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Defeat public convenience Fraud cases Alter Ego cases

Evidence Clear and convincing evidence.

Test employed When the corporate fiction is Veil-piercing in fraud cases requires that theThree-pronged test:
to determine used as a vehicle for the evasion legal fiction of separate juridical personality is
a. Instrumentality or Control test -
existence of an existing obligation. used for fraudulent or wrongful ends. control, not mere majority or
complete stock control, but complete
There must be a showing that the corporate domination, not only of finances but
entity was purposely used as a shield to of policy and business practice in
defraud creditors and third persons of their respect to the transaction attacked
rights, or perpetrate wrong, is not enough so that the corporate entity as to this
justification for disregarding their separate transaction had at the time no
personalities. separate mind, will or existence of its
b. Fraud test - such control must have
been used by the defendant to
commit fraud or wrong, to perpetuate
the violation of a statutory or other
positive legal duty, or dishonest and
unjust act in contravention of
plaintiff’s legal right; and
c. Harm test - the aforesaid control
and breach of duty must [have]
proximately caused the injury or
unjust loss complained of.

All three elements should concur to warrant

the piercing of the veil of corporate fiction.

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