The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices On Ufone: Date of Submission: 10 Dec 2020

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Date of Submission: 10th Dec 2020

Submitted By: Syed Nadir Abbas Abidi

Presented to

Virtual University of Pakistan


Table of Contents

Chapter 1.....................................................................................................................................................3
1.1       Introduction.....................................................................................................................................3
1.2       Background..................................................................................................................................4
1.3       Objectives:....................................................................................................................................5
1.4       Significance:.................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2.....................................................................................................................................................6
2.1. Description of the Study Area...........................................................................................................6
2.2. Research Approach...........................................................................................................................6
2.3. Research Design................................................................................................................................7
2.4. Unit of Analysis.................................................................................................................................7
2.5. Description of the Study Population and Sampling...........................................................................7
2.5.1. Population.....................................................................................................................................7
2.5.2. Sample Frame................................................................................................................................8
2.5.3. Sampling Technique.......................................................................................................................8
2.6. Data Source and Type.......................................................................................................................9
2.7. Measurement Instruments...............................................................................................................9
2.8. Data Collection and Analysis Procedure...........................................................................................9
2.9. Data Analysis Techniques...............................................................................................................10

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Because of the number of rival companies Growing both locally and internationally, businesses
not only need to revive themselves to create higher-quality services and products, to reduce will
betes, but also to deal with their supply chain management economically. Additionally, the
associations are facing different types of challenges in their own attempt of competing in today's
dynamic international markets. To stay competitive, organizations need to recognize the
significance of supply chain practices which enhance not just their own organizational
operation. However, regardless of the substantial progress in research and, many organizations
continue to struggle to comprehend the intricate issues related to the coordinated planning and
provide actions among the members of the distribution networks (Lori & Daniel, 2011).Based
on the definition given by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP,
2016),Supply chain management encompasses the preparation and management of all activities
involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all of logistics management actions.
Significantly, in addition, it includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners,
which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third party providers, and clients. Essentially, supply
chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across businesses.
SCM carries a set of strategies and Practices to efficiently incorporate suppliers, manufacturers,
vendors and clients for enhancing the long-term operation of the respective companies and the
distribution chain as a whole at a cohesive and high-performing business design (Chopra &
Mind, 2007). An effective SCM implementation is anticipated to boost the association between
both suppliers and downstream customers, and thus boost customer satisfaction and business
performance. Prior research has indicated SCMP as a vital driver of company operation (Tan,
K.-C., Wisner, J. D. & Leong, G. K., 2005).The purpose of effective SCM is Reducing stock,
lead times and relevant costs so as to guarantee dependable and on-time deliveries out of
manufacturing units towards clients. The chief objective of supply chain management will be to
create the proper goods, in the ideal amounts, at the ideal time and at minimum cost with the
intention to fulfill customer needs and internal goals as economically as you can. The best
supply chain practices are the initiatives which affect the entire distribution chain, its
components or key Procedures (Cuthbert kid & Piotrowicz, 2008). Regardless of the
significance there's little Empirical study on how professionals define and integrate supply chain
Management practices into general company plan. Little is understood about the particular
practices of effective supply chain management Implementations and its impact (Tan, 2002).
This will be attributed mainly to conceptual confusion and the absence of a Theoretical frame in
exploring SCM (Li, S., Rao S, Ragu-Nathan T.S & Ragu, 2005). Accordingly, so as to Offer the
empirical proof for your Research gap identified regarding supply chain practice and its impact
on Operational performance, the research workers have review distinct empirical evidences.
But, there’s limited understanding of how the supply chain practices affect the operation of

1.2 Background

In Accordance with Haltom, (2014), Supply Chain inefficiencies direct Ufone to incur extra cost
and get many complaints from the consumers who dropped their hope on the corporation.
According to the key informant of the organization especially, the improvement in operational
performance of the firm for the frequency of supply of the ideal product/service, the ideal
quality, at the ideal time is based upon the successful implementation of supply chain
management practices. The 2016 yearly report of the firm supply chain branch also demonstrates
that there's likely gap across the inner divisions of this company which contributes to the
inefficient and ineffective use of resources and leads the organization to unable to fit the
requirements and demands of its clients because of the inefficient operational functionality.
Supply chain practices Inefficiencies like inventory management efficiency, unsuccessful
provider relationship and the integration Problem throughout the business is observed in the
provider. This also Contributes to the Difficulty from the working performer and additionally
affecting profitability and Operations of the business.

Pak Telecom Mobile Limited or Ufone is A Pakistani GSM mobile service provider. It's the third
mobile operator to input Pakistani sector. It began its operations under the new name of Ufone,
in Islamabad on January 29, 2001. PTML is a wholly owned subsidiary Of Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited. After PTCL's privatization, Ufone became part of their
Etisalat in 2006.

Ufone is the GSM portable Service supplier and least quantity cellular service concerning
subscriber base of 22 million. It's a market share of 13.5%among all four cellular operators.

Ufone has appointed Rashid Khan as Its CEO who had been the CEO of Mobilink (now Jazz) by
2008 to 2014.

