Question Forms Wh-Words Auxiliar Y Subject Verb Complement ?

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What do I Work every day
Who does You Walk twice a day
Where He jump every week
When did She listen to
Why It write yesterday
How will We study last year
Which You play last month ?
What time have They swim in 1990
What kind of has learn
What sort of think recently
What type of can Mary bring lately
How much should Luis dream
How many may George paint for a headache
Whom might and Pam run with the books
Whose must climb
How often could fly

Rose plays computer games every day in the afternoon with some
friends because she wants to enter a competition.
Who plays computer games every day…?
What does Rose do/play every day in the afternoon…?
How often does Rose play computer games…?
When does Rose play computer games every day…?
Who does Rose play computer games with?
Why does Rose play computer games every day in the afternoon?
Margaret and I study very hard for an exam every day at nights
because we want to get good marks.
Who studies very hard for an exam…?
What do we do every day at nights…?
How often do we study very hard for an exam…?
When do we study very hard for an exam…?
Why do we study very hard for an exam every day at nights?

Question Answer
I, We You
You I, We
My, Our your
your My, our

The mechanic checks my car every month.

Who checks your car every month?
What does the mechanic do every month? What does the mechanic
check every month?
How often does the mechanic check your car?
Jack went on a trip last Friday to Galapagos with some friends.
Who went on a trip last Friday to Galapagos with some friends?
What did Jack do last Friday?
When did Jack go on a trip to Galapagos with some friends?
Where did Jack go on a trip last Friday with some friends?
Who did Jack go on a trip to Galapagos with?

Peter will visit some friends in Paris next week.

Who will visit some friends in Paris next week?
What will Peter do next week?
Where will Peter visit some friends next week?
When will Peter visit some friends in Paris?

(BE) T
What is that ?
When are your going today ?
What were you doing yesterday ?
Where were you yesterday ?
Who was in the library ?
Whose is this ?

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