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Last revision: August 4, 2013

League Information

Phone: (786) 728-8990

Fax: (786) 221-4873
Facebook: /NASLfans
Twitter: @NASLOfficial, @LaCanchaNASL

Mailing Address:
North American Soccer League
501 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 405
Miami, FL 33131

Media Contacts:

Michael Preston
Director of Public Relations
Contact: (781) 363-0305
[email protected]

Steven Torres
Public Relations Coordinator
Contact: (646) 785-1155
[email protected]

The 2013 North American Soccer League Media Guide was

published by the North American Soccer League, LLC.

Edited & Written by: Michael Preston, Steven Torres

Layout & Design: Derek Reese
Contributors: Kartik Krishnaiyer, Steven Bernasconi

Front/Back Cover:
A celebration of moments
from the NASL in 2012/13

About the NASL................................................................................ 2-3

The Commissioner / Board Of Governors........................................ 4-5
Directors & Staff...................................................................................6
COMPETITION FORMAT.....................................................................7
Rules & Regulations.............................................................. 8-9
Playoff Format & Qualification.................................................10
League Ball & Silverware........................................................11
2013 Fall Outlook....................................................................12
NASL CLUBS.....................................................................................13
Atlanta Silverbacks............................................................ 14-17
Carolina RailHawks........................................................... 18-21
FC Edmonton.................................................................... 22-25
Fort Lauderdale Strikers.................................................... 26-29
Minnesota United FC........................................................ 30-33
New York Cosmos............................................................. 34-37
San Antonio Scorpions...................................................... 38-41
Tampa Bay Rowdies......................................................... 42-45
Ottawa Fury FC.......................................................................46
Virginia Cavalry FC.................................................................47
Indy Eleven.............................................................................48
Coming in 2015 (Jacksonville, Oklahoma City).......................49
Team PR Directory..................................................................50
NASL in the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup................................51
2013 Spring Recap........................................................... 52-55
2012.................................................................................. 54-57
2011.................................................................................. 58-61
All-Time Award Winners (2011-2013)................................ 62-63
NASL Soccer Bowl History................................................ 64-65


The North American Soccer League contention to top the spring season
(NASL) strives to compete at a world- standings on the final day of action,
class level in the global soccer economy underlining the fact that ‘every match
having been established in the United matters’ in the NASL.
States, Canada and Puerto Rico since The Atlanta Silverbacks won the title
2011. by a single point and as the Spring Season
NASL clubs play a split season format winner also earned the right to host NASL
from April through June and August Soccer Bowl 2013 on November 9.
through November, with the winners of The 2013 Fall Season kicked
each season earning the right to compete off on August 3, with the remaining
for the ultimate goal – the annual NASL Soccer Bowl berth on the line for the
Soccer Bowl championship. Carolina RailHawks, FC Edmonton, Fort
Seven clubs concluded a thrilling Lauderdale Strikers, Minnesota United
2013 Spring Season on the Fourth of FC, New York Cosmos, San Antonio
July in the most dramatic fashion. An Scorpions and Tampa Bay Rowdies.
unprecedented three teams – Atlanta Among four games that weekend,
Silverbacks, Carolina RailHawks and the famous New York Cosmos returned
San Antonio Scorpions – were all in to action in front of a sellout crowd

against the Fort Lauderdale Strikers,
renewing a rivalry that dates back to the
seventies and eighties when the original
NASL established the modern era of
professional soccer in the United States.
In 2014, Indy Eleven, Ottawa Fury
FC, and Virginia Cavalry FC will join
the NASL single table structure and will
be joined in 2015 by expansion clubs in
Jacksonville, Fla., and Oklahoma City,
Okla. Further expansion is planned in
future years towards a target of 18 clubs
across the continent.
American NASL clubs enter the
historic Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup,
while NASL clubs from north of the border
participate in the Amway Canadian
Championship. In 2013 the Carolina
RailHawks enjoyed a thrilling cup run to
the quarterfinals of the U.S. Open Cup.
Approximately 200 soccer players
are currently on NASL team rosters, and
many have experience playing in Europe
and Latin America’s top divisions, as well
as at the national team level, while others
are navigating the early stages of their
professional careers.
For more information about the NASL,
visit Follow the NASL
on Twitter @NASLOfficial and Facebook


Bill Peterson was named Commissioner of the

North American Soccer League on November 27,
Under his tenure the NASL has mirrored the style
of other professional soccer leagues around the world
by retaining a single table structure in 2013 that will also
feature for the 2014 season when teams will observe a
month long break to avoid a conflict with the FIFA World
The NASL regular season features separate
Spring and Fall seasons with the winner of each
qualifying for NASL Soccer Bowl. The fact that all
teams remained in contention for the spring title until 10
weeks of action and the Atlanta Silverbacks were not
crowned champions until the final whistle blew on July
4 underlined Peterson’s statement that ‘every match
matters’ within the split-season format.
Impressive achievements on the field continued
as NASL clubs progressed in the centennial edition
of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup. The Carolina
RailHawks defeated two Major League Soccer (MLS)
NASL Commissioner
teams, including the defending MLS Cup champion
Los Angeles Galaxy on the way to reaching the Director of the Home Depot Center from 2000 to
quarterfinals. Also in the oldest Cup competition in the 2006, Peterson helped oversee the management of
nation, the Tampa Bay Rowdies eliminated the three- numerous MLS teams and the development of soccer-
time U.S. Open Cup champion, Seattle Sounders FC. specific stadiums across the country.
Peterson and the NASL confirmed expansion to Most recently Peterson provided advisory and
Indianapolis in January and the city’s Indy Eleven club event services to a variety of clients in Canada and the
will join Ottawa Fury FC and Virginia Cavalry FC for the United States through his own firm Solve4. Peterson
2014 season. During the break between 2013 Spring is the Chairman of the USA Cycling Board of Directors
and Fall seasons, the NASL added Jacksonville, Fla. and a member of the USPRO Cycling Board of Trustees
and Oklahoma City, Okla. as expansion markets for and served briefly as COO of the UFL.
the 2015 season, making the NASL only the second- He was the Executive Vice President of
ever professional soccer league in the United States to Centerplate, the North American market leader for
boast as many active teams in it first five seasons. managing food and beverage, retail, restaurant, and
On August 3, 2013, the NASL welcomed the events in sports facilities, convention centers, and
iconic New York Cosmos back to the NASL family as the entertainment complexes. He spent six years working
legendary Pele, now in the role of Honorary Chairman, with a variety of teams, facilities and sporting events
led the team back onto the field after an absence of while Senior Vice President at AEG in Los Angeles.
almost three decades. Peterson spent almost a decade working for the National
No stranger to North American soccer having Football League where he became the President of
worked closely with MLS teams when he was the NFL Europe having been the General Manager of the
Senior Vice President of AEG Sports and Managing league’s Amsterdam Admirals.


The NASL is owned and operated by its member

teams through the Board of Governors, which consists of a
representative of each member team and is chaired by Aaron
Davidson, President of Traffic USA. The Board oversees the
League rules and regulations and governs the expansion and
commercial strategy of the League. The Board also oversees

AARON DAVIDSON the functions of the league office.

Chairman - Board of Governors


BRIAN MELEKIAN michael preston

Chief Operating Officer Director of Public Relations

Steven Torres RISHI SEHGAL

Public Relations Coordinator Director of Business
Development & Legal Affairs

CFO Lead


Structure: The Season is comprised referee may also allot extra time (a.k.a.
of the Spring Tournament and the Fall ‘stoppage time; additional time’) at the
Tournament. The winner of each of end of each period (first half, second half,
the Spring Tournament and the Fall and if applicable, first overtime period
Tournament shall play in the NASL and second overtime period during
Soccer Bowl to determine the year’s playoff games). The stadium clock will
overall champion. The winner of each display the time from 0:00 to 45:00 and
of Season (Spring & Fall) shall be those from 45:00 to 90:00 (plus stoppage
Teams that are ranked the highest in the time where applicable in each half). For
NASL League Standings at the conclusion statistical purposes, the minutes for goals,
of each Tournament. The winner of the substitutions, yellow cards, etc., will be
Spring Campaign also earns the right to listed from the first minute until the 90th
host the NASL Soccer Bowl. The League minute. A goal scored at 15 minutes 10
Standings shall be reset at the conclusion seconds will be listed as having been
of the Spring. In the event the same Team scored in the 16th minute.
wins both Seasons (Spring & Fall) the
Team that accumulated the most points Team Rosters: During the Season, each
over the course of the Spring and Fall Team’s Master Roster shall be no less
shall qualify for the NASL Soccer Bowl. than 20 Players and no more than 35
total Players. Players can compete on a
Schedule: This past Spring, seven teams maximum of TWO (2) Teams per
played a 12-game schedule, with each Season.
one playing each other in home-and-away
matches. The Fall sees the entrances Active Roster and Inactive Roster: At
of the New York Cosmos as the eighth no time may any Team name more than
NASL side, and as such it will feature a 14 30 eligible Players on its Active Roster.
game schedule. Only Players listed on an Active Roster
are eligible to play in any League Game.
Point System: Teams receive three Once a Player is listed on a Team’s
points for a win, one point for a tie and Inactive Roster, that Player must remain
zero points for a loss. on the Inactive Roster for at least 30 days.
In order for a Team to change a Player
Referees: All referees for NASL matches from the Active Roster to the Inactive
played in the United States are nationally Roster or vice versa, the Team must notify
certified referees assigned by the the Registrar, in writing, at least 48 hours
Professional Referee Organiztion (PRO), prior to the League Game for which the
while the Canadian Soccer Association Team intends for such change to take
(CSA) assigns referees for all matches effect. The League Office will make the
played in Canada. final determination on whether Players
are on the Active Roster or Inactive Roster
Game Clock: The official game time for any Game.
for all NASL games will be managed on
the field by the referee. If necessary, the

Domestic Players: A domestic Player Card Suspensions: Red card and yellow
for Teams domiciled in the United States card accumulation suspensions earned in
and Puerto Rico is either a U.S. citizen, regular season games will be served in that
a permanent resident (green card holder) player’s next regular reason game. Any
or the holder of other special status (e.g. suspension for yellow card accumulation
refugee or asylum status). A domestic earned in a player’s last regular season
Player for Teams domiciled in Canada is game will carry over into that season’s
either a Canadian citizen, a permanent first playoff game for his team. Any player
resident, a holder of a landed immigrant who receives a red card in his team’s last
or a Player who qualifies as a domestic game of the season (NASL regular season
player in the United States. match or during playoff games), will serve
the one-game suspension during their
International Players: Each team may next game (whether it comes during a
list up to 7 non-domestic players on its playoff game, championship series game,
roster. or in the first regular season game of the
following season). All card suspensions
Game Day Rosters: Each team may will, if necessary, follow a player to a new
nominate 18 players from its Active Roster team.
for a game day roster. Teams are allowed
three substitutions per game. Suspension Manipulation: Players
suspended from NASL games (regular
Cautions and Suspensions: A player season and playoff games) that are called
will be suspended for one game upon in for national team duty will have their
receiving his fifth yellow card – regardless suspensions held in abeyance until they
of the nature of the infraction which return to their NASL team. Teams will
resulted in his being awarded the yellow be responsible for informing the League
card. After a player has accumulated five Office of a player’s selection to national
yellow cards, he will earn an additional team duty. Failure to provide the League
one-game suspension for each additional Office with such notice or to withhold
three yellow cards he accumulates. A the use of a suspended player when
player receiving two yellow cards in the appropriate is subject to sanctions.
same game will be suspended for the
next game; however for the purposes
of accumulated yellow cards he will be
considered to have received just one red
card. A player receiving a direct red card
will automatically be suspended for the
next game, and the NASL Disciplinary
Committee has the power to suspend him
for additional games depending upon the
severity of the offense which led to the red
card issued by the referee.


League Standings:

The Team awarded the highest position in the League Standings will be the Team with the
greatest number of Points at the conclusion of the relevant Season. In the event that two or
more Teams have an equal number of points, the following system will be used to determine
rank in the League Standings:

1) The highest position shall be awarded to the team with the greater goal difference against all
other teams during the regular season (goal differential).

2) The highest position shall be awarded to the team scoring the greatest number of total goals
against all other teams during the regular season (total goals).

3) The highest position shall be awarded to the team with the best win/tie/loss record in regular
season games against all other teams equal in points (head-to-head competition).

4) The procedures described in this section shall be applied only to games played on the road
by each team against all other teams during the regular season. With the first tiebreaker being
‘Away goal difference’ and to be followed by ‘Away goals scored’

Soccer Bowl: The League’s Overall Champion shall be the winner of the NASL Soccer Bowl.
The NASL Soccer Bowl shall be hosted by the Team that wins the Spring Season.



July 4, 2011, marked the launch of the NASL
Official Match Ball manufactured by Joma. The
custom ball incorporates the stars of the original
iconic NASL ball, which represents the evolution
of the branding of the NASL from 1968 through
2011. In 2010 and 2011, Joma was ranked as
the leading sportswear company in Spain, and is
the official outfitter for several leading clubs and
national teams worldwide.


The Soccer Bowl, named to honor the heritage
of the earlier NASL, is awarded each year to
the League Champions, decided by the NASL
Soccer Bowl game at the conclusion of Fall
Championship Season. The Soccer Bowl
trophy was crafted in England and designed
by 343RLP+ Creative. Each year the NASL
Champions have their team name engraved on
the Soccer Bowl trophy.


