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5th edition

Progress test 1A Advanced

Exercise 1 General revision

Read the text and choose the correct option.

Musk’s latest venture is Space X, which (21) had

Elon Musk: space created / was created in 2002. Rarely (22) will you
find / you will find a more ambitious endeavour.
entrepreneur SpaceX was the first private company to successfully
Elon Musk is an entrepreneur who co-founded both launch a spacecraft into orbit and bring it back to
the Internet payment system PayPal and the space Earth. Like all companies at the cutting-edge of
exploration company SpaceX. After (1) become / technology, it has had some failures and (23)
becoming a multi-millionaire when he was just 28 updates / setbacks, but it is an exciting company and
years old, Musk has gone on to be a billionaire. its future research is (24) severely / eagerly awaited in
He (2) has had / had an incredible career and (3) has the scientific community.
awarded / has been awarded numerous honorary
degrees and awards for his achievements. Three main (25) Lately / Late, the company (26) is researching /
areas have been on his (4) radar / loop throughout his has been researching the possibility of a manned
career: the Internet, clean energy, and space travel. flight to Mars using the Big Falcon Rocket. Musk
Musk’s capacity to work (5) hard / hardly (he hopes that people (27) will have landed / will be
generally puts in 100 hours a week) and think outside landing on Mars before he dies. Given Musk’s
the (6) base / box have enabled him (7) to make / ambition, he will probably try (28) achieving / to
making major innovations in all three fields. achieve this aim in the next 20 years. Who knows,
by the time you’re 70, it (29) can / might be possible
Musk’s genius was evident at an early age. Born in to retire to the Red Planet. The average temperature
1971 in South Africa, his passion for electronics (8) is -55°C so you (30) will / must need to take a coat!
encouraged / was encouraged by his father who was
(9) itself / himself an electrical engineer. Elon (10) 1 point for each correct answer 30
must / can have been a hardworking and (11) highly
motivated / sorely motivated child. By the time he
was 12, not only (12) he had taught / had he taught
himself how to programme a computer, but he had
also sold his first computer game for $500. His family
moved to North America when he was a teenager and
Musk then went to the University of Pennsylvania,
where he went the extra (13) mile / kilometre and
took two degrees at the same time in both business
and physics.

His financial success began when he helped (14) to

set up / setting up a number of Internet companies
including the online payment company PayPal. When
in 2002, PayPal (15) was acquired / has been
acquired by eBay, Musk received $165 million. What
Musk then did with this money (16) create / was
create Tesla Motors, a company which produces
electric cars. Musk believes that green energy is the
way forward and is determined (17) reducing / to
reduce the cost of electric vehicles. His company also
wants to keep on (18) improving / to improve the
performance of this technology. It is predicted that
there will be a substantial (19) rise / rising in demand
for electric vehicles in the next few years and that it
(20) will be doubling / will have doubled by the end
of the decade.

1 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press


5th edition

Progress test 1A Advanced

Exercise 2 Avoiding repetition hours for less pay.

Complete the gap with an auxiliary, modal verb, ____________________________________
or to. Make the verb negative if necessary. 5 The car needs clean.
1 A I think I just saw Teo in the street. ____________________________________
B You couldn’t have . He’s in Canada at the 6 I’m looking forward to see you again.
moment. ____________________________________
2 A Do we really need to leave so early? 7 The children were excited to be going to
B Yes, I’m afraid we ____________ . The flight is the zoo.
at 6 a.m. ____________________________________
3 A I’m going to the conference in Boston. 8 I was hungry so I stopped buying a sandwich
B Elsa ____________ too, but I can’t at the shop.
unfortunately. ____________________________________
4 A I bought you some flowers.
B Oh, you ____________ ! That’s so kind. 1 point for each correct answer 7
5 A Ow! That hurt. You just stepped on my foot!
B Sorry, I didn’t mean ____________ . Exercise 4 Modal verbs
6 A You should have asked your boss for a pay rise. Circle the correct option.
B Well, I ____________ . He would only have 1 I could / must have gone to the party if I hadn’t
refused. had to work.
7 A Have you been to see the doctor yet? 2 It can’t / mustn’t have been easy to do all the
B No, but don’t worry I’m going ____________ . preparation on your own.
8 A Ken may have committed the robbery. 3 When she was a child, she would / will spend
B He ____________ . He was with me that hours in the garden watching the birds.
evening. 4 I needn’t have worked / didn’t need to work that
9 A Bob always insists on giving a speech. day, so I went to the beach.
B I know, I wish he ____________ . It’s so 5 Tom could not / might not come to the match
boring. tomorrow. He said he’d call and let me know.
10 A She can’t have got out of hospital already. 6 The taxi should / can be arriving any minute now.
B She ____________ . I just saw her in the
7 This essay is terrible. You won’t / can’t have spent
more than ten minutes writing it.
8 What a mess! I guess I must / should have read the
1 point for each correct answer 9 instruction manual.
9 We may / can go to the cinema tonight. It depends
Exercise 3 Verb patterns what time I finish studying.
Tick () the correct sentences and correct the
wrong ones. 1 point for each correct answer 9
1 I can’t stand to wait in queues. 
I can’t stand waiting in queues.
2 Marion encouraged me to apply for the job.
3 Carlos admitted to lose the documents.

