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This file contains a series of "Worksheets" or tabs along the bottom of the page.

Here is the list of these tabs and what they co

Table of Contents

To help you search for species codes or find a particular habitat or content for the data entry form
Go To Markers been created in the spreadsheet. This shows the list and how to use Go To Markers.
This is a spreadsheet that allows you to enter your monitoring data. It is set up just like the on-lin
Data Form allows your class to keep track of data over time, and maintain your own records.
Form Instructions Guides you as you fill out the form, and provides you links to important information
Species Contains the complete list of Iowa reptile, amphibian, bird, and mammal species
Degree of Certainty Lists your choices of how certain you were of the identity of a species you observed while monito
How Observed Lists your choices of how you observed the species you are monitoring
Number Observed Lists your choices of how many of a give species you observed while monitoring
UTM Zone Lists the two different Zones that contain UTM coordinates, which defines where your monitoring
Coordinate Source Lists the three different mapping techniques that you can use to find the UTM coordinates for you
Datum Lists the two different Datums that define how your UTM coordinates are mapped
County Contains the entire list of the 99 Iowa counties
Scale Lists the different size categories that you can choose from when setting up your monitoring site
Site Description Lists the categories of general descriptions for your monitoring site
Habitat Contains the complete list of habitats that describe monitoring sites for Iowa NatureMapping
Tally Instructions Guides you as you fill out and calculate sums/averages in the Tally Worksheet
This is a table that allows you to keep track of the average monthly total of each species you obs
Tally columns/rows totals and averages
Graph Instructions Guides you as you create graphs of the Tally Worksheet in the Graphs Worksheet
Graphs This page takes the contents from the Tally Worksheet and creates graphs of the data
of these tabs and what they contain:

content for the data entry form, “GO TO” markers have
se Go To Markers.
. It is set up just like the on-line data entry forms. It
r own records.
tant information
mmal species
ies you observed while monitoring
ile monitoring
defines where your monitoring site is located on a map
nd the UTM coordinates for your monitoring sites.
es are mapped

setting up your monitoring site

s for Iowa NatureMapping

y Worksheet
y total of each species you observe. Includes

aphs Worksheet
s graphs of the data
Go To Markers:
To help you search for species codes or find a particular habitat or content for the data entry form, “GO TO” marker
spreadsheet. Here is the list of markers:

Species List Habitat List Data Form Content

BIRDABC Forest Coordinate_Source
BIRDDEF Deciduous_Forest Datum
BIRDGHI Coniferous_Forest Degree_of_Certainty
BIRDJKL Woodland How_Observed
BIRDMNO Deciduous_Woodland Number_Observed
BIRDPQR Coniferous_Woodland Scale
BIRDSTU Herbaceous Site_Description
BIRDVWX Prairie UTM_Zone
BIRDYZ Wetlands
MAMMAL Constructed_Artificial
REPTILE Residential
AMPHIBIAN Schoolyard

The Habitat List categories in gray are the Habitat “Classes” that each of the un-shaded habitat types are listed under
Press the F5 function key while in the Excel spreadsheet and a small GO TO box will appear. Select the name you w

An alternate way to use the Go To function is to use the tool bar. In the lower left hand corner of the tool bar, at the top of the screen, there
you to choose from the Go To List, the same list that will pop up when you press F5. This menu is called a Name Box.

Example: You are searching for the species code for a Mallard and the habitat code for a Cattail Marsh. Note: The
order divided into sections (abc, def, etc.) based on the first letter of the species’ name (Duck, Mallard is under the G
American is under the Go To "BIRDPQR").

To find the Mallard species code:

Press the F5 function key and select BIRDDEF.
You will move to the Species Worksheet and will be on the Dickcissel line. Scroll down to find the Mallard (Duck,
code or common name and then go back to the form by pressing the Data Form Worksheet tab at the bottom of the s
to the exact place you left off. Paste the code into the proper cell.

To find the Cattail Marsh habitat:

Press the F5 function key and select Wetlands. Scroll down to find the Wetland/vegetated (cattails, bulrush, etc.) co
and go back to the Data Form Worksheet and paste the code into the proper cell.
data entry form, “GO TO” markers have been created in the

aded habitat types are listed under.

will appear. Select the name you want and press OK.

e tool bar, at the top of the screen, there is a drop-down menu that allows
called a Name Box.

de for a Cattail Marsh. Note: The bird list is in alphabetical

ame (Duck, Mallard is under the Go To "BIRDDEF"; Robin,

down to find the Mallard (Duck, Mallard). Copy the species

orksheet tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet. You will go back
getated (cattails, bulrush, etc.) code (WTCT). Copy the code
The NatureMapping Program Spreadsheet Layout

Go Back to Data Form Instructions

Wildlife Observation Form Monitoring Site Data Form
Degree of UTM X
Line NatureMapper Month/Day/ Species Code or Certainty - 1, How Number Site Name or (linear
Number ID Year Common Name 2, 3 Observed Observed Comment Number UTM X UTM Y only)

Updated: 4/12/02
The NatureMapping Program Spreadsheet Layout

UTM Y Site Site Site

(linear UTM Coordinate Scale Description Description Description
only) Zone Source Datum County Category #1 #2 #3 Habitat #1 Habitat #2 Habitat #3 Habitat #4 Habitat #5

Updated: 4/12/02
The NatureMapping Program Spreadsheet Layout

Habitat #6

Updated: 4/12/02
Page 10 of 71

Click here to go to Form

Data Form* Instructions by Column
**All supporting information for the Form are found in the "tabs" or Worksheets found at the bottom of the window. Each is labeled
*see the Data Form Worksheet according to content
Column Mandatory - The column headers in red are required information for Iowa NatureMapping
Wildlife observation data
Line Number A unique number, not mandatory (used to track total number of entries)
NatureMapper ID Your NatureMapping ID number Mandatory
Month/Day/Year The exact month, day, and year you observed the species (must be in this format: MM/DD/YYYY) Mandatory
Species Code Species identification code or common name Mandatory
1. Go to the Species Worksheet for a list of codes, or

2. Go to the web site and download the Species ID list for your State - see Reference Material (
Degree of Certainty
How certain are you of the identification of your observation?
- 1, 2, 3 Mandatory
Go to the Degree of Certainty Worksheet for a list
How Observed How did you observe it? Mandatory
Go to the How Observed Worksheet for a list

How many did you see?

Number Observed Mandatory
Go to the Number Observed Worksheet for appropriate range of numbers
Additional information you might have that is not requested by NatureMapping, especially if it is important to
your understanding of the wildlife, or if you think we should know about it (behavior, weather conditions,
Comment unique sound the animal made, etc.)
Monitoring site data
Site Name or What is the name you gave your monitoring site? This can be anything you choose. Or, you can keep track
Number of your data by Site Number, which is given by the computer automatically when you enter a site online. Mandatory

Scale Category How large of an area is your monitoring site? Or, if you are monitoring a linear site, how long is the site? Mandatory
Go to the Scale Category Worksheet to see your options.
Easting (what is the "x" coordinate you got from the map (this is the first number you read; Example:
UTM X 435126) Mandatory
Northing (what is the "y" coordinate you got from the map (this is the last number you read; Example:
UTM Y 6794236) Mandatory

Page 10
Page 11 of 71

Go to to get your UTM coordinates on line.

