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Northeast Ohio March 2011 Vol. 42 No.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

A joint publication of the Akron and Cleveland chapters

Preaching to the choir Inside this issue:

About Us 2
By Ed Kancler, Akron chapter president
Lobby Day 2

Every month that goes ing a Q&A session after a State Meeting Reg. 3
by sees more happenings speech at Yale University Family, fashion, faith 4
in the cause for equality. on February 24. Gingrich,
Most are good, even but the way, was Speaker Online news 5
great. Some are not. of the House when DOMA Religion & local 6
The United States Su- was enacted in 1996.
preme Court ruled by an Between all this, the
8-1 vote that anti-gay in- Maryland Senate passed a
vective and demonstra- Marriage Equality Act, but CHAPTER MTGS.
tions at military funerals its House is delaying the
are protected by the First vote. The 9th Circuit Fed- Akron PFLAG
Amendment. Here, the eral Court of Appeals has Mar. 17, Apr. 21 - 7 pm
lone dissenter was Justice delayed a decision on the N. Springfield Presbyt.
Samuel Alito, a staunch Proposition 8 case by ask- 671 N. Canton Rd.
conservative, who wrote ing the California Supreme
that vile speech and con- Court to decide if the de- Cleveland PFLAG
Mar. 8, Apr. 12
duct in such a context fenders of Prop 8 have the
7:30 pm
should not be protected right to be in court under Trinity Episcopal
under the guise of free California law. 2230 Euclid Ave,, 44115
speech. ministration, through the De-
partment of Justice, an- Why write about all this?
The Cleveland Plain Because equality is in the Alliance PFLAG
nounced it will not continue Info: [email protected]
Dealer called for the repeal defending DOMA in court news almost every day. A
of the Defense of Marriage proceedings, leading such writer has suggested that Wooster PFLAG
Act (DOMA) in a reversal of great thinkers as Newt Gin- success of our cause re- Mar. 17, Apr. 21 - 7 pm
its previous editorial position. grich to say that Congress quires “preaching to the Universalist Fellowship
Polls are showing that the choir” so that we stay in- 3186 Burbank Rd.
“down the road” should con- Please call ahead to confirm.
40-and-under age group sider impeachment proceed- formed about what is going
couldn’t care less about ings against President on and recommit ourselves Youngstown PFLAG
“protecting” traditional mar- Obama (later hastily denied). to equality again and again. I Mar. 20, Apr. 17 - 3 pm
riage. And the Obama Ad- Of course, he said that dur- think it’s a good suggestion. Stonewall Comm. Ctr.
1523 Poland Ave.

Editors’ note: Ed spoke on February 14 to the newly formed Gay Straight Alliance at
Revere High School. Topics of discussion included PFLAG and current equality issues.
Page 2 Northeast Ohio PFLAG

Lobby Day for Equality

“Gays and lesbians don’t live in my pro-equality
PFLAG district.” legisla-
“Gay rights aren’t important to peo- tion. When
Our Mission ple in my district.” we tell our
stories, we
PFLAG promotes the health “I don’t know any gay, lesbian or
and well-being of gay, lesbian,
transgender people.” hearts and
bisexual, and transgender
persons, their families and friends These are actual quotes from state minds.
through SUPPORT to cope with legislators. We need to let our elected This year, we expect at least two
an adverse society; EDUCATION officials know that LGBT people and pro-equality bills to be introduced in the
to enlighten an ill-informed public; our allies live throughout Ohio and we
and ADVOCACY to end
legislature—the Equal Housing and
support pro-equality legislation. Join us Employment Act and the Comprehen-
discrimination and to secure equal
for Lobby Day for Equality on Wednes- sive Safe Schools Act, which would
civil rights.
day, May 18, at the state capitol in Co- apply to bullying in schools on the ba-
PFLAG provides opportunity lumbus.
for dialogue about sexual
sis of sexual orientation or gender
orientation and gender identity Over the past five years, more identity. We need your help to move
and acts to create a society that is than a thousand Ohioans have visited these pro-equality measures forward.
healthy and respectful of human their elected officials on Equality Ohio’s Equality Ohio will help you prepare
diversity. Lobby Day to talk to them about pro- and provide you with important infor-
equality legislation. Lobby Day has mation to make sure that you are com-
AKRON CHAPTER made a difference—for the first time in fortable and ready to talk to your
Ohio’s history, pro-equality legislation elected officials. They will also assign
PO Box 5471
passed a chamber of the General As- you a Lobby Day team so that you will
Akron, OH 44334
sembly when the House voted in late have the support you need and be able
W W W . P F LA G A K RO N . O RG 2009 to pass the Equal Housing and to share the Lobby Day experience
HELPLINE: Employment Act. But more work is with like-minded people.
330-342-5825 needed to make this bill the law in
Ohio. Lobby Day will conclude with a
Executive Board reception where many of our elected
President-Ed Kancler; VP-Bill Libby; Earlier this year, 39 new legislators officials and community leaders will
Secretary-Joe Gardner; Treasurer-Trish (or those who are returning after being
Casserly; At Large-Chris Goldthorpe, join us. You can make a difference.
David Horowitz, Marie Libby, Audrey out of office for more than 6 years)
Kancler, Joy Watts, Jim Lake, Sue & joined the General Assembly. These Register now at: http://
Chuck Magilavy, Bob Menapace
legislators need to hear from us and be
Committee Chairs educated on our issues. We must also o/35026/p/salsa/event/common/
Membership-Trish Casserly; Program-
renew our relationships with returning public/?event_KEY=517 or call 614-
open; Publicity-Marie Libby; Library-
David Greene; Hospitality-Rada Jenkins; legislators, whether or not they support 224-0400.
Newsletter-Audrey Kancler