Awarded to the winners of the Spring and Fall
Championships, the trophies were custom made
in England and designed by 343RLP+ Creative,
the same team behind the Soccer Bowl trophy
and the NASL league branding.

2013 FALL outlook
As the 2013 Fall Season kickoff, the to a near perfect record at home at WakeMed
NASL first takes a look back at the spring Soccer Park (5 wins, 1 draw, 0 losses) where
campaign, which can be summarized by the he scored seven goals, including two in the
words of Commissioner Bill Peterson who come-from-behind victory against Minnesota
underlined in the first half of the campaign United.
that “every match matters.” “He’s a goal scorer and he’s talented
His statement was underlined during the at putting the ball in the back of the net,”
spring as the seven-team competition did RailHawks coach Colin Clarke commented
not see its first elimination from the race to about Shriver.
host NASL Soccer Bowl 2013 until Week 10 However, there are players eager to
and the spring title was not decided until final capture the Golden Boot that trail Denissen
whistle of the last match on July 4. and Shriver by three goals such as Georgi
On that concluding day of Week 14, Hristov of the Tampa Bay Rowdies and
the Atlanta Silverbacks celebrated the Minnesota United FC’s Simone Bracalello.
Independence Day by capturing the NASL Hristov has led the Rowdies to the best
Spring Title and therefore earning to right road ledger in the league winning four,
to host the NASL Soccer Bowl 2013 on drawing one and losing one, but Ricky Hill’s
November 9, against the upcoming top team squad wants to improve on their record at
finisher of the Fall Season. home where they only won once during the
The three-way race for the Spring crown Spring.
featured the Silverbacks, Carolina RailHawks “At times we didn’t capitalize on our
and San Antonio Scorpions going down to home-field advantage for whatever reason,”
the wire on the last day of the season. Hill explained. “Away from home, our
The Silverbacks posted a 3-0 victory record would support that we were as good
over host Minnesota United FC, however as anyone, if not better than most. I was
Atlanta needed to wait until the conclusion of delighted with the overall level of play, but
the San Antonio-Carolina encounter (won by we need to get rid of the individual errors.”
the Scorpions 2-0) to lift the spring trophy. Also wanting to continue strong going
Atlanta closed out its storybook season into the Fall campaign is Colin Miller’s
that had them finishing last in 2012 to first FC Edmonton which ended as the best
this year, however the Silverbacks coach, defensive team during in the Spring Season
Brian Haynes believes the journey is not posting a league-best 1.00 GAA.
over and there is more to accomplish going Meanwhile, despite a disappointing
into the Fall Season. end to the first half of the year, the Fort
“I’m not in the least bit satisfied right Lauderdale Strikers have revamped their
now,” said Haynes. “Yes, we won the first squad which includes a new coach Günter
half, but as far as I’m concerned, we could Kronsteiner of Austria just in time for the
have done much better. We look forward to return an old NASL rival to open the Fall
improving on the things we didn’t do well last season, New York Cosmos.
season.” After an absent of almost three decades,
Unfinished business can be applied to the Cosmos are back in the NASL and
the NASL Golden Boot race, for the league’s are looking forward to renew old rivalries
top scorer, as Scorpions Hans Denissen and and starting up new ones in the 2013 Fall
Brian Shriver of RailHawks both have eight Campaign.
goals at the end of the Spring and will face- “We are very excited to get this new
off during the Fall. venture going,” said Cosmos coach Giovanni
Dutchman Denissen scored six goals, Savarese. “The Cosmos have such a special
including the last two against the RailHawks history and it’s wonderful to be a part of their
on July 4, during the Scorpion’s five-game re-birth.”
winning streak to close out the Spring in a With eight teams competing in 2013
strong third-place at the NASL standings. to be followed the editions of Indy Eleven,
“Hans is scoring goals from a lot of Ottawa Fury FC, Virginia Cavalry FC in
different places,” said Scorpions coach Tim 2014, along with Jacksonville and Oklahoma
Hankinson. “He’s using all of his weapons City in 2015, the revamped NASL will be only
right now, so we hope to see that continue in the second-ever professional league in the
the Fall Season.” history of United States Soccer to have as
Meanwhile, Shriver has been instrumental many active teams in only its fifth season.
for the RailHawks in the Spring leading them


The Atlanta Silverbacks closed

out their storybook season and
celebrated the nation’s Independence
Day by capturing the NASL Spring
Title after posting a 3-0 win over host
Minnesota United FC during the last
day of Week 14.
Following the result, Atlanta needed
to wait until the conclusion of the San
Antonio-Carolina encounter (won by
the Scorpions 2-0) in order to lift
the trophy and therefore earned the
right to host the NASL Soccer Bowl
2013 this coming November, against
the top finisher of the Fall Season to
crown the overall league champion.
Silverbacks coach, Brian Haynes
CHAIRMAN: Boris Jerkunica plans on blazing a trail through the
NASL to underline that his side is the
team to beat in 2013.
HEAD COACH: Brian Haynes (TRI)
“Other teams might think that we’re
FOUNDED (JOIN NASL): 1995 (2011)
just going to take it easy because
2013 SPRING RECORD: 6-3-3 (21 pts - 1st) we’ve already booked our place in
STADIUM: Atlanta Silverbacks Park (7,500) the final, but they’ll be in for a bit of
METRO AREA: 5.45 million a rude awakening if they do that,”
WEBSITE: warned Haynes. “Yes, we won the
CLUB ADDRESS: first half, but as far as I’m concerned,
3299 Northcrest Rd. Ste 200; Atlanta, GA 30340 we could have done much better.
We look forward to improving on the
things we didn’t do well last season.”


# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

2 Mike Randolph D 5-7 170 12/03/1985 Chino Hills, Calif.
3 Shane Moroney D 5-11 170 02/04/1989 Peachtree City, Ga.
4 Bobby Reiss D 6-1 185 09/30/1990 Palmdale, Calif.
5 Richie Menjivar M 5-8 160 10/31/1990 Panorama City, Calif.
6 Beto Navarro D 6-1 165 03/25/1989 Delano, Calif.
7 Pablo Cruz M/F 5-7 135 12/30/1991 Pasadena, Calif.
8 Milton Blanco M 6-0 170 04/27/1984 Fresno, Calif.
9 Pedro Mendes F 6-0 178 05/13/1990 Goiania, Brazil
10 Danny Barrera F 5-7 150 01/08/1990 Bogota, Colombia
11 Alex Caceres M 5-9 145 05/07/1987 Medellin, Colombia
12 Horace James M 6-0 180 12/20/1984 Port Maria, Jamaica
13 Willie Hunt D 5-10 163 09/15/1987 Greenville, S.C.
15 Mario Uribe M 5-8 160 01/04/1989 Miami, Fla.
16 Eric Ati GK 5-10 175 10/17/1988 Lawrenceville, Ga.
17 Brad Stisser F 5-9 168 09/24/1986 Highlands Ranch, Colo.
18 Joe Nasco GK 6-3 205 06/18/1984 Kissimmee, Fla.
19 Borfor Carr M/F 5-9 155 06/12/1987 Zwedru, Liberia
20 Mark Withers M 5-10 155 11/10/1992 Lake Mary, Fla.
21 Mark Bloom D 6-0 165 11/25/1987 Marietta, Ga.
22 Matt Lavery D 6-2 175 07/26/1990 Woodstock, Ga.
23 Brandon Manzonelli M 5-8 158 12/23/1989 St. Louis. Mo.
24 Scott Rojo M 5-6 140 04/04/1989 Houston, Tex.
25 Lucas Paulini M 6-1 175 03/19/1989 Buenos Aires, Argentina
27 Martyn Lancaster D 6-2 185 11/10/1980 Wigan England
28 Rury Alvarez M 5-3 160 05/30/1990 Atlanta, Ga.
29 Eduardo Liza D 5-7 155 09/09/1983 Atlanta, Ga.
70 Jesus Gonzalez M 5-11 170 09/19/1991 Pasadena, Calif.
91 Cody Mizell GK 6-0 185 09/30/1991 Woodstock, Ga.
94 Kellen Gulley F 6-0 178 04/06/1994 Clinton, Mass.

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013

Saturday, August 3 @ Minnesota United FC 8:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 7:30 PM
Sunday, August 18 @ FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, August 24 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 31 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 7 @ New York Cosmos 7:00 PM
Saturday, September 14 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 21 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 28 vs. FC Edmonton 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 5 @ San Antonio Scorpions 8:30 PM
Saturday, October 12 vs. Minnesota United FC 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 19 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 26 @ Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM
Saturday, November 2 vs. New York Cosmos 7:30 PM

2013 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NASL Record: 6-3-3, First Place - Champion

4/13 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 2-0 W 5,402
4/20 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 4-3 W 3,575
4/27 vs. Minnesota United FC 2-3 L 5,000
5/4 @ San Antonio Scorpions 2-2 D 7,053
5/12 @ FC Edmonton 0-3 L 1,161
5/18 vs. Carolina RailHawks 2-0 W 4,716
5/21 @ Georgia Revolution (NPSL)* 3-2 W 750
5/25 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 1-0 W 4,421
5/28 @ Real Salt Lake (MLS)* 2-3 L 9,644
6/8 vs. FC Edmonton 1-1 D 5,000
6/15 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-0 W 4,463
6/22 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 1-2 L 5,711
6/29 @ Carolina RailHawks 1-1 D 5,304
7/4 @ Minnesota United FC 3-0 W 6,507
7/27 vs. CSD Xelaju MC (GUA)^ 3-2 W 5,000

*Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup ^International Friendly

2013 spring STATS

Player GP/S G A Pts Shots SOG Y R Min

Ruben Luna 11/10 5 0 10 16 10 0 0 761
Danny Barrera 11/11 2 5 9 28 11 2 1 880
Pedro Mendes 12/8 3 0 6 26 8 3 0 834
Richie Menjivar 9/9 2 1 5 12 7 2 0 810
Milton Blanco 12/12 1 2 4 3 1 4 0 1080
Brad Stisser 10/3 2 0 4 12 7 2 0 427
Bobby Reiss 2/2 2 0 4 2 2 1 0 180
Beto Navarro 11/11 1 0 2 8 2 1 1 990
Martyn Lancaster 11/10 1 0 2 5 2 1 0 825
Pablo Cruz 11/3 1 0 2 14 5 1 0 373
Mark Bloom 12/12 0 1 1 8 1 0 0 1080
Borfor Carr 12/12 0 1 1 21 10 2 0 894
Horace James 7/0 0 1 1 6 2 1 0 164
Shane Moroney 2/1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 91
Mike Randolph 9/8 0 0 0 4 1 3 0 752
Joe Nasco 8/8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 652
Willie Hunt 6/5 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 405
Eric Ati 5/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 428
Jahbari Willis 3/1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 122
Kellen Gulley 4/0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 37

Goalkeeper GP/S GAA GA SV Y R Min

Eric Ati 5/4 0.63 3 9 0 0 428
Joe Nasco 8/8 1.24 9 23 0 1 652


The only team to go unbeaten

at home last season, the Carolina
RailHawks missed out on the chance
to wrap up the Spring Championship
in the final two weeks and now will be
looking for redemption going into the
Fall campaign.
Coach Colin Clarke used this past
mid-season break to re-charge
Carolina’s batteries which also had
them playing a couple of international
friendlies early on as well as an
historic quarterfinal run at the 2013
Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup.
RailHawks become the first NASL
side to reach the U.S. Open Cup
‘Final Eight’, while eliminating two
PRESIDENT: Curt Johnson consecutive MLS teams on the way
HEAD COACH: Colin Clarke (NIR)
– Defending MLS Cup Champion Los
Angele Galaxy and CD Chivas USA.
“It’s been a good break,” said
2013 SPRING RECORD: 5-5-2(20 pts - 2nd)
Clarke. “We have been able to get
STADIUM: WakeMed Soccer Park (10,000) some players healthy, but the team
METRO AREA: 1.63 million is ready to get back on the field and
WEBSITE: playing again.”
CLUB ADRESS: The RailHawks boast for the
101 Soccer Park Drive, Cary, NC 27511 Spring will be forward Brian Shriver,
who jointly leads the race for the
NASL Golden Boot top scorer award
with eight goals going into the Fall


# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

1 Akira Fitzgerald GK 5-11 175 07/17/1987 Baltimore, Md.
3 Kupono Low D 5-11 170 12/28/1978 Fremont, Calif.
5 Paul Hamilton D 6-0 170 03/23/1988 Calgary, Alberta
6 Austin Da Luz M 5-10 160 10/09/1987 Winston-Salem, N.C.
8 Jake Beckford M 5-10 155 07/31/1994 San José, Costa Rica
9 Nicholas Addlery F 6-1 180 12/07/1981 Kingston, Jamaica
10 Ciaran O’Brien M 5-9 160 11/17/1987 Federal Way, Wash.
11 Tiyiselani Shipalane M 5-11 160 10/05/1985 Tzaneen, South Africa
12 Julius James D 6-0 170 07/09/1984 Maloney Gardens, T&T
13 Brian Ackley F 6-3 194 9/27/1986 Cary, N.C.
14 Nick Millington M 5-7 150 08/09/1991 Raleigh, N.C.
15 Austen King D 6-2 195 05/02/1990 Wilson, N.C.
16 Kevin Rutkiewicz D 6-1 180 05/10/1980 Glasgow, Scotland
17 Jordan Graye D 6-2 170 06/15/1987 Washington, D.C.
18 Tim Murray GK 6-2 180 07/30/1987 Haverhill, Mass.
19 Enzo Martinez M 5-7 160 09/29/1990 Montevideo, Uruguay
20 Breiner Ortiz M 5-11 170 03/03/1990 Cali, Colombia
21 Brian Shriver F 5-10 160 08/05/1987 Clearwater, Fla.
22 Zack Schilawski F 5-10 170 04/15/1985 Cary, N.C.
23 Nick Zimmerman F 6-0 165 05/03/1987 Tampa, Fla.
24 Luciano Delbono M 5-10 157 07/29/1991 Winston-Salem, N.C.
29 Cesar Elizondo M 5-9 170 02/10/1988 Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica
32 Justin Willis D 6-0 165 04/15/1988 Raleigh, N.C.
71 Bryan Arguez M 6-2 185 1/13/1989 Miami, Fla.

