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He looks in the cupboard in the basement, but it’s not

Level Four there. He looks, and looks, and looks. Finally, he finds
it behind the kitchen door. Who put it there? But he’s
We Won the Cup happy to find his bat. Now he is ready to go. Just
Audio CD Section 3: Expanded Story then, the doorbell rings.
(Page 2) May and David are at home on a rainy day. (Page 18) David opens the door. There’s a boy
They are brother and sister. It’s summer vacation. wearing a baseball cap and a baseball glove. It’s
They are happy because they don’t have to go to Alan. He’s David’s neighbor, and the two boys are
school, but they are sad because they can’t go good friends. “Are you ready to go?” asks Alan.
outside. It is wet and rainy. They look out the “Yes, let’s play ball,” says David. Alan looks at
window at the gray clouds and the heavy rain. They David. “Is your sister coming to play with us?” David
are very bored. They wish the rain would go away. shakes his head, “No, she is a girl. She’s going to
(Page 4) May and David are sitting on the sofa in the play soccer with her friends. Soccer is a girls’ sport.
living room. “I hope it stops raining,” says May. Let’s go!” The two boys walk to the park.
“Why?” asks David. “I have an important soccer (Page 20) The rain has stopped and the sun is shining.
game this afternoon,” she says. “Why is it so It’s time for May to go to the game. She puts on her
important?” “We’re playing against Northcliff in the soccer uniform and calls her mother. “It’s time to go,
Cup Final,” May answers. The Cup Final is the most Mom!” She looks great in her yellow shirt, blue shorts,
important game of the year. The winner is the best and yellow socks. “OK, dear,” says Mom, “I just
team and gets the cup. need my keys.” May gets her shoes and walks to the
(Page 6) May goes to her bedroom and brings back a car. She is feeling a little nervous.
soccer ball. “I need your help,” says May. David (Page 22) May and her Mom drive to the park. When
looks at his sister. “Will you pay me to help you?” he May gets to the soccer field, she sees her best friend,
asks. May shakes her head. “No, silly! We need an Jade. They are both wearing their beautiful team
extra player on our team. One of our players hurt her uniforms. They put on their soccer shoes, and
leg and cannot run,” May answers. “You want me to carefully tie their laces. “I’m nervous, Jade. How
play with a bunch of girls! No way!” David does not about you?” asks May. “A little,” says Jade. This is
want to play soccer with girls. an important game, and the girls want to do well. The
(Page 8) May stands up and looks out the window. girls are now ready for the game. They run onto the
She asks her brother again. “Oh, please, David.” field and take their places.
David just smiles and shakes his head to say no. (Page 24) All the players are ready. Peep! The whistle
“There is no chance of me playing soccer for a girls’ blows and the Cup Final begins. The players kick the
soccer team. Soccer is a girls’ sport.” “Boys play ball, pass the ball, and head the ball to each other.
soccer, too. Please David!” David is holding his Everybody wants the ball. “Don’t touch the ball with
baseball. “I’m sorry, but I like to play baseball. your hands!” shouts the coach. It is a hard game.
That’s a boys’ sport.” Both teams play well, but May’s team only has ten
(Page 10) May sits next to her brother on the sofa. players.
She’s holding her soccer ball. “I think you are afraid (Page 26) At half time the score is 1-1. May’s team has
to play soccer with girls,” says May. David looks at one goal, and Northcliff has one goal. It is a very
May and says, “Me, afraid! I’m not afraid. I just exciting game. The players take a rest and drink some
don’t like to play soccer. It’s a girls’ sport.” “OK, water. In the second half the players play well again.
David,” says May. “We’ll play with ten players then. Both teams have good chances to score a goal. Two
Just wait and see, you’ll be sorry.” minutes from the end, Jade passes the ball to May and
(Page 12) May is excited. It is not raining now, and May kicks it past the goalkeeper into the goal. May
she has an important soccer game to play. She starts and her teammates jump into the air. Well done May!
to get ready for the soccer game. She puts the soccer (Page 28) Peep! The whistle blows! The final score is
ball in her bag and finds her soccer uniform. She has 2-1. May’s team has won, and May scored the
a yellow soccer shirt, blue shorts, and yellow socks. winning goal. “Hooray! We won the cup.” May and
She just needs her soccer shoes. She has a new pair Jade hold up the cup for everyone to see. The coach is
of shoes, but where are they? She finds them near the happy. May’s mother is happy. The players are all
front door. Now she’s ready to go. happy, too. They are the champions. “Just wait until
(Page 14) David doesn’t want to stay inside. He wants David sees this cup,” says May. She wants to show
to go out. David wants to play baseball with his her brother that soccer is not a boring girls’ sport.
neighbor, Alan. He’s looking for his baseball bat, but (Page 30) After the game, the coach gives the cup to
Level Four

