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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2021

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Biology (4BI1) Paper 2B

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January 2021
Publications Code 4BI1_2B_2101_MS
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General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same

treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in
exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates
must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do
rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme
not according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark
scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award
zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of
credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded
and exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application
of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team
leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the
candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.

Question Answer Mark

1(a)(i) The only correct answer is B microscopic plankton 1

A is not correct because crustaceans are not producers

C is not correct because sea birds are not producers

D is not correct because turtles are not producers

Question Answer Mark

1(a)(ii) The only correct answer is C human 1

A is not correct because crustaceans are not a tertiary consumer

B is not correct because fin whales are not a tertiary consumer

D is not correct because whale sharks are not a tertiary consumer

Question Answer Mark

1(b) An explanation that makes reference to five of the following points: 5

• (less) food taken in / eaten / taken in (to stomach) / starve (1)

• food cannot be digested / less digestion (1)

• fewer amino acids / less glucose / fatty acids / glycerol (1)

• less gas exchange / less air taken in / can’t breathe / air cannot flow
through trachea / bronchi / suffocate (1)

• less oxygen (in blood) / less oxygen (to lungs) (1)

• less carbon dioxide removed / eq (1)

• less (aerobic) respiration / more anaerobic respiration (1)

• less energy / ATP / more lactic acid (1)

Allow less energy idea
from less food /
glucose / eq ONCE

Question Answer Additional Guidance Mark

1(c) An answer that makes reference to the following points: 2
Allow toxin for plastic
• plastic concentrate (along food chain) / plastic increases in bodies
(along food chain) / more plastic in higher trophic levels / plastic
Allow plastic not excreted /
works along food chain / plastic builds up / eq (1)
not removed from bodies /
stay in the bodies

• humans at end of food chain / humans eat plastic when eating fish
/ eq / humans gain plastic from the fish (1)

• less catch of fish / less food for humans (if fish populations
decrease) (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(d) Award full marks for correct numerical 3
• 2000 – 200 = 1800 answer without working

• 1800 × 365 = 657 000 or 660 000 Allow one mark for 1800

• = 6.57 × 105 or 6.6 x 105 (3) Allow two marks for 657 000 / 660 000

Allow two marks for any 6.57 / 6.6 with

wrong power

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(e) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 2

• reduced biodiversity / eq (1)

• fewer species / lower populations (1) Allow some species become extinct/ die out

• fewer food sources / eq / fewer niches (1) Allow food chain disruption idea

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(f) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

• less microplastic produced (1)

• fewer animals harmed / suffocated / killed / damaged / not eaten by Allow less bioaccumulation /
animals (1) less toxin passed along food
chains / eq
• broken down / digested / decomposed (1)

• by microorganisms / bacteria / fungi (1) Ignore (bio)degrade

Total = 16 marks

Question Answer Mark

2(a) The only correct answer is A 1

B is not correct because it does not contain nephrons

C is not correct because it does not contain nephrons

D is not correct because it does not contain nephrons

Question Answer Mark

2(b) An answer that makes reference to one of the following points: 1

• water (1)

• urea (1)

• ions / named ion / salts (1)

Question Answer Additional Guidance Mark

2(c)(i) An explanation that makes reference to five of the following points: Allow converse for salt 5

• more urine produced when drinking water / less urine when

drinking salt solution (1)

• lower blood concentration (when drinking water) / higher blood Allow correct water potentials
concentration (when drinking salt solution) (1) Allow blood is more dilute /
higher water levels

• detected by hypothalamus / osmoreceptors (1)

• less / no ADH released by (pituitary) (with water) / (more) ADH

released (with salt) (1)

• collecting ducts are less permeable (with water) / collecting ducts

are more permeable (with salt) (1)

• less water reabsorbed / absorbed into blood (with water) / (more)

water reabsorbed / absorbed into blood (with salt) (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(c)(ii) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

• exercise / sweating / activity (1)

• volume of fluid consumed before investigation / what they drank (1)

• temperature / eq (1)

• food eaten / diet (1)

Total 9 marks

Question Answer Mark

3(a) 1
in glass / in test tube / in (Petri) dish (1)

Question Answer Mark

3(b)(i) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

• increases up to pH 6 and decreases above pH 6 (1)

• enzymes (1)

• optimum pH is 6 / (enzymes) denature at high / low pH / eq (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(b)(ii) A description that makes reference to five of the following points: 6

• use forceps / scalpel / knife / eq to remove explants / pieces from plant (1)

• wash in bleach / hypochlorite / ethanol / alcohol / sterile wipes / eq (1)

Ignore sterilised alone
• (grow on) agar (1)

• nutrients / minerals / carbohydrates / amino acids / named mineral / eq /

growth factors / hormones (1) Allow rooting powder

• add acid / alkali / buffer (1)

• use several / multiple explants / repeat (1)

• control temperature / carbon dioxide / light (1)

• sterile agar / sterile tubes (1)

Allow sterile cotton wool /
Allow disinfected / ensure
sterile conditions / sterilise

• same age plant / same plant / same size of explants / eq (1)

• count number of shoots after same / stated time (1) Allow roots

Question Answer Mark

3(c) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

• lots produced (1)

