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Venkat Java Projects


A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal CLOUD COMPUTING
Matching over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud
Achieving Practical Symmetric Searchable CLOUD COMPUTING
Encryption with Search Pattern Privacy over Cloud
Achieving Searchable Encryption Scheme with CLOUD COMPUTING
Search Pattern Hidden
Authentication and Key Agreement Based on CLOUD COMPUTING
Anonymous Identity for Peer-to-Peer Cloud
CloudRaid Detecting Distributed Concurrency Bugs CLOUD COMPUTING
via Log-Mining and Enhancement
Designing Secure and Efficient Biometric-Based CLOUD COMPUTING
Secure Access Mechanism for Cloud Services
Lightweight Privacy-preserving Medical Diagnosis CLOUD COMPUTING
in Edge Computing
Personality and Value-aware Scheduling of User CLOUD COMPUTING
Requests in Cloud for Profit Maximization
Privacy-preserving Efficient Verifiable Deep Packet CLOUD COMPUTING
Inspection for Cloud-assisted Middlebox
Privacy-preserving Medical Treatment System CLOUD COMPUTING
through Nondeterministic Finite Automata
Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Inner Product CLOUD COMPUTING
Computation on Encrypted Database
Proactive Fault-Tolerance Technique to Enhance CLOUD COMPUTING
Reliability of Cloud Service in Cloud Federation
Publicly Verifiable Shared Dynamic Electronic CLOUD COMPUTING
Health Record Databases
Revocable Attribute-based Data Storage in Mobile CLOUD COMPUTING
Secure Keyword Search and Data Sharing CLOUD COMPUTING
Mechanism for Cloud Computing
Secure Similarity Search over Encrypted Non- CLOUD COMPUTING
Uniform Datasets
Secure Storage Auditing with Efficient Key Updates CLOUD COMPUTING
Mobile:+91 9966499110
Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
for Cognitive Industrial IoT Environment
Semantics of Data Mining Services in Cloud CLOUD COMPUTING
Similarity Search for Encrypted Images in Secure CLOUD COMPUTING
Cloud Computing
Tag-based Verifiable Delegated Set Intersection over CLOUD COMPUTING
Outsourced Private Datasets
Threshold Multi-keyword Search for Cloud-Based CLOUD COMPUTING
Group Data Sharing
Towards Secure and Efficient Equality Conjunction CLOUD COMPUTING
Search over Outsourced Databases
Verifiable Searchable Encryption Framework CLOUD COMPUTING
against Insider Keyword-Guessing Attack in Cloud
A Secure Enhanced Key-Policy Attribute-Based CLOUD COMPUTING
Temporary Keyword Search Scheme in the Cloud
Development and Examination of Fog Computing- CLOUD COMPUTING
Based Encrypted Control System
A Novel Feature Matching Ranked Search CLOUD COMPUTING
Mechanism Over Encrypted Cloud Data
A Secure and Efficient Cloud-Centric Internet of CLOUD COMPUTING
Medical Things-Enabled Smart Healthcare System
with Public Verifiability
Scalable and Secure Big Data IoT System Based on CLOUD COMPUTING
Multifactor Authentication and Lightweight
Key Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with CLOUD COMPUTING
Keyword Search in Virtualized Environments
Identity-Based Encryption Transformation for CLOUD COMPUTING
Flexible Sharing of Encrypted Data in Public Cloud
Secure Data Transfer and Deletion from Counting CLOUD COMPUTING
Bloom Filter in Cloud Computing
Key-Escrow Free Attribute-Based Multi-Keyword CLOUD COMPUTING
Search with Dynamic Policy Update in Cloud
Fast Secure and Anonymous Key Agreement CLOUD COMPUTING
Against Bad Randomness for Cloud Computing
Achieving Practical Symmetric Searchable CLOUD COMPUTING
Mobile:+91 9966499110
Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
Encryption with Search Pattern Privacy over Cloud
Achieving Secure and Dynamic Range Queries Over CLOUD COMPUTING