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013

Saturday, August 3 vs. FC Edmonton 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 17 vs. New York Cosmos 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 24 vs. Minnesota United FC 7:00 PM
Friday, August 30 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 7 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 14 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:00 PM
Saturday, September 21 @ San Antonio Scorpions 8:30 PM
Saturday, September 28 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:00 PM
Sunday, October 6 @ FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, October 12 @ New York Cosmos 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 19 @ Minnesota United FC 3:30 PM
Saturday, October 26 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 7:00 PM
Saturday, November 2 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 7:00 PM

2013 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NASL Record: 5-5-2, Second Place

2/24 vs. Vancouver Whitecaps (CAN)^ 0-3 L 3,253
3/20 vs. Pumas UNAM (MEX)^ 1-2 L 8,054
4/6 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 0-0 D 4,232
4/13 vs. FC Edmonton 2-1 W 5,033
4/20 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 3-1 W 3,761
5/4 @ Minnesota United FC 2-2 D 4,825
5/11 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 5-2 W 6,708
5/18 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 0-2 L 4,716
5/21 vs. Carolina Dynamo (PDL)* 3-1 W 1,467
5/29 vs. Los Angeles Galaxy (MLS)* 2-0 W 8,121
6/1 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-1 D 4,047
6/8 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 2-1 W 4,086
6/12 vs. CD Chivas USA (MLS)* 3-1 W 5,066
6/16 @ FC Edmonton 1-1 D 3,474
6/22 vs. Minnesota United FC 3-2 W 3,350
6/26 @ Real Salt Lake (MLS)* 0-3 L 10,287
6/29 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 1-1 D 5,304
7/4 @ San Antonio Scorpions 0-2 L 7,467
*Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup ^International Friendly

2013 spring STATS

Player GP/S G A Pts Shots SOG Y R Min

Brian Shriver 11/11 8 0 16 28 16 0 0 987
Austin Da Luz 11/11 2 4 8 24 9 5 0 966
Floyd Franks 10/10 3 0 6 10 4 3 1 881
Zack Schilawski 12/11 2 1 5 14 6 1 0 835
Tiyiselani Shipalane 9/8 1 3 5 15 5 0 0 725
Cesar Elizondo 6/4 2 0 4 20 6 2 0 398
Brian Ackley 12/2 0 2 2 9 3 0 0 313
Jordan Graye 11/11 1 0 2 6 2 0 0 908
Ciaran Obrien 7/0 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 52
Enzo Martinez 1/1 1 0 2 4 2 0 0 74
Nick Millington 12/12 0 1 1 8 3 2 0 1021
Kupono Low 11/11 0 1 1 4 2 1 0 990
Akira Fitzgerald 12/12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1080
Paul Hamilton 11/10 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 833
Julius James 7/7 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 585
Austen King 6/4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 432
Jonathan Greenfield 4/4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 320
Kevin Rutkiewicz 4/3 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 246
Eddie Ababio 4/2 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 159
Jake Beckford 2/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
Greg Shields 1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45

Goalkeeper GP/S GAA GA SV Y R Min

Akira Fitzgerald 12/12 1.25 15 48 0 0 1080


As the best defensive team during

the past Spring posting a 1.00
GAA (Goals Against Average), FC
Edmonton wants to continue strong
going into the Fall campaign and
improve their fifth place finish from
last season.
Coach Colin Miller, who was busy
during the summer guiding Canada as
the interim coach at the CONCACAF
Gold Cup, aims for the Eddies to
becoming the first Canadian side
to reach the Soccer Bowl since the
NASL’s re-launch in 2011.
In order for FC Edmonton to inspire
being a contender for the Fall crown
it must improve by turning its draws
PRESIDENT: Tom Fath into victories as they were held in five
of 12 games last Spring.
Miller commented: “It was a good
HEAD COACH: Colin Miller (SCO)
break, and the lads took care of
themselves over their few days off.
2013 SPRING RECORD: 3-5-4 (14 pts - 5th) They have worked hard in training
STADIUM: Clarke Stadium (5,000) to make sure we’re prepared for the
METRO AREA: 1.04 million start of the fall season. We hope we
WEBSITE: can spur on our offense and build off
CLUB ADDRESS: our consistent defensive play.”
9725-62 Ave, Edmonton, AB T6E 0E4


# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

1 Lance Parker GK 6-4 200 08/19/1985 Oklahoma City, Okla.
2 David Proctor D 6-0 171 04/04/1984 Bellshill, Scotland
3 Eddie Edward D 6-0 205 09/20/1988 Ottawa, Ontario
4 Neil Hlavaty M 5-11 165 12/27/1986 Lombard, Ill.
5 Albert Watson D 6-0- 195 09/08/1985 Belfast, Northern Ireland
6 Sadi Jalali F 5-11 180 06/06/1995 Edmonton, Alberta
7 Chris Nurse M 6-1 181 05/07/1984 London, England
8 Wes Knight M 5-11 175 09/06/1986 Easley, S.C.
9 Michael Cox F 6-2 193 08/02/1992 Calgary, Alberta
10 Shaun Saiko M 5-10 160 11/13/1989 Edmonton, Alberta
12 Hanson Boaki M 5-4 130 10/28/1996 Edmonton, Alberta
13 Norbert Janas GK 5-8 160 07/27/1995 Edmonton, Alberta
14 Gagan Dosanjh M 5-6 135 11/01/1990 Abbotsford, BC
15 Mallan Roberts D 6-2 186 06/06/1992 Freetown, Sierra Leone
16 Daryl Fordyce F 6-0 160 01/01/1987 Belfast, Northern Ireland
17 Lance Laing D 6-0 185 02/28/1988 Trelawny, Jamaica
18 Robert Garrett M 5-7 140 05/05/1988 Belfast, Northern Ireland
19 Carlyle Mitchell D 6-2 175 08/08/1987 Erima, Trinidad & Tobago
21 Massimo Mirabelli M 5-10 180 10/21/1991 Brampton, Ontario
22 Michael Nonni M 5-10 165 11/10/1989 West Vancouver, BC
23 John Smits GK 6-4 185 09/07/1988 Mississauga, Ontario
24 Antonio Rago D 5-8 165 11/05/1990 Edmonton, Alberta
26 Edem Mortotsi M 6-0 158 05/16/1993 Accra, Ghana
27 Chris de Guise D 6-1 190 08/28/1993 Montreal, Quebec
28 Anthony Adur F 6-2 193 02/25/1988 Thornhill, Ontario

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013



Saturday, August 3 @ Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM
Sunday, August 11 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 4:00 PM
Sunday, August 18 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 4:00 PM
Saturday, August 24 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Sunday, September 1 vs. New York Cosmos 4:00 PM
Saturday, September 7 @ Minnesota United FC 7:00 PM
Sunday, September 15 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 4:00 PM
Sunday, September 22 vs. Minnesota United FC 4:00 PM
Saturday, September 28 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM
Sunday, October 6 vs. Carolina RailHawks 4:00 PM
Sunday, October 13 @ San Antonio Scorpions 8:30 PM
Saturday, October 20 @ New York Cosmos 4:00 PM
Sunday, October 27 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 4:00 PM
Saturday, November 2 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM

2013 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NASL Record: 3-5-4, Fifth Place

4/6 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-1 D 5,201
4/24 vs. Vancouver Whitecaps (MLS)* 2-3 L 2,838
4/13 @ Carolina RailHawks 1-2 L 5,033
4/20 @ Minnesota United FC 0-2 L 4,135
4/28 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 1-0 W 921
5/1 @ Vancouver Whitecaps (MLS)* 0-2 L 14,892
5/4 @Tampa Bay Rowdies 1-1 D 3,412
5/12 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 3-0 W 1,161
5/26 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 0-1 L 2,387
6/2 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 0-0 D 2,190
6/8 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 1-1 D 5,000
6/16 vs. Carolina RailHawks 1-1 D 3,474
6/22 @ San Antonio Scorpions 1-2 L 6,489
6/30 vs. Minnesota United FC 3-1 W 2,223

*Amway Canadian Championship

2013 spring STATS

Player GP/S G A Pts Shots SOG Y R Min

Shaun Saiko 11/10 2 3 7 24 7 2 0 865
Daryl Fordyce 12/12 3 0 6 20 6 1 0 1078
Michael Cox 12/12 3 0 6 19 7 4 0 964
Neil Hlavaty 11/11 2 1 5 12 5 1 0 990
Massimo Mirabelli 10/3 1 0 2 5 3 0 0 416
Wes Knight 3/3 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 182
Mallan Roberts 3/3 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 233
Lance Laing 11/11 0 1 1 9 5 3 0 990
Robert Garrett 8/8 0 1 1 5 1 2 0 643
Sadi Jalali 7/1 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 112
Eddie Edward 11/11 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 966
Chris Nurse 9/8 0 0 0 3 1 5 1 739
Lance Parker 8/8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 655
Antonio Rago 8/4 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 408
Carlyle Mitchell 7/7 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 559
Albert Watson 6/6 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 540
Adrian LeRoy 6/5 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 521
David Proctor 6/4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 335
John Smits 5/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 425
Edem Mortotsi 4/1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 102
Michael Nonni 2/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29
Hanson Boakai 2/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26

Goalkeeper GP/S GAA GA SV Y R Min

John Smits 5/4 0.85 4 10 0 0 425
Lance Parker 8/8 0.96 7 24 0 1 655

fort lauderdale strikers

Despite a disappointing end to the

first half of the year with a seventh
place finish, the Fort Lauderdale
Strikers have revamped their squad
for the Fall campaign which includes
the addition of new coach Günter
Kronsteiner of Austria.
“I believe it’s going to be very difficult
for both of us,” said Kronsteiner. “I
wish I had more time to prepare for
the first game, but we’re going to go
out and give one hundred percent and
see what comes from this. It won’t be
easy, but I’m looking forward to it.”
Along with coach and several new
PRESIDENT: Tom Mulroy players, the Fall 2013 Strikers look
MANAGING DIRECTOR: Tim Robbie forward the upcoming challenge in
HEAD COACH: Günter Kronsteiner(AUT)
an effort to reach the Soccer Bowl for
FOUNDED(Joined NASL): 2006(2011)
the first time since 2011.
2013 SPRING RECORD: 2-2-8 (8 pts - 7th)
Fort Lauderdale also welcomes
STADIUM: Lockhart Stadium (20,450)
the chance to immediately rekindle
METRO AREA: 5.56 million
classic encounters as it renews a
legendary rivalry against the returning
1301 NW 55th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
New York Cosmos.

2013 fort lauderdale strikers ROSTER

# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

1 Cody Laurendi GK 6-3 195 08/15/1988 Melbourne, Fla.
2 Stefan Antonijevic D 6-6 195 01/24/1989 Buffalo Grove, Ill.
3 Daniel Arcila D 6-0 170 10/15/1993 Pereira, Colombia
5 Toni Stahl D 6-3 180 05/11/1985 Tuusula, Finland
6 Hosman Ramos M 5-7 145 08/26/1989 Miami, Fla.
7 David Foley F 5-7 147 12/05/1987 South Shields, England
8 Pecka M 5-7 152 05/02/1989 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
9 Martin Nuñez F 5-6 160 01/02/1987 Miami, Fla.
10 Walter Restrepo M 5-8 169 06/21/1988 San Diego, Calif.
12 Ivan Guerrero D 5-7 145 11/30/1977 Comayagua, Honduras
13 Justin Chavez D 5-11 170 03/23/1990 Edmond, Okla.
14 Carlos Salazar M 5-9 160 07/01/1981 Cali, Colombia
15 Scott Gordon D 6-4 190 04/06/1988 Boca Raton, Fla.
16 Bradlee Baladez F 6-1 186 08/08/1991 Mesquite, Tex.
18 Stephane Guillaume D 6-1 175 02/09/1984 Saint-Marc, Haiti
19 Gonzalo De Mujica M 5-9 145 01/31/1990 Weston, Fla.
20 Mark Anderson M 5-10 167 02/13/1989 Durham, England
21 Darnell King F 5-8 155 09/23/1990 Tampa, Fla.
22 Lionel Brown GK 5-11 175 09/17/1987 Miramar, Fla.
23 Manny Gonzalez M 5-8 145 06/03/1990 Pompano Beach, Fla.
24 Matt Glaeser GK 6-5 183 04/27/1985 Fredricksburg, Va.
30 Richard Sanchez GK 6-3 197 02/28/1994 Dallas, Tex.
31 Paulo Jr. F 5’7” 158 01/23/1989 Teresina, Brazil
33 Rafael Alves D 6-3 194 01/18/1985 Praia Grande, Brazil
99 Aly Alberto Hassan F 6-3 184 05/15/1989 Weston, Fla.