One set of UTM X and Y coordinates are used for a single, non-linear monitoring area; Or, this UTM X and Y
coordinate will be the starting point for a linear monitoring site, such as a river or trail
This UTM X coordinate is optional, only used as end point of a linear monitoring site (always used with the
UTM X (linear only) coordinates listed above)
This UTM Y coordinate is optional, only used as end point of a linear monitoring site (always used with the
UTM Y (linear only) coordinates listed above)
UTM Zone Zone number. Go to UTM Zone Worksheet to see your options Mandatory
What kind of map or coordinate calculator did you use to get the coordinates (Paper, Map Server, or GPS) -
Coordinate Source Go to the Coordinate Source Worksheet to see your options. Mandatory
Datum What datum is your map coordinates in? Mandatory
Go to the Datum Worksheet for your options
County County where you are monitoring - Go to the County Worksheet for a list Mandatory

Site Description #1 What is the GENERAL DESCRIPTION of your monitoring site Mandatory
Go to the Site Description Worksheet to see your options
Site Description #1 is the only one that is required

Site Description #2 See requirements for Site Description #1

Site Description #3 See requirements for Site Description #2

Habitat #1 Habitat code or full habitat name - What is the dominant habitat that makes up your monitoring site Mandatory
The first habitat should be the habitat that makes up MOST of the monitoring site
The rest of the habitats should be used IF there are other habitats in the monitoring sites, but aren't the most
Habitat #2 dominant
The rest of the habitats should be used IF there are other habitats in the monitoring sites, but aren't the most
Habitat #3 dominant
The rest of the habitats should be used IF there are other habitats in the monitoring sites, but aren't the most
Habitat #4 dominant
The rest of the habitats should be used IF there are other habitats in the monitoring sites, but aren't the most
Habitat #5 dominant
The rest of the habitats should be used IF there are other habitats in the monitoring sites, but aren't the most
Habitat #6 dominant
1. Go to the Habitat Worksheet for a list, or
2. Go to the web site and download the Habitat list

Page 11

Species Code Common Name

FROG Frog Species
BLFG Frog, Bullfrog
CGFG Frog, Cope's Gray Treefrog
CFFG Frog, Crawfish
GTFG Frog, Gray Treefrog
GRFG Frog, Green
CRFG Frog, Northern Cricket
NLFG Frog, Northern Leopard
PKFG Frog, Pickerel
PLFG Frog, Plains Leopard
SLFG Frog, Southern Leopard
PEFG Frog, Spring Peeper
WCFG Frog, Western Chorus
MUDP Salamader, Mudpuppy
NEWT Salamandar, Eastern Newt
BLSL Salamander, Blue-spotted
SLSL Salamander, Smallmouth
TGSL Salamander, Tiger
AMTD Toad, American
FWTD Toad, Fowlers
GPTD Toad, Great Plains
SPTD Toad, Plains Spadefoot
WHTD Toad, Woodhouse's
AMRE American Redstart
AMAV Avocet, American
AMBI Bittern, American
LEBI Bittern, Least
BBSP Blackbird Species
BRBL Blackbird, Brewer's
RWBL Blackbird, Red-winged
RUBL Blackbird, Rusty
YHBL Blackbird, Yellow-headed
BLJA Blue Jay
EABL Bluebird, Eastern
MOBL Bluebird, Mountain
BOBO Bobolink
NOBO Bobwhite, Northern
BUFF Bufflehead
INBU Bunting, Indigo
LAZB Bunting, Lazuli
SNBU Bunting, Snow

Page 12

CANV Canvasback
NOCA Cardinal, Northern
GRCA Catbird, Gray
BCCH Chickadee, Black-capped
CWWI Chuck-will's-widow
COYE Common Yellowthroat
AMCO Coot, American
DCCO Cormorant, Double-crested
BHCO Cowbird, Brown-headed
SACR Crane, Sandhill
BRCR Creeper, Brown
RECR Crossbill, Red
WWCR Crossbill, White-winged
AMCR Crow, American
BBCU Cuckoo, Black-billed
YBCU Cuckoo, Yellow-billed
DICK Dickcissel
MODO Dove, Mourning
RODO Dove, Rock (Pigeon)
WWDO Dove, White-winged
LBDO Dowitcher, Long-billed
SBDO Dowitcher, Short-billed
DUCK Duck Species
ABDU Duck, American Black
OLDS Duck, Long-tailed (Oldsquaw)
MALL Duck, Mallard
RNDU Duck, Ring-necked
RUDU Duck, Ruddy
WODU Duck, Wood
DUNL Dunlin
BAEA Eagle, Bald
GOEA Eagle, Golden
EAWP Eastern Wood-pewee
EGSP Egret Species
CAEG Egret, Cattle
GREG Egret, Great
SNEG Egret, Snowy
ECDO Eurasian Collared-dove
FASP Falcon Species
PEFA Falcon, Peregrine
PRFA Falcon, Prairie
HOFI Finch, House
PUFI Finch, Purple

Page 13

YSFL Flicker, Northern

FLSP Flycatcher Species
ACFL Flycatcher, Acadian
ALFL Flycatcher, Alder
GCFL Flycatcher, Great Crested
LEFL Flycatcher, Least
OSFL Flycatcher, Olive-sided
STFL Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed
WIFL Flycatcher, Willow
YBFL Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied
GADW Gadwall
BGGN Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
HUGO Godwit, Hudsonian
MAGO Godwit, Marbled
COGO Goldeneye, Common
AMGP Golden-plover, American
AMGO Goldfinch, American
GOSP Goose Species
CAGO Goose, Canada
GWFG Goose, Greater White-fronted
ROGO Goose, Ross's
SNGO Goose, Snow
NOGO Goshawk, Northern
COGR Grackle, Common
GTGR Grackle, Great-tailed
GREB Grebe Species
EAGR Grebe, Eared
HOGR Grebe, Horned
PBGR Grebe, Pied-billed
RNGR Grebe, Red-necked
WEGR Grebe, Western
BLGR Grosbeak, Blue
EVGR Grosbeak, Evening
PIGR Grosbeak, Pine
RBGR Grosbeak, Rose-breasted
RUGR Grouse, Ruffed
GULL Gull Species
BHGU Gull, Black-headed
BOGU Gull, Bonaparte's
CAGU Gull, California
FRGU Gull, Franklin's
GLGU Gull, Glaucous

Page 14

GBBG Gull, Great Black-backed

HERG Gull, Herring
ICGU Gull, Iceland
LAGU Gull, Laughing
LBBG Gull, Lesser Black-backed
LIGU Gull, Little
MHGU Gull, Mew
RBGU Gull, Ring-billed
SAGU Gull, Sabine's
THGU Gull, Thayer's
NOHA Harrier, Northern
HAWK Hawk Species
BWHA Hawk, Broad-winged
COHA Hawk, Cooper's
RSHA Hawk, Red-shouldered
RTHA Hawk, Red-tailed
RLHA Hawk, Rough-legged
SSHA Hawk, Sharp-shinned
SWHA Hawk, Swainson's
HERO Heron Species
GTBH Heron, Great Blue
GRHE Heron, Green
LBHE Heron, Little Blue
RTHU Hummingbird, Ruby-throated
WFIB Ibis, White-faced
SCJU Junco, Dark-eyed
AMKE Kestrel, American
KILL Killdeer
EAKI Kingbird, Eastern
WEKI Kingbird, Western
BEKI Kingfisher, Belted
GCKI Kinglet, Golden-crowned
RCKI Kinglet, Ruby-crowned
MIKI Kite, Mississippi
BLKI Kittiwake, Black-legged
HOLA Lark, Horned
LALO Longspur, Lapland
SMLO Longspur, Smith's
COLO Loon, Common
PALO Loon, Pacific
RTLO Loon, Red-throated
PUMA Martin, Purple
MESP Meadowlark Species

Page 15

EAME Meadowlark, Eastern

WEME Meadowlark, Western
MERG Merganser Species
COME Merganser, Common
HOME Merganser, Hooded
RBME Merganser, Red-breasted
MERL Merlin
NOMO Mockingbird, Northern
COMO Moorhen, Common
CONI Nighthawk, Common
BCNH Night-heron, Black-crowned
YCNH Night-heron, Yellow-crowned
NOPA Northern Parula
RBNU Nuthatch, Red-breasted
WBNU Nuthatch, White-breasted
BAOR Oriole, Baltimore
OROR Oriole, Orchard
OSPR Osprey
OVEN Ovenbird
OWL Owl Species
COBO Owl, Barn
BDOW Owl, Barred
BUOW Owl, Burrowing
EASO Owl, Eastern Screech-owl
GHOW Owl, Great Horned
LEOW Owl, Long-eared
NSWO Owl, Northern Saw-whet
SEOW Owl, Short-eared
SNOW Owl, Snowy
GRPA Partridge, Gray
AWPE Pelican, American White
WIPH Phalarope, Wilson's
RPHE Pheasant, Ring-necked
EAPH Phoebe, Eastern
SAPH Phoebe, Say's
PISI Pine Siskin
NOPI Pintail, Northern
AMPI Pipit, American
BBPL Plover, Black-bellied
PIPL Plover, Piping
SEPL Plover, Semipalmated
GRPC Prairie-chicken, Greater
KIRA Rail, King

