20 Essential English Phrases For Hotel Receptionists: Welcoming Guests

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20 Essential English Phrases for Hotel

20 English Expressions Every Hotel Receptionist Should Know

 Welcoming Guests
1. Hello, / Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening,
welcome to [name of your hotel].
2. How can I help you today?
 Taking Reservations
1. What’s the date of your arrival?
2. When are you planning to check out?
3. How many people is this reservation for?
4. What type of room would you prefer? Would you like a
single room (=for one person), double room (two people).
5. We can offer you a non-smoking room; one with ocean/sea
view, mountain view, lake view
 Checking Guests In
1. Do you have a reservation?
2. What name is the reservation under?
3. Could I have your ID and credit card, please?
4. Your room is on the [number] floor, room number
Example: Your room is on the 9th floor, room number 925.
5. Breakfast is served from [time] to [time] every morning at/in
[location/room]. = Breakfast is served from 7.00 -9.00 a.m.
every morning in the dining area
6. Is there anything else I can help you with?
7. Enjoy your stay.
 Giving Information, Offering Assistance and Handling
1. We have [scheduled services] that run to/from [location].
You’ll find [information] in/at/by [location].
Example: We have a shuttle bus service that runs to the airport from
here. You’ll find the shuttle schedule by the front door.
We have city tours that run between here, Disneyland and Universal
Studios. You’ll find brochures of all our city tours to the left of this
2. To get to [location], just…
Example: To get to the gym, just go down this hallway and turn left.
It’s the second door on your right.
To get to the nearest McDonald’s, just cross the street outside the
hotel and walk straight.
3. If you need anything else, please let us know.
 Checking Guests Out
1. Could I have your room number and key, please?
2. Your total is [amount]. How will you be paying for this,
Example: Your total is $243. How will you be paying for this, please?
3. Thank you and hope to see you again soon.
4. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Have a pleasant trip home.

English expressions that waiters, waitresses,

and restaurant staff use
The host or hostess

Do you have a reservation?

It's going to be about a 15-minute wait. 

Can I get your name?

Mr. Knight, your table is ready.

Right this way.

Follow me, please.

Would you like me to take your jackets for you?

Jacob will be your server tonight.

Enjoy your meal.

The waiter or waitress

Welcome! My name is Rebecca.

How are you doing this evening?

Let me tell you about our specials today. We have a miso-glazed

Chilean Sea Bass with a side of mashed sweet potatoes and sauteed

Can I get you something to drink?

Do you need a little time to decide?

And for you sir?

And for you miss?

What can I get for you?

I'll be right back with your drinks.

Are you ready to order?

That comes with either fries or a baked potato. Which would you

Would you like fries with that, or a baked potato?

If you ask for something, the server will say:


But if you ask for something that's not available, you'll hear:
Oh, I'm sorry. We're all out of the salmon.

Can I get you anything else?

How was everything?

Are you interested you in our dessert menu?

I'll bring the check right out.

Would you like me to split it?

Do you need any change?

Restaurant English: Useful
Expressions Used at a Restaurant

Restaurant English: Making a Reservation

 I would like to make a dinner reservation for two.
 I need to make a dinner reservation.
 We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.We will be
coming to your restaurant on Tuesday night.
English for Restaurant Staff
 We will have a table for you.
 I can seat you at 7.30 on Tuesday, if you would kindly give
me your name.
 We don’t have anything available at 8.30. Is 7.30 OK?
 I have a table for four available at 7.45, please just give me
your name.

Restaurant English: Being Seated at the Restaurant

 I booked a table for two for 7pm under the name of John
 A table for two, please.
 May we sit at this table?
 We have a dinner reservation for two at 7.30.
 Our reservation is under the name of Thomas at 7.30 for two
English for Waiter/ Waitress
 Of course. Please come this way.
 Your table isn’t quite ready yet.
 Would you like to wait in the bar?
 We’re fully booked at the moment. Could you come back a
bit later?
 If you wait, there’ll be a table for you free in a minute.
 Would you follow me, please?
 If you would please be seated over in the waiting area, our
hostess will be with you in a moment.
Restaurant English: Ordering
English for Restaurant Staff
 Can I take your order, Sir/ Madam?
 Are you ready to order?
 Can I take your order?
 Are you ready to order yet?
 What would you like to start with?
 What would you like for a starter?
 Anything to drink?
 Do you want a salad with it?
 How would you like your steak?
 Do you want vegetables with it?
 Why don’t you try the pizza?
 Can I start you off with anything to drink?
 May I get you anything to drink?
 What would you like for dessert?
 Do you want a dessert?
 What would you like to drink with your meal?
 Would you like any wine with that?
 Can I get you a drink while you are waiting?
 Would you like any coffee?
 Would you like an appetizer?
 Can I get you anything else?
 Would you like to order anything else?
 Would you like to try our dessert special?
 What did you want to order?
 Would you like coffee or tea with your dessert?
 Would you like dessert after your meal?
 What would you like to drink?
 Would you like to see our dessert menu?
 Would you like to finish your evening with us with some

 Could you bring us the menu, please?
 Yes, can I see the dessert menu please?
 No, thanks. I am full after the meal.
 The menu, please.
 What’s on the menu?
 Do you have a set menu?
 Could you bring us the salt/ pepper/ ketchup/ vinegar,
 I’ll have the soup as a starter.
 I’ll have the steak for the main course.
 That’s all, thank you.
 May I have some water, please?
 May I get an order of barbeque wings?
 That’ll be all for now.
 Yes, please. May I get a glass of lemonade?
 I would like a Coke.
 I would like to order my food now.
 We’d like to order a cheeseburger and some fries.
 We’ll have the chicken with vegetables and the vegetable
pasta, please.
 Just some water, please.
 Let’s have four coffees, please.
 We would like two coffees and two teas.
 We’d like a little longer, please.