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013

2013 ft. lauderdale strikers schedule


Saturday, August 3 @ New York Cosmos 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 vs. Minnesota United FC 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 17 @ San Antonio Scorpions 8:30 PM
Saturday, August 24 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM
Friday, August 30 vs. Carolina RailHawks 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 7 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 7:30 PM
Sunday, September 15 @ FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, September 21 vs. New York Cosmos 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 28 @ Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 5 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 12 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 19 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 26 @ Minnesota United FC 7:00 PM
Saturday, November 2 vs. FC Edmonton 7:30 PM

2013 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NASL Record: 2-2-8, Seventh Place

4/6 vs. FC Edmonton 1-1 D 5,201
4/13 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 0-2 L 5,402
4/20 @ Carolina RailHawks 1-3 L 3,761
4/27 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 1-2 L 4,563
5/11 vs. Minnesota United FC 2-1 W 4,323
5/18 @ San Antonio Scorpions 1-3 L 6,889
5/21 vs. Laredo Heat (PDL)* 1-1 D, 7-6 pen 2,054
5/26 @ FC Edmonton 1-0 W 2,387
5/28 vs. FC Dallas (MLS)* 0-2 L 1,357
6/1 vs. Carolina RailHawks 1-1 D 4,047
6/8 @ Minnesota United FC 1-2 L 5,754
6/15 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 0-1 L 4,463
6/23 vs. Cruzeiro Esporte Clube (BRA)^ 0-3 L 5,724
6/29 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 1-4 L 3,285

*Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup ^International Friendly

2013 spring STATS

Player GP/S G A Pts Shots SOG Y R Min

Darnell King 12/10 2 1 5 11 6 2 0 968
Scott Gordon 6/6 2 0 4 5 2 2 0 510
David Foley 5/5 2 0 4 8 5 2 0 353
Jemal Johnson 10/9 1 1 3 27 8 2 0 847
Walter Restrepo 9/4 1 0 2 18 6 3 0 519
Carlos Salazar 8/6 1 0 2 5 1 3 1 503
Manny Gonzalez 8/7 0 2 2 6 1 2 0 553
Mark Anderson 6/5 1 0 2 16 7 0 0 453
Toni Stahl 11/9 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 862
Pecka 9/9 0 1 1 4 3 2 0 805
Shavar Thomas 8/8 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 731
Ivan Guerrero 8/8 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 714
Justin Chavez 8/5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 462
Matt Glaeser 7/6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 596
Stefan Dimitrov 7/6 0 0 0 13 6 1 0 495
Stephane Guillaume 6/6 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 508
Rubens Pinheiro 6/4 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 328
Hosman Ramos 5/4 0 0 0 4 4 1 0 302
Jeff Attinella 4/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 360
Gonzalo De Mujica 4/2 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 158
Aly Alberto Hassan 5/0 0 0 0 6 4 1 0 81
Daniel Arcila 3/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 265
Stefan Antonijevic 3/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201
Andy Herron 3/0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 37
Jahbari Willis 1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
Mike Dietze 1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

Goalkeeper GP/S GAA GA SV Y R Min

Cody Laurendi 1/1 0.00 0 1 0 0 34
Jeff Attinella 4/4 1.25 5 16 0 0 360
Matt Glaeser 7/6 1.66 11 14 0 0 596
Lionel Brown 1/1 4.00 4 2 0 0 90


Minnesota United FC looks to

become the first club to progress
to three consecutive Soccer Bowls,
since the re-launching of the NASL
in 2011, however to reach the Fall
Classic it will need to better its
record from this past Spring which
had them finishing sixth in the league
After being in contention for most
of the 2013 Spring Season, the 2011
NASL champions lost its last three
games to miss out on hosting the
Soccer Bowl this coming November.
“We’re looking forward to getting
PRESIDENT: Nick Rogers back on the field and competing
HEAD COACH: Manny Lagos (USA)
again to wash the bad taste out our
FOUNDED(Joined NASL): 2010(2011)
2013 SPRING RECORD: 4-2-6 (14 pts - 6th) mouth that we didn’t finish where
STADIUMS: National Sports Center (8,500) we’d like,” said United coach Manny
Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome (64,121) Lagos. “We’re excited to compete
METRO AREA: 3.47 million
and try to win a Soccer Bowl.”
CLUB ADDRESS: For Minnesota’s chance to once
4050 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 295; again claim the league title it will need
Golden Valley, MN 55422 to rely on its experience strikers of
Etienne Barbara and Pablo Campos,
whom both captured the NASL
Golden Ball and Golden Boot in 2011
and 2012, respectively.


# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

0 Floyd Franks M 5-10 165 04/05/1984 Vestavia, Ala.
1 Mitch Hildebrandt GK 6-1 205 11/12/1988 Livonia, Mich.
2 Justin Davis D 6-0 175 05/06/1988 Litchfield Park, Ariz.
3 Cristiano Dias D 6-3 185 05/25/1986 Machado, Brazil
4 Aaron Pitchkolan M/D 6-2 185 03/14/1983 Aurora, Colo.
5 Edi Buro D 6-2 175 09/19/1987 Sarajevo, B&H
6 Kevin Friedland D 5-8 150 10/03/1981 Irvine, Calif.
7 Simone Bracalello F 6-0 165 10/21/1985 Genoa, Italy
8 Michael Reed M 6-0 165 01/21/1988 Albuquerque, N.M.
9 Pablo Campos F 6-3 200 01/29/1983 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
10 Mike Ambersley F 5-9 155 02/14/1983 St. Louis, Miss.
11 Max Griffin F 6-1 175 02/13/1988 Palmdale, Calif.
13 Kentaro Takada M 5-9 160 04/13/1983 Hokuto, Japan
14 Brian Kallman D 6-0 185 04/23/1984 Woodbury, Minn.
15 Sean De Silva M 5-7 165 01/17/1990 Port of Spain, T&T
16 Calum Mallace M 6-1 186 10/01/1990 Torphichen, Scotland
19 Luis Piffer D 6-0 180 11/17/1988 Amparo, Brazil
20 Connor Tobin D 6-2 175 02/11/1987 Fort Collins, Colo.
21 Travis Wall F 6-0 170 01/04/1990 Columbus, Ohio
22 Kevin Venegas M 5-10 150 07/29/1989 Lakewood, Calif.
23 Miguel Ibarra M 5-7 145 03/15/1990 Lancaster, Calif.
25 Nate Polak F 6-2 170 06/26/1989 Lincoln, Neb.
27 Brent Kallman D 6-2 190 10/04/1990 Woodbury, Minn.
28 Sinisa Ubiparipovic M 5-10 155 08/25/1983 Zenica, B&H
30 Matt VanOekel GK 6-4 205 09/10/1986 Chesapeake, Va.
32 Lucas Rodriguez M 5-8 140 02/08/1986 Buenos Aires, Argentina
33 Daryl Sattler GK 6-2 190 09/05/1980 Memphis, Tenn.

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013



Saturday, August 3 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 8:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 17 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 8:00 PM
Saturday, August 24 @ Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 31 @ San Antonio Scorpions 8:30 PM
Saturday, September 7 vs. FC Edmonton 7:00 PM
Saturday, September 14 @ New York Cosmos 7:00 PM
Sunday, September 22 @ FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, September 28 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 3:30 PM
Saturday, October 5 vs. New York Cosmos 8:00 PM
Saturday, October 12 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 19 vs. Carolina RailHawks 3:30 PM
Saturday, October 26 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:00 PM
Saturday, November 2 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM

2013 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NASL Record: 4-2-6, Sixth Place

4/6 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 0-0 D 6,754
4/20 vs. FC Edmonton 2-0 W 4,135
4/27 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 3-2 W 5,000
5/4 vs. Carolina RailHawks 2-2 D 4,825
5/11 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-2 L 4,323
5/18 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 2-3 L 4,053
5/21 vs. Des Moines Menace (PDL)* 0-1 L 1,009
5/25 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 3-2 W 3,372
6/1 @ San Antonio Scorpions 0-2 L 6,763
6/8 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 2-1 W 5,754
6/22 @ Carolina RailHawks 2-3 L 3,350
6/30 @ FC Edmonton 1-3 L 2,223
7/4 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 0-3 L 6,507
7/23 @ Thunder Bay Chill (CAN)^ 4-0 W 576

*Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup ^International Friendly

2013 spring STATS

Player GP/S G A Pts Shots SOG Y R Min

Simone Bracalello 11/10 5 4 14 35 13 2 0 873
Pablo Campos 10/10 4 3 11 24 19 2 0 900
Etienne Barbara 7/6 2 0 4 10 4 0 0 551
Aaron Pitchkolan 7/6 1 1 3 6 3 1 0 496
Brian Kallman 12/12 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 1074
Miguel Ibarra 12/11 1 0 2 12 4 0 0 937
Cristiano Dias 9/8 1 0 2 5 2 3 0 733
Michael Reed 9/8 1 0 2 9 2 0 0 671
Lucas Rodriguez 5/4 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 312
Geison Moura 3/2 1 0 2 4 2 1 1 187
Justin Davis 12/12 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 1035
Kentaro Takada 9/6 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 571
Matt Van Oekel 6/6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 540
Connor Tobin 4/4 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 347
Brent Kallman 1/1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 90
Kyle Altman 8/8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 855
Daryl Sattler 6/6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 540
Kevin Venegas 6/2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 248
Bryan Arguez 5/4 0 0 0 6 1 3 0 394
Max Griffin 5/4 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 278
Kevin Friedland 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135
Travis Wall 7/0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 81
Sean De Silva 3/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
Luis Piffer 1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

Goalkeeper GP/S GAA GA SV Y R Min

Daryl Sattler 6/6 1.50 9 15 0 0 540
Matt Van Oekel 6/6 2.17 13 18 0 0 540


The 2013 Fall Season marks the

historic return of the legendary New
York Cosmos to the NASL for the first
time in almost 30 years.
Originally founded in 1971, the
Cosmos competed in the old NASL
until 1984 winning five Soccer Bowl
trophies, while bringing some of the
biggest names in world soccer history
to North America, including Pelé,
Carlos Alberto, Franz Beckenbauer
and Giorgio Chinaglia.
Giovanni Savarese will be at the
helm of the Cosmos who are looking
forward to renewing old rivalries and
starting up new ones this coming
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER: Erik Stover “All of us – the coaching staff, the
HEAD COACH: Giovanni Savarese (VEN)
players, the front office – we are
very excited to get this new venture
FOUNDED(Re-joined NASL): 1971(2013)
going,” said Savarese. “The Cosmos
have such a special history and it’s
STADIUM: James M. Shuart Stadium (12,000) wonderful to be a part of their re-
METRO AREA: 18.9 million birth.”
WEBSITE: New York prepared for the
CLUB ADDRESS: upcoming NASL campaign with four
75 Greene St - 2nd Floor; New York, NY 10012 matches posting a 2-1-1 record,
which included a three-game English
tour against local clubs.


# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

1 Jimmy Maurer GK 6-3 189 08/14/1988 Lawrenceville, Ga.
2 Hunter Freeman D 6-0 170 01/08/1985 Tyler, Tex.
3 Hunter Gorskie D 5-11 159 06/27/1991 New York, N.Y.
4 Carlos Mendes D 5-11 186 12/25/1980 Mineola, N.Y.
5 Joseph Nane M 6-2 185 03/12/1987 Yaoundé, Cameroon
6 Rovérsio D 6-1 154 01/17/1984 Igarassu, Brazil
7 Ayoze M 5-8 151 11/22/1985 Puerto de la Cruz, Spain
8 Diomar Díaz F 5-7 156 03/03/1990 Ciudad de la Victoria, VEN
11 Peri Marošević F 5-9 168 05/05/1989 Brčko, SFR Yugoslavia
12 Chad Calderone GK 6-1 184 03/12/1980 Rockville Centre, N.Y.
13 Sebástian Guenzatti M 5-10 160 07/08/1991 Montevideo, Uruguay
14 Danny Szetela M 5-11 168 06/17/1987 Clifton, N.J.
15 Korey Veeder D 5-11 170 10/03/1991 St. Petersburg, Fla.
16 Dane Murphy M 6-2 185 03/15/1986 Redding, Conn.
17 Stefan Dimitrov F 6-1 181 10/08/1984 Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
18 Henry Lopez F 5-8 156 08/08/1992 Guatemala City, Guatemala
19 Marcos Senna M 5-9 161 07/17/1976 São Paulo, Brazil
20 Chris Rodd D 6-3 195 04/09/1985 Fremont, Calif.
21 David Diosa F 5-7 140 12/04/1992 Medellin, Colombia
22 Alessandro Noselli F 6-0 157 09/01/1980 Udine, Italy
23 Juan Gonzalez M 5-8 150 12/22/1988 Cali, Colombia
24 Kyle Reynish GK 6-3 195 11/03/1983 Valencia, Calif.
25 Hagop Chirishian M 5-7 145 11/01/1989 Hollywood, Calif.
26 Satoru Kashiwase F 5-10 158 06/01/1993 Chiba, Japan
27 Jemal Johnson F 5-9 165 05/03/1985 Paterson, N.J.
30 Paulo Mendes M 6-0 170 05/30/1990 Goiania, Brazil