615 Prospect St.
Berea, OH 44017
PFLAG hits radio waves
[email protected]
INFOLINE: Recently, PFLAG National Presi-
216-556-1701 dent David Horowitz, his daughter
Wendy, and Akron PFLAG board
Executive Board
President-Sharon Groh-Wargo; VP-Jes
member Church Magilavy were inter-
Sellers; Secretary-Marianne Buccini; viewed by Amanda Rabinowitz on
Treasurer-Art Thomson; At Large-Alan WKSU. The interview provided open
Cohen, Diana DeForest, Craig Hoffman;
Legislative Coordinator-Tom Roese; and honest dialogue on LGBT issues.
Newsletter-Pat Brandt; Snacks-Gail
Smith; Librarian-Gene Ashley; You can listen to the entire six min-
Webmaster-Quentin Jamieson ute segment on WKSU’s website:
March 2011 Page 3

Akron chapter Cleveland chapter hosts film at

hosts annual state international film festival
meeting PFLAG Cleveland continues
its tradition of sponsoring a film
at the 35th Cleveland Interna-
Our Akron chapter cordially invites tional Film Festival (CIFF)
you to our Ohio Chapters Meeting on March 24-April 3.
April 9 at the Fairlawn West United "Undertow" will be screened
Church of Christ, 2095 West Market, on Friday, Mar. 25 at 9:30
Akron. p.m. and Saturday, Mar. 26 at
Our program, “Reach for Equality,” 6:05pm. It is a beautiful film
begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 about love, sacrifice, and cour-
p.m. A wide range of speakers are age set in a colorful fishing vil-
scheduled, including David Horowitz, lage in Peru (Spanish with subti-
tles). one using the code “EQOHIO”
PFLAG national president; Dan Tepfer,
and is good for any festival film
PFLAG regional director; Ed Mullen, Equality Ohio will also fea- screening. Enter EQOHIO when
Equality Ohio’s executive director; San- ture a film. “A Marine Story” will purchasing tickets online at the
dra Kurt, Summit County council mem- be shown March 31 at 2:15 website. You can also use the
ber; and Molly Merriman, Kent State p.m., April 2 at 9:20 p.m., and code when purchasing tickets
University professor and director of the April 3 at 2:05 p.m. over the phone (877-304-FILM)
LGBT Studies program.
Find more information on or at the box office (Ulmer &
The cost is only $15 for adults and the festival, films and activities Berne Film Festival Box Office
$10 for students. Breakfast, lunch, at CIFF in the lobby of Tower City Cine-
snacks and beverages are provided. An is offering a $2 discount for any- mas).
optional dinner at participant’s expense
will be held at 5:00 p.m. at Bricco’s Res-

taurant in Akron. The PFLAG Cleveland website has received a minor facelift, featur-
ing a "recent news" newsfeed, an "upcoming events" newsfeed, and
A registration form may be found
links to our new social media presence on Facebook and Twitter.
below. Please register by April 2.


