in regards to their practice of personal hygiene. 46

Chapter V 47

Summary, conclusion, and recommendations


This study, which is the observance of personal hygiene

among junior high school students, S.Y. 2020-2021 sought to

determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of gender and grade level; to determine the students’

level of knowledge on personal hygiene; to determine the

observance of personal hygiene practices among junior high

school students in terms of hand hygiene, oral hygiene, and

Other hygiene practices; and to identify the students’ sources

of knowledge on personal hygiene.

This research study utilized as descriptive method to

attain the research objectives. The Survey questionnaire via

google form was used as the research instrument to accumulate

the needed data. The researchers personally administered the

research instrument to guarantee accuracy of the responses.

The researchers used a proportionate stratified random

sampling in determining the total number of samples, the

researchers used the Slovin’s formula with a 5% margin of

error. The respondents of this study were the 251 randomly

selected the junior high school students of Saint Michael


The statistical treatment of the data that have been

gathered by the researchers, percentage, frequency counts, and

mean were used as the statistical tools to determine the

objectives of the study.

According to the collected data, majority of the

respondents were under the grade 10 level. In terms of gender,

greater part of the respondents were female compared to the


In determining the level of knowledge of personal hygiene

of the respondents, the gathered data shown that the junior

high school students is well knowledgeable on personal


For the observance of personal hygiene practices in terms

of hand hygiene, the researchers found out that out of 10

statements on survey questionnaire there are 8 statement that

were always observed by the respondents. On the other hand,

the observance of personal hygiene in terms of oral hygiene,

researchers ascertained that respondents frequently observed

the proper brushing and flossing teeth techniques. Also the

gathered data shown that majority of the respondents are well

aware that poor oral hygiene can cause oral diseases.

Moreover, in terms of other hygiene practices, the researchers

found out that changing facemask every after 4hrs is always

observed by the respondents. Also, the data gathered shown

that taking a bath and washing hair with shampoo is the

leading hygiene practices of the respondents.

Further, the researchers determined that the primary

source of knowledge regarding personal hygiene of the

respondents are parents.


Based on the finding of this study, the researchers

therefore conclude the following:

Most of the respondent belongs to grade 10 and majority

of the respondent were found out to be female respondents. It

is a consistent result with the research study of Mohammed

Ghanim et al., in accordance to knowledge and practices of

personal hygiene among student. The ability to define personal

hygiene was higher among female than male.

In determining the level of knowledge of the respondents

in terms of personal hygiene, the researchers found out that

the statement in the questionnaire which is “Practicing proper

hygiene prevents the spread of communicable diseases including

corona virus”, got the most frequently counts of strongly

agree from the respondents. It is hereby explained by the

theory of planned behavior that individual are likely to

intend to follow a particular health action if they believe

that the behavior will lead to a particular outcome. All of

the data in terms of level of knowledge on personal hygiene of

the respondents were interpreted as very high, as to what the

respondents answered. This implies that the junior high school

students understand well the concept of personal hygiene and

thus, have a very high knowledge in regards to personal


In terms of observance of personal hygiene as to hand

hygiene, the researchers were able to find out that most of

the respondents are aware that poor hand hygiene can spread

communicable diseases. Moreover, washing hand after contact

with a pet and after being visiting public places were

frequently observed by the junior high school students.

Contrarily, in terms of oral hygiene, visiting dental

clinic were frequently observed by the respondents. It is a

persistent result with the research study of Rafi Togoo et al.

about oral health knowledge and practice among respondents. It

states that due to fear of dental treatment and high costs of

dental care in private clinics among respondents is the reason

of irregular dental attendance.24 Moreover, researchers found

Rafi A. et al. Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry.(2012).


Oral Hygiene Knowledge and Practices among school Students in

out that the most frequently counts strongly-agree were the

statement of “I am well aware that poor oral hygiene can cause

oral diseases”. This implies that junior high school students

knew the consequences of not observing proper oral hygiene.

As to other hygiene practices taking a shower is the

leading hygiene practices reported by the respondents however,

trimming the nails once a week were frequently observed by the

respondents as well as trimming the hair once a month. The

researchers also found out that changing facemask every after

4hrs were always observed by the respondents.

Based on the gathered data in regards to the sources of

knowledge of personal hygiene of the respondents, the primary

source of the junior high school students regarding personal

hygiene is their parents. This is a consistent result with the

research study of Mohammed G. et al about knowledge and

practices of personal hygiene among students.

The next topic of attachment is the null hypothesis of

the study that was testified by the researchers.

The first Null Hypothesis of this study states that the

level of knowledge on personal hygiene of the junior school

students is very high. According to the gathered data the

junior high school students understand well the concept and

practices of personal hygiene. Moreover, this means that the

junior high school students have a very high level of

a rural area of south southern Saudi Arabia.

knowledge regarding personal hygiene. Thus, this implies that

the researchers has proved the first null hypothesis of the


The observance of personal hygiene practices of the

junior high school students in terms of: hand hygiene, oral

hygiene, and other hygiene is always observed, this was the

second null hypothesis of the study. The researchers testified

 Hand hygiene- According to the gathered data, it

appears that only 2 out of 9 statements were

frequently observed by the respondents. These are

the statements of “I wash my hand after contact with

a pet and I wash my hand after being visiting public

places”. The majority of the statements were always

observed by the respondents. Thus, this implies that

the majority of hand hygiene practices were always

observed by the junior high school students.

 Oral hygiene- The gathered data shows that only 3

out of 7 statement were always observed by the

respondents. This means that not all oral hygiene

practices were always observed by the respondents.

Therefore, the gathered data does not correspond to

the second null hypothesis of the study.

 Other hygiene- It appears that only 3 out 8

statement were always observed by the respondents.

Thus, this implies that majority of the other

hygiene practices were not always observed by the

junior high school students. This does not accord to

the second null hypothesis.

The third null hypothesis of the study states that the

primary source of knowledge of the junior high school students

in regards to personal hygiene are parents. Based on the

gathered data, parents got the majority of the total frequency

of 176 out of 251 and a percentage of 70.1%. This align to the

third null hypothesis of the study.


From what was unravelled in the findings of this study,

the researchers recommend the following;

For Students

1. Students should follow the health protocols that is given

from the school administrator

2. Students should provide themselves a rubbing alcohol and

extra face mask.

For School Administrator

1. School Administrator should provide health protocols

around the campus to avoid getting infected by the virus

For Parents/Legal guardians

1. Parents and Legal guardians should maintain the personal

hygiene of the children to avoid getting infected by the


2. Parents and Legal guardians should help their children to

nurture on how to maintain their personal hygiene

For Department of Health

1. Department of Health should maintain the health

protocols of the public communities, industries,

transportation, and private sectors.

For Future Researchers

1. Future researchers should involve all of the campus

in the data that will acquire reliable, informative, and

sufficient results to augment the generalization of the


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