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Jacob R. Montgomery for the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering presented
on December 18, 2017

Title: New Rating Methods for Pin and Hanger Assemblies in Steel Bridges

Abstract approved: ______________________________________________________

Christopher C. Higgins

Pin and hanger assemblies are a common type of connection used in past

engineering practice for steel girder bridges. The connection consists of pins, hanger

plates, and girder ends. The connection detail was used widely between 1930 and 1980.

The connections are considered fracture critical and nonredundant because connection

failure can lead to collapse of the bridge. One instance of such a failure was the 1983

collapse of the Mianus River Bridge in Connecticut. Despite the critical nature of these

connections, current specification-based rating methods lack clarity for evaluation of

existing bridges. Additionally, inconsistencies exist between different methodologies

used in bridge rating and design. In this thesis a literature review is conducted to identify

the available knowledge and experimental data for the elements that comprise pin and

hanger connections. Relevant past experimental data are only identified for the hangers

plates. The experimental data identified for hanger plates are compared against in-service

hangers and found to be of smaller scale but to have similar proportions. The data are

used to check the sufficiency of existing evaluation methods and new resistance factors
are calibrated for prediction methods consistent with LRFR methods. Recommendations

are made in the form of specification changes to improve rating methods for hanger

plates and knowledge gaps for the remaining connection components are discussed.
©Copyright by Jacob R. Montgomery
December 18, 2017
All Rights Reserved
New Rating Methods for Pin and Hanger Assemblies in Steel Bridges

Jacob R. Montgomery


submitted to

Oregon State University

in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the
degree of

Master of Science

Presented December 18, 2017

Commencement June 2018
Master of Science thesis of Jacob R. Montgomery presented on December 18, 2017


Major Professor, representing Civil Engineering

Head of the School of Civil and Construction Engineering

Dean of the Graduate School

I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State
University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader
upon request.

Jacob R. Montgomery, Author


Firstly, I would like to thank Caltrans for funding this project. Thank you, Dr.

Higgins, for giving me the opportunity to work on this project and realize my academic

goals. Thank you, Dr. Liu, for your generous open-door policy and thoughtful insight. I

would like to extend my gratitude to both Dr. Higgins and Dr. Liu for their guidance

throughout this project extensive time commitment. I would like to thank Pavan Patel for

his early work on the investigating and implementing the calibration process. I would like

to thank my parents for believing in me and investing so much in my future. Finally, I

would like to thank my wife, Adrienne, for encouraging me to go back to school and

being supportive and understanding of my sometimes-unfortunate schedule.



Chapter 1 – Introduction ......................................................................................................1 

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1 

1.2 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 4 

1.3 Organization .............................................................................................................. 5 

Chapter 2 – Literature Review .............................................................................................6 

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6 

2.2 Design and Rating Specification Review .................................................................. 7 

2.2.1 Standard Specifications ...................................................................................... 7 

2.2.2 AASHTO Rating Methods ............................................................................... 19 
2.2.3 Alternate Rating Methods................................................................................. 33 

2.3 Field Performance and Inspection ........................................................................... 43 

2.3.1 Askeland, et al. (1987)...................................................................................... 43 

2.3.2 Kulicki et al. (1990) .......................................................................................... 45 
2.3.3 South et al. (1992) ............................................................................................ 46 
2.3.4 Miller and Chaney (1994) ................................................................................ 47 
2.3.5 Finch et al. (1994)............................................................................................. 47 
2.3.6 Juntunen (1998) ................................................................................................ 48 
2.3.7 Jansson (2008) .................................................................................................. 50 
2.3.8 Moore et al. (2004) ........................................................................................... 51 
2.3.9 Discussion......................................................................................................... 52 


2.4 Experimental Studies............................................................................................... 53 

2.4.1 Hanger Plates .................................................................................................... 53 

2.4.2 Pins ................................................................................................................... 73 
2.4.3 Beam Ends ........................................................................................................ 79 

2.5 Materials .................................................................................................................. 87 

2.5.1 AISC Design Guide 15 ..................................................................................... 88 

2.5.2 Mechanical and Corrosion Wear of Sliding Interface ...................................... 88 

2.6 Literature Review Conclusion ................................................................................. 91 

Chapter 3 – Analysis of Hanger Plate Ultimate Strength Predictions ...............................94 

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 94 

3.2 Data Review ............................................................................................................ 94 

3.3 Caltrans Inventory ................................................................................................... 95 

3.4 Failure Modes ........................................................................................................ 101 

3.5 Review of Caltrans’ Rating Methods .................................................................... 103 

3.5.1 Caltrans LFR Method ..................................................................................... 104 

3.5.2 Caltrans LRFR Method .................................................................................. 107 

3.6 Analysis by Failure Mode ..................................................................................... 110 

3.6.1 Failure Behind the Pin .................................................................................... 110 

3.6.2 Fracture on Net Section .................................................................................. 115 
3.6.3 Dishing ........................................................................................................... 118 
3.6.4 Dishing Proportional Limit............................................................................. 120 

3.7 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 124 



Chapter 4 – Calibration of Resistance Factors for LRFR ................................................126 

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 126 

4.2 Load and Resistance as Random Variables........................................................... 126 

4.3 Load Variability .................................................................................................... 128 

4.3.1 Load Statistical Properties .............................................................................. 128 

4.3.2 Load Mean and Standard Deviation ............................................................... 130 

4.4 Resistance Statistical Properties ............................................................................ 133 

4.5 Reliability Index .................................................................................................... 135 

4.6 Monte Carlo Simulation ........................................................................................ 138 

4.7 Calibration Results ................................................................................................ 141 

Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Recommendations ..............................................................145 

5.1 Summary and Conclusions .................................................................................... 145 

5.2 Recommendations and Future Work ..................................................................... 148 

References ........................................................................................................................150 

Appendices .......................................................................................................................155 

Appendix A – Historic Steel Specification (Brockenbrough, 2002) ........................... 156 

Appendix B – Example Calibration Simulation .......................................................... 162 

Appendix C – Recommended AASHTO MBE Revisions .......................................... 165 


Figure Page

1-1: Pin and hanger assembly example. ............................................................................. 2

2-1: Hanger plate sections. ................................................................................................ 11 

2-2: Pin plates at pinned truss joints. ................................................................................ 13 

2-3: AISC hanger diagram (AISC, 2016). ........................................................................ 36 

2-4: Coped beam end geometries (AISC 2017). ............................................................... 38 

2-5: Eurocode general hanger geometry (Eurocode 2005). .............................................. 41 

2-6: Type B geometric requirements (Eurocode, 2005). .................................................. 42 

2-7: Cracked MoDOT pin removed from service. ............................................................ 44 

2-8: Instrumentation diagram (Juntunen, 1998)................................................................ 49 

2-9: Quebec bridge hanger specimen. ............................................................................... 54 

2-10: Dishing failure (Johnston, 1939). ............................................................................ 55 

2-11: Splitting failure (Blake, 1981). ................................................................................ 55 

2-12: Net section failure (Blake, 1981)............................................................................. 55 

2-13: Johnston’s hanger notation (Duerr, 2006). .............................................................. 57 

2-14: Shear planes for pin tear out. ................................................................................... 61 

2-15: Tolbert and Hackett amplification factor. ............................................................... 61 

2-16: Tolbert and Hackett reduction factor. ...................................................................... 62 

2-17: Pin tear out failure (Blake, 1981). ........................................................................... 64 

2-18: Accuracy of hanger plate strength predictions (Duerr and Pincus, 1985). .............. 65 

2-19: Test setup (Rex and Easterling, 1996). .................................................................... 67


Figure Page

2-20: Hoblit and Melcon pin load distribution (1953). ..................................................... 74

2-21: Hoblit and Melcon bearing factor (1953). ............................................................... 75 

2-22: Four-point pin load distribution (Blake, 1974)........................................................ 76 

2-23: Pin interaction equation comparisons (Kulicki, 1983). ........................................... 78 

2-24: Example local web buckling (Yam and Chung, 2012)............................................ 80 

2-25: Cheng et al., (1984) coped beam notation. .............................................................. 80 

2-26: Example plate girder specimen (Cheng et al., 1984)............................................... 82 

2-27: Cheng et al. (1984) test setup. ................................................................................. 83 

2-28: Coped end reinforcement methods (Cheng et al., 1984). ........................................ 84 

2-29: Test setup used by Aalberg (2014). ......................................................................... 86 

3-1: Thickness of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data. ............................ 96 

3-2: Edge distance behind the pin of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.
........................................................................................................................................... 97
3-3: Effective width of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data. ................... 97 

3-4: Pin Diameter of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data. ....................... 98 

3-5: Ratio of to of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data. .................. 99 

3-6: Ratio of to of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data. ................ 99 

3-7: Ratio of to of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.................. 100 

3-8: Yield stress of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data. ....................... 101 

3-9: Hanger plate failure modes. ..................................................................................... 102 


Figure Page

3-10: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans LFR methods across all
specimens. ....................................................................................................................... 106

3-11: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans’ LFR method with non-
dishing specimens. .......................................................................................................... 107

3-12: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans’ LRFR methods across all
specimens. ....................................................................................................................... 108

3-13: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans LRFR methods with non-
dishing specimens. .......................................................................................................... 109

3-14: Splitting verses shear failure example (Luley, 1942). ........................................... 111

3-15: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for failure behind the pin prediction
methods. .......................................................................................................................... 114

3-16: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for fracture on net section prediction
methods ........................................................................................................................... 116

3-17: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for dishing prediction analysis. ........... 120 

3-18: Effective width to thickness ratios compared to bearing stresses. ........................ 122 

3-19: Dimension behind the pin to plate thickness ratios compared to bearing stresses. 123 

3-20: Normalized dimension behind pin from Duerr (2006) with bearing stress. .......... 124 

4-1: Random variable probability density function (PDF). ............................................ 128 

4-2: Example reliability index for a normal PDF. .......................................................... 136 

4-3: Example calibration probability plot using 20,000 simulations. ............................. 140 

4-4: Example of best-fit line using lower 10% of data from Monte Carlo simulations.. 141

Table Page

2-1: Allowable stresses for carbon steel (AASHO, 1931). ................................................. 9 

2-2: Allowable stresses for carbon steel (AASHO, 1935). ............................................... 10 

2-3: Material allowable stresses (AASHO, 1941). ........................................................... 10 

2-4: Fatigue categories in 1965 AASHO Standard Specifications. .................................. 14 

2-5: Road types in 1965 AASHO Standard Specifications. ............................................. 15 

2-6: Pin specific steel specifications. ................................................................................ 17 

2-7: Summary of structural steel specifications. ............................................................... 18 

2-8: Relevant MBE allowable stresses. ............................................................................ 21 

2-9: Minimum yield stress of pins by year (AASHTO MBE, 2014). ............................... 24 

2-10: Performance of capacity equations (Duerr, 2006). .................................................. 70 

2-11: Dimensional range of collected data. ...................................................................... 72 

3-1: Range of data for hanger tests corresponding to AAHTO pin hole dimensional
tolerances. ......................................................................................................................... 95
3-2: Range of Caltrans’ reported hanger plate inventory................................................ 101 

3-3: Hanger data by failure mode. .................................................................................. 103 

3-4: Statistics for Caltrans rating methods. ..................................................................... 109 

3-5: Example of similarity between splitting and shear failure behind the pin hole (Luley,
1942). .............................................................................................................................. 111
3-6: Splitting specimens compared against splitting and tear out prediction methods. .. 112 

3-7: Tear out specimens compared against splitting and tear out prediction methods. .. 112 

3-8: Statistics for failure behind the pin prediction methods. ......................................... 114 

3-9: Statistics for net section fracture prediction methods.............................................. 116 

LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

Table Page

3-10: Relative performance of specimen DP 1-A for alternate rating methods. ............ 118 

3-11: Statistical results for dishing prediction methods. ................................................. 120 

4-1: HL-93 statistical live load parameters (Kulicki et al., 2007). ................................. 130 

4-2: Load statistics used for calibration. ......................................................................... 130 

4-3: Resistance statistics used for calibration. ................................................................ 134 

4-4: Calibrated resistance factors for failure behind the pin. .......................................... 142 

4-5: Calibrated resistance factors for fracture on net section. ........................................ 142 

4-6: Calibrated resistance factors for dishing. ................................................................ 143 


Chapter 1 – Introduction

1.1 Background

Between the 1930’s and the early 1980’s transportation agencies from many states

frequently constructed steel girder bridges with a connection detail known as a pin and

hanger assembly or connection. These connections were used to connect main bridge

girder segments at locations away from piers. Unlike typical girder splices, this detail was

designed to allow free girder end rotation and act as a hinge. The geometry of these

hinges allowed for longitudinal displacements making it convenient to install a deck

expansion joint above them. A typical example of one of these assemblies is shown in

Figure 1.1. These assemblies, at a minimum, consisted of two pins and two plates

(referred to as hangers or links) connecting the coped ends of two longitudinal bridge

girders. The top girder, referred to as the cantilever girder, in these assemblies was

designed to be fully supported by adjacent piers. The lower girder, known as the

suspended girder, was typically designed to be simply supported by the pin and hanger


Figure 1-1: Pin and hanger assembly example.

These assemblies came under greater scrutiny after the failure of one of these

assemblies led to the 1984 collapse of the Mianus River Bridge in Connecticut. Though

this collapse was attributed to poor maintenance rather than insufficient member capacity

(NTSB, 1984), it highlighted the hazard these assemblies can pose to the full structure.

This hazard is due to the reliance of the suspended girder on this assembly and the lack of

redundancy within this assembly. If any one element in this assembly (pin, hanger plate

or girder end) fails, the system can fail. This is particularly dangerous in two girder

bridges, like the Mianus River Bridge, where these assemblies are fracture critical,

meaning that the failure of one element will lead to structural collapse.
Despite the importance of these assemblies, the methods for rating the connection

components that comprise them are not always clear or consistent. Historically, there are

three different design/rating methodologies allowed by the American Association of State

Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). These methods are Allowable Stress

Design (ASD), Load Factor Design (LFD) and Load and Resistance Factor Design

(LRFD). Of these methods LFD and LRFD are still used for rating, while the majority of

pin and hanger bridges currently in service were designed using ASD. When comparing

these methods, it is apparent that the treatment of pin and hanger assemblies are

inconsistent across the different methodologies. Additionally, when looking at these

methodologies individually it is not always clear what checks are required for the purpose

of bridge rating.

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has a large inventory of

pin and hanger bridges, many of which are fracture critical. In rating their existing

bridges, Caltrans has noted the inconsistencies in the different design methodologies and

the lack of clarity in rating of pin and hanger assemblies. Caltrans, understanding the

importance of these assemblies to the overall performance of a bridge, commissioned this

study to clarify the rating methods for these assemblies and to make improvements with

existing data, where possible.

1.2 Objectives

This thesis will describe the first phase of a project for which the ultimate goal is

to develop new methods for rating the different components within pin and hanger

assemblies. The general objective of this first phase is to conduct a thorough review of

the literature on pin and hanger assemblies and to identify what future work is needed to

advance rating of pin and hanger connections. There was sufficient information on

hanger plates identified in the literature review to conduct a review of current rating

methods and resistance factors were calibrated for new and existing hanger plate rating

methods that are consistent with the LRFR framework. Below are specific objectives for

this research:

 Identify failure modes of different elements of the pin and hanger assemblies

 Identify potential rating methods for the different elements within assemblies

 Collect relevant experimental data from previous studies

 Evaluate the sufficiency of existing rating methods for hanger plates

 Review existing and alternative rating methods against the experimental data for

hanger plates

 To the extent possible, calibrate rating methods for hanger plates for use within

the AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor framework

1.3 Organization

This thesis consists of five different chapters with the first being the introduction.

The second chapter is a comprehensive literature review. This literature review will be

presented in four sections: specifications, field performance, past experimental studies,

and historic materials. The next two chapters describe an investigation into capacity

prediction and resistance factor calibration for hanger plates. In the final chapter results

are summarized and recommendations made for future work.

Chapter 2 – Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The ultimate goal of this investigation is to provide better bridge rating of existing

pin and hanger connection components which includes and extends methods in the

present AASHTO LFD, LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, and the AASHTO Manual

for Bridge Evaluation (MBE). This literature review was conducted to gain a better

understanding of the existing body of knowledge and to guide future investigation. Both

historic and current specifications relevant to pin and hanger assemblies were reviewed.

The specifications reviewed included the historic editions of the AASHTO Standard

Specifications period between 1931 and 1973, the 2011 AASHTO MBE, 2002 AASHTO

Standard Specifications and 2014 AASHTO LRFD. Additionally the AREMA Manual

for Railway Engineering, the AISC Steel Design Specifications and Eurocode 3 were

reviewed. These specifications are not typically used in the United States for highway

bridge design but were reviewed to gain insight into alternate design methods. Reports

related to the in-service performance of these assemblies were reviewed to identify their

typical performance issues. A review of existing nondestructive evaluation methods used

to assess the condition of pin and hanger assemblies was conducted. Existing

experimental and theoretical studies conducted on hanger plates, pins and girder ends

where investigated and their results documented. Finally, additional historic material was

reviewed along with the basic principles of wear.

2.2 Design and Rating Specification Review

This section reviews previous design and construction specifications, current

specifications for bridge rating, and relevant non-bridge specifications as they relate to

pin and hanger assemblies in bridges. This review is intended to improve understanding

of the evolution in design and construction of these connections, document available

rating methods, and investigate other specification-based design methods that could be

applied to pin and hanger assemblies.

2.2.1 Standard Specifications

Since its introduction in 1931 and until the introduction of the AASHTO LRFD

Bridge Design Specifications in 1994, the AASHTO/AASHO (the precursor to

AASHTO) Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges has been the most influential

document for the design of most bridges in the United States. For this review, relevant

sections from the construction, design, and material sections of the original 1931 AASHO

Standard Specifications (AASHO, 1931) were summarized. The 10 following editions of

these same specifications (AASHO, 1935, 1941, 1944, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965,

1969, 1973) were then reviewed and the relevant additions and revisions were

8 Review of AASHO Construction Sections

In the construction section of the 1931 edition of the AASHO Standard

Specifications, requirements were provided for both the fabrication of pins and pin holes.

Pins were specified to be turned smooth and free of flaws, all pins over 7 in. diameter

were required to be forged and annealed. Any pins over 9 in. diameter were specified to

have holes no less than 2 in. diameter drilled through their centers. Holes for pins in pin

connected members were required to be bored to the specified diameter with the final

surface produced by a finishing cut. The distance from outside to outside of pin holes in

tension members was not to vary from the specified dimension by more than 1/32th in. Pin

holes were allowed to be oversized by a maximum of 1/50th in. for pins 5 in. diameter and

smaller, and 1/32th in. for pins larger than 5 in.

In 1957, the article describing pin fabrication was altered to require all pins under

7 in. diameter to be either forged and annealed or made out of cold finished carbon steel

shafting. All pins over 7 in. diameter were still required to be forged and annealed. Then

in 1969, this article increased the allowable diameter for non-forged pins from 7 in. to 9

in. In 1959, roughness requirements for the surfaces of pins and pin holes were

standardized to comply with American Standards Association (ASA) 125. This roughness

level was described in ASA B 46.1-55. In 1969, this requirement was revised to United

States of America Standards Institute (USASI) 125 and then again to American National

Standards Institute (ANSI) 125, both referencing B46.1.

9 Review of AASHO Design Sections

The design section of the 1931 edition of the AASHO Standard Specifications

gives provisions for the design of pins, pin connected members, and pin plates.

Additionally, this section provides allowable stresses (Fa) for use in the design of

elements. In 1931, the only structural steel for which allowable stresses were provided

was carbon steel (ASTM A7). In this specification, different allowable stresses were

given for dead load and live load, with the allowable stress for live load being 2/3 that for

dead load. Table 2.1 provides relevant prescribed allowable stresses applicable to pin and

hanger assemblies. It is noted in these specifications that the allowable stresses for cast

steel were to be 3/4 of that for structural steel.

Table 2-1: Allowable stresses for carbon steel (AASHO, 1931).