he cannot find it. David never puts things away, so May. The players all say goodbye to their teammates
he often can’t find his things. “Mom! Where’s my and to the Northcliff team. When May gets home she
bat?” he asks. “I don’t know,” she answers. David’s runs into the house. “Look, David! We won the cup.”
mother doesn’t play baseball, and she doesn’t have David looks at his sister. She’s holding a beautiful,
his bat. shiny cup. “Wow! That’s great, May.” “Thanks. I
(Page 16) David starts to look all over the house. He scored the winning goal.” “Really! My sister is a
cannot remember where he put it. David looks behind soccer star. Next time I will play with you. Soccer is
the sofa in the living room, but it’s not there. He not a girls’ sport. It’s a cool sport. Well done.”
looks under his bed in his bedroom, but it’s not there.

Dolphin Readers • Level Four © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE.

Audio CD Section 4: Picture Dictionary (Page 25)
bag May puts the soccer ball in her bag; 1
baseball David likes to play baseball; basketball David
has a basketball; bat David finds his bat behind the
kitchen door; cap Alan is wearing a baseball cap;
cup May’s team wants to win the cup; glove Alan is
wearing a baseball glove; goal May scored the
winning goal; key Mom gets her keys; kick Everyone
wants to kick the ball; sneakers I like to wear
sneakers; soccer ball May has a soccer ball;
soccer shoes May has a new pair of soccer shoes;
sock May’s team has nice socks; whistle The whistle
blows and the final score is 2-1.
Activity Answers
(Page 3) 1 are; 2 is; 3 at, on; 4 closed; 5 summer;
6 don’t have; 7 because; 8 at; 9 bored; 10 rainy.
(Page 5) 1 It is rainy; 2 Yes, she does; 3 They are at
home; 4 Because they don’t have school OR It’s
summer vacation; 5 Because they can’t go outside
OR It is raining; 6 Yes, she can; 7 It is in the
afternoon; 8 They are playing against Northcliff.
(Page 7) 1 May needs help to play soccer; 2 Mom
needs help to cook; 3 Dad needs help to wash/clean
the car; 4 Mrs. Shaw needs help to clean the board;
5 Pippa needs help to do the sum/her math; 6 Tom
needs help to draw a picture. (Page 27) 11; 22; 90 minutes; 66; 50 meters; 7; 11.
(Page 9) home; rainy; bored/sad; outside; raining; has; (Page 29) 1. 1 SOCK; 2 GOAL; 3 CUP; 4 KICK;
important; in; wants; help; wants; soccer; doesn’t; to; 5 WHISTLE; 6 SOCCER SHOES. 2. 1 put on your sock;
soccer; sport; wants; with; friend. 2 kick the ball; 3 win the cup; 4 blow the whistle;
(Page 11) 1. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, 5 score a goal; 6 put on your soccer shoes.
r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. 2. May: I think David is afraid (Page 31) 7; 4; 10; 8; 1; 2; 5; 11; 9; 12; 3; 6.
of playing soccer with girls; David: I am not afraid of
playing soccer but it is a girls’ sport.
(Page 13) 1 True; 2 True; 3 True; 4 False; 5 True;
6 True; 7 False; 8 True; 9 False; 10 False.
(Page 15) 1 David’s keys are behind the sofa;
2 David’s basketball is in his bedroom; 3 David’s comic
book is under his bed; 4 David’s sneakers are in the
basement; 5 David’s bag is in the cupboard; 6 David’s
cap is in the living room; 7 David’s baseball glove is
behind the door.
(Page 17) 1. 1 cupboard; 2 sofa; 3 key; 4 sneaker;
5 cap; 6 chair; 7 bag. 2. PUT YOUR THINGS AWAY
(Page 19) 1 David opens the front door; 2 Alan is
David’s neighbor; 3 He wants to play baseball with
David; 4 They often play baseball together; 5 They
play baseball in the park; 6 May sometimes plays with
them; 7 Alan has a baseball glove; 8 David has a
baseball bat.
(Page 21) 1 Near the front door; 2 It is yellow and
blue; 3 They are white; 4 They will go by car; 5 Her
mother needs to get her keys; 6 She feels a little
nervous; 7 Yes, they are; 8 He is playing baseball.
Level Four

(Page 23) 1 Jade like to drink juice, but May likes to

drink soda; 2 Jade and May like to play soccer; 3 Jade
and May like to eat pizza; 4 Jade has two sisters, but
May has one brother; 5 Jade and May are in grade
four; 6 Jade likes pink, but May likes purple; 7 Jade
and May like to read books; 8 Jade is 9 years old, but
May is 10 years old.

Dolphin Readers • Level Four © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE.

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