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Public Health of Indonesia Yunus & Rosanty. Public Health of Indonesia

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Reni Yunus
Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia


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Public Health of Indonesia
Yunus & Rosanty. Public Health of Indonesia. 2016 December;2(4): 185-190 ISSN: 2477-1570
Original Research



Reni Yunus*, Anita Rosanty

Polytechnic of Health Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Accepted: 1 December 2016

Reni Yunus
Department of Nursing, Polytechnic of Health Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
E-mail : [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), YCAB publisher and Public Health of Indonesia. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a contagious disease caused by the dengue virus
infection through Aedes aegypti mosquito. DHF often causes epidemics and Extraordinary Events (EE) in
tropical and subtropical regions, including Indonesia.
Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between knowledge and society action on the
prevention of dengue with the amount of mosquitoes trapped in ovitrap in Kandai, Kendari, Indonesia.
Methods: The research method was an observational study with cross sectional design. The research was
conducted at Kandai village, Kendari on May to July 2014. It was 87 homes with 87 families were
recruited as sample size for this study. Ovitrap was used inside and outside of their homes.
Results: DCB family knowledge and the existence of Aedes sp mosquitoes eggs on ovitrap were analyzed
and observed in this study. Chi square test showed that X2 count value (1.261) was less than X2 table value
(3.814) at error level 5% (α = 0.05) indicated that Ha was rejected and Ho was accepted. Meanwhile, Chi
square test for the action of the family about DCB and the existence of eggs Aedes sp mosquito on ovitrap
showed that X2 count value (4.115) was greater than X2 table value (3.814) at the error level 5% (α =
0.05), indicated that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted.
Conclusions: It was concluded that (1) there was no relationship between DCB family knowledge and the
existence of Aedes sp mosquitoes eggs on ovitrap, and (2) there was a relationship between the action of
family about DCB and the existence of aedes sp mosquitoes eggs on ovitrap in Kandai Kendari.

Key words: dengue, mosquito eggs, ovitrap.

INTRODUCTION estimated that 2.5 billion people living in

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is endemic areas of dengue fever.1 Dengue is the
a contagious disease that caused by dengue most widespread and significant of arboviral
viral infection through Aedes Aegypti disease, and of the 50-100 million cases
mosquito. DHF in recent years has become an reported each year, approximately 500.000
international health problem. Currently, it is were severe and 20.000 were fatal.2 DHF often

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 2, Issue 4, October-December 2016 | 185

