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Turning Words Into Games, Part Two

The Lineup way, will explain his technique in a future "Tales." Once
SEAD comprises half of Victory Games. In editorial, we have editorial, art, and the designer have agreed to the final look of the
Robert J. Ryer, who has been in the business for over seven years maps and counters, the type is set and the mecharucals begun.
and is frequently ane, despite hi time on the front line; Michael As the hard components are being done, the editorial staff
E. Moore, a five-year veteran and beginning to show battle scars; works on the rules. It may take several drafts before the rules
and Paul M. Murphy, the new kid in lhecompany, unscarred yet, come out the satisfaction of the editor and designer. Once the
but taking cohesion hits already. In art, we have Ted Koller, a six- rules are ready, they are typeset and then laid down on boards.
year veteran of the board who has yet to play one of our games; The final mechanicals are sent to Monarch-Avalon in Baltimore
Rosaria Baldari, our recent addition to the art of boardwork (she to be printed.
still doesn't know what we do); and Jim Talbot, artist extra- Thus a game goes from tbe designer's manuscript to the final
ordinaire. Most of VG's and TAHGC's covers have come from product you buy in the store. In the next issue of the Insider, we'll
Jim's fecund imaginaton and talented fingers. These six are go into more detail on the editing process of a game.
responsible for turning the designer's ideas into professional
games, and they often come tbrough.
Victory Games' editorial staff is rather unusual in our hobby.
That we have an editorial staff to begin with is very rare. Not only
are they responsible for turning out a good set of rules, they In This Insider
actually become involved in developing the game as it goes This time around, we continue with Tony Curtis analysis of the
through production. In developing the game, they seek primarily Vietnam game. Tony received developmental assistance crectit on that
to make the game rules as accessible as possible, which may in- game, and he has put his experience to good use. The article covers
volve tearing apart the rules manuscript and reorganizing it to the variety of tactical options the U.S. commander has at his com-
make understanding the rules easier. mand. There are numerous examples that you can follow along with
For example, a designer may design several Combat Results the text.
Tables for different ways of resolving combat. The information For Ambush fans, we also have •An Infantryman' Diary,' or
may be redundant, and by adding another column or rearranging one gamer's impression of how his campaign went.
the possible combat results, several tables are combined into one.
Occasionally, more drastic measures have to be undertaken with In the Next Insider
freelance designs - eliminating excessive chrome, redesigning While the final mix has not been decided, we do have a slew of
the game system to add enjoyment to the game, or reducing the articles to choose from. In the bin is another article on Vietnam
game system to its basic elements and buildjng it anew. The final (although after Tony's exhaustive analy is, we will wait at least an
result is to have the rules read well and the game play well. issue before printing it), and we expect articles on Hell's Highway
The editorial staff also must make the game counters and and Cold War. And with the publication of Purple Heart, the second
maps both attractive and easy to use in the game. They decide in supplement to Ambush, we will also publish a mission of our own.
what order of importance the bits of information are to be shown Why not publish it now, I hear you ask? Because it will u e some
on the counters. As the number of bits per counter increases, they of the counters and rules found in the supplement.
do numerous tests until they find the best arrangement of tbe in- By the way, Purple Heart is methodically working it way through
formation. They also must decide how the information will be typesetting by the time you read this. You will be happy to know
presented on the map - how big will the names of cities be; how that it follows the tradition established in the first game of "plant-
many charts, tables, tracks and displays will fit on the map; what ing" bogus paragraph that are often quite hilarious. We're think-
decorative graphics should be added to the rulebook to increase ing about a future column in Thrilling Tales that will help you locate
playability and produce a pleasing work of art. all the paragraphs, and provide some explanation for the private jokes
The basic design decisions about the maps and counters are that appear. We'll see.
made with the art staff. Ted Koller has been doing maps and
counters for over a hundred simulation games, and is a font of
knowledge about adding glitz while cutting corner. Ted, by the

Executive Editor: Mark Herman Victory Insider Is devoted to printing articles about tl1e products of Victory
Managing Editor. William E. Peschel Games, Inc.
Tl1e Victory Games Staff: All editorial and general mall should be sent to The Avalon Hill Game Company,
Mark Herman, Jerry Gllcl1enl1ouse, Rosarla Baldarl, Robert Kern, Gerry Klug, 4517 Harford Ad., Baltimore. MD 21214. Subscriptions to Tl1e General are $12.00 for
Susan Kocl1, Ted Koller, Mlcl1ael E. Moore, Paul Murpl1y, Bob Ryer, Eric Lee Smltl1. one year, $18.00 for two years, Address changes musl be submilled al least 6 weeks
Jim Talbot. In advance 10 guarantee proper delivery, Paid advertising Is not accepted.
Project Oversight: W. Bill Articles from tl1e public will be considered for publication at the discrellon of
our Executive Editor. Articles should be typewritten, double-spaced, and written in
Conlents Copyright © 1984 by Victory Games, Inc. English. There is no Ilmilto word length. Rejected artlcies will be returned If submit·
ted wllh a stamped·self addressed envelope,