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013



Saturday, August 3 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 17 @ Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 24 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 7:00 PM
Sunday, September 1 @ FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, September 7 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 7:00 PM
Saturday, September 14 vs. Minnesota United FC 7:00 PM
Saturday, September 21 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 28 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 5 @ Minnesota United FC 8:00 PM
Saturday, October 12 vs. Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM
Sunday, October 20 vs. FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, October 26 @ San Antonio Scorpions 8:30 PM
Saturday, November 2 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM

6/18 @ Newtown Pride FC (CSL)* 6-0 W 350
7/21 @ Old Carthusians FC (ENG)^ 4-1 W 278
7/24 @ Leyton Orient FC (ENG)^ 1-2 L 2,004
7/26 @ Gillingham FC (ENG)^ 1-1 D Closed Doors

*Exhibition ^International Friendly


In response to a “request for proposals” existing park race days, but will not hold
issued by the Empire State Development events that conflict with major horse racing
Corporation, the New York Cosmos have events such as the Belmont Stakes.
submitted a privately-funded economic The stadium will also have a downward
development proposal to the State of New slope from west to east, so its profile will be
York to build a world class 25,000-seat no higher than 30 feet along the residential
professional soccer stadium. perimeter.
This project called “Elmont Town Crossings,” Ample parking will be available to
will transform two sections of Belmont Park accommodate both the stadium and NYRA
into a vibrant entertainment complex, with events. There will be both ground level and
a “Restaurant Row” of nine new eateries, underground parking. Additionally, Belmont
nearly 250,000 square feet of retail space, is accessible by LIRR and bus service.
a 175-room hotel and the development of Once open, it is hoped the stadium will also
a brand new 4.3 acre public park for the host such events as World Cup and Olympic
residential community. qualifying matches for the U.S. Men’s and
On the southern portion, the Cosmos Women’s national team, exhibitions between
propose to build a 25,000-seat world class world class foreign teams, the U.S. Open
soccer stadium, a youth soccer field, and a Cup and NCAA games.
4.3 acre park for the community of Elmont. If approved, the Cosmos will spend the
A pedestrian overpass over Hempstead majority of this year working with state
Turnpike would connect the southern portion and local officials and the community to
to retail shops, restaurants and a hotel to the finalize plans and begin preparations for
north. The northern portion of the project will construction.
include nine restaurants and nearly 250,000 Should a final agreement be reached, we
square feet of shopping. expect shovels to break ground in 2014 and
It is anticipated that the stadium will host hope to have the stadium completed by the
event days 30-50 a year, in addition to end of 2015.

san antonio scorpions

After losing four of their first seven

games to open the season, the San
Antonio Scorpions turned it around
at the end winning their last five
matches to finish third in the NASL
standings and within a point of the
Spring Title.
San Antonio’s last season run
was sparked by Dutch forward Hans
Denissen, who scored eight goals to
also be in contention for the end of
year’s top goal scorers accolades
(NASL Golden Boot).
“We got off to a slow start in the
Spring,” said Scorpions coach Tim
Hankinson. “We fell short in the
spring by one point, so its motivating
PRESIDENT/GM: Howard Cornfield to know that were we’re one point
HEAD COACH: Tim Hankinson (USA)
away from a championship”
With some unfinished business,
FOUNDED(Joined NASL): 2010(2012)
San Antonio prepared for the Fall
2013 SPRING RECORD: 6-2-4 (20 pts - 4th)
Campaign by hosting a pair of
STADIUM: Toyota Field (8,000) international friendlies against
METRO AREA: 2.14 million Mexican clubs in July that averaged
WEBSITE: 6,783 spectators. This included
CLUB ADDRESS: a record crowd of 8,255 fans that
5103 David Edwards Dr., San Antonio, TX 78233 attended the showcase match for
San Antonio’s soccer community on
July 6, at Toyota Field.

2013 san antonio scorpionS ROSTER

# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

0 Craig Hill GK 6-2 192 12/27/1987 San Antonio, Tex.
2 Lyle Martin D 6-0 185 03/25/1985 Bakersfield, Calif.
5 Patrick Phelan M 6-1 180 01/16/1985 Enfield, Conn.
6 Kevin Harmse M 6-0 185 07/04/1984 Johannesburg, South Africa
7 Stephen DeRoux M 5-9 170 12/13/1983 St. Mary, Jamaica
8 Jeff Jennings M 6-2 175 11/06/1987 Aurora, Colo.
9 Fabrice Noel F 5-10 165 07/21/1985 Gressier, Haiti
10 Hans Denissen F 5-9 160 03/09/1984 Titburg, Netherlands
11 Esteban Bayona F 6-0 185 11/25/1983 Bogota, Colombia
12 Greg Janicki D 6-3 195 07/09/1984 Rochester, Minn.
13 Borja Rubiato F 6-1 165 11/13/1984 Madrid, Spain
17 Blake Wagner D 5-10 170 01/29/1988 Atlanta, Ga.
18 Sean Arters M 5-8 155 05/20/1988 San Antonio, Tex.
21 Walter Ramirez M 5-6 154 11/07/1983 Tegucigalpa, Honduras
22 Tomasz Zahorski F 6-3 190 11/22/1984 Barczewo, Poland
23 Javier Saavedra M 5-8 141 03/13/1974 Periban, Mexico
24 Jeremy Vuolo GK 6-3 200 09/05/1987 Philadelphia, Pa.
25 Patrick Hannigan GK 6-3 210 10/23/1982 Philadelphia, Pa.
27 Luka Vucko D 6-6 207 04/11/1984 Split, Croatia
45 Daniel Medina D 5-10 165 08/09/1989 Monterrey, Mexico
55 Edin Husic M 6-2 185 11/10/1985 Tuzla, B&H

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013

2013 san antonio scorpionS SCHEDULE


Saturday, August 3 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 8:00 PM
Sunday, August 11 @ FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, August 17 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 8:30 PM
Saturday, August 24 @ New York Cosmos 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 31 vs. Minnesota United FC 8:30 PM
Saturday, September 7 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 14 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 21 vs. Carolina RailHawks 8:30 PM
Saturday, September 28 @ Minnesota United FC 3:30 PM
Saturday, October 5 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 8:30 PM
Sunday, October 13 vs. FC Edmonton 8:30 PM
Saturday, October 19 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 26 vs. New York Cosmos 8:30 PM
Saturday, November 2 @ Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM

2013 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NASL Record: 6-2-4, Third Place

4/6 @ Minnesota United FC 0-0 D 6,754
4/13 vs. Tampa Bay Rowdies 0-2 L 8,177
4/28 @ FC Edmonton 0-1 L 921
5/4 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 2-2 D 7,053
5/11 @ Carolina RailHawks 2-5 L 6,708
5/18 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 3-1 W 6,889
5/21 FC Tucson (PDL)* 2-2 D, 3-4 pen 3,578
5/25 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 0-1 L 4,421
6/1 vs. Minnesota United FC 2-0 W 6,763
6/15 @ Tampa Bay Rowdies 2-1 W 4,595
6/22 vs. FC Edmonton 2-1 W 6,489
6/29 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 4-1 W 3,285
7/4 vs. Carolina RailHawks 2-0 W 7,467
7/6 vs. Tigres UANL (MEX)^ 1-5 L 8,255
7/20 vs. CSD Dorados de Sinaloa (MEX) ^ 1-2 L 5,311

*Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup ^International Friendly

2013 spring STATS

Player GP/S G A Pts Shots SOG Y R Min

Hans Denissen 11/9 8 1 17 27 14 1 0 719
Javier Saavedra 8/8 1 3 5 4 2 0 0 485
Kevin Harmse 11/11 1 3 4 7 3 3 1 982
Blake Wagner 11/10 2 0 4 23 8 3 0 916
Nikola Vaslic 4/1 1 1 3 9 4 1 0 269
Eriq Zavaleta 2/2 1 1 3 12 5 1 0 321
Luka Vucko 12/12 1 0 2 7 4 2 0 1080
Walter Ramirez 11/7 1 0 2 7 3 1 0 740
Edin Husic 8/6 1 0 2 13 4 2 0 568
Bryan Jordan 8/4 1 0 2 5 2 3 0 339
Stephen DeRoux 8/7 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 631
Patrick Phelan 11/10 0 0 0 9 2 4 0 958
Jeff Jennings 9/6 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 544
Pat Hannigan 7/7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 562
Greg Janicki 7/7 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 550
Jeremy Vuolo 6/5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 518
Esteban Bayona 5/5 0 0 0 15 11 0 0 510
Chris Williams 5/4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 440
Lyle Martin 5/4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 372
Ivan Milicevic 5/4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 297

Goalkeeper GP/S GAA GA SV Y R Min

Jeremy Vuolo 6/5 0.69 4 22 1 0 518
Pat Hannigan 7/7 1.76 11 23 1 0 562


In order to repeat as NASL

champions, the 2012 Soccer Bowl
winners, Tampa Bay Rowdies, will
need to better their fourth place finish
this past Spring by claiming the Fall
The Rowdies had the best road
ledger (4-1-1), but Coach Ricky Hill
wants to improve the team’s record
at home where they only won once
during the Spring.
“At times we didn’t capitalize on our
home-field advantage for whatever
reason,” Hill explained. “Away from
home, our record would support that
we were as good as anyone, if not
better than most.
CEO/GENERAL MANAGER: Andrew Nestor “Our expectation is to always go
out and win every game, and that’s
just the way we’re built”
HEAD COACH: Ricky Hill (ENG)
Leading the Tampa Bay offense will
FOUNDED(Joined NASL): 2008(2011)
be Bulgarian forward Georgi Hristov,
2013 SPRING RECORD: 5-3-4 (18 pts - 4th) who is also eager to capture the
STADIUM: Al Lang Stadium (8,000) NASL Golden Boot, as he scored a
METRO AREA: 3.65 million team-high five goals last season.
WEBSITE: Hristov also scored all of the
CLUB ADDRESS: Rowdies goals during the 2013 Lamar
4904 Eisenhower Blvd Ste 130, Tampa, FL 33634 Hunt U.S. Open Cup leading them to
the tournament’s fourth round, while
eliminating the three-time champion
Seattle Sounders FC of MLS.


# Name Pos. Ht. Wt. DOB Hometown

1  Andrew Fontein  GK 6-1  190  03/03/1990  Las Vegas, Nev.
2  Daniel Scott  D  6-1  185  10/16/1985 Maui, Hawaii
3  Andres Arango  D  6-1  175  04/23/1983  Medellin, Colombia
4  Stuart Campbell  M 5-10  148  12/09/1977  Corby, England
5  Kyle Clinton  M 6-4  180  09/11/1987  Safety Harbor, Fla.
7  Frankie Sanfilippo  D 5-10  165  09/08/1981  San Diego, Calif.
8  Luke Mulholland  M 5-9  150  08/07/1988  Preston, England
9  Raphael Cox  M 5-7  150  07/07/1986 Tacoma, Wash.
10  Georgi Hristov  F 6-0  165  01/10/1985 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
11  Shane Hill  M 6-1  185  08/05/1987  London, England
13  Thurstan Johnson  D 6-0  175  05/19/1989 St. Petersburg, Fla.
14  Draymond Washington  D 6-1  180  07/17/1990 Potomac, Md.
16  Amani Walker  F 6-2  190  12/16/1989  San Diego, Calif.
17 Jordan Gafa  D 5-10  165  06/19/1990 San Diego, Calif.
18  Jay Needham D 6-2  185  09/30/1984 Fort Worth, Tex.
20  Evans Frimpong  F/M  5-8  142  08/08/1989  Accra, Ghana
21  Devin Del Do  F 5-9  155  05/21/1986 Valencia, Calif.
22  Keith Savage  M 6-2  170  08/09/1985 Gulf Breeze, Fla. 
24  Diego Restrepo  GK 6-0  185  02/25/1988  Merida, Venezuela
25  Carl Cort  F 6-4  172  11/01/1977 London, England
27  Jamael Cox  M 5-9  140  04/27/1992  Tacoma, Wash.
32  Takuya Yamada  D 5-11  180  08/24/1974  Tokyo, Japan
99 Etienne Barbara F 6-0  190 6/10/1982 Pieta, Malta

*Rosters as of August 2, 2013

2013 TAMPA BAY ROWDIES schedule


Saturday, August 3 @ San Antonio Scorpions 8:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 vs. New York Cosmos 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 17 @ Minnesota United FC 8:00 PM
Saturday, August 24 vs. FC Edmonton 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 31 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 7 vs. Carolina RailHawks 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 14 @ Carolina RailHawks 7:00 PM
Saturday, September 21 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 7:30 PM
Saturday, September 28 @ New York Cosmos 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 5 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 12 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 19 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 7:30 PM
Sunday, October 27 @ FC Edmonton 4:00 PM
Saturday, November 2 vs. Minnesota United FC 7:30 PM

2013 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NASL Record: 5-3-4, Fourth Place