Encrypted Cloud Data
ECOGreen Electricity Cost Optimization for Green SERVICE
Datacenters in Emerging Power Markets COMPUTING
Efficient Encrypted Data Search with Expressive SERVICE
Queries and Flexible Update COMPUTING
Energy-aware cloud workflow applications SERVICE
scheduling with geo-distributed data COMPUTING
KeySea Keyword-based Search with Receiver SERVICE
Anonymity in Attribute-based Searchable COMPUTING
Lightweight Privacy-preserving Raw Data SERVICE
Publishing Scheme COMPUTING
Location-Aware Service Recommendations With SERVICE
Privacy-Preservation in the Internet of Things COMPUTING
Lucid A Practical, Lightweight Deep Learning SERVICE
Solution for DDoS Attack Detection COMPUTING
Minimizing Financial Cost of DDoS Attack Defense SERVICE
in Clouds with Fine-Grained Resource Management COMPUTING
Personalized Recommendation System based on SERVICE
Collaborative Filtering for IoT Scenarios COMPUTING
Privacy Preserving QoS Forecasting in Mobile Edge SERVICE
Environments COMPUTING
Provably Efficient Resource Allocation for Edge SERVICE
Service Entities Using Hermes COMPUTING
Reverse Nearest Neighbor Search in Semantic SERVICE
Trajectories for Location based Services COMPUTING
Revocable Attribute-based Data Storage in Mobile SERVICE
Semantics of Data Mining Services in Cloud SERVICE
Shed+ Optimal Dynamic Speculation to Meet SERVICE
Application Deadlines in Cloud COMPUTING
Scalable and efficient authentication scheme for SERVICE
secure smart grid communication COMPUTING
Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing With Differential and INFORMATION
Distortion Location Privacy FORENSICS AND
Mobile:+91 9966499110
Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal INFORMATION
Matching over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud FORENSICS AND
Pay as You Decrypt Decryption Outsourcing for INFORMATION
Functional Encryption Using Blockchain FORENSICS AND
Securing Resources in Decentralized Cloud Storage INFORMATION
Fake News, Disinformation,andDeepfakes: INFORMATION
Leveraging Distributed Ledger Technologies and FORENSICS AND
Blockchain to Combat Digital Deception and SECURITY
Counterfeit Reality
Activity Minimization of Misinformation Influence COMPUTATIONAL
in Online Social Networks SOCIAL SYSTEMS
An Efficient Feedback Control Mechanism for COMPUTATIONAL
Positive or Negative Information Spread in Online SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Social Networks
ArvaNet Deep Recurrent Architecture for PPG- COMPUTATIONAL
Based Negative Mental-State Monitoring SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Characterizing the Propagation of Situational COMPUTATIONAL
Information in Social Media During COVID- SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Epidemic A Case Study on Weibo
Continuous Activity Maximization in Online Social COMPUTATIONAL
Detecting and Characterizing Extremist Reviewer COMPUTATIONAL
Groups in Online Product Reviews SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Detection of Malicious Social Bots Using Learning COMPUTATIONAL
Automata With URL Features in Twitter Network SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Information Dissemination From Social Network for COMPUTATIONAL
Extreme Weather Scenario SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Location-Aware Service Recommendations With COMPUTATIONAL
Privacy-Preservation in the Internet of Things SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Movie Recommendation System Using Sentiment COMPUTATIONAL
Analysis From Micro blogging Data SOCIAL SYSTEMS
On Utilizing Communities Detected From Social COMPUTATIONAL
Networks in Hashtag Recommendation SOCIAL SYSTEMS

