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Soccer Guru PVP Release 1.0.

The arena is the new competitive game mode added to the bot, build a team and fight against other
players in discord-land to get better daily rewards for building your teams.

How it works:

Usage: sg!arena

Every day you will be allowed 5 matches to climb up the rankings with, each match can take up to 1
minute to finish. At the end of the day (17:00 UTC) you will be rewarded with a number of credits up
to 5000 for 1st place depending on your final position at that time. This command has a 1 hour
cooldown so you will need to spread out your battles throughout the day. Each battle itself has a
small credit reward – 400 credits for the winner and 200 credits for the loser. Win your game and
switch rankings with your opponent, lose and you both remain in the same position.

*Note* - If someone else is playing against your team, you cannot play until that game finishes


You must have 11 unique players (by name) and a goalkeeper set to be eligible for arena matches

How the winner of the match is determined?

The winner of each match is determined as follows:

Chemistry:- Soccer Guru has it’s own chemistry system, similar to FIFA but with a few twists, A
teams chemistry is initially broken down into 3 section: Defence, Midfield & Attack. Each of these
sections are given a rating based on if the players are being played in the correct position (most
heavily weighted) weather they share the same nationality as their fellow defenders and if they
share the same club. These factors averaged give an overall chemistry rating for each part of the
team and combine to give a team chemistry.

Super Effective/Not Very Effective:- The total stats of the players after they have been
modified by chemistry are then compared to your chosen opponents stats. With the following
bonuses then being applied:

Pace – Strong vs Defending Weak vs Passing

Shooting – Strong vs Dribbling Weak vs Physicality

Passing – Strong vs Pace Weak vs Shooting

Dribbling – Strong vs Passing Weak vs Defending

Defending – Strong vs Physicality Weak vs Dribbling

Physicality - Strong vs Shooting Weak vs Pace

After all this each player has an effective ELO rating. This represents a calculated number of how
good your team is on an average day.

Now we all know in the real world that the best team doesn’t always win every game, therefore the
ELO for each team is converted into a range (with a maximum ELO being your team on a good day
and visa versa). The range of how much you can go up and down is relevant but not very high (It may
determine the result in close games but not 1 sided match ups).
Each team is randomed a number in their ELO range and the team with the higher ELO after this
point will be the winner of the match.

Number of match goals and goalscorers are then assigned for each team (All done via weighted
randoms) and the match will play out through discord as you’ll become familiar with.

Extra Notes on Positional Chemistry:

Following from questions from you guys I will clarify a few points:

• Central Midfielders: CDM, CM and CAM are all recognised as central midifielders – therefore
any combination of those as long as you have the correct amount (2 in a midfield 4 and 3 in a
midfield 5 and so on) you will not be penalised for which of the central midfield positions
you use
• Attackers: CF and ST are considered the same as above

Note: The above does not apply to RM/RW or RWB/RB concepts, therefore if you have 5 defenders
you must use a RWB and LWB in order to achieve perfect positional chemistry (not a RB & LB).

Formations not yet supported:

• Currently not supported formations are those with 4 or more central midfielders (I.e. 4-2-3-
1 Narrow formation and 4-2-2-2). This was an oversight from me and will be corrected in
the future, in the meantime I suggest if you wish to use 4/5 midfielders you should include a
LM and a RM in your team.

Friendlies have been introduced for users to be able to quickly simulate matches between their
friends maybe for the more casual player who is not interested in climbing arena rankings or for
practice against fellow competitors, maybe you can even make mini-leagues within your servers.

How it works:

Usage: sg!friendly @user (or ID)


Unlike the arena there are no real set requirements other than having at least 1 player set as

This command works very similarly to the Arena, match results are calculated in the same way. This
command does not give rewards for each match but has no daily limit other than a 15 minute
cooldown. This allows you to battle friends or try out practice matches to your hearts contempt
before entering the arena.
Tips from the dev:

• Don’t get overly concerned about chemistry – the system is designed to allow for a mix of
players to be eligible and perfect chemistry will almost never be achieved with a really high
rated squad – just have fun with it and see what does and doesn’t work for you
• Players skill number now have a meaning, search for players with good stats rather than
just a high overall rating (e.g. Thomas Muller would be a poor choice as he has a high overall
rating but doesn’t excel in any stat)
• High rated players will still put you at a very good basis for a team, look for good players
first then think about chemistry afterwards – see if you can beat the system
• Recommendations – This is really up to you but my design intention at the start was that an
idea that you could build like an Icon Defence, German Midfield and a PSG frontline and it
would still work well, I have tried to leave as much space for creativity as possible
• Don’t ask the dev for suggestions, he probably knows less than you and hates getting pings

Other things to note:

• Icons do not work as they do in FIFA, icons have chemistry with other icons and players of
the same nationality but they do not have chemistry with others
• This is the first PVP I have ever attempted, hopefully it’s balanced and enjoyable, if there are
any bugs or any results that you think DEFINITELY shouldn’t have ended the way they did
please let me know in the support server.
• UCL/UEL live cards will not update in the future as they do in FIFA, the card you get now will
be the same, if this players card improves on FIFA a new version may appear in the bot but
your card will not change. This is something I am looking to improve upon for next season
but for now they will not update as the player progresses through the tournament.

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