2/13 vs. Montreal Impact (CAN)^ 1-4 L n/a
4/6 vs. Carolina RailHawks 0-0 D 4,232
4/13 @ San Antonio Scorpions 2-0 W 8,177
4/20 vs. Atlanta Silverbacks 3-4 L 3,575
4/27 @ Fort Lauderdale Strikers 2-1 W 4,563
5/ 4 vs. FC Edmonton 1-1 D 3,412
5/18 @ Minnesota United FC 3-2 W 4,053
5/21 @ VSI Tampa Bay FC (USL PRO)* 2-1 W 2,250
5/25 vs. Minnesota United FC 2-3 L 3,372
5/29 vs. Seattle Sounders FC (MLS)* 1-0 W 4,124
6/2 @ FC Edmonton 0-0 D 2,190
6/8 @ Carolina RailHawks 1-2 L 4,086
6/12 @ Portland Timbers (MLS)* 0-2 L 5,931
6/15 vs. San Antonio Scorpions 1-2 L 4,595
6/22 @ Atlanta Silverbacks 2-1 W 5,711
7/4 vs. Fort Lauderdale Strikers 4-0 W 5,034

*Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup ^International Friendly

2013 spring stats

Player GP/S G A Pts Shots SOG Y R Min

Georgi Hristov 12/12 5 5 15 15 11 1 0 1044
Luke Mulholland 12/12 4 3 11 36 20 4 0 1080
Keith Savage 11/10 3 1 7 12 4 0 0 920
Mike Ambersley 6/3 2 0 4 5 2 1 0 286
Amani Walker 8/5 1 1 3 6 6 0 0 412
Devin Del Do 8/3 1 1 3 7 2 0 0 320
Shane Hill 10/10 1 0 2 16 6 0 1 855
Evans Frimpong 9/7 1 0 2 8 2 1 0 567
Jay Needham 8/7 1 0 2 4 2 2 0 565
Carl Cort 4/0 1 0 2 4 1 0 1 80
Alex Dixon 1/0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 72
Frankie Sanfilippo 11/11 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 990
Andres Arango 10/10 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 741
Diego Restrepo 9/9 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 810
Raphael Cox 9/8 0 0 0 5 2 4 0 693
Takuya Yamada 8/8 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 707
Jordan Gafa 8/6 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 651
Daniel Scott 5/5 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 450
Stuart Campbell 4/3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 299
Andrew Fontein 3/3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 270
Kyle Clinton 2/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15

Goalkeeper GP/S GAA GA SV Y R Min

Diego Restrepo 9/9 1.33 12 38 1 0 810
Andrew Fontein 3/3 1.33 4 14 0 0 270


On June 20, 2011, the NASL announced Dos Santos as the first head in franchise
that Canada would be awarded a second history. Born in Montreal, Dos Santos
expansion team, as Ottawa, would take is best known for leading the Montreal
the field in 2014. Impact to the USL title in his first year at
Current Ottawa Fury Owner and CEO the helm.
and Ottawa Sports and Entertainment With a head coach in place and the Fury
Group Partner John Pugh, was named FC brand well on its way to establishing
President and the building of Ottawa new itself, the next several months will be filled
professional soccer team began. Only with both hard work and excitement as the
18 months later (February 26, 2013) and club prepared to take to the field next year
following a name selection campaign that at the revitalized Lansdowne Park.
received over 4,000 submissions, the John
Pugh announced that the official name of
the club, Ottawa Fury FC.
With a name in place, Ottawa Fury FC
would begin to build its brand; its season
ticket base and most importantly its staff.
On May 23, 2013, Pugh named Marc


OWNERSHIP: Ottawa Sports & Entertainment Group
STADIUM: Lansdowne Park (24,000)
METRO AREA: 1.24 million
LOCATION: 700 Industrial Ave, Suite 220, Ottawa, ON K1G 0Y9

virginia cavalry FC

On November 5, 2012, the NASL in the relentless pursuit of victory.”

unveiled its newest expansion team in Following its name unveiling, Virginia
Virginia, to make its league debut in Cavalry broke ground on the new stadium
2014. Only three months later, the VIP on June 4, 2013, as Loudoun Hounds
Sports & Entertainment ownership group baseball club’s forthcoming stadium at
established the new name of the club as One Loudoun is was officially dubbed
Virginia Cavalry FC. Edelman Financial Field.
“Virginia Cavalry FC is tremendous name Farren added: “With the commencement
for Virginia’s first high-level professional of the stadium’s construction, introducing
soccer club,” said Bob Farren President Edelman Financial Field as the home of
and CEO of VIP Sports & Entertainment. the Loudoun Hounds and Virginia Cavalry
“Not only does it connect with our area’s FC is an amazing validation of Loudoun
long military history and its well-known County, the Hounds and Cavalry FC.”
tradition as horse country, it also signifies The Cavalry FC becomes the first team
our club will work together as a single from the DC/VA metro area to play in the
unit for a common goal. Boldly carrying NASL since the Washington Diplomats.
the name ‘Cavalry’ as our fans roar
encouragement, our players will feel the
impulse to saddle up and charge forward


OWNERSHIP: Loudoun Professional Soccer LLC
STADIUM: Edelman Financial Field (5,500)
METRO AREA: 5.7 million
LOCATION: 21441 Pacific Blvd, Suite 240, Dulles, VA 20166

indy eleven

Indy Eleven was launched on January The makeup of the team will reflect the
16, 2013 by Keystone Group CEO Ersal community, so that it can live up to its
Ozdemir to become the third team to slogan of “The World’s Game, Indiana’s
compete in the NASL in 2014. Team.”
Originally born under the Indy Pro Soccer This was followed by the appointment
moniker, the club officially adopted its Indy of the club’s first coach and former
Eleven identity on April 25, 2013 during a U.S. national team goalkeeper Juergen
ceremony held at the iconic Soldiers and Sommer on June 11, 2013.
Sailors monument 152 years to the day of Sommer, who was also the first U.S.
the initial enlistment of the 11th Indiana goalkeeper to play in the English Premier
Regiment during the Civil War. League, attended high school at Culver
Indy Eleven’s vision is to create a team Academy in northern Indiana and won a
that is representative of Indiana and college national championship at Indiana
creates strong emotional connections with University where he was named Soccer
its fans. Those connections – embodied America’s Goalkeeper of the Year as a
in the team’s symbolic name, crest and senior in 1990.
colors – will be made with Indiana’s youth
and adult soccer community and the active
young adult urban and ethnic populations.


OWNERSHIP: Keystone Group LLC
STADIUM: Carroll Stadium (12,111)
METRO AREA: 1.75 million
LOCATION: 47 S. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46204


Soccer fans in Jacksonville, Fla, and rivalry for our teams the Tampa Bay Rowdies
Oklahoma City, Okla., will have a North and Fort Lauderdale Strikers, appealing to
American Soccer League team to cheer for the global soccer passion for local derbies
when the 2015 Spring Season kicks off after that are always special occasions.”
the NASL Board of Governors unanimously Oklahoma City businessman Tim
approved expansion bids for both cities McLaughlin presented to the NASL Board
following the league’s meetings in Dallas, of Governors on behalf of OKC Pro Soccer
Tex. on July 25, 2013 LLC, which has already secured the rights to
We are delighted to be expanding to two plays its games at Taft Stadium in Oklahoma
cities that clearly have a passion for soccer, City.
where we believe local fans will be excited “Bringing a high-level professional soccer
to welcome our newest teams,” said NASL club to Oklahoma City is going to add an
Commissioner Bill Peterson. “We have exciting new sports dimension to our city and
considered expansion to cities that meet state,” said McLaughlin. “We look forward to
specific criteria and most importantly have working with the NASL to give our community
strong ownership groups that will provide a a soccer team and game experience people
long and stable future for the NASL in those will be talking about for many years to
markets, which we clearly have in both come.
Jacksonville and Oklahoma City.” “We’re especially excited to know that
Mark Frisch and former professional bringing this level of professional soccer to
soccer player Dario Sala of the Sunshine our market will also help the local schools
Soccer Group led the successful Jacksonville whose historic Taft Stadium we will play in
bid. when it is remodeled and refurbished to its
I am thrilled to have helped lead an effort former glory. We will create a revenue source
to bring pro soccer back to Jacksonville,” for the local community because every ticket
said Frisch. “I am very grateful for all the we sell will benefit inner city schools. To
support from the city and the fans leading say we are excited and overwhelmed is an
up to this day. I know the fans out there understatement.”
have been waiting for this moment for a long Commissioner Peterson added: “The
time. I cannot wait to go out and meet them Board of Governors has recognized a
all personally and talk the beautiful game of carefully crafted bid from OKC Pro Soccer
soccer in Jacksonville.” LLC, who waited patiently to build a strong
Commissioner Peterson added: “I have platform that will ensure NASL soccer thrives
seen first hand the desire the Jacksonville in Oklahoma City. Like their Jacksonville
community has for a professional soccer counterparts, they have almost two full years
team to call its own and believe this is a great to prepare an unrivaled coaching staff, player
move for soccer in Florida. The Sunshine roster and venue to create a team that local
Soccer Group is creating another in-state fans will be proud to support.”

TEAM directory
3299 Northcrest Rd, Suite 200 5103 David Edwards Drive
Atlanta, GA 30340 San Antonio, TX 78233
Neal Malone Preston Petri
Public Relations & Marketing Manager Director of Public Relations
[email protected] [email protected]
(404) 969-4900 ext. 332 (210) 637-3421


101 Soccer Park Drive 4904 Eisenhower Blvd, Suite 130
Cary, NC 27511 Tampa, FL 33634
David Vaught Nico Castillo
Director of Operations & Communications Marketing & Communications Manager
[email protected] [email protected]
(919) 859-5425 ext. 0772 (813) 287-1539


9725 - 62 Avenie 700 Industrial Avenue Suite 250
Edmonton, AB T5H 4E2 Ottawa, ON K1G 0Y9
Jill Horbay Graeme Ivory
Media Relations Director of Communications & Marketing
[email protected] [email protected]
(780) 439-7529 613-235-3879, ext. 8322


1301 NW 55th St 21441 Pacific Blvd, Suite 240
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Dulles, VA 20166
Leo Sarmiento David D’Onofrio
Director or Marketing & Communications Director of Communications
[email protected] [email protected]
(305) 728-2623 (703) 669-3647, ext. 211


4050 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 295 47 S. Pennsylvania Street Suite 611
Golden Valley, MN 55422 Indianapolis, IN 46204
Eric Durkee John Koluder
Social Media Manager Director of Public Relations
[email protected] [email protected]
(763) 331-8777 (317) 685-1100, ext. 167


75 Greene Street - Second Floor
New York, NY 10012
Jen Chang
Director of Cimmunications & Marketing
[email protected]
David Hockman
Manager, Media Relations & Marketing
[email protected]
(212) 369-7000

Since the league’s re-launching, the NASL teams have taken part
in the most recent two editions of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cups.
Played annually since 1914, the U.S. Open Cup is the oldest cup
competition in the country and is a single elimination tournament and
is open to all affiliated amateur and professional teams in the United
In only their second year the NASL teams have outscored their
opposition 51 to 38 in 28 total games and for two consecutive tourna-
ments, at least two NASL teams have reached the Fourth Round of
the competition by eliminating MLS sides.
This past 2013 edition, the Carolina RailHawks, became the first
league team advanced to the quarterfinals.

All-Time NASL Results at Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup NASL All-Time U.S. Open Cup Goal scorers

2012 Brian Shriver (CAR) – 6

Second Round
Carolina RailHawks 6 PSA Elite (USASA) 0 Mark Anderson (FTL) – 3
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 7 Fresno Fuego (PDL) 2 Aly Hassan (FTL)
Jacksonville United (NPSL) 0 Tampa Bay Rowdies 3 Georgi Hristov (TBR)
Georgia Revolution (NPSL) 0 Atlanta Silverbacks 1 Ty Shipalane (CAR)
San Antonio Scorpions 2 Laredo Heat (PDL) 0
Des Moines Menace (PDL) 0 Minnesota Stars FC 2 Simone Bracalello (MNU) – 2
Pablo Campos (SAS)
Third Round Hans Denissen (SAS)
Carolina RailHawks 2 Los Angeles Galaxy (MLS) 1 Kevin Harmse (SAS)
San Jose Earthquakes (MLS) 2 Fort Lauderdale Strik- Ruben Luna (ATL)
ers 1 Pablo Cruz (ATL)
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1 Colorado Rapids (MLS) 3 Leopoldo Morales (FTL)
Seattle Sounders FC (MLS) 5 Atlanta Silverbacks 1 Zack Scilawski (CAR)
San Antonio Scorpions 1 Houston Dynamo (MLS) 0
Real Salt Lake (MLS) 1 Minnesota Stars FC 3 Brian Ackley (CAR) – 1
Mike Ambersley (TBR)
Fourth Round Daniel Antoniuk (TBR)
San Jose Earthquakes 1 Minnesota Stars FC 0 Matt Clare (TBR)
Carolina RailHawks 1 CD Chivas USA (MLS) 2 Raphael Cox (ATL)
San Antonio Scorpions 1 Charlotte Eagles (USL PRO) 2 Austin Da Luz (CAR)
Cesar Elizondo (CAR)
2013 Kellen Gulley (ATL)
Second Round Neil Hlavaty (MNU)
Carolina RailHawks 3 Carolina Dynamo (PDL) 1 Miguel Ibarra (MNU)
VSI Tampa Bay (USL PRO) 1 Tampa Bay Rowdies 2 Austen King (CAR)
Georgia Revolution (NPSL) 2 Atlanta Silverbacks 3 Amir Lowery (CAR)
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1 Laredo Heat (PDL) 1, Strik- Reinaldo Navia (ATL)
ers 7-6 pen Mike Palacio (CAR)
San Antonio Scorpions 2 FC Tucson (PDL) 2, Tucson Walter Restrepo (FTL)
4-3 pen Keith Savage (TBR)
Minnesota United FC 0 Des Moines Menace (PDL) 1 Kevin Venegas (MIN)