Page 16

SORA Rail, Sora

VIRA Rail, Virginia
YEAR Rail, Yellow
REKN Red Knot
REDH Redhead
CORE Redpoll, Common
AMRO Robin, American
SAND Sanderling
SASP Sandpiper Species
BASA Sandpiper, Baird's
BBSA Sandpiper, Buff-breasted
LESA Sandpiper, Least
PESA Sandpiper, Pectoral
SESA Sandpiper, Semipalmated
SOSA Sandpiper, Solitary
SPSA Sandpiper, Spotted
STSA Sandpiper, Stilt
UPSA Sandpiper, Upland
WESA Sandpiper, Western
WRSA Sandpiper, White-rumped
YBSA Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied
SCSP Scaup Species
GRSC Scaup, Greater
LESC Scaup, Lesser
SCOT Scoter Species
BLSC Scoter, Black
SUSC Scoter, Surf
WWSC Scoter, White-winged
NSHO Shoveler, Northern
SHSP Shrike Species
LOSH Shrike, Loggerhead
NSHR Shrike, Northern

COSN Snipe, Wilson's

TOSO Solitaire, Townsend's
SPSP Sparrow Species
ATSP Sparrow, American Tree
CHSP Sparrow, Chipping
CCSP Sparrow, Clay-colored
ETSP Sparrow, Eurasian Tree
FISP Sparrow, Field
FOSP Sparrow, Fox
GRSP Sparrow, Grasshopper

Page 17

HASP Sparrow, Harris's

HESP Sparrow, Henslow's
HOSP Sparrow, House
LASP Sparrow, Lark
LCSP Sparrow, Le Conte's
LISP Sparrow, Lincoln's
NSTS Sparrow, Nelson's Sharp-tailed
SAVS Sparrow, Savannah
SOSP Sparrow, Song
SWSP Sparrow, Swamp
VESP Sparrow, Vesper
WCSP Sparrow, White-crowned
WTSP Sparrow, White-throated
EUST Starling, European
BNST Stilt, Black-necked
SWAL Swallow Species
BANS Swallow, Bank
BARS Swallow, Barn
CLSW Swallow, Cliff
NRWS Swallow, Northern Rough-winged
TRES Swallow, Tree
SWAN Swan Species
MUSW Swan, Mute
TRUS Swan, Trumpeter
WHSW Swan, Tundra
CHSW Swift, Chimney
SCTA Tanager, Scarlet
SUTA Tanager, Summer
WETA Tanager, Western
BWTE Teal, Blue-winged
CITE Teal, Cinnamon
GWTE Teal, Green-winged
BLTE Tern, Black
CATE Tern, Caspian
COTE Tern, Common
FOTE Tern, Forster's
LETE Tern, Least
BRTH Thrasher, Brown
THSP Thrush Species
GCTH Thrush, Gray-cheeked
HETH Thrush, Hermit
SWTH Thrush, Swainson's
VATH Thrush, Varied

Page 18

WOTH Thrush, Wood

RSTO Towhee, Eastern
SPTO Towhee, Spotted
ETTI Tufted Titmouse
WITU Turkey, Wild
RUTU Turnstone, Ruddy
VEER Veery
VISP Vireo Species
BEVI Vireo, Bell's
SOVI Vireo, Blue-headed
PHVI Vireo, Philadelphia
REVI Vireo, Red-eyed
WAVI Vireo, Warbling
WEVI Vireo, White-eyed
YTVI Vireo, Yellow-throated
TUVU Vulture, Turkey
WASP Warbler Species
BBWA Warbler, Bay-breasted
BAWW Warbler, Black-and-white
BLBW Warbler, Blackburnian
BLPW Warbler, Blackpoll
BTBW Warbler, Black-throated Blue
BTNW Warbler, Black-throated Green
BWWA Warbler, Blue-winged
CAWA Warbler, Canada
CMWA Warbler, Cape May
CERW Warbler, Cerulean
CSWA Warbler, Chestnut-sided
CONW Warbler, Connecticut
GWWA Warbler, Golden-winged
HOWA Warbler, Hooded
KEWA Warbler, Kentucky
MAWA Warbler, Magnolia
MOWA Warbler, Mourning
NAWA Warbler, Nashville
OCWA Warbler, Orange-crowned
YPWA Warbler, Palm
PIWA Warbler, Pine
PRAW Warbler, Prairie
PROW Warbler, Prothonotary
TEWA Warbler, Tennessee
WIWA Warbler, Wilson's
WEWA Warbler, Worm-eating

Page 19

YWAR Warbler, Yellow

YRWA Warbler, Yellow-rumped
YTWA Warbler, Yellow-throated
LOWA Waterthrush, Louisiana
NOWA Waterthrush, Northern
BOWA Waxwing, Bohemian
CEDW Waxwing, Cedar
WHIM Whimbrel
WPWI Whip-poor-will
AMWI Wigeon, American
WILL Willet
AMWO Woodcock, American
WOSP Woodpecker Species
DOWO Woodpecker, Downy
HAWO Woodpecker, Hairy
PIWO Woodpecker, Pileated
RBWO Woodpecker, Red-bellied
RHWO Woodpecker, Red-headed
WRSP Wren Species
BEWR Wren, Bewick's
CARW Wren, Carolina
HOWR Wren, House
MAWR Wren, Marsh
ROWR Wren, Rock
SEWR Wren, Sedge
WIWR Wren, Winter
YBCH Yellow-breasted Chat
GRYE Yellowlegs, Greater
LEYE Yellowlegs, Lesser
ARMA Armadillo, Nine-banded
BADG Badger, American
BAT Bat Species
BBBT Bat, Big Brown
EPBT Bat, Eastern Pipistrelle
EVBT Bat, Evening
HOBT Bat, Hoary
INBTR Bat, Indiana
LBBT Bat, Little Brown
NMBT Bat, Northern Myotis
RDBT Bat, Red
SHBT Bat, Silver-haired
BEVR Beaver, American
BISN Bison, American

Page 20

BLBR Black Bear

BOCT Bobcat
FCAT Cat, Feral
CHIP Chipmunk, Eastern
COYT Coyote
RABT Eastern Cottontail
ELK Elk (Wapiti)
GRFX Fox, Gray
RDFX Fox, Red
GOFR Gopher, Plains Pocket
JACK Jackrabbit, White-tailed
SBLM Lemming, Southern Bog
MOLE Mole, Eastern
MOOS Moose
MOUS Mouse Species
DRMO Mouse, Deer
MOMO Mouse, House
MJMO Mouse, Meadow Jumping
NGMO Mouse, Northern Grasshopper
PPMO Mouse, Plains Pocket
WHMO Mouse, Western Harvest
WFMO Mouse, White-footed
LION Moutain Lion
MUSK Muskrat
NUTR Nutria
OPSM Opossum, Virginia
OTTR Otter, River
PORK Porcupine
ANTL Pronghorn
RACC Raccoon
HCRT Rat, Hispid Cotton
NRAT Rat, Norway
SHRW Shrew Species
ESSR Shrew, Elliot's Short-tailed
HASR Shrew, Hayden's
LTSR Shrew, Least
MKSR Shrew, Masked
STSR Shrew, Northern Short-tailed
PGSR Shrew, Pygmy
SPOT Skunk, Spotted
STRP Skunk, Striped

Page 21

FXTS Squirrel, Eastern Fox

GRTS Squirrel, Eastern Gray
FRGS Squirrel, Franklin's Ground
RDTS Squirrel, Red
RIGS Squirrel, Richardson's Ground
PLTS Squirrel, Southern Flying
TRGS Squirrel, Thirteen-lined Ground
VOLE Vole Species
MEVL Vole, Meadow
PRVL Vole, Prairie
RBVL Vole, Southern Red-backed
WDVL Vole, Woodland
LSWL Weasel, Least
LTWL Weasel, Long-tailed
STWL Weasel, Shorttail (Ermine)
DEER White-tailed Deer
WDGS Woodchuck
FLKL Lizard, Five-lined Skink
GPKL Lizard, Great Plains Skink
NPKL Lizard, Northern Prairie Skink
PRRL Lizard, Prairie Racerunner, subspecies of six-lined racerunner
SXRL Lizard, Six-lined Racerunner
SLGL Lizard, Slender Glass
SNAK Snake Species
BRSK Snake, Black Rat
BNSK Snake, Brown
BLSK Snake, Bull
YWSK Snake, Copperbelly Water
CRSK Snake, Copperhead
DWSK Snake, Diamondback Water
EGSK Snake, Eastern Garter
EHSK Snake, Eastern Hognose
FXSK Snake, Fox
GCSK Snake, Graham's Crayfish
MRSK Snake, Massasauga
MLSK Snake, Milk
NLSK Snake, Northern Lined
NRSK Snake, Northern Redbelly
NWSK Snake, Northern Water
PGSK Snake, Plains Garter
PKSK Snake, Prairie Kingsnake
PRSK Snake, Prairie Rattlesnake
RASK Snake, Racer

