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Introduction to World

Religions and Belief

Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Origin of World Religions
Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Origin of World Religions
First Edition, 2020

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Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

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Editor: Renato R. Salandanan, EdD
Reviewer: Hamilton Q. Cruz
Illustrator: Louis D. Balana
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Introduction to World
Religions and Belief
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Origin of World Religions
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems – Grade 11

Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Origin of World Religions.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators

both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in

helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming

their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent

learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help

learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their

needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body

of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.

You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage

their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners

as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems – Grade 11

Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Origin of World Religions.

Every religion has its own history and foundation. It is indeed important to look

at the historical background of some key world religions in order to see their beauty and

uniqueness, and also the richness of their culture and tradition. In this way, respect

will be more genuine and relevant as you will be more aware of their context and


This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities

for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to

process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or

What I Need to Know competencies you are expected to learn in the


This part includes an activity that aims to

What I Know check what you already know about the

lesson to take. If you get all the answers

correct (100%), you may decide to skip this


This is a brief drill or review to help you link

What’s In the current lesson with the previous one.

In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a

story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
What’s New
activity or a situation.

This section provides a brief discussion of the

What is It lesson. This aims to help you discover and

understand new concepts and skills.

This comprises activities for independent

What’s More practice to solidify your understanding and

skills of the topic. You may check the

answers to the exercises using the Answer

Key at the end of the module.

This includes questions or blank

What I Have Learned sentence/paragraph to be filled into process

what you learned from the lesson.

This section provides an activity which will

What I Can Do help you transfer your new knowledge or skill

into real life situations or concerns.

This is a task which aims to evaluate your

Assessment level of mastery in achieving the learning


In this portion, another activity will be given

Additional Activities to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the

lesson learned. This also tends retention of

learned concepts.

This contains answers to all activities in the

Answer Key module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the

module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.

2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities

included in the module.

3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.

5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.

6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not

hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not


We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and

gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written to help you demonstrate an

understanding of historical and geographical context of the different religions.

At the end of this module, the learner is expected to:

analyze the interconnectedness of geography, culture and religions


What I Know

Direction: Identify what is being asked and choose your answer inside the box.
Write answers in your notebook.

Mt. Zion Ganges River Shintoism Mt. Tabor Abraham

Muhammad Siddhartha Gautama Mt. Moriah China Nepal Saudi Arabia

Mt. Ararat Huang He River Yang Tze River Mt. Sinai Red Sea

____________________1. The place where Isaac will be sacrificed

____________________2. The most important river in India
____________________3. Religion that sprouted in Japan
____________________4. Mountain where Jesus was transfigured
____________________5. Patriarch of Israel
____________________6. Founder of Islam
____________________7. Founder of Buddhism
____________________8. Origin of Confucianism and Daoism
____________________9. Birthplace of Buddhism
____________________10. Birthplace of Islam
____________________11. Traditional place of Noah’s Ark as narrated in the Book
of Genesis
____________________12. The peak where Moses received the Ten Commandments
____________________13. Known as the City of David and Temple Mount
___________,_________14-15. The two great bodies of water in China that
supported the Chinese people, making China the center of culture.


1 Historical Background

History makes us who we are today. Humanity is a product of the past.

The reason why we are and what we are today is because of the experiences we
have gained and acquired in the past. That is why it is important to look back in
order to understand our present situation. This reality also applies in
understanding different religions by looking into their historical background.

What’s In

Direction: List down in your notebook ten (10) things, memories, or experiences
that remind you of your childhood.

1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________

Notes to the Teacher
This lesson will give the learners the idea on how they
will understand the historical background of religion.

What’s New

In the previous activity, what makes the things, memories, and

experiences you have listed memorable? How do they remind you of your

The things that remind you of your childhood could either be good or bad.
But either ways, all of those things are already part of your life. Definitely, you
cannot anymore get rid of those memories. You may cry, laugh, or even cringe
whenever you remember those things. This reality proves how powerful the
human mind is. Good memories definitely are for keeps; and bad ones are
something that you do not anymore want to remember. Even so, it is always good
to reminisce the past in order to move forward in life.