1.3       Objectives:
The specific objectives of the study are:-

1. To assess the operational performance of Ufone.

2. To assess and examine the relationship of SCM practices and operational performance of

1.4       Significance:
The analysis results are significant to these academicians, researchers, policy makers, for
business professionals, and management components at the case business. Particularly, the study
can help you to spot bottlenecks, will bete, issues and advancement opportunities in the supply
chain practices and also its own contribution for the operational functionality of Ufone. This

study will also lead to narrow down the gap in the literature about the generalization of the
causal connection between SCM performance and practices.

Conceptual framework is a hypothesized model identifying the concepts under the study and
their relationships. The Conceptual framework of the study, adopted from (Mustefa, 2014)
modified by the researcher is illustrated on the following diagram.

: Conceptual framework of the study

1 . Strategic


2 . Customer
Supply chain practices

3 . Level of Operational
information Performance
sharing ( Dependent variable )

4 . Quality of
sharing ,

5 , Internal lean

Independent variables

Chapter 2
This section describes the methodologies utilized in the analysis; the option of specific study
strategy and layouts, unit of analysis to the analysis, data type and data origin, data gathering
methods and data analysis methods together with appropriate justification related to each
strategy. The pilot research result for the measuring tool can be presented on this particular

2.1. Description of the Study Area

PTML is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. After
PTCL's privatization, Ufone became part of their Etisalat in 2006. Ufone is the lowest priced
GSM cell service provider and number cellular service concerning subscriber base of 22 million.
It's a market share of 13.5%among all four cellular operators.

2.2. Research Approach

The research utilizes a deductive research approach that's closely linked to quantitative study.
Consequently, in terms of techniques, this study will use quantitative procedure whilst running
the study i.e. to accumulate, to arrange and to analyze the data. Quantitative research strategy
involves studies which take advantage of statistical evaluation to obtain finding. For data
collection, questionnaire will be created to explore the results of supply chain in the operational
functionality and after that theoretical model according to former concepts will be developed
according to it. Close ended Likert scale questionnaire will be distributed to and collected from
the chose workers of Ufone and after that it is outlined and analyzed in order to explain it and
also to make inference on the populace.

2.3. Research Design

The quantitative study design is the questionnaire study. It offers a quantitative or numerical
description of trends, attitudes, or opinions about a people by analyzing a sample of the
population. It features cross-sectional and longitudinal studies with questionnaires or structured
interviews for data collection--with the purpose of generalizing from a sample to a public
(Fowler, 2008).

Hence, the study designs used in this analysis are both descriptive and explanatory. Descriptive
research design is favored for better explaining the group of people within the set of factors.
Correlation are employed to investigate the association of factors and the regression is used to
reveal the cause and effect connection between the dependent variables and the independent of
supply chain management practices. The reason for selection of this way is to receive a precise
representation of attributes of a specific circumstance and group.

2.4. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis is the significant thing that is examined in the analysis. Consequently, the
unit of analysis employed in this poll is the group of workers involved in the supply chain of
Ufone. The workers' perception to the supply chain practice and operational performance are
gathered using survey questionnaire and the quantitative investigation will be made dependent on
the gathered information.

2.5. Description of the Study Population and Sampling

2.5.1. Population
The target population of This Analysis is Ufone sourcing and center branch with the total amount
of 1843 workers. From each of the five branches, just Sourcing and Logistics & Supply
department functions are accepted, excluding PAs and Clerks. Depending on the Business profile
October, 2016, the Whole amount of Workers in this section is 235. The Population is chosen
according to its reliability for those sources of information required and its ease for information

2.5.2. Sample Frame

A list of these within a people who could be falsified, are optioned type the business oracle data.
The summary listing is introduced on the next table.

Table 2.1: Summery of sample frame per department by position

Logistics Sub Target Population from each

Position and Supply Sourcing Total strata
Staffs 109 83 192 192
Supervisors 22 11 33
Managers 3 5 8
Officers 1 1 2 43
Total 135 100 235

2.5.3. Sampling Technique

In order to discover the suitable number of respondents for the survey, the researcher has split
the target people in to two i.e. personnel level and managerial level workers of Ufone.
Afterward, Non-probability Convenience sampling are used to pick staff level worker. To be
able to arrive the right sampling size to the choice of staff amount of workers, the research
workers have employed Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sampling formula for picking staff level
workers. Many researchers (and study texts) indicate the minimal Confidence Level = 95% and
also the Margin of Error 5%. Consequently, sample size to the staff level workers are

• Z = Z score level of confidence of the estimate (in the case of 95% =

• e = Marginal error, 5%
• P = proportion of the sample successfully collected =P=0.5
• Q = failure of sample (1-0.5)= 0.5
• N = population of the staff sample=235

Since management Workers have more Expertise on the region of the analysis, for managerial
workers' selection such as officers, supervisors and managers, the research workers have
employed economists. Therefore, all 43 management contractors form the chosen two
departments have been accepted for your survey.