Page 22

RNSK Snake, Ringneck

RGSK Snake, Rough Green
SESK Snake, Smooth Earth
SGSK Snake, Smooth Green
SKSK Snake, Speckled Kingsnake
TRSK Snake, Timber Rattlesnake
WHSK Snake, Western Hognose
WRSK Snake, Western Ribbon
WWSK Snake, Western Worm
TURT Turtle Species
ASNT Turtle, Alligator Snapping
BLDT Turtle, Blanding's
CMPT Turtle, Common Map
FMPT Turtle, False Map
ORBT Turtle, Ornate Box
RERT Turtle, Red-eared
SMST Turtle, Smooth Softshell
SNPT Turtle, Snapping
SPST Turtle, Spiny Softshell
STKT Turtle, Stinkpot
WPAT Turtle, Western Painted
WODT Turtle, Wood
YLMT Turtle, Yellow Mud

Page 23

Scientific Name Family Type MIGRANT - will be in newer version

Rana catesbeiana Ranidae A
Hyla chrysoscelis Hylidae A
Rana areolata circulosa Ranidae A
Hyla versicolor Hylidae A
Rana clamitans melanota Ranidae A
Acris crepitans blanchardi Hylidae A
Rana pipiens Ranidae A
Rana palustris Ranidae A
Rana blairi Ranidae A
Rana sphenocephala Ranidae A
Pseudacris crucifer Hylidae A
Pseudacris triseriata triseriata Hylidae A
Necturus maculosus Proteidae A
Notopthalmus viridescens Salamandridae A
Ambystoma laterale Ambystomatidae A
Ambystoma texanum texanum Ambystomatidae A
Ambystoma tigrinum Ambystomatidae A
Bufo americanus americanus Bufonidae A
Bufo fowleri Bufonidae A
Bufo cognatus Bufonidae A
Scaphiopus bombifrons Pelobatidae A
Bufo woodhousii woodhousii Bufonidea A
Setophaga ruticilla Parulinae B
Recurvirostra americana Recurvirostridae B
Botaurus lentiginosus Ardeidae B
Ixobrychus exilis Ardeidae B
Icterinae B
Euphagus cyanocephalus Icterinae B
Agelaius phoeniceus Icterinae B
Euphagus carolinus Icterinae B
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Icterinae B
Cyanocitta cristata Corvidae B
Sialia sialis Turdinae B
Sialia currucoides Turdinae B
Dolichonyx oryzivorus Icterinae B
Colinus virginianus Phasianidae B
Bucephala albeola Anatidae B
Passerina cyanea Cardinalinae B
Passerina amoena Cardinalinae B
Plectrophenax rivalis Emberizinae B

Page 24

Aythya valisineria Anatidae B

Cardinalis cardinalis Cardinalinae B
Dumetella carolinensis Mimidae B
Parus atricapillus Paridae B
Caprimulgus carolinensis Caprimulgidae B
Geothlypis trichas Parulinae B
Fulica americana Rallidae B
Phalacrocorax auritus Phalacrocoracidae B
Molothrus ater Icterinae B
Grus canadensis Gruidae B
Certhia americana Certhiidae B
Loxia curvirostra Fringillidae B
Loxia leucoptera Fringillidae B
Corvus brachyrhynchos Corvidae B
Coccyzus erythropthalmus Cuculidae B
Coccyzus americanus Cuculidae B
Spiza americana Cardinalinae B
Zenaida macroura Columbidae B
Columba livia Columbidae B
Zenaida asiatica Columbidae B
Limnodromus scolopaceus Scolopacidae B
Limnodromus griseus Scolopacidae B
Anatidae B
Anas rubripes Anatidae B
Clangula hyemalis Anatidae B
Anas platyrhynchos Anatidae B
Aythya collaris Anatidae B
Oxyura jamaicensis Anatidae B
Aix sponsa Anatidae B
Calidris alpina Scolopacidae B
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Accipitridae B
Aquila chrysaetos Accipitridae B
Contopus virens Tyrannidae B
Ardeidae B
Bubulcus ibis Ardeidae B
Ardea albus Ardeidae B
Egretta thula Ardeidae B
Streptopelia decaocto Columbidae B
Falconidae B
Falco peregrinus Falconidae B
Falco mexicanus Falconidae B
Carpodacus mexicanus Fringillidae B
Carpodacus purpureus Fringillidae B

Page 25

Colaptes auratus Picidae B

Tyrannidae B
Empidonax virescens Tyrannidae B
Empidonax alnorum Tyrannidae B
Myiarchus crinitus Tyrannidae B
Empidonax minimus Tyrannidae B
Contopus borealis Tyrannidae B
Tyrannus forficatus Tyrannidae B
Empidonax traillii Tyrannidae B
Empidonax flaviventris Tyrannidae B
Anas strepera Anatidae B
Polioptila caerulea Sylviinae B
Limosa haemastica Scolopacidae B
Limosa fedoa Scolopacidae B
Bucephala clangula Anatidae B
Pluvialis dominicus Charadriidae B
Carduelis tristis Fringillidae B
Anatidae B
Branta canadensis Anatidae B
Anser albifrons Anatidae B
Chen rossii Anatidae B
Chen caerulescens Anatidae B
Accipiter gentilis Accipitridae B
Quiscalus quiscula Icterinae B
Quiscalus mexicanus Icterinae B
Podicipedidae B
Podiceps nigricollis Podicipedidae B
Podiceps auritus Podicipedidae B
Podilymbus podiceps Podicipedidae B
Podiceps grisegena Podicipedidae B
Aechmophorus occidentalis Podicipedidae B
Guiraca caerulea Cardinalinae B
Coccothraustes vespertinus Fringillidae B
Pinicola enucleator Fringillidae B
Pheucticus ludovicianus Cardinalinae B
Bonasa umbellus Phasianidae B
Laridae B
Larus ridibundus Laridae B
Larus philadelphia Laridae B
Larus californicus Laridae B
Larus pipixcan Laridae B
Larus hyperboreus Laridae B

Page 26

Larus marinus Laridae B

Larus argentatus Laridae B
Larus glaucoides Laridae B
Larus atricilla Laridae B
Larus fuscus Laridae B
Larus minutus Laridae B
Larus canus Laridae B
Larus delawarensis Laridae B
Xema sabini Laridae B
Larus thayeri Laridae B
Circus cyaneus Accipitridae B
Accipitridae B
Buteo platypterus Accipitridae B
Accipiter cooperii Accipitridae B
Buteo lineatus Accipitridae B
Buteo jamaicensis Accipitridae B
Buteo lagopus Accipitridae B
Accipiter striatus Accipitridae B
Buteo swainsoni Accipitridae B
Ardeidae B
Ardea herodias Ardeidae B
Butorides virescens Ardeidae B
Egretta caerulea Ardeidae B
Archilochus colubris Trochilidae B
Plegadis chihi Threskiornithidae B
Junco hyemalis Fringillidae B
Falco sparverius Falconidae B
Charadrius vociferus Charadriidae B
Tyrannus tyrannus Tyrannidae B
Tyrannus verticalis Tyrannidae B
Ceryle alcyon Alcedinidae B
Regulus satrapa Sylviidae B
Regulus calendula Sylviidae B
Ictinia mississippiensis Accipitridae B
Rissa tridactyla Laridae B
Eremophila alpestris Alaudidae B
Calcarius lapponicus Fringillidae B
Calcarius pictus Fringillidae B
Gavia immer Gaviidae B
Gavia pacifica Gaviidae B
Gavia stellata Gaviidae B
Progne subis Hirundinidae B
Icterinae B

