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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing

the instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s.

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

DLP No.: Learning Area: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: Date:

April 8, 2021
6 Creative Writing 12 3rd 1 day
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
Use imagery, diction, figures of speech, and
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide ) HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-
specific experiences to
evoke meaningful responses from readers

Key Concepts / Understandings to be

Imagery is a form of figurative/implied language that uses objects,
actions and ideas in such a way that it appeals to the senses. It is usually
associated with mental pictures or images formed in our minds.
Adapted Cognitive
Domain Process Dimensions (D.O. OBJECTIVES:
No. 8, s. 2015)

Identify the basic types of imagery

The fact or condition of knowing
something with familiarity gained
through experience or association
Understanding Unlock imagery used in each sentence


Analyzing Recall experiences using imagery found in the poem

The ability and capacity acquired through
deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort
to smoothly and adaptively carryout
complex activities or the ability, coming Evaluating
from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude,
etc., to do something
Write a creative essay using imageries

Demonstrate the value of your senses

Values Valuing Elicit the value of cooperation in doing a group activity.

Imagery: 5 Basic Types of Imagery

2. Content

SHS Creative Writing Module, DepEd Region V Bicol

3. Learning Resources

4. Procedures

4.1 Introductory Activity The teacher will flash on the TV a picture of a magical place.

“You are off to a magical place known as Wordia. Diego will show you
the way. However, this place is guarded by the SEnsorriors. To defeat
5 minutes them you have to match each item correctly. Answer three and above
correctly and the gate will open for you. Good luck!

What is the corresponding name of imagery for each sense. Match each
item correctly.
Great! If you were able to score three to five correctly, you may advance to the
next learning challenge to warm you up. However, if you got only two and
below, you have to retry. Good luck!
A royal announcement from the ruler of Wordia greets you. It contains
4.2 Activity underlined phrases. Try to determine the imagery used before we get to learn
them more.

10 minutes Sweet words illuminate 1) heavenly happiness

Answer: ___________________
But bitter words are burning fire in every caress Words, a 2) taste so
Answer: ___________________
Is like a 3) loud and sonorous gong of curse.
Answer: ___________________

Good! Your answers indeed proved that you have a prior knowledge of
4.3 Analysis the different types of imagery. Let us learn more about them.
In creative writing, you will be making a lot of descriptions. The
5 minutes descriptive
details are necessary to make your writing clear because they help
generate a
specific mood or emotion. They are called images and sensory
impressions. We
commonly know these as imagery. Imagery is a form of figurative/implied
language that uses objects, actions and ideas in such a way that it
appeals to
the senses. It is usually associated with mental pictures or images formed
in our
There are five (5) basic types of imageries: Visual, Auditory, Olfactory,
Gustatory and Tactile. Others references include kinesthetic and thermal
module will target only the basic ones.
• Visual Imagery appeals to the sense of sight. It is something that is
concrete and can be seen. Example: It was dark and dim in the forest.
• Auditory Imagery appeals to the sense of hearing. It is something that
can hear through your mind’s ears. Example: The pattering of the rain is
heard against the window pane.
• Olfactory Imagery appeals to the sense of smell. It is something that
can smell through your mind’s nose. Example: The stench of body odor
a crowded LRT seeped through the fabric of my shirt.
• Gustatory Imagery appeals to the sense of taste. It is something that
can taste through your mind’s tongue. Example: Mouth-watering ripe
mangoes, tender melons, and luscious cherries are served on a tray.
• Tactile Imagery appeals to the sense of touch. It is something that you
can touch through your mind’s skin. Example: The soft velvety feel of silk
and satin caressed my skin.
Your experiences may be shared using imagery. Do you remember
instances where you talked to someone and described well the
happening? Did
your listener understand you by way of imagination? Well, that is the use
Brace yourself because more challenges await.

4.4 Abstraction The King of Wordia sent you challenges that you need to surpass.
He assures you of the air crystal once you get a passing score. Best of luck!
5 minutes Directions: Unlock the imagery used in each sentence. Choices are
provided inside the parentheses. Accomplish this task on your notebook.
a. The old man took the handful of dust, and sifted it through his skin
and fingers (Auditory, Tactile)
b. The sound of drum in the distance attracted him.
(Visual, Auditory)
c. The beacons of moonlight bathed the room in ethereal light
(Olfactory, Visual)
d. The wild gusts of wind pierced through his body. (Olfactory,
e. The burger, aromatic with spices, made his mouth water in
anticipation of the first bite. (Gustatory, Auditory)
Is everything going smoothly? Now let us level that up through the next

4.5 Application Using the poem below composed by the King, imagine its message
through your knowledge in imagery. Cite at least three (3) specific experiences
5 minutes where you were able to relate in the poem.
Permit the words I write upon this page
To remain truthful, hammered into stone
All walk the path of life
But only fools attempt to walk alone.
But you and I need not accept this fate
For night’s dread purpose flees before true love.
My love for you will never fade
You are my saving rain from up above.
Our paths may wind but may never be apart
Because you are the keeper of my heart
Additional Guide Questions:
1. What do you mean by ---“My love for you will never fade”? Cite an
experience that shows/proves this.
2. When can you say that someone really keeps one’s heart? Cite an
3. Interview you parent(s)/guardian(s) and ask them how they feel
about the poem? How do they define love? Is it the same with your
own definition?

4.6 Assessment Write a creative essay entry (not more than 300 words)
as a reply to the
Anlysis of Learners' poem written by the King. Use your knowledge about
Products imageries to make your
essay more descriptive. You may imagine someone has
5 minutes written it for you. Use a
long-sized bond paper and make your own creative title.
This task will be part of
your portfolio.
5 points
Originality/ Creativity
5 points
5 points
5 points
20 points

4.7 Assignment
Enhancing / improving the
2 minutes
day’s lesson
Wow! Those were overwhelming tasks. But nothing is impossible if there is
Congratulations! You just earned the air crystal. It has the power of
teleportation that we can use as we journey to more kingdoms to collect the
other elemental crystals. Together we can achieve better and more!
4.8 Concluding Activity

3 minutes

5. Remarks
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