Registration Form
Cost: Adults $15 Students $10 (Includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, beverages)

Name(s): _________________________________________________________ PFLAG Chapter: _______________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________________

Phone: _____________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________

Indicate lunch preference: Turkey ____ Ham ____ Roast beef ____ Veggie wrap ____

Amount enclosed: __________________

Will you attend dinner at Bricco? (5:00 p.m., your cost) Yes ____ No ____

Please register by April 2, 2011. Mail registration form and payment (checks payable to PFLAG Akron):
Sue Magilavy, Treasurer, PFLAG Akron, 3970 Stow Road, Stow, OH 44224
Page 4 Northeast Ohio PFLAG

Art, fashion, entertainment

Extr-ABBA-ganza! Dare2Care Gala
A concert with the Northcoast Join the Human Rights Cam-
For families Men’s Chorus, featuring the mu-
sic of ABBA, will be held April 9
paign to prevent LGBT teen bul-
lying and teen suicide at a fash-
at 8:00 p.m. and April 10 at 3:00 ion and entertainment gala at the
LGBT Foster Care Fair p.m. at Waetjen Auditorium, Cuyahoga County Courthouse
Cleveland State University, 2001 on May 1.
The LGBT Community Center of
Euclid Ave. Our May Day Gay Day gala
Greater Cleveland, 6600 Detroit Ave.,
Cleveland, will host a Foster Care Fair Advance tickers $10-$35; at is a call to action...a distress sig-
on Saturday, April 2 from 1:00-4:00 the door $15-$40. nal to the Cleveland community
p.m. that our children are being
placed at significant risk by bul-
Join us for timely conversations
lies and that we all share the
and information about foster care op-
responsibility for their safety and
portunities for LGBT families.
For more information: 216-651-
Cleveland-based boutiques
5428 or [email protected].
will put on a 20-minute runway
show of the latest spring and
Family By Design summer collections. There will
Family By Design is a social sup- also be live entertainment and a
ArtCares high school poetry award. Be
port group for LGBT parents and their
children, affiliated with the LGBT ArtCares 2011 will be held at prepared for an evening of fash-
Community Center of Greater Cleve- the Battery Park Power House ion, glamour, outrage, song,
land. The group meets once a month (in the Detroit Shoreway dance, and transformation.
for family events at local venues in the neighborhood on Cleveland’s
Tickets at
Greater Cleveland area and approxi- Near West Side) on Saturday,
mately every other month for Parents April 16 at 7:00 p.m. for VIPs,
and 8:00 p.m. for the public. Details of the poetry compe-
Night Out.
tition at
For information: familybydesign- ArtCares is a collaboration
[email protected]. between the Cleveland Institute
of Art and the AIDS Taskforce of
Greater Cleveland, arising from
an awareness of the devastating
impact of AIDS on the creative

On faith arts community. The ArtCares

event celebrates contemporary
art with both silent and live auc-
tions of donated work. All pro-
Love is an Orientation ceeds from the event directly
A day-long conference presented support the AIDS Taskforce.
by Andrew Marin on building bridges
Councilman Joe Cimperman
between the LGBT and faith commu-
will serve as auctioneer, and en-
nities will be held at First
tertainment will be provided by

Baptist Church of Greater

the always fun and irreverent
Cleveland, 3630 Shaker
Lounge Kitty, and DJ Misterbrad-
Blvd., Shaker Hgts. Three
sessions with lunch $55;
without lunch $45; evening Ticket prices are $100 VIP
session only $15. For info and $50 general admission.
call 216-932-7480 or Contact Rebecca Strong at
www.firstbaptistcleveland. [email protected] or 216-621-
org. 0766 x.232.
March 2011 Page 5

CDC launches LGBT web page FACEBOOK ADDS

The Centers for Disease Con- Compared with LGBT young
trol and Prevention (CDC) has
made available a web page on the
adults who experienced very little or
no parental rejection, LGBT young
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans- adults who experienced high levels Facebook now offers 'In a
gender Health section of their web- of rejection were: Civil Union' and 'In a Domestic
site which includes advice and re- − Nearly 6 times as likely to have Partnership' as profile options for
sources on how teachers and high levels of depression user in the U.S., Canada, the
school administrators can prevent United Kingdom, France and
bullying in schools, and what par- − More than 8 times as likely to
have attempted suicide Australia.
ents can do to support their chil-
dren. − More than 3 times as likely to "Today, Facebook sent a
use illegal drugs, and clear message in support of gay
The site is available at: http:// and lesbian couples to users − More than 3 times as likely to across the globe," said Jarrett
Some listed information: engage in unprotected sexual Barrios, president of the Gay &
behaviors. Lesbian Alliance Against Defa-
mation (GLAAD). "By acknowl-
edging the relationships of
countless loving and committed
Group for Bisexual Women same-sex couples in the U.S.
and abroad, Facebook has set a
new standard of inclusion for
If you are a bisexual or bi- finding the social media.”
questioning woman in need of sup- love that you
GLAAD was among the or-
port and direction, Sue Doerfer, want, and
ganizations that met with Face-
MSW, LISW-S, is offering a new coming out.
book to advocate for this
therapy group at the group practice Group sessions will be held for 6 change. In October 2010, Face-
of Antone Foe, PhD & Associates. weeks on Thursdays at 6pm be- book partnered with GLAAD and
24500 Center Ridge Road in West- ginning March 17th and ending on other national LGBT organiza-
lake. April 21st. Cost is $55 per session or tions to create "Network of Sup-
Topics to include: self- $300 pre-paid. Pre-screening re- port," an educational initiative
identification, dealing with internal- quired. Call 440-899-1300 to in- that works to combat anti-LGBT
ized bi-phobia and heterosexism, quire. cyberbullying.