The present generation would always say “move on” and “don’t look back.”
But this lesson will teach you that there are a lot of valuable things in the past
that you can learn from. Dr. Jose P. Rizal said, “ang hindi lumingon sa
pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan.” In this sense, moving on
could also mean to look back and learn the lessons of the past.

In your opinion, is it really important to look back in order to learn from

the past? How can it help you move forward in life?

What is It

Have you ever wondered how religions sprouted? Have you ever been
curious as to how your religion began? You may already have a little knowledge
about it, but let this lesson help you dig deeper about the historical background
of some religions in the world.

Historical Background of World Religions

Religions are a product of both history and development. They emerged
with certain cultural and phenomenological conditions that paved the way for
their establishment. In the perspective of scholars, religion is universal and can
be found in all known contemporary societies. Various theories were also
formulated stating that even prehistoric humans practiced a set of belief systems
that includes burying the dead, paintings in the cave, and stone carvings. (Ong
and Jose 2016)

Source: cave-of-altamira-prehistoric-art-upper-palaeolithic-royalty-free-
_Hanging_Coffins.jpg thumbnail.jpg

This timeline, as cited from Ong and Jose (2016), shows significant dates
in the history of the establishment of several world religions.

•Time of Abraham, the patriarch of Israel

c. 2000

•Time of Moses, the Hebrew leader of the

c. 1200 Exodus
BCE d_images/moses-

•Hindus compiled their holy texts, the

c.1100- Vedas


•Time of the Buddha, founder of Buddhism

c. 563-83

•Time of Confucius, founder of

c. 551- Confucianism
479 BCE

•Time of Lao Tze, founder of Daoism

c. 500 BCE

•The Hindu Book, Bhagavad Gita, was

c. 200 written

•Time of Jesus, the Christ and the founder

c. 2 to 4 of Christianity
BCE - 32


• The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

c. 32 CE

•The New Testament was written by the

c. 40-90 followers of Jesus

•Beginnings of Shintoism (no known founder)

c. 100

•Time of Muhammed, who recorded the Qur’an

c. 570- as the basis of Islam
632 CE

The timeline of these religions coincides with the existence and presence
either of the founder of the religion or from whose inspiration the religion was
adhered to. As for the Patriarch Abraham, he played a major role in the
establishments of the three monotheistic religions: namely, Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam; also known as the Abrahamic religions (Ong and Jose

Moreover, India is known to be one of the world’s oldest civilizations where

religion is an essential part. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism were
born in India (Ong and Jose 2016). With a polytheistic view of religion, Hinduism

has been the foundation of Indian religions that proceeded to the birth of many
other religions.

On the other hand, Chinese civilization is also one of the world’s oldest
dating back almost 4,000 years ago. They adopted Confucius’s teachings, ideals,
and ethics in developing meritocracy as a basis for government officials. More
so, Lao Tzu who may have existed around 6th Century BCE is believed to be the
author of Dao De Jing (The Book of the Way) which centers on the concept of the
Dao as a way or path signifying appropriateness of one’s behavior to lead other
people. (Ong and Jose 2016)

Shintoism is a loosely organized local belief in Japan which is somewhat

an ardent religious form of Japanese patriotism. Its mythology highlights their
superiority over other lands while shrines honor great heroes and important
events in their history (Ong and Jose 2016).

What’s More

Direction: Fill out the blank rows with the significant persons or events
according to their appropriate era. Write your answers in your

Date (circa) Significant Persons/ Events

c. 2000 BCE
c. 1200 BCE
c.1100- 500BCE
c. 563-83 BCE
c. 551-479 BCE
c. 200 BCE
c. 2 to 4 BCE - 32
c. 32 CE

c. 40-90 CE
c. 100 CE
c. 500-580 BCE
c. 570-632 CE

What I Have Learned

Direction: Answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. What is the relationship of Abraham with the three monotheistic

religions namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

2. What is the most essential thing that played a big role in the Indian

3. What makes China significant in the formation of Confucianism and


4. What is the major role of Shintoism in the lives of the Japanese as an
organized local belief?

Rubrics for Essay

5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.
4 The question was answered clearly and definitively
3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.
2 The question was poorly answered
1 The question was not answered well.