Live Load (psi) Dead Load (psi)

Axial Tension/Net section 16,000 24,000
Stress in extreme fiber of pins 24,000 36,000
Shear in pins 12,000 18,000
Bearing on pins 24,000 36,000
Shear in Girder Web Gross Section 10,000 15,000

In the 1935 edition of the AASHO Standard Specifications, the allowable stresses

(Fa) are simplified to eliminate the differing allowable stresses for live load and dead

load. These simplified allowable stresses are shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2-2: Allowable stresses for carbon steel (AASHO, 1935).

Fa (psi)

Axial Tension/Net section 18,000

Stress in extreme fiber of pins 27,000

Shear in pins 13,500

Bearing on pins 27,000

Shear in Girder Web Gross
Section 11,000

In 1941, the allowable stress for pin bearing is broken into two categories: non-

rotating pins and rotating pins. The pins subject to rotation had lower allowable stresses.

These new allowable stresses are shown in Table 2.3 for the three structural steels

included in the specifications at the time. In this same year, the cast steel allowable

stresses were amended so that the allowable stresses for compression and bearing were

equal to carbon structural steel. All other allowable stresses for cast steel remained at ¾

that of carbon structural steel.

Table 2-3: Material allowable stresses (AASHO, 1941).

Carbon Steel Silicon Steel Nickel Steel
Fa/Fy Fa (psi) Fa/Fy Fa (psi) Fa/Fy Fa (psi)
Axial Tension/Net section 0.55 18,000 0.53 24,000 0.55 30,000
Stress in extreme fiber of
pins 0.82 27,000 0.80 36,000 0.80 44,000
Shear in pins 0.41 13,500 0.40 18,000 0.40 22,000
Bearing on pins 0.73 24,000 0.71 32,000 0.73 40,000
Bearing on pins subject to
rotation 0.36 12,000 0.36 16,000 0.33 18,000
For pin design, the 1931 AASHO Specification states that pins are to be sized to

resist the shear and moment produced by the connected members. In the section “net

section at pin holes,” the region around the pin hole was to be sized based on the net

section away from the pin hole (Section A-A in Fig. 2-1) for design of pin-connected

riveted tension members. The net section across the pin hole (Section B-B in Fig. 2-1)

was not to be less than 140% of the net Section at A-A. Additionally, the net section

beyond the pin hole (Section C-C in Fig. 2-1) was not to be less than 100% of the net

section at Section A-A. In 1941, a new requirement was added to this provision

specifying that the ratio between a member’s net width (taken along Section B-B from

Fig. 2-1) and thickness was not to exceed 8. In the 1949 edition, the reference to rivets in

this provision was removed.

Figure 2-1: Hanger plate sections.

The 1931 edition of the AASHO Standard Specifications mandated that bearing

stress was to be calculated using the effective bearing area of the pin. This effective

bearing area was determined by multiplying the diameter of the pin by the thickness of

the connected member in bearing. The 1965 edition clarified that when the pin and the

connected member were made of different materials, the allowable bearing stress would

be controlled by the material with the lower allowable bearing stress.

The specifications allowed, when necessary to obtain the required section or

bearing area, the installation of symmetric pin plates on the connected members. These

plates were to be as wide as any outstanding flanges on the member, if the member was

built-up and had angles for flange elements, then at least 1 pin plate was required to cover

the vertical legs of the flange angles. Enough rivets were to be provided to transmit the

bearing pressure and placed to uniformly distribute this load over the full section. In the

1941 edition, the reference to flange angles was removed. A new requirement was added

that prescribed at least one of the full-width pin plates extend to the far edge of the stay

plate and the remainder of the pin plates extend not less than 6 in. beyond the stay plate’s

near edge.

The applicability of the above pin plate provisions to the pin plates often used in

pin and hanger assemblies is not clear. Only the rivet requirements appear applicable.

The provisions appear more relevant to pin plates found on pin connected trusses, as

illustrated in Fig. 2-2.


Figure 2-2: Pin plates at pinned truss joints.

Fatigue design was introduced in the 1965 AASHO Standard Specifications. The

fatigue provisions imposed an allowable fatigue stress on bridge elements subject to

repeated variations, or reversals, of stress. The allowable fatigue stress was given as:

2 1

where and (psi) were tabulated values that depended on the element category,

stress type and number of load cycles, was the ratio between the minimum and

maximum stress seen by the member and was given as:

1.0 1 1.0 2 2
where was the members ultimate strength (psi) and was a tabulated value that

depended on the element category, stress type, and number of load cycles. Of the element

categories given and stress types provided by the provision, the most applicable for pin

and hanger assemblies was category C, base metal adjacent to bearing type fasteners in

tension, and category I, bearing type fasteners in shear. These two categories were

applicable to hangers and pins, respectively. For both of these categories was equal to

zero, so can be simplified to:

2 3

and for categories C and I are given in Table 2.4. These values varied depending

on the number of stress cycles seen by the member. For design purposes, the number of

cycles was based on the type of loading inducing the maximum stress and the type of

road being considered. The tabulated cycle numbers provided by the specifications are

shown in Table 2.5.

Table 2-4: Fatigue categories in 1965 AASHO Standard Specifications.

Maximum 100,000 Cycles 500,000 Cycles 2,000,000 Cycles
Category Stress
Type fro k2 fro k2 fro k2
C Tension 20,500 0.55 17,200 0.62 15,000 0.67
I Shear Fv 0.50 13,500 0.50 11,200 0.50
Table 2-5: Road types in 1965 AASHO Standard Specifications.

0-14' incl. 14' to 44' incl. Over 44'

Case Type of Road (H Loading) (HS Loading) (Lane Loading)
1. Freeways
I 2. Expressways
3. Major Highways
and Streets 2,000,000 500,000 100,000
Other Highways and
II Streets not included in
Case I 500,000 100,000 100,000

In the 1973 edition, Load Factor Design (LFD) was introduced as an alternative

design methodology to Allowable Strength Design (ASD). This design methodology used

similar design provisions to the Allowable Stress Design but substituted yield stress for

the allowable stresses and then used load factors to amplify the service loads. There were

no specific provisions for pins or pin connected members in the LFD portion of the

AASHO Standard Specifications. Review of AASHO Material Sections

The 1931 edition of the AASHO Standard Specifications provided for the use of

three (3) material specifications for the fabrication of pins: ASTM A7 structural carbon

steel, ASTM A20 Carbon Steel Forgings, and ASTM A27 Carbon Steel Castings, Class B

medium grade.

In the 1935 edition, references to ASTM A20 and A27 were eliminated. These

references were replaced with expanded steel forging and steel casting material sections

that included fabrication and testing requirements. The forging section required minimum
tensile and yield strengths of 60 ksi and 33 ksi, respectively. The casting section required

minimum tensile and yield strengths of 70 ksi and 38 ksi, respectively.

In the 1941 edition, silicon (ASTM A94) and nickel (ASTM A8) steel were

introduced as alternatives to carbon structural steel. The maximum thicknesses of 1 1/8 in.

and 1 in. were set for silicon and nickel steel plates, respectively. In the allowable stress

section for both of these steels, allowable stresses were provided for pins. The steel

forgings material section of this edition added a reference to ASTM A235 Class C1. In

the casting section, the reference to ASTM A27 Grade B-1 for carbon steel castings

returned and the reference to ASTM A221 Class A for chromium alloy steel castings was

added. The fabrication and testing requirements, added in the previous edition, for

forgings and castings were removed.

In the 1949 edition, the ASTM Specification for chromium alloy steel castings

was changed to ASTM A296, grade 10 and the grade for carbon steel castings was

changed to Grades 65-35. Additionally, structural low-alloy steel (ASTM A242) was

introduced with the maximum thickness of 1 1/8 in. specified for steel plates. Allowable

stresses for up to 2 in. thick material were provided, these allowable stresses included

those for pins. In the following edition (1953), the allowable stresses for pin shear and

bending were removed from the low alloy steel section.

In the 1957 edition, pin shear and bending returned and the allowable stresses for

low alloy steel and the restriction on plate thickness were removed. In this same edition,

cold-finished steel shafting (ASTM-A108/AASHO M169) (grades 1016-1030) was added

as a permissible pin material specification for pins under 7 in. diameter. Cold finished
steel shafting was required to have a minimum Rockwell Scale B hardness of 80 or

minimum tensile strength of 66 ksi and yield strength of 33 ksi was required.

In the 1961 edition, ASTM A440 and A441 were added as optional low alloy

steel specifications. Allowable stresses were provided for both materials up to 4 in. thick,

including allowable stresses specific to pins. Allowable stresses were provided for A441

up to 8 in. but stresses for pins were not provided for these thicker sections.

In the 1965 edition, silicon steel, nickel steel and A7 steel were removed from the

specifications. ASTM A36 low carbon structural steel was added, complete with

allowable stresses for pins. Additionally, a new material section specific to pins, rollers

and expansion rockers was created. This new section included all of the material

specifications shown in Table 2.6. It was noted that pins may conform to one of these

specifications in addition to those listed in the structural steel section.

Table 2-6: Pin specific steel specifications.

Specification (ASTM #) (Year Added) Restrictions Fy (psi)

Carbon Steel Forgings (ASTM A235-C1) (1941) Dia. ≤ 20" 33,000
Cold Finished Carbon Steel Bars (ASTM A108)
(1957) Dia. ≤ 7" 36,000*
Cold Finished Carbon Steel Bars (ASTM A108)
(1965)** Dia. ≤ 9" 50,000
Carbon Steel Forgings (ASTM A235-E) (1965) Dia. ≤ 20" 37,500
Carbon Steel Forgings (ASTM A235-G) (1965) Dia. ≤ 10" 50,000
Alloy Steel Forgings (ASTM A237-A) (1965) Dia. ≤ 20" 50,000
*Minimum yield strength required only if minimum Rockwell Scale B Hardness of 80
was not met.
**Revised cold finished carbon steel bar specification. No Rockwell Scale B Hardness
In the 1969 edition of the AASHO Standard Specifications, high yield strength

quenched and tempered alloy steel was introduced (ASTM A514 and A517). Allowable

stresses for this material were given for material up to 4 in. thick, including for pin

specific allowable stresses. Additionally, new ASTM specifications A572 and A588 were

added to the low alloy steel section. ASTM A588 and ASTM A572 provide allowable

stresses for material up to 8 in. and 4 in. thick respectively. Allowable stresses were

provided for pins. Table 2.7 provides a summary of the material specifications allowed

by the AASHO Standard Specifications during the period reviewed. Appendix A

provides a more detailed summary of the specification in Tables 2.6 and 2.7.

Table 2-7: Summary of structural steel specifications.

Steel Specification (ASTM #) (Time
Range) Fy (psi) Fu (psi)
Structural Carbon Steel (ASTM A7)
(1931) 30,000 55,000
Structural Carbon Steel (ASTM A7)
(1935-1961) 33,000 60,000
Structural Silicon Steel (ASTM A94)
(1941-1961) 45,000 70,000
Structural Nickle Steel (ASTM A8) (1941-
1961) 55,000 90,000
Structural Carbon Steel (ASTM A36)
(1965) 33,000 60,000
High Strength Low Alloy Steel (ASTM
A242) (1949), (ASTM A440/A441) 42,000 - 63,000 -
(1961), (ASTM A572/A588) (1969) 50,000 70,000
High Yield Strength Quenched &
Tempered Alloy Steel (ASTM 90,000 - 105,000 -
A514/A517) (1969) 100,000 115,000
2.2.2 AASHTO Rating Methods

The 2011 AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) with interim revisions

through 2016 (AASHTO, 2011) provides current rating methods for existing bridge

elements. The MBE uses Rating Factors (RF) to describe whether a bridge has sufficient

capacity to carry a given rating load. The equation for this rating factor depends on the

rating methodology used. A general rating equation can be described by:

∑ ∗
2 4

where C is the capacity of the bridge (controlled by its weakest member), PL are the

permanent loads, LL is the live load, IM is the impact loading and & are load

factors whose values vary based on rating method and type of permanent load. If a bridge

has a rating factor greater than 1, it has sufficient capacity to carry the load for which it is

being rated. While both capacity and load effects influence rating, the focus of this

review is on resistance models.

The MBE allows rating to be performed using one of three methodologies,

allowable stress rating (ASR), load factor rating (LFR) and load and resistance factor

rating (LRFR). In this section, the rating provisions for pin and hanger assemblies for

these three rating methodologies will be reviewed. The MBE acts as a companion

document to the design specifications, providing addendums to design provisions, when

necessary, to make them applicable for rating. For this reason, the applicable design

codes for each of these methodologies will be referenced in tandem with the MBE in this

review. In addition to the national design specifications, the LFR rating method using

Caltrans’ Bridge Design Specifications will be summarized for future comparison.

In general, there are two levels for which a bridge can be rated: inventory or

operational. Inventory corresponds to a higher level of reliability equal to that of design,

while the operational level rating is less conservative but generally consider acceptable.

ASR achieves these different rating levels by providing allowable stresses equal to design

levels for inventory rating and increased allowable stresses for operational rating.

Alternatively, LFR and LRFR achieve this difference in rating level by decreasing load

factors for operational rating. ASD (2002 AASHTO Standard Specifications & 2011 MBE)

Allowable strength design (ASD), also referred to as working stress design

(WSD), was the first design methodology employed by AASHTO for bridge design and

rating. The most current specifications for design and rating using this methodology are

the 17th edition of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges

(AASHTO, 2002) and the 2nd edition of the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation

(AASHTO,2011) respectively. When using ASD, the stress in an element, at service level

loads is limited to an allowable stress. Some relevant allowable stresses at inventory and

operational reliability levels are reported in Table 2-8.

Table 2-8: Relevant MBE allowable stresses.
Operational Inventory/Design
Axial Tension 0.75 0.55
(no holes or open holes greater than 1
¼") 0.60 0.46
Axial Tension on Net Section
0.67 0.50
(for riveted/bolted members)
Stress in extreme fiber of pins 0.90 0.80
Shear in pins 0.55 0.40
Bearing on pins 0.90 0.70 0.80
Bearing on pins subject to rotation 0.55 0.33 0.40
Shear on Gross Section 0.45 0.33 Pin Rating

The ASD section of the MBE does not address rating of pins. Therefore, the

design specification given in the AASHTO Standard Specification are used for rating of

these elements. The design provisions for pins has remained essentially unchanged since

1931. Article 10.25.3 of the AASHTO Standard Specifications simply states that pins are

to be sized for the maximum shear and moment produced by the connected members. Hanger Plate Rating

The rating of hanger plates is not specifically addressed in the ASD portion of the

MBE, and the design specifications for hangers have not seen any consequential change

since 1949. The design provisions provided in article 10.25.1 of the AASHTO Standard

Specifications rely on dimensional requirements for hanger plate design.

22 Bearing Rating

AASHTO Standard Specification Article 10.32.4 prescribes allowable bearing

stresses to the connection elements (plates and pins). The bearing stresses were shown in

Table 2-8. Girder End Rating

The only guidance provided in the AASHTO Standard Specification for design or

rating of coped girder ends such as those of pin and hanger assemblies is a general note in

Article 10.12. This article states that all flexural elements are to be designed using the

moment of inertia method. The complex nonuniform stress distributions in the girder

ends from the concentrated pin loading makes application of flexural and shear design

provisions and their interactions uncertain. LFD (2002 AASHTO Standard Specifications & 2011 MBE)

The Load Factor Design (LFD) methodology was added to the AASHTO

Standard Specifications in 1973, Similar to the ASD method the most current guidance

for this methodology is provided in the 17th Edition of the AASHTO Standard

Specifications (AASHTO, 2002) and the 2011 MBE (AASHTO, 2011). In this method,

members are designed to ultimate capacity and the design loads are increased beyond

service levels. Ultimate capacity design is accomplished in general by substituting the

allowable stress from ASD with the material yield stress. In addition to this general rule,

specific provisions are given for areas of design where this increase in stress is not
sufficient to capture the ultimate limit state of a member. The LFD/LFR portions of the

MBE and AASHTO Standard Specifications do not provide any specific provisions for

the design of pins, hangers or their bearing. New provisions are provided for design of

shear in girders in Article L6B2.2 of the MBE which states that Article of the

AASHTO Standard Specifications is to be used. LRFD (2014 AASHTO LRFD & 2011 MBE)

In 1994, AASHTO adopted the load and resistance factor design (LRFD) method

as an alternative to the LFD and ASD methods presented in the AASHTO Standard

Specifications. The most recent version is the 7th Edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge

Design Specifications (AASHTO, 2014). The LRFR portion of the MBE uses much of

the AASHTO LRFD provisions and applies factors to both the member resistances and

the load effects to establish rating factors for bridge components. Additionally, in this

section Caltrans’ current LRFR rating methods (Caltrans, 2016a) will be reviewed were

appropriate. Pin Rating

Article 6A.6.12.4 of the MBE specifies that pins are to be checked for combined

flexure and shear as specified in the ASHTO LRFD Specifications. AASHTO LRFD uses

plastic analysis to calculate the ultimate capacity of pins in shear and bending. To do this

Article of the AASHTO LRFD Specifications specifies pin capacity to be

checked using the interaction equation


6 2.2
0.95 2 5

where is the pin diameter (in), Mu and Vu are the factored moment and shear load

effects due to factored loads (kip-in and kips respectively) and Fy is the pin material yield

stress (ksi). and are resistance factors for shear and flexure respectively, both of

which are equal 1.0.

Additionally, Article 6A.6.2.2 of the MBE provides minimum pin strength based

on year of construction as shown in Table 2-9.

Table 2-9: Minimum yield stress of pins by year (AASHTO MBE, 2014).
Minimum Yield Point, Fy,
Year of Construction ksi
Prior to 1905 25.5
1905 through 1935 30
1936 through 1963 33
After 1963 36 Hanger Rating

The LRFR section of the AASHTO MBE furnishes 3 provisions in Section

6A.6.6.1 for the rating of hangers. The first two provisions are the similar to those

provided by the ASD specification requiring 140% and 100% of the net area away from

the hole, across the hole (perpendicular to the load) and beyond the hole, respectively.

The third provision specifies a proportional reduction of the net area used for capacity

calculations if one of the first two provisions is not met.

Article 6A.6.6 of the MBE specifies that members and splices subject to axial

tension are to be checked against Article 6.8.2 of the AASHTO LRFD Design

Specifications. Article 6.8.2 of the AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications requires

members to be checked for tensile yield as:

2 6

and tensile rupture as:

2 7

where Ag is the gross section area in tension (in.2), An is the net section area in tension

(in.2) and U is the shear lag reduction factor. and are the tension yield and fracture

resistance factors and are equal to 0.95 and 0.80 respectively. The specifications require

that, when determining the gross section area, holes larger than those typically used for

bolts are to be deducted. The commentary confirms that this includes pin holes.

Based on Caltrans interpretation of these articles (Caltrans, 2006a), two rating

checks are performed. The first checks for yield on the section across the pin, this check

is the same as that shown in equation 2-6 with the gross area taken as the full cross-

section of the hanger minus cross-sectional area of the pin hole. The next check used by

Caltrans combines the dimensional requirements described in Section 6A.6.6.1 of the

MBE and the tensile rupture check shown equation 2-7 the produce:

2 8

were , the effective section, is given by the lesser of:

2 9
2 10 Bearing Rating

Article 6A.6.12.4 of the MBE specifies that pins are to be checked for bearing

according to Article of the AASHTO LRFD Specifications as:

1.5 2 11


2 12

to describe the factored pin bearing resistance where t is the thickness of the connected

member (in.), this the pin diameter (in.) and the bearing resistance factor, , is equal

to 1.0. In the commentary, the coefficient of 1.5 is allowed to be halved to 0.75 for the

design of new pins subject to significant rotation in order to account for wear over the life

of the pin. This provision mimics the reduced bearing stress allowed for pins subject to

rotation in the original ASD methodology. The commentary states that only the 1.5

coefficient should be used for the rating of existing pins regardless of pin rotation.