Mobile:+91 9966499110

Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
Understanding the User Behavior of Foursquare A COMPUTATIONAL
Data-Driven Study on a Global Scale SOCIAL SYSTEMS
User Behavior Prediction of Social Hotspots Based COMPUTATIONAL
on Multi message Interaction and Neural Network SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Popular Matching for Security-Enhanced Resource COMPUTATIONAL
Allocation in Social Internet of Flying Things SOCIAL SYSTEMS
SciChallenge A Social Media Aware Platform for COMPUTATIONAL
Contest-Based STEM Education and Motivation of SOCIAL SYSTEMS
Young Students
A Hidden Markov Contour Tree Model for Spatial DATA MINING
Structured Prediction
Adaptive Diffusion of Sensitive Information In DATA MINING
Online Social Networks
Adaptive Similarity Embedding For Unsupervised DATA MINING
Multi-View Feature Selection
Adaptively Secure and Fast Processing of DATA MINING
Conjunctive Queries over Encrypted Data
BATCH A Scalable Asymmetric Discrete Cross- DATA MINING
Modal Hashing
Cashless Society Managing Privacy and Security in DATA MINING
the Technological Age
DGDFS Dependence Guided Discriminative Feature DATA MINING
Selection for Predicting Adverse Drug-Drug
Discovering Temporal Patterns for Event Sequence DATA MINING
Clustering via Policy Mixture Model
Effective Keyword Search over Weighted Graphs DATA MINING
Efficient Match-Based Candidate Network DATA MINING
Generation for Keyword Queries over Relational
Efficient Processing of Group Planning Queries DATA MINING
Over Spatial-Social Networks
Efficiently Processing Spatial and Keyword Queries DATA MINING
in Indoor Venues
Evaluating Public Anxiety for Topic-based DATA MINING
Communities in Social Networks
Fast Multi-view Semi-supervised Learning with DATA MINING
Learned Graph
Mobile:+91 9966499110
Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
Fuzzy K-Means Clustering With Discriminative DATA MINING
Guarantee the Quality-of-Service of Control DATA MINING
Transactions in Real-Time Database Systems
Hierarchical Prediction and Adversarial Learning DATA MINING
For Conditional Response Generation
Land Use Classification with Point of Interests and DATA MINING
Structural Patterns
Modeling Relation Paths for Knowledge Graph DATA MINING
Multi-view Clustering with the Cooperation of DATA MINING
Visible and Hidden Views
Online Pricing with Reserve Price Constraint for DATA MINING
Personal Data Markets
Personalized Long and Short term Preference DATA MINING
Learning for Next POI Recommendation
Predicting Hot Events in the Early Period through DATA MINING
Bayesian Model for Social Networks
Predicting Student Performance in an Educational DATA MINING
Game Using a Hidden Markov Model
Privacy Preserving Location Data Publishing A DATA MINING
Machine Learning Approach
Product Quantized Collaborative Filtering DATA MINING
Publicly Verifiable Databases with All Efficient DATA MINING
Updating Operations
Scalable and Adaptive Data Replica Placement for DATA MINING
Geo-Distributed Cloud Storages
Social Boosted Recommendation with Folded DATA MINING
Bipartite Network Embedding
Emotion Correlation Mining Through Deep DATA MINING
Learning Models on Natural Language Text
AdSherlock Efficient and Deployable Click Fraud MOBILE COMPUTING
Detection for Mobile Applications
Distributed Time-Sensitive Task Selection in Mobile MOBILE COMPUTING
Eclipse Preserving Differential Location Privacy MOBILE COMPUTING
Against Long-Term Observation Attacks
Exploiting Multi-Dimensional Task Diversity in MOBILE COMPUTING
Mobile:+91 9966499110
Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
Distributed Auctions for Mobile Crowd Sensing
Fine Grained User Profiling for Personalized Task MOBILE COMPUTING
Matching in Mobile Crowd Sensing
KOLLECTOR Detecting Fraudulent Activities on MOBILE COMPUTING
Mobile Devices Using Deep Learning
PACE Privacy-Preserving and Quality-Aware MOBILE COMPUTING
Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing
Predictability and Prediction of Human Mobility MOBILE COMPUTING
Based on Application-collected Location Data
Privacy-Preserving Media Sharing with Scalable MOBILE COMPUTING
Access Control and Secure De duplication in Mobile
Cloud Computing
Protecting Your Shopping Preference with MOBILE COMPUTING
Differential Privacy
Proximity-Aware Location Based Collaborative MOBILE COMPUTING
Sensing for Energy-Efficient Mobile Devices
Social Recruiter Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for MOBILE COMPUTING
Mobile Crowd Sourcing Worker Recruitment with
Social Networks
Towards Fine-Grained Access Control in MOBILE COMPUTING
Enterprise-Scale Internet-of-Things
Towards Personalized Privacy-Preserving Incentive MOBILE COMPUTING
for Truth Discovery in Mobile Crowd Sensing
Shielding Collaborative Learning Mitigating DEPENDABLE
Poisoning Attacks through Client Side Detection AND SECURE
Scaling Camouflage Content Disguising Attack DEPENDABLE
Against Computer Vision Applications AND SECURE
Representing Fine-Grained Co-Occurrences for DEPENDABLE
Behavior-Based Fraud Detection in Online Payment AND SECURE
Privacy-Preserving Federated Deep Learning with DEPENDABLE
Irregular Users AND SECURE
Optimal Filter Assignment Policy Against DEPENDABLE
Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack AND SECURE