Page 27

Sturnella magna Icterinae B

Sturnella neglecta Icterinae B
Anatidae B
Mergus merganser Anatidae B
Lophodytes cucullatus Anatidae B
Mergus serrator Anatidae B
Falco columbarius Falconidae B
Mimus polyglottos Mimidae B
Gallinula chloropus Rallidae B
Chordeiles minor Caprimulgidae B
Nycticorax nycticorax Ardeidae B
Nyctanassa violacea Ardeidae B
Parula americana Parulinae B
Sitta canadensis Sittidae B
Sitta carolinensis Sittidae B
Icterus galbula Icterinae B
Icterus spurius Icterinae B
Pandion haliaetus Accipitridae B
Seiurus aurocapillus Parulinae B
Tyto alba Tytonidae B
Strix varia Strigidae B
Speotyto cunicularia Strigidae B
Otus asio Strigidae B
Bubo virginianus Strigidae B
Asio otus Strigidae B
Aegolius acadicus Strigidae B
Asio flammeus Strigidae B
Nyctea scandiaca Strigidae B
Perdix perdix Phasianidae B
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Pelecanidae B
Phalaropus tricolor Scolopacidae B
Phasianus colchicus Phasianidae B
Sayornis phoebe Tyrannidae B
Sayornis saya Tyrannidae B
Carduelis pinus Fringillidae B
Anas acuta Anatidae B
Anthus rubescens Montacillidae B
Pluvialis squatarola Charadriidae B
Charadrius melodus Charadriidae B
Charadrius semipalmatus Charadriidae B
Tympanuchus cupido Phasianidae B
Rallus elegans Rallidae B

Page 28

Porzana carolina Rallidae B

Rallus limicola Rallidae B
Coturnicops noveboracensis Rallidae B
Calidris canutus Scolopacidae B
Aythya americana Anatidae B
Carduelis flammea Fringillidae B
Turdus migratorius Turdinae B
Calidris alba Scolopacidae B
Scolopacidae B
Calidris bairdii Scolopacidae B
Tryngites subruficollis Scolopacidae B
Calidris minutilla Scolopacidae B
Calidris melanotos Scolopacidae B
Calidris pusilla Scolopacidae B
Tringa solitaria Scolopacidae B
Actitis macularia Scolopacidae B
Calidris himantopus Scolopacidae B
Bartramia longicauda Scolopacidae B
Calidris mauri Scolopacidae B
Calidris fuscicollis Scolopacidae B
Sphyrapicus varius Picidae B
Anatidae B
Aythya marila Anatidae B
Aythya affinis Anatidae B
Anatidae B
Melanitta nigra Anatidae B
Melanitta perspicillata Anatidae B
Melanitta fusca Anatidae B
Anas clypeata Anatidae B
Laniidae B
Lanius ludovicianus Laniidae B
Lanius excubitor Laniidae B
Gallinago delicata
Scolopacidae B
Myadestes townsendi Turdidae B
Emberizinae B
Spizella arborea Emberizinae B
Spizella passerina Emberizinae B
Spizella pallida Emberizinae B
Passer montanus Passeridae B
Spizella pusilla Emberizinae B
Passerella iliaca Emberizinae B
Ammodramus savannarum Emberizinae B

Page 29

Zonotrichia querula Emberizinae B

Ammodramus henslowii Emberizinae B
Passer domesticus Passeridae B
Chondestes grammacus Emberizinae B
Ammodramus leconteii Emberizinae B
Melospiza lincolnii Emberizinae B
Ammodramus nelsoni Emberizinae B
Passerculus sandwichensis Emberizinae B
Melospiza melodia Emberizinae B
Melospiza georgiana Emberizinae B
Pooecetes gramineus Emberizinae B
Zonotrichia leucophrys Emberizinae B
Zonotrichia albicollis Emberizinae B
Sturnus vulgaris Sturnidae B
Himantopus mexicanus Recurvirostridae B
Hirundinidae B
Riparia riparia Hirundinidae B
Hirundo rustica Hirundinidae B
Hirundo pyrrhonota Hirundinidae B
Stelgidopteryx serripennis Hirundinidae B
Tachycineta bicolor Hirundinidae B
Anatidae B
Cygnus olor Anatidae B
Cygnus buccinator Anatidae B
Cygnus columbianus Anatidae B
Chaetura pelagica Apodidae B
Piranga olivacea Thraupinae B
Piranga rubra Thraupinae B
Piranga ludoviciana Thraupinae B
Anas discors Anatidae B
Anas cyanoptera Anatidae B
Anas crecca Anatidae B
Chlidonias niger Laridae B
Sterna caspia Laridae B
Sterna hirundo Laridae B
Sterna forsteri Laridae B
Sterna antillarum Laridae B
Toxostoma rufum Mimidae B
Turdidae B
Catharus minimus Turdidae B
Catharus guttatus Turdidae B
Catharus ustulatus Turdidae B
Ixoreus naevius Turdidae B

Page 30

Hylocichla mustelina Turdinae B

Pipilo erythrophthalmus Emberizinae B
Pipilo maculatus Emberizinae B
Parus bicolor Paridae B
Meleagris gallopavo Phasianidae B
Arenaria interpres Scolopacidae B
Catharus fuscescens Turdinae B
Vireonidae B
Vireo bellii Vireonidae B
Vireo solitarius Vireonidae B
Vireo philadelphicus Vireonidae B
Vireo olivaceus Vireonidae B
Vireo gilvus Vireonidae B
Vireo griseus Vireonidae B
Vireo flavifrons Vireonidae B
Cathartes aura Cathartidae B
Parulinae B
Dendroica castanea Parulinae B
Mniotilta varia Parulinae B
Dendroica fusca Parulinae B
Dendroica striata Parulinae B
Dendroica caerulescens Parulinae B
Dendroica virens Parulinae B
Vermivora pinus Parulinae B
Wilsonia canadensis Parulinae B
Dendroica tigrina Parulinae B
Dendroica cerulea Parulinae B
Dendroica pensylvanica Parulinae B
Oporornis agilis Parulinae B
Vermivora chrysoptera Parulinae B
Wilsonia citrina Parulinae B
Oporornis formosus Parulinae B
Dendroica magnolia Parulinae B
Oporornis philadelphia Parulinae B
Vermivora ruficapilla Parulinae B
Vermivora celata Parulinae B
Dendroica palmarum Parulinae B
Dendroica pinus Parulinae B
Dendroica discolor Parulinae B
Protonotaria citrea Parulinae B
Vermivora peregrina Parulinae B
Wilsonia pusilla Parulinae B
Helmitheros vermivorus Parulinae B

Page 31

Dendroica petechia Parulinae B

Dendroica coronata Parulinae B
Dendroica dominica Parulinae B
Seiurus motacilla Parulinae B
Seiurus noveboracensis Parulinae B
Bombycilla garrulus Bombycillidae B
Bombycilla cedrorum Bombycillidae B
Numenius phaeopus Scolopacidae B
Caprimulgus vociferus Caprimulgidae B
Anas americana Anatidae B
Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Scolopacidae B
Scolopax minor Scolopacidae B
Picidae B
Picoides pubescens Picidae B
Picoides villosus Picidae B
Dryocopus pileatus Picidae B
Melanerpes carolinus Picidae B
Melanerpes erythrocephalus Picidae B
Troglodytidae B
Thryomanes bewickii Troglodytidae B
Thryothorus ludovicianus Troglodytidae B
Troglodytes aedon Troglodytidae B
Cistothorus palustris Troglodytidae B
Salpinctes obsoletus Troglodytidae B
Cistothorus platensis Troglodytidae B
Troglodytes troglodytes Troglodytidae B
Icteria virens Parulinae B
Tringa melanoleuca Scolopacidae B
Tringa flavipes Scolopacidae B
Dasypus novemcinctus Dasypodidae M
Taxidea taxus Mustelidae M
Eptesicus fuscus Vespertilionidae M
Pipistrellus subflavus Vespertilionidae M
Nycticeius humeralis, Vespertilionidae M
Lasiurus cinereus Vespertilionidae M
Myotis sodalis Vespertilionidae M
Myotis lucifugus Vespertilionidae M
Myotis septentrionalis Vespertilionidae M
Lasiurus borealis Vespertilionidae M
Lasionycteris noctivagans Vespertilionidae M
Caster canadensis Castoridae M
Bison bison Bovidae M