Additionally, Article of the AASHTO LRFD design specifications states

that the nominal bearing of a pin plate is computed as:

2 13

where is the yield stress of the plate (ksi) and is the projected bearing area of the

pin on the plate (in2) and is given by:

2 14

where t is the thickness of the connected plate (in.), this the pin diameter (in.).
27 Connection Rating

The AASHTO LRFD Specifications contain two additional provisions for design

of connections that could be applicable to rating pin and hanger assemblies. The first

provision is for block shear tear out and the second is for shear yield and rupture. The

provision for block shear is contained in Article 6.13.4 of AASHTO LRFD Specifications

which requires web connections of coped beams and tension elements to be checked for

block shear capacity as:


0.58 2 15

where Fu is the tensile strength of the connected material (ksi), Fy is the yield strength of

the connected material (ksi), Avg is the gross area of the connected member along the

assumed failure path in shear (in.2), Avn is the net area of the connected member along the

assume failure path in shear (in.2), Ant is the net area of the connected member along the

assumed failure path in tension (in2), Ubs is a capacity reduction factor that is to be set to

0.5 for non-uniform tensile stress and 1.0 otherwise, Rp is a reduction factor that is to be

set to 0.9 if the connector holes were punched full size and 1.0 otherwise and is the

resistance factor for block shear and equal to 0.80. When calculating block shear

capacity, all possible failure paths through the connection should be considered. All

portions of the failure surface parallel to the load are assumed to be in shear and all those

perpendicular to the load are assumed to be in tension.

Article of AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications requires connection

elements to be checked for shear yield as:

0.58 2 16

and shear rupture as:

0.58 2 17

where the resistance factors and equal 1.0 and 0.80 respectively.

Caltrans applies both of these methods in the rating of the hanger plates and the

girder ends (Caltrans, 2006a). For the hanger plates block shear yield and rupture are

checked behind the pin with the assumption that shear plates will form at either side of

the pin making the tension area equal to zero and the shear area for both methods yield

and rupture:

2 2 18

where is the clearance between the back of the pin and the end of the hanger plate. For

the rating of beam ends shear is checked on multiple failure planes with rivets holes

deducted from the net section.

29 Girder Rating

The AASHTO LRFD Specifications include revised provisos for the design of I

sections for flexure and shear. As discussed previously the nonuniform stress conditions

at the girder ends from the concentrated pin loading makes application of these design

equations uncertain. Caltrans’ Rating Methods and Bridge Design Specifications (BDS)

The Caltran’s 2004 Bridge Design Specifications (BDS) was reviewed. These

specifications contain provisions based on the ASD and LFD design methodologies. This

review will focus on the LFD portion of these specifications because it was more recently

used by Caltrans for rating pin and hanger assemblies. Note that the 2004 BDS

Specifications may differ somewhat from Caltrans’s current rating methods (Caltrans,

2016b), as described throughout this section. Pin Rating

Similarly, to the AASHTO Standard Specification, Article 10.25.2 of the BDS

specifies that pins are to be sized to resist shear and bending. For the calculation of pin

bending capacity Caltrans treats the pin as a braced non-compact section (Article 10.48.2

of the BDS). This specifies the section capacity as:

∗ ∗ 2 19

where is equal to the pin yield strength (ksi) and is the elastic section modulus of

the pin (in.3).

Shear capacity of pins is taken from Section of the BDS where pins are

treated as stout beams. The shear capacity of a pin is effectively computed as:

0.58 2 20

where is the cross-sectional area of the pin (in2). Hanger Rating

Two checks for the tension failure beside the pin hole are in the BDS. The first

check determines the capacity due to yield on the gross section ( ). The gross section is

computed as the hanger cross-section less the pin hole diameter times the thickness of the

plate. While this deduction is not mentioned in the LFD code it is consistent with similar

specifications in both the ASD and LRFD design methods. The nominal capacity for

yielding on the gross section is computed as:

∗ 2 21

The second check, based on section 10.12.3 of the BDS, determines the capacity

due to rupture on net section of the hanger. For this application, the net section is the

same as the gross section discussed previously. Based on the ASD and LRFD code

requirement that the net section at the pinhole be 140% of the required net section away

from the pin hole, the net area at the pin hole is divided by 1.4 which gives the capacity


2 22

where is the tensile stress of the hanger material (ksi) and is the net area of the

hanger across the pin hole (in2).

31 Bearing

The BDS uses the same bearing capacity equation specified in the ASD portion of

the Standard Specifications but substitutes yield stress, per BDS Sections and

10.46, for the allowable bearing stress. This gives the bearing capacity as:

2 23

where is the bearing capacity (kips) and is the projected bearing area (in2) of the

pin as described in Eqn. 2-14. Block Shear

Section of the BDS requires that all web connections of coped beams,

tension members and tension connections to be checked for block shear rupture. Block

shear rupture is defined in the BDS as failure when the net section of one segment

ruptures and the gross section of a perpendicular segment yields. The capacity for this

failure is described by the set of equations as:

0.58 2 24




0.58 2 25


where is the gross area of the failure plane in shear (in2), is the net area of the

failure plane in shear (in2), is the gross area of the failure plane in tension (in2), is

the net area of the failure plane in tension (in2), and is the capacity reduction factor

for block shear and is equal to 0.8.

In addition to block shear, shear yielding is checked along potential shear failure

planes. This is done by modifying the girder plastic shear capacity from BDS Article This equation is modified by replacing the girder web area with the gross area

of the shear planes being investigated ( ) which gives the shear capacity as:

0.58 2 26 Girder Rating

The shear capacity of I shaped girders is described in BDS Section 10.48.8. This

section matches the girder shear design given in the LFD portion of the AASHTO

Standard Specifications. In the Caltrans rating example, the portion of the web reinforced

by pin plates is treated as unstiffened web with the web thickness being the combination

of plate girder web and pin plates. When pin plates do not extend all the way to the

adjacent stiffener, the pin plate is treated as a stiffener and the shear capacity of the

unreinforced web panel is treated as a stiffened end panel.

2.2.3 Alternate Rating Methods

In this section, alternate design specifications not commonly used for the design

or rating of highway bridges in the United States are reviewed. The intent of this is to

present possible alternative equations that could adapted for rating purposes.

Specifications reviewed include the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-

Way Association’s (AREMA) Manual for Railway Engineering (AREMA, 2016), The

15th Edition of the American Institute for Steel Construction’s (AISC) Steel Construction

Manual (AISC, 2017), AISC 360-16 Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC,

2016) and Eurocode 3. AREMA

The AREMA Manual utilizes allowable stress design and is fairly consistent with

the ASD specifications present in AASHTO’s Standard Specifications. The hanger

dimensional requirements and pin design are exactly the same and the allowable stresses

differing only slightly. The only significant difference is that AREMA does not reduce

the allowable bearing stress for pins subject rotation.


The 2017 version of the American Institute for Steel Construction (AISC) Steel

Construction Manual and 2016 AISC Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings were

reviewed. While the structures for which these specifications where developed are subject

to very different loading conditions and generally consist of smaller members than

bridges, relevant resistance models were considered. Hanger Plates

Within the AISC Specifications, four (4) equations are given for the design of

connected members. The first equation (given in Section D5-1(a)) provides a capacity for

tension rupture on the net effective area beside the pin hole as:

2 2 27

where Fu is the ultimate tensile stress of the hanger plate (ksi) and be, the effective width

(in2) defined as:

2 0.63 2 28

where t is the hanger thickness (in) and be must be less than the actual hanger width

minus the pin hole dimension (in). The second design equation (given in section D5-1(b))

describes the capacity for shear rupture beyond the pin as:

0.6 2 29

with Asf, the area of shear planes (in2), defined as:

2 ⁄2 2 30
where a (in) is the shortest distance from the edge of pin hole to the edge of the member

measured parallel to the direction of force, and d (in) is the diameter of the pin. AISC

defines the bearing capacity (J7(a)) for the components of a pin connected assembly as:

1.8 2 31

where is the yield stress of the material (ksi), and the projected bearing area of the

pin (in2) which is given by equation 2-14. Finally, the AISC Specifications require

yielding to be checked on the gross hanger section.

Similar to the AASHTO Specifications, the AISC Specifications require hangers

to meet specific dimensional requirements as shown in Fig. 2-3. Firstly, the plate width

must be greater than two times the effective width ( ) plus the diameter of the pin.

Secondly, the least distance behind the pin hole, , is not to be less than 1.33 times the

effective width. The corners of hangers are allowed to be clipped at 45o angles assuming

the clearance between the pin hole and the clipped edge, , is greater than or equal to the


Figure 2-3: AISC hanger diagram (AISC, 2016). Beam Ends

Part 9 of the AISC Steel Construction Manual provides specific guidance for the

design of coped beam ends not included in any of the AASHTO Specifications. The

behavior of the coped section is controlled by the web slenderness ratio, , and its

relationship to the compact web slenderness limit, as:

2 32


0.475 2 33
where tw is the web thickness (in), is the total height of the coped section (in), where

is the modulus of elasticity (ksi), is the yield stress of the web material (ksi) and where

is the modified plate buckling coefficient as:

2 34

but always greater than 1.61. In equation 2-34, is the web plate buckling coefficient and

given as:
2.2 when 1.0 2 35


2.2 when 1.0 2 36

and is the buckling adjustment factor that is given as:

2 when 1.0 2 37


1 3 when 1.0 2 38

where, is the length of the coped section, and is the full beam depth. These coped

sections dimensions are illustrated in Fig. 2-4. When the nominal flexural

capacity (kip-in), , is equal to plastic flexural moment (kip-in), , of the coped

section which is given as:

∗ 2 39

where is the plastic section modulus of the coped section (in3). When 2

then the nominal moment capacity is computed as:


1 ∗ 2 40

where , the flexural yield moment, is given as:

∗ 2 41

where is the elastic section modulus of the coped section (in.3). When 2 then

the nominal moment capacity is computed as:

∗ 2 42

where , the critical web buckling stress (ksi), is computed as:

2 43

Figure 2-4: Coped beam end geometries (AISC 2017).

39 Eurocode 3

Eurocode 3 is a comprehensive set of design specifications used in the European

Union for the design of both buildings and bridges. Part 1-8 of these design specifications

provides design provisions for connections in steel structures. Section 3.13 of Part 1-8

includes methods for the design of pins and pin connected members. Eurocode 3 uses a

similar LRFD format the AASHTO LRFD Specification, with resistance factors denoted

by the greek letter gamma. Pins

Similar to the AASHTO-LRFD Specifications, Eurocode 3 requires pins be

designed for shear, bearing, bending, and combined bending and shear. One unique

aspect to the Eurocode pin design methodology is that for bending and bearing, pins are

designed at both strength and service load levels. The service level design is only

specified for those pins that are intended to be removed.

The factored pin shear capacity is given as:

2 44

where is the cross-sectional area of the pin (in2), is the pin tensile strength (ksi) and

is the resistance factor.

The factored strength level bearing capacity for both pins and pin connected

members is given as:

2 45
where is the thickness of the pin connected member (in), is the pin diameter (in) is

the yield stress of either the pin or the pin connected member (ksi) and is the

resistance factor. The service level bearing capacity (kip) is given as:

2 46

The factored strength level bending capacity for pins is given as:

∗ 2 47

where is the elastic section modulus for the pin (in3) the is the yield stress of the pin

(ksi) and , is a resistance factor. The service level bending strength (kip*in) is

given as:

∗ 2 48

The combined shear and bending capacity of a pin is described by the interaction


1 2 49

where and are the strength level moment and shear loads seen by the pin and

and are the moment and shear pin capacities as described by Eqn. 2-47 and Eqn. 2-45. Hangers

The Eurocode design methodology for pin connected members relies entirely on

dimensional requirements. These specifications only consider one general geometry as

shown in Fig. 2-5. Within this general geometry, two separate design methods are

specified for Type A and Type B hangers. These hanger types are differentiated by the

location of the end radius in relation to the pin hole.

Figure 2-5: Eurocode general hanger geometry (Eurocode 2005).

A Type A hanger has its end radius concentric with its pin hole. For the design of

these hangers, first , the clear distance between the outside of the pin hole the end of the

hanger, is determined as:

2 50
2 3

where, is the hanger thickness (in), is the pin hole diameter (in), is the hanger

material yield stress (ksi) and is the strength level force (kip) seen by the hanger plate.

Next , the clear distance between the outside of the pin hole and the side of the hanger,

is determined as:

2 51
2 3
A Type B hanger has the center point of its end radius beyond the center of the

pin hole. The design of Type B hangers is based on stricter geometric requirements that

are mostly based on the pin hole diameter. These requirements can be seen in Fig. 2-6.

Additional requirements for plate thickness and pin hole diameter are given as:

0.7 2 52


2.5 2 53

Figure 2-6: Type B geometric requirements (Eurocode, 2005).

2.3 Field Performance and Inspection

Since the Mianus River Bridge collapse in 1983 transportation agencies have

conducted numerous investigations into pin and hanger assemblies. The majority of these

studies focused on documenting other failures of these assemblies along with ultrasonic

testing of in-service pins. This section reviews the body of knowledge on field

performance of failures and pin materials. Additionally, this section reviews guidance

provided for field inspection of pins.

2.3.1 Askeland, et al. (1987)

On March 16th, 1987, a 35 ft suspended span on I-55 nearly collapsed when

fracture occurred in 4 of the 12 pins on the bridge. Full collapse was only prevented when

the suspended span caught on the lower flange of the adjacent spans girders.

In a report detailing this near collapse, Askeland et al. describe the examination

and metallurgical report on 4 cracked pin samples from two separate Missouri bridges. A

photograph of one of these samples is shown in Figure 2-7.


Figure 2-7: Cracked MoDOT pin removed from service.

The pins that were removed from the bridge showed up to 0.25 in. deep wear

marks along with a thick layer of corrosion residue along the surface of the pin and

imbedded within the cracks. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the corrosion

residue revealed high levels of chloride and iron. Cracking was concentrated at locations

of significant wear although one crack was found at a location where minimal wear was

present. All locations were said to be corroded enough to lock the pin and hanger

assembly. Analysis of the ferrite crystals showed localized plastic deformation around the

cracks. The report concluded that the excessive wear was due to corrosion at the interface

of the web/hanger plate and the pin and that cracking was caused by fixation of the pin

due to corrosion. Crack growth was caused and accelerated by a combination of torsion

overload and continued corrosion i.e. stress corrosion. This report deemed that cracking

was not induced by the wear marks but rather by locked pin rotation.
Limited information was provided regarding the geometry of the pin and hanger

assemblies or the bridges themselves. Based on the photographs provided, the I-55 pins

appear to be approximately 2.5 in. diameter, and pins from the Clinton Bridge were

approximately 2.75 in. diameter. Additionally, the bridges were said to be 20 years old,

placing their construction in the late 1960s.

2.3.2 Kulicki et al. (1990)

Kulicki et al (1990) provided a summary of corrosion effects on steel bridges and

recommended specifications for the evaluation of the corrosion effects. Within this report

a brief review of earlier pin and hanger assembly failures was provided. A list of

maintenance related failure modes was compiled. Pin related failure modes included

failure due to shifting hanger plates which increased the moment arm on the pin, cracking

due to excessive wear that reduced the pin section, and excessive torsional loading

induced by pin fixity. Hanger plate related failure modes included cracking at the net

section due to fatigue and cracking at the gross section due to bending stresses induced

by fixity. Limited information was given for the determination of loads effects due to

assembly fixity. For live load effects, field measurements were recommended. For

temperature effects, the report recommended predicting the expected loads using the

relative movement anticipated in the girder ends due to temperature change and the

hanger geometry. Ultimately repair or replacement of an assembly was recommended if it

was identified as fixed.


2.3.3 South et al. (1992)

This report describes the Illinois Department of Transportation’s (IDOT)

ultrasonic inspection of 130 bridges containing 3,165 pins. While the UT methods used

appeared effective in identifying the existence of flaws they had difficultly relating their

readings to flaw size. Of the pins inspected no cracks were identified. The pin with the

lowest indication reading had wear groves of 3/8th of an inch on a 2.5 in. pin.

Another key aspect of this report was an investigation into methods of detecting

pin fixity and quantifying the forces developed in a fixed assembly. In order to detect the

degree of fixity of a pin, IDOT tested multiple methods such as attaching paper gages,

paint strips and paint scratch pointer gages at the pin to hanger interface. Unfortunately,

due to the limited longevity of the paint strips and paper gages and the relative

insensitivity of all these methods, none were recommended. Additionally, electronic

rotation sensors and instrumentation of the hanger plates with strain gages to measure

bending stress were investigated. Both systems were found to be sensitive and provide

useful data but IDOT recommended strain gauges over the rotation sensors based on their

lower cost and the usefulness of data for further stress analysis.

To quantify forces caused by fixed hangers, three (3) finite element models of

different bridges were produced. The pins were modeled as rotationally fixed and torque

values at these locations due to temperature change and horizontal live load were

recorded. For the girder bridge considered within this modeling study, effects of

temperature change were small compared to live load effects. The maximum stress
induced by temperature change on the fixed bridge was well within the pin capacity while

the live load induced stress far exceeded the yield stress of the pin.

2.3.4 Miller and Chaney (1994)

Between 1988 and 1991 The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

(PennDOT) underwent a major UT inspection and repair project on its 23-fracture critical

pin and hanger bridges. During this project, 315 pins were inspected. Of this population,

24 pins were identified by UT inspection as containing defects and 13 of these were later

independently verified. Only one pin was found to have an internal crack like

discontinuity. This paper reviewed 4 bridges in detail, information on others is provided

in a table at the end of the paper. Material specification information was provided for the

pins for most of the bridges. Seventeen (17) of these bridges had A235 (forged carbon

steel pins), two (2) had A237 (forged alloy steel), and one (1) had A-36 (mild carbon


2.3.5 Finch et al. (1994)

This paper describes the UT inspection of 192 pins on 16 fracture critical pin and

hanger bridges conducted by LA-DOTD/FHAW in Louisiana. This inspection, combined

with previous LA-DOTD inspections (bring the total number of inspected pins to over

300), found only one (1) pin with a minor flaw and only 2% with minor wear marks

(considered as being under 1/16 in.). No information was provided about the material or
bridge geometries. Additionally, it is unclear how many pins where removed to verify the

UT results.

This report concluded that most pins within pin and hanger assemblies appeared to

be immune to cracking. Those that could be subjected to cracking were frozen pins, those

undergoing stress corrosion, or from poor fabrication. This conclusion was based on the

assumptions of high dead to live load ratios in these elements, the high dislocation

density of forged steel blunting cracks, and that pins are generally shear controlled

members with minimal bending.

2.3.6 Juntunen (1998)

Juntunen (1998) investigated the condition of Michigan’s pin and hanger

assemblies in his report. The condition rating of the population was reviewed, live load

stresses were measured, fatigue evaluations were done, and problems with pin and hanger

assemblies documented within the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)


Juntunen reported on 3 issues found within the MDOT pin and hanger bridge

inventory. The most common issue found was that of corroded hanger plates. It was

noted that this issue could lead to pin fixity (inducing torque in the pin and bending in the

hanger plate), section loss, and lateral pressure caused by pack rust leading to dishing

deformation in pin caps. Additionally, the phenomena of beam ends bearing on each

other was described. This issue was said to cause buckling in the beam webs thereby

inducing lateral pressure on the hanger plate. On one occasion, this phenomenon pushed
a hanger plate off the pin. The final issue described was the fracture of a link plate on the

M-36 bridge over the Tittabawasse River near Saginaw, MI. This fracture occurred on a

14 girder span with a longitudinal open joint running down the center of the bridge. The

fracture was found in the net section across the pin hole. The beam ends were observed to

be in contact and the assembly was heavily corroded.

This report describes the instrumentation of hanger plates on three (3) bridges and

stresses were briefly recorded at the gross section, the net section and behind the pin. The

hanger instrumentation diagram is shown in Figure 2-8. An effective stress value at net

section, adjusted to remove stress concentration effects, was calculated and compared to

the calculated effective stress using AASHTO Fatigue Guide and WIM data. Finite and

safe fatigue lives for these assemblies were calculated and the assembly geometries were

compared to those required to satisfy the AASHTO fatigue design criteria in both the

AASHTO Standard Specifications and AASHTO LRFD Design.

Figure 2-8: Instrumentation diagram (Juntunen, 1998).