Hunting the Vietcong

Winning Vietnam Tactics

By Tony Curtis

Whenever you playa ingle VielllGm cenario or campaign game, the assume that the VC is a 2-1-7 battalion. The six hexes around 1775 are
U.S. player alway has a nagging problem: the VC. Those inverted VC clear terrain, and even though a minor river hexside has to be crossed
units are reaJly lippery and elusive. They alert out of dangerous situa- to enter 1776 and 1876, the overall movement advantage for a VC unit
tions. They react out of area where they could be trapped. They u e using alert movement is more favorable here than almost anywhere else
trategic movement to escape from provinces swarming with U.S. units, on the map. In other word , if you can catch the VC here, you can catch
or cro the border to helters in Cambodia or Laos. them anywhere.
In order to catch the VC, you will have to rely on your workhorse For this example, both Choung Thien and Ba Xuyen province are
tactic: the earch and de troy (S&D). It comes in an infinite variety of not firmly enough under government control to withstand free-fire and
shape and ize:. There are no pre- et number of ground unit or sup- not enougb under VC control where free-fue wouldn't matter. So free-
port level required. The trick is to u e enough force to do the job without fire will nOI be used. All province captials and towns are garrisoned
overkiJIing. ot u ing enough force is false economy at its worst be- by mi cellaneous ARVN battalion, not shown in the illustrations.
cause the allocated units cannot be reused even though the VC get away. The U.S. player is the phasing player and he declares a S&D mission
You have to throw out all of your pre-conceived ideas about how to against 1775 u ing the e previou Iy uninvolved units:
engage in combat. Simply moving one or two units next to a VC unit Headquarter, 9th U.S. Infantry Division
in a target hex is a waste of your time and units. Occupying the target Headquarters, 2nd Brigade 9th Divi ion plu the three organic
hex alone is no guarantee of succe either. battalion, in econd deployment
The U.S. player has to develop a methodical approach to hi S&D
operations. You have to remember that unlike standard combat units Illustration 1·1
the VC can react out of harm's way before combat. VC units are not
powerful. They will 10 e the fight when cornered by a U.S. player utiliz-
ing ufficient force. The re:al trick for the U.S. player is to ensure that
the VC cannot run far enough during any round of combat.
Again tingle VC units, I prefer to u e a surround and interdict sys-
tem which practically nullifies all cbance of VC escape. There is a trade-
off to thi type of operation. It requires high number of ground unit
and support levels. The high chance of succe s makes it worth it. There
are additional benefit to using higher force levels: higher odd produce
higher VC ca ualties. When amassing combat strength for the higher
odds attacks, make sure that the majority of the points are air or artillery
points. Large numbers of ground units with little or no fLrepower are
inherently inefficient and tend to receive more ca ualties than they in-
flict. Check out the combat results table. Eight strength points upport-
ed by 24 air/artillery points is far more effective than 24 strength point
supported by 8 air/artillery points.
A econd advantage is the increased pursuit bonu es generated by the
higher odds. VC units surviving the fir t round of combat have a far
less chance to escape when U.S. units are able to come storming after
them with high pur uit bonu es. These higber pursuit bonuses help fuel
sub equent round of combat. All unu ed pursuit translates into higher
positive die roll modifier for the combat. Finally, after the VC units
are destroyed or chased across the border the higher pursuit bonuse
generated aid in repo itioning the operational units for future operation
or to block the retreat of VC units not yet targeted.

Part One: Search & Destroy

The fir t example shows how to catcb a ingle VC unit even when
terrain most heavily favors VC chances for e cape. Seven maneuver units
are required. Most S&D operations require fewer, usually three to five.
In extreme cases wbere a VC unit occupies a cultivated or grassland
hex, a ingle U.S. battalion using +2 interdiction will still remain on
or adjacent to the VC unit on any reaction die roll except a six.
We are going to run a S&D operation again t a VC target unit in 1775
a marsh on the Chuong ThienlBa Xuyen provincial border. We will
Illustration 1-2 Air Cavalry Brigade, 9th Division
16th Regiment, 9th ARV Division (augmented ide hawing)
8 Air Points
Plus a roll of 2 on the die means that 2 ranger units out of the 5 in
the pool are available.
The U.S. player airmobilizes the brigade and division HQs. These
unit are moved to the following hexes:
16th ARVN Regiment: 1675
Ranger battalion and 16th ARV Regiment: 1776
3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 9th Divi ion: 1775
AR CAY Battalion 9th Division: 1674//
1st Battalion (Mech), 2nd Brigade, 9th Divi ion: 1774
Ranger Battalion with 1st Battalion Mechanized: 1874
HQ 2nd Brigade, 9th Division: 1774
2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 9th Division: 1875
HQ 9th Division: 1875
Fourteen points are allocated to interdiction to provide a two-point
movement penalty on the VC unit. The points are all anillery, and pro-
vided as follows: 16th ARV Regiment: 4 points; 2nd Brigade 9th Di-
vision: 5 points' HQ, 9th Division: 5 points (leaving 3 for combat).
The VC unit in the target hex is now in a tight position. (See Illustra-
tion 1-2). If it takes alert movement, it will uffer a four-point move-
ment penalty due to interdiction (two points) and exiting a hex with an
enemy unit (also two points). At least three more movement points are
needed to pass through any hex surrounding target hex 1775 (one point
for the terrain and two points for exiting a hex with an enemy units).
With the three-point bonu for exiting a swamp hex plus one point for
being in an operation containing ARV units, our VC unit must roll
at least a four to move out of the target hex and orne of the urrounding
hexes. To get away entirely, a six mu t be rolled. Even entirely sur-
rounded a VC unit can still get away but the chance is only one in
six and the unit will probably be forced into an unfavorable incidental
attack in the process.
Illustration 1-3: The Incidental Attack. The VC unit rolls an alert roll
of 5. Added to the four-point movement bonus (three for mar h terrain
and one for ARVN units). the unit moves along a path which end in
1777. While crossing 1776, however, the U.S. player declares that an
Illustration 1·3 incidental attack must be performed against the ARV ranger battalion
in that hex. The initial odds are 3-to-2 in favor of the ve, with no ter-
rain modifiers for cultivated terrain. The U.S. allocates four of the eight
air points to assist the rangers making final adds three to four for a
-1 die roll modifier when the ve attacks. The ve player roll the die
and get a three, modified by the -I to a final result of two. The VC
unit loses one strength point (for casualty computations the VC strength
is four: two group trength plus four U.S. air points, reduced to two
for no free-fire. Casualitie are found on the 4-to-7.5 column on the
attacker side). The ARV los is zero (ground strength two plus one
ve Artillery point equal three. Use the I-to-3.5 column defender's
side.) Helicopter los is ignored because no combat took place in the
target hex and the U.S. unit in the target hex went in on foot instead
of airmobile. The ve absorbs one replacement point and completes it
movement to 1777.
Illustration 1-4: The VC unit is attacked. The ve unit used all nine
movement point to reach 1777: full interdiction (2) exiting with enemy'
unit in 1775 (2), crossing a minor river into 1776 (1), terrain cost in
1776 (1), exiting with enemy unit in 1776 (2) terrain cost in 1777 (1).
To have gotten away completely the VC unit would have needed two
more movement points: leave zone of control of ARVN rangers in 1776
(I) terrain co t of 1677, 1778 or 1877 (1).
The AR VN unit, augmented by four air points attacks with a strength
of four (two for basic strength plu fWO points for air uppon: the four
air points divided by two for no free-fire). The VC unit defends with
three points: two for basic strength plu one for the ve artiUery factor).
ote: there are three anillery points unused in HQ 9th Division but
they cannot be nsed because the ARVN rangers are not a 9th Division
unit. There are no modifiers to the die roU because 4-ro-3 does not meet
or exceed 3-ro-2 odds. The U.S. player rolls and receive a five. The
VC unit takes one strength point 10 and ab orb one replacement point.
There i no loss to the ARVN rangers. Pursuit: +2. The VC unit retreats
to 2078. The U.S. player pursues.
illustration 1-5: The pursuit and second combat round. The U.S. player
declare the following units to be uninvolved in future rounds: both ranger
units are removed from the map; the 16th ARVN Regiment are air-