Page 32

Ursus americanus Ursidae M

Lynx rufus Felidae M
Felis catus Felidae M
Tamias striatus Sciuridae M
Canis latrans Canidae M
Sylvilagus floridanus Leporidae M
Cervus canadensis Cervidae M
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Canidae M
Vulpes vulpes Canidae M
Geomys bursarius Geomyidae M
Lepus townsendii Leporidae M
Synaptomys cooperi Muridae M
Lynx canadensis Felidae M
Mustela vison Mustelidae M
Scalopus aquaticus Soricidae M
Alces alces Cervidae M
Peromyscus maniculatus Muridae M
Mus musculus Muridae M
Zapus hudsonius Zapodidae M
Onychomys leucogaster Muridae M
Perognathus flavescens Heteromyidae M
Reithrodontomys megalotis Muridae M
Peromyscus leucopus Muridae M
Felis concolor Felidae M
Ondatra zibethicus Muridae M
Myocaster coypus Myocastoridae M
Didelphis virginiana Didelphidae M
Lutra canadensis Mustelidae M
Erethizon dorsatum Erethizontidae M
Antilocapra americana Antilocapridae M
Procyon lotor Procyonidae M
Sigmodon hispidus Muridae M
Rattus norvegicus Muridae M
Blarina hylophaga Soricidae M
Sorex haydeni Soricidae M
Cryptotis parva Soricidae M
Sorex cinereus Soricidae M
Blarina brevicauda Soricidae M
Sorex hoyi Soricidae M
Spilogale putorius Mustelidae M
Mephitis mephitis Mustelidae M

Page 33

Sciurus niger Sciuridae M

Sciurus carolinenesis Sciuridae M
Spermophilus franklinii Sciuridae M
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Sciuridae M
S. richardsonii Sciuridae M
Glaucomys volans Sciuridae M
S. tridecemlineatus Sciuridae M
Microtus pennsylvanicus Muridae M
Microtus ochrogaster Muridae M
Clethrionomys gapperi Muridae M
Microtus pinetorum Muridae M
Mustela nivalis Mustelidae M
Mustela frenata Mustelidae M
Mustela erminea Mustelidae M
Odocoileus virginianus Cervidae M
Marmota monax Sciuridae M
Eumeces fasciatus Scincidae R
Eumeces obsoletus Scincidae R
Eumeces septentrionalis septentrionalis Scincidae R
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus viridis Teiidae R
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Teiidae R
Ophisaurus attenuatus attenuatus Anguidae R
Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta Columbridae R
Storeria dekayi Columbridae R
Pituophis melanoleucus sayi Columbridae R
Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta Columbridae R
Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen Viperidae R
Nerodia rhombifer Columbridae R
Thamnophis sirtalis Columbridae R
Heterodon platirhinos Columbridae R
Elaphe vulpina vulpina Columbridae R
Regina grahamii Columbridae R
Sistrurus catenatus Viperidae R
Lampropeltis triangulum Columbridae R
Tropodiclonion lineatum Columbridae R
Storeria occipitomaculata Columbridae R
Nerodia sipedon sipedon Columbridae R
Thamnophis radix Columbridae R
Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster Columbridae R
Crotalus viridis Viperidae R
Coluber constrictor Columbridae R

Page 34

Diadophis punctatus arnyi Columbridae R

Opheodrys aestivus Columbridae R
Virginia valeriae elegans Columbridae R
Opheodrys vernalis Columbridae R
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki Columbridae R
Crotalus horridus Viperidae R
Heterodon nasicus Columbridae R
Thamnophis proximus Columbridae R
Carphophis amoenus Columbridae R
Macroclemys temmincki Chelydridae R
Emydoidea blandingii Emydidae R
Graptemys geographica Emydidae R
Graptemys pseudogeographica Emydidae R
Terrapene ornata Emydidae R
Trachemys scripta Emydidae R
Apalone mutica Trionychidae R
Chelydra serpentina Chelydridae R
Apalone spinifera Trionychidae R
Sternotherus odoratus Kinosternidae R
Chrysemys picta belli Emydidae R
Clemmys insculpta Emydidae R
Kinosternon flavescens spooneri Kinosternidae R

Page 35

RANT - will be in newer version

NTM = Neotropical Migrant
Sp = Spring
S = Summer
F = Fall
W = Winter

Page 36
Degree of Certainty
Somewhat Certain
Very Certain
How did you observer the animal?
Heard song or call
Seen and heard
Found dead
Flying overhead
Number Observed - How many did you see?
Number Categories
26 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 250
251 - 500
501 - 1,000
1,001 - 5,000
5,001 - 10,000
10,001 - 50,000
50,001 - 100,000
100,001 - 250,000
250,001 - 500,000
500,001 -1,000,000
1,000,000 +
UTM Zones
14 Zone 14 can only be found using Paper 7.5' topographic maps and GPS units
15 Zone 15 is the only zone to be used when coordinates are found using the Iowa Geographic Image Map Server
hic Image Map Server
Paper Map (7.5' Map)
GPS Receiver
NAD27 Only found when using a USGS 7.5 minute topographic map to find your UTM coordinates, or when a GPS unit's n
NAD83 Only found when using the Iowa Geographic Image Map Server to find your UTM coordinates, or when a GPS unit
s, or when a GPS unit's navigation setting is set to NAD27
ates, or when a GPS unit's navigation setting is set to NAD83

County Number County Name

1 Adair
2 Adams
3 Allamakee
4 Appanoose
5 Audubon
6 Benton
7 Black Hawk
8 Boone
9 Bremer
10 Buchanan
11 Buena Vista
12 Butler
13 Calhoun
14 Carroll
15 Cass
16 Cedar
17 Cerro Gordo
18 Cherokee
19 Chickasaw
20 Clarke
21 Clay
22 Clayton
23 Clinton
24 Crawford
25 Dallas
26 Davis
27 Decatur
28 Delaware
29 Des Moines
30 Dickinson
31 Dubuque
32 Emmet
33 Fayette
34 Floyd
35 Franklin
36 Fremont
37 Greene
38 Grundy
39 Guthrie
40 Hamilton
41 Hancock
42 Hardin

Page 45

43 Harrison
44 Henry
45 Howard
46 Humboldt
47 Ida
48 Iowa
49 Jackson
50 Jasper
51 Jefferson
52 Johnson
53 Jones
54 Keokuk
55 Kossuth
56 Lee
57 Linn
58 Louisa
59 Lucas
60 Lyon
61 Madison
62 Mahaska
63 Marion
64 Marshall
65 Mills
66 Mitchell
67 Monona
68 Monroe
69 Montgomery
70 Muscatine
71 O'brien
72 Osceola
73 Page
74 Palo Alto
75 Plymouth
76 Pocahontas
77 Polk
78 Pottawattamie
79 Poweshiek
80 Ringgold
81 Sac
82 Scott
83 Shelby
84 Sioux
85 Story
86 Tama
87 Taylor
88 Union
89 Van Buren
90 Wapello
91 Warren
92 Washington

Page 46

93 Wayne
94 Webster
95 Winnebago
96 Winneshiek
97 Woodbury
98 Worth
99 Wright
1000 Out of State

Page 47
Scale Categories
1- hectare (2.5 Acres)
1 to 50-hectares (2.5 to 125 acres)
50 to 100-hectares (125 to 250 acres)
1 mile (1.6 Kilometers)
2 mile (3.2 Kilometers)
5 mile (8.0 Kilometers)
Site Description
City park, recreational, or wildlife area
State park, recreational, or wildlife area
County park, recreational, or wildlife area
Federal park, recreational, or wildlife area
Road or highway corridor
Railroad corridor
Trail corridor
River corridor

Division Class Formation

Vegetated Forest Coniferous plantation or shelterbelt - Forest
Vegetated Forest Mixed plantation or shelterbelt - Forest
Vegetated Forest Coniferous/Pine - Forest
Vegetated Forest Evergreen/Red Cedar - Forest
Vegetated Forest Lowland Deciduous - Forest
Vegetated Forest Upland Deciduous - Forest
Vegetated Forest Permanently flooded lowland deciduous - Forest
Vegetated Forest Lowland Deciduous Island
Vegetated Woodland Maintained Parkland
Vegetated Woodland Deciduous plantation or orchard
Vegetated Woodland Coniferous plantation or shelterbelt - Woodland
Vegetated Woodland Mixed plantation or shelterbelt - Woodland
Vegetated Woodland Coniferous/Pine - Woodland
Vegetated Woodland Evergreen/Red Cedar - Woodland
Vegetated Woodland Lowland Deciduous - Woodland
Vegetated Woodland Upland Deciduous - Woodland
Vegetated Woodland Permanently flooded lowland deciduous - Woodland
Vegetated Shrubland Upland Deciduous - Shrubland
Vegetated Shrubland Lowland Deciduous - Shrubland
Vegetated Shrubland Permanently flooded lowland deciduous - Shrubland
Vegetated Shrubland Shrub Marsh - Shrubland
Vegetated Herbaceous Tallgrass prairie
Vegetated Herbaceous Midgrass prairie
Vegetated Herbaceous Tallgrass savanna
Vegetated Herbaceous Midgrass savanna
Vegetated Herbaceous Sedge meadow (seasonally flooded)
Vegetated Herbaceous Wetland/vegetated (cattails, bulrush, etc.)
Vegetated Herbaceous Wetland/floating leaved plants
Vegetated Herbaceous Wetland/dry
Vegetated Herbaceous Fen Wetland
Vegetated Herbaceous Cool-season grass (brome, Kentucky bluegrass)
Vegetated Herbaceous Golf course
Vegetated Herbaceous Cemetery
Vegetated Herbaceous Turf grass (mowed lawns, athletic fields, etc.)
Vegetated Sparse Vegetation Open bluff / cliff
Vegetated Sparse Vegetation Algific Talus Slopes
Vegetated Sparse Vegetation Sparsely vegetated sand/mud flats
Vegetated Sparse Vegetation Lake shore
Vegetated Constructed/Artificial Non-farm yard
Vegetated Constructed/Artificial Farm yard
Vegetated Constructed/Artificial Schoolyard