2.3.7 Jansson (2008)

The hanger plates on an I-94 bridge in Michigan constructed in 1964 had only

40% of the AASHTO specified area behind the pin hole. These hanger plates were

identified as undersized and removed from service in 2007. Based on this occurrence,

Jansson investigated the performance of hangers with undersized sections behind the pin

hole. In this investigation, two tests were performed on instrumented plates. The tests

were not conducted to failure. One of the plates tested was designed with the AASHTO

specified section behind the pin hole and the other used the same undersized section as

that observed in the hanger plate removed from service. These tests were then used to

verify non-linear FEA models.

Based on FEA models, Jansson developed equations to determine the stress

concentrations behind the pin and at the net section depending on the amount of material

behind the pin. Jansson revisited the “General Yield” criteria originally discussed by

Johnston in 1939 (Johnston, 1939). General yielding in the hanger was defined as the

point where the slope of the load vs pin displacement curve was one-third of its original

slope. Using the FEA models discussed above, Jansson developed another equation to

describe this general yield based on the area of the section behind the pin hole. This

general yield equation was computed as:

2 54

where is the hanger general yield stress, is the factored load seen by the hanger

assembly (kips), is the net section area of the hanger plate body (in2) and is an end

length adjustment factor and is given by:

1.2579 73.7781 4913.3525 2 55

where R is the ratio between the actual area beyond the pin hole and that prescribed by

the code. Jansson recommended that those hangers whose general yield stress exceeds

their material yield stress be removed from service.

2.3.8 Moore et al. (2004)

This guide provides a summary of traditional ultrasonic pin and hanger inspection

techniques. Information reported includes general equipment information, flaw sizing

techniques, discussion of acoustic coupling and inspection data collection. Additionally,

this guide describes the results of laboratory tests on pins removed from service and with

manufactured cracks. This study investigated ultrasonic beam diffraction, distance

amplitude correction, the sensitivity of angle and straight beam transducers, the

effectiveness of defect sizing techniques and the phenomena of acoustic coupling. The

results for the beam diffraction and distance amplitude experiments found the wave

behavior performed as anticipated. For the sensitivity testing all cracks were able to be

identified by both transducers (0 and 14) but for the smallest crack, the inspector had to

be informed of the crack location in order to identify it with the 0-degree transducer.

Defect sizing using a procedure similar to the 6-dB drop method was found to be

reasonably accurate with an average of 23.5% error. Finally, evidence of acoustic

coupling was observed under the controlled laboratory conditions and shown to be a

function of the load on the pin. Acoustic coupling, is the appearance of an impedance in

ultrasonic test results caused by high stress in the pin. Due to the high stress at the shear
planes in these pins this phenomenon creates the appearance of a crack in the pin at the

location were cracks would normally be anticipated.

2.3.9 Discussion

Based on this review, the most prominent issue for in-service pin and hanger

assemblies is that of assembly fixity. As discussed in Kuliciki (1990), due to its severity,

pin fixity should be prevented and assemblies that exhibit fixity should be replaced as

soon as possible. Due to the difficulty in identifying the occurrence and degree of pin

fixity (as discussed in South et al., 1992) it may be reasonable to have a susceptibility

check for bridges. Bridges that are unusually susceptible due to their geometry could be

inspected more frequently for the effects of full or partial fixity.

An important detail identified in this review is the relationship between corrosion

and wear on these assemblies. This adds another variable, in addition to material

properties and loading, to consider in future wear investigation and possibly testing. What

was not reported in detail was documentation of pin materials.

The experience described in Jansson (2008) shows that hangers not meeting

current AASHTO dimensional requirements can survive in service for an extended

duration. In his report, Jansson appeared to treat the general yield of the hanger as a

strength limit state.

Standard ultrasonic testing is the chief method for pin inspection and standard

procedures have been developed for inspection of pins. This standardization has

increased the reliability and accuracy of both crack identification and crack sizing in pins.
Unfortunately, it is apparent that there remain some limits to this technology. One of

these limits is acoustic coupling which reduces the reliability of this method and can lead

to false identifications in cracked pins. Newer technologies, such as phased array UTM

may improve these methods but are not described in the literature.

2.4 Experimental Studies

In this section relevant experiment and analytical studies of hanger plates, pins

and beam ends were reviewed. Special attention is given to collecting existing

experimental test data, noting failure modes and documenting capacity equations.

2.4.1 Hanger Plates

Of the three main elements within pin and hanger assemblies, the hanger plates

have by far received the most experimental investigation. In this section, the descriptions

of various experimental studies and analyses on hanger plates are reviewed. Special

attention was given to collecting specimen dimensions for future comparison to the

Caltrans inventory. When reviewing these studies, the primary focus was on identifying

ultimate failure modes and reporting available capacity predictions. It should be noted

that a considerable amount of work has been performed to identify and quantify the stress

concentrations that develop at the sides and behind the pin hole. Much of this work is not

reported here as the current research aims at determining ultimate limit states for hangers

and local yielding at stress concentrations is not considered as an ultimate limit state for

this work.
54 The Quebec Bridge (1919)

This report documents some of the earliest destructive tests on hanger like links.

The significance of these tests was their use of 12 in. diameter pins, this is the largest pin

size of any study reviewed. The specimens were rectangular bars with 4 slightly

elongated holes placed along the length of the hanger, a representation of one of these

specimens is shown in Figure 2-9. The additional holes along the length of these plates

contaminates the deformation data from these tests but should not affect the ultimate


Figure 2-9: Quebec bridge hanger specimen.

In the Quebec Bride tests, ten hangers were tested to failure and 3 different failure

modes were described: dishing, net section failure and splitting. Dishing failures were

described as instability of the material behind the pin hole causing the portion of the

hanger behind the pin to deform out-of-plane. When dishing occurred, the strength of the

hanger plate was greatly decreased. Figure 2-10 shows an image of a hanger in the early

stages of a dishing failure. Examples of the other failure modes observed are shown in

Figures 2-11 and 2-12.


Figure 2-10: Dishing failure (Johnston, 1939).

Figure 2-11: Splitting failure (Blake, 1981).

Figure 2-12: Net section failure (Blake, 1981).


Six of the hangers were smaller scale specimens with plate thickness of 3/8 in.,

widths varying from 9 to 13 in. and they were loaded through 5 in. diameter pins. The

second set consisted of full size hangers with thicknesses varying from 1.5 to 2 in. and

widths varying from 26 to 28 in. Of the small-scale specimens, four dished and the

remaining 2 specimens were restrained behind the pin to prevent dishing and failed via

fracture at the net section and splitting behind the pin hole. Of the large-scale specimens

one split behind the hole. The remainder fractured at the net section with one plate

fracturing next to one of the unloaded holes. None of the large specimens were restrained

against dishing, and the 1.5 in. thick plates showed some lateral deformation prior to

failure. Johnston (1939)

Johnston (1939) describes one of the earliest and most referenced hanger plate test

series consisting of 106 hanger plate specimens. Additionally, Johnston developed a

notation for hanger plate specimens shown in Figure 2-13. Where is the total plate

width (in.), is the pin hole diameter (in), is the pin diameter (in), is the pin

clearance (in), is the plate thickness (in), is the effective width on one side of the hole

(in) and is the edge distance behind pin.


Figure 2-13: Johnston’s hanger notation (Duerr, 2006).

The specimens tested in this study were relatively small having thicknesses

ranging from 1/8 in. to ¾ in. and widths ranging from 6 in. to 10 in. Johnston described 3

failure modes seen in these test: dishing, net section failure, and failure below the hole.

The first two failures modes appear to be the same as those described in in The Quebec

Bridge Report (1919). Johnston described his third failure mode as “crushing and

shearing failure below the pin, in some cases followed by a tearing fracture in “hoop”

tension after considerable deformation”. This description certainly points to at least some

specimens failing by splitting behind the hole yet doesn’t rule out some of these
specimens failing by a shear tear out failure mode described in later studies. Using the

notation from Figure 2-13, Johnston presents empirically derived equations for the three

failure modes observed in these studies. Originally these equations were written to

provide an average pin bearing stress at which failure would occur. For the purposes of

this paper these equations were converted to give total load on the hanger at failure. This

conversion was done by assuming the average pin bearing stress is given by:

2 56

where is the ultimate load of the hanger (kips) and is the average pin

bearing stress (ksi). For dishing failures, plate strength (kips) was described as:

, 20 315 75 20 20 2 57

For net section failures, plate strength (kips) was described as:

, 2 2 58

where is the tensile stress (ksi) of plate material. Finally, for failure behind the pin, the

plate strength (kip) was described by:

, 1.13 2 59

The plate ultimate strength would be determined by the least value of , , , and , .

Additionally, Johnston documented the “general yield point” of the hanger plates

tested. This general yield was defined as the point at which the slope of the load vs.
deformation curve became a third of its initial slope. Johnston developed an empirical

equation to describe this limit as:

3 2 2 60

where is the applied load (kips) at the point of general yield in the plate, and is

yield stress of the plate material. Deformation for these tests were measured from the

back of the pin to a fixed location on the interior of the hanger plate approximately 3

inches from the pin. Due to the empirical nature of all of these equations, Johnston

recommends their use to hanger plates of similar dimensions to those tested. Luley (1942)

This report describes the destructive testing of 16 hanger plate specimens made

from 4 different materials: mild carbon steel, low alloy steel, silicon steel, and an

aluminum alloy. These specimens were designed, using equations from Johnston (1939),

to fail by either fracturing at the net section or splitting behind the hole with half designed

to fail each way. All 12 of the steel hanger plates failed in the manner anticipated. The

capacities agreed reasonably well with those predicted, ranging from 93% to 110% of the

predicted capacity for failure on the net section and from 92% to +101% for failure

behind the hole. This report also discusses the “general yield” concept but using the 0.2%

offset criterion.
60 Tolbert and Hackett (1970)

Tolbert and Hackett (1970) describe the testing of 13 specimens with the intent of

investigating the effect of pin hole clearance on the elastic stress distribution and ultimate

strength of lifting lugs. The specimens in this study are all 0.10 in. thick with 1 in.

diameter pin holes. In 5 of these tests, pin size is varied from a 0.5 in. to 1 in. diameter

(neat fit) to observe the effects of pin clearance. In the remainder of the tests, neat fit pins

were used and net section and area behind the pin were altered. Of these specimens, 11

failed behind the pin and 2 failed via dishing. It is not noted whether the plates that failed

behind the pin failed through tear out or splitting.

Tolbert and Hackett (1970) proposed an equation to predict the ultimate force in

the plate through a modified shear rupture equation as:

, ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 61

where , is the ultimate pin load (kips), is the ultimate shear stress of the hanger

plate (ksi), is a width variation amplification factor, is a pin clearance reduction

factor and is the total area of shear planes (in2).

The locations of shear planes are described by an angle ( in Figure 2-14) from

the plate center line. Based on observations during testing it was noted that this angle was

frequently between 45 and 55 degrees. Using 45 degrees was recommend for simplicity.

The adjustment factors for pin clearance and plate width were provided through charts

and are provided in Fig. 2-15 and Fig. 2-16 In Fig. 2-15 is the hole diameter (in.) and

is the total plate width (in.). Eqn. 4-6 was described as only applicable to plates with

overall widths at least twice the distance from center of the pin hole to the back of plate.

Figure 2-14: Shear planes for pin tear out.

Figure 2-15: Tolbert and Hackett amplification factor.


Figure 2-16: Tolbert and Hackett reduction factor. Blake (1981)

This report describes the specimens, methods, and results from tests of 23

specimens to failure. The specimens in this test program were loaded through pins with

diameters ranging from 2.5 in. to 3.5 in., plate thicknesses ranging from ¼ to 2 in., and

plate widths ranging from 6 to 23.75 in. Specimens were tested with tight spacers that left

only a 1/16th inch gap between the spacers and the test specimen at the pin. These

spacers likely prevented any possible dishing during these tests. In this experimental
study, three (3) different failure modes were observed: failure at the net section, single

shear pull through, and double shear pull through. An example of double shear pull

through is provided in Fig. 2-17. While no interpretations of these results were made in

this report, Duerr (1985) describes that these results were analyzed by T.R. Higgins and

two capacity equations were developed. The plate capacity for failure on net section was

described by:

, 2 2 62

where is the ultimate tensile stress of the steel plate (ksi), t is the plate thickness (in)

and , the effective width, is given by:

2 0.625 2 63

Plate capacity for failure by shear beyond the pin was described as:

, 2 2 64

where is the ultimate shear stress of the steel plate (ksi) taken as 0.58 ∗ .

Figure 2-17: Pin tear out failure (Blake, 1981). Duerr and Pincus (1985)

This report describes tests of 10 hanger specimens and 3 triangular shaped picking

eye shapes. The application driving this research was the design of picking eyes for

heavy lifting. Due to this application, the main variable changed in these tests was the pin

clearance which varied from neat fit to 3 in.

A significant portion of this report was devoted to reviewing existing hanger

strength equations with experimental results available in the literature. Of the sets of

equations reviewed, including those produced by Johnston (1939), T.R. Higgins and

Tolbert (1970). The equations from Johnston (1939) were found to agree best with the

test data available at the time, predicting the correct failure mode 50 out of 57 times and

the greatest degree of error being 30% and the second greatest being 16.7%. The T.R.
Higgins equations were found to be inaccurate for the data from Tolbert (1970) and

Johnston (1939) with the greatest degree of error being 62.6% and the predicted mode of

failure only being correct 15 out of 57 times. Duerr attributes this inaccuracy to the

concept. The graphs shown in Figure 2-18 were presented to show ability of each of these

methods to predict the available experimental results.

Figure 2-18: Accuracy of hanger plate strength predictions (Duerr and Pincus, 1985).
66 Rex and Easterling (2003) & Easterling (1996)

These tests were performed to investigate the bearing behavior of a single bolt in

order to better understand the rotational behavior of semi-rigid column to beam

connections in buildings. All though the focus of this research does not initially appear

relevant to pin and hanger assemblies, a review of the test specimens and methods show

strong similarities with previous hanger tests, see Figures 2-19(a) and (b). Because of the

building oriented focus of these tests the specimen dimensions are smaller than those in

most tests with pin diameters ranging only from 0.75 in. to 1 in., hanger plate thickness

ranging from 0.25 in. to 0.75 in., and plate widths smaller than 5.5 in. Rex and Easterling

noted 4 varieties of failure: tear out, splitting, dishing, and bearing (excessive

deformation at the pin). For this test series, bearing failure was defined as plate

deformation exceeding 0.5 in. with no substantial loss in load capacity. Of the 48

specimens tested 13 failed by bearing, 1 failed from tear out, 6 failed by splitting, 11

failed by dishing, and the remainder were not tested to failure.


(a) (b)

Figure 2-19: Test setup (Rex and Easterling, 1996).

Existing capacity equations for tear out and bearing failure of bolt connected

material from AISC LRFD (1993), Fisher and Struik (1974), AISC LRFD (1999) and

Eurocode 3 (1993) were reviewed and compared to test data. Of the equations reviewed,

AISC LRFD (1993) was found to best predict the capacities of the specimens.
68 Duerr (2006)

In this journal article, design equations and data gathered by Johnston (1939),

Tolbert (1970), Blake (1981), Duerr and Pincus (1985) and Easterling (1996) were

reviewed. Based on this review, capacity equations for the ultimate failure modes of

fracture on net section, splitting behind the pin, double plane shear, and dishing were

recommended. For fracture on the net section Duerr recommended the plate strength be

calculated as:

, ∗2∗ ∗ ∗ 2 65

where in the predicted capacity of the hanger plate for the failure mode of fracture on

net section (kip), is the reduced effective width (in.) and is described by:

∗ 0.6 ∗ ∗ 2 66

Similar to Tolbert and Hackett (1970), Cr is a pin clearance reduction factor that is

described by:

1 0.275 1 2 67

For splitting behind the hole, Duerr recommended continuing to use the empirical

equation from Johnston (1939) but reorganized it to be in terms of load rather than

bearing stress and adds the pin clearance reduction factor as:

, ∗ 1.13 2 68

where is the nominal capacity of hanger plate for the failure mode of splitting behind

the hole (kips). For double plane shear, Duerr recommended using an equation similar to

that developed by Tolbert and Hackett (1970):

, 2∗ ∗ 2 69

where is the nominal capacity of hanger plate for the failure mode of double plane

shear failure (kips), is the ultimate shear strength of the steel plate (ksi), and is the

total area of shear planes (in2), this is determined similarly to “ ” from Tolbert and

Hackett (1970), but , the angle describing the locations of shear planes (see Figure 2-

13), is given in degrees by:

55 ∗

Finally, Duerr recommended a new equation to describe dishing strength as:

, ∗ ∗ 2 70

where is the critical dishing stress (ksi) and is described by either

∗ ⁄
∗ 2 71


2 72
1 ∗ ∗ ⁄


2∗ ∗
2 72


2∗ 2 73

Eqn. 2-71 is used for if ⁄ and Eqn. 2-72 is used otherwise. These equations

for the critical dishing stress are intended to account for inelastic and elastic behavior

respectively. The effective width of dishing section, (in), is given by the lesser of

2 74

1.25 ∗ 2 75

No resistance factors for these strength equations were developed but the table providing

the performance of these equations is shown in Table 2-10.

Table 2-10: Performance of capacity equations (Duerr, 2006).

71 Duerr (2008)

This journal article reviews and justifies revisions to the ASME standard for

Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices (BTH-1) (ASME, 2006) describing the

design of pinned connections. The majority of these specifications were based on

equations provided in Duerr (2006). The development of safety factors for these

specifications and their respective reliability factors was described. One aspect of these

design specifications not based on Duerr (2006) is the specification for allowable bearing

stress as:

1.25 ∗
2 76

where is a safety factor. The coefficient of 1.25 is to be reduced 50% for members

subjected to more than 20,000 cycles of rotation to reduce wear and galling. Duerr notes

that this coefficient is somewhat arbitrary and that development of a higher coefficient

would require additional investigation. Discussion

Based on the test specimens described in the literature, the dimension ranges were

compiled in Table 2-11. As can be seen in this table, the range of specimen dimensions

seems to be reasonably wide, but it should be noted that most of the test data was from

the smaller sized components. Only (Blake 1981) and the Quebec Bridge (1919) included

large scale hanger plates (over ¾ in. thick and widths greater than 12 in.) and even within

these studies, the large-scale specimens make up the minority (only 10 specimens). This

is particularly true for large size pins, as only 4 tests have been performed using pins of
3.5 in. diameter. These large pin tests were not only the oldest found in the literature, they

were also conducted on hangers containing additional holes between the loaded pin holes.

After the completion of the Caltrans pin and hanger inventory this range will be

compared to existing pin and hanger assemblies to see if the existing data represents the

inventory of in service hanger plates.

Table 2-11: Dimensional range of collected data.

Plate Pin Pin Effective Back of Total
Thickness, Diameter, Clearance, Width, Pin, ( ) Specimens
( ) (in) ( ) (in) ( ) (in) ( ) (in) (in) Tested
min max min max min max min max min max
Quebec 0.38 2.00 5.0 12.0 0.03 0.06 2.0 8.1 3.8 12.1 10
Johnston 0.13 0.75 3.0 3.0 0.00 0.20 1.5 3.5 1.0 3.2 106
Luley 0.50 0.51 2.0 2.0 0.00 0.00 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.5 12
Tolbert 0.10 0.10 0.5 1.0 0.00 0.50 0.8 1.8 0.4 0.8 13
Blake 0.25 2.00 2.5 3.0 0.13 0.13 1.4 10.1 1.3 6.8 23
Duerr 0.50 0.50 2.0 2.8 0.01 3.02 1.3 1.5 1.4 2.3 8
Rex 0.25 0.75 0.8 1.0 0.06 0.06 3.5 5.4 1.0 3.0 18
Range 0.10 2.00 0.5 12.0 0.00 3.02 0.8 10.1 0.4 12.1 190

Based on preliminary review of the available data, there appears to be sufficient

data from destructive tests of hanger plates to calibrate rating equations and resistance

factors for these elements. The equations presented in Duerr (2006) could provide a

starting point to develop rating equations within the AASHTO-LRFR framework, with

the next step being the development of appropriate resistance factors for bridge rating.

