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Assignment 1

GMAT Skills Enhancement (Quantitative)

Registration Number:
ƒ All Kinds of calculators or mobiles are not allowed to be used.
ƒ Solve each of the following problems; then indicate the correct answer by filling in the
corresponding oval on the answer sheet in the last page.
ƒ Darken no more than one oval for the same problem.
ƒ For the data sufficiency problems; each problem consists of a question and two statements,
labeled (1) and (2), in which certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data
given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Using the data given in
the statements plus your knowledge of mathematics, you must indicate in the answer
sheet; whether:
(A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to
answer the question asked;
(B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to
answer the question asked;
(C) BOTH statement (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question
asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
(D) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked;
(E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question
asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.
1. A salesclerk is paid a minimum weekly salary of $210 plus a commission equal to 10% of
the value of sales she makes in excess of $3,000 for the week. If the salesclerk wishes to
earn at least $370 for a week, what is the minimum value of sales she must make for that
(A) $1,600 (B) $3,700 (C) $4,600
(D) $6,700 (E) $6,910
2. A piece of wood 5 feet long is cut into three pieces. How long is the longest of
the three pieces?
(1) One piece is 2 feet 7 inches long.
(2) One piece is 7 inches longer than another piece and the remaining piece is
5 inches long
3. If a and b are positive integers, is the product ab odd?
(1) b = 3
(2) a and b are consecutive integers.
4. If n is a multiple of 5, and n = p2q, where p and q are prime numbers, which of the
following must be a multiple of 25?
(A) p2 (B) q2 (C) pq (D) p2q2 (E) p3q
5. A used-car dealer sold one car at a profit of 25% of the dealer's purchase price for that car,
and sold another car at a loss of 20% of the dealer's purchase price for the car. If the
dealer sold each car for $20,000, what was the dealer's total profit or loss, in dollars for the
two transactions combined?
(A) $1,000 profit (B) $2,000 profit (C) $1,000 loss
(D) $2,000 loss (E) $3,334 loss

6. If x and y are both positive, Is xy greater than 1?

(1) x < 1
(2) y > 1

7. Is x > y ?
(1) x = 5
y 4
(2) x2 > y2

8. Is x > 0.05?
(1) x > 403

(2) x is greater than 3% of 50.

9. What was the percent increase in the population of city K from 1980 to 1990?
(1) In 1970 the population of city K was 160,000
(2) In 1980 the population of city K was 20% greater than it was 1970,
and in 1990 the population was 30% greater than it was 1970

10. A furniture store sells only two models of desks, model A and model B. The selling price
of model A is $120, which is 30% of the selling price of model B. If the furniture store
sells 2000 desks, 43 of which are model B, what is the furniture store's total revenue from
the sale of desks?
(A) $114,000 (B) $186,000 (C) $294,000
(D) $380,000 (E) $660,000

11. For every novel in the school library there are two science books; for each science book
there are seven economics books. The ratio of economics books to science books to
novels in the school library will be
(A) 7:2:1 (B) 7:1:2 (C) 14:7:2 (D) 14:2:1 (E) 14:2:7

12. Ms. Taylor purchased stock for $1,500 and sold 2 of it after its value doubled. She sold
the remaining stock at 5 times its purchase price. What was her total profit on the stock?
(A) $1,500 (B) $2,000 (C) $2,500 (D) $3,000 (E) $6,000

13. The population of Country X was 25,000 on January 1, 2003. During what year did its
population reach 250,000?
(1) The population for Country X was doubled each year.
(2) The population for Country X was 800,000 on January 1, 2008.

14. What is the ratio of the number of cups of flour to the number of cups of sugar required
in a certain cake recipe?
(1) The number of cups of flour required in the recipe is 250 percent of the number
of cups of sugar required in the recipe.
(2) 1 12 more cups of flour than cups of sugar are required in the recipe.

15. When positive integer n is divided by 3, the remainder is 2, and when positive
integer t is divided by 5, the remainder is 3. What is the remainder when the
product nt is divided by 15?
(1) n – 2 is divisible by 5.
(2) t is divisible by 3.