What I Can Do

Direction: Answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. What is the history of your religion?


2. What are the significant events that happened in your religion?


3. Who are the significant persons or leaders of your religion? What are their
roles and responsibilities?

Rubrics for Essay

5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.
4 The question was answered clearly and definitively
3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.
2 The question was poorly answered
1 The question was not answered well.


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in your
1. Who is the Patriarch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
A. Abraham C. Noah
B. Moses D. Peter
2. What is India’s major religion?
A. Buddhism C. Islam
B. Hinduism D. Sikhism
3. It is a loosely organized local belief in Japan which is somewhat an
ardent religious form of Japanese patriotism.
A. Buddhism C. Daoism
B. Confucianism D. Shintoism
4. The Chinese sage who is believed to be the author of Dao De Jing (The
Book of the Way).
A. Bruce Lee C. Lao Tzu
B. Confucius D. Mencius
5. What kind of religious view does Hinduism uphold?
A. Atheistic C. Monistic
B. Monotheistic D. Polytheistic
6. In what era does the Christian New Testament written?
A. c. 32 CE C. c. 100 CE
B. c. 40-90 CE D. c. 570-632 CE
7. What is the significant event that happened in c. 32 CE?
A. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
B. The New Testament was written.
C. Shintoism began.
D. Birth of Islam.
8. Whose teachings, ideals, and ethics in developing meritocracy as a basis
for government officials did China adopt?
A. Bruce Lee C. Lao Tzu
B. Confucius D. Mencius
9. What era does Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) believed to exist?
A. c. 563-83 BCE C. c. 300 BCE
B. c. 483 BCE D. c. 200BCE
10. In what country did Jainism and Sikhism originate?
A. China C. Israel
B. India D. Japan
Additional Activities

Direction: Write an essay in your notebook about Dr. Jose Rizal’s famous line
“Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa
paroroonan” using the following guide questions:

1. What does the quotation mean?

2. What does it tell you?
3. How are you going to live it out?

Rubrics for Essay

5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.

4 The question was answered clearly and definitively

3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.

2 The question was poorly answered

1 The question was not answered well.

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B
What’s More:
1. Time of Abraham, the patriarch of Israel
2. Time of Moses, the Hebrew leader of the Exodus
What I Know:
3. Hindus compiled their holy texts, the Vedas 1.Mt. Zion/ Mt. Moriah
2.Ganges River
4. Time of the Buddha, founder of Buddhism
5. Time of Confucius, founder of Confucianism 4.Mt. Tabor
6. The Hindu Book, Bhagavad Gita, was written 6.Muhammad
7.Siddhartha Gautama
7. Time of Jesus, the Christ and the founder of Christianity 8.China
9.India/ Nepal
8. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ 10. Saudi Arabia
11. Mt.Ararat
9. The New Testament was written by the followers of Jesus 12. Mt. Sinai
13.Mt. Zion/ Mt. Moriah
10. Beginnings of Shintoism (no known founder) 14-15. Huang He and Yang Tze
11. Time of Lao Tze, founder of Daoism
12. Time of Muhammed, who recorded the Qur’an as the basis of Islam
Answer Key
Geographical Contexts of
2 Religions

One important aspect of religion is its origin. It is in the context of their

geographical location that you will be able to understand the reason of their
presence and existence, as well as the circumstances that paved the way for their
establishment. In this lesson, you will be familiarized with the particular
geographical locations of some of the prominent religions in the world.

What’s In

Direction: List down in your notebook 5 religious groups in your town or place.
1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

 In your observation, where are they usually located?

 What could be the reason for them to choose such location in order
to establish their religion?

Rubrics for Essay

5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.
4 The question was answered clearly and definitively.
3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.
2 The question was poorly answered
1 The question was not answered well.