• genetically identical / no variation / all same type / identical / same characteristics /

guaranteed plant / they are clones (1)

• can grow GM plants / eq (1)

• faster / quicker (1)

• any time of year (1)

• can be used for plants that are hard to germinate / grow from seed (1)

Total 11 marks

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(a) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

• few / no chloroplasts / thin layer / thin cells / one cell thick (1)

• transparent / lets light through / allows light to reach palisade layer (1) Allow light to reach layer B /
Allows cells underneath to

• (waxy cuticle) reduces water loss / evaporation / waterproof layer / barrier to

water / eq (1)

• protects against infection / eq (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(b) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 4

two from:

(Layer B)

• vertical cells / rectangular / tightly packed / many chloroplasts (1)

• large surface area (1)

• absorb / capture / harvest / trap light / eq (1)

and two from

(Layer C)

• air spaces / gaps between cells / loosely packed / eq (1)

• for gas exchange (1)

Allow for one mark gases
• diffusion of CO2 / diffusion of O2 (1) diffuse if not mp5 / 6

Question Answer Additional Guidance Mark

4(c) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 2

• guard cells (1)

• open / close stomata (1)

• let carbon dioxide in during day / when light (1) Allow oxygen out during day / when

Question Answer Mark

4(d) An explanation that makes reference to four of the following points: 4

• reduce / stop transpiration / water loss (from plant) (1)

• so plant does not wilt / go flaccid (1)

• (but) allows absorption of carbon dioxide / CO2 can still get in / can still pass through (1)

• photosynthesis can occur / can (still) make glucose / carbohydrates / starch (1)

• but less absorption / transport of mineral ions / named mineral ions (1)

• less cooling / plant may overheat / eq (1)

Total 12 marks

Question Answer Mark

5(a) (i) The only correct answer is C 5 1

A is not correct because it does code for 1 amino acid

B is not correct because it does code for 3 amino acids

D is not correct because it does code for 15 amino acids

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(a) (ii) One error scores 1 2


Allow one mark for GTA AGT TAA GTA AAG

Question Answer Additional Guidance Mark

5(a) (iii) An explanation that makes reference to the following two points: 2

• each triplet / codon codes for one amino acid / eq (1) Allow one codon / triplet determines
each / one amino acid

• codons are discrete / independent of each other / nucleotides / Allow nucleotides / bases are not
bases are not shared between codons / eq (1) shared between amino acid (codes)

• example of triplet reading frames, e.g. CAT TCA / eq (1) Allow triplets read CAT TCA etc / or

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(b) A description that makes reference to four of the following points: 4
• (mRNA arrives at) ribosome (1)

• mRNA has codons / is a template (1)

• ribosome moves along mRNA strand (1)

Allow ribosome moves along to next
• tRNA brings amino acids (to ribosome) (1) codon

• anticodon (on tRNA) binds with codon (on mRNA) / tRNA binds
with mRNA (1) Allow codon is complementary to
• amino acid chain produced / amino acid joined / polypeptide (1)

Question Answer Mark

5(c) 1
the / its genes / DNA / genetic material (1)

Total 10 marks

Question Answer Mark

6(a) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

• increasing enzyme concentration increases the rate of oxygen Allow increasing catalase concentration /
production / eq (2) number of potato discs increases the
amount of oxygen produced / eq (2)

Max one for correct relationship but

one mark for naming the enzyme concentration / number of potato
variables named wrongly e.g.
discs as independent variable and the oxygen production as the
increasing potato disc number (dependent
dependent variable (1)
variable) increases the volume of oxygen
produced (independent variable)

Question Answer Mark

6(b) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 2
• pH / volume of buffer (1)

• volume of hydrogen peroxide / substrate (1)

• time / duration of reaction (1)

• size / volume / mass / shape / surface area of each disc (1)

• temperature (1)

Question Answer Mark

Number Additional guidance
6(c) (i) • 4.2 ÷ 3 Allow one mark for mean using all values 2

• 1.4 (2) e.g. 4.2 ÷ 4 = 1.05 or 1.1 or 1.0

Question Answer Mark

Number Additional guidance
6(c) (ii) • 8.3 - 7.3 ÷ 7.3 x 100 Allow one mark for 1(.0) or (8.3 – 7.3) 2
Allow one mark for ÷ by 7.3
• = 13.7 (2) Allow one mark for 0.137

Allow 13.6986 / 14 for 2 marks

Allow one mark for 13.69

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(c) (iii) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

• increasing enzyme concentration /number of discs increases volume of oxygen

produced (1)

• more active sites (1)

• (increase in enzyme concentration) means more collisions / more enzyme

substrate complexes / more enzymes combine with substrates / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

Number Additional guidance
6(d) An explanation that makes reference to the following two 2
Allow converse for mp1 and mp2

• to measure initial / fastest rate (1) Allow reaction will slow down
Allow the rate of oxygen production / bubbles
produced will slow

• (as time increases) hydrogen peroxide / substrate Allow reaction is not limited by substrate
concentration falls / hydrogen peroxide breaks down / concentration
is used up (1) Allow reaction may have finished by 10 min

• valid (comparison) (1)

Total 12 marks

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