16. If yx > 0 , then, which of the following must be true?

(A) x > 1 (B) x > y (C) x + y < 0
(D) x + y ≥ 0 (E) x y > 0

17. Oscar has 15 marbles. If he gives 13 of his marbles to Sally and 15 of the rest to Mike,
how many marbles does Oscar have left?
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7 (E) 8
18. Amy deposits $100 into a bank account that pays 8% interest, compounded semi-
annually. Which of the following expresses the amount of money the account will
contain in 2 years?
(A) $100 × (1 + .04)2 (B) $100 × (1 + .04)4
(C) $100 × (1 + .04)6 (D) $100 × (1 + .08)2
(E) $100 × (1 + .08)6

19. There are 4 quarts in a gallon. A gallon of motor oil sells for $12 and a quart of the
same oil sells for $5. The owner of a rental agency has 6 machines and each machine
needs 5 quarts of oil. What is the minimum amount of money he must spend to
purchase enough oil?
(A) $84 (B) $94 (C) $96 (D) $102 (E) $150
20. Is the integer T divisible by 15?
(1) The sum of the digits of T equals 15.
(2) The unit digit of T is a 3.
21. Did the XYZ Corporation have higher sales in 2006 or in 2007?
(1) In 2006 the sales were twice the average (arithmetic mean) of the
sales in 2006, 2007, and 2008.
(2) In 2008 the sales were three times those in 2007.
22. Is 5 an integer?
(1) x is an integer.

(2) x is an integer.
23. If a sequence of consecutive integers of increasing value has a sum of 63 and a first term
of 6, how many integers are in the sequence?
(A) 11 (B) 10 (C) 9 (D) 8 (E) 7

24. To meet a government requirement, a bottler must test 5 percent of its spring water and
10 percent of its sparkling water for purity. If a customer ordered 120 cases of spring
water and 80 cases of sparkling water, what percent of all the cases must the bottler test
before he can send it out?
(A) 6.5% (B) 7.0% (C) 7.5% (D) 8.0% (E) 8.5%

25. Which of the following is a correct

graph of x ≥ 1, x ≤ 4?

(A) Line A (B) Line B

(C) Line C (D) Line D
(E) Line E

26. If 300 jellybeans cost you x dollars. How many jellybeans can you purchase for 50 cents
at the same rate?
(A) 150
(B) 150x (C) 6x (D) 1500
(E) 600x

27. A mattress store sells their stock for 15% off of retail. If someone pays cash, they take an
additional 10% off of the discounted price. If a mattress's retail price is $750, what is
the price after the store discount and the cash discount?
(A) $550.75 (B) $562.50 (C) $573.75
(D) $637.50 (E) $675.00

28. A company consists of two departments, sales and production. If 30% of the 150
employees in the sales department received a holiday bonus and 70% of the 250
employees in the production department received a holiday bonus, what percent of all
employees did not receive a holiday bonus?
(A) 40 % (B) 45 % (C) 50 % (D) 55 % (E) 60 %

29. If p > 0, what percent is p of q?

(1) p = 2q
(2) p + q = 36

30. If y = n , what is the value of x ?
(1) yn = 10
(2) y = 40 and n = 4

31. A slot machine in Las Vegas casino has an average profit of $600 for each 8-hour shift
for the five days Sunday through Thursday, inclusive. If the average per shift profit on
Friday and Saturday is 25% greater than on the other days of the week and the slot
machine is in operation every hour of every day, what is the total weekly profit that the
casino makes from the slot machine?
(A) $4,500 (B) $9,000 (C) $13,500
(D) $15,500 (E) $27,000

32. A perfect number is one, which is equal to the sum of all its positive factors that are less
than the number itself. Which of the following is a perfect number?
(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8 (E) 10

33. A carpenter needs four boards, each 2 feet 10 inches long. If wood is sold only by
foot, what is the minimum length, in feet, of wood the carpenter must buy?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 12 (E) 13

34. What was the percentage of defective items produced at a certain factory?
(1) The total number of defective items produced was 1,234 for that factory.
(2) The ratio of defective to non-defective items was 32: 5678 for that factory.

35. If Smith’s income for the year of 2003 was $10,000, what was his combined income for
the years 2003 - 2008?
(1) His average yearly income for the years 2003- 2008 was $12,000.
(2) In 2008, his income was $20,000.

36. If both 52 and 33 are factors of n × 25 × 62 ×73, what is the smallest possible positive
value of n?
(A) 25 (B) 27 (C) 45 (D) 75 (E) 125

37. If it is 250 miles from New York to Boston and 120 miles from New York to
Hartford, what percentage of the distance from New York to Boston is the distance
from New York to Hartford?
(A) 12 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 48 (E) 52

38. If in 2006, 2007, and 2008 a worker received 10% more in salary each year than he did
the previous year, how much more did he receive in 2008 than in 2006?
(A) 10% (B) 11% (C) 20% (D) 21% (E) 30%

39. Is 2n divisible by 8?
(1) n is an odd integer.
(2) n is an integer greater than 5.

40. Is the integer k odd or even?

(1) k2 is odd.
(2) 2k is even.

Assignment 1 - Answer Sheet

Registration Number:

1. A B C D E 21. A B C D E
2. A B C D E 22. A B C D E
3. A B C D E 23. A B C D E
4. A B C D E 24. A B C D E
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9. A B C D E 29. A B C D E
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15. A B C D E 35. A B C D E

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18. A B C D E 38. A B C D E
19. A B C D E 39. A B C D E
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