mobilized 10 2076; the 9th Air Cavalry Squadron is not moved; the 1st Illustration 1-4
Battalion Mechanized, 2nd Brigade, 9th Division is moved by road 10
2075; and the HQ, 2nd Brigade. 9th Division is moved by airmobile
to 2075.
The U.S. player pursues with eight air points and the following units:
the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 9th Division is ainnobilized to 2178;
the 3rd Batlalion, 2nd Brigade, 9th Division is airmobilized to 1978;
the HQ, 9th Division is moved by airmobile to 2076.
Note that pursuit movement for ground units is the printed pursuit
modifiers plus the + 2 pursuit bonus gained in round one of combat.
Both the 2nd and 3rd Battalion use 3 lh movement points, rounded up
to four. Both have a pursuil allowance of five (+ 3 printed on dle counter
and + 2 from combat). This leaves them with a + 1 modifier for second
round combat. U.S. attack strength is 14 (six ground strength plus eight
air points, divided by two, added to the eight artillery points that is also
halved). VC defense strength is three. Basic odds is 4-to-1 which yields
a +4 modifier to the die roll. The VC unit defends in marsh and receives
a -I benefit. Net die roll modifier is +4.
The U.S. player rolls a four, modified to eight. The U.S. player suffers
an ainnobile loss. The YC player, seeing the +4 pursuit modifier from
combat. knows he cannot possibly outrun the pursuing U.S. units. He
takes some comfort from inflicting an airmobile loss, and removes the
VC unit from play to satisfy the two strength point loss. End of operation.
To summarize the preceding example, the most potent VC weapon -
the ability to escape - is neutralized. This allows the U.S. player to
effectively utilize his two premier weapons: firepower and mobility. Most
of the time, the YC units won't be able to escape. In this, the most favor-
able of situations for the YC, there was only one chance in six that the
VC unit could break contact with all of the surrounding U.S.lARVN
units and force tennination of the operation without first round combat.
Even then, the VC unit would be force<! into an incidental attack, and
all available air and artillery points would be applied, since none would
be neede<! for a first round combat which could not occur.
Other setbacks can spoil an operation. The die roll for rangers can
exceed the number in the holding box, forcing the U.S. player either
10 scramble for more units to plug escape routes or launch the operatioll
on a shoestring and hope the VC bombs on the alert die roll. Poor first
round combat results can limit for pursuit, especially for artillery, alld Illustration 1·5
can cancel future combat rounds due to poor odds and the risk of high
Still, most terrain the VC hides in is less favorable (sometimes much
less so) than what was presented here. Allowing for all the possible set-
backs, the kill ratio should run close to five out of every six operations
undertaken. Using a good U.S.lFWA/ARVN force level (described else-
where), 15 to 20 operations per turn can be conducted easily. Multi-
plied by two, we have 30 to 40 operations per season. If the VC player
is willing to field 30 to 40 VC units, or more, per season, the U.S. player
will easily destroy or force dispersal of 25 to 30 units per season.