Depending on the comparability of Caltrans’ inventory and the dimensional range of

existing test results, tests may be needed to validate the approach of an appropriate size


2.4.2 Pins

During this literature review no physical pin tests resembling pins found in pin

and hanger assemblies were found. Tests documented in Burr (1909) were reviewed, but

the pins within these tests were only 1 in. diameter and had a minimum span of 8 in. and

therefore hold little relevance for this research. In lieu of physical pin tests, the literature

on theoretical ultimate capacity of pins and the load distribution over the length of the pin

were reviewed and summarized below. Hoblit and Melcon (1953)

In Hoblit and Melcon (1954) an attempt was made to quantify the effect of pin

flexural deformation on the bearing stress distribution along the length of a pin. This

concept was based on the idea that a pin bearing along a long flat surface will try to

deflect upwards at its center causing it to bear more heavily on the outside edges of the

bearing surface. This would shift the bearing stress from an evenly distributed load along

the length of the pin to a distribution that decreases towards the center of the bearing

surface and peaks at the outside faces. Hoblit and Melcon describe this by localizing

bearing stress to patches at the outside faces of the plate as shown in Figure 2-20. The

method for calculating a bearing area reduction factor, , used a chart repeated here in

Figure 2-21. It should be noted that these results were stated to be supported by

experimental studies but this data is not reported. Additionally, Hoblit was an engineer at
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, so data used derivation of this equation was likely from

smaller pins found in aircraft.

Figure 2-20: Hoblit and Melcon pin load distribution (1953).


Figure 2-21: Hoblit and Melcon bearing factor (1953). Blake (1974)

Blake (1974) presents a 4-point bending model as a load distribution method for

plate forces acting on pins. He derived the distribution by dividing the uniformly

distributed load along the bearing surfaces of a pin into 4 equivalent point loads. For each

hanger plate, a single point load was placed at the centerline of the plate and for the beam

web, two concentrated point loads were placed at a location a quarter of the web width

away from each of the web faces. This distribution method is illustrated in Figure 2-22.

Blake then uses this model and concepts of elastic stress distribution (also shown in

Figure 2-22) to justify the common practice of checking shear and bending capacities of

pins independent of one another.


Figure 2-22: Four-point pin load distribution (Blake, 1974). Kulicki (1983)

In this paper Kulicki developed a LFD design method for the Greater New

Orleans Bridge. Of specific relevance to this project is the development of a moment-

shear interaction equation for pins with plastic stress distributions. Kulicki used a

computer program to track the development of plasticity across pin sections due to both

shear and moment. This program assumed that those sections that had yielded due to

shear resisted no moment and those sections yielded due to bending resisted no shear.

Based on results from this model an interaction equation was developed as:

1.0 2 77
where in the applied moment at a section (kip-in), is the applied shear at a section

(kips), is the plastic moment capacity of the pin (kip-in) and is described by:

∗ 2 78

and is the plastic shear capacity of the pin (kip) and is described by:

∗ 2 79
4 √3

This interaction equation was compared to previous interaction equations developed for

solid beams by Hodge (1957) (shown Figure 2-23) and Drucker (1956) who provided an

interaction equation as:

1.0 2 80

Due a lack of available experimental data for verification, Kulicki proposed a lower

bound interaction equation as:

0.95 2 81

This equation was later adopted into the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications

(AASHTO, 2014). Figure 2-23 shows all four of these interaction equations along with

results from Kulicki’s program.


Figure 2-23: Pin interaction equation comparisons (Kulicki, 1983). Conclusion

Based on the available literature, it is apparent that there is a lack of experimental

data on large diameter pins similar to those contained in pin and hanger assemblies for

bridges. Also Hoblit and Melcon (1954) and Blake (1974) show that there are multiple

approaches to characterize the distribution of bearing stresses along the length of the pin

but no data are available to support the formulations.

2.4.3 Beam Ends

Review of the literature for relevant past work on beams ends supporting

pin and hanger assemblies reveals no specific past experimental or analytical

investigations. The closest related work is on geometries found for coped beams used in

buildings to connect main girders and subframing. Coped connections can exhibit lateral

torsional buckling and local web buckling. Due to the presence of lateral bracing adjacent

to girder ends in bridge pin and hanger assemblies, lateral torsional buckling will be less

likely and was not included in this literature review. Cheng et al. (1984)

This report details finite element modeling and physical tests to develop new

design equations for both the local web buckling and lateral torsional buckling of coped

beam ends. As discussed above only the local web buckling, shown in Figure 2-24, will

be discussed here. Cheng et al. first develops the notation shown in Figure 2-25

describing the dimensions of a coped flange. In this figure, is the coped length (in),

is the cope depth (in), is the height of the remaining web (in) at coped section, is the

beam depth (in) and is the applied shear (kips)


Figure 2-24: Example local web buckling (Yam and Chung, 2012).

Figure 2-25: Cheng et al., (1984) coped beam notation.

Ten specimens were tested in the experimental program, of these 8 were rolled

sections (12 and 18 in. deep) and two were small plate girders 26.5 in. deep. The

specimens were laterally braced on the compression flange at the start of the coped

section and on the web at the location of applied shear. Unlike in pin and hanger

assemblies the shear force in these specimens was applied though connections welded to

the web (see Figure 2-26). Three specimens used two angles welded to the side of the
web as their connectors while the remaining specimens used flat plates welded to the end

of the web. These connectors were then attached to a reaction wall as shown in Figure 2-

27. The intent of this test setup was to minimize the amount of in-plain restraint felt by

the beam end.

Based on the results of these tests and the computer models, Cheng et al. found

the existing code recommendations to be overly conservative and recommended an

alternate equation to describe the elastic web buckling of coped beams as:

∗ ∗
∗ 2 82
12 ∗ 1

where is the critical buckling stress (ksi) of the girder web at elastic stress

distributions, is the web thickness and the buckling coefficients is described as:

2.2 ∗ when 1.0 2 83

2.2 ∗ when 1.0 2 84

and the coefficient is described as:

2 when 1.0 2 85

1 when 1.0 2 86

Additionally, Cheng et al. determined that designing a coped beam end for both elastic

web buckling and shear yield effectively precludes inelastic local buckling of the web.

Shear yielding is controlled by the equation:

0.577 ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 87

where is the applied shear load (kips) at yielding failure.

Figure 2-26: Example plate girder specimen (Cheng et al., 1984).


Figure 2-27: Cheng et al. (1984) test setup.

All of the specimens tested in this report were plain beam sections with no

stiffeners or doubler plates. Cheng discusses three varieties of reinforcement for coped

beams: horizontal stiffeners (A), horizontal and vertical stiffeners (B) and doubler plates

(C) (see Figure 2-28). Based on results from the finite element model only, detail B was

recommended for plate girders ( / >60). The other two details were recommended

only for rolled sections due to their stouter webs.


Figure 2-28: Coped end reinforcement methods (Cheng et al., 1984). Yam et al. (2003)

Yam et al. (2003) describe the testing of four coped beam sections. These

specimens were designed similar to those in Cheng et al. (1984) and consisted of (2)

W16x26 and (2) W18x35 beam sections. The test setup was similar to Cheng et al.

(1984) with welded end connections designed to simulate simply supported conditions.

These tests were used to validate a finite element model and an equation to establish the

resistance of the connection was developed as:

∗ 2 88

where is equal to the critical buckling shear (kips), D is the beam depth (in) and τ is

the critical shear stress (ksi), and is described by:

∗ ∗
∗ 2 89
12 ∗ 1

where ks is the shear buckling coefficient, and is described as:

∗ 2 90

where the coefficients a and b are described as:

1.38 1.79 2 91


3.64 3.36 1.55 2 92

This new design equation was based on shear bucking of the girder web distinguishing it

from that proposed by Cheng et al. (1984) which was based on flexural buckling theory.

Additionally, this equation was shown to better predict the capacity with less

conservatism, predicting the average capacity to be 98% of actual capacity. Aalberg (2014)

The paper describes the tests of 6 stainless steel IPE300 beams (approximately 12

inches deep with ¼” webs) with 5 of them being coped. These beams were tested by

applying a patch load to the bottom face of the uncoped flange in the manner shown in

Figure 2-29. Four of the five coped beams failed by web buckling at the coped section

while the final coped beam failed by local web crippling above the uncoped flange. Finite

element models were created and results compared with test results. The results were also

compared to existing coped beam capacity equations produced from Cheng et al. (1984)
and Yam et al. (2003) and other triangular brackets models. Yam et al.’s (2003) equations

were shown to correspond most closely to the present experimental results.

Figure 2-29: Test setup used by Aalberg (2014). Yam et al. (2014)

Yam et al. (2014) reviews existing test data and experimentally derived equations

relevant to the capacity of bolted coped beams. Failure modes considered include

shear/flexural yielding at the coped section, elastic and inelastic buckling at the coped

section, and block shear at the connection. In the investigation of the failure of coped

beams at the coped section this paper reviews the work by Cheng et al. (1984), Yam et al.

(2003), and Aalberg (2014). Based on the available data, the author found that the

equations developed by Cheng and Yam both predicted the capacity of elastic web

buckling at coped section fairly well but that Cheng’s equations were overly
conservative. The author also noted that taking the lowest of the calculated buckling,

flexural yielding, and shear yielding adequately eliminated inelastic buckling.

Block shear tests for single rows of bolts in coped sections were also reviewed

and compared to existing code capacity equations. The AISC LRFD equation was seen to

show good agreement with a mean predicted/test capacity of 1.15 and with a coefficient

of variation of 0.106. Conclusion

Based the literature reviewed, the available experimental data consists of small

coped ended beam specimens with connections that are very different from common

bridge girder beam ends with pin and hanger assemblies. Significant differences exist in

the manner of loading (doubler plates and single concentrated loading at the pin hole),

connection geometry, and member size. These differences make application of current

design equations uncertain for bridge girder ends supporting pin and hanger assemblies.

2.5 Materials

While materials were discussed in previous sections, this section will review

information specific to materials that did not align with the previous sections.

Specifically, the AISC Steel Design Guide 15 will be reviewed for insight into historic

steel. Additionally, the basics of wear will be reviewed in order to try and better

understand the discrepancy in allowable bearing stresses, noted in Section 2.2 of this


2.5.1 AISC Design Guide 15

The AISC Design Guide 15: Rehabilitation and Retrofit Guide (AISC, 2002),

provides information and guidance for engineers evaluating and rehabilitating historic

steel buildings. Included in this document is a compilation of historic rolled steel shapes

and their section properties. Also included in this document is a historic timeline of

changes in ASTM specifications for steels used in steel buildings. A review of this

timeline shows that some of the specifications documented were also specified for steel

bridges. Additionally, it is noted that the information provided in the timeline is more

complete than what can be found from the AASHTO specifications (Section 2.2). The

relevant information from this timeline has been reproduced in Appendix A.

2.5.2 Mechanical and Corrosion Wear of Sliding Interface

As reviewed in Section 2.2 of this paper, there are significant inconsistencies

among bridge specifications on what limits to apply to pin bearing stress. Of specific

interest to this project is the treatment of bearing stress on pins subject to rotation. For the

purpose of rating, the ASD portions of the AASHTO Standard Specifications (AASHTO,

2002) and the Manual for Bridge Evaluation (AASHTO, 2011) require this allowable

bearing stress to be essentially halved. At the same time the AASHTO LRFD

Specifications (AASHTO, 2014) specify, for the rating of existing pins, the same bearing

stress for rotating and non-rotating pins. Presumably the different treatment of rotating

pins is to reduce the effects of wear on the pin. The intent of this subsection is to
investigate the basic characteristics of wear as related to bearing stress for rating of pin

and hanger assemblies.

The likely wear mechanism occurring in pin and hanger assemblies is a sliding

wear mechanism, because of the relative sliding motion between the hanger, or beam

web, and the pin. From the literature, only dry (unlubricated) sliding systems were

reviewed. It was assumed that these systems were built unlubricated or that the life of any

lubricant would be finite. The effects of corrosion on the sliding wear processes was also


Sliding wear is defined by ASTM G40 as “wear due to relative motion in the

tangential plan of contact between two solid bodies” (ASTM, 2015). A special case of

sliding wear specifically applicable to this pin and hanger assemblies is adhesive wear. A

traditional description of this wear mechanism starts with the two solid bodies adhering at

asperities (microscopic protrusions in the surface of the bodies) as they slide across each

other. After significant plastic deformation, a portion of the softer body is torn off and

joins the opposite body. Eventually this process leads to the dislocation of material off

both bodies in the form of wear debris (Rigney, 1997). The equation most frequently

referenced in the literature in relation to adhesive wear is from the 1950’s and credited to

Archard (Archard, 1953):

Υ ∗ 2 93

where Υ is the wear volume, is the applied load, is the sliding distance, is the

hardness of the softer material, and is the wear coefficient. Major implications of this

equation are that the wear rate is controlled by the load and the hardness of the weaker
material, and that adhesive wear is a function of only four (4) variables. Adhesive wear is

e complex and may be a function of more than twenty five (25) variables (Ludema,

1990). Welsh (1965) describes one occasion where slight changes in one of these

variables can lead to jumps in wear rate.

Suh et al (1973) introduced an alternate wear theory specific to slow sliding

bodies where heat is not accumulated. In this theory wear results from subsurface tearing

and is considered more a function of the presences of large second phase particles and

inclusions in the steel rather than just its hardness. Suh supports this theory in part by the

observation that under slow sliding conditions, annealed iron had one third the wear rate

of AISI 1020 steel despite only having one third of the hardness. However, Rigney

(1997) brings into question the subsurface origin of the material fracture. Rigney (1997)

also highlights the importance of the properties of the wear particles produced in the

process, which in themselves can be a function of many factors.

The literature cited here is a small sample of the complexity inherent in adhesive

wear. Because of this complexity, Ludema (1990) warns not to rely on any wear equation

without simulative testing to support the behavior described by the equation. It should be

noted that none of the documented tests found to date accurately describe the conditions

occurring in the assemblies under investigation.

One form of adhesive wear that is of particular interest is to this project is galling.

Galling is defined by ASTM G40 as “a form of surface damage arising between sliding

solids, distinguished by macroscopic, usually localized, roughening, and the creation of

protrusions above the original surface” (ASTM, 2015). Galling is of specific interest to

this research due to the severity of the damage it causes, as well as significance as a
binary occurrence. This means that it either occurs or it does not, and its occurrence is

based on reaching threshold stress and sliding distance (Waite et al., 2006). ASTM

currently offers two standardized test methods for the occurrence of galling ASTM G98

(ASTM, 2002) and ASTM G196 (ASTM, 2016). But these tests are only recommended

for preferential ranking of mating materials for the purpose of design (Waite et al., 2006).

Situational specific tests are recommended to determine quantitative values for stresses at

which galling occurs.

Corrosion can significantly affect the mechanism of sliding wear. Madsen (1990)

observed that there can often be a synergistic effect between these two processes. This

synergistic effect does not always occur in sliding scenarios. Trausmuth et al. (2014)

observed no increase in the wear of one of their two low-alloyed steel samples when

exposed to sliding wear within a corrosive environment. These specimens were of the

same chemistry and only differed by heat treatment. Trausmuth et al. (2014) also

documents surface softening of both specimens exposed to sliding corrosion wear. This is

the opposite of what is normally seen in sliding wear, where strain hardening typically

increase surface hardness.

2.6 Literature Review Conclusion

In this literature review, both historic and current specifications, relevant to pin

and hanger assemblies, were reviewed. Additionally, reports related to the in-service

performance of these assemblies and existing nondestructive evaluation methods used to

assess the condition of pin and hanger assemblies were reviewed. Existing experimental
and theoretical studies conducted on hanger plates, pins and girder ends where

investigated. The basic principles of wear were also reviewed. Based on the literature

reviewed the following conclusions were drawn:

 The provisions available in the AASHTO Specifications for the analysis of girder

ends in pin and hanger assemblies are based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory.

Based on the complex and non-uniform stresses created by the concentrated load

exerted by the pin the application of these equations is questionable. To better

understand the distribution and interaction of stresses in these girders ends

experimental and analytical investigations are required.

 Given the lack of previous testing on large diameter pins, experimental data is

necessary to support the pin interaction equation given in the AASHTO LRFD

Specifications. This experimental data could allow for a less conservative

interaction equation.

 The current hanger plate provisions provided in the AASHTO specifications

appear to be most applicable for hanger plate sizing during design. These

provisions do not seem as useful for the determination of the actual member

capacity. More accurate rating methods are required for hanger plates.

 Outside of instrumentation there is currently a lack of good methods for

determining complete or partial fixity in these assemblies. Additionally, while it is

recommended that fixed assemblies be replaced, there is no guidance how to treat

partially fixed assemblies.

 Specific wear testing of this assembly is necessary prior to determining if a

reduced bearing stress, as used in the allowable stress portion of the AASHTO

Standard Specification, should be used when rating these assemblies,

 Based on the experimental studies conducted on hanger plates, there appears to be

enough data to develop rating equations and to calibrate resistance factors for

their various failure modes.

Chapter 3 – Analysis of Hanger Plate Ultimate Strength Predictions

3.1 Introduction

From the literature review, a significant amount of information on the

performance of hanger plates was identified. This information included various failure

modes and test results for 190 experimental specimens. Additionally, several existing

methods were identified that have been used to predict the strength of hangers for

different failure modes. In this chapter, the empirical data for different hanger failure

modes is reviewed and the specimen geometries and material properties are compared to

those from a sample inventory of Caltrans’ in-service hanger plates. Of the equations

identified in the literature review, those from Caltrans’ LFR and LRFR methods

(Caltrans, 2016a) (Caltrans, 2016b), the AISC specifications (AISC, 2016), Johnston

(1939) and Duerr (2006) considered in more detail. The equations are compared against

experimental results in the literature and the predictive capabilities of the different

methods are described statistically.

3.2 Data Review

In the literature review, data on 190 specimens was collected from seven separate

experimental studies. These studies were conducted between 1919 and 1997. Of these

specimens 14 were removed because they either did not achieve ultimate strength or their

failure mode was not reported. Some data were removed when the specimens had small

pins in oversized holes that exceed the tight pin hole clearance of typical bridge
construction. The review of historic and current AASHTO/AASHO specifications

revealed that tolerances for the clearance between the pin and the pin holes were limited

to 1/50th in. for pins under 5 in. diameter and 1/32nd in. for pins over 5 in. diameter.

Caltrans’ current rating methods also do not take clearance into account, likely due to the

tight tolerances specified. Studies by Duerr and Pincus (1985) and by Tolbert (1970) both

investigated hole clearance and showed that increased clearances decreased the hanger

capacity. In order to prevent data from tests with unrealistically large pin hole clearances

from negatively affecting predictive equations applicable to only tight tolerance pin

holes, specimens that did not conform to the AASHTO requirements for clearance were

removed. This left 80 remaining specimens from five (5) different experimental studies

for use this investigation. The general dimensional ranges for these specimens are shown

in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Range of data for hanger tests corresponding to AAHTO pin hole dimensional

(in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi)

Max 4.00 4.73 5.00 0.75 97.6 109.4
Min 0.75 0.37 1.00 0.10 28.4 46.8

3.3 Caltrans Inventory

The remaining data from the literature was compared to the hanger plates used on

Caltrans’ bridges. This comparison was conducted to determine applicability of the

previous studies to Caltrans’ inventory. To accomplish this comparison, Caltrans

reviewed their bridges and provided expert opinion on typical in-service pin and hanger

assemblies within their inventory. To illustrate the representative details, ten (10)

separate bridges were reported. The first step in this process was a comparison of hanger

thickness , effective width , edge distance behind the pin hole and the pin

diameter . These comparisons are shown in histograms in Figures 3-1 through 3-4.

The bars in these histograms represent the available experimental data while the vertical

dashed lines represent hangers from Caltrans’ inventory. This comparison showed that,

based on overall scale, the experimental specimens were considerably smaller than the

hangers within the Caltrans’ inventory.

Figure 3-1: Thickness of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.