Thus, based on the aforementioned Data and sample size formula, 171 workers are chosen for
the survey and questionnaires are dispersed to them. From 171 dispersed questioners, only
149(87.13%) are accumulated but following the data cleanup only 134 (78.36percent) will be
Used for its analysis.

2.6. Data Source and Type

Primary and secondary are utilized for its analysis of this analysis. The main data will be
accumulated using survey questionnaire by the chosen sample respondents/employees of Ufone
and secondary information has been gathered by the business oracle data base, the various online
and off-line literatures largely on Journals, Books, and Report and Proceedings.

2.7. Measurement Instruments

Since the measuring tool, close-ended Likert type questionnaires will be used. This poll type is
chosen since it's not difficult to administer to classes of individuals simultaneously, it is less
expensive and less time consuming than other measuring devices.

Likert scale is a popular rating scale which takes the respondents to signify a level of agreement
or disagreement with each of a succession of questions or statements i.e. from (1) strongly
disagree to (5) strongly agree. The questionnaire provided also comprises of some questions
regarding educational back ground of respondents, worker degree of their respondents, and
expertise of the respondents in their existing location.

2.8. Data Collection and Analysis Procedure

From the Information collection and analysis of the research, these procedures will be employed:

1st briefing on the questionnaires will be granted to the Selected respondents prior to the supply
of the questionnaire after which questionnaires will be dispersed to the respondents.

2nd Based upon the supply period, the Questions will be gathered from the respondents
following a week.

3rd a reminder has been created for the non- reacting Workers and lagged questioners will be

4th that the questioners will be coded and examined for Usability of these questioners are

Ultimately, the evaluation of this data using SPSS version 20 will be created.

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1. Educational Qualification:

o Certificate/diplomas
o Bachelor’s degree
Post o Graduate degree
Doctorate degree

2. Employee Level

Staff o supervisor Manager

o Officer

3. Years stayed at the sourcing and supply chain division:

o Under two Years

2-5 o Years
6-10 o Years
o Above 10 years

4. Your department

 Logistics and Supply

Part II: Instruments of Supply chain management practice

1. Strategic supplier partnership (SSP) Strongly Disagree Neutra Agree Strongly
Disagree (2) (4) Agree

(1) (3) (5)

1.1 We consider quality as our number
one criterion in selecting suppliers.
1.2 We regularly solve problems jointly
with our suppliers.
1.3 We have helped our suppliers to
improve their product quality
We have continuous improvement
programs that include our key
1.5 We include our key suppliers in our
planning and goal-setting activities.
1.6 We actively involve our key suppliers
in new product development

2. Customer relationship (CR) Strongly Disagree Neutra Agree Strongly

Disagree (2) (4) Agree
(1) (5)
2.1 We frequently interact with
customers to set reliability,
responsiveness, and other standards
for us.
2.2 We frequently measure and evaluate
customer satisfaction.
2.3 We frequently determine future
customer expectations
2.4 We facilitate customers’ ability to
seek assistance from us.
2.5 We periodically evaluate the
importance of our relationship with
our customers.

3. Level of information sharing (IS) Strongly Disagree Neutra Agree Strongly


Disagree (2) l (4) Agree

(1) (3) (5)
3.1 We inform trading partners in
advance of changing needs.
3.2 Our trading partners
share proprietary
information with us.
3.3 Our trading partners keep us fully
informed about issues that affect our
3.4 Our trading partners share business
knowledge of core business processes
with us.
3.5 We and our trading partners exchange
information that helps establishment
of business planning.
3.6 We and our trading partners keep
each other informed about events or
changes that may affect the other

4. Level of information Strongly Disagree Neutra Agree Strongly

quality (IQ ) l
Disagree (2) (4) Agree
(1) (5)
4.1 Information exchange our tradin
between partners and us g
is timely.
4.2 Information exchange our tradin
between partners and us g
is accurate
4.3 Information exchange our tradin
between partners and us g
is complete.
4.4 Information exchange our tradin
between partners and us g

is adequate
Information exchange our tradin
between partners and us g
is reliable.

5. Internal lean
5.1. Our firm reduces process set-
up time
5.2. Our firm produces only what is
demanded by customers when needed
(e.g. JIT)


Strongly Disagree Neutral Agre Strongly

e (4)
3. Performance Disagre (2) (3) Agree

3.1 We offer product or services at

reasonable prices
3.2 We are deliver quality product and
service to the customers whenever
needed (On reasonable response
3.3 Our planning is always meet the
customer need(Correct on our
3.4. Our planning(budget and
optimization plan) is accurate
3.5 We receive product and service on
3.6 We offer products and service that
are highly reliable.
3.7 We offer high quality products and
service to our customer.
3.8 We deliver the kind of products and
service needed.
3.9 We deliver customer order on time.
3.10 We provide dependable delivery.
3.11 We alter our product or service
offerings to meet client needs
3.12 We respond well to customer
demand for “new” features
3.13 We deliver product and service to
market quickly
3.14 We have fast product/ service

Any additional comments/suggestions to be considered in this


Thank You

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