The Proper Way

To Search & Destroy
Whenever possible, use ARVN units to surround VC units and fight
the first round of combat. The firepower, surrounding and loss-taking
benefits outweigh the + 1 to the reaction die roll. ARVN regiments are
powerful, ARVN artillery is almost as good as U.S. artillery, and the
rangers are lifesavers when it comes 10 preventing VC escape.
In most search and deslroy operations, first round combat results will
be most severe for the U.S.lARVN player because the pursuit modifiers,
both printed and earned in combat. are not available to offset defensive
terrain advantages. Whenever strength point losses occur, assign them
to the ARVN; losses in subsequent rounds may have to be borne by U.S.
units alone.
Because of their low pursuit modifiers, ARVN units eat up most or
all of any pursuit bonus gained through combat, there!?y reducing the
effectiveness of second or subsequent round attacks. Only if the ARVN
units can attack in subsequent rounds without moving should they be
used, and then only on a case-by-case basis. It is also wise not to put
an ARVN unit in the target hex. If the VC units stays in the target hex
for a second round of combat, an ARVN unit in the target hex, prob-
ably with a pursuit value of zero or one, would be Obligate<! to attack
in the second round, rendering the printed + 3 or +4 U.S. pursuit bonuses
useless since the lowest printed bonus of the attacker is the one used.
Notice that in the example given, that the U.5.1 ARVN units converged
on Ihe VC unit from all directions. Dispersing U.S'/ARVN units through- player comes when he puts the units in the clear and secure operation
out the map increases the U.S. player's ability to surround any given into a patrol operation since they didn't end the clear alld secure in the
VC unit. Since only one ARVN ranger unit can be placed in a hex with target hex. Every hex around each unit on patrol will now cost +2 over
units designated for a search and destroy operation, having all the desig- and above the terrain cost for a VC unit 10 leave. One or two units out
nated units in only one or two hexes limits the number of ranger units on patrol will make it very difficult for VC units to retreat in al least
you can put into play. one or twO directions later.
If the VC player wishes to launch VC attacks against lone baualions The next step is to run a search and destroy mission against the duster
in the countryside, so much the betler. The U.S. player usually has on the side opposite the patrol units. The VC player either moves the
artillery, naval gunfire or air points on call. Let the VC player attack cluster out of the area before you conduct the S&D, or stands 10 take
and take the losses, leaving you several units free to go after the attacker the S&D operation with one or two avenues of retreat cut off. On a related
or other VC units later to inflict additional loss. If the VC player wantS note. if the VC player starts a turn with several VC units adjacent 10
10 work for you, so much the better. an eligible U.S.lARVN unit. it may pay to put that unit onlO a patrol
The VC units which arc casiest to catch, but cost the most to do, are operation during the special operations designation phase. You get the
VC units on holding missions in the mountains. The VC cannot escape benefit of running a dear and secure operation against several VC units,
easily because they usually have to move into adjacent mountain or and they don't get to alert.
forested hill hexes. In many instances, when a U.S.lARVN unit occupies If you don't use clear and secure operations to block off some of the
the target hex and interdiction is applied, the VC unit cannot even exit relreat routes, you will have to surround a VC cluster with operational
the target hex. That often makes dispersal or combat the only two options. units on the first round. This means placing a couple of operational units
If it comes 10 a fight. a doubled VC unit on a defensive mission in the on the side of the VC cluster opposite from the target hex so that no
mountains is a fomlidible force to tackle. First round losses will be heavy matter which way a VC target unit alens, an operational unil will be
(remember to bring the ARVN to the pany!). There will be numerous adjacent to it for first round combat.
air and airmobile losses, too. The second major U.S. tactic is offensive reserve activation. VC tar-
The offsetting advantage to the U.S. player is that isolated VC units get units often alert into adjacent hexes with VC units, lowering first
in mountain or forested hill hexes are almost always destroyed or round odds and lessening attainable pursuit modifiers. Other VC units
dispersed since they cannot escape. Even when going after isolated VC in the cluster either through reaction movement or initial placement will
unlls, keep some ground units and artillery around to use as offensive be in a position to slow or halt U,S.lARVN pursuit. The only hope for
reserves. continuing the operation is 10 bring in the offensive reserves to main-
A warning about keeping an offensive reserve: as the U.S. player, tain contact andlor restore subsequent combat odds to higher levels. Here
you can get lulled into a false sense of security as you bash an unending again, if the NLF player chooses to put more than one VC unit at risk
stream of VC batlalions. Never forget Ihal there are VC regiments too. as a target unit, the U.S. player should not hesitate to add enough
You may send a few battalions to hunt down a VC battalion, but you'll resources to conduct the equivalent of two C&S operations, because that
will need much more when you run into a VC regiment. Odds for your is really what you have. Support points for first rounds of operations
first attack will be poor. Pursuit bonuses will not be high. In order to should come as much as possible from air or naval points. Save the
raise the odds and maintain contact. new ground units and anillery will anillery 10 use as offensive reserves since air and naval points cannot
have to enter on the second round. Without offensive reserves, the U.S. be added on second or subsequent rounds.
player either has to call off the operation and letlhe regiment get away, Use your dedicated anillery to the maximum extent around VC clusters.
or risk taking unacceptable losses in exchange for destroying the So long as a subordinate unit is a part of the operation, the artillery can
regiment. add its support, even though it is not tasked as part of the operation.
At this point, don't start 10 feel overconfident about walking over the This multiplies the value of a brigade or division headquarters many
VC. The truly competent NLF player won't give anything away. He times over if it is placed on or adjacent to a VC duster. This is one
won't go out of his way to leave isolated VC units, You will have to instance where the VC player helps you maximize your strength by plac-
isolate the VC units because in most cases they will be grouped together ing units in clusters.
in clumps or clusters of four to six VC units. It's a tactic akin to form- Three examples follow to show some of the do's and don'ts ofopera-
ing a square against cavalry, and it is very effective. VC units in a cluster tions against a VC cluster. The first example shows a clear and secure
keep the U.S. player from surrounding any single VC unit. Reaction operation followed by a search and destroy. The second depicts an S&D
movement allows the VC to shift units if necessary to block routes of operation conducted against a VC cluster by surrounding it on round
U.S./ARVN pursuit, allowing VC target units to break contact. Another one. The third example shows an S&D operation utilizing offensive
VC tactic with reaction movemenl is to react one or two VC units into reserves.
the target hex. This has the unfortunate effect of turning decent first
round auacks for the U.S. player into low odds/low pursuit attacks. It Example One: Quang Nam Province
is entirely possible to expend several U.S.lARVN units 10 do nothing Illustration 2-1 shows the initial positions plus the clear and secure
more than move one of these VC clusters a few hexes in one direction operation. Quang Nam province is the area of operations. Free-fire is
or another as VC units break contact and react. not declared initially. It is presumed to be early in the campaign game,
You can't ignore VC clusters, but you have to have some cenainty and U,S. airpower is not abundant. No air points are available, but four
of destroying several VC baualions because of the high level of units airmobile arc available. For the clear and secure operation, HQ, 3rd
and suppon points which have to be committed. A complete encircle- Marine Division and 2/4, 3rd Marine Division move from 3814 to 3716.
ment is not only tOO expensive in terms of units committed. but also HQ, 3rd Marine Division is airmobilized 10 do so. The infantry bat-
futile. The NLF player isn't blind. It becomes obvious to even the casual talion moves on foot. None of the artillery points are used for interdic-
observer that a ring is being constructed. Alter several U.S.IARVN units tion. The VC unit could escape 011 any alert roll, but elects to defend
have been committed to operations where they have 110 chance of catch- against an all-U .S. operation in hopes of inflicting U.S. casualties, Total
ing VC units. the NLF player will run the next few operatiolls and use U.S. attack strength is 7·t0.-2 VC for a +3 modifier. But the VC de-
strategic movement to get far away from the trap. The U.S. player is fends a mountain hex for a -3 modifier, cancelling out both. The die
left with several wasted operations and a very real sense of frustration. roll is one. Both sides suffer one strength point loss and consume one
There are two basic U.S. tactics and several variants which serve to replacement point. The VC units stays for one more round. The U.S.
break up these VC clusters. They are the use of dear and secure opera- player attacks again and rolls a five. There is no pursuit modifier (+3
tions and employment of offensive reserves, printed on 2/4 battalion; - 2 for a clear and secure operation; -I for
combat result). The VC unit suffers one SP loss. absorbs one replace-
Part Two: Clear & Secure ment point, and retreats. The 2/4 unit docs 1I0t pursue, and is converted
First. some discussion about dear and secure operations. You don't over to a patrol operation.
use it to destroy VC units, but to set them up for future S&D opera- Illustration 2-2: the VC player attempts to "Strat move" the units out
tions. One or two units are moved adjacent to a target hex containing of the area, The U,S, player is given the next operation. The U.S. player
a VC unit which is part of a cluster. The VC target unit should be able declares an S&D operation against 3917. Ranger support is rolled for,
to alert out with no difficulty. The payoff of the operation for the U.S. and the U.S. receives two units. The ARVN rangers arc placed in 4117