Mobile:+91 9966499110

Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
On-the-fly Privacy for Location Histograms DEPENDABLE
Multi-client Sub-Linear Boolean Keyword Searching DEPENDABLE
for Encrypted Cloud Storage with Owner-enforced AND SECURE
Authorization COMPUTING
Match in My Way Fine-Grained Bilateral Access DEPENDABLE
Control for Secure Cloud-Fog Computing AND SECURE
Geometric range search on encrypted data with DEPENDABLE
Forward or Backward security AND SECURE
Efficient Server-Aided Secure Two-Party DEPENDABLE
Computation in Heterogeneous Mobile Cloud AND SECURE
Efficient and Secure Attribute-based Access Control DEPENDABLE
with Identical Sub-Policies Frequently Used in AND SECURE
Cloud Storage COMPUTING
Detection and Defense of Cache Pollution Based on DEPENDABLE
Popularity Prediction in Named Data Networking AND SECURE
Adaptive Secure Nearest Neighbor Query Processing DEPENDABLE
over Encrypted Data AND SECURE
Achieving Efficient Secure Deduplication with User- DEPENDABLE
Defined Access Control in Cloud AND SECURE
Achieving Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Exact DEPENDABLE
Set Similarity Search over Encrypted Data AND SECURE
A Traceable and Revocable Ciphertext-policy DEPENDABLE
Attribute-based Encryption Scheme Based on AND SECURE
Privacy Protection COMPUTING
An Efficient Privacy Preserving Message INDUSTRIAL
Authentication Scheme for Internet-of-Things INFORMATICS
Detection and Mitigation of Cyber Attacks on INDUSTRIAL
Voltage Stability Monitoring of Smart Grids INFORMATICS

Mobile:+91 9966499110

Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
Enabling Privacy-assured Fog-based Data INDUSTRIAL
Aggregation in E-healthcare Systems INFORMATICS
Hidden Electricity Theft by Exploiting Multiple- INDUSTRIAL
Pricing Scheme in Smart Grids INFORMATICS
Social Image Sentiment Analysis by Exploiting INDUSTRIAL
Multimodal Content and Heterogeneous Relations INFORMATICS
FarSight Long-Term Disease Prediction Using EMERGING
Unstructured Clinical Nursing Notes TOPICS IN
Human-in-the-Loop-Aided Privacy-Preserving EMERGING
Scheme for Smart Healthcare TOPICS IN
Recommending Activities for Mental Health and EMERGING
Well-being Insights from Two User Studies TOPICS IN
Semantic Access Control for Privacy Management of EMERGING
Personal Sensing in Smart Cities TOPICS IN
Credit Card Transactions Data Adversarial BIG DATA
Augmentation in the Frequency Domain
Building and Querying an Enterprise Knowledge BIG DATA
Delegated Authorization Framework for EHR BIG DATA
Services using Attribute Based Encryption
Secure Channel Free Certificate-Based Searchable BIG DATA
Encryption Withstanding Outside and Inside
Keyword Guessing Attacks
A Trustworthy Privacy Preserving Framework for INTERNET OF
Machine Learning in Industrial IoT Systems THINGS (IOT)
An Efficient IoT-Based Platform for Remote Real- INTERNET OF
Time Cardiac Activity Monitoring THINGS (IOT)
An Efficient Privacy Preserving Message INTERNET OF
Authentication Scheme for Internet-of-Things THINGS (IOT)
An Efficient Spam Detection Technique for IoT INTERNET OF
Devices using Machine Learning THINGS (IOT)
Efficient IoT Management with Resilience to INTERNET OF
Unauthorized Access to Cloud Storage THINGS (IOT)
Efficient Privacy Preserving Data Collection and INTERNET OF

Mobile:+91 9966499110

Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects
Computation Offloading for Fog-Assisted IoT THINGS (IOT)
Secure Storage Auditing with Efficient Key Updates INTERNET OF
for Cognitive Industrial IoT Environment THINGS (IOT)
Benchmarking Image Retrieval Diversification IMAGE
Techniques for Social Media PROCESSING AND
Online Hashing with Bit Selection for Image IMAGE
Trust-Based Video Management Framework for IMAGE
Social Multimedia Networks PROCESSING AND
An Integrated Indexing and Search Service for PARALLEL AND
Distributed File Systems DISTRIBUTED
ESetStore An Erasure-Coded Storage System With PARALLEL AND
Fast Data Recovery DISTRIBUTED
Scalable and Adaptive Data Replica Placement for PARALLEL AND
Geo-Distributed Cloud Storages DISTRIBUTED
A Secure and Verifiable Data Sharing Scheme Based VEHICULAR
on Blockchain in Vehicular Social Networks TECHNOLOGY
Collaborative Content Delivery in Software-Defined VEHICULAR
Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks TECHNOLOGY
Dynamic Network Slicing and Resource Allocation VEHICULAR
in Mobile Edge Computing Systems TECHNOLOGY
Security Enhanced Content Sharing in Social IoT A VEHICULAR
Directed Hypergraph-Based Learning Scheme TECHNOLOGY


Mobile:+91 9966499110
Email:[email protected]
Venkat Java Projects

Mobile:+91 9966499110

Email:[email protected]

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