2011 C.A.U.S.E. Conference in Columbus

Equality Ohio invites young invitation to attend Fusion
LGBT and allied leaders to Colum- Friday at The Ohio State
bus State Community College for University on April 1, con-
the 2011 C.A.U.S.E. Conference ference sessions Saturday
April 1-3. and Sunday (ending at
The CAUSE conference is a noon), and an optional
two-day summit designed to inspire, group outing to Gallery Hop
empower, and support students and in Columbus’s Short North
young leaders ages 18-24 working Saturday night.
hard for equality in their communi- Contact Equality Ohio
ties. at [email protected]
Tentative schedule includes an or call 614-224-0400.
Page 6 Northeast Ohio PFLAG

Members meet with local law Bishops pen

enforcement letter
Thirty-six retired United Method-
On March 1, Akron PFLAG board various issues that relate to problems ist bishops have called for the removal
members, David Horowitz and Bill within their communities and how the of discriminatory language pertaining
Libby attended a diversity program police may be involved when offenses to homosexuality from the authorita-
presented by the Akron Police Depart- occur. Some attendees were very spe- tive discipline of the UMC.
ment at the Mason Community Center. cific as to their concerns and interaction
Their public stance is hoped to
Lt. Charles Brown, commander of the with local police officers. It was sug-
influence a vote to enact this change at
community relations/COPS/ gang/street gested the group reconvene at least
the General Conference in 2012.
crime units, was the facilitator. quarterly for further discussions.
“While we work very hard to
Other community groups present Lt. Brown stated that a training
change policy, we realize that change
were Community Aid Network/ Akron program was being held in April with
often occurs one story and one heart at
Pride Initiative , the Islamic Society of police officers on some of the subjects
a time,” said Joy Watts, an Akron
Akron, Haven of Rest, St. Bernard we discussed and that an email was
PFLAG board member who also
Catholic Church and another Akron being sent out to all participants.
serves on the national board of the
police officer, Sgt. Erik Wells. We are very pleased that these UMC Reconciling Ministries Net-
This diverse group discussed the communication efforts are taking place. work.

Momentum for gay marriage no longer deniable to opponents

Excerpted from a blog entry posted by Josh Bell; Written by Freedom to Marry's media intern Joe Girton

Albert Mohler has something to than an objective recognition of the

say. The prominent evangelical and reality. Because Mohler is unable to
president of the Southern Baptist reconcile the freedom to marry with
Theological Seminary is telling his his own personal [religious] princi-
people to get ready: the freedom to ples, he makes the assumption that
marry is coming. supporters have no principles them-
Speaking on the Focus on the selves.
Family radio program, Mohler’s But ending marriage discrimina-
words seemed, if not to endorse, to tion...would reinforce the very values
fully acknowledge the growing accep- that he and other religious people
tance of the marriage for gay couples cherish. That’s why more and more
in this country. “I think it's clear that clergy are coming out in support of
something like same-sex marriage is the freedom to marry: because they
going to become normalized, legal- realize that protecting families and
ized and recognized in the culture,” ensuring dignity through government
he said. The man has a point— recognition are concepts endemic to
Mohler’s alignment with the truth of the religious pillars they adhere to.
the marriage movement's ascent in On his website, Mohler praises
recent years is telling of the times. centage of independents in favor of
ending marriage discrimination marriage as a “liberating, God-given
His statement comes at an ap- jumped from 37 percent in 2009 to 51 institution for human flourishing.”
propriate moment: this week the Pew percent today. While marriage isn’t religious for eve-
Center released new poll data again ryone, he seems to hit the nail on the
showing rising support for the free- Yes, Mohler’s acknowledgment head by describing it as a cradle for
dom to marry among voters from all of the inevitability of marriage is pro- human happiness.
age groups. And notably, the per- gress, but he doesn’t go much further

Yo u a l way s h ave a h o m e a t P FL AG !

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