Page 50

Vegetated Constructed/Artificial Commercial/Industrial

Vegetated Constructed/Artificial Residential
Vegetated Constructed/Artificial Business park
Vegetated Agricultural Lands Rowcrop (corn, soybeans, oats, etc.)
Vegetated Agricultural Lands Pasture/Hay/CRP/Alfalfa
Vegetated Agricultural Lands Woody fencerow
Vegetated Agricultural Lands Grass fencerow
Vegetated Agricultural Lands Mixed woody/grass fencerow
Vegetated Agricultural Lands Grassed waterway or terrace
Vegetated Agricultural Lands Drainage ditch
Water Open Water Reservoir/Lake (open water)
Water Open Water Pond/Impoundment
Water Open Water River/Stream

Page 51


Page 52


Page 53
Go Back to Tally Worksheet
Tally Worksheet
totals and averages.Instructions
The Tally Worksheet included in the Excel file “Iowa NatureMapping Spreadsheet” contains hy
time for various species.

The following are instructions for the Tally Worksheet:

The “Tally” Worksheet is laid out in the following way:

·        The months of a given year are oriented in a row along the top.
·        A list of observed species is oriented in a column along the left side.
·        The maximum total number of each species observed for a month is placed in the space for the month it was obs
each species is given just one cell. This constitutes seeing the species at only one time during the month.
·        However, observations can be recorded on multiple days for a given month (See January in the Tally Workshee
seen over multiple days in a month, extra columns must be added for that month. To do this:
1)      Highlight the column to the RIGHT of the month you wish to add columns for.
2)      Choose “Columns” from the “Insert” menu at the top of the tool bar. A single column is added to the right of the
add more than one column, repeat step 2.
3)      Each additional column added to the right of the original month constitutes a day that you are recording data for
4)      An average of each of the days can then be calculated and placed in the original column to the left of the extra co
original column to calculate the average (this should be left blank until after the last day you observe in that m
for the average for the entire month. To see what this looks like, see the month of January in the “Tally” worksheet.
columns, which represent 3 separate days in January that numbers of each species were recorded. (day 1, day 2, day
·        In the Tally worksheet, the extra columns are represented by columns D, E, and F.
· Highlight
        NOTE: Thethenumber
the firstanrow of January
average of thefor the “American
3 extra Crow”.
columns that were added to the right of the Januar
·        If you prefer to not look at the extra columns, you can hide them by doing the following:
1)      Highlight the 3 extra columns (columns D, E, and F).
2)      Choose “Column” from the “Format” menu and then select “Hide” from the selections that are available. The 3
3)      To “unhide” the 3 columns, highlight the month column that is remaining (January) PLUS the column to the rig
this case, should be columns C and G.
4)      Then, choose “Column” from the “Format” menu just like before, but this time, choose “Unhide”. The extra col

How to use the Function tool in Excel:

·        The Function tool can be quite a handy tool to learn how to use. The function tool is a square gray button in the
symbol “fx” on it.
·        If you don’t see the “fx” button on your tool bar, go to the “Tools” menu and choose “Customize…”. Choose the
the box next to “Standard” (at the top of the list) and click “OK”. You should see the “fx” button appear in the tool ba
·        In the Tally Worksheet, the following “fx” functions were used:
v     AVERAGE: The “Average” function does just that, it averages a set of numbers.
1)      To average a set of numbers in a row or column, place your mouse cursor in an empty cell where you wish the a
the “fx” button in the tool bar. A box appears.
2)      Choose “Average” from the list by double clicking on the word “Average”. Another box appears.
3)      Set the mouse cursor over the first cell, click and hold your mouse button, and drag over the cells until you have
numbers you wish to average. A moving dotted line should outline the cells that you dragged over. Then, click “OK
should be calculated and entered in the empty cell you first chose.
1)      The formula for the AVERAGE function looks like this: =AVERAGE(D4:F4). This says, “The average of the v
cells D4 through F4”. This formula appears in the formula box at the bottom of the tool bar.
v     SUM (a continuous series of cells): The “Sum” function adds a set of numbers.
2)      To sum a set of numbers that are in a continuous row or column, place your mouse cursor in an empty cell wher
then choose the “fx” button in the tool bar. A box appears.
3)      Choose “Sum” from the list by double clicking on the word “Sum”.
4)      Set the mouse cursor over the first cell, click and hold your mouse button, and drag over the cells until you have
numbers you wish to sum. A moving dotted line should outline the cells that you dragged over. Then, click “OK” in
calculated and entered in the empty cell you first chose.
5)      The formula for the SUM function looks like this: =SUM(G4:Q4). This says, “The sum of the values contained
Q4”. This formula appears in the formula box at the bottom of the tool bar.
v     SUM (one cell at a time or combination of one cell and a continuous set of cells): A sum of a set of cells can
continuous sequence.
1)      To SUM a set of numbers that are not a part of a continuous row or column, place your mouse cursor in an empt
to appear, then choose the “fx” button in the tool bar. A box appears.
2)      Choose “Sum” from the list by double clicking on the word “Sum”.
3)      Set the mouse cursor over the first cell. You can click and hold your mouse button, and drag over an entire conti
last example or, you can click on just one cell at a time, or a combination of clicks and drags.
4)      If you click one cell at a time, separate each cell with a “plus” (+) symbol before continuing to drag your mouse
in the formula box below the tool bar. A moving dotted line should outline each cell as you select them. Then, click
should be calculated and entered in the empty cell you first chose.
5)      The formulas for this SUM function can look like the following: =C4+SUM(G4:Q4) OR =SUM(L4:M4+M6). T
sum of the value in cell C4 PLUS the sum of the values contained in the row of cells G4 through Q4”. The second fo
values contained in a row of cells L4 through M4 PLUS the value in the cell M6”. These formulas appear in the form
tool bar.
Mapping Spreadsheet” contains hypothetical data collected over

he space for the month it was observed in. For most months,
me during the month.
ee January in the Tally Worksheet). To keep track of numbers
o do this:

column is added to the right of the month you are adding to. To

ay that you are recording data for a species.

l column to the left of the extra columns. Do not use the
he last day you observe in that month). Reserve this column
anuary in the “Tally” worksheet. NOTE: January has 3 extra
were recorded. (day 1, day 2, day 3 – in red)
d F.
re added to the right of the January column.


lections that are available. The 3 extra columns disappear.

uary) PLUS the column to the right of it (February), which in

, choose “Unhide”. The extra columns reappear!

tool is a square gray button in the Excel tool bar with the

hoose “Customize…”. Choose the “Toolbars” tab then check

he “fx” button appear in the tool bar.

empty cell where you wish the average to appear, then choose

other box appears.

drag over the cells until you have highlighted the entire set of
ou dragged over. Then, click “OK” in the box. The average

This says, “The average of the values contained in the row of

tool bar.
ouse cursor in an empty cell where you wish the sum to appear,

drag over the cells until you have highlighted the entire set of
ragged over. Then, click “OK” in the box. The sum should be

The sum of the values contained in the row of cells G4 through

ells): A sum of a set of cells can be split up, rather than be in

ace your mouse cursor in an empty cell where you wish the sum

ton, and drag over an entire continuous row or column like the
and drags.
re continuing to drag your mouse over other cells. Type the (+)
l as you select them. Then, click “OK” in the box. The sum
4:Q4) OR =SUM(L4:M4+M6). The first formula says “The
s G4 through Q4”. The second formula says “The sum of the
These formulas appear in the formula box at the bottom of the