If there are problems with the order, the waiter/ waitress can say
 I don’t think we have anymore steak left. I’ll check with the
 I’m sorry, but the king prawn soup is finished.
 Sorry, the hamburgers are off.
Restaurant English: Dealing with problems
 Excuse me, but I didn’t order this.
 I’m sorry, but this is cold.
 Can I change my order please?
 I’m sorry, but can I change my order?
 I am sorry, but I think I ordered waffles.
English for Restaurant Staff
 Let me take it back for you.
 I am so sorry!
 I am sorry that I misheard you.
 Let me change it for you.
 I am so sorry, Sir!
 I am so sorry. I will change it for you straightaway/right
Restaurant English: Asking about the menu
 Is this served with salad?
 What do you recommend?
 Does this have any seafood in it?
 Is that shrimp in the soup?
 Is the soup a shrimp soup?
 What is in this chicken dish?
 Is there anything you recommend?
Restaurant English: Making Comments on Food
 What a wonderful dinner!
 I especially like the wonderful chicken dish.
 I really love this meal.
 My salad is very soggy.
 The vegetables are kind of mushy.
 My fish has good seasoning but is a little dry.The cake is too
sweet for me.

Restaurant English: Getting the bill/ check
When you want to pay, you can say
 Could I have the check, please?
 Can I have the check, please?
 We’ll take the check.
 Can I have my bill?
 Can we have the bill, please?
 Could we get the bill?
 Could I have the bill, please?
 I am ready for my bill.
 Could we pay please?
 I am ready to pay the bill.
 I would like my check, please.
Sometimes, you may also want to say
 Do you accept credit cards?
 Can we have separate checks?
 We’re going to split the bill.
 Are you paying together?
Restaurant English: At the Restaurant
Restaurant English Conversation 1: Making a Reservation
Restaurant staff: This is Emma Restaurant.
Customer: Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation for 2 people.
Restaurant staff: What night will you be coming?
Customer: We will need the reservation for Sunday night.
Restaurant staff: What time would you like?
Customer: 8.30.
Restaurant staff: We don’t have anything available at 8.30. Is 7.30
Customer: Yes, that’s fine.
Restaurant staff: Please just give me your name.
Customer: My name is John Thomas.
Restaurant staff: Thank you, Mr. Thomas, see you this Sunday at
Customer: Thank you. Bye.
Restaurant English Conversation 2: Being Seated at the
Waiter: Good evening. Welcome to Emma Restaurant.
John: I booked a table for two for 7.30 under the name of John
Waiter: Yes, Mr. Thomas. Please come this way.
Waiter: Here is your table.
John: Thanks for your help!
Restaurant English Conversation 3: Ordering
Waiter: May I get you anything to drink?
John: Yes, please. May I get 2 glasses of orange juice?
Waiter: Sure. Would you like an appetizer?
John: I’ll have the tomato soup to start.
Lisa: I’ll have the shrimp soup.
Waiter: Would you like to order anything else?
John: That’ll be all for now.
Waiter: Let me know when you’re ready to order your food.
Waiter: Here is your potato soup, Madam.
Lisa: But I ordered shrimp soup!
Waiter: I’m so sorry. I’ll change it for you straightaway.
Lisa: I would appreciate that.
John: Excuse me. Could you bring us the menu, please?
John: We’d like to order a cheeseburger and some fries.
Waiter: Sorry, the fries are off. Why don’t you try the steak? It is
John: I’ll trust your taste and take one order of that.
Waiter: Do you want a dessert?
Lisa: The chocolate mousse cake sounds great.
Waiter: Would you like coffee or tea with your dessert?
John: Just some water, please.
Waiter: Can I get you anything else?
Lisa: That’s all, thank you.
Restaurant English Conversation 4: Making Comments on
Lisa: John, is your steak OK?
John: The steak tastes wonderful!
Lisa: How is your cake?
John: My cake is too sweet for me.
Lisa: So is mine. I think they put too much sugar in cakes.
John: The food here is usually good, so I think that we should
mention this to the waiter.
Lisa: You’re right. Maybe they can bring us some better food.
Restaurant English Conversation 5: Getting the bill/ check
Cashier: Can I help you?
John: Yes, could I have the bill?
Cashier: Of course. Here you are.
John: Thank you. I am ready to pay the bill.
Cashier: Of course, Sir. How would you like to pay, cash or card?
John: By cash, please.
Cashier: That will be $80, please.
John: Here you are.
Cashier: Thank you. Here’s your change and your receipt.
John: Thank you.

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