Illustration 2-1


o• 8
'II 2_ xx

4 2 6 o~ 5

Illustration 2·3
and 4119.
Note that the VC unit which was the target of the clear and secure
operation has retreated to 3918. The cluster is still unbroken. It has simply
shifted and taken on a different shape. Placing that VC unit in 3918 will
Illustration 2-2 hinder the operation against target hex 3917. Note, however, that the
clear and secure operation did yield two benefit to the U.S. player.
Hexes 3815 3816 and 3717 are almost impossible to retreat through
due to the patrol status of the 2/4 Marine battalion (note the VC unit
also on patrol. The VC can effectively utilize patrol to inhibit access
to VC clusters or to curtail road movement). Since another 3rd Marine
Division unit i part of the S&D operation, the HQ 3rd Marine Divi-
sion artiUery may add its eight artillery points since it is within range.
HQ 2nd ARVN Division an9 HQ, 4th Marine Regiment are air-
mobilized. Fourteen artillery points are used to provide +2 interdlction
(eight from HQ, 3rd Marine Division; 3 from HQ, 2nd ARVN Divi-
sion; 2 from the 6th ARVN Regiment; and 1 from the HQ, 4th Marine
Regiment). The remaining artillery points are held on-call for combat.
As U.S.lARVN units move into or adjacent to the target hex, the three
VC units not in the target hex can all react. The sequence ofU .S.lARV
movement wiJI determine when the VC units will react. All three VC
units could react away from the target hex but that would isolate the
target unit and fragment the cluster. All three VC units could react into
the target hex, but that would put all four into jeopardy on the second
round when interdicting artillery is witched to upport. The first round
combat odd for the U.S.lARVN would indeed be low. Quite possibly
the VC would react one or two units. For purposes of this example,
the VC unit in 3916 will react into the target hex. If it does not, and
the target VC unit retreats, the VC unit would have been isolated if it
had remained in 3916. The VC unit in 3817 will stay in place to provide
a secure path of retreat. The VC unit in 3918 will remain in place to
make it more difficuJt for the ARVN 6th Regiment to pursue on round
lllustration 2-3: a die roll of three or greater on the alert roll will allow
the two VC units to alert out of the target hex. The odds ay that they
wHl get a three or better, so in this example the two VC units alert to
3817 where they join a third VC unit. The U.S. player now has a problem
of in ufficient force. He has adjacent to 3817 only one U.S. battalion
plus fourteen artillery points which would be reduced to even if free-
fire was not used. A first round combat without free-fire would go in
with a -2 or -3 modifier due to basic odds plus defensive terrain modi-
fiers. The U. S. player can either attack at bad odds or declare free- fire. round attack since only seven points are needed for + 2 interdiction with
A low odds attack results in high U .S./ARVN casualties with no offset- free-fire. The second shortcoming was not having any ground units or
ting gain because there are no offensive reserves available. The only artillery available to u e as offensive reserve to increase second round
real choice is to declare free-fire, inflict as many casualties on the VC odd and make it possible to run the three VC units into the ground.
units as possible, and hope that the pacification die roll is not hurt by
the minus two for free-fire. Example Two: Quang Tri Province
The concept of this operation was good The clear and secure worked silUatio~ ponrays the effects of" surrounding • a VC cluster with
well. The shortcomings for the U.S. player were twofold. First it takes U.S./ARV units on the first round. The area of operations is Quang
more units and support points to go after VC clusters in mountain or Tri province. Free-fue has not been declared. The following force are
fore ted hills than anywhere else on the map. Since no additional sup- available to the U.S. player: 1/4, 3rd Marine Division; an armored bat-
port was available, the U.S. player should have declared free-fire at the talion from the 3rd Marine; the 5th ARV regiment; two ARV ranger
start of the S&D operation. Without free-fire, the odds were good that units; one cruiser; four air points and two airmobile poims. Firepower
the four VC units would survive to lower the pacification roll by -2 and maneuver units are both in hart upply. The target hex is 4717.
anyway. Declaring free-fire would have put more firepower into the fir t The U.S. cruiser provides + 1 interdiction on the target hex. This is
offset by + I addition to VC alen movement from ARVN participation.
Illustration 3·1 There is enough power to eliminate the target ve unit if it remains in
the target hex. There are not enough maneuver battalions to spare for
a preliminary clear and ecure. The ve cluster has to be surrounded
to the extent that the VC unit reacting out of the target hex would re-
main in contact with at least one U.S./ARV unit so that combat could
be forced on the ve. lllustration 3/1 shows the initial po ition .
llIustration 3-2: One ARVN ranger unit is placed in 4716 and remains
there. The second ranger unit is placed in 4918 and moves on foot to