Click here for Tally Instructions

Personal Tally Sheet
Observed wildlife for: 2004
Wildlife Species Jan day 1 day 2 day 3 Feb Mar Apr May
American crow AMCR 16 12 20 16 18 10 15 10
American goldfinch AMGO 2
American robin AMRO 5
Ruby-throated hummingbird RTHU 1
Barn swallow BARS
Black-capped chickadee BCCH 4 4 2
Bufflehead BUFF 2 2
Canada goose CAGO 2
Cooper's hawk COHA 1 1
Dark-eyed junco SCJU 20 15 8
Downy woodpecker DOWO
European starling EUST 5 6 9
Great blue heron GTBH 1
House finch HOFI 6 5 10
House sparrow HOSP 5 4 5
Killdeer KILL 4
Mallard MALL 4 2
Northern flicker YSFL 2 1 1
Pileated woodpecker PIWO
Pine siskin PISI 20 17
Red-breasted nuthatch RBNU 1 2 1
Red-winged blackbird RWBL
Rock dove RODO 6 2
Sharp-shinned hawk SSHA
Song sparrow SOSP 1 1 1
Spotted towhee SPTO 1
Tree swallow TRES
White-crowned sparrow WCSP
Wilson's warbler WIWA

Eastern gray squirrel GRTS 5 4 5

Virginia opossum OPSM 1 1
Norway rat NRAT 1
Mouse species MOUS
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Total number of species 2004 18 17 15 1 1

Page 58

Jan Feb Mar Apr May

American crow 2003 16 12 20 16 18 10 15 10
2004 20 10 10 10 2

Jan Feb Mar Apr May

American goldfinch 2003 5 4 0 0 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Black-capped chickadee 2002 4 4 2

Page 59

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Average

2 2 2 75 11
2 2
5 5
1 1
0 #DIV/0!
10 3
4 2
2 2
2 1
43 14
0 #DIV/0!
20 7
1 1
21 7
14 5
4 4
6 3
4 1
0 #DIV/0!
37 19
4 1
0 #DIV/0!
8 4
0 #DIV/0!
3 1
1 1
0 #DIV/0!
0 #DIV/0!
0 #DIV/0!

14 5
2 1
1 1
0 #DIV/0!
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Page 60

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2 2 2 3 3 15 18
2 1 1 1 10 15 20

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

0 0 0 2 2 4 4

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Page 61
Go Back to Graphs Worksheet
Graphs - Seasonal Changes by Species Graphs change as the Tally She

How to use the Chart Wizard in Excel

The hypothetical data accumulated in the Tally Worksheet can be viewed in a graphical format. Graphs allow you to
explains what the data is doing. Graphs are ideal ways of tracking data over time, summarizing averages, comparing
predict which direction a trend will go, etc. The Chart Wizard is the tool that will let you do this.

·        In this file “Iowa NatureMapping Spreadsheet”, there is a Worksheet (Tab) called “Graphs”, the very last tab. C
·        You will see examples of bar graphs and a pie chart created using the hypothetical data collected in the Tally W
American Crow and American Goldfinch were graphed. In the following steps, we will explain how these graphs we

Here is how to create a Bar Graph:

You must first prepare your Tally Worksheet data that you are interested in graphing. Let’s graph another species, ju
1)      Copy the list of months and paste them in an empty location in the Tally Worksheet below the sums and average
2)      Place the year that you are selecting data for in the cell below and to the left (one cell) of the month January. (se
found below the sums and averages table)
3)      Type the name of the species you are interested in graphing directly to the left of the year.
4)      From the sums and averages table, copy the row of numbers for each month for that species and paste them dire
months. (to the right of the year)
5)      Remember to save your work
6)      Now you are ready to begin graphing your data for your species.

Graphing Your Data:

7)      Go to the Graphs Worksheet or to any other blank worksheet and choose a blank cell anywhere on the page.

8)      In the tool bar, click the “Chart Wizard” button. This button looks like a colorful bar graph. If you don’t see the
“Tools” menu and select “Customize…”. Select the “Toolbars” tab and then make sure the “Standard” tools box is c
Wizard button should be a part of the “Standard” tools, but if it still isn’t on the toolbar, find a button on the tool bar
Click on this and from the “Add or Remove Buttons” menu that appears, look for the Chart Wizard button. You may
one “Add or Remove Buttons” menu. Once you find it, click on the Chart Wizard button. It should then appear in th
9)      When the Chart Wizard box appears, choose a graphing format from the “Standard Types” or “Custom Types” t
“Columns” from the “Standard Types” tab, then click “Next”.
10)  You will now see a box with “Data Range” and “Series” tabs. Go to the Tally Worksheet and highlight all of the
species, including the months, year, and numbers of the species. You should end up with two rows highlighted.
11)  The Chart Wizard window should reappear showing the beginnings of a bar graph. The box should contain some
$B$58:$Q$59). This means that you highlighted Column B, Row 58 through Column Q, Row 59.
12)  In the “Data Range” tab, choose “Row” for the “Series in” choice, then click “Next”.
13)  You should now see a window with the first tab of “Titles”. In the “Chart Title” box, type the name of your spec
box, type “Month”. In the “Value (y) axis” box, type “Number Observed”.
14)  Next, click on the “Axes” tab and make sure the “Category (x) axis” and Value (y) axis” boxes are check. Then,
15)  Next, click on the “Gridlines” tab, and choose “Major Gridlines” for the “Value (y) axis”.
16)  Next, click on the “Legend” tab and make sure the “Show Legend” box is checked and then place the legend (th
17)  Next, click on the “Data Labels” tab, and choose a label, or choose “None”.
18)  Next, if you want the chart to include the original table that the data came from (the data from the Tally Workshe
and choose “Show data table”. Click Next.
19)  Next, you can choose where this graph goes by selecting either “As new sheet”, which creates a new worksheet
allows you to pick from the current list of worksheets (such as “Graphs”). Choose “As object in” and “Graphs”. Clic
20)  You have just created your own graph from your data! Compare your graph with the examples given for the crow
21)  Note: if you have added columns for multiple days during a month (as in January), and you have not “hidden” th
show the extra days on the (x) axis.

Pie Charts:
·        The Pie Chart that is given in the Tally Worksheet is created following the exact same steps as above.
·        Be sure that you choose “Row” as the “Series in” choice for any data oriented in rows, otherwise, your graphs a
data. Try it the other way, with “Columns” instead, to see what we mean.
change as the Tally Sheet changes

format. Graphs allow you to view data in a way that visually

marizing averages, comparing differences between species,
ou do this.

Graphs”, the very last tab. Click on the Graphs tab.

data collected in the Tally Worksheet. In these examples, the
explain how these graphs were created in Excel:

et’s graph another species, just as the crow and goldfinch were

below the sums and averages table.

ll) of the month January. (see examples of crow and goldfinch,

e year.
species and paste them directly below the names of the

ll anywhere on the page.

r graph. If you don’t see the Chart Wizard button, go to the

the “Standard” tools box is checked. Click “Close”. The Chart
find a button on the tool bar that looks like a >> on top of a 6.
hart Wizard button. You may have to look for it in more than
n. It should then appear in the tool bar.
Types” or “Custom Types” tabs. For this example, choose

sheet and highlight all of the information you entered for your
h two rows highlighted.
The box should contain something that looks like this (=Tally!
, Row 59.
x, type the name of your species. In the “Category (x) axis”

axis” boxes are check. Then, choose “Automatic” for the (x)

and then place the legend (this will be the year) anywhere you

data from the Tally Worksheet), click on the “Data Table” tab

ich creates a new worksheet tab, or “As object in”, which

object in” and “Graphs”. Click Finish.
e examples given for the crow and goldfinch. Do they look

and you have not “hidden” the extra days, your bar graph will

me steps as above.
ws, otherwise, your graphs and charts will not show the right

Click here for Graph Instructions

Number Observed

American crow




Month & Year Comparison - American Crow

Number Observed

l 2004
n 2003

0 5 10 15 20 25
Page 66


0 5 10 15 20 25

Page 67

Number Observed
American goldfinch

3 2003





Number of species - 2004
ow 2
2004 11
2003 12

Page 68


Page 69



Page 70

Number Observed

Black-capped Chickadee
4 4
2 2002




Page 71

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