Figure 3-2: Edge distance behind the pin of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with
experimental data.

Figure 3-3: Effective width of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.

Figure 3-4: Pin Diameter of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.

Comparisons between the hanger and pin dimensional proportions was made. The

proportions investigated were the ratio between:

 edge distance behind the pin hole to the diameter of the pin ( : )

 effective width to the diameter of the pin ( : )

 edge distance behind the pin hole to effective width ( : ).

The comparison of these proportions in Caltrans’ inventory to those of the literature

specimens is shown in histograms in Figures 3-5 through 3-7. This showed that the

available specimens match well with Caltrans’ inventory based on the relative sizes of

elements (proportions). Given this, assuming that there are no scaling factors (which none

are expected), the available data set appears sufficient for use in developing and

calibrating rating methods for in-service bridge components.


Figure 3-5: Ratio of to of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.

Figure 3-6: Ratio of to of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.


Figure 3-7: Ratio of to of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.

A comparison of the yield stress of these two groups, shown in Figure 3-8, shows

agreement between Caltrans’ inventory and the experimental data. But it is important to

note that only a single high-yield strength plate exists in the data considered. Caltrans’

inventory contains at least one high yield hanger in service. The bounds of Caltrans’

inventory is summarized in Table 3-2.


Figure 3-8: Yield stress of Caltrans’ hanger inventory with experimental data.

Table 3-2: Range of Caltrans’ reported hanger plate inventory.

(in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi)
Max 16.00 7.98 16 2.25 90 100
Min 1.98 1.98 3 0.375 30 55

3.4 Failure Modes

From the literature review, four (4) hanger plate failure modes were identified.

The first of these failure modes was tension fracture across the pin hole. This mode is

defined by a fracture across the effective width of the hanger plate perpendicular to the

applied load, see Figure 3-9a. The failure modes of splitting behind the pin hole and pin

tear out both produce a fracture behind the pin hole at failure. The difference in these two

failure modes is in the location of the fracture relative to the pin. For splitting behind the
pin hole, the fracture occurs directly behind the center-line of pin as shown in Figure 3-

9c. The fracture in the pin tear out failure mode occurs towards the outside of the pin, on

one side or both sides, as shown in Figure3-9d. The failure mode of dishing is due to

instability of the material behind the pin hole. Dishing is typified by the section behind

the pin curling out of plane as shown in Figure 3-9b.

Figure 3-9: Hanger plate failure modes.

(Note: a, c, and d are front views while b is a side view of plate).

Categorizing the 80 specimens by their respective failure modes produces Table

3-3. A review of this table shows there is minimal data for hangers that failed by pin tear

out or splitting behind the pin hole. This lack of data is mostly due to researchers not

differentiating between pin tear out and splitting behind the pin (Johnston (1939) and

Tolbert (1970)) and, a lack of suitable pictures to enable independent verification of the

failure modes.

Table 3-3: Hanger data by failure mode.

Test Series Splitting Tear Out Dishing
Quebec Bridge (1919) 1 0 1 4
Johnston (1939) 12* 5 37
Luley (1942) 3 3 6 0
Tolbert (1970) 6* 0 0
Blake (1981) 0 0 0 0
Duerr and Pincus (1985) 0 0 2 0
Rex and Easterling (1996) 0 0 0 0
4 3
Total 14 41
Combined: 18

3.5 Review of Caltrans’ Rating Methods

The present methods used by Caltrans to evaluate hanger plates were compared

against the 80 available data in the literature to assess the current state-of-the-practice.

The predicted capacity of each specimen was compared to its experimentally determined

ultimate strength. The inputs for rating were the actual reported material properties and
plate geometries. This procedure was performed for both rating methods used by

Caltrans: the Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) and Load Factor Rating (LFR)

method. These methods for rating hangers were previously discussed in detail in sections and For clarity, the equations used by Caltrans for each method will

briefly be reviewed prior to comparison.

It should be noted that these equations are presented without the resistance factors

that are typically found in the LRFR method and occasionally in the LFR method. This

was done intentionally because resistance factors are used to achieve a target reliability

for the given uncertainties.

3.5.1 Caltrans LFR Method

In Caltrans’ LFR method, five checks are used to determine the nominal strength

of a hanger plate. In practice, the check that predicts the lowest capacity for the hanger

controls the rating and defines the hanger plate capacity. Yield across the pin is checked


2 3 1

where is the effective width next to the in hole (in), is the plate thickness (in) and

is the plate material yield stress (ksi). Excessive bearing pressure on the pin hole is

checked by:

3 2

where is the pin diameter (in). Shear yielding behind the pin is checked using:

0.58 3 3
where is the area of the pin shear out surface (in) and is described in detail in section of this paper. Shear rupture behind the pin is checked using:

0.58 3 4

where is the ultimate stress of the plate material (ksi). Finally fracture across the pin

hole his checked using:

3 5

When these checks where used to compute the nominal strength of the 80 tight-fit

specimens from the literature they were found to be generally conservative with only 2

specimens having capacities above those predicted. Figure 3-10 shows the experimentally

determined ultimate load of each specimen divided by is predicted capacity ( ) using the

LFR method. Additionally, the symbol used for each specimen denotes which LFR

check controls the rating of the hanger. When a symbol is filled, that denotes that the

failure mode of the test specimen corresponds to the predicted failure mode. The checks

for yielding across the pin hole, bearing, and shear yield correspond to a limit state which

is not necessarily a failure mode.


Figure 3-10: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans LFR methods across
all specimens.

As can be seen in Figure 3-10, this method is generally conservative and produced

a high bias with an average / of 1.54 but shows large variability with a coefficient

of variation (COV) of 26.5%. Additionally, the checks properly identified the actual

failure mode for only two (2) specimens out of the population of 80 specimens.

One possible explanation for the inaccuracy of this rating method is the presence

of dishing failures. Of the specimens in the data set, over half failed by dishing. The LFR

rating method has no check for this failure mode. Considering only specimens that had

failure modes other than dishing the results are shown in Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-11: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans’ LFR method with
non-dishing specimens.

Removal of the dishing specimens increased the average / to 1.65 and

lowered the COV to 21.2%. It is also notable that all predictions are now conservative.

The results for these analyses are summarized in Table 3-4.

3.5.2 Caltrans LRFR Method

Caltrans’ LRFR method utilizes the same rating equations as the LFR method

except that Eqn. 3-5 is replaced with:

3 6

where , the effective section, is given by the lesser of:

3 7


3 8
Review of this equation shows that it can be used to predict two separate failure modes.

When the effective section is controlled by the clearance behind the hole ( ), it can be

used to predict failure behind the hole. When the effective section is controlled by the

effective width ( ) it is equal to Eqn. 3-5 and checks for fracture across the pin hole.

This method was then used to rate the 80 tight-fit specimens from the literature

with the results shown in Figure 3-12. The LRFR method proved to be more conservative

than the LFR method and predicted the correct failure mode 21 out of 80 times. But this

method produced large bias with an average / of 1.77 and a high coefficient of

variation (COV) of 26.6%.

Figure 3-12: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans’ LRFR methods
across all specimens.

When dishing specimens are removed from the analysis, the bias /

increased to 2.02, the coefficient of variation decreased to 18.2%, and all the predictions
were conservative. A plot of the LRFR method comparisons without dishing specimens is

shown in Figure 3-13. The statistical results from these two methods are summarized in

Table 3-4.

Figure 3-13: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for Caltrans LRFR methods with
non-dishing specimens.

Table 3-4: Statistics for Caltrans rating methods.

Caltrans’ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ # of
Method Max Min Mean Specimens
LFR 2.66 0.95 1.54 26.5%
All Data 80
LRFR 2.66 0.95 1.77 26.6%
Dishing Data LFR 2.66 1.10 1.65 21.2%
Excluded LRFR 2.66 1.39 2.02 18.2%
3.6 Analysis by Failure Mode

In this section, all of the ultimate strength prediction equations specific to a single

failure mode were compared directly to specimens that failed in that failure mode. First,

each prediction equation considered is used to predict the ultimate capacity of the

applicable specimens. This predicted capacity ( ) will then be compared to the

experimentally determined ultimate capacity ( ) reported in the literature. The

comparison of these two values are then used to determine the bias and COV for each


3.6.1 Failure Behind the Pin

For the purpose of this study the failure modes of pin tear out and splitting behind

the pin hole were combined into a single failure mode: failure behind the pin. This

combination was made for practical reasons, due to the lack of data necessary for them to

be treated separately. Additionally, it was noted that these two failure modes seemed to

behave very similarly. An example of this common behavior comes from Luley (1942)

who conducted tests on two specimens (M7-1 and M7-2) of the same low alloy steel and

with near identical dimensions (see Table 3-5). As can be seen in Figure 3-14, specimen

M7-1 failed by splitting behind the pin hole while M7-2 failed in pin tear out.

Additionally, a comparison of the ultimate load for both plates shows approximately the

same maximum strength.


Figure 3-14: Splitting verses shear failure example (Luley, 1942).

Table 3-5: Example of similarity between splitting and shear failure behind the pin hole
(Luley, 1942).

Specimen (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi) (kips)

M7-1 1.02 1.49 2.0 0.508 55.5 77.3 82.8
M7-2 1.03 1.49 2.0 0.507 55.5 77.3 82.6

Given that these are only two specimens that may or may not be representative of

hangers in general, further investigation was conducted into the other five hangers that

where known to have failed in these limit states. Unfortunately, unlike in the example

above from Luley (1942), a direct comparison between specimens was not possible given

the varying material and dimensions between hanger plates. Instead of direct comparison

the equations for splitting behind the pin and pin tear out from Duerr (2006) were used to
calculate the capacities of specimens that failed by splitting behind the hole and shear tear

out. The results for this analysis can be seen in Table 3-6 and Table 3-7. This analysis

shows that both equations predict ultimate hanger strength with reasonable accuracy,

regardless of the whether the hanger failed by splitting behind the hole or pin tear out.

Table 3-6: Splitting specimens compared against splitting and tear out prediction

Duerr Splitting Duerr Tear Out

Test Series Specimen (kips)
(kips) / (kips) /
Quebec Bridge (1919) P5-2 145 176 0.82 199.0 0.73
Luley (1942) S7-1 82.8 86.7 0.96 92.1 0.90
Luley (1942) S7-2 82.6 86.6 0.95 91.8 0.90
Luley (1942) M7-1 74.5 74.9 0.99 79.5 0.94

Table 3-7: Tear out specimens compared against splitting and tear out prediction

Duerr Splitting Duerr Tear Out

Test Series Specimen (kips)
(kips) / /
Luley (1942) C7-1 46.3 45.0 1.03 47.7 0.97
Luley (1942) C7-2 46.8 45.1 1.04 47.9 0.98
Luley (1942) M7-2 83.0 74.7 1.11 79.8 1.04

The predictive equations for both splitting and tear out were compared to the

available data that are defined here as generally having failed behind the pin hole. The

predictive equations analyzed in this section are shear fracture (Eqn. 3-4) and the fracture
behind the pin hole equation used in Caltrans’ LRFR method (Eqns. 3-6 and 3-8). As

discussed in the literature review, Johnston (1939) and Duerr (2006) both developed

equations for failure behind the pin hole. The equations from these studies will be

reiterated below for convenience. From Johnston (1939), the empirically derived


1.13 3 9

was developed to predict failure occurring behind the pin. In Duerr (2006), two (2)

equations for failure behind the pin were developed. The first was intended specifically

for pin tear out as:

0.7 3 10

where is the area of the shear planes and is described in greater detail in section Duerr’s second equation, which was based on Johnston’s, was intended

specifically for splitting behind the pin as:

1.13 3 11

where the coefficient is used to account for pin clearance and is equal to:

1 0.275 1 3 12

Using these five (5) equations, the nominal capacities where calculated for the 25

specimens that failed behind the pin. The results are shown in Figure 3-15 with the data
sorted by according to their origin of study. The statistics for this analysis are

summarized in Table 3-8.

Figure 3-15: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for failure behind the pin
prediction methods.

Table 3-8: Statistics for failure behind the pin prediction methods.

Prediction Equation ⁄ COV

Facture Behind the Pin Hole
2.07 15.8%
Shear Rupture (Caltrans) 0.86 7.7%
Johnston 0.99 5.7%
Duerr -Splitting 1.01 5.6%
Duerr -Tear Out 1.01 10.4%

The Johnston and Duerr splitting equations performed the best, with bias close to

1.0 and reasonably low COVs. The shear rupture equation used by Caltrans produced a

low COV, but it proves to be unconservative. The fracture behind the pin hole equation
used by Caltrans is very conservative but produced the largest variability of those


3.6.2 Fracture on Net Section

In this section the predictive equations for fracture across the pin hole are

reviewed against the available data. Four equations were considered, including the

fracture across the pin hole equation used in both Caltrans’ LFR and LRFR methods

(Eqn. 3-5). The second equation considered was the net section rupture from the AISC

Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 2016):

2 3 13

where is an adjusted effective width and given as the lesser of

2 0.63 . 3 14

From Johnston (1939) the equation:

2 3 15

will be considered. Finally, the equation from Duerr (2006) for net section rupture:

2 3 16

where is an adjusted effective width and is given by:

0.6 3 17

and is the same coefficient described by Eqn. 3-12. These predictive equations were

compared to the fifteen specimens that failed in net section fracture (Figure 3-16 and

Table 3-9).

Figure 3-16: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for fracture on net section
prediction methods

Table 3-9: Statistics for net section fracture prediction methods.

Prediction Equation ⁄ COV

Facture Across the Pin Hole
1.40 6.4%
AISC 1.03 14.6%
Johnston 1.00 6.5%
Duerr 1.03 3.7%

A brief review of the prediction equations for fracture across the pin hole showed

similar formats. Where these equations appear to differ was in the treatment of two

variables: pin clearance and the effective net section. Due to the relatively tight pin

clearances specified for actual bridge hangers, the treatment of pin clearance is not

relevant here. The Caltrans’ method divides the capacity of the plate by 1.4 which implies

that only about 70% of the net section is considered active at ultimate strength. Figure 3-
16 shows that, in general, this assumption is conservative. For the AISC method, a review

of the second specimen in Figure 3-16 (Quebec bridge (1919) specimen #2) provides

some further insight. This specimen is the only one that had an effective section ( ) that

was controlled by the plate thickness and was therefore less than . The results for this

specimen show that this adjustment to the effective net section may be overly

conservative. Another interesting data point in Figure 3-16 was for the 14th specimen

(specimen 1-A from Duerr and Pincus (1985), referred to here now as DP 1-A). The main

significance of specimen DP-1A is that it is the only sample with steel plate having a high

ratio of yield strength ( ) to ultimate strength ( ), / of approximately 0.9. Table

3-10 shows the results of DP 1-A compared to the average results for the all 15

specimens. This table shows that for this specimen there is a general drop in the ⁄

value for all but the Duerr predictive equation. This is due to Duerr’s adjustment to the

effective area that takes into account the / ratio. Table 3-10 shows that only the

Caltrans method and Duerr’s method predict a capacity that is not greater than the

experimental result. Given that Duerr developed his equation with consideration of this

specimen, more investigation into high-yield plates may be necessary to verify Duerr’s

Table 3-10: Relative performance of specimen DP 1-A for alternate rating methods.

Prediction Equation
⁄ ⁄ ⁄
Fracture Across Pin Hole (Caltrans) 1.12 1.39 0.81

AISC 0.80 1.03 0.78

Johnston 0.80 1.00 0.80
Duerr 1.00 1.03 0.97

3.6.3 Dishing

Only two (2) methods for predicting the strength of specimens exhibiting dishing

are identified in the literature. The first equation was empirically derived in Johnston

(1939) as:

20 315 75 20 20 3 18

The second was developed in Duerr (2006) and gave the dishing load as:

3 19

where , the critical dishing stress, is equal to

∗ 3 20

for inelastic dishing and

3 21
1 ⁄

for elastic dishing. With , the effect dishing width, taken as the lesser of:

3 22

1.25 3 23

These prediction methods were compared to the 41 dishing specimens from the

literature (Figure 3-17 and Table 3-11). A review of these results show that Johnston’s

equation significantly out performs Duerr’s method. It is critical to note, however, that

the only data considered in this review is either from Johnston’s study or from the

Quebec bridge study, which Johnston reviewed in his initial study. It should be of no

surprise that an empirical equation performs well when compared to the data from which

it was derived. Another concern regarding Johnston’s equation, as described in Duerr

(2006), is its poor performance against the results of Rex and Easterling (1996), whose

specimens fall within the allowable proportions for this equation as described by

Johnston. While the Rex and Easterling study was not considered in this analysis, due to

relatively large pin clearances, the poor performance does raise the concern that

Johnston’s equation for dishing may not produce good correlation for variables outside

the scope of the present data.


Figure 3-17: Ratio of measured and predicted strength for dishing prediction analysis.

Table 3-11: Statistical results for dishing prediction methods.

Prediction ⁄ COV
Johnston 1.04 6.5%
Duerr 0.94 19.7%

3.6.4 Dishing Proportional Limit

An alternative method for checking the dishing limit state is implied by the

AASHTO Design provisions and discussed in Duerr (2006). This method involves

limiting the proportional thickness of a plate in order to prevent dishing. The first

proportional limit discussed was added to the AASHO Standard Specifications in 1941

(AASHO, 1941). This limit is directly stated in the specifications and restricts the ratio of

the width of the net effective section across the pin hole (2 ∗ ) to the plate thickness to

a value less than or equal to 8:

8 3 24

It should be noted that the specifications do not provide a reason for this limit nor does it

mention dishing. But this requirement does limit the slenderness of a plate which appears

to be a driving factor for dishing. Additionally, this requirement was added to the

AASHO Standard Specifications in the years immediately following Johnston’s test

series which investigated dishing extensively.

To investigate the effectiveness of this proportional limit on restricting dishing

failure, the ultimate bearing stress of both specimens that failed by dishing and those that

failed in other manners where plotted against their ratio of the width of the net effective

section across the pin hole to the plate thickness (2 / ). This results is shown in Figure

3-18. This figure shows that all the specimens that failed in dishing exceeded the

proportional limit. What this figure also shows is that many specimens that did not fail in

dishing also failed to meet the proportional limit.


Figure 3-18: Effective width to thickness ratios compared to bearing stresses.

If the proportional limit discussed above is combined with a the AASHTO

requirement that the net area across the pin hole be equal to 140% of the area behind the

pin hole, a proportional limit can be derived relating clearance behind the pin hole to

plate thickness as:

5.6 3 25

This limit is appealing because, as noted in Johnston (1939), dishing appears to be more a

factor of the section behind the pin rather than across the pin. As seen in Figure 3-19, this

limit appears to differentiate better between dishing and non-dishing specimens. Though

it is notable that three (3) specimens that met this limit still exhibited dishing.

Figure 3-19: Dimension behind the pin to plate thickness ratios compared to bearing

Duerr (2006) suggest an alternate thickness limit based on the clearance behind

the hole:

0.19 3 26

This proposed limit is very similar to the implied limit from AASHTO seen aabove. In

fact, if this limit is calculated for a hanger with negligible pin clearance and made from

33 ksi steel, it is found to be equal to the 5.6 implied by AASHTO. The main contribution

of this new limit is the ability to account for higher steel plate yield stresses. This update

makes this limit comparable to local buckling limits commonly seen for the webs and

flanges of compression and flexural members. Figure 3-20 shows the performance of this

limit by normalizing it (above 1.0, specimens exceed limit), and as seen here all but one

of the specimens that meet the limit (below 1.0) do not exhibit dishing. The sole
specimen that met this limit but still exhibited dishing had a normalized slenderness of


Figure 3-20: Normalized dimensions for plate behind pin from Duerr (2006) with bearing

The vertical dashed lines in Figures 3-18 through 3-20 represent the proportions

of the actual hangers representative of bridges in Caltrans inventory. Based on these

figures it appears that dishing may not be an issue for the hangers within Caltrans

inventory, but the provisions of Eqn. 3-26 can be used to identify potential for dishing in

other cases.