Notes to the Teacher
This lesson will give the learners the idea on how they
will understand the geographical context of religion.

What’s New

By looking at the Map of Faith above, you will see that the Philippines is a

predominantly Christian country. As you have studied Philippine history, you

may have known that we are Christianized by the Spaniards who came from the

West. But even before they came here, Muslims are already situated in the many

parts of the country, particularly in Mindanao. You may wonder how the Islamic

faith came here first even before Christianity. But by looking at our neighboring

countries, most of them are Muslims. Because of trade and migration, many of

our Filipino ancestors also embraced their faith and belief systems. This

exchange of culture and tradition is due to the geographical location and

situation that influenced greatly each other. This reality is also true and the

same with the origin of most of the world’s religions. Their geography and

situation greatly contributed to their expansion, development, and progress.

What do you think is the reason why geographical location plays a big role

in the expansion, development, and progress of a particular religion?

What is It

Birthplace of the Abrahamic Religions

Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam were born in the
region of West Asia comprising
the fertile coasts of the
Mediterranean Sea in the west,
and the arid deserts of Arabia in
the east. The topography of West
Asia is mountainous that plays a
significant role in many religious
beliefs as these landforms
provide and ideal settings where
gods live or where gods and
mortals meet (Ong and Jose

Holy Sites and Landscapes (Ong and Jose 2016)


Mount Ararat
Traditional place of
Eastern Part of Turkey Noah’s Ark as narrated
in the Book of Genesis

Mount Sinai
The peak where Moses
Sinai Peninsula in received the Ten
Egypt Commandments

Mount Zion/ Mount


Known as the City of

Jerusalem David and Temple

Mount Tabor

Site of the
Israel Transfiguration of Jesus

Mount Zion or the Temple Mount is one of the most revered sites of the
Jews, Christians, and Muslims, where present structures like the Dome of the
Rock, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Dome of the Chain were built. Jewish believers
also regard this as their holiest shrine where Isaac was believed to be sacrificed
by his father Abraham. (Ong and Jose 2016)

The Indian Subcontinent
The subcontinent of South Asia is the
region where a civilization emerged more than
4,000 years ago in the Indus River that
developed a unique and exceptional culture
even before the era of Christianity. Because of
the scorching heat of India, it is noteworthy
that they revere the sun and fire. Moreover, the
water also plays a significant role in their lives
as seen in their reverence of the god of water
and celestial oceans. The Ganga (Ganges) is the
holiest river for the Hindus where many
pilgrimage sites and cities were built that
includes Rishikesh, Haridwang, Prayag, and
Varanasi, which is also considered as an
nt_CIA.png important Buddhist religious site where
Siddhartha Gautama was believed to give his first sermon. (Ong and Jose 2016)

Ganges River

The Eastern End

China’s cultural and political systems
dominated the eastern end of Asia, given their
wide and vast location, practically influencing
outskirts, including Japan and Korea. The
supremacy of China could be explained by the
role of its environment and geography that
includes alluvial plains, extensive fertile
valleys, and pleasant climate. Huang He and
Yang Tze rivers are the two great bodies of
water in China that supported the Chinese
people, making China the center of culture.
With the political and cultural developments,

and influences of China,

Confucianism emerged. However,
Confucius did not really intend to
establish a sect or a religion. It was
only during the second Millennium
around 479 BCE that his teachings
and philosophical ideologies spread
in China. (Ong and Jose 2016)

The impact of the Chinese civilization also reached Korea who are also
influenced by Confucianism and Daoism, as well as Japan’s Shintoism.

What’s More

Identify the following sites according to their geographical locations and

religions each place is connected with.