Third Round Own Goal - 1

Fort Lauderdale Strikers 0 FC Dallas (MLS) 2 Kupono Low (CAR)
Real Salt Lake (MLS) 3 Atlanta Silverbacks 2 aet
Carolina RailHawks 2 Los Angeles Galaxy (MLS) 0
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1 Seattle Sounders FC (MLS) 0

Fourth Round
Carolina RailHawks 3 CD Chivas USA (MLS) 1 aet
Portland Timbers (MLS) 2 Tampa Bay Rowdies 0

Real Salt Lake (MLS) 3 Carolina RailHawks 0

2013 spring recap

Atlanta Silverbacks 12 6 3 3 20 15 +5 21
Carolina RailHawks 12 5 3 2 20 16 +4 20
San Antonio Scorpions 12 6 2 4 19 15 +4 20
Tampa Bay Rowdies 12 5 3 4 21 16 +5 18
FC Edmonton 12 3 5 4 13 12 +1 14
Minnesota United FC 12 4 2 6 18 23 -5 14
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 12 2 2 8 10 24 -14 8
Results Week 8:
Week 1: May 25
April 6 Atlanta Silverbacks 1-0 San Antonio Scorpions, 4421
Tampa Bay Rowdies 0-0 Carolina Railhawks, 4232 Tampa Bay Rowdies 2-3 Minnesota United FC, 3372
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-1 FC Edmonton, 5201 May 26
Minnesota United FC 0-0 San Antonio Scorpions, 6754 FC Edmonton 0-1 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, 2387

Week 2: Week 9:
April 13 June 1
Carolina Railhawks 2-1 FC Edmonton, 5033 Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-1 Carolina Railhawks, 4047
Atlanta Silverbacks 2-0 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, 5402 San Antonio Scorpions 2-0 Minnesota United FC, 6763
San Antonio Scorpions 0-2 Tampa Bay Rowdies, 8177 June 2
FC Edmonton 0-0 Tampa Bay Rowdies, 2190
Week 3:
April 20 Week 10:
Minnesota United FC 2-0 FC Edmonton, 4135 June 8
Carolina Railhawks 3-1 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, 3761 Carolina Railhawks 2-1 Tampa Bay Rowdies, 4086
Tampa Bay Rowdies 3-4 Atlanta Silverbacks, 3575 Atlanta Silverbacks 1-1 FC Edmonton, 5000
Minnesota United FC 2-1 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, N/A
Week 4:
April 27 Week 11:
Atlanta Silverbacks 2-3 Minnesota United FC, 5000 June 15
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-2 Tampa Bay Rowdies, 4563 Fort Lauderdale Strikers 0-1 Atlanta Silverbacks, 4463
April 28 Tampa Bay Rowdies 1-2 San Antonio Scorpions, 4595
FC Edmonton 1-0 San Antonio Scorpions, 921 June 16
FC Edmonton 1-1 Carolina Railhawks, 3474
Week 5:
May 4 Week 12:
Tampa Bay Rowdies 1-1 FC Edmonton, 3412 June 22
Minnesota United FC 2-2 Carolina Railhawks, 4825 Carolina Railhawks 3-2 Minnesota United FC, 3350
San Antonio Scorpions 2-2 Atlanta Silverbacks, 7053 Atlanta Silverbacks 1-2 Tampa Bay Rowdies, 5711
San Antonio Scorpions 2-1 FC Edmonton, 6489
Week 6:
May 11 Week 13:
Carolina Railhawks 5-2 San Antonio Scorpions, 6708 June 29
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 2-1 Minnesota United FC, 4323 Carolina Railhawks 1-1 Atlanta Silverbacks, 5304
May 12 Fort Lauderdale Strikers 1-4 San Antonio Scorpions, 3285
FC Edmonton 3-0 Atlanta Silverbacks, 1161 June 30
FC Edmonton 3-1 Minnesota United FC, 2223
Week 7:
May 18 Week 14:
Minnesota United FC 2-3 Tampa Bay Rowdies, N/A July 4
Atlanta Silverbacks 2-0 Carolina Railhawks, 4716 Tampa Bay Rowdies 4-0 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, 5034
San Antonio Scorpions 3-1 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, 6889 Minnesota United FC 0-3 Atlanta Silverbacks, 6507
San Antonio Scorpions 2-0 Carolina Railhawks, 7467

2013 spring stats leaders

Name Team Goals Name Team Assists
1. Hans Denissen SAS 8 1. Georgi Hristov TBR 5

2. Brian Shriver CAR 8 2. Danny Barrera ATL 4

3. Simone Bracalello MNU 5 3. Simone Bracalello MNU 4

4. Gerogi Hristov TBR 5 4. Pablo Campos MNU 4

5. Ruben Luna ATL 5 5. Austin Da Luz CAR 4

minutes GAA
Name Team Minutes Name Team GAA
1. Milton Blacno ATL 1080 1. Eric Ati ATL 0.63

2. Mark Bloom ATL 1080 2. Jeremy Vuolo SAS 0.69

3. Akira Fitzgerald CAR 1080 3. John Smits FCE 0.85

4. Luka Vucko SAS 1080 4. Lance Parker FCE 0.96

5. Luke Mulholland TBR 1080 5. Joe Nasco ATL 1.24

Spring Season – Player of Week Awards

Week 1: Akira Fitzgerald – GK, Carolina RailHawks
Week 2: Raphael Cox – M, Tampa Bay Rowdies
Week 3: Pedro Mendes – F, Atlanta Silverbacks
Week 4: Shaun Saiko – M, FC Edmonton
Week 5: Etienne Barbara – F, Minnesota United FC
Week 6: Michael Cox – F, FC Edmonton
Week 7: Javier Saavedra – M, San Antonio Scorpions
Week 8: Danny Barrera – F, Atlanta Silverbacks
Week 9: Blake Wagner – D, San Antonio Scorpions
Week 10: Pablo Campos – F, Minnesota United FC
Week 11: Cesar Elizondo – M/Ty Shipalane, F, Carolina RailHawks
Week 12: Brian Shriver – F, Carolina RailHawks
Week 13: Hans Denisson – F, San Antonio Scorpions
Week 14: Bobby Reiss – D, Atlanta Silverbacks

Spring Season – Player of the Month Awards

April: Luke Mulholland – M, Tampa Bay Rowdies
May: Simone Bracalello – F, Minnesota United FC
June: Hans Denissen – F, San Antonio Scorpions

2012 recap

San Antonio Scorpions 28 13 8 7 46 27 +19 47
Tampa Bay Rowdies 28 12 9 7 37 30 +7 45
Puerto Rico Islanders 28 11 8 9 32 30 +2 41
Carolina RailHawks 28 10 10 8 44 46 -2 40
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 28 9 9 10 40 46 -6 36
Minnesota Stars FC 28 8 11 9 34 33 +1 35
Atlanta Silverbacks 28 7 9 12 35 46 -11 30
FC Edmonton 28 5 10 13 26 36 -10 25

September 29,
Carolina RailHawks 3-1 Fort Lauderdale Strikers at WakeMed Soccer Park, 2534
Puerto Rico Islanders 1-2 Minnesota Stars, Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel, 2,002

October 6,
Carolina RailHawks 1-2 Tampa Bay Rowdies, WakeMed Soccer Park, 3,183
Minnesota Stars 0-0 San Antonio Scorpions, NSC Stadium, 2,006

October 13,
Tampa Bay Rowdies 3-3 Carolina RailHawks, Al Lang Stadium, 4,132

October 14,
San Antonio Scorpions 1-2 Minnesota Stars, Heroes Stadium, 6,249

October 20,
Minnesota Stars 2-0 Tampa Bay Rowdies, NSC Stadium, 4,642

October 27,
Tampa Bay Rowdies 3-1 Minnesota Stars, Al Lang Stadium, 6,208

2012 stats leaders

Name Team Goals Name Team Assists
1. Pablo Campos SAS 21 1. Mike Ambersley TBR 8

2. Nick Zimmerman CAR 15 2. Walter Restrepo FTL 8

3. Mark Anderson FTL 11 3. Mike Palacio CAR 6

4. Matt Horth ATL 10 4. Walter Ramirez SAS 6

5. Nicholas Addlery PRI 9 5. Shaun Saiko FCE 6

SHOTS minutes
Name Team Shots Name Team Minutes
1. Mark Anderson FTL 84 1. Takuya Yamada TBR 2520

2. Pablo Campos SAS 77 2. Mike Ambersley TBR 2426

3. Luke Mulholland TBR 68 3. Pablo Campos SAS 2388

4. Shaun Saiko FCE 68 4. Frankie Sanfilippo TBR 2340

5. Simone Bracalello MIN 66 5. Kupono Low CAR 2326


Name Team GAA Name Team Saves
1. Daryl Sattler SAS 0.79 1. Jeff Attinella TBR 118

2. Jeff Attinella TBR 1.07 2. Matt Glaeser FTL 108

3. Richard Martin PRI 1.08 3. Richard Martin PRI 106

4. Matt Van Oekel MIN 1.20 4. Daniel Illyes ATL 86

5. Lance Parker FCE 1.31 5. Ray Burse CAR 82

*Goalkeeper stats only include players with 1350 cumulative minutes

2012 best xi

F - MARK ANDERSON F - pablo campos

Ft. Lauderdale Strikers San Antonio Scorpions

M - Luke mulhooland M - walter ramirez M - Walter restrepo M - nick zimmerman

Tampa Bay Rowdies San Antonio Scorpions Ft. Lauderdale Strikers Carolina RailHawks

D- kyle altman D - Ryan Cochrane D - Paul hamilton D - takuya yamada

Minnesota Stars FC San Antonio Scorpions FC Edmonton Tampa Bay Rowdies

GK - jeff attinella
Tampa Bay Rowdies

2012 players of the month/week


Atlanta Silverbacks FC Edmonton Tampa Bay Rowdies San Antonio Scorpions


RICHARD MARTIN Matt horth Jeff Attinella
Puerto Rico Islanders Atlanta Silverbacks Tampa Bay Rowdies

Date Off. Player of the Week Def. Player of the Week

April 9, 2012 Andy Herron, Fort Lauderdale Ray Burse, Carolina
April 16, 2012 Jonathan Faña, Puerto Rico Richard Martin, Puerto Rico
April 23, 2012 Andy Herron, Fort Lauderdale Richard Martin, Puerto Rico
April 30, 2012 Reinaldo Navia, Atlanta Jeff Attinella, Tampa Bay
May 7, 2012 Shaun Saiko, Edmonton Cristiano Dias, Minnesota
May 14, 2012 Pablo Campos, San Antonio Paul Hamilton, Edmonton
May 21, 2012 Daniel Antoniuk, Tampa Bay Jonathan Greenfield, San Antonio
May 28, 2012 Shaun Saiko, Edmonton Frankie Sanfilippo, Tampa bay
June 4, 2012 Ciaran O’Brien, Atlanta Matt Van Oekel, Minnesota
June 11, 2012 Pablo Campos, San Antonio Lance Parker, Edmonton
June 18, 2012 Tsuyoshi Yoshitake, Tampa Bay Jack Stewart, Fort Lauderdale
June 25, 2012 Tsuyoshi Yoshitake, Tampa Bay Ray Burse, Carolina
July 2, 2012 Mark Anderson, Fort Lauderdale Jeff Attinella, Tampa Bay
July 9, 2012 Mike Palacio, Carolina Daniel Illyes, Atlanta
July 16, 2012 Pablo Campos, San Antonio Jeff Attinella, Tampa Bay
July 23, 2012 Mark Anderson, Fort Lauderdale Frankie Sanfilippo, Tampa Bay
July 30, 2012 Pablo Campos, San Antonio Jeff Attinella, Tampa Bay
Aug. 6, 2012 Pedro Mendes, Atlanta Richard Martinez, Puerto Rico
Aug. 13, 2012 Andy Herron, Fort Lauderdale Bryan Arguez, Edmonton
Aug. 20, 2012 Pablo Campos, San Antonio Conor Shanosky, Fort Lauderdale
Aug. 27, 2012 Abe Thompson, Fort Lauderdale Akira Fitzgerlad, Carolina
Sept. 3, 2012 Matt Horth, Atlanta Frankie Salfilippo, Tampa Bay
Sept. 10, 2012 Shaun Saiko, Edmonton Takuya Yamada, Tampa Bay
Sept. 17, 2012 Ty Shipalane, Caroina Anthony Vazquez, Puerto Rico
Sept. 24, 2012 Danny Barrera, Atlanta Jeff Attinella, Tampa Bay