3.7 Discussion

Based on this review it was determined that while Caltrans’ current methods may

be inaccurate and imprecise with regards to actual failure modes, they are consistently

conservative for the available test data on hangers not susceptible to dishing. There are
better strength prediction equations for failure behind the pin and net section fracture

failure modes.

For predicting failure behind the pin, the most accurate methods were determined

to be the splitting equations presented by Johnston (1939) and Duerr (2006). Of the two

methods used by Caltrans’, the shear rupture (equation 3-4) is reasonably precise but

frequently over predicts capacity. Caltrans’ fracture behind the pin equation (equation 3-6

and 3-8) is conservative but relatively imprecise and inaccurate.

For prediction of net section facture, Caltrans’ method of reducing the net section

by 30% appears overly conservative for most data considered here. However, for the only

specimen with a high ratio of to , this reduction appears somewhat appropriate.

Duerr (2006) appears to provide the most accurate method for determining net effective

area for fracture on the net section.

The current prediction methods for the failure mode of dishing are either

inaccurate or uncertain of broad applicability beyond the calibration data set. Proportional

limits on the plate dimensions with respect to the material properties appear to be way to

identify susceptibility to dishing. Based on the dishing limits described, none of the

hanger plates in the inventory provided by Caltrans appear to be susceptible to dishing.

Chapter 4 – Calibration of Resistance Factors for LRFR

4.1 Introduction

In the load and resistance factor design and rating methodology, factors are

applied to both the load effects and resistance of the element. The intent of these factors

is to account for the uncertainty in these values and provide a uniform level of reliability

in design and rating across materials, members, and connections. In order to achieve a

specified level of reliability, these factors are calibrated. In this chapter, the process of

calibration will be reviewed and resistance factors for the ultimate limit state equations

reviewed in Chapter 3 will be calibrated for use in the LRFR methodology. The method

of calibration used for this project was a one-sided calibration using a Monte Carlo

simulation similar to that described in Ocel (2014). Prior to discussing the specific

calibration process used for the present work, background is provided on probabilistic

methods used for structural design. Next, the source and treatment of the statistical

parameters used in calibration are discussed. Finally, the calibration process is described

and the results are presented.

4.2 Load and Resistance as Random Variables

The fundamental assumption in probability-based design methods, such as the

AASHTO LRFD, is that the resistance of an element and the load effect seen by that

element are not deterministic, but instead are random variables. This assumption

recognizes that during design an engineer cannot know exactly the magnitude and
distribution of load applied to the bridge during the lifetime or if a component is

constructed with materials or methods so that it may be higher of lower than assumed.

The variability of load and resistances can be described by their probability distribution

functions (PDFs). An example probability distribution curve is shown in Figure 4-1. The

total area under a PDF curve is equal to one as it describes all the possible variation in the

population. To describe a PDF, and by extension the random variable, three properties are

necessary: a distribution type, a mean value, and the standard deviation. The distribution

type describes the shape of the PDF curve. In the example shown in Figure 4-1, the

distribution type is a normal distribution, also called a Gaussian Distribution. The

standard deviation describes the degree of variation in the parameter. An increased

standard deviation, relative to the mean value, will shorten the height of the curve and

make the curve wider. Conversely a small standard deviation relative to the mean will

make the curve narrower. If the standard deviation were zero, the data would be

deterministic. In order to perform a calibration of load and resistance factors, the

distribution, mean value, and standard deviation of the random variables of load and

resistance must first be identified. The process for identifying these values will be

described in the following two sections.


Figure 4-1: Random variable probability density function (PDF).

4.3 Load Variability

To model the load effect random variables, statistical properties that describe the

these variables were identified in the literature. These properties were used, along with

information about the structure, to develop mean values and standard deviations for load

effects in the calibration. This process is described in this section.

4.3.1 Load Statistical Properties

The final report for NCHRP Project 20-07, Task 186, referred to here as NCHRP

20-7/186, describes the strength limit-state calibration of the load and resistance factors

used in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (Kulicki et al., 2007). In this

report the statistical parameters used for the original specification calibration and their

origins are presented. These parameters are presented as biases ( ) and coefficients of
variation ( ). The bias of a distribution describes the difference between the nominal

value and the mean value, while the coefficient of variation describes the standard

deviation of a distribution as a percentage of the mean value. In addition to these values,

the report states that these loads are often treated as normally distributed.

NCHRP 20-7/186 presents the biases and coefficients of variations for four types

of dead load: factory made members, cast in place members, wearing surface and

miscellaneous items. While for any single bridge, the total dead load will be comprised of

elements that fall into each of these categories, it is understood that the majority of dead

load on a bridge comes from the cast-in-place deck. For this reason, the bias and

coefficient of variation for dead load used in this calibration was taken as that equal to the

cast-in-place values from NCHRP 20-7/186 and reported in Table 4-1.

For live load, NCHRP 20-7/186 presents multiple ranges of biases that are

dependent on the: type of load effect, the number of loaded lanes, and the average daily

truck traffic (ADTT). For this project, the bias for the shear load effect was chosen

because the connection plates are principally loaded by the end reaction of the suspended

span girder which is effectively the end shear of the girder. An ADTT of 5000 was

chosen to be consistent with the original LRFD Specification calibration which also used

5000 ADTT. Finally, the two lanes loaded case was chosen because this case typically

produces the largest multi-lane bridge loading.

Table 4-1: HL-93 statistical live load parameters (Kulicki et al., 2007).

To account for the addition of impact loading, the coefficient of variation was

increased from twelve percent as shown in Table 4-1, to 18% as described in NHCRP 20-

7/186. The load statistical parameters taken from this report are summarized in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: Load statistics used for calibration.

Factor Bias ( ) COV ( )

Dead Load ( ) 1.05 10%
Live Load and Impact ( ) 1.13 18%

4.3.2 Load Mean and Standard Deviation

With the bias and COV identified, mean load effect values can be determined as:

∗ 4 1

where is the nominal effect of the load under consideration, is the bias as described

in the previous section and is the mean load value for use in calibration. Similarly, the

standard deviation can then be determined by:

∗ 4 2

where is the coefficient of variation from the previous section and the standard

deviation of the load effect for calibration ( ).

Based on Eqns. 4-1 and 4-2 it is seen that nominal values for both live load and

dead load are required prior to calibration. In the calibration of the original AASHTO

LRFD load and resistance factors, nominal load values were determined by performing

live load analyses on approximately 200 actual bridge designs (Kulicki et al., 2007). For

the calibration of resistance factors for gusset plate connections presented in Ocel (2013),

live load to dead load ratios were used to determine nominal load values. The use of live

to dead load ratios is an effective method for the purpose of calibration because the value

of total nominal load does not affect the reliability level. In calibration, the rating

equation is always set so the factored resistance equals the factored load. This means that

if the total nominal load is doubled, with load and resistance factors, as well as live to

dead ratios held constant, the nominal resistance is also doubled creating no net change to

the reliability. A change in the relative proportions of live and dead load on the other

hand does affect the reliability due to the different bias, COV, and load factors connected

to each type of load.

In this project, similar to Ocel (2013), live load ratios ( : ) were used to

determine nominal loads for calibration. The live load ratio used in this project is defined


: 4 3
where is the nominal live load (including impact) ( ) and is the total nominal

load ( ) and is equal to:

4 4

where is the nominal dead load ( ). For simplicity, the total nominal load was set

to unity for all resistance factor calibrations. In an attempt to determine realistic bounds

for dead and live load proportions, the ten bridges provided by Caltrans were reviewed to

determine their live load ratio. The dead load was taken directly from the rating sheets

provided by Caltrans with the wearing surface and miscellaneous dead loads lumped into

a single value with the dead load of components. The live load was determined by

performing live load analysis on each bridge using the HL-93 load model including

impact. Where applicable, distribution factors for this analysis were determined using

Table of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (AASHTO,

2014). Where this table was not applicable (mainly for two girder bridges) the lever rule

was used. Based on the analysis of these ten bridges, the live load ratios ranged from 0.25

to 0.85. Using the live load ratio discussed above and the assumed total nominal load of

one, the nominal live load and dead load were determined through Eqns. 4-3 and 4-4.

With the nominal value of both live load and dead load effects determined, the average

values and standard deviations of both were determined using Eqns. 4-1 and 4-2,

4.4 Resistance Statistical Properties

Similar to the load effect produced on a member, the resistance of a member can

also be treated as a random variable. Ravindra and Galambos (1978) describe the

uncertainty in member resistance as a combination of three separate random variables.

Each of these variables represent an independent source of uncertainty for a member.

Using this concept, the resistance of a member can be represented using a simple

production relationship as:

∗ ∗ ∗ 4 5

where is a random variable representing the actual resistance of a member ( ),

is the calculated nominal resistance of the member ( ), , the material factor, is a

random variable representing the uncertainty due to material properties, , the fabrication

factor, is a random variable representing the dimensional uncertainty due to fabrication

tolerances, and , the professional factor, is a random variable used to represent the

uncertainty of the calculations used to estimate the resistance. These three random

variables are described in the literature with different biases and COVs. This is

convenient for code calibration because when the bias for each factor is inserted into Eqn.

4-5, along with the nominal value for resistance, the mean resistance is known. To

determine the nominal resistance for calibration, the rating equation is set so that the

factored resistance exactly equals the factored load. This equation can then be solved for

to give:

4 6
where is an assumed resistance factor with a value between 0.05 and 1, though values

below 0.6 are not typical.

The coefficient of variation for the member resistance was found using the

method by Ravindra and Galambos (1978) as:

4 7

where is the coefficient of variation of the member’s resistance and , and

are the COVs for the material, fabrication and professional factors, respectively.

For this project the fabrication and material factor values for bias and COV were

taken from Elingwood (1980). These values are shown in Table 4-3. Because the

ultimate strength of steel generally controls in these equations, the variability of ultimate

strength was used for the material factor. For the fabrication factor a single set of

statistics are given for hot rolled steel elements, because it is assumed that these plates are

hot rolled these values were used. The bias and COV for the professional factor were

developed by comparison of predicted strength to actual values as reported in Chapter 3

in Tables 3-8, 3-9 and 3-11.

Table 4-3: Resistance statistics used for calibration.

Factor Bias COV

Fabrication ( ) 1.00 5%
Material ( ) 1.05 11%
With the mean and COV defined for the resistance of an element, the remaining

piece of information required for the resistance side of calibration is the distribution of

resistance. In this study, the resistance distribution was assumed to be lognormal, a

common assumption for resistance (Kulicki et al., 2007).

4.5 Reliability Index

While several methods exist to conduct calibration of load and resistance factors,

the method used in this project was the Monte Carlo method. The calibration procedure

was one-sided resistance factor calibration, similar to that conducted in Ocel (2013). This

method calibrates resistance factors using the existing load factors in the specification.

This method is advantageous because it prevents the development of additional,

unnecessary load cases. The ultimate goal of this calibration is to produce resistance

factors that provide uniform reliability with the remainder of the code. The level of

reliability is typically described by the reliability index ( ), which is defined as the

number of standard deviations between the mean margin of safety and failure. An

example of this is shown in Figure 4-2. Margin of safety is a random variable defined as:

4 8

where and are the random variables of resistance and total load effect, respectively.

Figure 4-2: Example reliability index for a normal PDF.

The simplest method for determining the reliability index is to use the closed-

form solution:

4 9

where and are the mean values of load and resistance respectively, and and

are the standard deviations of load and resistance. This method proves only to be

applicable if the load and resistance variables are both normally distributed or both

lognormally distributed (Kulicki et al., 2007). Because both variables are not defined

using the same distribution in the present case, a more robust method such as the Monte

Carlo method is required.

When rating bridges using the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE)

there are two levels of reliability that for which a bridge can be rated. The first is the
inventory reliability level, which is calibrated to a reliability index of 3.5 and is consistent

with that used in the design of bridge. The second is the operational reliability level

which is calibrated to a reliability index of 2.5. In the current edition of the AASHTO

MBE these two rating levels share the same resistance factors and only vary through

different load factors. Given that the inventory level is consistent with typical design,

these resistance factors were calibrated here to a reliability index of 3.5 using inventory

level load factors. The calibrated resistance factors were later checked against the

operational load factors. It was found that, at the live load to dead load levels

investigated, they produced an average reliability index of approximately 2.5. For the

present calibration, the Strength I load combination was used. This load combination was

chosen because the MBE uses this strength-level load combination for rating the HL-93

load model, which was used to develop the LL to DL ratios considered in the process.

With a reliability level and load combination defined for calibration, an equation for the

factored load was defined as:

4 10

where and are the anticipated loads as described in Section 4.3.2 of this paper.

and are load factors for live load and dead load of components from the

AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (AASHTO, 2011). For the Strength I inventory

level rating these factors are equal to 1.75 and 1.25 respectively.
4.6 Monte Carlo Simulation

In this section, the actual process of the Monte Carlo simulation technique is

described. This process is based on that described in the NCHRP 20-7/186 (Kulicki et al.,

2007). The first step in the Monte Carlo process is to define the nominal values for the

resistance and loads. As discussed in Section 4.3.2, the nominal total load was set equal

to one. Using Eqns. 4-3 and 4-4, the nominal live load and dead load were determined.

The resistance factor was assumed and the nominal resistance was found using Eqn. 4-6.

Next the average resistance was found using Eqn. 4-5.

Three (3) normally distributed random values , and were generated. In

this project, these values were created using the two Excel functions RAND and

NORMSINV. The first function creates evenly distributed random values between one

and zero, and the second function converts these values into a standard normal

distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. Using one of these

values a simulated value of dead load was determined as:

4 11

Similarly, a value for the simulated live load was determined as:

4 12

Because the member resistance is taken as lognormally distributed, the mean and

standard deviation had to first be converted to lognormal values prior to using them in the

calibration. The lognormal mean was determined as:

ln 4 13

where is the lognormal standard deviation of resistance that is given by:


ln 1 4 14

Using Eqns. 4-13 and 4-14, a single value of simulated member resistance was

determined as:

4 15

From these simulated load and resistance values, a margin of safety was calculated as:

4 16

A set of sample calculations was conducted for a single simulation and can be found in

Appendix B.

This process was then repeated 20,000 times for each of the predictive equations

at each live load ratio. These 20,000 values of were then ranked in ascending order and

a value was calculated as:

4 17
# 1

This value was then inserted into the inverse normal distribution function,

NORMSINV, to calculate the standard normal value ( ). The margins of safety for

these 20,000 simulations are plotted against their respective standard normal variables to

produce a normal probability plot as shown in Figure 4-3. As describe in Allen et al.

(2005) the value of when the equals zero is the negative value of the reliability

index .

Figure 4-3: Example calibration probability plot using 20,000 simulations.

As can be seen in Figure 4-3 the values for the probability plot show a definitive

curve and only a few values exist near failure ( 0). The curve in this plot is due to the

contribution of the lognormal variable, had all variables been normally distributed, the

points in this plot would be distributed in an approximately linear fashion. As discussed

previously, the intent of producing this plot is to determine the approximate value of

where 0. Unfortunately, there are very few values in this tail of the graph and the

values available show greater scatter. In order to determine a without conducting

excessive additional simulations, the lower ten percent of values were isolated from

Figure 4-3. This lower tail was assumed to be approximately linear and a linear curve was

fit to the data. The negative value of the y-intercept of this best fit line was then taken to

be . As can be seen in Figure 4-4 produces slightly conservative results.


Figure 4-4: Example of best-fit line using lower 10% of data from Monte Carlo

If this analysis produced a reliability index near the target of 3.5, the assumed

resistance factor was deemed acceptable and recorded. If the reliability index produced

was deemed unacceptable, the resistance factor was changed and the process in this

section was repeated until the reliability factor achieved the target of 3.5.

4.7 Calibration Results

The process discussed in Section 4.6 was then conducted twice (once for each live

load ratio) for each predictive equation considered. The resistance factors were chosen

based on producing an average (between each live load ratio) reliability index of

approximately 3.5. The calibrated resistance factors for each predictive equation are

shown in Tables 4-4 through 4-6; additionally in these tables, the reliability indices are

noted for each live load ratio along with the average.

Table 4-4: Calibrated resistance factors for failure behind the pin.

Resistance Factor ( ) Reliability Index (β)

Prediction Equation
Existing Calibrated 85% LLR 25% LLR Avg.
Shear Rupture
0.80 0.65 3.86 3.57 3.72
(Eqn. 3-4)
Fracture Behind The
0.80 1.00 4.51 4.29 4.40
Pin Hole (Eqn. 3-6&8)
N/A 0.80 3.76 3.56 3.66
(Eqn. 3-9)
Duerr –Splitting
N/A 0.80 3.87 3.60 3.74
(Eqn. 3-11)
Duerr -Tear out
N/A 0.75 3.68 3.48 3.58
(Eqn. 3-10)

Table 4-5: Calibrated resistance factors for fracture on net section.

Resistance Factor ( ) Reliability Index (β)

Prediction Equation
Existing Calibrated 85% LLR 25% LLR Avg.
Fracture Across Pin
0.80 1.00 4.22 4.04 4.13
Hole (Eqn. 3-5)
0.75* 0.70 3.61 3.35 3.48
(Eqn. 3-13)
N/A 0.80 3.72 3.46 3.59
(Eqn. 3-15)
N/A 0.85 3.70 3.50 3.60
(Eqn. 3-16)
*Resistance factor is based off of separate load factors, shown for reference only.
Table 4-6: Calibrated resistance factors for dishing.

Resistance Factor ( ) Reliability Index (β)

Prediction Equation
Existing Calibrated 85% LLR 25% LLR Avg.
N/A 0.85 3.60 3.36 3.48
(Eqn. 3-18)
N/A 0.55 3.58 3.39 3.49
(Eqns. 3-19)

A review of these calibrated resistance factors brings up a few points. First, the

AISC net section rupture equation has the smallest resistance factor for the fracture on net

section equations. This low resistance factor is due to the relatively high COV for the

professional factor, from the conservative treatment of the effective net section for wide

plates. Outside of this treatment of effective net area, this equation is very similar to

Johnston’s. This highlights the influence of variability on the calibration process and the

need to ensure that an analytical model is properly describing the strength across the

relevant parameters rather than being applied to cases for which is it was not intended.

As can be seen in Tables 4-4 and 4-5, fracture across the pin hole and behind the

pin hole, both used by Caltrans, have reliability indices greater than 3.5. The high

reliability indices for these equations are due to their resistance factors being capped at

one. To achieve a reliability index of 3.5, these resistance factors would have to be larger

than unity. These were artificially capped here because traditionally such factors are not

taken greater than one.

Finally, the very low resistance factor for Duerr’s dishing equation (Eqn. 3-19)

shows that the present formulation is not sufficiently robust to be an used in bridge rating.
The better approach is to test for susceptibility to dishing based on the plate material and

geometry, as described in Chapter 3. If the plate is susceptible to dishing, then further

analysis would be needed.

Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary and Conclusions

In this study, the literature regarding pin and hanger connections for steel bridges

was reviewed and summarized. Included in this literature review were current and

historic design and materials specifications, reports describing assembly field

performance, experimental studies on different elements within these assemblies, and

material behavior related to mechanical wear. From this literature review the following

conclusions are drawn:

 There is a lack of previous testing on large diameter pins to support the pin

interaction equation given in the AASHTO LRFD Specifications.

 The provisions available in the AASHTO Specifications for the analysis of girder

ends in pin and hanger assemblies are based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory.

Based on the complex and non-uniform stresses created by the concentrated load

exerted by the pin, the application of these equations is questionable.

 There is a large body of information on hanger plates in the literature. This

information includes data from several test series, identified failure modes, and

ultimate strength prediction equations. There appears to be enough experimental

data on hanger plates to evaluate and calibrate rating methods.

Based on the literature review, it was determined that there was only sufficient data

on hanger plates for further analysis. The experimental data from the hanger plate
literature was then reduced to eliminate data that lacked sufficient details or had pin hole

clearances exceeding AASHTO tolerances. There were 80 test results that satisfied the

requirements for further use in the study. The experimental data were then compared to

Caltrans reported representative inventory of bridge hanger plates. The data set was used

to investigate the sufficiency of Caltrans’ current LFR and LRFR methods for rating

hangers. Alternative strength predictions from AISC (2016), Johnston (1939), Duerr

(2006) and Caltrans’s methods were evaluated relative to the empirical data for each

failure mode. Finally, geometrical proportion and material properties were used to

determine the susceptibility to dishing failure. From this analysis the following

conclusions are drawn:

 The empirical data were smaller in size, but had relative proportions that were

representative of in-service hanger plates. The materials also covered those of the

in-service bridges. The available experimental data were regarded as

representative of Caltrans’ hanger plate inventory.