4719. Neither VC unit in the adjacent hexes take reaction movement.
The 5th ARVN regiment moves on foot to 4517. The adjacent VC unit
does not react. The 1/4 Marine battalion moves on foot to 4717, the
target hex. The Marine armored battalion moves into 4817. The VC
unit in 4617 reacts into 4518 when the 1/4 Marines move into the target
hex. The cruiser provides + I interdiction. The air points are reserved
for combat.
An alen roll of three through six would allow the ve target unit to
move into adjacent hex 4718. Although there is a VC unit in the hex
and the terrain is rough there are II U.S./ARVN ground strength points
adjacent. That is not a really desirable option. On an alert roll of five
or six however the VC target unit can move into 4518 or 4618. Both
hexes are also rough terrain and contain one VC unit each. The big ad-
vantage to these hexe is the relative weakness of the adjacent ARV
units. The optimal hex is 4618 where only the ARVN ranger unit is ad-
lllustration 3-3: we assume that the VC target unit gets reaction roll
of five and reacts into 4618. The U.S. player has only the single ARV
ranger unit adjacent to the hex. Since free-fire is not being used total
attack strength for the U.S. is four (two for the ranger and two for half

Illustration 3-2
of the available air points). Chances for a favorable combat result do for the search and destroy operation, and the movements the VC units
not look favorable before the VC units are revealed. The U.S. player take in response. Three of the U.S.lARVN units are ainnobilized. They
decides to attack anyway, which is probably a mistake. The VC units arc theARVN ranger unit, the 155mm battalion and the HQ, 9th Marine
are revealed, totalling five strength points. Basic odds of four U.S. fac- Regiment. The rest move by fOOl from their original locations. The two
tors to five VC faclors yields a -I modifier to the die roll. The VC Marine baualions in 5019 have not been activated for round one, but
defend in rough terrain, so another -I modifier is added. A quick scan may be activated as offensive reserves in round two. None of the VC
of Ihe combat results table is not encouraging. Out of the six results, units take reaction movement when U.S.lARVN units move adjacent.
the ARVN will lose one strength point on four of them. The VC will The VC cluster is not completely surrounded. The VC target unit can
lose a strength point on only one out of the six. Pursuit bonuses range only alert move one hex back into the mountains even if it receives the
from + I to -2. Should the VC stand after round one combat, the 1/4 maximum alert die roll. The U.S. player allocates 14 points out of the
Marines could pursue into 4617. That addition would cancel out part 29 available air/anillery points: 4th ARVN regiment (2); HQ, 9th Ma-
or all of the -2 die roll modifier, but the U.S. player still would not rines (8); 1/27 155mm baltalion (4).
have a favorable attack. The VC player would probably retreat the tar- For this example, the VC target unit receives a high enough alert die
get units out of contact after round one combat, and "strat move" the roll to alen out of the target hex and into 4721. The U.S. player attacks
other two VC units adjacent to the retreating VC units so that a cluster the two VC units in 4721. The VC units are nipped over to reveal a
would be rebuilt in a new location. The sole U.S. gain from this opera- combined strength of six. The U.S. player has five ground strength points
tion is that. temporarily at least, the cultivated hexes in Quang Tri adjacent to the VC units plus 15 air/anillery poinls, reduced to 71h be-
province have been cleared. calise free-fire has not been declared. Basic odds arc 121h to 6, which
The concept of surrounding a cluster is viable. The VC target unit yields a +2 die roll modifier. Since the VC occupy a mountain hex (a
was not able to break contact in round one. The problem again is lack -3 die roll modifier), the final modifier is -I. A six is rolled, becom-
of ground ullits and firepower. There were weak links in the chain of ing a five: both sides suffer a one point loss. The U.S. loss is taken
units surrounding the cluster, and there was a significant chance that by the ARVN rangers in 4720. Both sides expend one replacement point.
the VC would alert into positions adjacent to them. Given the limita- The U.S. player also receives a +2 modifier for pursuit.
tions on forces, the operation was conducted as well as could be ex- Illustration 4-3 shows the two marine battalions in 5019 activated as
pected. You will find situations early in the campaign game or some offensive reserves and airmobiled to 4620 and 4522. Both lise ainnobile
of the scenarios where abundant support is not available. In those cases,
Illustration 4-2
you have to run the operations with what's on hand, so go for it and
hope for the best. If you have additional support available and run an
operation in this manner, you should be shot! This example would end
far more favorably if another U.S. infanlry battalion also occupied 4719
with the ARVN rangers, and if six more air points were available.
Carrying it one step further, add another U.S. battalion plus a 155mm
battalion as offensive reserves. It becomes a walkover for the U.S.

