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Business Objective

An E Commerce company or DTH (you can choose either of these two domains) provider is
facing a lot of competition in the current market and it has become a challenge to retain the
existing customers in the current situation. Hence, the company wants to develop a model
through which they can do churn prediction of the accounts and provide segmented offers to the
potential churners. In this company, account churn is a major thing because 1 account can have
multiple customers. hence by losing one account the company might be losing more than one
You have been assigned to develop a churn prediction model for this company and provide
business recommendations on the campaign.
Your campaign suggestion should be unique and be very clear on the campaign offer because
your recommendation will go through the revenue assurance team. If they find that you are
giving a lot of free (or subsidized) stuff thereby making a loss to the company; they are not going
to approve your recommendation.
Hence be very careful while providing campaign recommendation.

Proprietary content. ©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited.
Variable Description
Variable Description
AccountID account unique identifier
Churn account churn flag (Target)
Tenure Tenure of account
City_Tier Tier of primary customer's city
CC_Contacted_L1 How many times all the customers of the account has contacted customer care
2m in last 12months
Payment Preferred Payment mode of the customers in the account
Gender Gender of the primary customer of the account
Satisfaction score given by customers of the account on service provided by
Service_Score company
nt Number of customers tagged with this account
account_segment Account segmentation on the basis of spend
Satisfaction score given by customers of the account on customer care service
CC_Agent_Score provided by company
Marital_Status Marital status of the primary customer of the account
rev_per_month Monthly average revenue generated by account in last 12 months
Complain_l12m Any complaints has been raised by account in last 12 months
revenue growth percentage of the account (last 12 months vs last 24 to 13
rev_growth_yoy month)
coupon_used_l12 How many times customers have used coupons to do the payment in last 12
m months
Day_Since_CC_co Number of days since no customers in the account has contacted the customer
nnect care
cashback_l12m Monthly average cashback generated by account in last 12 months
Login_device Preferred login device of the customers in the account

Proprietary content. ©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited.

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