Location Religions

1. Ganges River- ______________________, ___________________________

2. Yang Tze River- ______________________, ___________________________

3. Mt. Tabor- ______________________, ___________________________

4. City of David- ______________________, ___________________________

5. Mt. Ararat- ______________________, ___________________________

6. Mt. Sinai- ______________________, ___________________________

7. Huang He River- ______________________, ___________________________

8. Varanasi- ______________________, ___________________________

9. Dome of the Rock-______________________, ___________________________

10. Rishikesh- ______________________, ___________________________

What I Have Learned

Direction: Answer the following questions in your notebook

1. What is the importance of geographical location in studying world

2. What is the significance of sites and places among religions, such as the
Ganges River of Hinduism and Mt. Zion of the Abrahamic religions?
3. What makes a place holy for most religions?


Rubrics for Essay

5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.
4 The question was answered clearly and definitively
3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.
2 The question was poorly answered
1 The question was not answered well.

What I Can Do

Direction: In your notebook, draw an important place or holy site of

your religion and answer the following questions.

1. What makes it important or significant in your religion?

2. How significant is this place in your life as a follower of your


Rubrics for Essay
5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.
4 The question was answered clearly and definitively
3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.
2 The question was poorly answered
1 The question was not answered well.


A. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in
your notebook.
1. What is this mountain that is known as the traditional place of Noah’s
Ark as narrated in the Book of Genesis?
A. Mt. Ararat C. Mount of Olives
B. Mt. Sinai D. Mt. Zion

2. What is the holiest river for the Hindus where many pilgrimage sites and
cities were built?
A. Ganges River C. Jordan River
B. Huang He River D. Yang Tze River

3. This mountain is one of the most revered sites of the Jews, Christians,
and Muslims, where present structures like the Dome of the Rock, Al-
Aqsa Mosque, and the Dome of the Chain were built.
A. Mt. Ararat C. Mount of Olives
B. Mt. Sinai D. Mt. Zion

4. Aside from the Huang He river, what is the great body of water in China
that supported the Chinese people, making China the center of culture?
A. Ganges River C. Jordan River
B. Huang He River D. Yang Tze River

5. What is the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus?

A. Mt. Ararat C. Mount of Olives
B. Mt. Sinai D. Mt. Zion

B. Direction: Answer the question in your notebook briefly.

 What do you think is the reason why geographical location plays a big
role in the expansion, development, and progress of a particular religion?


Rubrics for Essay

5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.
4 The question was answered clearly and definitively
3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.
2 The question was poorly answered
1 The question was not answered well.

Additional Activities

Direction: Answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. If you will be given the chance to go to a holy place or site of your religion,
where would it be?
2. Why did you choose this particular place for you to visit?
3. Visualize and describe the place you want to visit and make your own plans
according to the things you want to do once you are already there.

Rubrics for Essay

5 The question was answered very clearly and definitively.
4 The question was answered clearly and definitively
3 The question was treated quite clearly and definitively.
2 The question was poorly answered
1 The question was not answered well.

Assessment What’s more
1. India- Buddhism,
1. A 2. China- Confucius,
2. A Daosim
3. D 3. Israel- Christianity
4. D 4. Jerusalem- Judaism,
5. B Christianity, Islam
5. Turkey- Judaism
Rubrics attached for the 6. Egypt- Judaism,
essay. Christianity
7. China- Confucianism,
8. India- Buddhism,
9. Israel- Islam
10. India- Hinduism
Answer Key

Confucius. n.d. Accessed June 29, 2020.

Ellwood, Robert S., and Gregory D. Alles. 2007. The Encyclopedia of World
Religions: Revised Edition. New York: DWJ Books LLC.

John Paul II, Pope. 1994. Catechism of the Catholic Church: Definitive Edition
Based on the Latin "Editio Typica". Makati: Word and Life Publications.

Manaloto, Christian B., and Maria Teresita R. Rapadas. 2016. Pilgrimage to

Sacred Spaces: An Introduction to World Religions. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House Inc.

Ong, Jerome A., and Mary Dorothy dL. Jose. 2016. Introduction to World
Religions and Belief Systems: Textbook. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.

Reese, William L. 1996. Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion: Eastern and

Western Thought. New York: Humanity Books.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan - Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan

Telefax: (047) 237-2102

Email Address: [email protected]

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