 There is limited experimental data for specimens with high ratios of to .

 Current Caltrans rating methods using LFR and LRFR were not able to predict the

controlling failure mode, produced large bias and high variation. However, when

dishing specimens are not considered, both methods provided conservative


 There are currently available methods that better predicted the ultimate strength

for the failure modes of net section fracture and failure behind the pin.
 The current prediction methods for dishing failure produce high variability or may

not apply beyond the limited data for which they were developed. They should

not be used for bridge rating.

 The use of proportional limits based on the edge distance behind the pin relative

to the plate thickness and material yield stress appear to effectively identify if a

hanger is susceptible to dishing.

Resistance factors were calibrated for all of the prediction equations that

described the failure modes identified in the literature. This calibration was conducted

through Monte Carlo simulation using statistical information gathered from the literature

and from the professional factors determined for each of the analysis methods considered.

From this calibration the following conclusions are drawn:

 The calibration factors can be used for rating bridge hanger plates that is more

fully consistent with the AASHTO calibration to provide uniform levels of


 New LRFR calibrated equations provide rating for the failure modes of net

section fracture and failure behind the pin as a single failure mode at prescribed

target reliability indices.

 The resistance factors were calibrated for inventory levels with target reliability

indices of 3.5, and achieved target reliability indices near 2.5 for the operating


 The low resistance factor calibrated for dishing failure further indicated that it

should not be used for bridge rating.


5.2 Recommendations and Future Work

Based on this investigation, recommended revisions to the AASHTO MBE

hanger rating procedures are provided in Appendix C. These recommendations include:

 Failure behind the pin shall be checked using the shear rupture equation (Eqn. 3-

4) with the resistance factor derived in Chapter 4.

 Net section fracture shall be checked using the method developed in Duerr (2006)

(Eqn. 3-16). Due to small pin clearance is taken to be 1. It is recommend that

the current AASHTO resistance factor for tension net section fracture be used.

 Tension yield (Eqn. 3-1), bearing (Eqn. 3-2) and shear yielding (Eqn. 3-3) shall

still be checked.

 All hangers shall be screened for susceptibility to dishing using the proportional

limit described in Duerr (2006).

These methods were chosen because they align closely with current AASHTO methods

yet also provide superior results than Caltrans’s current methods. For net section fracture

the current code base resistance factor was chosen over the factor derived in Chapter 4

because it is more conservative. This conservatism is welcome given the limited data

available for hangers made from high yield steel.

For future studies, it is recommended that experimental studies be conducted on

large diameter pins and beam ends with riveted pin plates. These tests should be

instrumented to identify stress distribution though out these elements. For large diameter
pins, the study should be conducted in a manner to compare to the current specification

equation as described in Kulicki, (1983).

For hangers, further investigation is required to develop a robust prediction for

dishing failures. For this development, finite element analyses could be used to

analytically simulate buckling behind the pin. Due to the lack data for high yield plates,

additional experimental tests on hanger plates with high ratios of to is

recommended if these are commonly encountered in practice. These would be

particularly useful in evaluating the material property influence on net section fracture.

Finally, while this study was focused on the ultimate strength evaluation of these

members, it was noted in the literature that hanger plates can undergo significant plastic

deformation prior to failure (Johnston, 1939). Limited work has been conducted on this

subject since Johnston’s original study. Further investigation into this subject may be

warranted if it is desired to make changes the Eqns. 3-1, 3-2, 3-3.


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Appendix A: Historic Steel Specifications (Brockenbrough, 2002)
Date Specification  Material Yield Point* Tensile Strength* Notes
1900 Rivet Steel 30 50/60
A7 for Bridges Soft Steel 32 52/62
Medium Steel 35 60/70
1901‐1904 Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength 50/60
A7 for Bridges Soft Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength 52/62
Medium Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength 60/70
1905‐1908 Structural Steel Record Value 60 desired
A7 for Bridges Rivet Steel Record Value 50 desired
Steel Castings 1/2 Tensile Strength 65
1909‐1913 Structural Steel Record Value 60 desired
A7 for Bridges Rivet Steel Record Value 50 desired
Steel Castings 1/2 Tensile Strength 65 Deleted 1913
1914‐1923 Structural Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength 55/65
A7 for Bridges
Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength 46/56
1924‐1931 Structural Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 30 55/65
A7 for Bridges
Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 25 46/56
1932 Plates, Shapes, & Bars 1/2 Tensile Str. or 33 min. 60/72 Issued as Tentative Revision to A7 and A9
Eyebar flats, un‐annealed 1/2 Tensile Str. or 36 min. 67/82
A141‐32T Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Str. or 28 min. 52/62
1933 A140‐32T Discontinued
Structural Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 30 55/65 Tentative Revision, Oct. 30, 1933. 
A7‐33T (Bridges) Plates, Shapes, & Eyebars 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 33 60/72
Eyebar flats, un‐annealed 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 36 67/82
A141‐32T Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 28 52/62 adopted
1934‐1938 Plates, Shapes, & Eyebars 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 33 60/72 For Bridges, adopted 
Eyebar flats, un‐annealed 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 36 67/82
A141‐33 Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 28 52/62
1939‐1948 A7‐39 Structural Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 33 60/72 Consolidation of A7‐34 and A9‐34
Appendix A - Historic Steel Specification (Brockenbrough, 2002)

A141‐36 Published as tentative standards, 1932‐1933. 
Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 28 52/62 Replaced rivet steel formerly in A7 and A9
A141‐39 Rivet Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 28 52/62
Appendix A: Historic Steel Specifications (Brockenbrough, 2002)
Date Specification  Material Yield Point* Tensile Strength* Notes
1949 Issued as tentative standard covering delivery 
requirements for A7 steel
A7 ‐49T Structural Steel 1/2 Tensile Strength ≥ 33 60/72
A141‐49T Rivet Steel 28 52/62
1961 All Shapes 33 60/75
Plate/bars to 1‐1/2 in  33 60/72
(Structural Steel)
Plate/bars over 1‐1/2 in  33 60/75
1962 All Shapes 36 58/80
Plate/bars to 1‐1/2 in  36 58/80
(Structural Steel) 
Plate/bars over 1‐1/2 in  36 58/80
1963 Group 1 shapes & 
Plates/bars to 3/4 in. 50 70
Group 2 shapes & 
A242‐63T plates/bars over 3/4 to 
(HSLA Steel) 1‐1/2 in. 46 67
Group 3 shapes & 
plates/bars over 1‐1/2 to 4 
in. 42 63
Group 1 shapes & 
Plates/bars to 3/4 in. 50 70
Group 2 shapes & 
A440‐63T plates/bars over 3/4 to 
(High Strength Steel) 1‐1/2 in. 46 67
Group 3 shapes & 
plates/bars over 1‐1/2 to 4 
in. 42 63
Appendix A: Historic Steel Specifications (Brockenbrough, 2002)
Date Specification  Material Yield Point* Tensile Strength* Notes
1963  Group 1 shapes & 
(cont.) plates/bars to 3/4 in. 50 70
Group 2 shapes & 
plates/bars over 3/4 to 
1‐1/2 in. 46 67
(HSLA Steel)
Group 3 shapes & 
plates/bars over 1‐1/2 to 4 
in. 42 63
Plates/bars over 4 to 8 in. 40 60
1964 A529‐64 Group 1 shapes & 
(Structural Steel) plates/bars to 1/2 in. 42 60/85
A514‐64 to 2‐1/2 in. 100 115‐135
(Q&T Alloy Plate) Over 2‐1/2 to 4 in. 90 105‐135
1966 Group 1&2 shapes & 
plates/bars to 3/4 in. 50 70
Group 3 shapes & 
A440‐66 plates/bars over 3/4 to 
(High Strength Steel) 1‐1/2 in. 46 67
Group 4&5 shapes & 
plates/bars over 1‐1/2 to 4 
in. 42 63
1967 A7‐66 Discontinued
1968 Group 1 & 2 shapes & 
plates/bars to 3/4 in. 50 70
Group 3 shapes & 
A242‐68 plates/bars over 3/4 to 
(High Strength Steel) 1‐1/2 in. 46 67
Group 4 & 5 shapes & 
plates/bars over 1‐1/2 to 4 
in. 42 63
Appendix A: Historic Steel Specifications (Brockenbrough, 2002)
Date Specification  Material Yield Point* Tensile Strength* Notes
1968  Group 1 & 2 shapes & 
(Cont.) Plates/bars to 3/4 in. 50 70
Group 3 shapes & 
plates/bars over 3/4 to 
1‐1/2 in. 46 67
(HSLA Steel)
Group 4 & 5 shapes & 
plates/bars over 1‐1/2 to 4 
in. 42 63
Plates/bars over 4 to 8 in. 40 60
Grade 42‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 
1‐1/2 in. 42 60
Grade 45‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 
(HSLA Steel)
1‐1/2 in. 45 60
Grade 50‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 
1‐1/2 in. 50 65
Grade 55‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 
1‐1/2 in. 55 70
Grade 60‐ Group 1 & 2 
(HSLA Steel)
shapes & plates/bars to 
1 in. 60 75
Grade 65‐ Group 1 shapes & 
plates/bars to 1/2 in. 65 80
Group 1‐4 shapes and 
plates/bars to 4 in. 50 70
(HSLA Steel)  Group 5 shapes and 
plates/bars over 4 to 5 in. 46 67
Plates/bars over 5 to 8 in. 42 63
Appendix A: Historic Steel Specifications (Brockenbrough, 2002)
Date Specification  Material Yield Point* Tensile Strength* Notes
Grade 42‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 6 in. 42 60

Grade 45‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 2 in. 45 60

Grade 50‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 2 in. 50 65
(HSLA Steel)
Grade 55‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 1‐1/2 
in. 55 70

Grade 60‐ Group 1 & 2 
shapes & plates/bars to 1 in. 60 75
Grade 65‐ Group 1 shapes & 
plates/bars to 1/2 in. 65 80
1973 Grade 60 & 65: Maximum 
A572‐73 thickness for plates/bars 
now 1‐ 1/4 in.
1974 A514‐74a To 2‐1/2 in. 100 110/130
(Q&T Alloy Plate) Over 2‐1/2 to 4 in. 100 100/130
Grade 42‐ All Shapes &  
plates/bars to 6 in. 42 60
Grade 45‐ All shapes & 
plates/bars to 2 in. 45 60
(HSLA Steel) Grade 50‐ Groups 1‐4 shapes 
& plates/bars to 2 in. 50 65
Grade 55‐ Shapes to 426 
lb/ft & plates/bars to 1‐1/2 
in. 55 70
Appendix A: Historic Steel Specifications (Brockenbrough, 2002)
Date Specification  Material Yield Point* Tensile Strength* Notes
1974  Grade 60‐ Group 1 & 2 
(Cont.) A572‐74b shapes & plates/bars to 1‐
(HSLA Steel) 1/4 in. 60 75
(Cont.) Grade 65‐ Group 1 shapes & 
plates/bars to 1‐1/4 in. 65 80
All shapes and plates/bars to 
A588‐74a 4 in. 50 70
(HSLA Steel) Plates/bars over 4 to 5 in. 46 67
Plates/bars over 5 to 8 in. 42 63
1977 A514‐77 To 2‐1/2 in. 100 110/130
(Q&T Alloy Plate) Over 2‐1/2 to 6 in. 100 100/130
Grade 42‐ All Shapes &  
plates/bars to 6 in. 42 60

Grade 50‐ Groups 1‐4 shapes 
A572‐77a  & plates/bars to 2in. 50 65
Grades 45 and 55 Discontinued
(HSLA Steel) Grade 60‐ Group 1 & 2 
shapes & plates/bars to 
1‐1/4 in. 60 75
Grade 65‐ Group 1 shapes & 
plates/bars to 1‐1/4 in. 65 80
(*) Properties are specified minimum except minimum/maximum where two values are listed.
"Record Value" indicates that the value is recorded but no value is specified.
"Desired" indicates a value that is aimed for, but no value is specified.

Appendix B - Example Monte Carlo Simulation

Load Side:

Statistical Load Properties (Kulicki et al., 2007):

λDL ≔ 1.05 VDL ≔ 10% Dead Load Bias and COV

λLL ≔ 1.13 VLL ≔ 18% Live Load Bias and COV

Determine Nominal Loads:

RTLLL ≔ .85 Live Load Ratio

TLn ≔ 1 kip Assumed Total Load

LLn ≔ TLn ⋅ RTLLL = 0.85 kip Nominal Live Load

DLn ≔ TLn - LLn = 0.15 kip Nominal Dead Load

Determine Mean Loads and Standard Deviations:

μLL ≔ LLn ⋅ λLL = 0.961 kip Mean Live Load

μDL ≔ DLn ⋅ λDL = 0.158 kip Mean Dead Load

σLL ≔ VLL ⋅ μLL = 0.173 kip Live Load Standard Deviation

σDL ≔ VDL ⋅ μDL = 0.016 kip Dead Load Standard Deviation


Resistance Side:

Strength I Inventory Level Load Factors (AASHTO, 2011):

γLL ≔ 1.75 Load Factor for Live Load

γDC ≔ 1.25 Load Factor for Dead Load of Components

Assumed Resistance Factor:

ϕ ≔ 0.8

Calculate Nominal Resistance:

γLL ⋅ LLn + γDC ⋅ DLn
Rn ≔ ――――――― = 2.09 kip

Statistical Resistance Properties:

λF ≔ 1 V F ≔ 5% Fabrication Factor Bias & COV (Ellingwood,1980)

λM ≔ 1.1 VM ≔ 11% Material Factor Bias & COV (Ellingwood, 1980)

λP ≔ 1.01 VP ≔ 10.4% Proffesional Factor Bias & COV

VR ≔ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
VF 2 + VM 2 + VP 2 = 15.9% Combined COV of Resistance

Mean Resistance and Standard Deviation:

μR ≔ Rn ⋅ λF ⋅ λM ⋅ λP = 2.33 kip Mean Resistance

σR ≔ VR ⋅ μR = 0.371 kip Resistance Standard Deviation


Single Simulation Example:

Generate Random Variables using rand Excel function

X1 ≔ 0.342 X2 ≔ 0.754 X3 ≔ 0.649

Converted Random Variables to Normal Distribution using Normsinv function in Excel:

Xn1 ≔ 1.363 Xn2 ≔ -0.312 Xn3 ≔ -2.264

Calculate Simulated Live Load and Dead Load:

DL ≔ μDL + Xn1 ⋅ σDL = 0.179 kip

LL ≔ μLL + Xn2 ⋅ σLL = 0.907 kip

Q ≔ DL + LL = 1.086 kip

Convert Resistance Mean and Standard Deviation to Log Values:

σlnR ≔ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
ln ⎛⎝VR 2 + 1⎞⎠ = 0.158

⎛ μR ⎞ 1
μlnR ≔ ln ⎜――⎟ - ―⋅ σlnR 2 = 0.832
⎝ 1 kip ⎠ 2

Calculate Simulated Resistance:

R ≔ exp ⎛⎝μlnR + Xn3 ⋅ σlnR⎞⎠ ⋅ 1 kip = 1.605 kip

Calculate Margin of Safety:

Y ≔ R - Q = 0.519 kip
  Appendix C – Recommended AASHTO MBE Revisions

6A.6.6.1 – Hanger Plates C6A.6.6.1

The following Articles apply to hangers Unless otherwise noted resistance

constructed from a single plate with a consistent factors are taken from Article of
cross-section between the pin holes and pin the LRFD Design Articles, AASHTO
clearances consistent with the AASHTO LRFD (2017).
Design Articles, AASHTO (2017). The provisions given in the
The factored tensile resistance of these following Articles do not account for
members shall be taken as the least of the bending stress in the hanger plates due to
resistances found in Articles 6A., friction at the pin hole or fixity due to
6A., 6A., 6A., and corrosion.
6A. Hangers shall also be check for
susceptibility to dishing as specified in Article

6A.– Bearing

Hanger plate bearing resistance at the pin

hole shall taken as:

6 . 1


specified minimum yield strength for

hanger plate (ksi)
pin hole diameter (in.)
hanger plate thickness (in.)
1.00, and is the resistance factor for
6A.– Net Section Yielding C6A.

The net section across the centerline of pin

hole, perpendicular to the applied load, shall be
checked for resistance to yielding using Equation

2 6 . 1


specified minimum yield strength for

hanger plate (ksi)
hanger plate effective width (in.) as
shown in Figure C6A.
Figure C6A. – General Hanger
hanger plate thickness (in.)
0.95, and is the resistance factor for
yielding of tension members
6A.– Net Section Fracture

The net section across the centerline of the

pin hole, perpendicular to the applied tension
force, shall be checked for resistance to fracture
using Equations 6A.

2 6 . 1

specified minimum tensile strength (ksi)

hanger plate effective width (in.) as
shown in Figure C6A.
hanger plate thickness (in.)
reduction factor for effective width as
specified in Article 6A.
0.80, and is the resistance factor for net
section fracture of tension members

6A.– Reduction Factor, C6A.

The effective width reduction factor, , This reduction factor is developed in

is given by Eqn. 6A. Duerr (2006). It accounts for a reduced area
capable of developing ultimate strength due
to wide plates and low ductility steel.
0.6 1 6 . 1

specified minimum yield strength (ksi)
specified minimum tensile strength (ksi)
pin hole diameter (in.)
hanger plate effective width (in.) as
shown in Figure C6A.
6A.– Block Shear Yielding C6A.

The section behind the pin hole shall be This provision considers yielding of the
checked for block shear yielding using Eqn. hanger plate in the region behind the pin
6A. plate. The failure planes are like those for
block shear with the tension component set
0.58 6 . 1 to zero.


specified minimum yield strength (ksi)

the combined cross-sectional area (in.2)
of two shear planes as shown in Figures
C6A. and C6A.
0.80, and is the resistance factor for
block shear

Figure C6A. – Pin Tear Out

Shear Planes- Square End

Figure C6A. – Pin Tear Out

Shear Planes- Rounded End

6A.– Fracture Behind the Pin Hole C6A.

The section behind the pin hole shall be Fracture of the plate behind the pin
checked for fracture using Eqn. 6A. hole can result from either splitting or pin
tear out. Splitting occurs behind the center-
0.58 6 . 1 line of the pin with tensile fracture. Pin tear
out is similar to block-shear fracture. This
specified minimum tensile strength (ksi) provision accounts for both failures modes.
the combined cross-sectional area (in.2) The resistance factor in Eqn. 6A. is
of two shear planes as illustrated in developed in Montgomery et al., (2017) and
Figures C6A. and accounts for reduced ultimate capacity due
C6A. to interaction of shear and tensile stresses
0.65, and is the resistance factor for behind the pin.
fracture behind the pin hole.

6A. – Dishing Susceptibility C6A.

The hanger plate dimensional proportions Dishing is out-of-plane deformation

relative to the plate material properties shall of the hanger plate that occurs behind the
satisfy Eqn. 6A. If Eqn. 6A. is pin hole. Dishing reduces ultimate
not satisfied, the hanger plate is susceptible to strength. If a hanger plate is subject to
dishing and further analysis is required. dishing, the strength will be less than that
predicted by Articles 6A.,
6A., 6A., 6A., and
0.19 6A. 1 6A. The dimensional limits
relative to the plate material properties
where: were developed based on Duerr (2006)
with modification to account for pin hole
the clear edge distance behind the pin (in.) fabrication tolerances used in bridges
as illustrated in Figure C6A. (Montgomery et al., 2017). If a hanger
plate thickness (in.) plate exceeds the limit prescribed in this
Youngs’ modulus for the hanger plate steel Article, the ultimate strength can be
(ksi) estimated from Duerr (2006). A resistance
factor of 0.55 was calibrated for Duerr’s
method (Montgomery et al., 2017).

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