causes epidemics and extraordinary events including Kendari city generally less
(EE),3 tropical and subtropical regions, successful, due almost entirely dependent on
including Indonesia.4 fumigation is to kill adult mosquitoes. The use
The number of dengue cases in of chemicals insecticide fogging did not have
Indonesia in 2010 ranges from 150.000 cases a significant benefit, because the using of
with the deaths of around 1.317 people. High fogging just caused adult mosquitoes died,9
number of cases have made Indonesia as the while mosquitoes larva were not died, and
first rank in the ASEAN region and the fogging using organophosphate insecticide can
world’s ranking after Brazil.5,6 cause to vector resistance because of
Factors affecting the increase of inaccurate dosage.10 On the other hand, the use
dengue cases were the development of urban of insecticides continuously and repeatedly
areas, mobility increased, population density, over a period of 2-2- years can lead to the
climate change, lack of community emergence of resistant insects.11 In line with
participation, including the weak effort of the another research that the use of synthetic
dengue control program, so the efforts of insecticide continuously and repeatedly as an
dengue control program need more attention, effort to control efforts Aedes Aegypti can
especially at the level regency/city and cause environmental pollution, kill other
community health center.7 One of reproduction fauna, so that vector resistance happened.12
chain terminations of Aedes aegypti mosquito At this time, some countries have
is by DCB program (drain, close, and bury) applied one of ways in controlling the Aedes
that was a preventive action to avert the mosquito to reduce the vector density, and the
occurrence of dengue epidemic. The use of egg traps or ovitrap. Specifically,
vulnerable area to the reproduction of Aedes ovitrap is used to detect manifestations of
aegypti and Aedes albopticus was an area that mosquitoes into new areas that had previously
becomes a main priority for preventing the been wet. Some states had done the Aedes
dengue disease endemic. vector control by utilizing egg trap. To detect
In Southeast Sulawesi, Kendari city the presence of the aedes vector in Manila city
was the highest number of dengue cases that was using fixed ovitrap at five hospitals and
was 602 cases and 2 people died (CFR: the density of Aedes eggs were 0.0 - 48.5
0.99%). Based on the data from the Health which indicated the presence of the Aedes
Office Kendari city, the dengue incidence had aegypti vector in five hospitals in Manila
spread almost throughout Kendari city with city.13 In Sri Lanka, it was 3.075 aedes aegypti
the number of patients in 2009 were 285 and 2.665 Aedes albopictus trapped in outdoor
people and 4 people died (CFR: 1.6%) in ovitrap as well as 2.528 aedes aegypti and
2010, the dengue incidence Kendari city was 2.002 Aedes albopictus trapped in indoor
increased to 278 people and 2 people died ovitrap indoor.14 The aedes controlling by
(CFR: 0.7. While in 2011 the number of using ovitrap is also reported successful in
dengue fever patients rise again reached 298 Singapore by fixing 2000 ovitrav in the area of
people and 5 died (CFR: 1.7%). Dengue fever DHF endemic.14 Indonesia has utilized ovitrap
occurred in almost all districts in Kendari to identify the existence of Aedes aegypti
city.8 Based on the preliminary survey in the mosquito by fixing ovitrap in the Gonilan
work area port health office in 2012, data from village Kartasura Sukoharjo which found that
4 villages in the working area of the port ovitrap index in Gonilan were 39.1%; Tuwa
health offices, Kandai village was the region 29.5% and Keduren 16.4%. None figures larva
that most identified the density of mosquito at Gonilan was 50.0%; Tuwa 67.9%; and the
larva with the figure of House Index (HI) highest is in Keduren 69.2%.15
amount 60.18%. The existence of mosquito eggs can be
Although a variety of preventive had one way to detect the density of adult
been done in Kendari city, such as fogging, mosquitoes. Survey by means the detection of
PSN, and DCB, but the cases of dengue is still the mosquito eggs had the advantage because
high. In Indonesia, Aedes sp control program, able to detect the presence of mosquito

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 2, Issue 4, October-December 2016 | 186

without having the larvae directly. The 71-80 years consisting of 3 respondents (3.44
previous result of studies showed that the %).
ovitrap had the function of monitoring and
controlling to Aedes sp. The advantages of Table 2. Distribution by Gender, Occupation,
entomology survey by using ovitrap were to Education
produce specific data, more economical, and No Sex n %
sensitive to choose sample population with a 1 Male 32 36.78
wider area. The use of ovitrap as one method 2 Women 55 63.22
of measuring the density of mosquitoes had Total 87 100
No Type of Occupation n %
never been applied in Kendari city. Based on
1 Civil Servant 3 3.45
that consideration, this study aimed to
2 House hold 45 51.72
determine the relationship between knowledge 3 Entrepreneur 39 44.83
and society action in Kandai Kendari city on Total 87 100
the prevention of dengue with the existence of No Education n %
Aedes eggs on ovitrap. 1 University 12 13.79
2 Senior High School 44 50.57
METHODS 3 Junior High School 15 17.24
This study was an observational study 4 Elementary School 16 18.40
with cross sectional design. The research was Total 87 100
conducted at Kandai village Kendari city in Table 2 showed that the number of
May-July 2014. The population in this study women (55 respondents or 63.22%) is higher
was all the people who live in Kandai village than the men (32 respondents or 36.78%).
in 2014 that consisted of 643 homes. There Most of them are working as household (45
were 87 families selected for this study. Fixed respondents or 51.72%), and entrepreneur (39
ovitrap was applied to 87 homes, both inside respondents or 44.83%). Of 44 respondents
and outside the home. Data were collected by have senior high school background (50.57%),
counting the number of eggs in ovitrap, and 15 respondents have junior high school
checklist sheet to obtain data about the (17.24%), 16 respondents have elementary
knowledge and society attitudes in the school, and 12 respondents (13.79%) have
prevention of dengue. The secondary data was university background.
also collected from national annual reports and
reports of Health Office Southeast Sulawesi Table 3. The Existence of Mosquito Eggs and
Province. the Society knowledge related to DCB Kandai
The Existence of
RESULTS No Mosquito Eggs n %
Table 1. Respondents’ Distribution by Age 1 Positif 69 70.4
Age group 2 Negatif 18 20.6
No (years) n %
Total 87 100
1 20 - 30 11 12.64
No Knowledge about DCB n %
2 31 - 40 36 41.38
1 Good 58 66.7
3 41 - 50 14 16.1
2 Less 29 33.3
4 51 - 60 15 17.24
Total 87 100
5 61 - 70 8 9.2
Table 3 shows that from 87 houses,
6 71 - 80 3 3.44
there were 69 houses (70.4%) had the positive
Total 87 100
existence of Aedes sp mosquito eggs, and 18
Table 1 shows that from 87 respondents,
houses (20.6%) had no eggs of mosquito. It is
the highest number of respondents is the group
also shown that 58 respondents (66.7%) had a
aged 31-40 years consisting of 36 respondents
good knowledge, and 29 respondents (33.3%)
(41.38%), and the lowest in the group aged
had lack of knowledge.