4 The new contract will mean working longer

2 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition

Progress test 1A Advanced

Exercise 5 Adverbs
Exercise 6 Describing trends
Complete each sentence with one of the adverbs.
1 hysterically / passionately Complete the words in the sentences. The first
letter is given. There may be more than one
a Janet cares ____________ about animal rights.
possible answer.
b He screamed ____________ when he saw a
mouse in the kitchen. 1 The company’s shares continue to s_______ ,
rising by 15% in one day.
2 wide / widely
a It is ____________ believed that his plane 2 The dollar p_______ to an all-time low against the
crashed in the desert. euro yesterday.
b Open your mouth ____________ , please. 3 The rate of inflation has been f_______ around 4%
3 conscientiously / deliberately for some time now.
a Christian worked ____________ to finish the 4 House prices remain relatively s_______ for the
report on time. first time in months.
b I’m sure she didn’t break your phone 5 There has been a dramatic f_______ in the price of
____________ . oil. It is down by 20%.
4 wrong / wrongly 6 Retail sales p_______ up in spring, signaling a
a The computer won’t start. What am I doing return to consumer confidence.
____________ ?
b He felt guilty because he knew he had acted 1 point for each correct answer 6
____________ .
5 longingly / profusely
Exercise 7 Ways of adding emphasis
a He apologized ____________ for having
broken his promise. Rewrite the sentences using the ways of adding
b The bored child gazed ____________ out the emphasis.
window. 1 I’m looking forward to the dessert.
6 fine / finely It’s the dessert that I’m looking forward
a Add the ____________ chopped herbs to the to.
butter and fry.
2 You rarely find an honest politician.
b Things were going ____________ until the car
Rarely ________________________________ .
broke down.
3 I admire the use of sound in this film.
7 blindingly / distinctly
What ________________________________ .
a It was ____________ obvious that he was in
love with her. 4 I hate the endless adverts.
b Have you seen my briefcase? I ____________ It’s ________________________________ .
remember leaving it in the hall. 5 If it hadn’t been for his wife, he would have had a
8 hard/hardly breakdown.
a It was raining ____________ outside so I wore Had ________________________________ .
a raincoat. 6 They’d never seen so many people.
b The fog was so thick, we could ____________ Never ________________________________ .
see in front of us.
7 Education enables people to develop.
The thing ________________________________ .
1 point for each correct pair 8
8 The rise in sea levels destroyed the coast.
What ________________________________ .

1 point for each correct answer 7

3 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press


5th edition

Progress test 1A Advanced

Exercise 8 Phrasal verbs with up/down

Complete each sentence with either up or down. 1 point for each correct answer 8
1 The professor denied that the university courses Exercise 10 Linking devices
had been dumbed _______ . Circle the linker that does NOT fit the gap.
2 If you persist long enough, you’ll eventually wear 1 In addition to / As well as / Furthermore, being
him _______ and he’ll give in to your demands. good for your health, blueberries also taste
3 After four years in office, Mr Wilson has stood delicious.
_______ as Mayor of London. 2 There has been a decline in profits, seeing as /
4 Jacques began to lighten _______ once he realized owing to / as a result of the recent drop in sales.
that they were only joking. 3 In spite of / Despite / Although having a reputation
5 A lot of local shops have shut _______ since the as a confident girl, Christina was in reality quite
new supermarket opened in town. shy.
6 I’m saving _______ to buy a new computer. 4 It was hard work, even so / all the same / even
7 It’s hot outside. I need a cold drink to cool though, I’m glad I did it as I learned a great deal.
_______ . 5 We will buy a new computer provided that / as
8 Stop being so pathetic, Matt! You need to man soon as / as long as it’s not too expensive.
_______ a little. 6 The plan has many benefits. However / Although /

1 point for each correct answer Nevertheless, I don’t think we should do it.
7 As / While / Once I was cooking dinner, I listened
to the radio.
Exercise 9 Nouns from phrasal verbs
8 Even though / Despite the fact that / Whereas it
Choose the correct word in the box.
was midnight, we could see by the light of the
shake-up outbreak break-up cutbacks offshoot
drawbacks knockout downpour
1 point for each correct answer 8
1 There has been a major ____________ of the
company and my manager is being replaced.
2 Your plan has several ____________ , the main
one being that it is too expensive. Speaking (Thursday 13/05/21 and class participation) /50

3 As we were walking home, there was a sudden

____________ , so we sheltered under a tree. Writing /50 (Intro, 2-3 paragraphs (middle), conclusion)
4 The design company is an ____________ of the Choose between one of the titles below:
main company which manufactures cars.
5 The boxing match ended with a ____________ in 1. Some people say that the Internet provides
the fifth round. people with a lot of valuable information.
6 Due to the recession, the government has made Others think access to so much information
____________ in public spending. creates problems. Which view do you agree
7 Valentina and Gino still remained friends after with? Use specific reasons and examples to
their ____________ . support your opinion.
8 Many families left the city after the ____________
2. When people move to another country,
of war.
some of them decide to follow the customs
of the new country. Others prefer to keep
their own customs. Compare these two
choices. Which one do you prefer? Support
your answer with specific details. 
4 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition

Progress test 1A Advanced

3. It has been said, "Not everything that is

learned is contained in books." Compare
and contrast knowledge gained from
experience with knowledge gained from
books. In your opinion, which source is
more important? Why? 

Total 200

5 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press


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