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Trường THPT Chuyên Hà Nội - Amsterdam


Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (0830 – 1130)

Part 1. Multiple-choice questions (5 questions, 2 marks each)

Question 1: Let f (x)= . What is the value of the following expression?
1+ x 2

f ( 0 )+ f ( 1 ) +f ( 2 ) +…+ f (100)

A. 99 B. 99.5 C. 100 D. 100.5 E. ϕ

Question 2: If x− =3, then what is the value of?

21 1 2 3
− x +
2 2 2

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 E. 10

Question 3: Consider the following egg shaped curve. ABCD is a circle with radius 1 and center
O. The arc ^
AEis centered at C, arc CFis
^ centered at A and ^
EF is centered at D

What is the area of the region enclosed by the egg shaped curve?

A. ( 3−√ 2 ) π−1 B. ( 3−√ 2 ) π C. ( 3−2 √2 ) π D. ( 3+ √ 2 ) π + 1

Question 4: How many ways you can place a White Knight and a Black Knight such that they
do NOT attack each other on a 8 × 8 chessboard?
Trường THPT Chuyên Hà Nội - Amsterdam

A. 1680 B. 1712 C. 3696 D. 3760 E. ϕ

Question 5: In the diagram below, ∆ ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB= AC, and M ; N are
the midpoints of AB and AC, respectively. Given that CM is perpendicular to BN, BC=20 cm,
and S ABC =x (c m2). What is x?

A. 200 B. 300 C. 350 D. 400 E. 50

Trường THPT Chuyên Hà Nội - Amsterdam

Part 2: Short Questions (8 questions, 5 marks each)

Question 6: In the diagram below, ABCD is a convex quadrilateral with ^

ABC=135 ° and
BCD=120 ° . Given that AB=2 √ 3 cm, BC=4−2 √2 cm and CD=4 √ 2cm . If AD=x (cm), find
the value of x 2−4 x

Question 7: It is given that m and n are two positive integers such that:

m 2011
n− =
n 3

Determine the smallest possible value of m

Question 8: Find the value of:

1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + +…+ 2007
+ 2009
−2011 −2009 −2007
1+ 10 1+10 1+ 10 1+10 1+ 10

Question 9: Determine the odd prime number p such that the sum of the digits of p4 −5 p 2+13 is
the smallest possible.

Question 10: The figure below shows a trapezium ABCD in which DA ∥ BC and BC=3 AD. F
is the midpoint of AB and E is a point on the extension of BC such that BC=3 CE. The two
segments EF and CD meet at point G. Given that SGCE =15 c m2, find S ABCD
Trường THPT Chuyên Hà Nội - Amsterdam

Question 11: Two circles C 1 and C 2 of radii 10 cm and 8 cm respectively are tangent to each
other internally at point A. AD is the diameter of C 1 and the points P ; M on the circle C 1 and C 2
such that PM is tangent to C 2. If PM =2 √5 cm , find ^PAD

Question 12: The figure below shows a road map connecting between two shopping malls A
and B in a certain city. Each side of the smallest square represents a road of distance 1 km.
Regions C and D represents two large residental estates of the town. Find the number of the
shortest routes from A to B?
Trường THPT Chuyên Hà Nội - Amsterdam

2n n−1
Question 13: Let a 1=1, a 2=2 and for all n ≥ 2, a n+1= a− a . It is known that
a+1 n n+1 n−1
a n> 2+ for all n ≥ m, where m is a positive integer. Find the smallest value of m

Part 3. Long Questions (you have to show your detailed solutions)

Question 14: Given a 1 ≥ 1 and a k+1 ≥ a k + 1 for all k =1 ; 2; 3 ; … ; n prove that:

a 31+ a32 +a33 +…+ a3n ≥ ( a1 +a2 +a3 + …+an )2

Question 15: Let the diagonals of the square ABCD intersect at S and P is the midpoint of BA.
Let M be the intersection of AC and PD and N is the intersection of BD and PC. A circle is
inscribed quadrilateral PMSN. Prove that the radius of the circle is MP−MS

Investigation (10 points – bonus)

Question: In an equilateral triangle ABC, let M ; N be the midpoints of AB and AC,

respectively. The line MN intersects the circumcircle of ∆ ABC at K and L and the lines CK and
CL meet line AB at P and Q. Prove that P A 2 . QB=Q A 2 . PB

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