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 2, Issue 4, October-December 2016 | 187

Table 4. Relationship between DCB Family Knowledge and the Existence of Aedes sp Mosquitoes Eggs on
Ovitrap in Kandai Kendari City
Eggs Existence
Knowledge Positive Negative
n % n % n %
Less 25 86.2 4 13.8 29 100
Good 44 75.9 14 24.1 58 100
Total 69 79.3 18 20.7 87 100
Eggs Existence
Action Positive Negative
n % n % n %
Less 45 86.5 7 13.8 52 100
Good 24 68.6 11 31.4 35 100
Total 69 79.3 18 20.7 87 100

Table 4 shows that the respondent’s that respondents’ houses that have positive
houses that have positive eggs in ovitrap with eggs of mosquito in ovitrap with less action
less knowledge were 25 (86.2%), and were 45 (86.5%), while the negative eggs of
respondent’s houses that have negative eggs in mosquito in ovitrap with less action were 7
ovitrap were 4 (13.8%). Good knowledge (13.8%). Otherwise, respondents’ houses that
respondents that have positive eggs of have positive eggs of mosquito in ovitrap with
mosquito in ovitrap were 44 respondents a good action were 24 (68.6%), while the
(75.9%), and those who have negative eggs negative eggs of mosquito in ovitrap with a
were 14 respondents (24.1%). It is also shown good action were 11 (31.4%).
relationship between DCB family knowledge
DISCUSSIONS and the existence of Aedes sp mosquito eggs
Relationship between DCB Family on ovitrap in Kandai, Kendari city.
Knowledge and the Existence of Aedes sp Observation results indicated that the
Mosquitoes Eggs on Ovitrap in Kandai respondents' knowledge about DCB had
Kendari City relationship with existence of Aedes sp
Knowledge covers the memory of mosquito eggs.
things learned and stored in memory that Based on the above analysis, it
includes facts, benefits, principles and showed that the respondents' knowledge about
methods are known. Knowledge stored in DCB was good, but respondents did not apply
memory, is explored as needed through the in the daily life. This was due to several
memory or knows back. Knowledge is also factors such as the lack of initiative to clean
interpreted as object recognition through the the water reservoir regularly. Research
senses, the more senses are stimulated, the conducted by Santoso and Budiyanto reported
more knowledge also increased. that there was relationship between knowledge
Based on the findings of this study, it and dengue disease. If knowledge of how to
showed that the respondents’ houses were eradicate dengue were not supported by an
positive mosquito eggs with less knowledge active attitude to apply the prevention of
were 25 (86.2%), and negative eggs were 4 dengue fever, then it would not significantly
(13.8%), with a good knowledge with positive impact to the decrease of the number of
mosquito eggs were 44 (79.9%) and negative dengue disease.15
eggs were 14 (24.1%).
From the statistical test using chi The Action of the Family about DCB and
square test obtained X2 count value = 1.261 the Existence of Eggs Aedes sp Mosquito on
and X2 table value = 3.814 at error level 5% Ovitrap in Kandai Kendari City
(α = 0.05). Because X2 count value is less The action is interpreted as a reaction
than X2 table value, so Ha was rejected and of the organism to its environment. This
Ho was accepted. It means there was no happens when something is needed to cause a

©Public Health of Indonesia – YCAB Publisher, Volume 2, Issue 4, October-December 2016 | 188

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Eggs Aedes sp Mosquito on Ovitrap in Kandai organophosphate resistance in Aedes
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CONCLUSIONS to organophosphates in several
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