Example Three: auang Gnal Province

In this example, a properly supported U.S/ARVN force with offen~
sive reserves takes on a VC cluster in the mountains. The area of opera-
tions is Quang Gnai province. There is no free-fire. The target hex for
the operation is 4821. The U.S. player has 12 air points and 4 airmobile
points. The die has been rolled for ARVN rangers, and two arc avail-
able. Illustration 4-1 shows the starting positions for all U.S.. ARVN
and VC units. All units shown are eligible to take pan in the operation.
lllustration 4-2 shows the movements of the U.S.lARVN units activated

Illustration 4-3

.m •

o! I 2 0 8

1. I
point previou Iy II igncd t the operation. The HQ. 9th Marine uses
the third point to move back to 4822. Thi artillery unit i in po ition
to be airmobiled in! the Ihird round of combat if the pursuit modifier
i great enough. The U. . player a igns the fourth airmobile point to
the operation. moving the 2f9 Marin to 4721. That move costs three
pursuit point ( ne for leaving a VC zone of control, one for entering
a VC zone of control in a landing he • and one for the hex itself). It
would have co I four pu uit poin 10 m ve on foot, howe er. The 2/9
Marines have two unused pur uil points hich give the .S. player a
2 die roll modifier (the two n wly ti 81ed Marine battalions are ex-
cluded from pur uit computati os on their rum of activation). The U.S.
player has 10 ground su-ength poin and 9 1 air/artillery points rounded
down from 19 the I -mm baltali nand 12 air poin ). The C till
have ix trength poin . Ba ic od are ]-(0-1 which ields a 3 modi-
fier. The C are till in the mountain (~ modifier). They cancel each
other oU! lea ing the . player ith the 2 modifier from pursuit.
Barring an reall bad di roU. thi operari n ill end up a U.S. c-
. Decent PUrsuil bon h uld aUo both artillery units to repo i-
rion to add their firepower 10 the third round of combat.
Th a laugh bur by no means impo ible job when
C. Th ~ are (wo poin 10 remember:
of pe for the C uni . An. forces commirred
(0 an operation are led when the C cape. The means to keep this
from happenin arc many and varied. You have the clear and ecure
operation wh.i h chang into th patrol operation, patrol operations in-
hibiting C movem nt, im rdiction, and, depending upon the terrain.
surrounding the tar I he with ur uni to pre ent cape or nigger
incidental auae' .
Second, use enough force lo get th job done. This mean employing
enough ground uni and suppon poin on lhe first round to ensure that
decent pursuit is generaled for ub equent r unds. Keep urn on hand.
especially artillery. thaI can be activated a offen ive reserves. Remember
that as VC uni cambin th make it harder for the operational uni
to maintain good od . r Ihal reason alone it makes eose to keep
offen ivc rc ervc on tap. AJ 0, when additional VC units become tar-
gel units after an peration tart , they have the di advantage of haring
a1J Ihe ri k of Ihe original V target unit, bUI they don't have the advan-
tage of an initial a1en movem nt. The U.S. player only need an in-
cremental addition f trenglh to generat'e odd . Additional force
necessary to prevent e cape g nerally aren't needed.
The alert die roll, terrain, ombat rc ull'S table and the VC player en ure
that no two operation will be exactly alik . Combine these guidelines
with your own comm n en e. and you will come out a winner.

An Infantryman's Diary
From the Journal of Daniel "Coke" Simmons, PFC, U.S. Army
Transcribed By
WlIIiam Hamilton