2011 recap

Carolina RailHawks 28 17 3 8 50 26 +24 54
Puerto Rico Islanders 28 15 7 6 41 32 +9 52
FC Tampa Bay 28 11 8 9 41 36 +5 41
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 28 9 11 8 35 36 -1 38
FC Edmonton 28 10 6 12 35 40 -5 36
NSC Minnesota Stars 28 9 9 10 30 32 -2 36
Montréal Impact 28 9 8 11 35 27 +8 35
Atlanta Silverbacks 28 4 4 20 25 63 -38 16

October 1,
FC Tampa Bay 0-1 NSC Minnesota Stars at Al Lang Stadium, 3,003
Fort Lauderdale 5-0 FC Edmonton at Lockhart Stadium, 2,250

October 8,
NSC Minnesota Stars 1-0 Carolina RailHawks, NSC Stadium, 2,512
Puerto Rico Islanders 1-3 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel

October 15,
Carolina RailHawks 4-3, (3-5 pen) NSC Minnesota Stars, WakeMed Soccer Park, 4,002
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 2-1 Puerto Rico Islanders, Lockhart Stadium, 3,700

October 22,
NSC Minnesota Stars 3-1 Fort Lauderdale Strikers, NSC Stadium, 4,511

October 29,
Fort Lauderdale Strikers 0-0 NSC Minnesota Stars, Lockhart Stadium 6,849

2011 stats leaders

Name Team Goals Name Team Assists
1. Etienne Barbara CAR 20 1. Johnny Steele CAR 9

2. Pablo Campos CAR 15 2. Etienne Barbara CAR 9

3. Jonathan Faña PR 12 3. Mike Ambersley TBR 7

4. Mike Ambersley TBR 11 4. David Foley PRI 6

5. Brian Shriver FTL 11 5. Shaun Saiko FCE 5

SHOTS minutes
Name Team Shots Name Team Minutes
1. Etienne Barbara CAR 83 1. Kyle Altman MIN 2910

2. Mike Ambersley TBR 71 2. Martyn Lancaster FTL 2693

3. Pablo Campos CAR 66 3. Aaron Pitchkolan PRI 2599

4. Brian Shriver FTL 63 4. Christopher Kooy FCE 2520

5. Pascal Millien TBR 63 5. Kupono Low CAR 2510


Name Team GAA Name Team Saves
1. Evan Bush MTL 0.76 1. Jeff Attinella TBR 134

2. Brad Knighton CAR 1.00 2. Joseph Warren MIN 125

3. Matt Glaeser FTL 1.03 3. Brad Knighton CAR 125

4. Joseph Warren MIN 1.08 4. Ray Burse PRI 103

5. Ray Burse PRI 1.18 5. Jimmy Maurer ATL 93

*Goalkeeper stats only include players with 1350 cumulative minutes

2011 best xi


FC Tampa Bay Carolina RailHawks

M - pascal millien M - matt watson M - SHAUN SAIKO M - DAVID FOLEY

FC Tampa Bay Carolina RailHawks FC Edmonton Puerto Rico Islanders


Montréal Impact Ft. Lauderdale Strikers Ft. Lauderdale Strikers Carolina RailHawks

Carolina RailHawks

2011 players of the month/week


etienne barbara etienne barbara Matt glaeser aaron king
Carolina RailHawks Carolina RailHawks Ft. Lauderdale Strikers FC Tampa Bay


mike ambersley evan bush joe warren
FC Tampa Bay Montréal Impact NSC Minnesota Stars

Date Off. Player of the Week Def. Player of the Week

April 11, 2011 Josh Hansen, Puerto Rico Joe Warren, Minnesota
April 18, 2011 Jonathan Faña, Puerto Rico Brad Rusin, Carolina
April 25, 2011 Etienne Barbara, Carolina Daryl Sattler, Tampa Bay
May 2, 2011 Ali Gerba, Montréal Bill Gaudette, Montréal
May 9, 2011 Etienne Barbara, Carolina Brad Knighton, Carolina
May 16, 2011 Etienne Barbara, Carolina Lance Parker, Edmonton
May 23, 2011 Kyle Porter, Edmonton Jeff Attinella, Tampa Bay
May 30, 2011 Etienne Barbara, Carolina Brad Rusin, Carolina
June 6, 2011 Devin Del Do, Minnesota Kyle Altman, Minnesota
June 13, 2011 Mike Ambersley, Tampa Bay Aaron Hohlbein, Ft. Lauderdale
June 20, 2011 Shaun Saiko, Edmonton Evan Bush, Montréal
June 27, 2011 Nick Zimmerman, Carolina Matt Glaeser, Ft. Lauderdale
July 4, 2011 Pascal Millien, Tampa Bay Brad Rusin, Carolina
July 11, 2011 Ciaran O’Brien, Atlanta Joe Warren, Minnesota
July 18, 2011 Matt Horth, Atlanta Andres Arango, Tampa
July 25, 2011 Pablo Campos, Carolina Tyler Ruthven, Atlanta
Aug. 1, 2011 Brian Shriver, Ft. Lauderdale Brad Knighton, Carolina
Aug. 8, 2011 Keith Savage, Tampa Bay Aaron Pitchkolan, Puerto Rico
Aug. 15, 2011 Eduardo Sebrango, Montréal Ray Burse, Puerto Rico
Aug. 22, 2011 Michael Cox, Edmonton Paul Hamilton, Edmonton
Aug. 29, 2011 Etienne Barbara, Carolina Jeff Attinella, Tampa Bay
Sept. 5, 2011 Gerson Mayen, Ft. Lauderdale Evan Bush, Montreal Impact
Sept. 12, 2011 Mozzi Gyorio, Tampa Bay John Jonke, Edmonton
Sept. 19, 2011 Ryan Pore, Montréal Joe Warren, Minnesota
Sept. 26, 2011 Ryan Pore, Montréal Brian Kallman, Minnesota


2012 NASL Golden Ball & Golden Boot Winner

NASL Golden BalL

Awarded to the player of the 2012: Pablo Campos, San Antonio
year, during the NASL regular 2011: Etienne Barbara, Carolina
season, as voted by a blue
ribbon panel of journalists
covering the league from the
media markets of each of the
member teams.

NASL Golden Boot 2012: Pablo Campos, San Antonio

Awarded to the leading scorer 2011: Etienne Barbara, Carolina
in the NASL regular season,
based on goals scored
(assists as tie-breaker only).

NASL Golden Glove

Awarded to the goalkeeper in 2012: Daryl Sattler, San Antonio
the NASL regular season that 2011: Evan Bush, Montréal
has achieved the lowest Goals
Against Average (minimum
1,350 minutes played).

YEAR AWARD 2012: Ricky Hill, Tampa Bay
2011: Manny Lagos, Minnesota*
Awarded to the best coach of
the year (regular season), as
chosen by a panel of media
members and league officials.

NASL Fair Play Award 2012: Tampa Bay Rowdies

Awarded to the team with the 2011: FC Tampa Bay
best discipline record in the
NASL regular season, based
on fewest red and yellow

NASL Regular 2013: New York Cosmos (Fall)

2013: Atlanta Silverbacks (Spring)
Season Champions 2012: San Antonio Scorpions
Awarded to the team finishing 2011: Carolina RailHawks
first in the standings during the
NASL regular season. (One
season 2011-12, two seasons

2012: Tampa Bay Rowdies

NASL Champions 2011: NSC Minnesota Stars
Awarded to the team that
wins the NASL Soccer Bowl
championship final.

*2011 Coach of the Year awarded by independent panel, 2012 & beyond awarded by the NASL

NASL soccer bowl HISTORy

Pre-Soccer Bowl though it was still generally acknowledged as

the Soccer Bowl.
Following creation of the North American The Tampa Bay Rowdies were the first team
Soccer League (NASL) in 1968, the league to lift the Soccer Bowl trophy in 1975 when they
championship games were known as the NASL defeated the Portland Timbers 2-0 at San Jose’s
Final until 1974. Spartan Stadium.
The Atlanta Chiefs, Dallas Tornado, Los Former Portuguese striker Eusébio led the
Angeles Aztecs New York Cosmos, Philadelphia Toronto Metros-Croatia to become the first
Atoms and Rochester Lancers were crowned Canadian side to win the NASL title in 1976.
champions after winning their respective NASL The following year former Brazilian forward and
Finals which were composed of either a single three-time World Cup winner, Pele concluded
game, home-and-away playoff or best of three his playing career by leading the New York
series. The exception was in 1969 as no Cosmos to their first Soccer Bowl after posting a
championship game took place and the Kansas 2-1 win over the Seattle Sounders at Portland’s
City Spurs were crowned the league winners, Civic Stadium.
having the most points in the regular season. In 1978, a record crowd of 74,091 was on
The NASL also recognized the two hand at Giants Stadium to witness the Cosmos
champions from 1967: NPSL - Oakland Clippers top the Rowdies, 3-1, for the Soccer Bowl ’78
and USA – Los Angeles Wolves, prior to the crown.
league’s formation. Giants Stadium would once again stage
Soccer Bowl as the Vancouver Whitecaps
Soccer Bowl became the second Canadian team to win the
NASL title after defeating the Rowdies, 2-1 in
The origin of the NASL Soccer Bowl began 1979.
the following year in 1975 by Commissioner The Cosmos regained the Soccer Bowl
Phil Woosnam, who aimed for a neutral-site trophy the following year in 1980 after a 3-0
championship event similar to the NFL’s Super blanking of the Fort Lauderdale Strikers at
Bowl. Washington D.C.’s RFK Stadium.
Unlike, the Super Bowl, the Soccer Bowl After losing to 1981 title to the Chicago Sting
was not denoted by Roman numerals; instead at Toronto’s Exhibition Stadium, the Cosmos
the last digits of the year would be used to brand captured their fourth Soccer Bowl and fifth
the competition for that year (example Soccer overall NASL championship the next year with
Bowl ‘75). 1-0 shutout over the Seattle Sounders at San
In 1984 the league changed the neutral- Diego Stadium.
site format for a best-of-three series played at Vancouver became the second Canadian
each team’s home field. That year the event city to stage the Soccer Bowl as the Tulsa
was promoted as the Soccer Bowl Series ‘84, Roughnecks topped the Toronto Blizzard 2-0 to

claim the 1983 title at BC Place Stadium. The in games played over two legs. Minnesota
following year Soccer Bowl changed from a overcame the Fort Lauderdale Strikers in
single match to a ‘best of three’ series where the 2011 and then lost to the Rowdies in a penalty
Sting won their second league title by defeating shootout in 2012.
the Blizzard in the first two matches of the series, NASL Soccer Bowl 2013 will take place
at Chicago’s Comiskey Park and Toronto’s at Atlanta Silverbacks Park on November 9,
Varsity Stadium, for the 1984 championship. with this year’s Spring Champion the Atlanta
Silverbacks taking on the Fall Season winner
Recent Years as the NASL rewards the winner of each split
season with a place in the championship game.
With the revamp formation of new NASL and Next to the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
their commencement of play in 2011, the NASL and the second edition of the American Soccer
Championship Game saw the Minnesota Stars League (1933-1983), the NASL title is the third
(now Minnesota United FC) and Tampa Bay oldest soccer prize in the United States and will
Rowdies triumph in 2011 and 201, respectively crown its 21st champion in 2013.

Year Champion Runner-Up Top Goal Scorer

1967 NPSL- Oakland Clippers Baltimore Bays Yanko Daucik, Toronto Falcons
USA-Los Angeles Wolves Washington Whips Roberto Boninsegna, Chicago Mustangs
1968 Atlanta Chiefs San Diego Toros Janusz Kowalik, Chicago Mustangs
1969# Kansas City Spurs Atlanta Chiefs Kazier Motaung, Atlanta Chiefs
1970 Rochester Lancers Washington Darts Kirk Apostolidis, Dallas Tornado
1971 Dallas Tornado Atlanta Chiefs Carlos Metrdieri, Rochester Lancers
1972 New York Cosmos St Louis Stars Randy Horton, New York Cosmos
1973 Philadelphia Atoms Dallas Tornado Kyle Rote Jr., Dallas Tornados
1974 Los Angeles Aztecs Miami Toros Paul Child, San Jose Earthquakes
1975 * Tampa Bay Rowdies Portland Timbers Steve David, Miami Toros
1976 * Toronto Metros-Croatia Minnesota Kicks Giorgio Chinaglia, New York Cosmos
1977 * New York Cosmos Seattle Sounders Steve David, Los Angeles Aztecs
1978 * New York Cosmos Tampa Bay Rowdies Giorgio Chinaglia, New York Cosmos
1979 * Vancouver Whitecaps Tampa Bay Rowdies Oscar Fabiani, Tampa Bay Rowdies
1980 * New York Cosmos Ft. Lauderdale Strikers Giorgio Chinaglia, New York Cosmos
1981 * Chicago Sting New York Cosmos Giorgio Chinaglia, New York Cosmos
1982 * New York Cosmos Seattle Sounders Giorgio Chinaglia, New York Cosmos
1983 * Tulsa Roughnecks Toronto Blizzard Roberto Cabañas, New York Cosmos
1984 * Chicago Sting Toronto Blizzard Steve Zungul, San Jose Earthquakes
2011^ NSC Minnesota Stars Ft. Lauderdale Strikers Etienne Barbara, Carolina RailHawks
2012^ Tampa Bay Rowdies Minnesota Stars Pablo Campos, San Antonio Scorpions

# No Championship Game, League Title Awarded For Most Points In Regular Season
*Soccer Bowl
^NASL Soccer Bowl


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