Ambush represents to me the merging ofthree I'ery exciting hobbies. everything they had at us, but we gOt nine of them, losing two. Our
For gamers, there is the realism oftactical combat (with albeit very in- other casualty was the second, Stan Browne. who caught a machine pistol.
tellsh'e action); for compmer gamers there is the programmed action I incapped three guys and wounded one in hand-to-hand, and gOl allOther
paragraphs: and there is the elemelll of role-playing that gives you a with a crack shOi of my semi-auto. Got another commendation for that
\'IIriety ofoptions (would you leave your wounded budd)' behilld, or go one. All in all. we only lei twO Krauts slip through. A good day.
011 and at/emptto fillish the missioll?). For those wlto agree, ,rot ollly
is Victory coming Ollt with Purple Hean sometime in the future, but at 14 August 1944
thm time the Insider will publish a scellario of its Ol~?l! So, il is with We got our new CO today; a real vain bastard by the name of Vance
pleasure thlltwe preselU this aniele: one man 'sjoume)' through the world Hughes. The second's name is Junior Carlin, but he told everyone to
of Ambush. WEP call him Spike. He's a real decenl son, compared to Hughes. I gues
that's what you call taking the bad with the good.
7 June 1944
War is Hell, all right. All us GI's that have seen action know that 23 August 1944
for a fact. After minimal training, we were dropped into France. We Our next engagement was during an offensive, While waiting for fuel
were to capture and hold two important bridges near Caretin for the boys and supplies, we were sent ahead to SCOUt out the town of Chasal (missioll
busting through Utah Beach (missioll 4). The winds were gusting at dawn 2). We cleared all the buildings. incapping or killing nine Krauts while
and we got jerked all over the drop sile. Willie Stevens drowned in the none of us so much as bruise a shin. A lucky shot from my carbine
river when he couldn't get out of Ihe chute. Tom Wilson took one in knocked down a plane in night. Hughes, Jimmy Jackson, Lome
the belly and died before the medic came. The Krauts must have known Washburn. and even Bubba Jones gOI commendations for that mission.
something was up because they blew the bridges before we could Stop Washburn was Rabbit's replacement and really showed what he was made
them. Big Bubba Jones killed a couple of Krauts and near blew off the of in his first fight.
leg of another with his Browning but didn't get more than a nod from
the Looie when we got back. Probably because he was a negro. I like
Bubba, and wouldn't want anyone else to be in a firefight with. I busted 7 September 1944
a Jerry open with my carbine as did our second in command, Stan We were senl forward 10 capture a crucial bridge across the Sambre
Browne. All in all, we gave as good as we got, killing two and incapaci- two days ago (mission 8), They told us that a Sherman would arrive
tating five more. Too bad about them bridges. Sgt. Diny Jack got a com- for backup. We reached the bridge with lillie trouble, but when the Sarge
mendation and Richie Long got a Purple Heart for gelling wounded. went to check the bridge, the Krauts blew it up. Hughes got a nasty
gash on his arm, bUI bandages and sulfa powder took care of it, Luckily,
5 July 1944 (Mission 5) we found a ford a linle ways downstream and managed to clear the area.
Dirty Jack sure lives up to his name. He volunteered us for a raid The Sarge was worried about Washburn, who'd taken a couple of bullets,
to bust up a rocket base in Holland. With help from the Dutch under- and didn't feel right waiting for the Sherman, so we kept going. Wash-
ground, we found ourselves on the outskirts of the base early yesterday burn turned out OK and both he and Sarge got Purple Hearts. Doug
morning. We had been given plenty of explosives, but found ourselves Crawford, Spike Carlin and I all got commendations.
shan of them before we would have liked. Our orders were to destroy
what we could and try 10 find some documents on a rocket the Germans 1 November 1944
were building. Well, we found the documents, blew up a tower and radar Things have calmed down, so tomorrow we're being sent to Belgium
station, but had to scram when we ran out of demo packs and things for garrison duty.
staned healing up. We gOi out, but lost our two replacements. Arnie
Davies took one between the eyes and died instantly. Charlie Simmons 5 November 1944
(he was the Rabbit, since his eyes got real big and would shake in 3 Who ever said garrison duty was easy! Yesterday, we were out on
fight) took some shrapnel in the belly and died real slow, scared as hell patrol. There must have been Krauts all through the area. Although the
and crying for the pain to stop. His last words were for his mom. I volun- attack was sudden, we killed, wounded, or incappcd II Krauts, and Big
teered to write his parents and found it worse than busting tanks with Bubba knocked oul a tank with a bazooka. Bubba later took some nasty
baseball bats. The CO destroyed a command car with a grenade and shrapnel in the leg, but we bound it up and got him out.
we kill three and incapacitate one. I didn't get any, but did get 3 com-
mendation. I found out later Ihat Stan Browne told the Looie about Rabbit 20 January 1944
dying in my arms. Wow! You want to lalk aboul hairy missions. Sixteen January saw
us approaching the bunker-packed West Wall by canoe (missioll 6). Good
10 August 1944 thing it was at nighl or we might have crapped if we'd seen all thc
After our last mission, we got 10 days R&R and then some guard bunkers. We knocked out a couple and wasted about half a dozen other
duty. Eight August, our orders came through to bivouac at Monin, a Krauls, though it cost us our CO and Bubba. That fool Hughes must
small French town. Never could spell those Frenchie names right. We have gone nuts, cause he tried to rush one of thc bunkers and got cut
got AT mines and a Jeep sinee a tank attack was expected (mission 2). in half. Washburn, Rick Long and Crawford all got commendations on
Diny Jack took along a bazook and gal Rick Long to load for him. We that one.
sure did a number on the Jerrys when they Iried to cruise through. Sgt.
Wagner and PFC Long personally KO'ed a Panzer and a Jadgpanther 25 January 1945
tank destroyer aJong with Ihree Gennans with the baz. Wagner then threw The new replacements arrived today. Our new second (Spike's now
himself on a live grenade, and aJl we found were his stripes and his Purple CO) is Willard Wilcox. and seems a decent enough son. Bubba's replace-
Heart. Thai was all we wanted to find. When the tanks started going ment is Freddie Thompson. Those are awful big shoes to fill. Fred. I
up in smoke, Krauls started crawling out of the woodwork. They lossed wonder what our next mission will be like?
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